Until what age does a child need a stroller? Up to what age does a child need a stroller Until what age does a child need a stroller

It is important for a child to walk in the fresh air, regardless of the weather. The first months he sleeps a lot, and the 2 in 1 carrycot is specially adapted for this. It is comfortable for the child to lie down, it is protected from rain and wind on all sides.

For example, the Tutis stroller is suitable from birth to 3-3.5 years. For babies up to 6-8 months, it can be used as a cradle. The model is then transformed into an open structure. You can plant or lay a baby in it. If the child began to sit down, it is easy for him to find a comfortable position that does not injure his back.

Period of use of the Tutis stroller

The child grows up and tries to sit up on his own. He is no longer interested in moving around if he lies in the cradle. It's time for a walking structure. It has several positions for the back, like in the Tutis 3 in 1 stroller. The baby is transported, laid to sleep. In a sitting position, he has an overview of the street.

The stroller has 2 depreciation positions: soft - for baby's sleep, sports (hard) - for long walks with an older child. The distance between the rear and front wheels has also been increased, which makes the models easier to drive.

In favorable weather, the child walks a lot, but he needs rest. It will be difficult for mom to walk on the playground, go to the store without a stroller until the baby reaches the age of three. When it is possible to carry a baby, the problem is solved quickly.

Modern models include:

  • raincoats;
  • sun visors;
  • mosquito nets;
  • insulated covers.
Some models weigh up to 11 kg, they can be easily lifted to any floor of the house, brought into the elevator. Additional equipment folds compactly and does not take up much space. On the street, protective equipment will always be at hand. Changeable weather, when the heat is replaced by rain, is not a reason to refuse walks in the fresh air.

Time to change the first stroller to a stroller

It is possible to determine when the period for the transformation of the 2 in 1 model (change of the first stroller to the walking block) comes by the degree of development of the baby. Parents need to notice changes in the behavior of the little one. If the child sits confidently without support, walking options can be used.

It's time to replace the carrycot with a seat unit if your baby:

  • no longer fits lying in the cradle;
  • rises;
  • crying when laying down;
  • sits steadily;
  • actively interested in what is happening around.
The bassinet should be used until the baby is 6-8 months old. After six months (provided that the child sits confidently), walking models are used. It will be comfortable to transport the baby in the Tutis stroller up to 3 or 3.5 years.

The stroller is comfortable and light. But you can use it only from a certain age. If the child is too small, then such a stroller will be uncomfortable for him and can even harm him, so it is important to follow age restrictions and rules.

A well-chosen stroller is the key to the comfort and health of the child. There are many types, and each has both advantages and disadvantages. One of them is a stroller, which is light in weight. But from what age of a child to use it? All mothers should know the answer to this question.

At what age should you start using a stroller?

The stroller differs from the "cradle" or "transformer" in that it is designed specifically for comfortable walks. In it, the baby can be in a sitting position, look at everything around and, thus, learn about the world. And these strollers are notable for their low weight, which is a decisive argument for most mothers, especially those living on the top floors of five-story buildings without elevators.

But strollers are not suitable for newborns and babies in the first months of life, since such children have not developed enough spine, and increased loads on it can lead to curvature. The minimum age at which a child can be transplanted into this "transport" is five or six months. But most pediatricians recommend waiting until the baby sits up on its own or maintains that position. Therefore, if the baby makes active attempts, and some of them are successful, then it is worth waiting a month or two.

Advice: if you actively use the seat unit, and it no longer fits the size of the child's body, then it's time to replace it with a full-fledged stroller.

Why can't these strollers be used before?

Strollers are not dangerous if used at the right age. If you rush things, then active exploitation will provoke a curvature of the spine. There are several reasons for this possible negative effect:

  • The presence of a bend and an uneven bottom. Children of the first months of life should be in a horizontal position most of the time, and irregularities will cause discomfort and inevitably change the position to the wrong one.
  • Insufficient cushioning. Lightweight strollers with small wheels are not very stable and shake while driving on uneven surfaces, which may not please or even harm the child.
  • Insufficient protection. Most strollers do not have side rails to keep out the wind.

How to choose the right option?

