What is the name of a man without arms and legs. Nick Vuychich: a man with limitless possibilities. Birth and illness

A man born without arms and legs due to a rare disease inspires millions of people around the world with his example. AiF.ru recalled the most revealing facts from his biography.

Shocking birth

Nick was born into a family of immigrants from Yugoslavia. His mother's pregnancy was going well. Doctors did not reveal any pathologies and abnormalities. During the birth, Nick was the first to see his father. More precisely, he saw the shoulder of his son, on which the arm was missing. This shocked him so much that he jumped out of the room in which the birth took place. An even greater shock for him was when he learned the whole truth from the doctor. At first, the child did not even want to show the mother. But it had to be done. Over time, they reconciled and accepted Nick with all his features.

Trying to get away from life

Unlike his parents, Nick, of course, took longer to try to accept himself. Today, he recalls that at first it was very difficult. When he was seven years old, Nick even tried to drown himself in the bathtub. At the last moment he stopped. Nick suddenly realized that his parents would blame themselves for his fate until the end of their days. After this episode, Vuychich, much earlier than his peers, began to wonder why he was born, what is his purpose.

The fateful role of the school janitor

It was not teachers or psychologists who helped Nick find himself, which would be obvious, but an ordinary school janitor. He once told a guy that he simply had to speak to his peers, tell them his story, open up his experiences. Nick didn't react to that. But the school janitor was incredibly persistent. For three months, he kept telling the guy that his destiny was oratory. Finally, Nick gave up and tried to speak to his peers. The effect exceeded all his expectations. It became clear to Nick that perhaps the janitor was right. He began calling other schools with an offer to speak to teenagers. But he was denied for a long time. Nick didn't give up. And when his second, and after the third performance nevertheless took place, a flurry of calls fell upon him, including from those schools where they had previously been refused. By the seventh grade, he was elected class president. And after graduating from school, he received two higher educations - in the field of financial analytics and accounting.

Became a man of the world

Today Nick receives up to 100 offers per day for interviews and lectures from all over the world. He has already traveled to over 25 countries. He wrote several books, acted in films, learned to ride a skateboard, became interested in surfing and parachuting. His name is known all over the world.

Happy father and loving husband

Five years ago, Nick married a beautiful Asian girl. Their wedding photos went around the world. And in February 2013, an event happened that Nick dreamed of almost more than marriage - his first son was born. Today, the couple has two sons. They are absolutely healthy and truly proud of their father. “My life, my destiny is a clear proof that miracles happen in this world,” says Nick.

16.04.2015 - 14:27

USA news. Meet Nick Vujicic! A man standing in front of a crowd that fills a stadium captures the attention of thousands not only with his inspiring speech about the power of hope, but also because he can stand there at all. He is grateful to fate for being born without arms and without legs. His life was not easy, but thanks to the love of his parents, loved ones, and faith in God, he went through all the hardships. And now his life is filled with joy and has meaning.

32-year-old Nick Vuychich was born on December 4, 1982 and grew up in Melbourne (Australia). Three sonograms showed no complications. The appearance of a baby without limbs was a shock for parents. They didn't know how to handle a baby without arms and legs. The mother did not put her son to her breast for four months. Gradually, Nick's parents got used to, accepted and loved their son for who he is.

There is no medical explanation for Vujicic's physical impairments. This is an extremely rare birth defect known as Tetra-Amelia syndrome.

Nick has a single limb on his body - a kind of foot with two fused toes, later surgically separated - that helps him balance. Nick nicknamed her Chicken Leg. He taught her how to type, lift objects, and even push a ball. Although some practical aspects of everyday life (for example, brushing his teeth) still cause him difficulties.

The first years of life were difficult. The parents did everything in their power so that Nick could attend a regular school and live a full life.

However, every day Nick endured bullying at school. He constantly heard in his address: “You can’t do anything!”, “We don’t want to be friends with you!”, “You are nobody!”. Everything changed: he was no longer proud of what he had learned; he fixated on what he could never do.

