The script of the holiday of St. Nicholas in winter. Spring entertainment on Nikolin's day (May 22) for children of the older group. Scenario. ALL. Peace be with you and advice for a long time

In December, on the 19th, a bright and clean holiday comes to the house, which the kids love very much - St. Nicholas Day.
This scenario is not a standard morning for kindergarten or school.
I want to offer a real home holiday performance, designed for a small number of participants.

Firstly, don't get away with only gifts - give your children a piece of fairy tale and magic.
Secondly, stay with them this evening: your attention is a huge value, and no store purchases can replace communication.
Thirdly, teach children Kindness, Mercy, Compassion. Our world is being transformed, values ​​are changing, but something invariably remains eternal.

How to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day at home

Decorate your home to create a festive atmosphere. It doesn't have to be something big and expensive. You can make all the decorations yourself: hang paper garlands, hang paper angels from the chandelier, place bright socks near the window or on the door of the room.
Part of the entourage can be done with the children in advance: this one will not take much time. Moreover, you can take most of the crafts from :).

To hold the holiday, you will need an impromptu stage for a puppet theater, cardboard puppets, pre-prepared paper templates cut into pieces of a picture, a basket or boots that can be easily replaced with other things.
I prepared all the paraphernalia for the evening. All you have to do is take the pictures, print them, stick them on cardboard and use them. Well, or if you like to do everything yourself, just take the ideas.
I recommend holding a holiday for children on the eve of St. Nicholas Day, December 18th. You, the parents, or, if you have children of different ages, older brothers or sisters can become the leaders.
Today we have a wonderful story. Therefore, we boldly go to meet her.

Holiday script for St. Nicholas Day


The sky is covered with stars
And, having passed one hundred and five roads,
Relieved from fatigue
The evening sat on our doorstep ...

Weary Evening wondrous,
But he doesn't want to hang his nose:
He is from ancient times
He brought a wonderful story.


Were all wise men waiting for me? I was in a hurry here, in a hurry, I wore out my boots, but I was not late! Because I know: all children love fairy tales. Look how big my bag is. (shows bag). I always wander around the world, I carry my bag over my shoulders, but I collect not things, but different stories. So today I have a very interesting story for you.
And who knows that tomorrow such a wonderful day will come?

(children say that St. Nicholas Day).

Right! Probably waiting for gifts from grandfather Nikolai?

(children say they are tired of waiting).

Every morning on the day of December 19, putting your hand under a pillow or a curious nose in a boot, you find different gifts. This is Nikolai Ugodnik, while you were sleeping, he quietly came and for obeying, studying well, showing kindness, left small gifts.
But where did this good tradition come from?

(grabs the bag, rolls his eyes, pretends that someone is pushing him)

Oh, my bag jumps, says that I'm talking: the story of St. Nicholas is asking to be released. Let me release it, and you listen.

Evening comes behind an impromptu stage, rummages in a bag, takes out dolls.

Puppet theater "History of St. Nicholas"

A story is being told and accompanied by a demonstration of puppets

Long ago, many centuries ago, there lived a husband and wife.

(Showing husband and wife dolls)

And everything was fine with them: prosperity, money, respect. And they lived well, kindly: they did not quarrel with anyone, helped the poor, went to church.
Only one sadness: they did not have children. They asked God for mercy, prayed fervently. The years passed, and the children's laughter did not sound in the house.
But they did not become angry and envious because of this, they did not fall into despair, but continued to pray to God. And for the fact that they did not stop believing in a miracle, remained kind, God gave them a son, Nikolai, in their old age.


Nikolai grew up as a good, obedient boy, but early on he lost his mother and father. Therefore, for most of his life he did not know parental warmth.
He did not know the need for anything: his parents left him all their wealth as an inheritance.
Three sisters lived next door to Nikolai - beautiful, hardworking girls.

And somehow Nikolay heard the neighbors talking that these girls could not get married. No one wanted to marry homeless women.
- How so? Nikolay thought. - I live well, I have everything, and people suffer nearby! Why do I need so much wealth alone when someone cannot be happy?
Late at night, when the whole city was sleeping and dreaming, Nikolai made his way to the house where the girls lived and threw three bags of gold into the chimney.

A fireplace was burning up to the house, and stockings were drying near it, which the girls had washed in the evening. And the money fell right into the stockings!

The sisters woke up in the morning and gasped: each in a stocking found a dowry, which was enough to get married and live happily.
Every day they rejoiced at this miracle and thanked the one who performed it.
But the miracles didn't end there. The city froze in anticipation: every night someone received what they really needed. Sick people - medicines, widows - help and warm clothes, poor kids - toys and food.
For a very long time, Nikolai managed to remain an invisible assistant. He did good deeds and did not expect anyone to praise him. But people really wanted to know the name of the Miracle Worker, who helped and gave joy, a miracle, help to their neighbor.
Nikolai lived a long life full of different, not always good events. But in any situation, he remained himself: kind, patient, merciful. And for this, people loved him, and when Nikolai left this world, they canonized him as a saint.
The people call him that - Nicholas the Wonderworker, and people believe that he patronizes the poor and travelers, sailors at sea, and to this day performs miracles.
Nicholas walks around the world and does good. And next to him are the Angels-helpers.

Angels know about everything in the world. And they tell Nikolai about good, obedient children who must definitely receive gifts ....

Tomorrow the holiday comes -
The angels are already singing.
On Saint Nicholas Day
All kids are waiting for a miracle.
So that Good enters our house,
Let's call Nicholas!


Good story you told, Evening. Now rest, drink some tea, and for now we will prepare for the arrival of Nikolai.
Now we will see who our best artist is!

Competition "Draw a portrait of Nikolai"

(patterns of the contour of the face of St. Nicholas are distributed, pencils and felt-tip pens are given to the children. The children must draw the face of the Wonderworker).

Oh, what beautiful portraits we got. Let's hang them on the wall, let Nikolay look in and understand: talented children live in this house, and they definitely need to leave a present!

Oh, I forgot, I forgot, I forgot! There was a carrot lying around in my bag. Do you know what it is for?
Grandfather Nikolai rides a donkey. And so that the donkey does not miss our house, stops, you need to leave him carrots. Well, let's see who brings more carrots for the donkey?

Contest "Carrot for a donkey"

I offer several options for this competition. If there is enough space in the room, it can be a competition for speed: children carry carrots in baskets or boots (each contestant must have his own “container” for filling).

Two paper tapes are laid out on the floor, from the start to the "capacity". You need to go along the tape, without going to the side, and deliver a carrot for the donkey. A roll for pasting windows is well suited for the role of tape.
For kids, this is the right way. If the children are older, you can complicate the task and make a curve with turns. There is a certain amount of time for the competition. For example, five minutes. Make a lot of carrots, it's better to have extra than not enough.
The tape can be replaced with other types of movements, for example, reaching the basket on all fours or crawling in a plastunsky way. Or back to front. Lots of options.
If there is not enough space in the apartment, replace the active game with the work of the brain: the child who guesses the most riddles will take the carrot to the basket. I will offer several options for riddles of my own composition, but you can safely use any riddles about winter, animals, weather phenomena.
If you have one child, and you didn’t think of inviting the neighbor’s kids, then you will have to participate in the competition too :).

He has no legs, but he keeps walking.
White and fluffy, but not a cat at all.
He knows how to fall, but not a man.
It is wintry, clean and cold…. (snow).
Who is knocking on our window?
Look, no one is there.
Knows everything in the world
Playful ... (wind)

Wear a white coat over your shoulders
And she boldly walks the planet.
Friendly with frost and snow
Mistress, queen ... (winter)

She has a green outfit.
Everyone is in love with her in winter.
Ah, how the needles prick
At an elegant, lush ... (Christmas tree).

He loves surprises
And he does not tolerate whims.
He is handsome and bright
Festive… (gift)

Spinning, howling, laughing
And he wants to catch his nets
Insidious wind friend
Cold, winter ... (blizzard).

Dancing graceful tango
In their elegant outfits,
Circle without end, without a hitch
In the frosty cold ... (snowflakes)

Ah, what a great job! Now the donkey will never pass by. So many carrots now! Take with him on the road in reserve.
In the meantime, he wanders through the streets, let's put the picture together and see if we can decorate the house for the arrival of Nicholas with a good drawing!

Competition "Fold puzzles - please Nikolai"

Children are given identical pictures and puzzles cut to them. You need to fold the picture. Who is faster - he won. But all children need to be rewarded for their efforts. It can be pleasant little things: a colored marker, a key chain, a pen, a pencil, a set of colored paper: the options are endless.

If the children are older, take a more complicated picture. If kids - take a picture with a small number of puzzles.


What beautiful pictures we have! Oh, it's good with you, but it's time for me to go on my way. My time is running out. The mistress-night will come soon. But do not worry: the morning will come and bring with it miracles and surprises from grandfather Nikolai.
This day only happens once a year. But for the whole year, do not forget that being kind and good is great. When you smile and rejoice, everything will definitely work out for you. And no one likes capricious, inflated and evil people. And especially kids.
Be like Saint Nicholas. Always help mom and dad, grandparents, friends and those who need care. Kindness is attracted to those who do good deeds, and it is sure to return to us again and again.

