How do you know if you can grow a beard? How to grow a beard correctly: what to consider. types of beards, mustaches and sideburns

If you look with envy at a neighbor who goes to work every morning with a neat, beautiful and thick beard, and there are only rare bunches on your face, don't be upset. There are many factors that affect hair growth, and genetics is an important one. That is why Caucasians have such dense vegetation already at puberty, and Asians, on the contrary, cannot acquire a more or less decent beard until the age of 30.

But even if your ancestors could not boast of wild hair, There are a few other things that promote beard growth:

IMPORTANT. If you play sports, do not eat anything, and generally take care of yourself in every possible way, and your beard is not growing, it may be worth getting tested for testosterone. This hormone is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in men, including facial hair.

Sometimes hormonal disruptions occur in the body, and they can lead to problems more serious than slow beard growth. Just do not try to practice something like self-prescribed hormone injections: the doctor will prescribe all the necessary medicines, and self-medication can lead to negative consequences.

What should be done to grow a beard?

You should not compete with someone whose beard grows faster and more luxuriantly than yours. Each organism is individual, someone was lucky to grow a beard without much effort, like a Viking already at 19, and someone daily stimulates growth at home. Be that as it may, getting a beautiful beard is not always easy, but it is definitely quite real. There would be desire and patience.

Pharmacy remedies or grandfather methods: which is better?

If you really can't wait to try out some additional funds, then go to the pharmacy. The range of shampoos, creams and ointments that activate hair growth is large today, and you can find the right product for any wallet. However, you can also turn to folk methods to accelerate the growth of a beard. Perhaps one of them was once used by your grandfather!

How does Minoxidil help in beard growth?

Literally not so long ago, a new product came to us in Russia - Minoxidil for beard growth. This tool has a cool composition (read on the site), they promise rapid growth (and reviews already prove this), plus it costs almost a thousand rubles (this is at a discount), so it’s a sin not to try. My results are small so far, but I've only been using it for two weeks. I leave the link below for you so that you can also buy Minoxidil at a discount.


First, it's cheap. And secondly, herbs are completely natural and do not contain any toxic elements. Decoctions of dried herbs can be used for masks or rinsing. Most often, nettle, calendula, hops, chamomile, burdock are used to strengthen and stimulate hair growth.

Preparing a decoction of herbs is easier than soup. For example, take 1 tablespoon of burdock and pour a glass of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, then let cool. Can be used before washing the beard and after - for rinsing. And if you are not shy to give free rein to your imagination, you can organize a whole green salon at home for your beard.


Castor, olive, sea buckthorn, almond, peach oils have beneficial properties for hair growth, but burdock oil is in the first place in the list of hair growth activating agents. The components included in its composition nourish and strengthen the hair follicles, stimulate hair growth.

You can use the oil both as an independent tool, for example, rubbing during a massage, and as a component of masks and compresses.

Before applying oil the skin should be thoroughly cleansed and steamed. To make a compress, moisten a piece of gauze with oil and wrap your chin, put a bandage on top and hold for an hour and a half. Then remove the compress and thoroughly wash off the oil with warm water and soap.

ATTENTION. If you're using a new product, first apply a small amount to your wrist or elbow to test your skin for an allergic reaction.


Created as a special tool to improve hair growth on the head, today it is also successfully used to activate beard growth. Among similar drugs "Rogaine", "Regain".

The action of such drugs is to dilate blood vessels and increase blood circulation. Among the minuses, possible side effects: from shortness of breath to the appearance of hair in other places.

If you decide to use a medication that stimulates beard growth, strictly follow the instructions, do not exceed the allowable dose, and it is best to first consult with a trichologist. Consulting a doctor will help you avoid allergic reactions or other side effects in the future.

Create beautiful vegetation from scratch

If you're ready to take on the challenge and hide the razor far away, you should be patient. Hair grows too fast only immediately after shaving, and then this process slows down and lasts unbearably long.

Growing a beard for the first time? Be prepared for the fact that for some time she will not look very attractive. Friends, colleagues, and even your girlfriend, at best, will obsessively hint that you looked younger, more solid and healthier when shaved, and give shaving foam for all holidays.

