Traffic police day - traffic police: when it is celebrated, history, comic congratulations in verse. Day of workers of the state traffic police (traffic police) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation When is the day of traffic police officers a holiday

This day began to be celebrated only eight years ago, despite the fact that the state automobile inspection itself is already over 80 years old. The structure is growing and developing, and one of its most progressive areas is the so-called motobat.

So they really have a reason to complain about a bad summer - dirt from under the wheels flies onto the form, motorcycles slide in corners and when braking. But the inspectors of the motorcycle battalion, or, as the bikers call it, the “motorbat”, Dmitry Garay and Anton Popov, have no time to complain - the service. On their account, hundreds of detained violators, bundles of protocols and at least one saved life.

“A very excited woman ran up, she was so hysterical, we asked what happened, she said that some foreign object was stuck in her child’s throat. The city was standing, there were traffic jams. The city stood still, there were traffic jams, well, they would have reached there in 20-30 minutes. They told the driver to drive in the middle, and we already proceeded to the emergency room, in time we arrived in 5 minutes to 7, ”say Dmitry Garay and Anton Popov.

No heroism, just a quick reaction and the only right decision. In their work, this is the main thing - driving a motorcycle, which is up to a hundred in 3.5 seconds, there is no right to make a mistake. Yes - by vocation, yes - reckless, yes - now there will be a chase. They work in pairs - one catches up, the other bypasses and presses to the side of the road.

In general, running away from a motobat is a dubious pleasure, when there are flashing beacons behind your back, you don’t feel very comfortable, the inspectors have powerful motorcycles, they themselves are engaged in motorsport, and in general among bikers it is believed that chasing with traffic police inspectors is a bad form.

Night Kazan. The driver flees with a passenger behind him, apparently, he believes that her life is cheaper than a fine.

“For some, this is just a sporting interest, they want to compete with us, the person is all right, but he lacks drive, adrenaline,” explains traffic police inspector Ignat Zyryanov.

But still, more often than not, there is not enough insurance, rights, numbers or a helmet. This is now a motorcycle battalion - some kind of special unit, and not so long ago a motorcycle was an ordinary vehicle of the traffic police, and not only in the summer, and not only in the rain.

“Inspectors in felt boots and sheepskin coats went out to serve in the winter too. The equipment was not fast, but the objects of persecution were also not high-speed,” said Konstantin Vasyuta, commander of the 6th traffic police battalion on the special highway.

Now such motorcycles can only be seen in the museum. An old, but quite reliable "Ural", even today at the post.

Just do not think that motorcycles in the traffic police are needed only for the chase. Motor inspectors carry out the same routine service: draw up protocols, check documents. Ordinary motorists benefit from them: they do not need to clear the lane for travel, and they get to the scene of an accident in a traffic jam several times faster. And the fact that our summer is short is not a question for the traffic police.

On the Day of the Traffic Police, inspection officers traditionally accept congratulations from government officials, colleagues, family, friends and relatives.

Service History

Traffic Police Day in Russia is a relatively young holiday, but the history of the service began 82 years ago. It was on July 3, back in 1936, that the State Automobile Inspectorate of the USSR was created by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union.

The first rules of the road, approved by the Council of People's Commissars, said that pedestrians should give way to a manual cart, a cart to a cab driver, a cab driver to a car, and a general-purpose car to all special-purpose vehicles and a bus.

The Soviet Union joined the International Convention on Road Traffic in the early 1960s. After that, the USSR adopted uniform rules of the road.

GAI after the collapse of the Union was renamed several times. So, for example, in 1998 the service began to be called the State Inspectorate for Road Safety (GIBDD) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The authorities decided to return the name familiar to everyone in 2002 and renamed the service into the State Traffic Inspectorate (GAI). And seven years later, the then Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Rashid Nurgaliev, under whose leadership the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out, on July 3 signed an order on the official celebration of the Day of the traffic police.

By the way, becoming a traffic police officer in Russia is not so easy - first you need to do military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or get a specialized education in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You also need the ability to drive a car and handle weapons, know the laws and so on.

Congratulations Traditions

Since then, Traffic Police Day has been annually celebrated in Russia on July 3 - on this day, according to tradition, festive concerts are held with the participation of pop stars.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs awards distinguished employees of the traffic police with diplomas, medals, promotions and ranks. They are also given valuable gifts.

