The script for the wedding is awesome. Modern scenarios for weddings. Scenario for a wedding without a toastmaster in the family circle. The wedding script for the toastmaster is complete and detailed with competitions and music tracks

The young, accompanied by witnesses, enter the red carpet. Guests stand on both sides, building a "gate of happiness".


Music sounds festive today!
______________ with ____________ we congratulate,
May they always remain in their memory
The joy of the first meeting and love.
Young people walk along the carpet, the guests shower them with wheat.


Welcome! Welcome!
Dear newlyweds!
Your parents meet you, go up to them, bow to them for their affection, love, for raising and educating you, and today they bless you for a happy life.
Young people approach their parents, who stand at the end of their journey and greet them with bread and salt (the groom's parents). The father of the bride on a tray holds two glasses of champagne tied with a ribbon; mother of the bride on a platter - grain.


Dear young!
Bread, according to old Russian custom, means prosperity in the house,
and glasses of wine so that you can be together all your life and not part.
Let these glasses together be inseparable never,
For life, the bride and groom will be for many years!
For joy and happiness for many years, kiss the bread and accept the blessing of your parents.
The groom's parents bless the young. The bride's mother sprinkles the newlyweds with grain.

Mother of the bride:

I pour rye on you
So that your family is good
I sprinkle with furious wheat,
May you be a friendly couple!


Now kiss your parents and drink wine
without untying the glasses.
Now everything is legal
Marriage is sealed with a crystal ringing.
Let it be sweet and bitter by sex.
Dear parents, step aside, make way for your children.
Dear and glorious newlyweds, come to the most honorable places of the wedding table.
Dear guests, we send the young people off with music and applause.
Young: _________ and ____________!
Their witnesses: ___________ and _________!
Dear parents, we ask you to take pride of place
near your children. Music and applause sounds for you.


Glory to grandparents relatives,
And honor, and our respect for them,
So that happiness spreads two wings to them,
So that their viburnum blooms forever.
Dear our grandparents, we also ask you to take places of honor only next to your children. Thank you for coming to rejoice in the happiness of your grandchildren and children. Music and applause sounds for you.
And you, invited guests, welcome guests, for bread, salt, for the word red, for a merry, sonorous feast, pass.
Young people and guests are seated at the tables


Dear guests! A wedding is a long business, so choose
a more comfortable place for yourself and a happier neighbor, behind whom
it will be possible to look after. However, don't forget to
and there was someone to take care of you.
The seating arrangement will be as follows:
men - closer to the snack,
women - closer to drinking.
Every fifth will be a commander. His responsibilities include:
pour, pour, but do not forget yourself.
And now commanders, prepare the champagne!


Well, friends, we are all already assembled.
Bride in wedding dress
The groom has already been in place
And faithful, as always to the bride.
Friends sit side by side
Follow the wedding ceremony.
Let us open the wedding
From everyone to say, so as not to forget ...
Dear ___________ and _________! (young)
You have a special day today
One of the best days ever!
Today you both chose
One path out of a hundred paths.
To the sound of a crystal glass
Under a splash of boiling wine
Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you happiness and good.
May every day lived nearby
Shines turquoise for you
Then you don't need gold
And the stone looks like a star.
Live together, up to two hundred years,
To the good envy of friends
There was a love you won't find
Getting stronger every year!
Fuller glasses we will pour
And the first toast is ready:
For the young, for happiness we drink,
We drank.


Dear guests, while you are having a snack, I would like to inform you about the forecast of today's celebration.
To the music.


Today is expected:

Cloudy, wedding hurricane with champagne shower;
t ° above the table 40 °, the air is filled with family happiness;
At night there is a fog in the head, in the morning a clearing is possible;
We ask you all to have fun, otherwise we will not let you get drunk.
Everyone should drink the first 3 glasses, the rest will go without a special invitation!
After the 8th glass is allowed:
ladies, restore hair and “plaster”;
gentlemen, take off your tie and unbutton the first top button ... (of course shirts)
After the 18th glass, it is desirable to sing, but ... it is undesirable to get into the neighbor's plate with your elbow!
If you can't rely on yourself, put a note with your home address in your pocket!
Dance only with someone else's wife, leave your best friend.
You can't dance standing up, dance sitting down, but at the same time try not to step on your neighbor's hands!
Do not wipe your hands on the tablecloth, it is better to do it on the dress of the lady sitting next to you!
Put candy wrappers, fish and meat bones not on the table, but in your neighbor's pocket!
Remember: drink to the bottom, but do not lie down on the bottom!
If you want, drink little or a lot, but so that you don’t forget the way to the bed!
Everyone can drink, you just need to know:
For what? When? and how much?


Lights, golden fireflies,
Bright light lit up today.
Relatives to the young for a walk
And relatives and friends gathered.
We see cheerful faces here,
And all eyes are turned to the young,
And we, friends, want to turn
On this solemn day to them:
Wedding Witness:
You walk hand in hand together,
From now on, there is only one way for you.
You were just a bride and groom
Now they are husband and wife.


Wearing gold rings
There is a seal in the wedding certificate,
Well, young spouses,
We wish you on this day?
Wedding Witness:
Happiness to you, friends - newlyweds,
Joy and the brightest days,
You are family now, and by law
Both of you belong to her!


Where did the word "family" come from?
Once upon a time the Earth did not hear of him,
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
"Now I will ask you seven questions:
- Who will give birth to children, my queen?
And Eve quietly answered: "I am."
- Who will bring them up, my goddess?
And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."
- Who will babysit the grandchildren, my joy?
And Eve still answered: "I am."
- Who cooks food, irons clothes,
Caress me, decorate the house?
“I, I,” she answered, inhaling, “I, I.”
That's how "FAMILY" was born.
Dear _______ and _________!
Peace, harmony and joy to you,
Happiness, bad weather all in half.
Good smile, good wine,
Let the house shine with a good mistress.
Good husband, good wife,
Let's drink to friendship, family happiness.
They drink. A fire is brought on a tray (dry alcohol burns in a ceramic bowl).


From our grandfathers a custom came to us
Bring fire to the house of the newlyweds,
To ignite them reliable and familiar,
The hearth of the family, a big symbol of love,
And so that his fire gave warmth and light of love,
And in life work together,
So that everyone in your house is warm,
And life was happy, interesting.
And the more beautiful your life will be, the hearth will flare up brighter!
Young people are given fire to the music and applause.


We raise a toast to you, to your love, to your happiness!
We drank.


Guests! Silence please!
You must accept the WEDDING CHARTER!


If you came to the wedding
Dressed up, dressed up,
You are now none other than the private at the wedding!
Therefore, listen to the Wedding REGULATION, drink and eat between the lines!
If the wedding breaks out: "BITTER!",
You scream as much urine as you have,
At the WEDDING CHARTER, breathe quietly,
Have a drink and eat.
If they say a toast,
Raise your glass right now!
Support the initiative with dignity
You can not drink - rest!
If the song of the wedding breaks out,
You do not know the words - do not be shy.
Sing without words, the neighbor will pull up,
Sing along - pull friendly!
If suddenly the dance starts
Go to the circle, get up boldly!
Know that a shake is good for everyone,
You can't, come on!
So, drink more, be sad less!
Do not hide plugs! Don't eat flowers!
And do not lose heart - you can hurt yourself badly!
Guests! Brothers! What is happening!
Look at these faces!
Everyone drank and is silent, but the wine is bitter,
It's just awkward to shout
But in fact: BITTER! BITTERLY!…
Volleys of balloons. Guests drink standing up.


We give a word for congratulations to parents
bride and groom! You lived for many years -
give them good advice!…
Parents give advice.


Dear Parents!
Big changes are taking place in your life today.
let us give you these wedding certificates,
I certify your new titles: FATHER-IN-Law, Mother-in-Law, Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law.


Listen to the Wedding Wedding Mandate Mother-in-law.
You blessed love
What were you going to know in advance
What did you raise your son for?
His family is your family
And do not grumble now you're in vain.
Son's daughter-in-law half,
So love her like a son.
Not all mistakes are noticed
If not, then everything forgives,
And there will be such a harmony in the family,
What anyone would envy.
They say there's a lot of blood
Their mothers-in-law spoil their daughters-in-law,
But we hope that you
You will always be right
You will be fair
To this beautiful girl.
You have a daughter-in-law
It's not a trifle, it's not nonsense,
Check it out right and left
And the bride, and the queen.
You must be silent in front of her,
Do not grumble and do not teach
You have to help in everything
Bring, bring, send.


Do not shed, dear, flammable tears,
Don't feel sorry for your daughter until the due date
She got the best husband
Of all modern men,
Of all the boys you've known
He will be the best son-in-law for you.
Forget the fears you hide
Starting a waltz with him to dance,
He is a nice and handsome guy
For everything agile and lively,
Not rude, not whimsical,
In short, he is an earthly angel.
You will find such, where hardly,
And he will not be lazy,
But provided that morality
You won't read every day.


Father-in-law - you are a father - a hero!
Be a mountain for your son-in-law!
Invite more often
Treat yourself to delicious beer!
It is proposed to wash new ranks!.


Dear Parents!
You are a little sad today
Your children are leaving you.
But maybe that's how it's supposed to be
So that the hour of parting has come.
And how long have they timid barefoot walked under the table
The clumsy, unskillful furrowed the floor with their feet.
And today they are already adults
You had to leave your children.
Bitter, bitter parents, bitter,
To make the children happy!

Dear guests at our wedding, despite its age, the turtle Tortilla rose from the bottom of the pond to congratulate the newlyweds.
Under the song, the turtle Tortilla enters on an armchair.