I'm leaving to return tomorrow:
Only the sun will sit behind a cloud -
I'll knock on you again at the window,
Do not forget to touch the Good!

The evening can be ended with a warm homemade feast. Treat the kids and let St. Nicholas Day bring miracles to your home.
I wish you well!

Entertainment on "Nikolin's Day" (May 22), festive leisure for children of senior preschool age 6-7 years old.

Solovieva E.A., musical director of GBDOU No. 3 kindergarten "Andreika", St. Petersburg.
Target: Teach children comic folk entertainment.
to form children's ideas about folk holidays.
develop interest in folk poetry (riddles, ditties, nursery rhymes, jokes, etc.);
develop artistry and individuality;
develop speech, memory, imagination of children.
instill love and interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people, introducing them to the origins of Russian culture;
to cultivate intelligence, artistry, friendly qualities, a culture of communication.
Materials and equipment: The hall is decorated in folk style. The script includes Russian folk games, nursery rhymes, fun.
The course of the holiday.
Children in Russian folk costumes enter to the music and line up in pairs in a semicircle.
Leading: We invite you to the holiday and start dancing!

Folk dance.

After the dance, the children sit on chairs.
Leading: Today - May 22 - St. Nicholas Day, the day of memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is also called Nikola Veshny, that is, spring. This is one of the most revered saints in Russia. The folk calendar distinguishes two days dedicated to St. Nicholas the Pleasant: Winter Nikola - December 19, and Spring Nikola - May 22. Both Nikolas set the weather. "Nikola Veshny - with warmth, Nikola Zimny ​​- with frost." For a long time, on this warm spring day in villages and villages, it was customary to get together, sing songs, dance round dances, joke merrily, and not quarrel! We will meet this day today, as we met it before in Russia! Let's have fun playing, remember St. Nicholas with goodness!

Comes Skomorokh.
buffoon: Gather people, joy awaits everyone today!
Funny, dancing, jokes, funny jokes!
Leading: Guys, do you like to guess riddles? Try to guess what it is?
1. Worn by women, old women,
Little girls wear
To the corner corner
Complicated colorful ... (shawl)!
2. He is like a round saucepan,
He is dirty, not clean,
Where is the coal in the oven?
Cook porridge ... (cast iron)!
3. Masha and Antoshka are dancing
Under the cheerful (accordion)!
4. Hair your friend-
Long-toothed ... (scallop)!
5. Girlfriends love
With poppy seeds bagels and (drying)!
6. He will play along with me in ditties,
Though not an accordion.
Dive into soup at dinner
Painted ... (spoon)!
Leading: I invite spooners to the holiday without any fuss! You do not sleep, do not yawn, play on spoons for us!

Spoon game.
Children sit on chairs.
Tanya and Vanya are sitting
Looking in all directions!
(two children, a girl and a boy, go out and sit on a bench)
"Tanya": Let's play, fool around, let's have fun for all the guys!
"Vania": Yegorka sat down, ate all the rolls,
He put the bowl, he didn't leave us!
"Tanya": Our Ksyusha is thin,
Like a wild straw.
And he puts on shoes,
How the bubble inflates.
"Vania": Earring-sandal,
drags a basket,
Runs across the field -
Dust is flying!
"Tanya": Our cat jumped out the window, sat on a bump, ate a mosquito!
"Vania": The goat took a walk in the morning, got into a fight with a horse in the yard! Ate a bunch of cabbage
and said: "How delicious!"
"Tanya": The frog jumped and jumped, and fell into the swamp!
One of the children gets up, approaches them:
Hey you teasers
Bar of soap in mouth.
Stop cursing
Let's play!
Leading: The sun is rising, the game is on! Let's choose Yashka, the red shirt! (counts children): A bear with pies is sitting behind the glass doors, hello, my little friend, how much does a pie cost? A pie costs three, but you will drive! (the chosen child is Yashka, he is blindfolded, they give him a basket).
Leading: Yashka walked around the fair, bought a pie! Yashenka, do not yawn, play fun with us!

Game "Yashka":
Yashka sits in the center, the children walk in a circle and sing.
Sit, sit, Yashka,
Red shirt.
What's in the basket? Yashka: Pie!
Get up, our Yashechka, my friend!
Tren-tren-ti-ri-ri, (“they play the balalaika”) Catch us as soon as possible!
Yashka catches children. Whoever he catches by the hand, he stops, turns to "Yashka" and says to him: "Yashka, my friend, give me your pie!" Yashka should answer: “Eat, my friend! On health!
The game is played as many times as necessary according to the needs of the children (4-5-6 times). When you need to finish, the host will say: Yashka fed everyone, but forgot about the cat! Run home, everything is with you! (all children run to the chairs)
Leading: Hey, laughter girls and well done guys, sing ditties, have fun from the heart!
1. Look at the guys
Everyone is sitting on benches!
Ate delicious porridge
And they barely laugh!
Chorus: (all children sing it)
Ash-you, Ash-you
You speak the truth! (2 times)
2. And the guys in the yard
Have fun in the game!
So they painted themselves, - Even mothers did not recognize!
Chorus: ......
3. I'm not afraid of dogs
I'm not afraid of quarrels and fights!
I am the strongest hero
Everyone bypasses!
Chorus: ........
4. I played the pipe,
And lost the beep!
A mare found it for me
But accidentally crushed!
5. We love to sing and dance,
To amuse everyone in the world! Here the ditties end, And who listened - well done! (children who sang ditties bow and sit down)
Leading: Stop sleeping, it's time to play again! (counts children): A laborer walked along the steep mountains, tore out the grass, put it on the bench, whoever takes the grass will go out! The child, chosen by the counting rhyme, wears a raven cap.

Raven game(Russian folk melody).

Leading: Played and got tired! And now let's have a rest and tell nursery rhymes!
After each nursery rhyme, the leader hits the spoons or plays 1 time on the rattle.
Nursery rhymes:
1st nursery rhyme (two children).
- Was there a shoemaker?
- Was.
- Did you sew boots?
- Shil.
Who are the boots for?
- For the neighbor's cat!
2nd nursery rhyme (one child).
The cat baked pies
From pea flour.
Took a leaf out of the oven
Dropped to the floor.
3rd nursery rhyme (two children).
Gingerbread man rolled
Directly to the mouse under the threshold.
Mouse Praskovya
Squeaks from the underground:
- Roll, kolobok,
On a mouse tooth!
The mouse is happy
And the cat - annoyance!
Leading: Who will be the cat? Let's count a little! (approaches parents and counts them, choosing "cat"): The cat went to the market, the cat bought a pie, the cat went to the street, the cat bought a bun, should I eat it myself, or should I take it to the cat? I'll take a bite myself, I'll take it to the kitty! (selected parent becomes "cat" and exits to play)

Game "Cat and Mouse" (together with parents)

Leading: Well played, but it's time to relax! Hurry, friends, take your seats!
(children sit on chairs) Leading: This joke is familiar to everyone: about Foma and Yeryoma!
Two children come out. They “play” the balalaikas “The moon shines”, sit down on a bench.
1st: I am Erema!
2nd: I am Thomas!
Yerema: Move over!
Thomas: No, move over!
Yerema: Foma is harmful,
copper voice,
Himself with a pitcher
Head with arshin (laughs)
Thomas: Aha! You love a joke on Thomas,
So love yourself!
They lifted Yeryoma, they tore their stomachs! (laughs) Offended, both turn away from each other.
Yerema: What did I see today!
The bear came to the ford - flopped into the water!
He’s already wet, wet, wet, he’s already kitty, kitty, kitty ...
Wet, vykis, got out, dried up.
I got up on the deck - flopped into the water ...
Both fall off the bench, laughing.
Thomas: We laughed, and now it's time to play games!
Leading: The sun was peeping out, we went to sow the seed! We sowed wheat, we started sowing peas! (counts children) One-two-three-four-five, come out, rooster, for a walk! (a cockerel hat is put on the selected child)

The game "Petya walked along the road"

Leading: There is a green lawn outside the outskirts, come out, honest people, the carousel is coming to us!
Don't stop, don't be shy, grab the ribbon! (all children take the carousel ribbons).

Carousel game.
Children lead a round dance, holding a ribbon in their hands, and sing the song "Like ours at the gate."
1. Like ours at the gate,
Like at our gates
Ay, Lyuli, at the gate. (2 times)
2. Buffoons sing
The buffoons sing
Ay, Lyuli, here they sing. (2 times)
3. They lead the music,
They play music
Ay, Lyuli, here they are. (2 times)
4. Then everyone began to dance,
Hands are fun to wave.
Ay, lyuli, here to wave. (2 times)
5. But the moment of farewell has come,
We say to you: "Goodbye! »
Ay, lyuli, "Goodbye! " (2 times)
Leading: Have a good ride on the carousel! Well done guys, sit down, relax. Let's listen to jokes for half a minute!
Music sounds, 2 children run out. Scene about Filya and Ulya:
Ulya: Hello, Phil!
Phil: Hello, Ulya!
Phil: Mother sent a ram.
Ulya: Where is he?
Phil: I hung it up.
Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Phil!
Phil: How about you, Ulya?
Ulya: I would take him to the barn, give him water to drink, give him hay.