Don't give in: when your beard grows to the right length, you can impress them with a new look that they are sure to appreciate.

Another inconvenience: in the first 2-3 weeks, a growing beard will prick the skin and itch a lot. If the skin is sensitive, irritation may appear on the chin. A nourishing face cream or oil can alleviate your condition, but care products with alcohol are best avoided.

In a month, quite noticeable vegetation will already appear, and with it the desire to trim unevenly regrown hairs. Picking up scissors or a trimmer, you always have every chance to cut more than you need. So just temporarily leave everything as it is and look less in the mirror.

After 2-3 months, a really good beard should grow. You can already decide on the shape that best emphasizes facial features. Do not forget about care: regular washing, combing and styling will make the beard even more magnificent and neater.

If nothing helps

Before you start complaining that your beard doesn't want to grow, make sure that you are already 20-25 years old. As a rule, stubble on the face begins to appear at the age of 16-18, but the absence of hair even at the age of 20 is not a cause for concern. Maybe until it's just time and it's worth waiting a bit.

If you are already a completely adult uncle, and you didn’t have a beard, just in case, visit a doctor and take tests. This will help to exclude or, conversely, to identify and begin to treat possible health problems, for example, endocrinological diseases.

If the medical indicators are in order, it remains only to follow all the recommendations and observe the health regimen, eat well and rest. It is worth remembering that no matter how effective means and methods you use, you won’t be able to get a thick and beautiful beard in a week. It takes about 4 weeks for a small beard to appear on the face.

The vegetation on your face can be called a full-fledged beard in two to three months. So be patient. After all, it's worth it!

Growing a beard is an adventure. The difficulties that you will encounter along the way will be worth the result - a beautiful, well-groomed, thick beard. Just don't forget to keep taking care of her!

Ulysses Grant, Ernest Hemingway, Dr. Cornel West... the list is endless. All these men were united by one thing - a beard. If you are reading this article, you probably have a beard too. After reading this article, you will learn how to properly grow and care for a beard. Don't be afraid to go against the stereotypes and grow a beard.


Part 1

How to grow a beard

    Shave regularly until facial hair grows evenly. The worst way to grow a beard is to simply stop shaving, or not start shaving at all. If you do not follow this advice, then your face will show off a thin, unkempt and uneven beard, which will look very unsightly. If your facial hair isn't growing evenly, keep shaving regularly and be patient.

    To increase facial hair growth, you first need to increase your testosterone levels. If you're currently going through puberty, or if you're past puberty but your facial hair hasn't started growing, there are a few simple things you can do to boost your testosterone levels. Of course, you should not expect quick results, but they will certainly be.

    • Physical exercise. By exercising several times a week, you will help increase testosterone. Warm up for three minutes, then alternate exercises: 30 seconds - intense exercise, 90 seconds - moderate exercise. Do seven reps.
    • Increase your vitamin D levels in your body. You can either take supplements of this vitamin or get more sun exposure.
    • According to some recently published studies, the herb ashwagandha stimulates testosterone production in men. In addition, this herb is one of the most famous adaptogens. You can take the herb as a supplement.
  1. Take proper care of your skin. If you want to grow a beard, you need to take good care of your skin. Treat skin conditions such as rosacea, acne, or dry skin before you start growing a beard. Consult a dermatologist if you have similar concerns.

    • While you shave daily, visit a dermatologist. The dermatologist will prescribe the appropriate medication for you. Drink the medicine and take a break of one month before you start growing a beard.
    • Make sure your skin is well hydrated. This will help strengthen the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Use natural skin care products to keep your skin healthy.
  2. Start the process with a shave. Just as an artist begins to paint a picture from a blank canvas, start growing a beard from a blank face. Shave all facial hair clean. This will promote uniform hair growth.