It is important to choose the right model for your baby to be comfortable in the stroller. The important criteria are the following:

  • Folding mechanism. The first option is a “book” (when folded, the model resembles a book). The second option is a cane (when folding, the handles approach each other and connect, so the design resembles a long cane). Walking sticks are less stable but lighter in weight. "Books" are much more reliable, but heavier.
  • Information provided by the manufacturer. The manufacturer is obliged to provide information about the product: features of operation, age restrictions, precautions.
  • Back positions. For a 6-8 month old baby, choose a model that assumes a horizontal lying position so that the baby rests or sleeps. The stroller can have from two to four positions, smooth adjustment is also possible.
  • The shock absorption is provided by the wheels. If they are elastic and large, then the baby will not shake even while driving on rough roads. And small plastic wheels will not provide proper cushioning, so this option is not suitable for kids.
  • Pen. The ability to move it will allow you to change the position of the child: he will be able to look ahead or see his mother.
  • Worth picking for summer a stroller with a wide canopy that covers the seat to protect the baby from the rays of the scorching sun in hot weather.
  • Case- the right accessory that is necessary to protect against the cold in the cool season, and the denser it is, the better.
  • Restraints and straps will not let the child fall if he accidentally moves forward or loses his balance.
  • Color and pattern less important, but a bright stroller will be interesting for the baby, because he will be able to see the patterns. And it is better to avoid catchy and saturated shades, they negatively affect the nervous system.

When and how to use the stroller?

The stroller is designed for walks that will be comfortable for a small child if it is warm outside. Therefore, the best time to start operation will be summer or late spring. In winter, it is better to use a stable and frost-protecting transforming model or “3 in 1”.

If the baby is just getting to know the stroller, then he should get used to it, so first put him inside and let him get comfortable, look around, adapt to a new and yet unknown environment. It is better to have a child at the age of six months lying down so that his back does not strain and does not get tired. If the baby is 8-9 months old, choose a reclining or sitting position, but preferably not for long. At one year old, the child sits for a long time and begins to try to take the first steps or is already actively walking.

Terms of use

The baby in the stroller will be comfortable, but the mother must follow the sensations. If the child constantly slides, the wrong position may have been chosen: try changing it to a suitable one. If he is acting up, it is probably due to overheating due to the sun or lack of air, or with the wind blowing in his face. In this case, move the cover or visor. In the case when the baby tries to stand up or sits for a long time, change the sitting position.

To level the surface, use a mattress appropriate for the size of the seat. Try adding a flat cushion to make your stroller more comfortable.

Advice: at first, the seat will be in plain sight, and the baby will be able to keep his mother in sight and not worry. And then change the position of the handle: so the child will be able to see more and learn about the world around him.

Do not use the stroller if the child is small. Choose the right model and, starting operation, follow the simple rules.

This is not the first time I have drawn attention to several situations that lead to the question, until what age does a child need a stroller?!

First situation - this is when 3-4-year-old children are carried in a stroller. The child no longer fits in it, the knees are bent almost to the chin, the mother is straining to carry a heavy stroller, but still lucky.

Second situation - this is when the children do not want to sit in the stroller for a little over a year, they climb out of it, but the mother still puts him back and tries to walk further.

And the funny thing is that the first situation leads later to the second.

Why this happens can be understood by tracing the causal relationship of one situation with another.

Children begin to learn to walk independently closer to the year. They learn the world not only with their hands and tasting everything, but also with their legs, with which they begin to step more confidently and confidently. When a child has already learned to walk a little, it becomes no longer interesting for him to sit in a stroller, because he wants to try and hone a new skill.

When going outside with a child with a one-year-old child, mothers consider it almost mandatory to take a stroller with them. Although, by and large, if you go out for a walk near the house and not for a long time, then the child does not need a stroller. Mom needs her more, because she can put everything the child needs for a walk in the stroller (the same diapers, water and other little things).

For this age, an already large stroller will not be relevant, because it will be difficult to carry it along with you, especially when you lead the baby with the other hand by the handle. At this age, strollers will be relevant, which can be useful for a child if he gets tired of stomping his feet and starts acting up, or when you plan to walk a lot and expect to put the child to bed.