Turtle Song:
"It dragged on with brown mud
The smooth surface of an old pond,
I was like ______ (bride) ____,
300 years ago.
Was naive and careless
_____ (groom) _____ has a look
And then they decided
create a new family."
Oh, how wonderful you are!
Dear, lovely newlyweds!
I want to give you this key. He is not simple.
You will open the door to life for them, where happiness will meet you,
love, respect and wisdom.
The turtle gives the key to the young ones.
May life always be your paradise
And you always have the key to it.
I wish you all the best,
And you remember my Wedding Wedding Mandate:
May you always live together
The sun will shine on you
May you have a lifetime
How to live on a honeymoon.
The turtle leaves.


Dear guests, I propose to raise a glass to the fact that this young couple is always accompanied by peace, love, warmth and happiness!
Well, what are the guests, they took the glasses
Friendly, cheerfully raised!
To make them happy in full
Glasses should be drained to the bottom! ...
We drank. Break.


We ask everyone to sit down at the table, and eat and drink!
Morgunov, Vitsin and Nikulin enter with the song.
We came to the wedding
To congratulate you
Sing with you, dance,
Feed all of you.
We wish you all happiness and good,
And now together we will all drink to the bottom.
It's not very bad to walk at a wedding,
But it's better to drink ... 100 grams.
Treat guests, dance and leave.


And now, dear guests, I propose to listen to the love affair that was instituted against our young people.

"All rise, the court is in session!"

The prosecutor enters. The guests sit down, the young ones stand, the exit case and the marriage code are read out to the wife and husband.


Hearing case No. 2507
In the dock a native
___________, currently residing at:
st. , - and a native of the city of ________, currently living at the address: st. , ____________.
On the night of July 25, 1998, a citizen attacked a citizen. In turn…….. tried to cover up in every possible way, for which she was sentenced to criminal liability under Article 187. But thanks to the excellent work of the police, this case was solved and brought to court. There were witnesses at the crime scene: ………. And ____________.
Question to _____________:
1. You do not deny that on the night of July 25, 1998 you were at the address: st. ________________?
2. Question to the witness:
3. Where did you find ______________ on the night of July 25, 1998?
4. Question to the wedding witness:
5. Have ______ and ___ been registered before?
The court makes its decision!
1. Sentence ___________ and __________ under Article 198 of the Criminal Code.
2. For life __________ pay salary _______.
3. From today to announce:
4. ________ - husband,
________ - wife.
5. __________ for life to bear the name of the husband.



To your honeymoon
Make it a long five years
The code is somewhat harsh
Must be strictly observed.
This code is very old,
But in the century you will not find
And for every new couple
He is good in his own way.
Make the room cozy
So that the husband, when he comes home,
Was completely satisfied
The setting and you.
Learn to cook delicious.
Prepare this salad
To have a cabbage leaf in it
It looked like grapes.
Women are divided into 3 parts:
Body, mind and soul.
Every part is a drop of happiness
Give your spouse slowly.
Always meet your husband with a smile,
Look into his eyes
Tell me about all the mistakes
Ask about everything.
And she herself without laziness,
State your business
So that in a friendly exchange,
Radiate heat flow.
Don't drink, don't torture your husband
For various things
You are a wife, and you are a spouse,
Not a rusty saw.
We stand for the fact that in the world,
There would be peace, not war.
Mean in your own apartment
You must keep the peace.
But don't be so simple
If we say - the husband is lazy,
You, removing only shavings,
Stroke him sometimes.
But don't cut it all at once
And not an empty phrase,
And by example and show,
Personal business acumen.
If with the opinion of the spouse
Disagree sometimes.
Be, like a twig, elastic,
Don't say "NO" or "YES".
Give him a nice smile
And cunningly keep in the shadows
Slowly, delicately
Turn the course of events.
But a little boring
So that it does not become a family paradise,
You are always SMART and HOLY
Follow this code


To your honeymoon
Lasted 20-30 years
The code is somewhat harsh
Remember, it's a big secret.
Sleep well after the wedding
Do not disturb your wife in a dream
And behave with dignity
If the room is not the ones.
Take care of the budget
And keep order.
Don't keep your money a secret
Give everything to your wife.
And over the years, and with deeds
Don't forget about love
And my wife in words
Call dear!
If children appeared
And more trouble
Both are to blame
But add your worries.
Wash baby diapers
Cook semolina porridge,
Don't spare your strengths
Do not speak harsh words.
Always be shaved, trimmed,
Neat and not fat
You will not be offended by a wife,
If you are silk, like a canvas.
You must protect your wife
Bring hot coffee to bed
And slippers on time to file.
Milk a cow a little light,
Prepare dinner and lunch
Fix iron and tiles
Wash the apartment on Saturdays.
Make beds in the morning
Wash diapers clean
Shave your mustache in time
Wipe the kids' noses.
If you follow these tips,
You will be the best husband in the world!
The prosecutor leaves.


So let's drink to the good outcome of the exit case and the marriage code.
Peace to all of you!


And here is Hymen himself - the ancient Greek God of the newlyweds!

I see all of you have gathered to congratulate the young.
But before congratulating you,
You must convince us.
That the best family
Created here, friends!
You say, __________, directly!
Haven't you been drunk for an hour, giving consent to marriage?
Once you decide not to back down?
Will you be faithful, will you not stop loving?
Spread everything, don't be afraid!
Do you swear to us?


Do you swear, wife, that you will protect and love your husband?
Be friendly, affectionate with him all your life?
Do you swear that at any cost
Will you be a good and faithful wife?
Do you swear not to blow your lips on your husband,
Do not even let the wind blow on ________?
Do you swear to bake cheesecakes more often
Thicker tea to pour, but sweeter?
And after dinner, when he lies down with a newspaper,
Swear that you will not swear for it!
Do you swear to spend money with care,

And if you borrow, then at least ten?

Well, and you, brave groom,
Who _____________ was named in childhood.
Swear a hundred times
As once Hippocrates,
That you will love your wife
You will always be faithful to her, do you promise it?


Groom's Oath

You swear to be an exemplary husband,
Intercessor, friend, faithful helper?
You swear to take care of her,
Always kiss when leaving for work?
You swear to give all the money to your wife,
Advice to help where to put them?
You swear to eat her porridge without grimaces,
If the wife puts salt "in reserve".
Yes, things happen in life
The wife will spend half a paycheck on stockings.

You swear that your business is a side,
Will she not go to work in thin clothes?
The oath was taken at a solemn wedding meeting in the presence of a large number of guests. One copy is handed out. Keep the document forever, keep the oath.


I ask all guests to raise their glasses
Friends, acquaintances, relatives and relatives
And drink for the love and charm of our couple
For the happiness and health of the young!…
We drank.


And now we'll start the show -
Wedding gifts.
Dear guests, congratulations,
Friends and senior instructions.

Get up, young couple!
Relatives, relatives came to you,
Congratulate you, present your gifts,
Watch the introduction of the wedding game!

You, dear guests!
Don't put gifts together
You can give flowers to the bride,
All congratulations, wishes to the groom,
Everything else is a miracle chest.
They enter, in Russian folk costumes, a man with a woman with a chest and a tray of cheese, with them an accountant with accounts.
Oh, empty, empty box,
There is no calico and brocade in it.
Oh, you, father-in-law and mother-in-law,
Get gifts.

Oh, you, father-in-law and mother-in-law dear,
Gotta please my son-in-law
Take out your gift
To put in our chest.
Take the cheese, put it on the cheese, and say kind words to your children.
Parents say kind words and give a gift.
Oh, you, grandmothers, grandfathers are cute,
Get your wallets
For a car, for an apartment
We need to scrape together the grandchildren.
Grandparents give gifts.
Oh brothers and sisters
Help the young
For stockings and blouses
You also have to put it in.
Give gifts.
Oh, you guests, dear guests,
What will you give!
For diapers, undershirts
Add young people.
Bypass all guests.
Here is a full, full box,
There are chintz and brocade.
There were a lot of congratulations here
Let's shout: "BITTER!" from the heart.
We gave you gifts
So that chickens do not peck money,
To live better every year
So that your house would be a full bowl.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life
Keeping the fire of love holy
Until the wedding golden.
They leave.


While the counting commission sums up the results, I ask the young people to come to me.
young wife
And beautiful and slim
She matches the groom,
The first dance of the young!

All guests do not lose heart,
Until you drop - dance!
You went out into the circle of guests under a veil,
Blinded the walls with whiteness
As if the color of your affectionate cherry
Shed leaves on you.
The walls of the house whiten from you,
How good is your wedding dress,
How are you dancing smoothly, weightlessly
You swim like a snow-white swan

Young people and guests dance. Break. Competitions and games are held.


Danced, it's time to catch your breath
For bread - salt is taken!
Bread - salt to eat
Yes, good word to listen.
Friends! Fill your glasses with wine
Let joy reign at our table!
We drank. The postman Pechkin enters on a bicycle.
Hey! It's me - the postman Pechkin.
Can you tell me where the wedding is?
Postman Pechkin, you just hit her.
And who do you need?
Let's see. Well well! Valuable parcel, telegrams, parcel.
Is reading.
Wedding. Bride and groom. Only I won’t give them to them, they don’t have documents.