    • Think about it, maybe you should shave at the barbershop. Clean-shaven skin will help you start the regrowth process with a clean slate.
    • After you shave your face, do nothing for about four weeks, just wash your face and take care of your skin.
  3. Be prepared for the fact that at the beginning of hair growth, the skin will itch. Unfortunately, many people refuse to have a beard because they cannot stand the unpleasant itch. You will experience itching for about four weeks before you get used to it.

    • Use a moisturizer or natural beard oil. These remedies will help reduce itching and dry skin. You can reduce itching and make growing a beard more enjoyable. This will be discussed in the third section of this article.
  4. Be patient. Each person's hair grows at a different rate, so it will take someone less time to grow a beard, but for someone it can be a real challenge. Therefore, be patient and wait - the result will not keep you waiting.

    • Some men grow their beard in two to three weeks, while others have to wait several months to see results.
  5. Grow your beard any time of the year. Contrary to popular belief that it is better to grow a beard in winter, many people start this process in summer and are satisfied with the results. In fact, a beard protects against ultraviolet rays, and is able to cool the skin in hot weather by absorbing sweat. However, itching is more difficult to tolerate in hot weather.

    • In addition, having a beard can benefit your health. For example, dust particles will settle on the beard, which will help to avoid asthma attacks and upper respiratory tract infections. Moreover, the beard is able to protect the face from cold weather and wind.

    Part 2

    Beard modeling
    1. Using a trimmer, trim your beard every 5-10 days. Once your beard has grown to your desired length, start trimming it to shape it. Most men trim their beards about once every two weeks or so, depending on the rate of hair growth and the shape of the beard.

      Use a trimmer. While you can use scissors to shorten your beard, an electric trimmer or hair clipper is your best bet. The main difference between a trimmer and a machine is its size.

      • Use the trimmer for short beards or for the first few months. Also, if you have a thick beard, get the right trimmer.
      • When using a trimmer for the first time, many make the same mistake of shaving too much. Before using the trimmer, carefully study how it works.
    2. Choose the shape that suits your face type. There are many types of beards, but your choice will depend primarily on your face type and personal preferences. If you feel like a certain beard shape suits you, try experimenting. If you have full cheeks, then the edges of the beard should be shorter. If you have a narrow face, you can grow your beard a little longer to make your face look wider.

      • Decide on the line on the cheek. Decide how high your beard will start at cheek level. Many people leave the natural start line of the beard, but if this line reaches your cheekbones, then you should shave off the top.
    3. If possible, get a trimmer that has a switch to change the length of the hair cut. In addition, most modern devices are equipped with interchangeable nozzles. They provide an even haircut, and also allow you to choose the length of the hair - no one wants to cut off the excess. Thanks to this, you can evenly cut your hair along the lines of the cheeks, neck and chin.

      Experiment. If you want to become the owner of an unusual beard shape, you can choose what will suit your preferences. Try one of the following styles:

Growing a beard is a very complex and lengthy process. But this applies only to a thick, long and regular shape. There are exceptions when a man loves a perfectly shaved face, and hair climbs after a couple of minutes after shaving. But basically, to have a really attractive appearance, you need to make a lot of effort and, be patient. In our article, we will tell you how to grow a beard, what means to use for rapid growth, and how to choose the shape that suits you.

No brutality? Don't worry - let's grow!

How many of you have had a situation when you come to the cinema with your girlfriend (she even at home in front of the TV) watch some action, action movie or even a cult TV series "Game of Thrones" and notice a loving female look towards the protagonist? Come on, strain your brains (we are sure that there are a lot of them) and remember what the characters look like? We can bet that 70 percent of them have a beard or at least stubble.

Tom Hardy, Gerard Butler, Kit Harington, and the same football players, for example, David Beckham. And you can’t say that they are simply too lazy to shave. Of course, there are exceptions, and even world celebrities have “three hairs in seven rows”, but this is an extremely rare occurrence. Usually, especially if it is required for the role, the actors turn to barbers who care for, moisturize, nourish and even comb the growing beard.

But what should ordinary mortals do who want to at least look like the vegetation of those guys from whom all the girls in the country go crazy? So, sit back, grab some popcorn, joke (though?), notepad, and write it down. Further information is very important and if you follow all our recommendations, then soon everyone will envy your brutality.

