Proper washing of a waterproof mattress cover. How to wash a waterproof mattress cover: tips for the buyer Is it possible to wash a mattress cover

A mattress cover is a multifunctional product that can significantly improve the quality and comfort of sleep for you and your loved ones. Buying a mattress pad is an easy and economical way to create a comfortable and healthy bed with the right firmness. - this is a model that will help to give the existing mattress elasticity and make the bed softer, as well as hide possible irregularities. A latex mattress pad will protect the mattress from dirt and will significantly extend its life. produced by Askona are safe for both adults and children and are certified by Roszdravnadzor.

Characteristics of a latex mattress pad

Ascona latex mattress toppers consist of natural latex filler 2 cm thick and a knitted cover quilted with padding polyester. The total height of the product is 5.5 cm. The stitch is made of bulky cotton fiber.

Mattress holder

Mattress cover with latex from the company "Ascona" has a secure fastening in the form of a wide fixing elastic band, which prevents it from shifting during sleep.

Mattress care

It is recommended to regularly air the mattress cover in a dry, cool room or in the fresh air (it is advisable to protect it from direct sunlight). Dry cleaning is suitable for removing stubborn dirt. It is also allowed to automatically wash mattress covers with latex in household washing machines at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C in the delicate wash mode without spinning.

Most people face the problem of cleaning mattresses. After all, you can’t wash them in any way, and pollution is inevitable. Therefore, manufacturers have invented such a thing as a mattress pad, which is designed specifically to protect the mattress from dirt. In addition, it significantly increases the life of the mattress, protecting it from various damages, and makes sleep even more comfortable. Now the mattress topper is becoming relevant.

Many people have a question: is it possible to wash a mattress cover? It all depends on the material from which it is made and its filler. If the material allows, then the product can and should be washed. It is advisable to do this at intervals of two to three months.

Can the mattress pad be washed in the washing machine? Here, everything also depends on the material, since there are those that, upon contact with water, lose their protective properties.

In general, washing these products in the washing machine does not cause much trouble, even if they are made of heavy fabric. Before washing it, you should look at the label: the necessary information about this should be indicated there. Many are interested in what temperature to wash the mattress cover. Usually it is recommended to wash it in a washing machine at a water temperature of no more than 40 ° C in the delicate wash mode. It is better to choose a gentle cleaning agent, adding it directly to the drum of the washing machine. Drying products is advised with good air circulation, after giving it the correct shape.

Before you start the washing process, you need to consider what kind of material the product is made from.

Mattress covers made of camel and sheep wool are especially popular. They are great for use in the winter season, as well as fleece and microfiber mattress covers. These materials help to keep warm and get rid of excess moisture. But woolen mattress covers are very capricious, so it is advisable to use dry cleaning when caring for such a product or give it to dry cleaning. But if the pollution is quite strong, then it is allowed to wash the product by hand at a temperature of no more than 30 ° C, or in a typewriter, choosing the “wool” or “delicate wash” mode. Dry in a horizontal position.

For proper care of a camel wool cover, the following rules should be observed:

  • ventilate it at least twice a year;
  • wash by hand at a water temperature of 30 ° C with a special product that contains lanolin;
  • machine wash is allowed only with a special mode;
  • dry only in a horizontal position on a flat surface.

As for the product made of sheep wool, if the contamination is not strong, it is enough just to use a special detergent for wool, diluting it in water at a temperature of 30 ° C, lathering and removing the contamination with a soft sponge. If the stain is large and strongly eaten, the product can be washed by hand again in water at 30 ° C, or in a washing machine in a special mode (“for wool”). After washing, such a mattress pad cannot be strongly wrung out, twisted and ironed;

For summer, silk, bamboo and cotton mattress covers are more optimal. They are breathable, keep the feeling of coolness, while protecting from overheating, do not let moisture through. Cotton mattress covers are also hypoallergenic.

Polyurethane products can be washed at high temperatures. Cotton and synthetic - in the daily wash mode (if the mode is wrong, they can change shape). They are not afraid of frequent washes. And if the cotton cover is also without filler, you can iron it. Products with filler require more careful care, so it can fall off and gather into lumps.