Ulya: Hello, Phil!
Phil: Hello, Ulya!
Ulya: What, did the mother of the gifts send?
Phil: Mother sent her sister.
Ulya: Where is she?
Phil: And I brought her into the barn, gave her water to drink, gave her hay.
Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Phil!
Phil: How about you, Ulya?
Ulya: I would put her on a chair, but drink tea!
Music sounds, the children disperse in a circle and converge again together.
Ulya: Hello, Phil!
Phil: Hello, Ulya!
Ulya: What, did the mother of the gifts send?
Phil: Mother sent a pig.
Ulya: Where is she?
Phil: I sat her down at the table and gave her tea.
Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Phil!
Phil: How about you, Ulya?
Ulya: Yes, I would send her to the yard for a walk.
Music sounds, the children disperse in a circle and converge again together.
Ulya: Hello, Phil!
Phil: Hello, Ulya!
Ulya: What, did the mother of the gifts send?
Phil: Mother sent Tula gingerbread.
Ulya: And where are they?
Phil: I sent them for a walk in the yard.
Ulya: Oh, Phil, you fool! It was necessary to take gingerbread, but treat the guys!
Children go out the door, find a basket of gingerbread, show the gingerbread to the children.
Leading. With this we will end our fun holiday! And the Tula gingerbread that is in front of you, we will eat at the tables! Nikola Ugodnik treats all the guys today! Line up exactly, people, one after another, and - forward!
Children leave the hall to the music, everyone in the group gets a treat.

The script of the holiday "Saint Nicholas Day"

Target: to introduce students to one of the favorite winter holidays of children - the holiday of St. Nicholas; with the main stages of the life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the traditions of this holiday; create a good festive mood; develop talent, creativity; positively influence the upbringing of the child, family cohesion.


St Nicholas

Kikimora Chuchka


Chief Angel

(exit leading)

Q: Winter roads are covered with snow, and windows with patterns. At night

the wind howls, and the moon in the sky is almost transparent. Half of December has already passed, and your favorite winter holidays are approaching. Sasha rejoices: soon there will be a Christmas tree, gifts, sweets. Why did Alyonka take paper and colored pens? Who does she want

write a letter? Probably St. Nicholas... Do you want us to tell you about him?

Q: On this wonderful holiday

We have come to you with good news

From Saint Nicholas

Do you guys know about him?

Q: In the New Year holidays, we are all waiting for something unusual and


Q: The very first winter holiday, from their long string,

Q: We have prepared this holiday especially for you, because we all come from

Together: childhood.

(6 angels come out to slow music from both sides)

(Song "Angel flies" Lyrics: Igor Shevchuk Music: Evgenia Zaritskaya)

ANGEL: Quiet night, starry night,

On a winter and frosty night,

At night fabulously beautiful,

Suddenly a plum-colored sky

In the sphere of fiery shimmers

A miracle is coming! Miracle sled!

ANGEL What's the miracle here? Here listen:

On the sleigh - a bag of toys!

Not simple. And the best, brightest.

After all, toys are gifts!

Trust me, I know for sure.

From Saint Nicholas!

Oh, who, who loves Nicholas,

Oh, who, who will not forget him

To that St. Nicholas

Nicholas always helps!

Oh, who is in a hurry to help you in grief?

Hastens to help on land and at sea,

Protects from adversity

Don't let me fall into sin!

Oh, who, who is running to him

And calls for help

He will come out of grief whole,

Saves both soul and warmth

Dear, lovely children

Boys and girls

On this wonderful holiday

I wish happiness.

I am good health

wish you kids

wish sweets

For childish joy

You respect each other

Don't offend anyone

And in teaching, guys,

You show diligence.

(Suddenly, the song of Babok Ezhek from the cartoon "Flying Ship" ("Turn around, accordion soul ...) is heard and Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Chuchka, Leshy and Vodyanoy appear. They dance.)

Baba Yaga: Hello. Where did we get to? How many good kids are here. That's so beautiful! Where are we?

(Children say that this is a school.)


Did you recognize us?

Why are you us

called to you?

What was it not called? And who are you waiting for?

Why do you need it? Ha ha ha, whatever you want. No Saint Nicholas will come to you. Because we don't know him.

Baba Yaga:

And whom we do not know, he cannot come to anyone.

Q: St. Nicholas exists, and our sages will now prove to you

(4 wise men come out)

Sage 1: St. Nicholas is one of the most revered saints in the entire Orthodox world. St. Nicholas became famous as a great saint of God, so the people usually call him Nicholas the Pleasant. Christians also believe that he performs many miracles to help people praying to him, so they respectfully call him Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Sage 2: According to legend, Nicholas healed the sick, the blind and the crippled with his prayers. He calmed the sea, storms, extinguished fires. He was the patron saint of travelers, as well as all animals -

wild and domestic. Nikolai loved children with all his heart and wanted to give everyone at least a drop of his love. That is why St. Nicholas Day is so loved by children and adults.

Sage 3: At night, when the stars were quietly singing a lullaby, St. Nicholas came to each child and put gifts under the pillow. Sometimes he tied a silver twig to gifts - a reminder that once naughty children were punished by them. And so that Nikolai knew what to give, before the holiday, the children wrote letters to him and prayed.

Sage 4: It is customary for Saint Nicholas to come with his retinue. He is accompanied by an angel and a devil. The first must inform his patron about good children, while the second whispers to Nicholas about all the faults of the heroes of the occasion. wins

always good: no one is left without gifts.

B: St. Nicholas - patron of the poor and disadvantaged, protector

all children. And all children know about it.

Q: It's just you in the forest and in the swamps you live and nothing about anyone

you know. He devoted his life to charity.

Unholy together: No! Not! Not!

Q: How is that? Not fair! The guys are waiting for St. Nicholas. Look how good the guys are. They even know a song about St. Nicholas.

Q: Let's sing, and our uninvited guests will listen and maybe

already trust us!

(song ________________________________________________)

1 account Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron saint of children. They especially looked forward to the feast dedicated to the saint. It was believed that for good deeds and obedience, children received gifts from Nikola, and for bad behavior they found a twig under the pillow.

2 account On this holiday, children receive sweet gingerbread and warm mittens, scarves, but do not forget about another holiday tradition: on St. Nicholas Day, it is customary to help the disadvantaged - orphans, the poor and the sick.

3 account. Take some time and be sure to congratulate those who are less fortunate in life than you. This kindness will definitely return a hundredfold.

Dramatization of Svetlana Kopylova's song "A Tear of Repentance"

The Lord once called a hundred angels to Himself, (Children in costumes of angels),
On the stairs to the ground sent them from heaven. with candles slowly
And bring from there the Lord commanded them to line up.
All the best you can find on earth.

On a ladder transparent as star rays, Slowly descend into the hall
A hundred angels descended carefully in the night,
And they parted, saying goodbye, through the villages, who goes where
Fulfill the obedience that the Lord Himself gave them.

Here are ninety-nine returned just in time. They are returning.
And they brought a lot of earthly gifts, One angel
And a belated angel brought his gift: he came up to the one who was praying. There was a tear in his palm. on her knees and takes from him

a tear, carries it
Bowing his head humbly, he said to the Lord: on an outstretched hand. I saw how the sinner prayed and groaned. goes to the others and

He begged for forgiveness and wept for sins, a tear.
And now his teardrop is now in my hands.

She looked like heavenly dew, the angel raises
And the Lord rejoiced, looking at that tear, hand with a tear up.
And the Creator and King of the worlds said in tenderness:
- A sinner's tear is dearer to me than all gifts.

4 . On the day of Saint Nicholas
I lit my candle.
And resorting to the Holy
I know I will get help.
Because our saint
Brings childlike joy.
Behind Himself as a Savior
He leads the children to the Father's House.


Children, of course, sing well. But Saint Nicholas does not exist.

And do not ask, and do not pray, nothing will come of it.

If St. Nicholas exists, then children must be smart and can guess riddles.

Q: And they will solve all your riddles. Really children? Do you know how

solve riddles? (children answer)

Wow, you are smart. OK OK. Let's do

so - we will give you difficult, difficult riddles,

Baba Yaga: And if you can handle them, then we will believe that St. Nicholas exists. Agree? .. Well, let's start.

    Powdered the paths

Decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.

    Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking.

When does it happen?

    What is the master

Painted on glass

Both leaves and herbs

And bushes of roses?

    No planks, no axes

The bridge over the river is ready.

Bridge like blue glass:

Slippery, fun, light.