Congratulations and wishes, according to tradition, are also heard at the festive table. On this day, traffic police officers discuss achievements and share their experience, tell numerous stories from their service life and anecdotes.

The ritual of "washing the stars" is an important tradition of the event - for this, insignia are placed in an alcoholic drink (preferably champagne). The glass is drained to the solemn exclamations of colleagues.


On Traffic Police Day, everyone tries to say a lot of kind words to inspectors - the Internet is full of congratulations dedicated to these people, including funny and comic ones. For example:

The traffic police officer celebrates his holiday
Today he is cheerful, he sings songs.
He does not notice overtaking, undercuts,
And today he does not take fines.
Congratulations to the employees of the traffic inspectorate,
For a kind heart, for a gentle look.
For their edifying lectures,
Because they always want to help us.

striped wand,
Visor hat -
The guardian of order is strict
We have known each other since childhood.
Requires that the rules
We didn't violate
All road signs
Also respected.
Though he be polite
Still be strict
So that everyone knows that he -
Road Guardian!

The wand is seen from afar -
It even glows a little
It means guard
Keeps our peace
Responsible for order
And directs cars.
We wish on the day of the traffic police
Lots of happiness and love!

Dear traffic police officers - with your professional holiday! Your work is difficult and responsible, and sometimes dangerous, so it is difficult to overestimate its importance. On the Day of the traffic police, we would like to wish the keepers of order on the roads patience, understanding and good health! Good luck in all your endeavors and promotion!

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

80th anniversary of the traffic police-GAI / Photo:

GAI Day is a professional holiday celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on July 3.

The State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was formed on July 3, 1936. It was then that the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars approved the "Regulations on the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD of the CCCP."

Since June 1998, the GAI has become the State Inspectorate for Road Safety (GIBDD) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

On July 2, 2002, the department received a second official historical name - the State Traffic Inspectorate.

On July 3, 2009, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Rashid Nurgaliyev, signed the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 502 "On the announcement of the Day of the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation."

Employees of the State traffic inspectorate at work / Photo:

Interesting Facts

The functions of a traffic controller in the city of Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century could be performed by janitors. Their briefing can be seen in the photograph of that time in the Central Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Every year on July 3, our country celebrates the professional holiday of traffic police officers - Day of GAI (Day of traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), established by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 502 “On the announcement of the Day of the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”.

The 1936 Highway Code stated: “All street traffic must adhere to the following order: pedestrians give way to a manual cart, a cart to a cab, a cab to a motor vehicle, and a general-purpose motor vehicle to all special-purpose vehicles and a bus.”

In the 1960s, the Soviet Union joined the International Convention on Road Traffic, and the first unified rules of the road began to operate in the USSR from January 1, 1961.

Since June 1998, the traffic police - the State Inspectorate for Road Safety (GIBDD) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, since July 2002 - again the traffic police.

Today it is difficult to overestimate the role of traffic police. Every year the number of transport increases, traffic on the roads becomes more and more intense. In this situation, the work of inspectors is extremely difficult, but just as necessary.

In addition to tougher fines and penalties for violators of traffic rules, today the leadership and employees of the traffic police are taking a number of important measures on road safety, and for all road users and for all ages.

A wide promotion of the image of a law-abiding driver and pedestrian is organized in the media, conferences are held with the participation of scientists, culture, art, politicians, numerous public actions with the participation of traffic police officers. The active work of traffic police propagandists in educational institutions of the country gives noticeable results. For example, the number of Young Traffic Inspectors has grown to 200,000 or more students.

Much attention is also paid to improving the professionalism of the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate. Joint exercises of the State traffic inspectorate and rescue services are becoming traditional. Ultra-modern buildings and traffic police posts are being built. Traffic police of the regions receive modern vehicles, the latest technical means of fixing violations and information.

In 2006, a Government Decree was issued that approved the Concept of the Federal Target Program for Road Safety, the main goal of which is to reduce the number of people killed in road accidents. To this end, work is underway to raise legal awareness, create a climate of law-abiding society, provide high-quality driver training, develop emergency care systems, and so on.

Statistics show that in recent years the number of victims of road accidents on Russian roads has decreased. The number of "drunken accidents" is also decreasing. But, unfortunately, the level of accidents, violations by all road users remains high, the number of vehicle thefts does not decrease. Therefore, there is always enough work for traffic police officers.