No, no, postman Pechkin. That's just how they got a wedding certificate of marriage today. We are all witnesses.
Well, if so, then I hand the package to the bride / with a saw /.
We give you a precious item,
With this item, hello to the spouse!
The saw is not for firewood - for a marital purpose,
They drank to her until the roosters crowed.
And in the morning he gets up, you drank again,
Then they were making money.
If he doesn't like your dinner,
Take a saw instead of a delicious seasoning.
The husband will eat and only praise!
And you always try to cut!
And if you show your subject,
The husband will affectionately say: "Dove, hello!"
And for you, fiancé, another parcel / with iron gloves /.
We give you not chain mail, not a saber
You are not in a military battle, but at a wedding.
They will be useful to you forever
So that the wife will bow before you.
You wear them, never take them off!
Otherwise, dear, you will be in trouble!
And you'll be dreaming all night,
If you take off your gloves.
Make your wife cook delicious
Yes, always use a mitten.
Caress with a prickly hand more often.
Happiness will flow to you like a river.
If you take your wife to manufactured goods,
Then put the mittens on the goods,
The mittens will serve you right,
If you keep them, you will be about!
And in this parcel is a bottle of champagne with paintings by the guests present here. But you will open it when you have your first child.
Now listen to the telegrams.
He reads the telegrams and leaves.


So that the sun shines on the young
And there would be so much happiness in life
To last until the last days
Let's shout BITTER in unison!
Yes, young people kiss sweetly, but in life they will have to share grief and joy in half. Moreover, in every family there is a distribution of responsibilities.
Tell a fortune on a chamomile
Know your roles.
Chamomile with duties. The bride and groom tear off the chamomile petals in turn and read out their duties.


I will love you tenderly, But I will not forget to cut.
I'll be the first in the kitchen in the morning, I won't forget to wash the dishes.
I will protect and undead you, I will not forget to wash your socks.
I will give all my salary, I will not forget to buy flowers.
I'll cook delicious dinner, I won't forget a bottle of beer.
I will go to the theater with you, I will not forget to drive to the cinema.
I won't make a scandal, I won't forget beautiful words.
I will wash the diapers myself, I will not forget to walk with the child.
I will be obedient, kind, faithful, I will not forget to give gifts.
I will go shopping, I will not forget to wash the floors.
I will idolize you, And I will forget about men.
I will love you all my life, I will forget about women.

We heard that you can handle the responsibilities
in your life, and now you overcome the obstacle,
who will meet on your way.
Pull the ribbon, the groom must carry the bride in his arms.


Excellent, well done guys!
And here is the counting commission, which will announce the result to us (announces).
But who will we give the family budget to?
Friends, we will not be in order,
If we do not solve the riddle,
Which of the newlyweds to be the head!
And maybe we'll find out
If we treat them with a loaf.
Explain that bread must be broken, whoever is bigger is the head.


And now, as a sign of the unification of the two clans and your hospitality, treat everyone with bread.
But that is not all.
Let our young people know
Secrets of the wedding
What is often empty nests
Storks bring children
Or leave them in cabbage,
Or they bring it right into the house,
So that neither peace nor sadness
It didn't start in the house.
So that more often chicks were found,
Transforming your family
As it used to be in Russia for a long time,
You must disentangle the porridge.
Young people treat guests with bread and porridge.
And this wedding glass
We'll drink it all to the bottom
For a husband to be the best of husbands
And the best - the wife.
We drank.


While we were drinking, walking, dancing, having fun, Evgeny and Irina did not waste time in vain, they successfully completed the courses of the family construction academy.
And we want to give them diplomas.
Bride Diploma
This “diploma” was issued to a person living in the city, down the street, in house no. This paper claims to have taken a course in marriage and family sciences. During the training, she showed the following knowledge:

Food preparation - 5
Washing - 5
Family vision - 5
Laughter - 5
Humor - 5

This “diploma” claims that she was transferred from the department of girlhood to the department of the family institute of life.
The diploma gives the right to become a heroine mother in the future.
Diploma of the bride and groom
This “diploma” was issued to a person living in the city of ___________, down the street, in house No., apt. No.
This document claims to have completed a course in marriage science. During the training, he showed the following knowledge:

Money making - 5
Telefootball hockey sickness - 5
Fishing - 5
Computability - 5
Scrubbing - 5

The “diploma” claims that he was transferred from the department of bachelors to the department of the family institute of life and gives him the right to become a father in the future.
Handing over, drinking.


And let's check how our young people know each other.
To the groom: recognize the bride by a kiss (the groom is put on a chair, three girls are called, he is blindfolded; the bride always kisses).
To the bride: recognize the groom by the hands (five men).
What are you guests laughing at? Now we will check you!
For guests: recognize your wife by the knee, by touch (one family and several girls are called, the girls sit on the bench in a row, legs crossed, the man is blindfolded).
Let's raise our glass to that
who became the chosen one,
Eugene whose preferred beauty
And in whom he found a lot of merit.
We wish, Ira, to be always loved!
The union of hearts is considered indissoluble!
And let the husband report daily
That he does not have a soul in his wife,
That for him she is more beautiful than all,
For (name) - our bride!
We drank.


We have problems in life
However, everyone cares about blood in life.
One openly, and the other furtively,
Simple feelings - friendship and love.
Love ... Is there anything else like that,
That brought so much light to life.
She does not like boredom and peace,
Love is not just a feeling - a craft!
So let's drink to those who wait, forgetting that there are others.
Who can't be loved
For those who are forever dear
Only one eye shines with love.
For the love that transforms life
What makes the heart beat again
For the love that conquers troubles
We drink to true love!!!
We drank.


Young people are asked to stand
They invite you to dance!
Resplendent with its beauty,
Our young swan
Invites to a round dance
Dance all honest people.
Drank, break, games, contests.


We declare beauty.
Beauties under No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. (under construction)
So let me introduce:
Beauties No. 1 - Marisabel (coming forward);
No. 2 - Just Maria (steps forward);
No. 3 - Manka Bond (coming forward).
But men will not forgive us if we spend without them. Poet / Women are divided into 3 parts: at the same time we will hold a "Handsome Man" called "Strength and Agility".
Allow me to introduce the participants:
handsome men No. 1 - Arnold Schwarzenegger;
No. 2 - Sylvestor Stolloni;
No. 3 - You are a lady.
We announce musical.
Participants dance a dance.
Girls invite boys. The crucial moment has come.
Select the perfect couple and give prizes.
In the role of beauties are men in disguise, beauties - women; the perfect couple is revealed and prizes are awarded.


We ask everyone to sit down at the table,
And eat and drink!
Hey men, take your seats
Don't forget your ladies.
Look at them:
How to draw a groom!
And the bride is no secret
Blossomed like a poppy flower.
Let the bottle splash with foam
Let it be full of laughter
May you have family life
Whatever you want will come true!
To make you newlyweds
Remember this evening
So that bachelors, dudes,
The happiness of marriage understood!
Kiss the newlyweds
Let those kisses not be counted!
Otherwise, the poor invited
And bitter to drink, and bitter to eat!
Today you got married
Happy day for you
Once you lit the beacon of love,
May it shine on you for the rest of your life.
Our wedding party is coming to an end. For the solemn farewell to the young, I ask everyone to stand up. We met the young people solemnly, let's celebrate solemnly. Dear our witnesses, you have to see off the young,
Walk the earth happily
Bring love, songs and hopes,
And my radiant youth.
May Mother Fatherland joyfully and tenderly
Bless another family.
And today I admonish you young people,
And in love with each other
We say: "Good luck, dear friends,
Be worthy of each other forever."
We accompany the young.
Let's continue the wedding together!
You are guests - guests,
Don't sit like stumps
Drink, eat, be merry.
How much the soul wishes.
Come back tomorrow at 12 noon! (second day)

2nd day

There is a table in the doorway, at which the Opohmetologist sits,
Head of Aibolit Pokhmelyaevich, Happy lover.
There are bottles of lemonade, vodka, wine, water, champagne on the table.
Labels on the vials:

Lotteries for the second day

Potion of love
Potion of happiness
Potion for treason
Medicine for indigestion
Headache medicine
Potion for 100 diseases
Separation medicine

Guests buy 100 gr., enter the hall, those who wish buy wedding lottery tickets from the cashier.
When everyone gathered, invite them to the table, but the place of the bride and groom was taken by a "false bride and groom."
Ask the guests to buy the place of the bride and groom./
Good afternoon dear friends!
Here is another happy family. We express hope and complete confidence that this family will be beautiful, happy and kind all their lives.
Dear ____________ and ______________!
We congratulate you on a solemn day,
Pour golden wine into glasses,
We wish everything in life to be in order,
So that there are no storms and everything is smooth,
So that you live together, love each other,
So that children are born, they bring joy to the house,
With the big word "WE" you will replace "I",
FAMILY means a lot in life.
So let's drink to a new young family, to their love!
We drank. They serve noodles, but there are no spoons.


The guests sat down, the guests are waiting:
Why don't spoons carry?
A gypsy woman runs in with spoons. A gypsy sells spoons.


Happens in a person's life
Memorable days,
But among the days of any age
We remember our weddings.
Years, decades go by
But sacredly remember HE, SHE.
Happy day of their engagement.
HE is the husband now, SHE is the wife.
So let's drink to them!
For the health of the young!
For a new family
For a fun wedding!
We drank.


They say love is not verbose: suffer, think, figure it out.
This is all conditional, in my opinion, we are people, we are not carp.
And if you really want to make your head spin with happiness,
Speak, people, speak the best words!
Wedding Witness:
Both the groom and the young woman live you 100 years
No, not knowing the troubles.
To respect each other
To love, help
So that families honor the laws
And they loved their parents.
Wedding Witness:
Let your love not melt like smoke
You, husband, do not forget that you were born a man,
A woman is your weak half.
Give her flowers, talk about love
Take it harder for yourself.
Wedding Witness:
Let the wife be affectionate, kind,
She guards the family hearth.
Better feed your hubby
Then you will enter more firmly into his heart.
Wedding Witness:
Let peace and tranquility settle in the family,
Survive you until the golden wedding!
May every day be lived in harmony,
And may God give you such a life to live,
Which is similar to a good song,
And the song is not easy to put together.