Nick constantly wondered why he was different from other kids. At the age of eight, he fell into depression. When he was only 10, he decided to commit suicide and tried to drown himself in the bathtub. After several attempts, Nicholas realized that he did not want to leave his loved ones with guilt because of his son's suicide. He couldn't do that to them.

Nick has gone through many ups and downs. At the age of 13, he injured his only leg. This injury made him learn to be grateful for what you have and focus less on your disability.

His amazing journey began at the age of 15. After school, Nicholas had to wait an hour for a car to take him home. He sat there for one whole hour. Every day.

One day he was not alone there. The teenager was accompanied by a school janitor. They soon became friends and talked about everything. It was this man who inspired him to tell his story.

At the age of 19, Nick was offered to speak to students at the university where he studied (Griffith University). There were about 300 people in the audience.

Nick Vujicic:

I was very worried. All trembled. During the first three minutes of my speech, half of the girls cried, and most of the boys struggled to contain their emotions. One girl raised her hand and said, “Sorry to interrupt. Can I get up and come over to you to hug you?”. And right in front of everyone, she came up to me, hugged me and whispered in my ear: “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Nobody told me that I'm beautiful. Nobody said they love me. Nobody told me that I'm beautiful the way I am."

Nick Vuychich has two higher educations: accounting and financial planning. In addition, he is a successful motivational speaker and businessman. He practiced oratory for a long time.

Nick Vujicic:

I worked with a teacher who helped me become a great speaker. He paid special attention to body language, because at first I did not know where to put my hands!

He uses humor and faith to inspire millions of people around the world, playing to packed stadiums, meeting world leaders and creating bestsellers.

Nick Vujicic (in an interview with PEOPLE):

People look at me with curiosity. Whenever they come up and ask, “What happened to you?”, I answer them with a smile: “It’s all about cigarettes.”.

Like all people, Vuychich hoped that one day he would meet his love, but he constantly wondered, “Who wants to marry me?”. His latest book, Love Without Limits, details his search for true love, his relationship with 26-year-old Kanae Miahare, whom he married in 2012, and the challenges they faced along the way to marriage.

Nick Vujicic lived in fear from his youth that no woman would ever love him or want to marry him. He had many doubts about the suitability of being a husband and father.

After a relationship that did not move forward, he dreamed of meeting a bride whose family would be happy to accept him. Nick was afraid that his dreams would forever remain just dreams.

But all the uncertainty disappeared when in 2010 he met Kanae, without whom he now cannot imagine his life.

Nick Vujicic:

We both had relationships that caused a lot of pain. We look back and see that these painful times helped us get to know ourselves better and focus on what we are looking for in a future spouse. Waiting for "the right person" was sometimes extremely difficult. But we both say we wouldn't change a thing because it helped us become who we are today.

"Love without borders" consists of 15 chapters. There are chapters where Nick and Kanae talk about very personal topics. The couple does not shy away from the theme of sex, presented in the ninth chapter of The Joy of Abstinence Before Marriage and Sex After Marriage. Before marriage, Nick felt obligated to reassure the girl that his physical handicaps would not prevent them from having sex...

Nick Vujicic now lives in California with his wife and their 2-year-old son, Kiyoshi James Vujicic. The couple is expecting another child this year.

Nick spends a lot of time with his son. There is nothing more wonderful for him than the feeling when his little son wraps his tiny arms around him and hugs him tightly.

My motto is… Always love yourself, dream, don't give up and don't lose faith.

By the age of 32, this young evangelist has achieved more than many people in a lifetime. He is an author, musician, actor, and his hobbies include fishing and painting.

Nick admitted that he is an adrenaline junkie.

“Crazy” is what many people think when they watch Nick looking for a wave while surfing or skydiving.

I realized that physical otherness limits me only to the extent that I limit myself.

Nick plays football, tennis, swims well.

It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, what you do. I hope my story inspires you. I share with you my thoughts on faith, hope and love to help you overcome any obstacles and solve problems.