On their professional holiday, they receive congratulations from friends, colleagues and management, and especially distinguished employees and employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate, as well as veterans who have made a great personal contribution to strengthening the rule of law, are awarded diplomas and state awards on this day.

On July 1, a solemn meeting dedicated to the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the State Traffic Inspectorate was held at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Opening the event, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Police Lieutenant General Dmitry Mironov, read out the text of a congratulatory telegram from the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Police General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

Addressing the audience, Dmitry Mironov stressed that the employees of the State traffic inspectorate in practice prove that they are able to solve the most complex tasks and quickly respond to non-standard situations and new challenges, to ensure order on the roads.

According to him, in modern conditions, an effective solution to road safety issues is impossible without the active participation of authorities at various levels, the expert community, the media, public organizations, as well as ordinary citizens. “The results of joint work are thousands of saved lives,” said the Deputy Minister.

The solemn meeting was attended by Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kochnev, Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Viktor Ozerov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vasiliev, and Chairman of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies Father Sergiy.

During the event, the results of the IX All-Russian competition of television and radio programs on road safety were summed up, and the best employees were awarded.

Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev / Photo: MVD.rf

Congratulations from the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev on the 80th anniversary of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Dear colleagues! Dear veterans!

I congratulate you on the anniversary date - the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the State Traffic Inspectorate!

For decades, the subdivisions of the ORUD-GAI-GIBDD have been performing a large-scale set of tasks to ensure safety on the country's roads and prevent traffic accidents. The result of your work is hundreds of thousands of saved lives and a significant reduction in the accident rate.

Every year in Russia, the level of motorization of citizens and the intensity of traffic are increasing. Therefore, you have more and more work, and the conditions are more stressful. I thank the personnel of the State traffic inspectorate for many years of conscientious work for the benefit of the country and our compatriots, courage, endurance and professionalism.

I am convinced that all the tasks facing you will continue to be carried out in a timely and efficient manner. I express my gratitude to the veterans who have dedicated their lives to the very difficult, but extremely necessary for citizens, work of an employee of the State traffic inspectorate.

Professional knowledge and skills, life experience that you pass on to the younger generation of employees are priceless. We count on your help and support.

The profession of a traffic inspector has always been associated with risk and danger. Today we remember with special feeling our colleagues who died in the line of duty, we bow our heads before their memory.

I wish the leaders, personnel, veterans of the State Traffic Inspectorate units good health, professional success and personal happiness. Happy anniversary to you!

Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Police General of the Russian Federation V. Kolokoltsev.

When writing the material, data from open Internet sources were used:

The State Automobile Inspectorate, or GAI, celebrates its professional holiday on July 3rd. On this day in 1936, the authorities of the Soviet Union adopted the "Regulations on the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD of the USSR", and also clarified the rules of the road.

A little later, in the sixties of the twentieth century, the USSR joined the International Convention, and uniform rules of conduct on the road began to operate in the country (1961).

After the collapse of the USSR, in 1998, the service was renamed the GIBDD (State Inspectorate for Road Safety), but soon after that the former name was returned - the State Automobile Inspectorate, or GAI. On July 3, 2009, an order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was signed, obliging the departments to celebrate the Day of the traffic police.

Today, on traffic police day,
I hasten to congratulate you.
Let lightness be in your soul
Let the family be calm.

Let work always please
And let your sleep be peaceful
To work was to hunt.
And more stars on the shoulder!

Happy traffic police day
Accept congratulations.
You are in the service day and night -
In the summer heat, and in the snow, and in the rain.

You serve valiantly
And keep order.
You clearly know traffic rules
You will catch the intruder.

May there be no difficult days
Blinding lights.
For hard honest work
May you be rewarded.

Congratulations on your professional holiday, Traffic Police Day! May the fulfillment of your duty be calm and safe, we wish you strength of mind, health, stability and all the best.

There are many professions in the world
And each is important in its own way.
But there is one that gives everyone hope
Full of reliability and durability.

We congratulate the valiant and brave,
All who are on guard will not be left in trouble.
We turn to reliable servants -
Employees of the traffic police, traffic police!

Good luck in your service and citizenship.
May wishes and dreams come true.
May the holiday be bright, kind, glorious.
Good luck will be with you, let it be on you!

Congratulations on the Day of the traffic police!
May the days be beautiful
Work becomes easy
And medium-sized - worries!