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Do you want to arrange an unforgettable continuation of the wedding on the second day, but do not know how? There are a lot of options to cheer people up. You can invite everyone to barbecue houses, or you can all go together to a karaoke bar or something like that. But isn't it banal? Here is the script for a fun second day of the wedding party. Everyone will have so much fun that your wedding will never be forgotten. The script for the second wedding day for the toastmaster 2016 with contests is very easy to find, but will it suit you? So, in this article, you will find the best wedding scenario of 2016!

Block 1: start of the wedding party

Meeting the bride and groom

There is such a tradition at weddings - to honor the parents of the newlyweds. But first, the toastmaster invites guests to meet the young with applause. After that, their parents tie aprons to their belts and themselves take the place of the bride and groom. The bottom line is that there is a complete dedication of the newlyweds to the hostess and the owner.

Words of gratitude

And again, this part of the second day is not complete without the parents and close relatives of the young. A wife and husband should thank mom and dad, grandparents and others for raising such wonderful children, for the joy they bring to them, for their kindness.

Block 2: contests

In the midst of the second wedding, contests can also be started to somehow cheer up and stir up the guests who have come. There are a lot of such contests, the main thing is that they do not hurt anyone's feelings and do not offend a person, because anything can happen. Therefore, the toastmaster selects competitions, leaning towards the interests of the family and close guests.

Family twinning

As mentioned above, without a family at a wedding, there is nowhere, so one of the competitions is for them. The newlyweds go on stage with their parents. Everyone is invited to drink champagne from a common family glass, but if the family does not drink, you can pour lemonade or juice. The husband should drink first. And here the toastmaster reveals the meaning of the word HUSBAND: Dear, Respected by the Wife, and the WIFE is the Desired, Only, Beloved and Angel. Then everyone else drinks. The mother-in-law, who promises not to offend her son-in-law and feed him deliciously, the father-in-law tells his son historical stories. The father-in-law speaks of a goldfish (bride) that he has caught and is now marrying her. Well, the mother-in-law gives the most expensive and precious things to her daughter-in-law. With all these words, they must pass a glass of champagne (lemonade), if desired, hug and kiss each other. At the end, they all form a circle together, thus uniting their family. Tamada plays the family's favorite song.

Competition for mother-in-law and mother-in-law

Family competitions continue, but now only for two of its members - the beautiful mothers of the spouses. The toastmaster distributes soap bubbles to them. The bottom line is that the host takes turns asking them questions, and instead of answers they will blow bubbles. How many bubbles is the answer. For example, how many times a year will you babysit your grandchildren? How many fish will the son (son-in-law) bring from fishing? Etc. The more and more interesting the questions, the more fun the guests will have.

Divination for the young

The next competition is for the newlyweds. The essence of the competition is to predict who will be the first to be born to a married couple - a boy or a girl. They take two balls and put money there. The bride and groom go outside and launch them into the air. Everything is simple here - whose ball flew higher, that floor will be in the child.

Competitions for guests

Here you can come up with many contests to entertain your guests. You are provided with examples of some of them.

  • Gather your clothes. Several guests from the hall are invited to bring as many clothes as possible in a certain time. At the end, the winner is awarded with a prize. Now you can always turn to this person, because he can get everything.
  • The next competition is called "agile cavalier". The competition is for men only. Rubber bands are issued, each gentleman has an elastic band of different colors. The essence of the competition is that each man must ring as many women as possible. There is also a similar competition for beautiful ladies. They are offered the well-known game with chairs, only the chairs are not empty, but young people are put on them, girls are one more. The music turns on and the girls have to walk around the chairs. When the music stops, they should sit on the laps of the men. Well, who did not have time - leaves.
  • A mock medical examination. The toastmaster invites two guests to conduct a so-called physical examination of those present. They are offered to make the most unexpected comic diagnoses: under-bite, under-hangover, under-drank, etc.

There are also many other competitions that a professional toastmaster or presenter can offer you, who will feel all the desires of the audience and will definitely surprise you! Thus, you can arrange any second day of the wedding banquet, as you want, the main thing is that all guests are cheerful and satisfied.

Recently, a new trend has appeared - the organization of a wedding event without observing ancient traditions, during which considerable time is devoted to fun game contests and competitions.

This means that in preparation for the celebration, funny and modern wedding scenarios for the toastmaster are prepared in advance. When conducting a wedding in this format, it is required to involve the newlyweds and guests in a fun, exciting game festival - an interesting show that will remain in the memory of all participants in the holiday for a long time.

Scenario with contests

The biggest celebration of a young family is rightfully considered the Day of Registration of the Marriage Union.

The wedding format has a wide range: from a modest student party to a grandiose large-scale celebration. It all depends on the wishes of the bride and groom, national traditions and, of course, on financial capabilities. Without exception, all newlyweds dream that their wedding would be a real joyful festive event filled with fun, laughter, jokes, songs, interesting contests, and dances.

To do this, even during the preparation of the wedding, it is necessary to draw up an interesting scenario, according to which the wedding host will be able to competently and cheerfully hold the event, observe the customs and traditions of everyone.

According to the modern style, the wedding can be divided into several parts:

  1. Start of the wedding. The wedding celebration begins with a solemn part. Young spouses at the festive wedding table accept congratulations and gifts from all participants of the wedding celebration.
  2. Main part. During the second part, a fun entertainment program is held, full of numerous fun contests, funny competitions, game theatrical skits with the participation of the newlyweds and wedding guests. There are also fun song competitions and, of course, moving dances.
  3. Final part. In the final part, romantic wedding rituals are held: lighting candles in the hearth, sand ceremony, tying a scarf, throwing a wedding bouquet by the bride and other interesting rituals. At the end of the wedding, guests are offered a delicious dessert - a wedding cake.

If you are planning a wedding with a large number of young people who are not interested in boring old traditions and want to have fun, you can offer one of the options for an interesting scenario with the participation of a host or toastmaster.

The wedding begins with the words of the toastmaster: “Attention, our dear guests! Now we will see an amazing and beautiful couple - our beautiful bride and groom are coming up to us. Let's greet our newlyweds with thunderous applause!

The bride and groom approach the toastmaster and stand in the center of the wedding hall. Tamada continues: “Good afternoon (gives the names of the bride and groom)! Let's start your wedding. Please accept our congratulations on entering into a legal marriage.

Congratulations on the birth of a new young family (gives the name of the young spouses)!”

The host recites the following short congratulatory poem:

“Our dear newlyweds! Let's now come to the closest and dearest - your parents. In the hands of your mothers you see a symbol of well-being - ruddy and lush wedding bread, a symbol of your home well-being and prosperity. I suggest that the bride and groom go up to their parents and break off a piece of the wedding loaf for themselves.

The newlyweds come up and break off a piece of bread from the sides.

"Dear guests! What conclusion can be drawn from the broken off young pieces of loaf? Now you can understand who in a young family is a big fan of food or will be the main one in the family!

Now salt your slices of wedding bread hard. Salt do not regret, salt as much as possible! With love and tender eyes, look affectionately at each other, exchange pieces and feed each other diligently! Dear guests!

Pay attention to how carefully they feed each other, they don’t want to be hungry!” There is laughter in the hall. Tamada invites guests to go to the wedding hall and take their places at the wedding table. While the guests are seated, the host says the words: “Dear guests! Please do not be shy, today we will have fun, try delicious treats and raise toasts in honor of the most beautiful couple.

I suggest gentlemen to look after beautiful ladies so that glasses and plates are not empty.

Participants of the wedding celebration fill their glasses. The leader's words are:

“Dear newlyweds! Today, on this wonderful wedding day, the most significant event took place - you connected your destinies and united your life paths. From now on, you are no longer a bride and groom, but real spouses - husband and wife. Let me congratulate you on behalf of all the wedding guests on this step and on your legal marriage!”

“Dear (name of the groom, name of the bride)! What a joy to see a happy couple in love! Everyone knows that the greatest happiness in life is confidence in mutual love!

Our newlyweds have such great happiness. It is for this happiness that we raise our glasses.

Our first toast is to our beautiful newlyweds, to your happy family life!”

While the participants at the wedding table are trying festive dishes, the toastmaster invites the guests to get acquainted, congratulate the newlyweds and give them gifts.

The host approaches each of the guests, introduces himself and offers a microphone for congratulations.

After congratulations and presentation of gifts, the toastmaster offers to hold a quiz about the newlyweds: “Dear bride and groom! Now we will hold a quiz among the guests on the knowledge of the history of your acquaintance. Guests must answer questions, and young people are asked not to suggest the correct answers.

  1. The first prize is an air kiss from our beautiful bride. Question to the audience - who is the bride according to the horoscope? Answer: Taurus.
  2. The second prize - a strong male handshake of the groom - will be given to the one who answers the question: what kind of sport does (groom's name) prefer. Answer: sambo.
  3. The third prize is a kiss from our bride. Question to the guests: What are the bride's favorite flowers? Answer: roses.
  4. The fourth prize is a triple kiss from our fiancé. What is the groom's favorite sport at the wedding today? Answer: A unique opportunity to have a drink with our bride for brotherhood.
  5. The fifth prize for the bride and groom is the opportunity to give each other a hot kiss if they give the correct answers to the following questions: Question to our bride: What is the groom's favorite dish? Question to the groom: What long-running series (bride's name) has been watching since childhood and will not be able to watch it to the end?

After the comic quiz is over, the presenter offers to fill the glasses again and taste the dishes of the festive treat. After a while, the host announces a competition about parents.

“Today, the bride and groom have a new status “Husband and Wife”. In connection with this joyful event, the changes also affected their parents. We invite fathers and mothers of the newlyweds to learn their new statuses.