A mattress cover made of membrane fabric is considered waterproof and protects the mattress from the penetration of not only liquids and odors, but also from the penetration of mites and pathogens. But the membrane fabric requires regular washing. Otherwise, the dirt that gets into the "pores" clogs them. Sweat also aggressively affects the material, spoils the texture and leads to the loss of membrane properties. Washing a mattress cover made of this material is especially relevant, as it is often used by bedridden patients and young children. For washing covers made of membrane fabric, use only a special liquid detergent. If you do not follow this rule, the membrane will lose its original properties. It is also forbidden to use products containing chlorine and its derivatives when washing membrane products, dry them on a battery and give them to dry cleaning.

Latex, polyurethane foam, coconut products and mattress toppers with a memory effect must not be washed. Due to the impact of water, all their properties disappear in them. You can only wash their covers, it is advisable to do it by hand at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. If the recommendations are not followed, the material may sit down.

Mattress covers are made from microfiber, which is one of the most durable fabrics. When washing such a mattress cover, it is allowed to use ordinary washing powder and wash at temperatures up to 60 ° C.

It should be noted that when washing mattress covers put on a children's mattress, it is necessary, as well as for all children's things, to use children's washing powder.

There are many companies that make mattress pads. One of them is Ascona. How to wash the mattress cover Ascona? The products of this company contain knitwear, and since this material tends to stretch, such mattress covers need to be treated with care:

  • They should be washed on a gentle cycle using mild detergents;
  • The water temperature should not exceed 40°C;
  • Ascona mattress toppers should be dried in a horizontal position.

In any case, before washing the Ascona mattress pad, you should read the label.

Askona produces Protect a bed covers, which are water-resistant and wear-resistant (withstand 200 wash cycles). How to wash Ascona covers? They can be washed at water temperatures up to 50°C and dried at medium temperature.

If the stain is dry, then you can use borax, which also neutralizes the unpleasant odor: you need to generously sprinkle all the pollution with it (the main thing is not to leave it on the skin), then rub it strongly into the mattress (it is better to use gloves). Next, you need to wait until the borax dries. You can substitute the mattress under the sun, or just hold it in a non-humid, well-ventilated area. Or you can even dry the stain with a fan. Then it is advisable to vacuum the remaining borax;

To get rid of a wet spot, you need to blot it with a sponge several times. Then you need to moisten the stain and blot again with a sponge. In this case, you can use alcohol or vinegar. Next, you need to let the stain dry, as in the first case.

The mattress cover does not have to be washed too often. Sometimes it is enough just to ventilate it or vacuum it, using a soft brush.

To keep the mattress clean, protect it from getting wet, stains and unpleasant odors, special removable mattress covers are used. They need to be dry cleaned or laundered regularly.

Since a modern mattress pad is usually not just a fabric cover, but a multilayer product with certain functional properties, questions arise whether it is possible to wash a mattress pad, and how to do it correctly at home.

Let's consider how to wash a mattress cover, taking into account the materials used to make the cover itself, the filler, and the moisture-proof membrane.

General rules

Usually the care instructions for the product are indicated on the label, so keep it with the mattress cover. If the label is lost, you can try to find the relevant information on the Internet.

For example, for each Ikea mattress topper offered for sale, the store's website provides detailed care instructions - washing and drying mode, the possibility of bleaching and dry cleaning.

In the absence of information, you will have to focus on the materials of manufacture and wash in the most gentle conditions in order to avoid deformation of the product and loss of performance properties of the filler.

For the manufacture of the outer cover is usually used:

  • cotton fabric (prone to shrinkage, therefore it is allowed to wash at 40 ° C, by hand or in a typewriter, you can bleach and iron the material);
  • bamboo fiber (water temperature up to 40 ° C, drying in a machine, ironing, bleaching is prohibited);
  • microfiber (normal wash - at temperatures up to 60 ° C, digestion at 95 ° C).

If the design of the mattress cover includes a moisture-proof membrane, you cannot use washing powder, as its crystals can clog the smallest pores. In other cases, the powder is used along with liquid machine wash products.

Waterproof models

The water-repellent cover protects a mattress from all types of pollution, at the same time remains vapor-permeable due to use of a special membrane. The membrane material needs to be cleaned regularly, as clogging of the pores leads to loss of functionality.

