Profession - educator presentation on the topic. My future profession is a teacher! Miniatures for the presentation of the profession of educator

An employee who works with children in a preschool institution, monitors the safety of the child's life, and creates conditions for the comprehensive development of the child. An employee who works with children in a preschool institution, monitors the safety of the child's life, and creates conditions for the comprehensive development of the child.

The teacher is engaged in the education of the child: his upbringing and development. Conducts exercises, speech development classes, teaches oral counting, reading, drawing, modeling, natural history. Develops attention, memory, thinking, ingenuity. Introduces children to ethical and aesthetic standards in society. Organizes pastime for children: games, walks, other activities in accordance with the daily routine. And is responsible for the life and health of children. The teacher is engaged in the education of the child: his upbringing and development. Conducts exercises, speech development classes, teaches oral counting, reading, drawing, modeling, natural history. Develops attention, memory, thinking, ingenuity. Introduces children to ethical and aesthetic standards in society. Organizes pastime for children: games, walks, other activities in accordance with the daily routine. And is responsible for the life and health of children.

The specialty can be obtained at a pedagogical university. Usually, during the study, a person masters not only the profession of an educator, but also one additional specialization of his choice: fine arts, physical education, psychologist, teacher of English. The specialty can be obtained at a pedagogical university. Usually, during the study, a person masters not only the profession of an educator, but also one additional specialization of his choice: fine arts, physical education, psychologist, teacher of English.

The teacher must have knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, first aid, ethics and aesthetics, the content and principles of organizing preschool education. Know the methods of teaching and developing children, be able to organize the activities of children. The teacher must have knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, first aid, ethics and aesthetics, the content and principles of organizing preschool education. Know the methods of teaching and developing children, be able to organize the activities of children.

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Social Studies"

The main purpose of the social studies presentation is to study society and understand social processes. This section of the site contains ready-made presentations covering the entire school curriculum in social studies. Here you can find and download a ready-made social studies presentation for grades 6,7,8,9,10,11. Well-illustrated and well-written presentations will help the teacher to conduct the lesson in a fun way, and students can use them to prepare for the lesson, review the material already covered, or as a visual accompaniment to a presentation.

Completed by students of the 33rd group of the specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education: Alexandra Dontsova, Maria Pavlova, Victoria Krasnoperova

Slide 2: From the history of the profession

The profession of an educator appeared for the first time in ancient Greece, but did not become widespread, since slaves were engaged in raising the children of wealthy people, and the children of peasants did not receive education at all.

Slide 3: Facts from the "life" of the profession

The profession of educator arose in the 17th and 18th centuries, when the first preschool institutions appeared. In Europe and in Russia, such institutions were originally intended for orphans. Then there were private paid children's institutions, where the children of wealthy parents came to play and study. Persons who looked after children were called differently in different countries: nannies, leaders, teachers, mentors, educators. It is noteworthy that among the first teachers of preschool institutions there were more males than in the future. Teachers who worked in Fröbel kindergartens began to be called gardeners or "Fröbelichka".

Slide 4: Teacher...

The preschool teacher is the first person who replaces people close to the child in early childhood and on whom the formation of a child's character and the formation of positive qualities largely depend. It is impossible to overestimate the value of specialists in this profession, because they give sincere love and maternal care to their pupils free of charge during their stay in a preschool institution. The work and effort that a preschool teacher puts into children is invaluable.

Slide 5: Famous people of this profession

Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel - German teacher, theorist of preschool education, creator of the concept of "kindergarten"

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Gifts F.V. Froebel

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He substantiated the goal of preschool education - the development by the child of various knowledge about the world around him, about moral development and preparation for school. For the first time, he substantiated the idea of ​​​​consecutive education of preschool children in the book "Mother's School" by Ya.A. Komensky

Slide 8: Personal qualities of the educator:

Love for children. Decency. Goodwill. High responsibility. Honesty. The ability to empathize. Sociability. Accuracy. Organization. Restraint.


Knowledge of preschool education. Knowledge of the general laws of development of children. Ability to organize leading activities. Possession of the theory and methods of development of preschool children. Ability to plan, implement and analyze educational work with children. Ability to plan and adjust educational tasks based on monitoring results. Possession of methods and means of psychological and pedagogical education of parents. Possession of ICT competencies.