Where to begin?

Let's immediately agree that we are not striving for the image of Robinson Crusoe. Otherwise, just drive to a desert island and she will appear by itself. The truth is far from perfect. Our task is to be attractive (although each has its own reasons, we will not go into depth).

We want to warn you right away, if you are a young man (from 14-16 years old) do not rush to become overgrown. First, you still have time. Enjoy youth. Secondly, you simply won't be able to do it. The hormonal background at this age is not yet stable and the hairs will grow unevenly, which will create a sloppy and sometimes strange look. Be patient for a couple of years, shave with a regular razor (it cuts the hair, but does not touch the root) and over time you yourself will notice when the bristles are thicker and more uniform. Then proceed to the next steps.

What suits me?

Ask yourself this very question to understand what to strive for. Far from everyone is goatee or bretta (we'll talk about the types below). But also keep in mind that not every job is allowed to wear a beard of any shape. Check this in advance so as not to waste time in vain.

To accurately have an idea of ​​your future appearance, contact the barbershop. Just read the reviews about it, otherwise amateurs can experiment, spend time, but don’t suggest anything sensible. The same advice applies to the long-awaited shaping, when sufficient length has grown - the inexperienced can demolish your labors. Well, the pros will select the ideal option, starting from the shape of the skull.

By the way, many barbershops use a special program (you can download it yourself) where different options are applied to your face. Thus, you can visualize your future appearance.

face shape

  • Oval. It is recommended to focus on width and density. This way you smooth out the angularity. But if the face is elongated, then it is worth abandoning the long and wedge-shaped shape.
  • Wide cheekbones. The dream of many, since there is enough three-day stubble and brutality is already provided.
  • Round. Forget sideburns and round edges. Notice the trapezium or square edges.
  • triangular. We do not recommend a sharp end. It is better to grow a square, trapezoidal, and medium length.

By the way, about the length - take into account everything, even your complexion. We don’t want to upset anyone, let alone offend, but believe me, a short guy, but with a long, thick beard (albeit super-groomed) will not look attractive, but funny.

Popular types:

  • short and medium bristles;
  • short and wide up to 5 cm;
  • classical.;
  • duck tail;
  • French fork;
  • round;
  • bretta;
  • verdi;
  • garibaldi;
  • old Dutchman;
  • Eric Bandhold style;
  • goatee;
  • goatee;
  • pencil beard;
  • captain;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Napoleon 3;
  • anchor beard;
  • balbo;
  • wide tanks;
  • fused wide tanks.

Has the image been rendered? Now let's get down to the process itself.

Forget about trimmers, razors and blades

Well, at least for the first time. For a month, don't even look in your shaving cabinet. Even if it itchs. And it will definitely itch, because the ends of the hair are sharp, and after a couple of weeks they begin to bend and prick the skin. The neck is usually the most itchy, due to frequent movement. Avoid wearing a scarf as it can only make the discomfort worse. Several exits:

  • tolerate. Stand near the mirror and say to yourself: “I am a man, I can!!!”. But whom do we deceive, no one can resist;
  • you stoically held on, but are already ready to give up. A moisturizer or oils come to the rescue.

Do not use alcohol-based products, even if they relieve itching for a couple of seconds. Alcohol will exacerbate the situation because it will dry out the skin.

A month later, when the cherished, albeit small, vegetation is already visible, you can start modeling. We recommend that you contact the barbershop for the first time. They will do professional work there, and you will leave a completely different person. Then it will be enough just to maintain the given direction and trim the regrown places. You can do modeling at home. But it’s only better to do it with a straight razor or a trimmer. To shorten individual sections, you can use scissors.

But if your goal is to overgrow wherever possible, then you will have to wait and not touch anything. Even if the hairs grow unevenly (and this happens quite often). Many trim single processes, but where is the guarantee that the hand will not tremble and you will not remove the excess. So brace yourself and wait for the untidiness to be replaced by brutality.

