Friendship presentation starts with a smile for preschoolers. Presentation - friendship starts with a smile. with new people

Yulia Safarova
Project "Friendship starts with a smile"

Target project:Creating conditions for the formation and strengthening friendships in the group"Teremok"

Tasks project:

Acquaintance of children with the emotional states of a person in different situations.

Teach children friendly forms of interaction.

Develop the emotional side of the child's personality.

Cultivate a positive attitude towards friendship between people.

Develop children's creative and speech abilities in maintaining friendly relations.

Expand vocabulary for expression friendly feelings.

Stage 1. Preparatory

Selection of methodological literature, fiction, selection of visual material for conversations, didactic games, selection of cartoons, musical repertoire (with a music director,

Stage 2. Basic

Conversation "If with a friend went on the road", "How to play and not quarrel"

-View cartoons: "Baby and Carlson", "The Adventures of Pig Funtik", "Little Raccoon", "On the road with clouds".

Development of speech, vocabulary, explanation words: peace, happiness, bad weather, keep, appreciate, friends, quarrel, politeness, kindness, put up, protect a friend, foe.

Playing out life situations "My mood", "Friend's Birthday", "My friend is in trouble..."

Discussion of proverbs and sayings about friendship"There is no friend - look for, but found - take care", "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends", "A man without friends is like a tree without roots".

artistic activity (drawing) "House friendship» ,

(application) "Gift for a friend's birthday".

Listening to musical compositions "Together it's fun to walk","Song of Friends", "You, me, and we".

Learning poems and songs about friendship and friends.

-Theatricalization: acting out fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Cat, Rooster and Fox".

Games "Find a Friend", "Let's compliment each other".

Staging problem situations "My friend hurt me", "I want to be with you be friends» .

Di "Guess My Mood", "Send your mood"

Finger gymnastics "We invite friends to visit", physical minute "Mood", "Kindergarten".

Stage 3. Final

Photo exhibition presentation "From smiles will become brighter» .

Expected results:

Children develop the concept « friendship» ;

Preschoolers will learn to practice self-help skills in solving various problems;

Acquire the skills to work in collaboration;

Children will learn to turn to each other for help.

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Friendship begins with a smile ... Compiled by the primary school teacher of the Moscow State Educational Institution Novozhiznenskaya OOSh Stepanenko O.I.

What is friendship? Everyone knows. Maybe it's funny to ask? Well, what does this word mean? So what is it?

- close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, common interests.

“A comrade is a person who is close to someone in terms of the commonality of views, activities, living conditions ...” “A friend is one who is connected with someone by friendship” S.I. Ozhegov
Friend, comrade. Who is this?

Distinctive features of friendship
Selectivity Confidence Disinterestedness Mutual sympathy and community of interests



1. One for all and all for one. 2. Respect each other and help each other. 3. Rejoice with your friends. 4. Do not offend friends and everyone around you. 5. Do not leave your friends in trouble, do not let them down, do not betray, do not deceive, do not break your promises. 6. Take care of your friends, because it's easy to lose a friend. An old friend is better than two new ones.
Basic laws of friendship:

What proverbs about friendship do you know?
Explain the proverb

Hold on to each other - The enemy agrees, Look for a friend, Who loves to lie, Not the friend who smears honey, Make new friends, Birds are strong in wings, A man without friendship, What kind of friendship you make, The wind destroys the mountain,
nothing to be afraid of.
and a friend is arguing.
and if you find it, keep it.
You can't take him as a friend.
and the one who tells the truth.
don't forget the old ones.
and people friendship.
like a tree without a root.
this is the life you will live.
but the human friendship of the word.

This presentation serves as an addition to the class hour "Friendship begins with a smile." For the event, a computer presentation was used, where through the hyperlinks made in the presentation, songs about friendship were sung - “Friendship begins with a smile” (audio recording), “Friends” performed by gr. Barbariki (film-clip), the audio recording "The Lonely Shepherd" was also used.

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"Presentation for the class hour "Friendship begins with a smile""

With a smile, the sun gives light

Sending us your

Let's all answer together

We will tell each other

He finds friends

who meets them


it's a close relationship

based on mutual trust,


community of interests.

- person associated with someone

close good relationship

mutual sympathy,

based on mutual understanding.

In the world of proverbs

There is no friend - look for, but found, take care.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Friendship is like glass, if it breaks, you can't put it down.


Help a friend in need.

Be able to share the joy with a friend.

Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.

Stop a friend if he does something bad.

Be able to accept help, advice.

Don't fool your friend.

Don't betray your friend.

Treat your friend like yourself.

Don't hesitate to admit your mistakes.

Always keep your promises.

Communication rules

1. Radiate positive emotions (fun,

kind, cheerful, calm human

always attracts.

2. Smile at the person and try

do it with a sincere smile.

3. Show attention and

interest in a person as a person

4. Call him by his first name

as he wants.

Thanks for attention.

May your friendship

with new people

always starts

with a smile!

See you soon!

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  • expanding children's knowledge about human relationships; about friendship;
  • carry out joint activities in pairs, working groups, taking into account specific tasks;
  • to form the ability to explain your choice, build phrases, answer the questions posed, argue.