    All summer stood

Winters were waiting

Waited for the pores

Rushed down the mountain.

    Blanket white

Not made by hand.

Not sewn, and not woven,

And it fell from heaven to earth.

    Caught on a ledge

And it grows like a bump, down.


    Who painted the cheeks of children

red in winter, not in summer?

And who pinched his nose?

Guessed? (Santa Claus)

December will pass

We will all meet...

(New Year).

    snow caps

put on at home

As soon as he returns

to the ground ... (winter).

    To our winters

he is used to

The winter guest is ours (snowman).

    Sasha wipes

tears: Pinch painfully ... (frost).

A: You see, children can do everything.

A: And now it's time to call St. Nicholas, and these

(points to wickedness) kick out of our holiday.

(The wickedness falls on his knees in front of the children and begins to persuade them to be left at the holiday)

Q: Children, can we leave them?

(wolf, hare and fox enter)

Fox: Oh, how fun you have here, but we are bored in the forest!

Hare: Can we wait for St. Nicholas together with you?

Wolf: And we also know St. Nicholas and want to congratulate you on

this big holiday!

Many good holidays

We have friends

But one of them is probably

The best for me.

December is on the street.

And cold and snowy

But from parental love

I am warm, serene.

I go to bed in the evening

I sleep peacefully.

And in the morning look under the pillow -

I freeze with excitement.

Lie there pen, marker

And a notebook.

After all, these are all gifts.

Saint Nicholas.

Hare: On the day of St. Nicholas

I lit my candle.

And resorting to the Holy

I know I will get help.

Because our saint

Brings childlike joy.

Behind you like a Savior

He leads the children to the Father's House.

Holy Father Nicholas

Help in need!

You will help, firmly

I know: In grief, in sorrow and in trouble.

Saint Nicholas helps the poor and miserable people.

(The Chief Angel enters the stage to the music. He has a bell in his hands.)

CHIEF ANGEL: Hello! Do you know who I am? I am the Chief among all angels. Do you know that everyone has their own angel, he watches from heaven how you behave. And then he tells me, and I report everything to St. Nicholas. Therefore, Holy

Nikolai knows everything, everything, everything about you, about your actions. Tell me, which of you did good deeds, studied well, did not violate discipline? Are there any in the hall?

(to the music, an imp runs out onto the stage )


Only in appearance angels are your children

Who shoots birds with a slingshot?

In class, who yawns sweetly?

Who sets in motion their whims?

Who, tell me, starts a fight?

Who does not listen to their teachers, parents?

Hey guys, whip, don't you want?

Like any person, you

there are virtues and not so good habits,

actions, thoughts. Let's call them one last time.

Let's openly confess to everyone

First, it happens

That too lazy to do something and too lazy to answer-

overcomes sometimes!

But the most vile, black evil

Betrayal is what it is.

Tear the blackness and throw it away

To make the world brighter.

Promise that nowhere else, no way, never

You will not take them with you friends!

Guys, do you promise?

Throw all nonsense aside

Nikolai hurries to visit the guys.

(To the sound of bells, the patron of children enters the hall

Nicholas the Wonderworker)

St. Nicholas:

Thank God! I see you guys again!

Meeting you is a joy for me.

Peace be with you children! Peace to your home!

Happiness to you teachers

your friends, acquaintances.

Chief Angel:

St. Nicholas

The children have been waiting for your arrival for a long time.

Their thoughts are as pure as river waters.

St. Nicholas:

Well guys

Live joyfully

Okay my friends learn.

Evil and cunning you shun

Adults, you guys, respect

Birds, animals, please, do not offend

Never fight, never fight

Don't tease rudely, don't fight!

You, Vladyka Nicholas,

Help our glorious children

From misfortune and evil misfortunes

Please always protect them

(Music is heard, an imp runs out onto the stage, in his hands is a rod.)


But don't you, Saint Nicholas, see how many guys here who study poorly, behave outrageously in the classroom? Well, say there are such people in the hall!?

(Running around the hall and waving rods)

Well, I give you a chance to improve today, I am kind, I will not punish anyone.

Angel: Saint Nicholas, lead the children on the righteous path To kindness, to work, to study!

1. On the day of St. Nicholas
Check your heart
After all, resentment letting go,
You open the door for God.
Let love fill you
Joy lasts forever
Let your soul be touched
Grace of the wondrous Creator!

2. He was meek and gentle
And endowed with gifts from above.
You pray and he will hear
It will help to sanctify the soul.
Open to God and people
St. Nicholas day and night.
He will bless you for sure
Believe in miracles!
3. Holy Hierarch Nicholas -
Our intercessor before heaven.
Give him in prayer
All that torments at night
What hurts your soul
And the heart groans endlessly.
He will protect and sanctify
After all, the mercy of God is with us forever!

4. Holy Father Nicholas

Help in need!

You will help, I know for sure:

In sorrow, in sorrow and in trouble.

Saint Nicholas to the poor people

and help the poor.

And in trouble, and in grief, the weak protects.

5. Known for the gift of healing
He is meek in heart and soul.
Will give protection without delay,
Anyone can heal from sickness.
On the day of Nicholas the Wonderworker
Share kindness with others
And the light of love will touch you
And you will find peace and tranquility!

6. On the day of Saint Nicholas

I congratulate you with joy!

He is revered by the people

When we are in trouble, we call on him.

7. May Nikola manifest a miracle

Protects you everywhere.

Let diseases pass by

So that the family lives happily!

B: Well, it's time for us to:

Together: "Goodbye kids!"

To calm Russian folk music (orchestra recording), the children sit down in front of the scenery of the Russian hut. In the center - a screen with a rustic window (on cardboard), from which a Russian winter landscape is visible. By the window is a table with a samovar. Nearby are 2 chairs covered in a row. On the table are cups, sugar, bagels, a mill. To the right of the screen is a “stove” with utensils, on it is a cat (soft toy). On the left - a cradle and a book exhibition - books on folklore and about winter. Calendar of winter holidays.
FIRST LEADER (In an old Russian costume of one of the heroines of Katerina's lesson-performance): Hello, dear guests! Let's continue our journey into the past. Our people used to say this before: “If Nikolin’s day came up, there would be winter!” And so they used to say: “Winter is for frosts, and a man is for holidays!” Indeed, there are so many holidays in Russia in winter! And they begin on December 19 (according to the new style). Winter Nikola brings with him the Nikola frosts. And the village people, waiting for them, grin: “Nikola would come up, and winter on a sled will come for him.” And why is Saint Nicholas so revered in Russia? His image hung in every hut, in every village, in the city, a temple was necessarily built in honor of him. It is believed that his prayers pacify the unrest of the sea, according to his luminous word, terrible water storms subside. In my hands is an old Novgorod epic "About Sadko - a rich guest, and the king of the sea." It is in it that the great saint of God, Nikolai, is first mentioned. Now we will remember this epic together, but in the beginning I want to remind you that the epics were read in a singsong voice, and you will come across already forgotten words more than once, but try to understand them. For example (praises the children for their ingenuity): hail - a city, guselki - a harp (musical instrument), yarovchaty - made of sycamore wood, blackened - red, golden boats, gray-haired - a gray-haired old man, etc.
Behind the screen, the second leading woman Arina is preparing figurines of a flat puppet theater. The first presenter - Katerina turns on the tape recorder along the way.
Sounds like Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov. Above the screen, above the inscription "Nikolin's Day", against the backdrop of snowy waves, first a flat figure of Sadko with a harp appears, then an old ship, then Sadko with the Sea King.
KATERINA: Glorious in Novegrad
How was Sadko the merchant, a rich guest,
And before Sadok had no property:
Some were guselki-yarovchaty;
Sadko went to feasts and played.
Sadko wanted to glorify his Novgorod, bought goods and traveled across the blue sea to distant countries. I sold the goods successfully, got a lot of money and went back to Novgorod.
Strong weather converged on the blue sea,
Blackened ships stagnated ...
And it beats with a wave, tears the sails.
It can be seen that the king of the sea demands tribute from us.
The brave team lowered the barrel
Pure silver, a barrel of red gold.
And the ships will all move from their place on the blue sea.
Says Sadko the merchant, a wealthy guest:
Apparently, the king of the sea demands
Sadok himself...
How Sadko began to play in the gooselets of the yarovchata,
How the king of the sea began to dance.
Sadko played for a day, played others
Yes, Sadko also played and the third -
In the blue sea the water rippled
With yellow sand, the water was confused,
It began to break many ships on the blue sea.
Many righteous people began to drown.
How the people began to pray to Mikola Mozhaisk,
How it touched Sadka on the right shoulder;
He turned around, looking ... the old man, sedated, is already standing:
The old man says these words ...
A figurine of Nikola appears on the screen.
Behind the screen:

BABA ARINA (Speaks in a booming voice into a clay pot):
Oh, you, Sadko Novgorodsky
It is full to play gooselings of yarovchata!
KATERINA: Sadko Novgorodsky is speaking:
I don't have my own will in the blue sea...
BABA ARINA: The old man says these words:
And you pluck the strings,
Like, my guselki yarovchata have broken down.
KATERINA: The king of the sea stopped dancing, and ships with goods reached Novegrad safe and sound. Since then, Nikola Wet has been known as the protector of all travelers - sea and land. And among the people it was believed that it was on December 19 that Nikola the Pleasant descends from the heavenly fields to the snow-covered earth and bypasses Russia from end to end. From that day on, they did not work in the village, but gathered in a hut and prepared for Christmas, Christmas time. And how - you now find out.
Out of width. The recording of a blizzard sounds. Baba Arina enters, trembling and groaning, with a log in her hand.
BABA ARINA: How fast it got dark today. No wonder they say: "A winter day is a sparrow's lope." Oh, and it's cold today! The trees are cracking, the ice on the river has barely broken through the hole. Yes, they say: "It's cold in winter, it's vodno in summer", "Snow to the roof - rye is even higher", "Winter without snow - there will be no bread." (Approaches the cradle). And you, Vanyusha, granddaughters, do not sleep? The nose is cold, now the grandmother will throw firewood, it will become warm in the hut. Oh, and I have a full hut of guests, but I didn’t notice! Now I'll check - you are my guests, or so - random passers-by. Do you love winter? Oh, I believe, I believe every animal - a hare and a hedgehog, but you - it's fine. Guess the riddles, then I'll believe:
Without arms, without legs, but draws.
Uphill - a piece of wood, and from the mountain - a horse.
The fur coat is in the hut, and the sleeve is on the street.
And my grandmother also made this riddle to me, try to guess:
There is a cow in the field - golden horns. The cow is not dear to those that have golden horns, But to those that give a lot of milk.
(Mill and flour)
Well, well done! (Looks out the window, at the end - laughs). Oh, but where is Katerina lingering with me? Today Nikolytsina godfather Daria and godfather Marya will come, well, I ordered my granddaughter to place a path from the porch. And she plays snowballs with the boys, naughty! And our dog clung to the hem of the bug and pats it, it also wants to play. Look, look - Katerina Fedka, the neighbor's kid grabbed the snow by the scruff of his collar. It serves him right! And then yesterday I was walking with full buckets, and he hit me with a piece of ice, I almost fell. Oh, my bones are aching all day long - which means bad weather. Yes, I knew that there would be frost - there the sparrows had collected all the chicken feathers in the yard on Tuesday to keep warm. And the cat is climbing on the stove. And yesterday I gave Katerina a whisk and said: “Well, sweep the cobwebs in the corners for the holiday, so as not to be ashamed.” And she told me: “Grandma, I’m afraid that spiders are fighting here!”. "Oh, - I say - this is to frost."
Katerina's song "Oh, frost ..." is heard. Baba Arina sings along, joyfully, rushing towards her granddaughter.
BABA ARINA: Why are you so long, but light? Tea, chilled?
KATERINA: No, it was fun - Fedka hit me with a snowball, and I took him by the collar.
BABA ARINA: Yes, I saw it! Sit down by the stove, the firewood is on fire, and the guys are waiting for you! Yes, you froze your cheek! Holy Fathers! Well, I'll grease you with goose fat.
KATERINA: Oh no, it will hurt!
BABA ARINA: But if I don't grease it, it will turn black... Yes, and a hole will turn out. How will grooms kiss?
KATERINA: Come on, granny! (Laughs). And what are you hiding some bread? Is it for mice?
BABA ARINA: Pip on your tongue! What other mice? It's me (looks around, hiding), for ... brownie.
KATERINA: For what?
BABA ARINA: And they are different: babai, Belun, Vostrukha. Here's a baba, for example. This is an old man from the forest, walks in the evening, but looks out the window: which of the children does not sleep, pampers, that - in a bag. Well, he won’t touch our Vanyusha, (sings) “Our Vanya is smart, Mikhailovich is reasonable.”
KATERINA: And the Belun?
BABA ARINA: You will meet somewhere a tiddly old man, all in white, and wet under his nose. Do not disdain - wipe your nose, so you will have money in your wallet. Well, vostruha is for a husband and wife.
Feed him - he will do everything so that the spouses do not quarrel. These are the signs among the people, and beliefs.
KATERINA: And I, granny, found a comb in the snow today. What is this for?
BABA ARINA: And this means that the groom will visit you today, Danilo is yours.
KATERINA: Well, you again, granny, the guys are looking out. It’s better to tell me, why did the baboons at the well say so today: “Grey came - the plum was saddened”?
BABA ARINA: And what's incomprehensible here? Gray means gray-haired, old. Well, or else Nikola or Santa Claus is his name. Today is a special day in honor of him, ours, the old man's. On this day, old people go to get-togethers with each other, and attentive grandchildren give gifts to their grandfathers and grandmothers.
KATERINA: Oh, I completely forgot! So, grandma, close your eyes!
BABA ARINA: Why? Do you want to tickle again?
KATERINA: No, no! (Takes out a bright scarf, throws it on). This is a gift from me to you for Nikolin's day. Wear it in good health.
BABA ARINA (crying): Thank you, dear. I lived to see those happy days. Now I have a holiday in my heart. Kuma will come - he will be envious.
Baba Arina, forgetting about tears, flaunts at the mirror.
KATERINA: Grandmother, why is Nikolin's day celebrated twice a year? May 22, after all, is also Nikola, only the spring, they say, is the patron saint of horses.
BABA ARINA: Come on, sit down, wind the yarn, and make it stronger, and I'll tell you.
KATERINA: And why stronger?
BABA ARINA: So that the cabbage is born better, so that the heads of cabbage are tighter. Yes, and at Christmas you can neither spin nor wind, otherwise the children will be blind and lame.
KATERINA: Oh, what passions! Well, tell me.
BABA ARINA: They say that two people lived in the world, Nikola and Kasyan, they did a lot of good and endured a lot of suffering for the sake of faith. And so they went to heaven, straight to God. He says to them: “Be my helpers. One stand on my left hand, the other on my right. And gave them clothes of gold. And somehow he says to them: “Today you will go to the earth, see how people live there: do they righteously or sin?” And they told him: “God, how can we go to earth in golden clothes?” And he led his hands like this, and they turned into beggars, and found themselves on the ground, near one village not far away. Kasyan went a little ahead, and Nikola lagged behind. Kasyan sees - a man with a horse in a ditch is stuck, look at him, he will dump all the pots from the cart. Well, the peasant asks: “Help me, they say, a nice person!”. And Kasyan told him: “What else! I'm not going, they say, to soil God's clothes! And passed by. And then Nikola arrived in time, he sees - a man got into trouble. Without waiting for a request, he helped to pull out the cart, only Nikola soiled all his clothes. Well, in the evening they return to God in heaven, they report everything to him. And God says to them: “But why are you, Nikola, a gift - you didn’t save it from mine, you splashed it all with mud?”
Nikola, ashamed, answered: “Forgive me, Father, it’s my fault, I had to help a person, and I got into trouble. And Kasyan is happy: “But I saved it!”. And God was angry: “Oh, what are you like - rags are more precious to you than a person? For this, you will be in hell for 4 years, and your day will be celebrated on February 29 only in Leap Year, and you, Nikolushka, already 2 times a year. Here is such a story.
KATERINA: How interesting!
Further it is assumed: for the younger ones - the game “Collect the balls”, as if Baba Arina scattered them from the basket; for the elders - the grandmother and granddaughter sing a love song, they say, food is good food, and the song is listening.
KATERINA: Grandma, how are we going to celebrate Christmas today?
BABA ARINA: Yes, just like that year. But she does not remember anything, because she was sick that year. (wipes his eyes). Already thought - will not rise. Well, tell me how you fell into the hole because of your girlfriend.
KATERINA: Well, we went to guess at Katerina-Sannitsa. In the afternoon, according to custom, they rode on a sleigh, sang ditties, and then they began to guess at the suitors.
Chastushki on Katerina-Sannitsa (December 7):
Girls - whites,
Get in my sleigh
I am a boy in a chuchka (a sheepskin coat with a velvet
collar and lacing)
I'll ride along the street.
Matchmakers came to me
On a gray mare.
All the dowry was taken
And I... have been forgotten.
What a darling not to ride -
Black horse?
Harness all under silver,
Talyanka is nominal.
Buy, tyatenko, skate,
Golden legs.
I will ride the girls
On the big track.
KATERINA: Well, we went to the ice-hole in the evening with Dashutka, because this fortune-telling is the most correct, so I lay down on my back and began, without looking, to feel the pebbles in the ice-hole with my hand - you will catch a dark, rough one - such a life will be, and a bad husband , and you catch a smooth, light one - everything will be fine. And then Dasha felt funny, she let me into the hole, I almost drowned.
BABA ARINA: What a stupid guess! She came all icy, lay in a fever all the holidays.
KATERINA: So, granny, I want to know my life. You yourself said that Gad is the ancient goddess of fate and happiness.
BABA ARINA: Well, guess, only in a different way: go into the barn in the dark and pull out a log - smooth or rough. Then you will understand everything.
KATERINA: Was it fun that Christmas?
BABA ARINA: I’ll tell you in order: on January 6, on Christmas Eve, the Filippian fast ended, the family can only sit down at the table with the first star in the sky, the owner will pour grain under the tablecloth with a cross, then we’ll break the fast with porridge and go to church.
KATERINA: And how did you cook porridge - wondered?
BABA ARINA: And then, how. It is supposed to say this (while twisting the spoon with your hand): “We sowed and grew buckwheat all summer. Large and ruddy buckwheat was born, buckwheat was invited to Tsar-grad to visit and feast, buckwheat went with honest oats, golden barley. The princes met the buckwheat, but the boyars. They sat at an oak table: we ask for favors to us with the whole court, but with our good. Then you look at the color of the porridge - you will know your fate from it.
KATERINA: What did you see?
BABA ARINA: That you will get sick, but you will recover, thank you, Lord!
KATERINA: Don't be angry, tell me more.
BABA ARINA: Well, we are going with a star on a pole to the church, where the priest will bless it. (By the way, when we are in church today, take the priest by the cassock so that the bees swarm better). Let's go, sing troparia, racei (spiritual songs). Let's light a candle in a star. (Recording of the ensemble "Svetilen" - "Son of God"). The bells on the pole are ringing, the ribbons are fluttering, colorful! We will come from the church, the youth, well, dress up and carol will go around the village. Some into a bear, some into a goat, some into a crane, some into a gypsy, into hell, a beggar. When I was working for a gentleman in my youth, they let me see the Christmas tree - oh, she is tall, in golden balls! And the lordly children also dressed up as mermaids, hussars, sorcerers, knights. Eye-catching! I go home, look at the sky. If at Christmas the paths are dark, Greek is born. If Svyatki is dark - the cows will be dairy, if Svyatki is light - hens are socks. Stars - to peas, berries, mushrooms. The weather for Christmas will repeat on July 12, on St. Peter's Day.
Katerina runs away and brings in a nativity scene (a two-story puppet theater).
KATERINA: Grandma, show the guys how well we made the nativity scene?
BABA ARINA: Here and there it is necessary to glue, the dolls are frayed. The top in the den is the sky, the bottom is the earth. Yes, and our masks fell into disrepair in a year. It can be made from birch bark, or it can be made from the remnants of dough.
KATERINA: Come on, let's start right now!
BABA ARINA: Uh, no, let's drink tea: boiling water is seething - the samovar is boiling!
KATERINA: Well, drinking tea is not chopping wood!
BABA ARINA: Before tea, my mother wore it, after tea, she walked herself.
KATERINA: I didn’t drink tea, what strength? And drank - completely weakened!
BABA ARINA: You will drink tea, you will remember your stomach - as if you ate a ram.
KATERINA: Well, come on, Baba Arina, let's have tea with sugar as a bite, with bagels to look at.
They blow, they drink, they puff.
KATERINA: Ugh, it's hot!
BABA ARINA: A lady sits in hell, asks for fried ice, Damn her stupid, they knock with a poker. (Laughs).
Catherine is crying.
BABA ARINA (scared): Offended or something?
KATERINA: No, my head hurts. (In a mockingly weak voice.)
BABA ARINA: I got sick again, that's the trouble.
Here Katherine laughs. Baba Arina beats her with a towel.
BABA ARINA: I scared you! But she wants to play it, to sing her song.
The song "Katina's head fell ill" with a demonstration of what they sing. At the end of the song, cardboard horses are shown and the suits are asked: black, brown, tan.
KATERINA: Well, now tell us what they play in nativity scenes?
BABA ARINA: In “heaven” - divine, as Mary and Elder Joseph went to Bethlehem for the census, but there was no place in the hotel and our Mother of God gave birth to Christ the Savior in a simple sheepshed, in a den - in a cave means. So it seems to me that she is riding through mountainous Samaria, the donkey knocks with her hooves, and she sings like our neighbor - Aunt Rachel. By the way, a Jewess, like Christ. Why they don't like it, I don't know. We are very friendly with her. My purse was pulled out at the fair, I go and cry, and she gave me money like that. Well, I always give milk and testicles to her kids. So, she sings, it seems to me, like Maria.
Katerina sings the Jewish melody "Ose Sholom", Baba Arina sings along.
KATERINA: What are we going to show below?
BABA ARINA: And let's talk about our village fools - Filya and Ulya! Then we will make the figures, but for now we will repeat the words.
Scene Phil and Ulya. With the song "Oh, you canopy!" walk in circles, meet and talk.
1. Hello, Phil!
Hello Ulya!
Where have you been, Phil?
By Grandma.
What did she give you?
Where are they?
On the bench.
So they get cold.
Put them in the oven so they don't get cold.