Buy hair. Only necessarily from natural ingredients. Consult with the seller, who will give advice specifically in your case. In general, read our other article, where we describe the various oils and their effect on growth, density, silkiness and much more.

When the vegetation is significant (2 months), you need to trim it regularly with scissors. Use a small, straight comb to help. Remember that the usual comb of the wife or girl will not work. Do not save on such trifles - buy your own. So you can cut your hair in a straight line and give a neat look.


Now is the time to groom your beard the way it deserves. And don't be shy about it, it's not just women who need skin care.

For example, if you scrub your face or ground coffee, and then apply a hair growth product, it will absorb better and begin to act faster. And it happens due to the fact that the keratinized layer of the skin is removed due to the scrub.

Remember to cleanse your skin daily. Wash your face and wash your beard. But again, don't take your wife's shampoo. They are not designed for this purpose and will make them unnecessarily fluffy. Periodically rinse it with decoctions of chamomile or sage, so they are saturated with useful substances and become more pliable.

For rapid growth, use castor or burdock oil, for care and softening - olive, almond, coconut, linseed. If you add essential oils to your daily care, then in addition to useful properties, you will smell good and take a course of aromatherapy. And this is reassuring.

Advice. Before applying the oil, thoroughly steam the skin of the face and hair. So useful substances will penetrate deep through the opened follicles.

By the way, do not neglect styling products - wax, foam or gel. Especially if your hair is more than three months old, because it becomes naughty and curly.

Why is it still not growing?

For several months, you did everything right, looked after, moisturized, nourished with various means for growth, but the long-awaited shaggy hair is still missing? What is the reason?


    Like it or not, but it plays an important role in human life. It all depends on the gene that is in your family. And if no one in the family has thick hair, then you probably won’t either. In some peoples, hair grows only on the chin, or with bald spots. Only hair follicle transplantation can help. But think about whether you really want to make such sacrifices for the sake of image.

    Health status

    It's much easier here. First of all, remember what is bothering you? can skin rashes, stomach ache, teeth ache and so on. Consult doctors (therapist, dermatologist and others) and take tests. Chronic diseases or vitamin deficiencies adversely affect human health in general.


    If you regularly experience stress, do not get enough sleep, problems at work or in your personal life, and so on, then most likely this is precisely what caused growth to stop.

    Rest, take a vacation, meditate, in extreme cases, quit your job - if it makes you feel that way. This will definitely start a good reaction in the body.

    Among other things, limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages, stop smoking, eat healthy food. Include in your diet red and sea fish, nuts, cereals, meat, dairy products, vegetables.

    Go in for sports. This will increase testosterone levels, which you are likely to be deficient in.

How to grow a beard? From time immemorial, the beard has been an integral attribute of the male face, symbolizing strength and masculinity.

In contact with

In Russia, she adorned every married man and was a sign of a certain social status. To have a beardless face was considered the height of indecency. That is why the reforms of the time of Peter the Great, concerning the shaving of facial hair, stumbled upon stubborn resistance from both the noble classes and the common people.

Nowadays, the beard is no longer associated with belonging to any class and has only a decorative purpose. In some cases (if the owner of the beard has chosen its especially original configuration), it may indicate his original nature.

How to start growing a beard

If the decision to let go of the beard is made, you need to set yourself up for the fact that the process of growing it will take a lot of time and at the first stage will be associated with a number of inconveniences.

How to grow a beard?

  • The first step is no shaving.

You will have to forget about the existence of a razor for at least a month (or better, one and a half). After waiting this time, they determine exactly what type of facial hair a man has.

The fact is that the hair on the faces of different men grows differently: for some, the process of growing ends with the appearance of a thick and luxurious beard, for others, the hair grows in tufts, and the attempts of the third do not end with any result at all.

For some teenagers, a beard appears already at the age of 16, while for someone it does not grow even at 40. The reason for this is genetics. Having learned what type of vegetation nature has endowed him with, a man can choose the appropriate shape of a beard, but this is a conversation yet to come.