A waterproof mattress pad requires special care. It is forbidden:

  • crystalline SMS;
  • wash at temperatures above 40°C;
  • bleach with chlorine-containing products;
  • squeeze by hand or in a typewriter;
  • dry near radiators, fan heaters, under the sun;
  • iron (the membrane is destroyed under the influence of elevated temperatures);
  • use conditioners, conditioners, etc. when washing;
  • be dry cleaned.

Such a cover is washed in a typewriter, setting a delicate mode without spinning and a temperature of 30-40 ° C. Liquid soap, gel, shampoo are used as SMS. Stains are pre-washed manually with soap. The product washed in the typewriter is hung over the bath so that the water is glass.

Dry in a straightened form, after drying, the surface of the waterproof mattress cover is treated with a water-repellent agent to restore the performance of the product.

With down filling

If the mattress topper contains natural down and feather filler, it can be washed in a washing machine, but on condition that it is designed for loading at least 7 kg of dry laundry. Do not use bleach. A delicate wash program is set with a spin at medium speed, liquid SMS is poured into the tray, the air conditioner cannot be used.

Woolen mattress covers

If the surface of the lambswool mattress pad is slightly soiled, it can be cleaned with a sponge dipped in warm water with the addition of a detergent for washing woolen fabrics. Wash the product in the machine using the “wool” mode with water heating up to 30 ° C and spinning at medium speeds.

Wool washing gel, which includes lanolin, is poured into the tray. Dry woolen covers, spreading out on the floor over a terry sheet. To remove complex contaminants, they turn to dry cleaning.

With synthetic filling

Artificial fiber is often used as a filler. Holofiber, polyester fiber and materials similar in characteristics withstand heating to high temperatures, are not afraid of spinning at high speeds, exposure to aggressive substances. The washing mode is selected based on the characteristics of the material from which the outer cover is made and an additional layer of filler, if any.

Filled with coconut and other natural materials

The question often arises of how to wash a mattress pad if the inner layer in it is made of natural material. Manufacturers offer models with coconut (coir), with natural latex, with buckwheat (husk), with algae. Such products cannot be washed, only a fabric cover is subjected to cleaning and washing.

Mattress covers Askona

A feature of Ascona mattress toppers is the use of knitted cotton fabric for the manufacture of an outer cover. If the composition of the filler allows washing, it is important to follow the technology that will not allow the knitwear to stretch. Choose a gentle mode with water heating up to 40 ° C, use soft SMS, dry the product in a horizontal position, gently straightening it.

Pay attention to the waterproof cover Protect a bed from Askona. It differs from standard membrane models in temperature stability. Washable at 50°C, tumble dry on medium heat. The product can withstand up to 200 washing cycles.

Mattress covers Ormatek

In order not to damage the cover, it is important to know at what temperature it is allowed to wash jacquard satin - it is this material that is often used in the manufacture of Ormatek mattress covers. According to the rules for caring for such a cover:

  • it can be machine washed only if the product occupies no more than half of the drum;
  • it is forbidden to use bleaching agents;
  • set the delicate mode, the spin option for machine wash should be turned off;
  • the maximum allowable water temperature is 30°C;
  • cannot be dried in the machine;
  • iron the product from the front.


The cover on the mattress must be regularly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or knocked out, ventilated. Wash it as it gets dirty, on average once every 4-6 months. It is recommended to dry the product in a straightened form away from direct sunlight, preferably in the fresh air.

All mattress covers are hand or machine washable. Before starting, it is important to carefully study the recommendations that the manufacturer indicates in graphical form on a special tag. The main requirements are reduced to a complete rejection of spinning and the use of the lowest possible temperature, not exceeding 40 degrees. It is possible to use powders that are used for everyday things. After washing, the product is given the most correct appearance and dried horizontally.

Before washing a mattress cover made of any fabric, carefully study the washing requirements for this product, proposed by the manufacturer.

What types of mattress covers are machine washable

Mattress covers made of any material are suitable for washing, even waterproof or waterproof fabrics. The main types of mattress covers:

List of the most popular manufacturers:

  • Anderssen
  • Askona
  • Ellipsebed
  • Geneva
  • Kondor
  • Perrino
  • Professor
  • Protect-A-Bed
  • Sleep&Fly
  • Mattress
  • Protect
  • bed & bed

Before starting, you must carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations, which he. For each product, you need to choose such a washing mode and temperature at which the washing powder will remove all impurities and at the same time will not cause any harm to the color and structure of the fabric.