At a year and a half if you and your child do not walk during daytime sleep and the child has his own sleep schedule, then you can no longer take the stroller with you for a walk, because the child will practically not sit in it.

In one and a half to two years (during the warm season), it will be relevant for the child to replace the stroller with a bicycle with a handle for parents and a roof that can be worn in case of rain or strong sun.

At two years old, a stroller is not needed at all for a child., because on the street, it will be interesting for him not to look at the passing landscapes, passing by in a wheelchair, but to actively run and play on the playground. At this age, the internal motor is actively working in children and it cannot be suppressed by their laziness. If you have already gone out for a walk with a child, then you need to run with him, dig in the sand, catch him when he rides down a hill or climbs various horizontal bars and ladders.

At the age of three, a stroller is no longer needed, except in cases where the child has health problems and is not necessary due to circumstances.

Although if a child is 1.5 - 2 years old almost all the time to put in a stroller and do not let him run on the street with his legs, but having beaten the hunt, the child may develop the habit that he needs to walk in a stroller, and not with his legs.

And then the parents are surprised and complain that their child does not want to walk at the age of 3, but all the time asks for pens or in a stroller. Although in fact the whole reason is in the parents themselves. When, during the period of active development and the baby’s interest in walking with legs, the parents were too lazy to run after him, they wanted to either walk slowly with the stroller, discussing the issues of children with their mothers or sit on a bench rocking the stroller. As a result, the child gets used to the stroller.

So, summing up, we can say that, first of all, you need to look at the child and pay attention to his features. The desires of the baby in matters of development should be put in first place in comparison with their own desires and laziness. And at what age to give up the stroller, you can only understand by looking closely at your baby. But to be objective, we can say that from the age of two, the stroller can be safely passed on and put aside, replacing it with the next stage - a bicycle or just walking with legs.

Today, on the street, a lady with a child asked me, as an experienced mother 🙂 That's how she turned to me 🙂

She was interested in up to what age the child still needs a stroller. I must say right away that there is no universal answer to this question. Just because all children are different, and mothers are all different too.

Someone will trudge with the baby at his pace, walking where the walking child is interested, someone will prefer to walk along their own route, looking at the playgrounds, and someone likes to combine business with pleasure, and during the walk arranges a shopping voyage and different places. Then the child, of course, needs to be moved in space at the speed of the mother, well, or comparable to her. If you do not use a sling for this, then you need a stroller.

The age up to which the baby cannot move at a speed close to that of an adult exceeds 4 years. Therefore, you can use the stroller up to 4 years.

I answered this lady, based on my own experience, that from the age of 2 it is quite possible to live without a stroller. My husband, for example, basically from the age of 1.5, his parents walked without a stroller, and even on the sand, and over long distances. They walked along the entire beach in Solnechny, where they then rented a summer house. And they showed no sympathy for his whining about fatigue and the desire to ride on the handles. We were not so radical, and with our children under 2 years old, we used a stroller if we went for a walk outside the yard.

I decided to wean from the stroller in favor of other vehicles: a bicycle and a scooter. Alex sat on a two-wheeled bike (with side support wheels) at the age of 1.8. Learned to ride in a couple of days. And we did all the walks outside the yard with a bicycle.

And I’m not bored, I can walk around the area, the pace of movement allows me to get to my grandmother (a couple of kilometers) for a walk, to visit, and the child is physically active. With the scooter, things went worse, because he initially did not fit Alka in height (the steering wheel was too high). It was impossible to adjust, so the son did not ride it until 2.5 years old. But after — drove with pleasure. And we also successfully replaced the stroller when we had to go far on business.

The youngest son happily switched to a scooter from about 2.5 years old.

The personal reason why I weaned my son from the stroller was the second pregnancy. You can’t roll two strollers, it’s inconvenient to roll a long double carriage-train, it’s possible (and sometimes even convenient) to use a trailer platform on wheels, but I didn’t want to compromise.

The older child has always been independent and active. Therefore, at the age of 2, we finally parted with the stroller. True, there were, of course, dad's hands on long transitions without a bike. From time to time, though, until the age of 3.5, he indulged in riding dad, but already as a privilege, so as not to be so insulting to be the eldest son. 😁