He turns to the groom's mother: “Our dear mother, you are no longer just a lady, but a mother of a wonderful bride. An eyebrow will never frown, our ideal .... (guests continue in chorus - mother-in-law!).

The following words are an appeal to the mother of the bride: “Now you have a new son - your wonderful wonderful son-in-law! Be with your son-in-law, you are simpler, as it should be .... (mother-in-law!) ”

Tamada proposes a toast to the parents of the bride and groom: “I propose a toast to the closest people - to the parents. It was these people who surrounded you, young people, with their selfless love and care, were your faithful support and support. Let's raise a glass in their honor and thank them for raising such wonderful children, our groom (name) and bride (name)!

The sound of glasses clinking. After a snack, it's time for moving fun contests.

Tamada proposes to hold a dance competition with the following words: “I invite all wedding participants to the dance floor so that our couple in love will have a pleasant training in our Kissing Academy.”

  1. The first lesson is "Royal Kiss". We offer the bride to sit on an imaginary throne (offers a decorated chair). Here she is, our queen! The bridegroom is her subject, who must kiss the hand of his queen. (The groom should get down on one knee and kiss the bride's hand) Tamada invites the guests to applaud the young for the first lesson.
  2. The second lesson is "Caucasian". The host addresses the groom with a request to imagine himself as a horseman standing on one mountain (puts a chair in front of him). Dzhigit shouts to his bride: "I love you!". The mountain echo (witness of the groom) repeats this phrase. The bride at the foot of the mountain (chair) in response shouts “I love you!”, The witness, like an echo, repeats this phrase to the witness and he passes it on to the groom. In conclusion, the groom and the witness perform an incendiary lezginka. The groom goes to the bride and kisses her.
  3. The third lesson is "Cossack". The bride is a beautiful farmer, and the groom is a Cossack. He enters the farm at a gallop, sitting astride a dashing horse (witness), circles his bride in a circle three times and kisses her on the go.
  4. The fourth lesson is "Graduation" or "Wedding Kiss". The guests stand in a circle, in the center - the newlyweds. The guests chant “Bitter!”, the bride and groom kiss, and the guests count how long their kiss lasts.

After this competition, the host announces the first dance of the newlyweds, which begins the dance program with the participation of all participants in the wedding.

When the guests get a little tired of fast dancing, the host offers to hold a popular contest "Guess the gender of the future first-born of the young."

Tamada announces: “We all know that a happy young family is a family with small children. Dear friends, let's all make magic together and order the first-born for the young spouses - a daughter or a son. I invite witnesses to be bankers and offer them bags to collect money for the baby.

Whoever collects more money in his bag, a baby of this gender will appear in the family.

While collecting and counting money, the host asks funny questions, and the guests quickly answer:

“I suggest our bankers announce the results! Witnesses, state the sums collected. Now you can make a statement: in the family (names the common name of the young) the first will be born (names the sex of the child). I propose the following toast to the health of the firstborn.

It does not matter what gender the first child will be, the main thing is that he be healthy and strong. Let's raise our glasses to love!"

Scenario without competitions and traditions

Thinking over the format of the wedding, modern brides and grooms often think about giving their main festive event a special personality and holding a wedding in their own style without competitions and observing ancient traditions.

The usual scenarios consist of numerous competitions, in order to participate in which the toastmaster has to persuade the wedding guests. Today's youth are perplexed by the contests of carrying an apple between the legs or kissing different parts of the neighbor's body.

In order to hold an interesting and spectacular wedding without competitions and without observance of outdated ancient rites, it is important to correctly plan the wedding event in advance.

The proposed order of the wedding celebration is as follows:

  1. Each of the future spouses, with the help of close friends, prepares for the wedding in their home.
  2. The groom with close friends goes to meet the bride at her house. When meeting the bride, the groom brings a wedding bouquet and words of love as a gift.
  3. Guests are offered light snacks and drinks at the bride's house. The first photo session is underway.
  4. The bride and groom with close friends, witnesses and parents go to the place of registration of the marriage union. The outdoor ceremony is considered a wonderful alternative to the usual ceremony in the official registry office.
  5. At the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds go for a walk and a photo shoot.
  6. From the walk, the newlyweds come to the place where the wedding banquet will take place. Guests and relatives form a living corridor through which the young people pass into the hall. Along the way, the newlyweds are showered with fragrant petals of multi-colored roses and greeted with words of congratulations.
  7. Congratulations from parents.

The bride and groom and invited guests enter the wedding hall, filled with the sounds of wedding melodies, and take their seats at the festive wedding tables.

Tamada pronounces the following congratulatory words:

A beautiful song on a wedding theme sounds in the background music. The participants of the celebration begin the wedding banquet.

Some time later - after the guests had a bite, the host invites them to congratulate the young spouses and give wedding gifts:

“Let's congratulate our young people (the name of the bride and groom) on the most solemn birthday of the new family - Happy Marriage Day! Today, the closest friends and parents have gathered here and from the bottom of their hearts give you their congratulations.

The host in turn approaches each participant in the wedding and provides the floor for wishes.

After congratulations, the toastmaster pronounces an invitation to fill the glasses and continue the festive meal.

  1. Tamada announces the beginning of the entertainment program: “Today, real magicians have come to congratulate our young people, who will be happy to entertain our guests with their wonderful and even magical numbers.”
  2. After the performance of professional artists, the toastmaster offers professional dancers to conduct dance master classes, followed by the involvement of guests in their dance program.
  3. Those who wish to be photographed are sent to shoot in a decorated photo zone.
  4. Tamada announces the dance of the young: “We invite our dear newlyweds to their first wedding waltz. Now they are no longer bride and groom, but husband and wife. Now our wonderful couple will spin in a slow waltz dance, and let the wonderful sounds of music envelop them with their magic veil! And we will be happy to admire the happy couple in love!
  5. The sounds of the waltz are replaced by rhythmic fast music, the wedding participants join the newlyweds and a kind of wedding flash mob begins.
  6. The wedding ends with the cutting of the wedding cake. The leader says:

The wedding holiday ends with a fire show or touching ceremonies of launching Chinese lanterns into the sky with a lit candle inside.

This video will show you how to write a wedding script:

This is how, in a new way, without observing the established traditional rites and competitions, you can hold an interesting wedding celebration. The modern entertainment industry and their own creative approach allow young people to make a real fascinating spectacle out of a wedding.

What should be in the wedding script

1. The arrival of the young, a solemn meeting.

2. Introduction of guests.

3. Giving gifts.

4. Congratulations from the guests.

5. Inviting guests to the table.

6. Opening speech of the presenter, filling glasses.

7. The first toast, the beginning of the solemn feast.

8. Comic documents of the newlyweds.

9. The word of the parents.

10. Gratitude to parents from the newlyweds.

11. Word of witnesses.

12. The word of grandparents.

13. The first dance of the young.

14. They stole a shoe!

15. Competition for witnesses.

16. Stole the bride!

17. Distribution of family responsibilities.

18. Determination of the sex of the unborn child.

19. Throwing the bride's bouquet.

20. Throwing the garter by the groom.

21. Dancing (several blocks).

22. Contests.

23. Something to sing.

24. Dance competitions.

25. Cutting the wedding cake

26. Ignition of the family hearth.

Wedding Scenario #1

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several wedding scenarios. We will be very grateful if you tell us your fantasy of organizing your wedding. We will be able to translate any of your desires into a fairy tale of its fulfillment!


The host of the wedding celebration, together with the groom's parents, meets the young, addresses them:

Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the people dearest to you, your parents, meet you here. Mom has a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and season with salt! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more ... And now exchange slices of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other! Music sounds, exclamations of guests, the newlyweds “feed” each other.

And now parting words of parents before family life.

The groom's parents say parting words to the newlyweds.

And now the way for the couple -

May only happiness await in life.

Come on, hurry up

The wedding feast is calling you!

We invite everyone to the feast,

To the wedding hospitality.

The newlyweds pass along the corridor formed by the guests, take their place at the wedding table.


Dear newlyweds!

Today you got married.

Happy day for you.

Once you lit the beacon of love,

May it shine on you for the rest of your life.

Everything turned out the way you wanted

And now the desired hour has come -

You put on chastity rings

Flowers and music - for you!

You have beautiful outfits,

We are starting this feast.

Complied with articles, rituals,

Love, advice to you, eternal peace.

In anticipation of family ties,

When hearts and souls are wide open

We bless your union

For constancy and happiness!

Well, the guests stood up together,

The glasses were cheerfully raised.

Let's wish them much happiness

And three times we say together:


The guests are chanting.

It's time for everyone to drink

Friendly newlyweds:

Guests pick up -

So that happiness is in full,

Drain the glasses to the bottom!

After the first wedding toast, you can introduce the guests to the rules of conduct at the wedding.

Opening the celebration

And greeting you all

We would like to be together

Bring the Decree to you.

He touches the guests

How to behave, keep.

And, of course, this decree

Everyone must comply.

Well, first, to the wedding

was merry,

It is necessary that the whole estate

Ate and drank a lot.

Stealing a bride is a custom

But we immediately say -

Stealing is not a fight, but decently,

How to take a fifth.

You can take the shoes off the bride

Only with cunning, with the mind,

And again, carefully

And not at the table.

Kohl stolen, your price

Should be announced immediately

And our bride is not allowed

Keep barefoot for half an hour.

And the bride, shoes too.

It's not good to steal twice

So that you are not more expensive

Don't take the groom at all!

Well, if you are not timid,

The shoe was stolen, moreover,

Drink not from shoes, from a pile,

Perched above the heel.

And, of course, this stack,

Having appeased dashing guests,

According to the people's will

The witness drinks, not the groom!

Place for honeymooners

No one to borrow.