  • develop the speech and thinking of students;
  • cultivate kindness.


  • musical equipment;
  • phonogram “Songs of the Cat Leopold”; "Smile"
  • memo “Basic Laws of Friendship”;
  • proverbs about friendship;
  • a poster with a painted heart, to which a pocket is glued;
  • the shape of the palms of colored paper;
  • colored pencils, markers

Lesson progress

Sounds “Song of a raccoon” from “Smile ......”.

Attachment 1.

Hello guys!
Hello, friends!
On an autumn day
I see you!
I am glad to welcome dear guys!

See, you smile. Does that mean you are in a good mood?

The topic of our lesson is “Friendship begins with a smile”. slide 1-1k

Are you ready to go with me to an amazing kingdom?

We will go to the beautiful kingdom of Friendship. slide 2

Today we will discuss some serious issues.

  • How do you understand the word "friendship"? (answers)
  • What is a friend? (answers)
  • What does it mean to be friends? (answers)
  • Is it good to be without friends? (answers)

I agree with you. Let's talk about friendship again today.

A game exercise is used to introduce the topic. “Find your own kind.” - preliminarily put the group numbers on the tables.

Step 1. Students stand in a circle. The teacher asks them to cover their eyes and not talk to each other. The teacher pins small drawings on their backs (a sun, a cloud, a flower, a heart, and one drawing of a thundercloud).

Step 2. The teacher gives the task to the children: Find a “similar” and take their places at the tables. It is impossible to talk about it.

Step 3. Children determine which table they will sit at.

Step 4. The teacher draws the attention of the children that one student was left and discusses with them the question: “How does it feel to be left alone and without friends.”

Take a seat in any group. Question to the group to which the student approached.

- Show how to greet a friend, express approval,

Group work. Write down the answers to the questions on the sheets of paper using one word

- What kind of music do you hear when you think, talk about friendship?
What does friendship smell like? (your feelings)
- What does she feel like?
- Taste?
– With what weather would you compare “friendship”?
- What animals can be associated with the word friendship?
- What colors will you take to “draw” friendship? you can draw circles of these flowers.

Read the answers. Each group reads the answers to the questions.

Conclusion: everyone associates friendship with kindness, responsiveness, softness, light, etc.

So what is friendship? slide 3 - 1k

Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust. Attachments, common interests. Such an explanation of the word "friendship" is given in the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov.

And here is how your peer understands the word “Friendship”.

The student reads the poem "Friendship"

What is friendship?-
I asked the bird.
- This is when the kite
It flies with the titmouse.
I asked the beast
- What is friendship?-
- This is when the hare
Foxes do not need to be afraid.
And then she asked the girl:
- Friendship - what is it?
- It's something huge.
Happy, great.
This is when the guys all at once,
Everyone plays together.
This is when the boys
Girls are not bullied.
Everyone should be friends in the world:
And animals, and birds, and adults, and children!

Output: When people are friends, they want to be together, they are interested in each other, they trust each other.

And who are true friends? (children's answers)

True friends understand you and respect your interests.

Feeling and emotional experience of the state of friendliness

Where does friendship start?

From the blue stream
The river starts
Well, friendship begins ... (say a word) with a smile.

Mimic gymnastics

- Smile at each other.
- Take on a facial expression that a friendly-minded person should have.

Fizminutka (children perform in pairs)

You are a thrush and I am a thrush (show)
You have a nose and I have a nose.
You have red cheeks and I have red cheeks
You have scarlet lips and I have scarlet lips.
We are two friends, we love each other (hugs).

Continuation of the conversation

- And who are you friends with?

Are you friends with your parents?

Would you like your friends to be with you for the rest of your life?

Do you think you can only be friends with people? Are you friends with animals, nature, books?

Who can be called a friend?

A friend is an interesting book to read.

A friend is a mother who will help in difficult times.

A friend is a teacher who helps to look into the secrets of knowledge.

A friend is a toy that listens to me when I feel bad.

A friend is my naughty puppy.

Let's take a look at Ozhegov's dictionary. A friend is a person who is related to someone by friendship; supporter, protector of someone. slide3-2k

Guys, do you have friends? Hands up, who's got it? Can you explain why you call your relationship friendship? Quiz slide 4

(Students' statements)

The teacher reads out excerpts from students' essays about friendship:

1) Friendship is the most necessary thing in life. A true friend is the one who will help in trouble, the one who sincerely rejoices with you in the bright moments of life.

2) A true friend is a person who can be trusted with all your problems. A true friend becomes your close relative. I have girlfriends. We often say that together we are strong!

3) Friendship is one of the brightest and most significant feelings for a person. True friendship arises between people who are kind to each other.

What a reliable and capacious word - Friendship! You can be friends with everyone and with one person, but still the most important friendship begins in the family. After all, the family is the beginning of life, we were born here, we grow up, we grow up. No wonder one of the proverbs says: there is no better friend than a mother. How do you understand it?

What other proverbs and sayings about friendship do you know?