2. Hello, Phil!
Hello Ulya!
Where have you been, Phil?
By Grandma.
What did she give you?
Where is he?
I put it in the oven to keep warm.
What are you, Phil, you need to go to the locker,
on the shoulders, so as not to wrinkle.
With the song they pass a circle with bells.
3. Hello, Phil!
Hello Ulya!
Where have you been, Phil?
By Grandma.
What did you give?
And where he?
In the locker hung on a coat hanger so as not to wrinkle.
You have to tie him in a barn, feed him hay.
With the song they pass a circle with bells.
4. Hello, Phil!
Hello Ulya!
Where have you been, Phil?
By Grandma.
What did you give?
Where is she?
And I tied her in a barn, fed her with hay.
Yes, you need to sit at the table,
Drink tea, treat with sweets. Did you understand?
With the song they pass a circle with bells.
5. Hello, Phil!
Hello Ulya!
Where have you been, Phil?
By Grandma.
What did you give?
And where he?
He sat me down at the table, gave me tea, treated me with sweets. What a simpleton you are! I'll go to my grandmother!
KATERINA: Well, let's see what's in the chest on the stove at my grandmother's? Rhymes, fables, riddles, tongue twisters. Come in handy!
BABA ARINA: Have you ever gone caroling? And this is how we went. We walk in the dark, we tell my youngest granddaughter, Stepochka, to knock, he is like an angel, curly. People will open, let in: “What do you want?”. And he:
carols, carols, carols,
I'm alone with my mother
Don't try again...
Give me chocolate!
BABA ARINA: Well, how not to give such an angel. Give!
KATERINA: And I was small, so I asked:
carol, carol, carol,
I am alone with my father.
short skirt,
Give me a bagel.
short jacket,
Give me a pie.
KATERINA: This is for the little ones. Then everyone came in and let's praise the owners.
Already the owner of the house is like a falcon in a tower.
And the hostess in the house is like pancakes in honey.
Her kids are like candy.
KATERINA: Or like this:
The owner is a clear month,
The hostess is a red sun,
Small kids - frequent stars.
Give me a slice of bread
Half money.
Hen - with crest,
Cockerel - with a comb.
Thank you white swan!
KATERINA: And sometimes they don't.
BABA ARINA: Then threaten:
Who will not give beets - we will break the windows,
Whoever does not give ham, we will split cast iron.
Who will not give a penny - fill up the loopholes,
Whoever does not give bread - we will dump grandfather from the stove!
KATERINA: And if they are greedy anyway, like our neighbor - Fedulova's wife?
BABA ARINA: Well then, hold on! Tell her like this:
Oh, Fedulova's wife was very greedy,
Her fur coat is not sewn up, and her shirt is not washed.
Yes, and the husband is not hefty, lazy, clumsy.
Her father-in-law has a wet head,
And the mother-in-law - a pomelo, she was led to one side.
BABA ARINA: And pour water on her door, it will freeze - they will barely open in the morning, or throw clothes on a birch. Who wants to carol - in honor of Kolyada - the goddess of Peace and Feast? There are many who want to, but they don’t take just anyone into the carolers - you have to be talkative, quick-witted. First, let's warm up the tongue, fingers on the lips, make some spillikins:
Mishka, Grishka, where are the pants? Lost, lost?
At the end, he hits his puffed cheeks.
Now a fairy tale - we love her, this is a joke, they say quickly, with a show:
Chun, chun, chun, chun,
Don't sleep on the road
Drogs go at full speed,
Can crush legs
And the grandfather sits on the drogs - 280 years.
And holds on hand
Little grandson.
Well, it suits the grandson
Only the 110th year.
And at the chin
Short beard.
Into this beard
Can't fit anything
In addition to the bookshelf
Mousetraps with mice
Table with a chair,
And a bagel buffet.
Grandpa has a beard
Like from here, over there,
And from there - over there,
And from there to here.
If this beard
Yes, spread around the city,
They will walk on it
247 horses, 33 taxis,
2 Budenovsky regiments, 22 armored cars,
333 sappers and soldiers a whole regiment -
That would be the point.
Pa-pa-pa (Chernomor's March is sung to these sounds with clapping).
Children in the hall are laughing, because. can't repeat it all.
BABA ARINA: Well, then tongue twisters:
1. Tell us about your purchases!
About what about purchases?
About shopping, about shopping
About my shopping.
2. Two women were walking and talking
About shopping and about shopping,
About cereals and about sub-grains.
Then Baba Arina says 12 times in one breath: “Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.” Children count.
BABA ARINA (laughs): You don't learn this right away. Let's slowly, then with acceleration, learn:
Showing movement.
Lambs are cool,
They walk in the mountains, they roam in the forests.
They play the violin, they amuse Vanya.
And the owls from the forest, with their eyes clap-clap,
And a goat from a stable with knives top-top.
Children are "turned on". Chosen carolers. They go with Baba Arina to change into an angel, a gypsy; inverted fur coats, take masks on sticks, On them, on a sieve, on a tambourine - words are pasted. At this time, Katerina is playing a Christmas game: the children line up or sit on the bench one after another and say the words:
Where was Slavik?
What is Savva's name?
What did he glorify?
Gingerbread? With whom?
Alone, don't eat alone.
A knock is heard. Voices of carolers.
Tra-ta-ta Tra-ta-ta Open the gate!
KATERINA: Who's there?
BABA ARINA (together with the children): Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas. Does the oven heat up?
KATERINA: It's getting hot!
BABA ARINA (together with the children): But we want a pie. The frost is not great, it does not order to stand. (stomp)
KATERINA: Pay off!
KOLYADOVSHIKERS: We don’t have any money - we borrow it ourselves,
But we have nothing to grieve -
We will sing and dance.
Make way people
Kolyada is coming!
They run out to cheerful folk music: the devil - with a washboard, a group of children - spectators - a noise orchestra.
GUESTS (in order):
BABA ARINA: I sow, I sow, I sow -
Happy New Year!
Hostess, dear mother.
Don't be lazy, get up.
Come on, aunty
The pie is sweet.
Don't give me a slice
Serve whole.
Cut thicker
Give me more.
CHILD: Give me a gut, a leg,
In the back window.
Give, do not break -
There will be a son - Nikolai!
Break off the edge
There will be a son - Yermolai!
BABA ARINA: Open the chest,
Take out the patch.
You will give us
We will praise you.
And you won't give
We will scold you.
Give us a start
Even a piece of fat
ham slice,
Butter pot.
CHILD: If you don’t serve a pie, there will be a chicken leg,
We are the cow by the horns.
That is the yard of devils,
Garden - worms.
BABA ARINA: Carol, carol,
Open up the gate
The bear has come
Found pies.
CHILD: Come on, auntie, come on,
You, swan, come on.
Or a dish of jelly,
Or a mortar of milk
Or give us porridge
In golden bowls.
How many donkeys in the forest,
So much for you pigs.
How many trees in the forest.
So many cows for you.
BABA ARINA: Master, merchant,
A good fellow,
We are dancing to you -
Dressed in kvass.
CHILD: Gossip - dove,
Donate splinters
For holy evenings
To games, to gatherings.
BABA ARINA: Knock, knock, knock,
Oh door heel
We don't go by ourselves
We have a goat.
I am your goat
Christmas Bodule,
Soot painted,
Painted with charcoal.
CHILD: Where does the goat go -
There life will give birth
Where is the goat's tail -
There is a bush there.
Where is the goat's foot
There is a lot of life there.
Where is the goat's horn -
There is a haystack, (falls)
BABA ARINA: Oh, what happened to the goat?
She fell!
Give me salo
To become a goat
sieve of oats,
Top - sausage. (They treat, the goat rises).
CHILD: Be-ee!
BABA ARINA: I sow, I sow,
I congratulate you on Christmas!
Ugly wheat,
Peas, lentils.
Who gave us the pie -
So the cattle yard.
ninety bulls,
One and a half cows.
To milk sour cream
To filter with oil.
To make the field green
And relatives so as not to get sick.
For the kids to grow up
To marry the girls!
You will live together for up to two hundred years!
"Artists" bow.
There is a mess in the hut, but Baba Arina is not angry. Lulling Vanya, who was awakened by the noise in the hut:
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge.
Otherwise, the top will come,
Grabs Vanya by the barrel...
KATERINA: Granny, can you guess until what day?
BABA ARINA: Again for your own! Before baptism. By the way, let's see what our guests will have today.
Katerina sings podblyudnaya, guests under a scarf in wheat get out: Key - to a new apartment or car, Ticket - to travel, Ring - to a wedding, Coin - to wealth, Pen - you will go to study, Comb - to a new hairstyle, Pacifier - to increase in family, etc.
KATERINA: Granny, they say the best thing is to throw the ring into a glass of water. What do you see?
BABA ARINA (At first frightened, then smiling): Oh, what is there? I see the letters... "The lesson has come to an end." (Reads in a glass as if).
Asks questions about the content of the lesson-performance.
KATERINA: Goodbye, dear guests! Live well - visit us often!