Let the family love you
Respect all friends
There will be no violators
And fate will love you!

The work is calm, pleasant and quiet.
Drivers - polite, driving famously.
The bosses are good, and without jokes,
And whole bumpers, wheels without punctures.
Decrees - understandable, salaries - decent,
And life - pleasant, beautiful, decent.
And fewer fines (or maybe more?).
To have housing, but separately from the mother-in-law.
And that the weather - without snow and dust.
Well, in general, to be happy, joyful!

July. Heat. It's stuffy in the car.
And I overslept, as always.
I sit and paint my eye with mascara.
While one. But you need two!

I lined him up with an eyeliner.
I admire my work in the mirror.
And I see how to me through the traffic jam
The traffic cop is marching briskly.

Introduced himself. So all important.
"Rights, citizen, present ..."
I'm looking for a paper document
In which the stamp that I am a driver.

Well, it's necessary! Here is the infection!
I changed my bag for my shoes...
I blink my painted eye.
And smiling sweetly,

Let your traffic police on holiday
Ladies give their hearts to you!
And fill up successfully
Gifts generous pockets!

Solid white stripe
Let life fall before you!
And a woman in black, with a scythe,
Forever red lights up!

Let the blush be healthy!
And the liver so that it does not fail!
Let passion dance with you dance!
Ugh! It seems to have spoken...

We know 100 jokes about you.
What they say - you do not listen. Lie!
Why do you need your wand? For the driver to see
The road is dangerous. You people appreciate
Workers of all who stand in the cold,
Sees the accident, removes the threat
To fly into a completely different lane.
They are like insurance, like a roof in a thunderstorm.
Sharp turns you all avoid!
Meet family and loved ones more often!
Good luck and stars to you!

Congratulations on the Day of the traffic police!
Very cool you live
Let's get moving
Carefully observe,
Adjust, don't screw up
And those who break it are fined.
In any situation,
You are definitely a hero!
Kilometers of all roads
Regulation is your duty.
You won't have worries.

Congratulations on the Day of the traffic police!
We really need your work
So that on long-distance roads
There was order here and there.

Strong nerves, strength, health,
Fortitude, patience,
And in the family - love, kindness,
Warm communication.

Every year on July 3, our country celebrates the professional holiday of traffic police officers - the Day of the Traffic Police (GIBDD Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), established by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No.

The State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was formed in 1936. The Rules of the Road of 1936 stated: “All street traffic must adhere to the following order: pedestrians give way to a hand cart, a cart to a cab, a cab to a motor vehicle, and a general-purpose motor vehicle to all special-purpose vehicles and a bus.”
In the 1960s, the Soviet Union joined the International Convention on Road Traffic, and the first unified traffic rules began to operate in the USSR on January 1, 1961.
Today it is difficult to overestimate the role of traffic police. Every year the number of transport increases, traffic on the roads becomes more and more intense. In addition to tougher fines and penalties for violators of traffic rules, today the leadership and employees of the traffic police are taking a number of important measures on road safety issues. A wide promotion of the image of a law-abiding driver and pedestrian is organized in the media, conferences are held with the participation of scientists, culture, art, politicians, numerous public actions with the participation of traffic police officers.

The active work of traffic police propagandists in educational institutions of the country gives noticeable results. For example, the number of Young Traffic Inspectors has grown to 200,000 or more students.
Much attention is also paid to improving the professionalism of the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate. Joint exercises of the State traffic inspectorate and rescue services are becoming traditional. Ultra-modern buildings and traffic police posts are being built. Traffic police of the regions receive modern vehicles, the latest technical means of fixing violations and information.

In 2006, a Government Decree was issued that approved the Concept of the Federal Target Program for Road Safety, the main goal of which is to reduce the number of people killed in road accidents. To this end, work is underway to raise legal awareness, create a climate of law-abiding society, provide high-quality driver training, develop emergency care systems, and so on. Statistics show that in recent years the number of victims of road accidents on Russian roads has decreased. The number of "drunken accidents" is also decreasing.

But, unfortunately, the level of accidents, violations by all road users remains high, the number of vehicle thefts does not decrease. Therefore, there is always enough work for traffic police officers.

On their professional holiday, they receive congratulations from friends, colleagues and management, and especially distinguished employees and employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate, as well as veterans who have made a great personal contribution to strengthening the rule of law, are awarded diplomas and state awards on this day.