Game "Find the end of the proverb"

  • Do not have a hundred rubles, but ...... (have a hundred friends).
  • A man without friends, what ..... (a tree without roots).
  • Look for a friend, but found ..... (take care).
  • A tree lives by roots, and a person .... (friends).
  • Friendship is not a mushroom, in the forest ... (you won't find it).

Teacher: And here is another German proverb: Friendship - it is a tree that should be watered. How do you understand it?

Danish proverb: The road to a friend's house is never long.

Guys, not without reason I said that the main friendship begins in the family. It is in the family that mothers read you fairy tales, stories about friendship. What fairy tales and stories about friendship have you already read?

Quiz Slide 4

“Who is friends with whom?”

Green crocodile Gena and ..... Cheburashka.

Trusting Pinocchio and ...... Malvina.

Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and ...... Piglet.

Musician friends: they lived together, drove out the robbers, gave concerts.

(Cat, rooster, dog, donkey)

What girl rescued her friend Kai from ice captivity? (Gerda)

Carlson fell into bed and, clutching his head, said: “I am the sickest person in the world.” He demanded medicine. The kid gave the medicine, to which Carlson replied: "A friend saved a friend's life." What medicine did the Kid give Carlson? (Raspberry jam).

Guys! Now you are learning to make friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the laws of friendship. There are many laws of friendship. And now in groups you will read the laws of friendship. But these are just some of them, I hope you will definitely add them. Until then, read it one by one. (each group has one law)

(Students read along the chain and attach to the board)

Basic Laws of Friendship

  • One for all and all for one.
  • Be friends, do not offend friends and everyone around you.
  • Respect each other and help each other.
  • Rejoice with your friends.
  • Do not leave your friends in trouble, do not let them down, do not betray, do not break your promises.
  • Take care of your friends, because a friend is easy to lose.
  • An old friend is better than two new ones.


Look how big the heart is on the poster. This is our heart, ready to love and help each other. It is not simple, but magical. In this heart-pocket, you now put a palm cut out of paper with wishes - to yourself, a friend, a class. You will open them after class and read them.

The song is "friendship". Children on (their palms pre-cut out of colored paper write wishes). slide 5

So let's be friends
Let us remember these verses more than once.
If friendship is always valued,
That any wish will come true.

Help each other in difficult times, look for good and true friends. Let's get up and say to each other the words of the famous hero, the kindest and most patient cat Leopold: “Guys, let's live together!” slide 6

Thank you for your work!

In this lesson, children learn to evaluate their actions and their friends. motivate, explain their judgments, arouse the desire to help each other.

Learn proverbs about friendship. Learn the basic laws of friendship. They will play the game "Who is friends with whom" (They will remember the heroes of fairy tales)



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Slides captions:

Friendship begins with a smile Class hour Prepared by: Karavanova S.A.

Objectives: - to teach to analyze to evaluate their actions; - to teach children to see, understand, evaluate the feelings, actions of others, motivate, explain their judgments; - to awaken in children the desire to help each other Tasks: - to form in children the concept of "friend", "Friendship"; - correction of the development of speech, thinking and memory of a younger student on the basis of exercises in analysis - synthesis; - cultivating respect for each other

We help each other in trouble, together we do our homework and play, together we go for a walk, to the store. When you are not, then I am alone. Come soon, I miss you, I don't even play with my favorite tank. I really need communication with you, And I also need a man's ... (friendship) How do you understand the word "friendship"? What is a friend? What does it mean to be friends? What do you remember when you hear the word "friendship"?

Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests. Such an explanation is given to the word "friendship" in Ozhegov's dictionary. And here is how your peer understands the word "friendship". What is friendship? I asked the bird. - This is when a kite flies with a titmouse. I asked the beast: - What is friendship? - This is when a hare, foxes do not need to be afraid. And then she asked the girl: - Friendship - what is it? - This is something huge, joyful, big. This is when the guys all at once, all together play. This is when the boys do not bully the girls. Everyone in the world should be friends: animals, birds, and children.

Game: “Continue the proverb” Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have (a hundred friends) A man without friends is like a tree (without roots) Look for a friend, but you will find (take care) A tree lives by roots, but a person (friends) Friendship is not a mushroom, in the forest (you won't find) Game: "Who is friends with whom" Gullible Pinocchio and (Malvina). Funny bear Winnie - Pooh and (Piglet). Once four musicians got together and became friends. They gave concerts together, drove out the robbers together, lived together - they didn’t grieve. Name these friends - musicians (Bremen Town Musicians: a rooster, a cat, a dog and a donkey). What girl rescued her friend Kai from ice captivity? (Gerda). Green crocodile Gena and (Cheburashka) Basic laws of friendship One for all, and all for one. Be friends. Do not offend friends and everyone around you. Rejoice with your friends. Take care of your friends. It's easy to lose a friend. an old friend is better than two new ones

Our heart, ready to love and help each other. It is not simple, but magical. In this heart - a pocket, children lower their carved palm with wishes - to themselves, to a group, to a friend So let's, let's be friends Let us remember these verses more than once. If friendship is always cherished, then any desire will come true.

Guys let's be friends!

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