What temperature to choose

When washing the cover, the temperature should be the same throughout the procedure.

When choosing a program for delicate items, the lowest possible temperature is automatically set - from 30 to 40 degrees. Otherwise, this temperature is set manually. It should be constant throughout the wash.


If there is no program selection, then it is necessary to turn off the spin completely and set the minimum washing time. Excessive spinning speed can irreversibly deform the cover from the Ascona orthopedic mattress and other types of covers.

How to dry a mattress cover

With the complete absence of spinning in manual and automatic washing, the mattress cover remains completely saturated with moisture. It must be properly dried so that it does not have time to ban and is not deformed. To do this, give it the most correct shape and place it completely on a horizontal surface. For good drying, ensure good air circulation so that evaporated moisture does not linger in the room.

The best measures are preventive. If you do not allow the cover to become dirty, then you will not often have to wash it. To do this, mattress toppers are usually covered with bed linen on top, which serves as a barrier to major contaminants, including dust. Get rid of the habit of eating or drinking in bed to keep crumbs and liquid from getting on your bed sheets.

The manufacturer of each product provides recommendations for the care of their product. It is usually sufficient to ventilate a mattress pad from Ascona and other manufacturers several times a year, periodically vacuum it and remove minor dirt.

Below is a video that shows washing a mattress cover in a washing machine.

Larisa, November 30, 2018.

A waterproof mattress topper, like any other type of mattress covers, tends to get dirty. Many people ask themselves questions: how, with what and is it possible to wash this type of mattress cover at all? And if so, how to do it as carefully as possible so as not to damage the waterproof membrane, which makes the mattress cover waterproof? Below are the main features of washing the mattress cover.

Of course, like all things, mattress cover wears out over time. To prolong its service life, it is necessary not only to carefully treat the thing during use, but also to clean it properly. It is quite logical that the less often the product becomes dirty, the less often it will have to be washed, the longer it will last. To achieve the maximum interval between washings, you must follow a few rules:

  • Do not sleep directly on the mattress cover: it is better to cover the bed with a sheet and wash it than to wash the last one - it is more convenient and economical.
  • Try not to take liquid drinks to bed, which can stain the mattress pad. In this case, regardless of whether there is a sheet or not, mattress pad waterproof get dirty. In addition, clearly defined stains are much more difficult to remove than ordinary dirt from dust and moisture. Because of this, a harder washing mode is selected and waterproof mattress cover wears out faster.
  • Do not allow children to draw or play with anything liquid on an unmade bed. It should be assumed that the logic of this rule does not need to be explained.
  • Before as buy a waterproof mattress cover, you should pay attention to whether it can be washed in a washing machine. Because if not, then you will have to regularly take it to dry cleaning, and this is an additional expense. Most modern firms make such goods from materials that easily tolerate washing in a typewriter. Often this is a terry cloth on one side and a waterproof membrane on the other. But there are also companies that use not so perfect materials, which makes it inappropriate to wash such covers in a typewriter.

As regards directly how to wash a waterproof mattress cover , then it is recommended to select a delicate mode and wash the product at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. For washing, you can use washing powder or detergents that do not contain chlorine and aldehydes. It is undesirable to wash other things with the cover at the same time, especially those that have zippers, buttons or hooks - this will damage the material of the cover. (A child's mattress pad is also not recommended to be washed with other things, as this is not hygienic, and the child can get an infection from which he is not yet protected). It is recommended to dry the mattress cover away from heaters and direct sunlight - this can damage both the material itself and its color.

If we talk about the durability of mattress covers, then we should proceed from the rule that the better the material used in production, the more regular washing (once a month) and proper use of such a mattress cover can last for many years. This figure is based on the fact that the waterproof cover does not lose its properties up to hundreds of washes.

The main thing to remember is that a mattress pad is, first of all, protection. And, although you can buy a mattress quite inexpensively, it is much easier to wash an already purchased cover. This is the main benefit, and this is why waterproof mattress toppers are so popular.