Well, for the bride and groom,

For Decree! Please raise!

The second toast at the wedding is traditionally proclaimed to the parents. They say words of congratulations, wishes, parting words to the newlyweds. After congratulations, the presenter asks the newlyweds to bow to their parents.

Dear newlyweds!

Bow down to your parents

For your wide roads,

For the paths that opened before you,

And for not going astray.

Bow down to your parents

For birth and anxiety

That they have already forgiven you.

Bow down to your parents

Let sometimes be strict

So they wanted your happiness,

So I wanted to save from misfortune.

Let's raise the hello

For those who raised this glorious couple.

Who in life knew neither sleep nor peace.

For those who saved for them great happiness!

The guests standing support a toast to their parents.

For those who, taking honorable care,

From now on, I owe many years in a row

Follow with desire, with joy, with pleasure,

So that there is peace and harmony in the family,

So that the wards walk together

Dear bright, joyful, big

Before their silver wedding at the beginning,

Well, and then - before the wedding, golden!

Our guests, as you noticed,

For young witnesses!

At one of the moments of the wedding feast, the host offers to get to know each other better with the help of a test.

Take a look, dear guests, in what color clothes did you come to the wedding celebration. Who came in red clothes? These people are joyful, beautiful, independent, they appreciate the fullness of life. Always ready for love, in a sense, for a great feeling. They prefer to spend holidays and vacations in the south.

Who is wearing white? Often naive, honest people, with a spotless reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to rest among the snowy plains and polar bears.

The black color of the clothes indicates that we have talented people who are able to bewitch absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, prolific in everything! They like to relax in the country with lovers.

Blue clothes guarantee their owners a noble origin, romance. These are faithful, glorious people, they literally worry about everything and everyone.

They like to relax everywhere, just to fly a plane.

The green color of the dress indicates that these are people overwhelmed with hope and dreams. Always fresh and attractive. For recreation, they prefer the nearby forest.

Who came in yellow clothes? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but ... insidious. From jewelry prefer gold. Striving for a position at the top

estates. They like to relax on Golden Sands, they like to listen to Golden Ring, they like to be called Golden Sands.

Thank you dear guests! So we have become a little closer and more understandable to each other.

The presenter announces the hour for the presentation of gifts, and together with the witnesses, brings out a large, beautifully designed jar with a wide neck.

The Swiss bank opened its branch.

I have it in my hands - reliable and beautiful.

The Swiss bank sent us such a safe,

So that young people would live happily.

We take stones and furs,

Banknotes of any color.

We will open a bank together with you,

And let's have a cup of tea.

We are glad to all the guests at the wedding,

We open an account for the newlyweds.

Contribute quickly -

Philanthropists - kudos!

The presenter and witnesses go around the guests, who congratulate the young, drink a glass of wine for their health and put postcards and envelopes in the “bank”.

At the noisy wedding table

Like a beacon of friendship, kindness

Light you now together

Star of hope and dreams.

The newlyweds approach the music to a special place where a beautiful large candle is fixed, holding candles in their hands. In advance, the presenter places candles on the tables of the guests, and asks when the newlyweds light their “star” so that they also light candles on the tables. After the "star" of the young people is lit, the young people dance the wedding dance.

So let this bright light

You shine in life to the end,

So that endlessly, for many years

Two rings intertwined ...

Seeing off the newlyweds, you can arrange a "Rite of farewell to the veil." Guests stand in a circle, music.

Now you are together, you are one

And therefore it is necessary

Quietly remove the veil from the bride,

Say goodbye to girlhood.

The bride takes off her veil and gives it to her mother.

Take off the veil, beautiful bride,

And here the applause will be in place.

Kiss the husband, the young wife

In the holy moment of unity!

The newlyweds leave the circle, leaving the guests.

Second day

When the guests have gathered, the presenter builds a “live” corridor, distributing rose petals, coins, grain to the guests, prepares a tray on which there are two glasses filled with champagne tied tightly with a beautiful ribbon. Newlyweds appear, the presenter addresses them.

Everyone has gathered, please note

And you don't mind asking a question.

We ask you now to answer -

What has changed this night?

The bride took off her veil

And so our question is in place -

Well, who is she to you now -

Answer, Vasya, to us -

And you, Katyusha, answer already -

Who is now Vasily?

Now you are together, you are one

Forever intertwined halves.

And so the turn has come

Dry your glass first.

The newlyweds drink champagne without untying the glasses.

So don't let the fun fade away

Now take your throne again.

May your life be beautiful

Like the path you take here.

The newlyweds pass along the "corridor" of the guests, they throw grain, coins, rose petals under their feet.

We throw grain under our feet,

May it grow with happiness.

We throw copper under our feet,

To never get sick.

We throw copper coins under our feet,

So that you don't be poor.

Throwing rose petals

So that you do not know grief or tears.

Host (first toast):

Lights, golden fireflies

Bright light lit up today.

Relatives to the young for a walk

And friends all gathered again.

I see happy faces here

And all eyes are turned to the young.

And I want, friends, to turn

At this hour solemn to them.

You walk hand in hand together,

There is only one way for you now.

You were just a bride and groom

Now they are husband and wife.

And we raise a glass to that

So that trouble does not touch you,

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish

Happiness, joy to you, young people,

Forget sadness forever

Like bouquets of flowers golden

Life is just as beautiful for you!

The host invites the guests, passing a bouquet of flowers to each other, to say only one word to the newlyweds - a wish. For example: peace - happiness - joy - well-being - prosperity, etc. After the toast, which the Newlyweds proclaim for their parents, saying words of gratitude to them, the presenter (s) again asks them questions.

Quiet, sit down, everyone sit down,

I will ask the bride.

Our wedding will take off,

Your family will live

What will you call your mother-in-law?

The bride replies: Mom!

How will you honor your father-in-law?

The bride replies: Dad!

And now you have our verse,

Our young husband is the groom.

Who is to your right

Who is your family now

Who will you be friends with, together,

What will you call your father-in-law?

The groom replies: Dad!

Well, mother-in-law, tell me straight

What will you be called, okay?

The groom replies: Mom!

Immediately two moms, two dads,

They took all the glasses in ... paws.

Even I pour myself -

A toast to a friendly family.

Wedding script #2

Beautiful lyrical music sounds.

The host pronounces the 1st toast - "Love Story".

(This toast is prepared in advance when meeting with the bridegroom, the bride, their parents and friends. The host asks everyone and the young children about their hobbies, occupation, zodiac signs and much more. From this information, the Host writes the “Love Story” of this couple , and the more interesting information he learns about a young couple, the more interesting the love story can be written).

At the end of the toast, the host asks all the guests to join this toast and, on a signal, repeat the words “Love each other!”, And he ends his toast with a poem:

To get out of the vicious circle -

Love each other!

In order not to be offended when it's hard -

Love each other!

During work and leisure time -

Love each other!

In winter, a blizzard rages outside the window,

And you still love each other!

The plants of the meadow bloom in bright colors,

And in the hot summer Love each other!

Remember the commandment - Love one another!

Young and old, science says it all:

By all means - Love each other!

Toast: For the young, for their love!

(Feast 5-10 minutes. Accompanied by the work of a disco or a musical group. Further, according to the script, after each toast, musical compositions and songs corresponding to the moment sound)

Today I would really like to see all the names in our city changed. And then our newlyweds could settle on Love Street, go to work on Respect Avenue, shop on Care Boulevard, walk along Tenderness Alley, relax on Passion Embankment, meet friends on Attention Square.

Toast: let's raise our glasses to make it so! And also for the fact that the bride and groom would never find themselves in a dead end of Jealousy and on the road of Indifference.

Board Game-survey "Ideal couple"

(For this game, a sheet of paper with text is being prepared. The host invites the guests to draw up a portrait of an ideal couple. To do this, he asks the guests from the groom’s side to express their wishes, what kind of wife, in their opinion, should the bride be; and the guests from the bride’s side express their wishes - what kind of husband the groom should be in family life. The host writes down their words, then the result is read out; that the situations that the couple finds themselves in during the day are entered in the form, the host does not inform the guests)

What is the groom doing? What about the bride?

Waking up

On charge

At breakfast

On the way to work (study)

At the reception of the authorities

Communicating with colleagues at work (study)

Relaxing with friends

Visiting theaters (museums, restaurants, etc.)

(This list can be continued and choose the situations that are most suitable for a young couple)

Toast: for the perfect couple!

Let's raise a healthy spell For those who raised this glorious couple, Who in their life knew neither sleep nor rest, Forged such great happiness for them. So they wanted your happiness, So they wanted to save them from adversity. Let time fly, but they do not grow old, Let the grandchildren grow up and become younger in soul. I propose a toast to those who are closer and dearer than all, who rocked you in the cradle, did not sleep for long nights. Who shared the joys with you in half? Let's drink to dads and moms!

Toast: for parents!

A young man decided to get married. He found a bride, invited guests, but suddenly thought: who should be in charge in the family - a husband or a wife? He asked this question to his father, but the father could not give an answer and sent him to the sage who lived on the edge of the village, but the young man did not find an answer to his question there either. People told him where the wisest man on earth lives. He lived high in the mountains and never went down to the plains. The young man walked for a long time, climbed the mountains with great difficulty and sat down to rest in front of the door of the sage’s hut and suddenly saw his reflection in a puddle of water: a gray beard to the waist, wrinkled hands barely holding a stick, his legs hardly made each next step - he himself became an old man, and it was simply too late for him to marry ... So let's not look for an answer for the same long time, but find out everything here and now! Let's choose the head of the family.

Competitive program "Determination of the head of the family"

1. Speed ​​baby swaddling. The bride and groom are given dolls and diapers. Who will swaddle the baby faster and more accurately? Young parents can help.