  • Letting go of the beard, no way do not rush to correct its shape even if a man dreams of a small beard. By accidentally removing extra hairs, he risks nullifying all his efforts. It is better to show truly Nordic stamina and wait until the facial hair reaches a certain length.
  • After that, you can begin to choose the shape of the future beard and outline the line of the neck.

How to choose a beard shape?

Choosing a beard depending on the shape of the face

How to determine the lower limit of beard growth?

In order for the beard to decorate its owner, and not give him the wild appearance of an aborigine overgrown with shaggy hair, it is necessary to determine the line that it should not cross.

The most acceptable option is the lower border, passing just above the Adam's apple.

How to speed up beard growth?

How to quickly grow a beautiful beard?

  • Proper nutrition- the key to the successful growth of any hair, including those that make up the beard. A valuable source of natural proteins (of which hair is mainly composed) are fatty fish, chicken and beef.
  • Saturated fats, found in eggs, nuts and fish, are very important for a lush beard, as their presence in the diet helps to increase the level of the main male hormone - testosterone.

Including green spinach and kale in your daily diet, which promote the conversion of female estrogens, will also keep testosterone levels at the proper level.

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally - Tips Video:

Calcium, which is an important component of all dairy products, is essential for hair health, so you can eat them as much as you like.

  • The use of multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements(a type of biotin) is an excellent hair growth stimulus. No less effective are vitamin supplements, including the content of beta-carotene, a complex of vitamins of group B, nettle and linseed oil.

Excellent hair growth accelerators are fish oil and a number of trace elements (zinc, phosphorus and selenium). When purchasing vitamin supplements, you need to pay attention to the presence of these substances in their composition. Rapid hair growth stimulants are vitamins A and E, which are included in the formulation of the drug Aevit.

When caring for a beard, it is advisable to use a special shampoo to wash it, which stimulates hair growth. The basis of such stimulation is the action of vitamin supplements that are included in its formulation and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair follicles and hair structure.

  • The use of nourishing masks will help strengthen the hair roots. By adding a small amount of mustard powder to a simple shampoo for washing hair, the beard is soaked with the resulting composition and kept for about half an hour, after which it is thoroughly rinsed with warm water. Men with very sensitive skin can use a mustard oil mask. To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of mustard powder. After mixing the components, the mixture is applied to the beard for twenty minutes.

Mask for beard growth - video:

  • An excellent hair growth accelerator and skin moisturizer is burdock oil.. After adding a few drops of vitamins A and E to it, the healing composition is rubbed into the beard and kept for at least 40 minutes. After completing the procedure, thoroughly wash the hair with plenty of warm water and shampoo. Since the oil does not wash off well, you will have to wash your beard several times.

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 7 minutes


The beard is a symbol of masculinity and power. Many men want to learn how to grow a beard at home and what to do if the beard is not growing. It is not surprising, because the image of a man thanks to a beard looks more brutal, courageous and individual.

Many want to decorate the look with this decoration and try to accelerate the growth of the beard. At the same time, those who know consider the issue of high-speed beard growth to be wrong, since such an approach is fraught with regression. They do not recommend rushing nature, but only stimulating it through folk and pharmacy remedies.

For a luxurious beard to appear on your face, you will need to wait a bit. Let's talk about the correct growth of facial hair.

Why is the beard not growing?

Many people want to have a thick beautiful beard, but not every man boasts of dense facial hair. The answer to the question why the beard does not grow is of interest not only to young people, but also to some mature men. Consider the main reasons for this "anomaly".

  • Genetics. If there are no men with a thick beard in the family, the likelihood that the younger generation will have it is minimal.
  • Age. The moment of appearance of facial hair for each man is individual. In one person, the active growth of bristles begins at the age of 15, and in another - after 20. This is a natural phenomenon.
  • Endocrine disorders . Testosterone is responsible for facial hair growth. Often modest vegetation signals violations in the endocrine system.
  • Ethnicity . The presence of facial hair for men of a number of nationalities is not typical. These are Eskimos and Chukchi.
  • Oncological diseases, avitaminosis . Health problems often lead to hair loss, slowing down or completely stopping the growth of bristles.