Dream big, my friends, and never give up. We all make mistakes, but none of us make mistakes. Start with one day. Reconsider your attitude, your perspectives, principles, and truths, and you will be able to overcome everything.

Yours sincerely,

A photo. Nick is a great swimmer

A photo. Nick plays golf

A photo. Nick with wife Kanae and son Kiyose

A photo. Nick loves to surf

A photo. Nick and Kanae's wedding

Maria Sviridenko:
They teach us how to cook, they are very open. We love walking and talking with them.

Jamie Flanery, winner of the national competition "Miss and Mr. Ireland":
We are here to help children who are disabled because of illness feel that they too can do a lot. They can learn simple skills that will help them socialize in everyday life, outside the boarding school.

Sinead Flanagan, winner of the national competition "Miss and Mrs Ireland":
This is a wonderful tradition. We were happy to come here and give this little help to the children, play with them, watch them. And, of course, to see Belarus. This is a beautiful country. And I was happy to come here and see the great work that is being done here with such special children.

Volunteers from Ireland are frequent guests at the boarding school. In the summer and during the Christmas holidays, they take children to their home country for health improvement.

But the main thing is that for two years now a joint Belarusian-Irish project has been implemented here, the main goal of which is to teach children to live independently.

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Almost everyone has experienced difficult times. At such moments, you see only the misunderstanding of the people around you, and it seems that the whole world is looking at your grief with indifference. In fact, strength and faith are within us. Each person can not only cope with his own problem, but also help others overcome difficulties.

Nick Vujicic is a person who can inspire millions of people. By his personal example, he shows that a lot is subject to a person. The famous Australian speaker, preacher, author of popular books every day inspires people to believe in themselves and in God.

Congratulations, you have a boy!

The biography of Nick Vuychich begins quite normally. Dushka and Boris Vujicic were Serbian emigrants. Throughout the pregnancy, Nika's mother was observed by a doctor, and ultrasound did not reveal any pathologies. December 4, 1982 was to be remembered by Nick's parents as the happiest day of their lives. They were waiting for their first child, both were in the maternity ward and counted the minutes until the baby appeared.

After the son's head and shoulder began to show, the father turned pale and left the ward. When the doctor joined him, Boris barely squeezed out such unusual words: “Doctor, does my son have no arm?” It is difficult to imagine how difficult it was for the doctor to tell the truth about the child. But nevertheless, the father found out that his son had a rare disease called Tetra-Amelia. Nick was born without limbs.

How to deal with a child who is missing both legs and arms, both parents did not know. But they managed to overcome everything and love their firstborn with all their hearts. Nick Vuychich, a man without arms and legs, managed to awaken love not only in the hearts of his parents. Millions of people around the world imbued him with all their hearts for incredible faith and wisdom.

We should not live in the expectation that happiness will come when we achieve a goal or acquire some thing. Happiness should be with us all the time, and to achieve this, you need to live in harmony - spiritual, psychological, emotional and physical.

The older the harder

Nick's parents did not make any plans, they just tried every day to help their boy explore the world. Thanks to an underdeveloped foot, on which two fingers were separated by surgery, Vujicic learned to write, type on a keyboard, and even ride a skateboard. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that not all people with both legs can ride the board like that.

Nick Vuychich's family insisted that he go to a regular school. Nick became the first disabled boy in an Australian facility. If earlier he simply did not understand his unusual position in society, then at school he was quickly shown his shortcomings.

We can all find something bad or imperfect in each other. But I prefer to look for grains of gold.

Of course, he suffered from depression, misunderstanding and loneliness. Nick constantly wondered: “Why was I born into the world? Why all this suffering? What is this for me?" Surprisingly, all the difficulties did not break Nick, but, on the contrary, gave him strength. Over time, he mastered all the actions that people perform without even thinking.