St. Nicolas day

Bells are ringing, announcing the beginning of the holiday.

Presenter 1 : Hello guys!

Presenter 2 : Hello, we are glad to welcome you to our holiday of St. Nicholas.

Presenter 1: On Saint Nicholas

hard frosts

Decorate with frost

Birch branches.

Presenter 2: Sweep the road

Winter snakes

To our doorstep

Bring snow.

Presenter 1: Guys, what time of year is it? (Answers)

Presenter 2: What holidays do we celebrate in winter? (Answers)

Song Saint Nicholas

Presenter 1 : And how do they celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas? (Answers)

2nd class

There is one legend for children:
Every year, every time
To those who behave well
Saint Nicholas is visiting.

On the day it descends
Nicholas from heaven
Everything around is changing
The world of miracles is full.

Nikolai came to us

Cheerful people, walk,

Come on, get the sled

It snowed like heaven.

All the people rejoice

Who with an accordion, who sings,

Here ditties, fun,

Snow falls on their heads.

And kids, naughty ones,

At night they sleep like mice

Waiting for gifts and in their own land

To bring them Nicholas.

Covering with pure snow
Field, lake and forest
On the day of St. Nicholas
Miracles will descend from heaven!

Presenter 2: What do you know about Saint Nicholas? And what kind of gifts are waiting for children? (Pleaser, Wonderworker, Saint, Saint)

4th grade

1 Old and young, we play snowballs, -

And we look at the path

Waiting for Nicholas

And a few miracles.

2 Let at least another year

Let's keep the Lord

May the Intercessor and the Pleaser

Will not forget our name!

3 Protect from quarrels and slander,

Making Earth Like Heaven

Our Russian Santa Claus

Wonderworker Nicholas!

4 Quiet night, starry night,

On a winter and frosty night,

At night fabulously beautiful,

Suddenly a plum-colored sky

In the sphere of fiery shimmers

A miracle is coming! Miracle sled!

5 What is the miracle here? Here listen

On the sleigh - a bag of toys!

Not simple. And the best, brightest!

After all, toys are gifts!

Trust me, I know for sure.

From Saint Nicholas!

6 Close your eyes, my friend.

A bell is heard...

Someone opens the door

Well, and here ... Believe it, don't believe it.

7 Only in the morning under the pillow

Do you find toys?

From him, I know for sure!

From Saint Nicholas!

8 Many good holidays

We have friends

But one of them is probably

The best for me.

And cold and snowy

But from parental love

I am warm, serene.

10 I go to bed in the evening,

I sleep peacefully.

And in the morning look under the pillow -

I freeze with excitement.

11 There is a pen, a marker

And a notebook.

After all, these are all gifts.

Saint Nicholas.

Presenter 1: And why do children receive gifts from St. Nicholas, but they don’t see St. Nicholas himself?

Presenter 2: This is all because Saint Nicholas always helped people secretly, so that no one could see him. When people found food, clothes or money near their house, they did not know whom to thank and thanked God.

Presenter 1: At all times, St. Nicholas brings magic and mystery to every home. And what can be mystery without riddles?

3rd grade

He has no legs, but he keeps walking.
White and fluffy, but not a cat at all.
He knows how to fall, but not a man.
It is wintry, clean and cold…. (snow).

Who is knocking on our window?
Look, no one is there.
Knows everything in the world
Playful ... (wind)

Wear a white coat over your shoulders
And she boldly walks the planet.
Friendly with frost and snow
Mistress, queen ... (winter)

She has a green outfit.
Everyone is in love with her in winter.
Ah, how the needles prick
At an elegant, lush ... (Christmas tree).

He loves surprises
And he does not tolerate whims.
He is handsome and bright
Festive… (gift)

Spinning, howling, laughing
And he wants to catch his nets
Insidious wind friend
Cold, winter ... (blizzard).

Dancing graceful tango
In their elegant outfits,
Circle without end, without a hitch
In the frosty cold ... (snowflakes)

Presenter 1 : And now we will tell you about how St. Nicholas lived.

Presenter 2 : Sit comfortably and listen carefully.