Some causes cannot be eliminated. We are talking about nationality, heredity and age. But even in this case, you can get a beard through hormonal drugs or hair transplant surgery. Some men are rescued by traditional medicine. If the problem is caused by a disease, the solution comes down to treatment.

What to do if the beard does not grow

The era of men with a smooth face is behind us. Today, representatives of the stronger sex prefer a slightly rough and daring image, an integral element of which is a beard. If you decide to join the league of bearded men, you will need lush and well-groomed facial hair. How to solve the problem at home will be discussed in this part of the material.

  • Nutrition. A balanced diet is considered the most easily accessible and uncomplicated way. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They provide the body with vitamin C and pectin. Useful and protein foods, supplemented by plenty of drink. Minimize the consumption of sweets and convenience foods.
  • Proper skin care . The growth rate and density of facial hair depends on the condition of the skin. For example, redness or flaking slows down the appearance of stubble. Moisturize your skin regularly and nourish with vitamins. Visit a beautician or make cosmetic masks yourself. The growth of the beard will also be accelerated by regular steam treatment of the skin. Go to the sauna more often.
  • Life without stress . Stressful situations inhibit the growth of facial hair, make it fragile and brittle. Strengthen your spirit with sports and breathing exercises. A good night's sleep can help you deal with stress. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. This is enough for the body to relax and recover.
  • Hormonal balance . A common cause of facial hair loss is a lack of testosterone. Only a doctor can solve hormonal problems. At home, it is really possible to slightly increase the level of the hormone. This will help sports and high sexual activity.
  • Fight bad habits . There is no doubt that the effect of nicotine and alcohol on the body is negative. Nicotine does not affect the hair follicles, however, it impairs the functioning of the circulatory system, which adversely affects the nutrition of the hair follicles. At the same time, alcohol reduces hair regeneration and promotes hair loss. If you dream of a beautiful beard, stop drinking and give up cigarettes.

As you can see, the solution to the problem comes down to a healthy lifestyle in an environment protected from stress and depression. Additionally, this approach provides a complete recovery of the body.

How to grow a beard for a teenager and an adult man

The first acquaintance of guys with facial hair occurs at the age of 14-16 years. Hair grows unevenly, and attempts to get a beautiful beard often end in failure. This is not due to improper care or genetic abnormalities, but to young age.

Doctors say that the preparation of the male body for this decoration is completely completed by 20 years after the end of the transition period. By this time, the level of hormones that affect the growth of vegetation has stabilized.

Even if, due to heredity, the hair on the visible parts of the body grows actively, I do not recommend growing a beard or mustache at the age of 15. Agree, the appearance of the child does not fit well with the dense facial hair, and the image is more like a caricature than a real man. Therefore, before accelerating the growth of a beard, think. I advise you to wait for full maturation.

As for mature men, everything is different here and the lack of facial hair often becomes a problem. It is to them that I recommend studying the material, which describes the technique of growing a beard using folk and pharmacy remedies at home.

Folk remedies

In humans, the hair follicle system works differently. Lack of hormones often leads to impaired hair growth on the head and face. Fortunately, there are folk remedies that stimulate hair growth. Consider time-tested options that involve the use of oils and natural ingredients.

  1. Burr oil . Improves hair growth, stimulates blood circulation and has a positive effect on complexion. Apply the oil on your face, wait 15 minutes and wash off with soap. Apply burdock oil three times a week.
  2. Castor oil . Saturates the hair follicles with keratin, which accelerates hair growth. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine it with burdock oil. Apply daily.
  3. Tar soap . There are many useful properties that contribute to the growth of a beard, and the main advantage is low cost. The disadvantage is an unpleasant odor. Tar soap is also recommended for skin treatment for frostbite and insect bites.
  4. Mask on cognac . The product, consisting of natural ingredients, accelerates the growth of the beard in the problem area and significantly improves the condition of the bristles. To prepare a spoonful of thistle oil, mix with five drops of tocopherol and a small spoonful of cognac.
  5. mustard mask . As in the case with the previous version of the mask, it is prepared from natural ingredients. Mix honey, kefir and mustard powder in equal amounts and apply on the face.