With age comes understanding

Nick received two higher educations, mastered almost all sports of interest and learned to cope with all household chores on his own. His inferiority taught him to recognize true beauty and love in people. Once, speaking at the institute in front of students, he realized what his purpose was. People didn't just listen to him, they believed Nick. Since 1999, a man without arms and legs, Nick Vuychich, has been preaching. At the moment, as a speaker, he has reached unprecedented heights both geographically and psychologically.

Nick really has something to say. The absence of all limbs is not a reason to give up on yourself. He feels the strength and kindness in himself, which he is ready to share with others. After his performances, thousands of people line up to him, just wanting to hug him. This helps not only people who are a little lost in life, it helps Nick himself to understand that everything he does is not just for nothing.

In 2010, Nick Vuychich's first book, Life Without Borders, was published. In it, he sincerely and openly talks about his life, about personal doubts and about ways to overcome difficulties.

It is not at all necessary to start grandiose projects in order to sow good seeds. Even small things can mean a lot to another person.

Nick opens many foundations that support financially and psychologically disabled people around the world. And he has also received many awards for his significant contribution to the history of mankind.

Personal life and love

At first glance, it may seem that a person with such an unusual appearance will never be accepted in society. But it's not! Nick is a beloved husband and father of perfectly healthy children.

Nick Vuychich and Kanae Miahare got married in 2012, and the following year they had a son, Kiyoshi. Two years later, Nick became the happy father of a second child - Dejan Levi. What else do you need to be happy?

Nick's wife fully supports his views on faith and life and always follows her husband. Looking at this beautiful couple, you begin to believe not only in true love, but also in the fact that a person is the creator of his own destiny.

Love doesn't care what you can and what you can't, who you are and who you can't be. True love looks straight into the heart!

The biography of Nick Vuychich does not end there. In 2017, the beautiful Kanae gave Nick two daughters - Olivia May and Ellie Laurel.

When Nick was young and did not understand why this happened to him, the thought that he could not even hug his children killed him. Now he knows how superficial it all is. Because love is on a different level. And he may not be able to hug his family, but he gives them much more than just touch!

  • Books by Nick Vuychich tell a lot of details from life. For example, his parents never treated him as a disabled person. On the contrary, they tried in every possible way to make his life “ordinary”. Nick's father used to say that we'll never know what we're capable of until we try it.
  • Vuychich wore prostheses for some time - he wanted to be like everyone else. But he quickly abandoned them. They were very heavy and rather hindered him.
  • At the age of eight, Nick tried to commit suicide. He dived headfirst into the tub several times, each time firmly believing that he would not resurface. But love and concern for their parents did not allow them to finish what they started.
  • Already at the age of 15, Nick became the head of the class and a member of the student council. At the age of 19, at his first performance, he brought half the audience to tears in just 15 minutes.
  • Nick visited 45 countries of the world, in each of which he gathered full halls of people.
  • At the first birth of his wife, Nick cried with happiness when he saw that the baby was completely healthy.

Cast off all doubt

Just imagine that a man who was born without arms and legs told the story of his life on stage. At that moment, 110 thousand people came to listen, support, see and talk with him. The huge stadium caught every word of the speaker. The biography of Nick Vuychich is so rich in events and difficulties that everyone can find answers to their questions in his story.

Nick's parents were looking forward to their first child. When his father saw the child, he simply left the delivery room. It took his mother 4 months to come to her senses and get used to the idea that her son had neither arms nor legs. All this could turn into a bad story if Nick's parents did not love him sincerely and deeply. All his childhood, they came up with ways to make life easier for him. Who would have thought at that moment that Nick Vujicic's quotes would be translated into many languages, and there would be a huge queue for performances.

There is no place for despair in life

Nick went to a regular school with a lot of different kids. Of course, many of them did not understand him and did not accept him into their circle of friends. At some point, Vuychich realized that he could not live like this, and thought about suicide. This story of Nick Vuychich could have ended if not for his family. It was thoughts of loving his family, as well as questions about what it would be like without him, that made him forget about suicide.