Presenter 1: In the ancient city of Patara

One virtuous couple

A son was born - named Nikolai

So today we praise the saint. (shows icon)

Presenter 2 : He became a priest after,

Good deeds cannot be counted

Served God in the city of Mira,

There is one in the Lycian country.

Presenter 1: Through God's revelation

The saint knew with whom the trouble

Where they needed and prayed

He hurried over there.

Presenter 2: Listen to the first story

How the Saint sailed on the ship

And he saved the sailors from trouble.

Presenter 1: A ship sailed from afar. (Shows a boat at sea on a flannelgraph)

Suddenly there is a storm on the sea, a wave.

The shipbuilders prayed

Another moment and everything would be broken.

Presenter 2 : Yes, by the prayer of Nicholas

God help the unfortunate

The wave already carried the ship aground

Only the prayer of the Saint saved them.

Presenter 1: Now listen to the story

Like a saint of the inhabitants of the city of Mira

Saved from hunger.

(Leaders act out a scene)

Presenter 2: The year was lean in Lycia

The people endured need and distress.

Stocks of bread came to an end.

And then the rich merchant

(Presenter 2 sits down and “sleeps”)

Presenter 1: A wonderful dream in the dead of night

Saint Nicholas appeared to him

“Send a ship with grain to Lycia

Get money as a pledge of purchase "

(“sleeping” wakes up and suddenly “finds” chocolate coins in his hand)

Presenter 2: The merchant woke up. He has in his hand

Glittering three gold coins

Coins are precious, holy.

Presenter 1: He fulfilled the order of the Pleasant

The people of Lycia were saved from starvation.

Presenter 2 : And Saint Nicholas

Helped three sisters.

Presenter 1: This story we will see now

Listen guys to the old story.

(Music sounds) Scene Senior classes

"Unknown Savior"

Characters: Father, Verochka, Nadya, Lyubochka.

Presenter 1:

The sky is covered with stars
And, having passed one hundred and five roads,
Relieved from fatigue
The evening sat on our doorstep ...

Weary Evening wondrous,
But he doesn't want to hang his nose:
He is from ancient times
He brought a wonderful story.

An old and sick man lived in one city, his wife died and the poor man left three daughters: (Music sounds, they go out to the words of the presenter)

The eldest is Verochka, the middle one is Nadenka and the youngest is Lyubochka.

Father: But is there anything we have in the house to eat, daughters?

Vera: But where, father?

Nadya: For three days there has been no bread in the house.

Lyubochka: Father, can we sell something?

Father: Everything, Lyubochka, has long been sold. Woe to me, old, woe. (Crying)

Vera: Yes, you are, father, do not be sad! If mother were alive, she would definitely come up with something.

Nadya: And we'll figure it out! We can sew!

Lyubochka: Also knitting and embroidering! Let's earn something.

Father: It's all right, my good ones, but our debts are so big that it still won't be enough. And I'm very old and sick. What will become of you, my doves? Oh-ho-ho. (Leaves)

Vera: Guys, you know our trouble. What do we do, what do you think? (Answers)

Thanks guys. And here's what I came up with. Let's sew a beautiful tablecloth.

Nadia : That's right, Alyonushka, and we'll embroider a beautiful pattern on it.

Lyubochka: Come on, sisters. (They leave. The music is sad. The father is coming.)

Father: (sings) My dear daughters,

I ask you not to be sad

My blue-winged doves

Let go of grief and sadness.

Faith, Nadia, Lyuba!

Yes, where are you? Not here and not here. Guys, have you seen my daughters? Where are they? (Answers) The tablecloth is embroidered. It's good. And I can't forget my grief! What am I old to do? Now, if I could give my daughters in marriage ... But there is not even a penny in the house. How much do you need for a wedding? (Grieves, covers his face with his hands) (Magic music - someone throws a bag of money through the window)

Father : Oh, what is it? (raises bag) Money! And who helped us? ... (Looks out) Guys, did you see anyone? (Answers) There is no one else.

(Music sounds, daughters come in)

Nadya: What a beautiful tablecloth!

Lyubochka: As if decorated with flowers of paradise!

Vera: Father, we tried so hard... Look.

Father (joyfully): The beauty of your tablecloth is unprecedented. This is what will come in handy for the wedding. I will give you, Vera, in marriage. Here's money for your dowry.

Lyubochka: Ouch! What happiness! Thank God!

Nadya: Congratulations, congratulations!!! (Music plays, everyone leaves)

Presenter 1 : The wedding was a success! How many daughters did the poor man have, guys? (Answers) What was your name? Who got married? (Answers) And Nadenka and Lyubushka live with their father. Yes, here they are ... (Music sounds, father and 2 daughters are walking)

Nadya: Father, stocks are all over. There will be nothing to cook dinner tomorrow.

Lyubochka: What do we do?

Father: Do not be sad, daughters. Go to sleep, dear, the morning is wiser than the evening.

Lyubochka: Let's go, sister, maybe we'll embroider more napkins during the night. .

Nadya: We will sell tomorrow at the fair and buy flour. (Leave)

Father: (sings) My dear daughters,

I ask you not to be sad

My blue-winged doves

Let go of grief and sadness.

(Magic music. A bag is thrown through the window) Oh! Bag again!

(Running to the window) Guys, have you seen anyone? (Answers) I thank you, Lord, that there are good people in the world who help us. Nadenka, Lyubochka, what a joy! Come here! (Music sounds, daughters run in)

Nadya: What's the noise, father?

Lyubochka: Oh, yes, there is a bag of money again.

Nadya: Father, where did this bag come from?

Father: And you ask the guys, they also saw everything!

Guys, where is the bag from? (Answers)

Presenter 2 : (total answers) Maybe St. Nicholas, or maybe not. We have not seen.

Father: The mysterious benefactor gave money to you too, Nadenka, for a dowry. Get ready for the wedding.

Nadya: Thank you, father!

Father: I bless you for marriage, daughter!

Lyubochka: Be happy sister! How happy I am for you! Let's get ready for the wedding.


Presenter 2 : So Nadenka was married off by her father. He left behind his youngest, most beloved daughter. What's her name guys? (Answers) Let's call her. (Lyubochka)

Lyubochka: (sings) How happy I am for you dear sisters

My heart is overflowing

Oh, what days have become long

Where, where are you, my happiness.

How happy I am for you, dear sisters, my heart is overflowing with happiness! But I don't know what fate awaits me. (Sighs) So I cooked dinner for the priest. But where is he? (Music)

Father: Is something, my beloved daughter, saddened?

Lyubochka: My heart rejoices over the sisters and their happiness. And I'm sad, father, will something happen to us?

Father: Do not worry, daughter! And the Lord will not leave you! Go get some rest, you've been working all day.

Lyubochka: Okay, daddy. I'll go lie down. (Leaves)

(Magic music sounds) A hand appears with a bag.

Father: Good man, wait, who are you? Wait! Wait! How to thank you? (runs away to the music, returns)

I have seen! Saw! Guys, It was St. Nicholas himself who came! It was he who helped us get rid of trouble and gave my daughters a dowry. Guys, will we tell Lyubochka? (Answers) Let's call her (Lyubochka!)

Lyubochka: I'm coming! What happened, father?

Father: What a joy, my daughter. Here's your dowry money. And I learned the name of the benefactor!

Lyubochka: Who is this, father? Who am I to thank?

Father: And you, Lyubushka, ask the guys!

Lyubochka: Guys, who showed us such mercy with the sisters, who is this mysterious savior? (Answers)

Father: Yes, this is our Saint Nicholas. Call, Lyubochka, sisters and children - we have a holiday today!

Lyubochka: Batiushka and I invite everyone to the feast, we magnify St. Nicholas.

ALL : (sing) Saint Nicholas gave us gold

Even if not everyone has seen the Saint

We know, we believe, even day and night

Saint Nicholas is in a hurry to help everyone.

Presenter 2: Thank you guys for the instructive story. We will definitely please Nikolai with our deeds and courtesy. The smallest students of our school prepared congratulations on this festive day.

1 class

Dear, lovely children
Boys and girls
In this wonderfulcelebration
We wish you happiness.

We are in good health
We wish you kids
For childish joy

You respect each other
Don't offend anyone
And in teaching, guys,
You show diligence.

On a holiday, let it be cheerful
Dreams will come true -
Everything Nikola has
You don't ask.

Let everyone get
On this holy day
Little present
Big from the heart!

On this wonderful holiday
We have come to you with good news
From Saint Nicholas
Who knows about him guys?

Happy Saint Nicholas Day
I heartily congratulate you!
I wish you continue
Don't get sick and don't get old!

Live long, be loved
And give your love!
Happiness, joy, good luck!
Only this way and not otherwise!

May Saint Nicholas

will help you
And will always show you

the right way!

Presenter 1: We were now accepting the kindest and most sincere congratulations, St. Nicholas heard them and secretly prepared gifts for us. Guys, let's see them?

Presenter 2: This concludes our holiday. We wish you the fulfillment of all desires, health and love for your loved ones.