Vitamin complexes paired with folk remedies provide amazing results, but only if there is no stress. I have already said that stress negatively affects human health and contributes to slow hair growth and hair loss.

medical supplies

Representatives of the stronger sex are trying in every possible way to grow dense vegetation on their faces. No wonder, because a mustache, along with a luxurious beard, is on the list of the best natural jewelry. And if some men have no problems with beard growth, others stimulate the growth of vegetation with the help of medical means. What does medicine offer?

  1. Finasteride. Available in tablets, the remedy stimulates the growth of hair on the head, but some men use it to solve the problem with a sparse beard. The drug is considered one of the best, because it increases the level of testosterone, which is responsible for the density of the bristles. Sold by prescription. Take once a day at the time set by the doctor.
  2. Minoxidil. Another popular medicine used by men. Available in oral and topical form. The drug has a positive effect on blood circulation in the hair follicles. According to the principle of action, it is similar to the male hormones androgens. It is used externally or taken orally.
  3. hormone therapy . No less effective than the drugs considered. Testosterone injections help solve many male problems. Hormone therapy is prescribed by a doctor only after a preliminary examination and testing.

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If you plan to accelerate the growth of a beard through pharmaceutical preparations, be sure to consult a doctor before using. He will select the best medicine and determine the dosage.

Perhaps the doctor will find a solution to the problem without the use of medicines, which is only good for health.

How to Speed ​​Up Beard Growth with Minoxidil

For men who dream of a thick and uniform stubble, I recommend taking a closer look at Minoxidil. Regular use will help to get a chic beard.

At first, Minoxidil was used to combat baldness. Later they began to use it to activate the growth of bristles on the face. The result was excellent. Minoxidil is considered the most effective remedy, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of men who have tried the drug in practice.

The effect of the use of Minoxidil appears after 4 months with daily use. If you do not follow the instructions, the result appears later.

The drug provides a vasodilating effect, as a result, blood circulation improves in the subcutaneous layers, which improves the nutrition of the hair follicles. Prolonged use starts the process of hair development. As a result, the beard grows more intensively.

Instructions for use and contraindications

Minoxidil is designed to combat baldness, but it is also great for accelerating beard growth. Sold in the form of tablets or solution with different concentrations of the active substance.

The drug in tablets is used in the treatment of arterial hypertension. The duration of the course of treatment and dosage is determined by the doctor. As for the solution, it is applied externally twice a day in the morning and evening. The product is applied to the problem area, gently rubbing with the tip of the dispenser. Washing is allowed after the solution has completely dried. The duration of treatment depends on the effectiveness of the action and individual tolerance.

Often, irritation or redness of the skin appears at the point of rubbing the drug. In this case, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. If side effects appear, including swelling of the extremities, dizziness, decreased pressure, rapid weight gain, stop taking.

According to reviews, a 5% drug is more effective than a 2% analogue, but an increased concentration of the active substance in Minoxidil increases the likelihood of side effects. More concentrated solutions are also sold, in which up to 15% of the volume falls to the share of the active substance.

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Analogues of Minoxidil

Pharmacology also offers other drugs that are similar in composition and principle of action to Minoxidil. No one has done much research on their use. Therefore, information on direct action and side effects is not available. Let's consider analogues.

  • Aminexil. The creation of the company L'Oreal in chemical composition strongly resembles Minoxidil, but is characterized by a less pronounced stimulating property. Used for mild baldness.
  • Nanoxidil. The creator and owner of the patent is the American company DS Laboratories. It is used to combat baldness if the patient has intolerance to Minoxidil.
  • Minoxidin. According to the principle of action and composition, it practically does not differ from Minoxidil. In other countries, they are released under different names. In Ukraine it is MinoX, and in Italy it is Revivexil.

And this is an incomplete list of analogues. There are a lot of medicines, it is problematic to choose the right one. It would be better if you see a doctor. After conducting an examination and questioning, he will make a diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment that will provide a quick result.