No matter who you are, no matter what you go through - God sees everything, He is with you, He will help you cope with difficulties.

Of course, wherever Nick appeared, he immediately became the center of attention. Some, not hiding their disgust, followed him with their eyes. Others might ask tactless questions. Vuychich got so used to the attention that he even started to play pranks on people. For example, he often scared children that his arms and legs fell off because he did not clean his room. And for adults, he could say with a serious face that it was all because of smoking.

Humor will help to cope with many troubles.

Quotes by Nick Vuychich are translated into many languages ​​and are known all over the world. Of course, if life has played such a trick on your body, you can only laugh in response. All friends and relatives of the famous speaker unanimously claim that Nick has an excellent sense of humor.

He constantly comes up with new pranks, in which, of course, he himself takes the main part. For example, once he met all the passengers of the plane with the words: "Hello, I am your pilot." It is difficult to imagine the confusion on the faces of people and their fear during takeoff.

I believe that if God does not give you a miracle, then you are a miracle of God and salvation for someone else.

Nick loves to shock the public. In his speeches, he often says that sometimes you fall very hard, and it is very difficult to get up from the ground. At these words, he simply falls face down. Some people even jump up from their seats, because Nick cannot even substitute his hands in order to soften the blow. Well, after he manages to regain his vertical position, the whole hall goes into applause.

Talent is in every person

In addition to the fact that the biography of Nick Vuychich is already quite unusual, he continues to amaze with the versatility of his personality. Nick received two higher educations, is a successful businessman and a skilled speaker. In addition, his books become bestsellers in a matter of months and are translated into many languages. You can also see him in the movie Butterfly Circus. Everything that Nick has created has an unusual power, makes you think about the meaning of life and believe in yourself. The book by Nick Vuychich "Life without borders" is still the bestseller in many countries.

Dream big my friend and never give up. We all make mistakes, but none of us is a mistake. Every day, gradually put into practice the positive principles that I share with you, and you will be able to overcome everything.

It's amazing, but Nick is an excellent swimmer and golfer. He is also good at surfing, skydiving and playing football. He was able to come to terms with his physical otherness and find his way into the sports world.

Never doubt your abilities

Why are all Nick's performances so popular? Yes, he knows how to express his thoughts competently and clearly. And Vuychich really went through a lot to be able to share his experience. But it's not that. People are drawn to him so much because he doesn't yell about his problems.

He does not think that his difficulties are much more important than the troubles of other people. You will never hear from him the words: “Yes, what are these problems? Look at me, that's who's really unlucky." He respects everyone with all his shortcomings, complexities and difficulties. Books by Nick Vuychich helped many to realize that every difficulty can be overcome, the main thing is to believe in yourself.

At the moment, Nick continues to write books. And he also devotes a lot of time and effort to the Life Without Limbs foundation (“Life without limbs”).

Let the incredible life of Nick Vujicic be an example to us. After all, he not only in words, but also in deeds shows how to live in this world. Every day a person has a million opportunities to change his life for the better. Believe in your uniqueness, because if you appeared in this world - it's not just like that!

Nick's parents emigrated to Australia from Serbia. His father was a pastor at the local Catholic church and his mother was a nurse. The child was the firstborn, the appearance of which both parents looked forward to with great impatience. Everything went great during the pregnancy. Even the future mother - a health worker - was not alarmed by anything. The stronger was the shock of what happened after the birth.

When the baby got out of the mother's womb, a general silence hung over him, which greatly alarmed the young mother. She saw that the doctors were looking at each other in fear and could not understand what was happening. The baby screamed and was immediately taken away. The woman asked the doctors to show her the child, but no one dared to tell her about the problem.

When the baby was finally brought, and she saw that he had absolutely no arms and one leg, and instead of the other, only a tiny foot with two deformed and completely fused fingers, the woman almost choked with sobs ... For young parents, what happened was a terrible tragedy, to which they were completely unprepared.