2. Speed ​​feeding children with a spoon. “Child” can be one of the guests, but in order not to stain it, you need to pick up a bib, use yogurt as food.

3. High-speed money counting. Each of the young is given the same amount of money in coins of different denominations. They must count them and accurately name the amount.

Toast: for equality in a young family.

Do you know how the joint path of a young family begins?

(Guests answer)

From matchmaking, during which each side praises their children ... And now we will do it differently. I invite young people to boast to each other of their greatest wealth - relatives and friends. Here you can imagine them. ... And look, dear wife, what kind of parents I have, etc.

(The bride and groom introduce their relatives and guests)

Toast: for parents, relatives and friends - the main wealth of the young.

And now I give the floor to congratulate the people who have taken on the honorable duty of witnesses.

Congratulations to the young from witnesses (congratulations are prepared in advance)


Today should be light and bright

If married to

So he's the luckiest!


Today you can not be sad and gloomy,

Let's drive away separation, treason and evil,

If goes for,

So she's the luckiest of all!


In life, where there are many tears and doubts, Only the one who knows how to love is happy!


You can live without wealth and money, But without love it is impossible to live!

Toast: To a wonderful couple! May you live happily ever after!

Dear guests! An amazingly beautiful couple of bride and groom are approaching us, let's meet them with a storm of applause.
Good day (Name of the bride) And (Groom's name). This is where your holiday begins.
- We congratulate you on your marriage. We congratulate you on the birth of your family, family (Surname) !

Let the home road lead you straight to happiness
We ask you to make the young ones - we take steps forward on it.
And it’s time for us to congratulate you, friendly newlyweds:

Well, dear newlyweds, here you come to the most beloved, most dear people - your parents! Your mothers are holding in their hands your first homemade bread, your wedding loaf, which turned out to be ruddy and lush, which indicates that there will always be prosperity and prosperity in your home.
What do you think should be done with it now? (Eat immediately it is clear who is the most hungry!)
The loaf must first be broken. Take hold of the loaf and break off a huge piece from the base.
Tell us what we will draw conclusions from the broken pieces? Right! Who in the family loves to eat the most, or who will be the head of the family!

And now you have the opportunity to salt each other for the last time salt your bread! Yes, salt more With tenderness, look at each other, exchange pieces and feed each other!
What a caring couple! They won't leave each other hungry!

I feel, soon we will hear the clink of glasses!
Now make a wish. Guessed? We drain the glasses and throw them over the left shoulder - so that they adored each other passionately. And we, dear guests, at the moment will determine who will be born to them first. If the fragments are large - a boy, if small ones - a girl ...... ..

And now, now everything is according to the law - the marriage is sealed with a crystal ring!
It's time to go into the hall, the newlyweds once again, all together - Hurray.

Do not be shy, dear guests, get ready to rejoice, help yourself, raise toasts to the most beautiful few. Cavaliers, take care of the women, make sure that no one is forgotten and that everyone's glasses and plates are not empty. (Guests fill glasses.)
Dear bride and groom! How nice to see such a joyful few! They say that the greatest happiness in life is the certainty that you are adored. You, dear newlyweds, have such happiness! This will be the first toast! For our young, for their domestic happiness!

Let's wish them great happiness,
Shout CONGRATULATIONS 3 times. So three four...
Dear guests, bon appetit and a joyful evening. I believe that now you will all help to make this holiday unforgettable not only for the newlyweds, but also for yourself. our names are Alexander and Nina, and we were honored to be hosts at this excellent wedding. The beautiful DJ _______________ is responsible for the musical arrangement of the evening!

In the meantime, everyone is having a snack, I want to get to know you a little, to determine who is sitting here, with what thoughts, what the guests want to give our young people. And for this we have a wonderful microphone. When we offer it, it will tell the thoughts of each person. Well, let's get acquainted.

1M: What does he think of himself? (Well, why am I so sexy?)
2G: Let's meet the girl. (And I'm unmarried, someone needs it)
3M: How did this man prepare for the wedding? (Now, in the morning, I drank).
4G: What does the bride think of her husband? (Oh my god what a man, I want from you) .
5M: What does this man want to give to the young? (Dark Boomer)
6G: And then this woman will give the young? (Mani mani mani).
7M: And a present from a man. (The best present, of course, is honey).
8G: What are all the girls in the hall dreaming about? (Let's pour, let's chat).
9M: What do all men want? (I need to drink more, I need to drink more)

Competition: a quiz about the bride and groom.

Dear newlyweds! We got to know the guests. But it is very interesting, but how your friends, relatives know you, know the history of your acquaintance. Have you told them everything? at the moment we will make sure it is reliable, we will ask questions, guests will answer. Well, you are young, do not tell me!!

1. The first lot of an air kiss from the bride will be taken by the one who answers. Who will answer me what zodiac symbol is the bride according to the horoscope?
Answer: Aries

2. The second lot will receive a strong handshake from the groom
What sport did you do when you were younger? (Groom's name) ?
Answer: Karate

3. The third lot will take a kiss from the bride
Favorite flowers (Name of the bride) ?

4. A triple kiss from the groom, on the cheeks and a control kiss on the forehead.
What is the groom's favorite sport at the moment, is it a modern sport?

5. The opportunity to have a drink with the bride for brotherhood.
At (Name of the bride) in their youth, there were fish at home, and in the future they dream of having one animal. Which?

6. If they answer questions, let them kiss. Question for the bride
Which dish will not be available under any circumstances (Groom's name) ?

7. Question (Groom's name) .
What TV series (Name of the bride) loves to watch, and the series has been watching since childhood and still has no way to watch it?

CONGRATULATE Dear guests, no doubt, any of you came to this celebration in the first place to congratulate the young on this event, but in reality there are still a lot of verbs that also begin with the prefix PO. why did you even come here. Whoever names such a verb last, that's the prize! So, hello, more? (we give a whistle, we have chosen) any time you feel that it is time to drink, the whistle must be whistled, which indicates the command to pour and drink.

Ignition of the home.
Natalya Stanislavovna and Elena Vladimirovna
Dear friends, and at the moment the situation has warmed for the wonderful tradition of Lighting the Hearth!
All peoples, at all times, had a special attitude towards fire. A flame is a sign of life, a flame is a sign of a hearth, a home. I will ask those who gave birth to these beautiful children, their mothers, to light two candles as a sign of a long life together.

(Soothing music sounds. Witnesses of the young bring two beautiful candles to their mothers.) The melody begins to sound in full force.

Expensive (Name of the bride) And (Groom's name). your mothers came up to you with pieces of the hearth, in which they put all the best and the best that was in your families. Accept from them the best wishes and light your home.

Here comes the home. (Name of the bride). it depends on you what mood will go (Groom's name) home and away from you (Groom's name) depends on what kind of flame will be in your hearth ... ..
We want you to carry the flame of love in your hearts all your life and do not forget that without parental warmth your happiness will not be complete.

Addresses the parents of the young.

Dear newlyweds, do not always forget the words that your mothers told you and keep love in your heart!

Song. 4-You are my unexpected love.

Parenting Contest.

You understand, new statuses appeared for the newlyweds, they became husband and wife, and new statuses appeared for their parents. at the moment, with your help, we will help them learn who has become who.
(mother of the groom): Mother _________________________.
You are not just a woman now,
A beautiful daughter's mother!
Under no circumstances frown
Perfect (guests in chorus mother-in-law!)

(mother of the bride): _________________________.
And now you have a son -
Excellent son-in-law!
So be easy with him
As befits (mother-in-law!)

(to the father of the bride): _________________________.
You are a man anywhere
You from now on forever
It was a great honor:
You are now called (father-in-law!)

(to the groom's father): he won't be
By the way, father-in-law, no matter how they fought,
Rhymes were not found!
I ask urgently:
Are you ready to go?
Groom's dad: ready!

A toast to your parents.
And let's raise the next toast to our parents for their love and efforts, for their anxieties and concerns, for the fact that parents have been and will remain a support and support for our newlyweds. In addition, at a time when the newlyweds themselves will become a skilled family!

The newlyweds kiss.
As we know, kisses are various deep, romantic and passionate, and I invite our lovers to work out, for this I invite the bride and groom, of course, all the guests to the dance floor!
Dear guests! we announce a competition for newlyweds: Kissing Academy ...
1. Royal: she is a queen on the throne, he is a subject of the front, got down on one knee, kisses her hand.
2. Caucasian: he is a horseman, standing on one mountain (chair) yelling: I love you (Name of the bride)), echo (witness) echoes, she - standing at the foot of the mountain, shouting: I adore you ( (Groom's name)), the echo (witness) echoes. Then, he and the witness dance lezginka, go to the bride, the groom kisses (Name of the bride) .
3. Cossack: she - the farmer is waiting for him, he - the Cossack breaks into the farm, sitting on horseback (witness). rides around her three times, and without getting off his horse, kisses her.
4. Kiss of love at the wedding. The guests stand in a circle. The bride and groom are in the middle. The guests shout the secret word bitterly and consider how long the kiss will last.
Dear friends, at the moment the first dance of lovers.

Love Song Contest.
at the moment, music from films, animated films and all of them about love will sound. Your task is to guess what kind of movie, cartoon or program it is.

Congratulations and gifts from relatives.
Dear guests, and at the moment I propose to congratulate the new family! And let those present not be offended by us, but I would like to convey the first word to the most honored guests in this hall. This is my grandmother and grandfather _________________________. And _________________________.
Well, for now, congratulations from relatives. Each of you will definitely have insulated words, parting words and wishes to the newlyweds before the start of their married life. Young ones, get ready to accept their wishes and gifts!
the elder sister of the bride _____________________.
aunts, uncles.
And the response of the young!