Slide 10: The main directions in the activities of the educator:

Strengthen the health, develop physical activity of children. To develop the cognitive activity of children, to master the means and methods of cognition, to enrich the experience of activities and ideas about the environment. To cultivate a benevolent attitude between children and friendly relations in joint affairs. To develop creative manifestations and imagination in artistic, visual and gaming activities.


Slide 11: Pros in the profession - educator

The work of an educator is associated with constant communication and creativity. This allows you to develop creatively, as you often have to participate in children's performances as fairy-tale characters or presenters. In addition, it is necessary to organize useful leisure activities for children, come up with games and other entertainment. Every day of the educator is not like the previous one, there is no routine and monotony in it, so you just can’t get bored and the working day goes by very quickly. In addition, kindergarten teachers often have a very convenient schedule.


Slide 12: Cons in the profession - educator

Too early start of the working day, most gardens start working from 7 am. In a high degree of responsibility, including for the life of the child. Misunderstanding on the part of parents in difficult situations, difficulties in establishing contact with children. In the probability of frequent stresses - dissatisfaction of parents, children's tears, constant checks and commissions.


Slide 13: Where can I work in this specialty

in preschool educational institutions. In orphanages. In social rehabilitation centers and shelters for children. In developing children's centers. in private kindergartens. in the educational authorities.


Slide 14: Career opportunities for teachers

Career prospects for specialists in the field of preschool education are associated with advanced training either directly at the workplace or in the system of continuing professional education. A managerial path of career development is also possible, when a specialist, gradually improving, can become the head of a kindergarten or get a position as a specialist in the local department of education. The teacher may eventually open a private kindergarten, becoming a private entrepreneur.


Slide 15: Demand today in the labor market

The profession of an educator is perfect for women, it is very popular in the labor market


The last slide of the presentation: My future profession is a teacher of preschool children: References

1. Federal state educational standard for preschool education - M .: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2014.-32s. 2. Preschool pedagogy: a textbook for students. avg. prof. textbook institutions / S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikov. - 10th ed., Sr. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013. - 416 p. 3. Lobanova E.A. Preschool pedagogy: teaching aid / E. A. Lobanova - Balashov: Nikolaev, 2005. - 76 p. 4. Pedagogy: a textbook for students. higher textbook institutions / P.I. Pidkasisty, V.I. Belyaev, V.A. Mizherikov, T.A. Yuzefavicius; ed. P.I. piddly. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2010. - 512 p. 5. Pedagogy: a textbook for students. medium institutions. prof. education / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov. - 3rd ed., Rev. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012. - 496 p.

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The profession of an educator is very relevant in our time, since the future of the world depends on the younger generation.

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Goal and tasks:

Introduce classmates to this profession; To interest classmates in this profession;

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Methods for finding and doing work:

Internet media (mass media)

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Description; History of the profession; The importance of the profession in society; The uniqueness of the profession; Occupational risks; Where to get this profession;

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A teacher - this sounds proud, but according to world studies, working with children is one of the most difficult and responsible activities. The reason for this lies in the fragility and vulnerability of the child's psyche, the formation of which partially falls on the shoulders of his educator.

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Profession history:

The history of the profession of an educator originated in Ancient Greece, but in those days a slave was engaged in raising a child, who took him to school and carried all the necessary supplies for his studies. The rest of the time, the slave followed the development of the child, protected from dangers. Some time later, the work of a slave was continued by a home educator, and subsequently, after the popularization of public education, the profession of an educator appeared. ...

Slide 8

The importance of the profession in society:

A person's life position, his character, moral principles and views are laid down in childhood, and that is why high competence, impeccable education and the comprehensive development of the personality of the educator himself, who accompanies the child in his early years, acquires special social significance.

Slide 9

The uniqueness of the profession:

Working with children, the educator is directly involved in organizing their life in the conditions of a certain preschool institution, carrying out all the prescribed activities. For successful work, it is necessary to be well versed in the developmental psychology of children, pedagogy, to be familiar with the basic principles of organizing preschool and primary school education.

Slide 10

Profession risks:

The positive aspects of the profession are in direct communication with children. The profession of an educator is perfect for women, which is clearly reflected in statistics, but the lack of male education for children of preschool and primary school age remains unfortunate, the reason for which lies in the low material profit of this profession.

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Where to get this profession:

It is possible to get an education in the specialty of an educator in pedagogical schools, as well as pedagogical or humanitarian institutes.