In childhood

Naturally, the clinic staff suggested that they abandon the child and place him in a special institution for disabled children. But the couple's religious beliefs prevented them from doing so. As soon as the doctors allowed, they took the newborn boy home with absolutely no idea what they would do with him next, and how to help him.


Time passed. They searched for information and consulted doctors. It turned out that their son was born this way because of a severe genetic disease, which manifests itself very rarely and is expressed in the underdevelopment or complete absence of all limbs. In the case of Nick, there was no talk of installing prostheses, since they simply had nothing to hold on to - he did not even have a stump.

Realizing that it was almost impossible to help their son and resigned to their grief, the parents made the only right decision - to live on and do everything to help the child get used to such a cruel world for him. And step by step they began to solve the problem of its adaptation.

It all started with a complex operation that separated his toes on the foot. Now she has become his only opportunity to hold or otherwise use the objects of the world around him. But this understanding did not come immediately. In the early years, everyone just prayed. In the morning and evening - in the church, and during the day, Nick turned to God countless times with a request to give him at least one hand.

Although the parents truly loved their only child, Nick felt very unhappy. He absolutely could not do without outside help. The problem was even to change the position of the body. But nevertheless, he grew up as a very smart boy and was interested in everything he saw around him.

Things got even worse when Nick started attending school. He saw that other children were able to move around and suffered greatly from this. His depression deepened every day. In addition, he hid it from his parents. Nick saw the effort they put in so he could live a normal life and didn't want to upset them.

That day at the age of ten, he considers one of the turning points in his life. He became disillusioned with life and God and decided that he could no longer fight for his survival. Nick wanted only one thing - for all this to end. But even he could not kill himself on his own - not to ask someone for help ...

But he found a way. Having asked his mother to bathe him in the bathroom, he decided to drown himself in it. Previously, he liked to lie down relaxing in warm water, and his mother, putting him in the bath, calmly went out for a few minutes. Nick began to make desperate attempts to be face in the water, but he did not succeed.

At the moment when this almost happened, the tearful faces of his parents suddenly appeared before his eyes. He realized that this would be a blow and pain for them for the rest of their lives and decided to continue to fight. Since then, he has never had thoughts of suicide.

Moreover, he began to actively work with his body and especially with his feet. And then he asked his parents to transfer him to a school for ordinary children, determined to live a full life. At first, the guys were very wary of Nick and even tried to make fun of him. But he, having an excellent sense of humor and the ability to laugh at himself, quickly found friends and later even became the head of the class.

Understanding his life purpose came to Nick when he heard from his mother a story about one person. While seriously ill, he was actively involved in charity work and continued to help and inspire others. He realized that this is what he really can do. In the school council, he took up issues of adaptation and assistance to children with disabilities.


During his school years, one of the first public appearances by Nick Vuychich took place in front of other guys. He was terribly worried and almost forgot the speech that he had so carefully prepared and rehearsed for several days. But he understood that just to remain silent and leave is a defeat. And he vowed to never give up again. And then he just started talking about himself ... Since then, he was regularly invited to performances that gathered crowded halls.

Nick continued to be active in public activities in his student years. He decided to get a business education and entered the University of Melbourne. By the way, there he quickly became one of the best students. Then he began to travel, discovering a huge world with his classmates.

The geography of his performances constantly expanded. Rumors about an unusual man and his positive attitude to life quickly spread throughout Australia. At his speeches, people overestimated their own lives. Receiving feedback, he became more and more convinced that he was benefiting the world, making it a better place. People wrote that they gained faith in themselves and opened new pages of their lives, thanks to him.

At first, his lectures were charitable. Nick earned money by working in his main specialty - business and accounting. By the time he graduated from university, he had learned how to quickly type on a computer with his foot and was fluent in modern accounting programs. But Nick understood that what he does for people is much more important than statistics and reports. And I was looking for an opportunity to make lectures my main occupation.