Even if you go around half the world,
You won't find a better couple.
We drink for young happiness
For a gold ring
For the assembled guests
And for future children!
(Especially emphasizing the word children.)

Money for a Son or a daughter.
What is a family without small children? Friends, on such a wonderful day, probably everything, based on this, at the moment, any of you can order a newlywed first-born - a son or daughter, whom you want more! So, (witnesses)
appoint you bankers. Here are the bags for you, and to this day we will see which of you is the best banker, for whom you will collect more for a boy or a girl.

Questions while counting.
While the witnesses are counting the capital, we ask questions, and you quickly answer without thinking.
Husband of a wolf? (jointly) wolf
Bunny husband? Hare
Husband of a goat? goat
Spouse of a dragonfly? guests automatically scream dragonfly! Already alive.

The cat had kittens, what did she do. (little)
The dog has whelped.
The pig farrowed.
At the chicken guests scream fumigated (laugh). got carried away (I say you yourself got carried away). and actually hatched chickens!

The wife of a hare is a hare.
The rabbit's wife is a rabbit.
The wife of the goat guests shout goat! Aha! That's what she needs!

So the results are ready! Decision is made! Witnesses ask to sound the amount.

So first (Oh) in family (Surname) will be born……….

There is already a base - so that the firstborn grows healthy.
These contributions will be kept, for the son (daughter) will only use.

And I propose to drink to it. Pour full glasses and to the bottom. In reality, of course, it is not so fundamentally important whether the first son or daughter is born. The main thing is that the baby is healthy. And in addition, so that the children, moreover, having matured, see in your eyes the same brilliance and the same love as now! Let's drink to love.

DJ let's drink to love, or each other.

Question to all guests! (What will our newlyweds do on their wedding night?) Well, they will choose a country for their honeymoon! (Name of the bride) names 4 girls (Groom's name) 4 guys.
Dear couples, now you are representatives of travel agencies, and in turn you must advertise the country we will name in the dance.
So the first couple invites the young to go east. These are the countries of love, where all the songs are about love, where there is the coolest Jimi and the sexiest Acha.
The second country is China. China has the largest population, the Chinese are good workers in this business, as in any other.
The third country is hot Africa. This state has palm trees. bananas and monkeys.
The fourth country to stay in Russia, for example, to ride on the Golden Ring. Only in Russia they know how to relax from the heart, in Russian.

1 East
2 China
3 Africa.
4 Russia.

And at the moment you are dancing together. We will sing a song about oriental love, and your task is to dance as cheerfully and entertainingly as possible.

Song 5, Eastern.

Dear guests! A moment of attention! Our wedding celebration lasts a toast-tale.
once a small boy appeared in the city of _______________ (Groom's name). but they were expecting a girl. Do you think it was not bitter for the parents? BITTERLY!
-And in another family, a girl was born (Name of the bride). Time passes, the girl grows up, takes her first steps and suddenly falls. Do you think she was sad? BITTERLY!
-And the future bride and groom lived without knowing each other. Do you think they were sweet? Bitterly!
The groom grew up and met his beloved. And to this day, at this wedding, they are very, very ... BITTER. For you, for your prosperity! Bitterly.

I propose to congratulate our young people to all family friends.

Contest. Rubber.(4 joyful melodies - cook for the DJ).

Well, newlyweds, how many brilliant guests do you have. Toasts and wishes are excellently pronounced, dancing is just great. But their dexterity has not yet been tested. so (Groom's name) help us figure out 5 guys, we'll have a contest to see who's the smartest.

They dance in an elastic band, when the music stops, you need to jump out of the rubber band. On whom she remained - he leaves.

Dear friends, we tested the guys, but the girls in our hall are not inferior to them in any way. We now have a large number of beautiful ladies in the hall. Let's call 5 beauties at the moment and draw a prize among them.

Chair dance competition.
So, dancing on chairs, and legs, hands, head slowly freeze.
Dear friends, I’ve said a whole competition here that our girls are cold, but what do we do in Russia in most cases to keep warm? That's right, they drink.

Lovers can't be separated
Eyes full of deep tenderness
And now we are sad, perhaps
But because we are not getting married!
Dear friends, and at the moment it's time to congratulate the young, friends from the bride.

And at the moment we will hold the most homemade panties contest!

So, I invite 4 beautiful women. Girls, the competition is home, so for starters, you need to bring 1 young man here at a speed.
You understand in married life, there are such moments at a time when you need to be able to get dressed or undress in a second. Based on this, at the moment I will give you real home clothes. This is what everyone looks like in the evening at home.
We give out to young men - house pants. We give girls funny headbands with bows, hats.
It is not uncommon to sit at home like this in your favorite attire, but suddenly guests arrive. And you need to get changed! at the moment you are dancing to the music, joyfully provocatively, well, how do you do it at home in most cases!)) But as I shout, GUESTS HAVE COME. Boys should take off their outfits and put them on girls, and girls should put their outfits on guys. Whose pair is the last to cope is eliminated, and we continue until the winner's pair.

And at the moment, congratulations from friends from the groom.

Lambada competition.
Well, lovers, and now we will conduct a tournament among you. Don't you forget the famous lambada dance? Well, how to demonstrate how it is danced. Right! at the moment your task is to invite guests to dance to the music in the dance. Well, the guests cling to you with a train, whoever has a train longer, he won!

Permutation Men against girls.

We draw booty LOVE!
And now I want to call here 7 people who want to say a toast in honor of our young people. But you will not just say so - there are glasses in front of you, but only one contains vodka. Your task is to say a capacious and short toast and drink the contents without grimacing. well and (Name of the bride) AND (Groom's name) try to guess who had a glass of vodka.

Friends, at the end of the next toast, from time immemorial it has been customary at weddings to identify the most sober guests.
And we will write a wish to the young: we wish that LOVE accompanied them all their lives! So any of you will be a letter.

Competition Monument of Love.4 couples, 4 chairs.

Imagine that a monument of love appeared on our planet. How would you like it to look? Show us.

(applause - you are the best couple).

1. Russia Worker and Collective Farm Girl
2. Germany Soldier with a rescued girl in his arms
3. France Madonna breastfeeding the baby (along with this, I say that I do not insist which of you is a Madonna and which is a baby)
4. Russia Bronze rider - peter 1 on horseback (everything would be fine, but the horse's front hooves were raised)

Game: Dance with the young.(under slow, stop changes).

Vedas.: Who wants to dance with the bride, with the groom? We invite couples to the dance floor.

Everyone dances in pairs slowly. dance, at the stop exchanged partners.

Depict tools.
Since we have criminals, you need to play their favorite Murka
1 guitar. energetic movements to the music, in vain they didn’t take the instruments with them
2 Well done Vasya, he didn’t forget the button accordion. (girl on the hands).
3 saxophonist.
Ladies and gentlemen, just now. A combined wedding band, without actually rehearsing.

The dance game, the conditions are as follows: the teams dance in a circle while the music is playing, but when there is a pause in the music, the command sounds Fewer legs, do what you want, but as few legs as possible should remain on the floor! The resulting groups of sculptures are commented and compared.

Dancing is the most beautiful part of the body.

Cocktail competition.
So we need two teams that will compete to create the best cocktail.
Well, I think the first team will be led by a witness, so the 3 people you're taking on the team?
Well, the second team will be led by a witness. Your 3 people?
You have 1 minute, you need to mix a cocktail from what is on the tables, decorate a glass, and come up with a name for your cocktail. Well, our young people appreciate it.
Now, let's all raise our glasses.

Buddies! Fill your glasses with wine
Let joy reign at our table!
For happy newlyweds! For beautiful guests!

The last block.
Guests, we now have the most active and joyful, but the bride is the most joyful now. True, I want to ask her a question: is she tired of wearing her chic bouquet? Is it time to pass this accessory to the next lucky girl? Girls, get together to receive what you want.

And now even more touching and exciting moment. I ask the groom and his single friends to come out to us in the same way, and we will determine who is next! Single men, line up for the inevitable.
The task of the groom is to remove the garter from the bride's leg with his teeth and throw it, standing with his back to his friends.

Little dances. Cooking a cake.

It's an exciting and festive moment. (Names of the bride and groom). You have now heard Bitterly so often!, but this is only because we all wanted you only a sweet life! Sweet, beautiful, affectionate, chic, long-awaited ... how is this wedding sweet miracle - your wedding cake!

In accordance with the ancient tradition in Russia, breaking bread together testifies to sharing fate. (Names of the bride and groom). share the fate among yourselves, cut your wedding cake with one knife.

Be joyful! Take care of each other, enjoy every minute spent together! Love to you and consent in everything! Save your love for many years.

Dear friends, we are now attending a truly wonderful wedding. And our young ones, with love and gratitude for all of you, I have prepared another present. So we invite everyone to the street.

1. Hello V, V, we are glad to have the opportunity to communicate with you on such a day. We greet you!
2. We are now observing that you have already drunk for the young, how much, if not a secret?
3. We heard that all young people are hoping for a free trip to Egypt for the wedding, is that true?
4. You see, young people want gifts only with money, how do you feel about this?
5. Excellent, but advise the young people how best to manage the money collected at the wedding?
6. We forgot to order a taxi for guests at the end of the holiday, advise what to do at the moment?
7. Now the young people are waiting for an important event - the wedding night, sorry for the indiscretion, but how are you doing with this?
8. Can you advise something in this plan for our youth?
9. at the moment we are celebrating a wedding, we have a lot of booze, and in the morning your head will hurt, how do you feel about having a hangover in the morning?
10. But there are a lot of different drinks on the store shelves! What advice would you give?
11. Thank you Vladimir Vladimirovich for the teleconference! See you!