The teacher is engaged in the education of the child: his upbringing, training and development.

To successfully master a profession, a person must be attentive, responsible, responsive, tactful, sociable, patient, and show a tendency to work with children.

Desirable have a good memory, attention, high communication skills.

The educator himself must be educated. K. Marx



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Slides captions:

"Profession-educator" The presentation was prepared by: teacher-psychologist MADOU d / s No. 30 M.A. Alyoshinskaya

Description of the profession The educator is engaged in the education of the child: his upbringing, training and development. Conducts exercises, classes on the development of speech, oral counting skills, reading, drawing, modeling, natural history. Develops children's attention, memory, thinking, ingenuity, initiative, communication skills. Introduces ethical and aesthetic norms of behavior in society. Organizes pastime for children: games, daily walks, other activities in accordance with the daily routine. Responsible for the life and health of children!!!

Personal qualities To successfully master a profession, a person must be attentive, responsible, responsive, tactful, sociable, patient, and show a tendency to work with children. It is desirable to have a good memory, attention, high communication skills. We need a general culture and erudition, competent and intelligible speech, a well-trained voice, the ability to manage a team. It also requires resistance to stress, the ability to control one's behavior and emotions, a strong nervous system: the work of an educator, although not accompanied by increased physical exertion, takes place in conditions of constant psycho-emotional stress.

What do you need to know? The teacher must have knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, the basics of life safety, first aid, ethics and aesthetics, the content and principles of organizing preschool education. To know the methods of teaching and developing children, to be able to organize their cognitive activity. The specialty can be obtained at the Pedagogical College in the specialty "Preschool Education". Usually, during the study, a person masters not only the profession of an educator, but also one additional specialization to choose from: the head of fine arts, physical education, a speech therapist, a child psychologist, an English teacher for preschoolers, etc.

Place of work and career Works in a kindergarten: in a group, gym, also outdoors, on the territory for a walk. There are jobs in preschool institutions, development centers, private kindergartens. Opportunities for career growth are small: raising the level of education, the accumulation of work experience are reflected in the level of income, but do not yet ensure promotion through the ranks. There is a chance to someday take the place of the head of the kindergarten or become an official in the education authorities. You can do business, for example, by creating a private kindergarten or development center.

The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student. R. Emerson The educator himself must be educated. K. Marx Everything that is achieved by training, pressure, violence is fragile, unreliable and unreliable. J. Korczak

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Slides captions:

MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 86", Bratsk My profession is a kindergarten teacher

let's get to know each other: educator of early and younger groups Kanazhevskaya Marina Anatolyevna

The educator is like a potter, in whose hands soft pliable clay turns into an elegant vessel. And the task of the educator is to fill this vessel with goodness, creativity, knowledge and skills. Love for children is the most important quality of a teacher

Statements about education and children "The best discovery is what the child makes himself." Ralph Emerson "Everyone involved in the upbringing of children must find their own key to their hearts." Larisa Fesyukova "The best way to make children good is to make them happy." Oscar Wilde

Necessary qualities of a good educator: KINDNESS The educator must love small children, be able to find a common language with them and have incredible patience.

Only children go to a good teacher with joy, love her, wait impatiently when they go back to kindergarten.

Education. The educator must constantly improve his skills, using the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices. Must go forward, master innovative technologies and non-traditional methods.

The educator needs a variety of knowledge to satisfy the curiosity of the modern child and help him learn about the world around him.

Responsibility. The teacher is responsible for the life and health of children during their stay in kindergarten.

Care and Attention Children feel very subtly when a teacher is sincerely interested in their problems. A good teacher knows how to determine the individual abilities of kids.

Diligence. The educator should not forget about discipline, routine and other organizing factors. It should form perseverance and diligence in children.

Creation. Turn an ordinary child's day into a holiday with unexpected surprises

Artistry. The ability to transform, to play a role - helps to find an approach to children, understand their inner world, reveal their abilities, talents, arouse interest in creativity

Sociability. The teacher organizes the work of the children's team and the personal relationships of children among themselves.

The teacher should communicate with the parents of the kids, hear their wishes. Consider their opinion.

Parents' feedback on work

Love for children is the most important personal and professional feature of the educator, without which effective pedagogical activity is impossible. Being a teacher is a calling! It means to relive childhood again and again with each child, to see the world through his eyes, to be surprised and to know it with him.

First graders remember and say thank you.

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