He received his first recognition for his hard work in 2005, when he was recognized as "Person of the Year" in Australia. In 2008, the short film "The Butterfly Circus" was released, in which Vujicic essentially played himself. This tape brought him not only international fame, but also the first serious earnings, which was a prize of 100 thousand dollars. Now Nick can afford to leave his job and devote himself fully to his life's purpose.

And just a year later, Nick publishes his first book, Life Without Limits, in which he honestly describes the whole path that he had to go from a completely helpless child frightened by life to a motivator, whose advice and opinion are listened to by thousands of people. The book quickly spread around the world, and Nick was invited to speak in the USA for the first time.

Since then, he has been constantly traveling the world, inspiring and motivating people. He is the founder of a charitable foundation that helps the disabled. Nick also constantly appears on television and continues to write new books. To date, five have been published. Most of them have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Nick has already earned his first million a long time ago and leads a healthy and active lifestyle: he travels a lot, surfs, climbs mountains and dives.

Personal life of Nick Vujicic

When Nick was just starting his career, he was already happy that he had found his own path in life. Then it was his personal happiness. Could a man without arms and legs hope that the world would be so kind to him that he would still meet his true love?!

At one of his performances, Nick met a charming girl Kanae Miyahare, who was also a Christian and completely shared his views. After the meeting, the young people exchanged contacts and continued to communicate. Gradually they became close friends. But for a very long time, Nick could not believe that Kanae had completely unfriendly feelings for him.

With wife

Only four years after they met, he decided to propose to her. And he was just at the peak of bliss when the girl answered him with consent. Since then, Nick has a beloved wife, with whom they practically do not part. A year after the wedding, in 2013, she gave him their first child, and in 2015 their youngest son was born. Contrary to the fears of doctors, the children are completely healthy.

For people born without limbs, there was one road - to the circus.
Now this is not the case, but despite the new technological possibilities, the life of such people is extremely difficult. What is especially offensive is that absolutely healthy people ruin their lives, not feeling what happiness it is to be born full-fledged.

The name of the syndrome of this genetic disorder comes from the Greek "tetra", which means "four", and "amelia" (accent on the penultimate syllable), which means "lack of limb".

My parents knew before I was born that I would not have three limbs. They gave me life. It's a miracle that the Lord allowed me to pass this gift on, says Melek, 24, from Denmark.
She has no legs and right arm, but she gave birth and is now raising her son.

"Mehmet goes to work, and I take care of my son and cook. The only thing I can't do myself is wash Seimi - it's hard to keep him."
She met her future husband Mehmet in the company of friends.
“I had a lot of girlfriends,” Mehmet says. “But I didn’t love anyone as much as Melek. Many advised me to leave her, but for such words I am ready to kill.

Wendy was born without arms or legs due to medication her mother took during her pregnancy.
She went to a regular school where she wrote with her mouth. She had her first real friend at the age of 13.
She learned to drive a car with a modified, especially for her, control panel.

Wendy is a 31 year old woman from Los Angeles who lives with her husband Anthony and their two children. The eldest son Kalin is 6 years old and the youngest Jeremy is 8 months old.
All her life, Wendy knew that her disability would not stand in the way of her dreams.

Wendy uses her shoulder and lower torso to move. She also has an electric wheelchair with a joystick control at shoulder level.

Little Peruvian Yovana Yumbo Ruiz was born with a rare syndrome - tetra-amelia, i.e. without limbs.
Her parents live in a small poor village in the Peruvian outback.

But, due to the fact that her story was shown on television, doctors from the capital became interested in her case, and now the girl is in the medical adaptation center in Lima.

Despite her illness, the girl remains cheerful, a smile never leaves her face. She presses a pencil with her cheek to her shoulder and draws, eats with a spoon, knows how to take toys with her mouth. The girl has developed an amazing flexibility of her back and neck, she can move quite quickly and deftly on the floor.
Dr. Luis Rubio intends to perform an operation to implant a bionic arm in the girl, which could be controlled by transmitting signals from the pectoral muscles.

Even healthy children are not always able to master a musical instrument. 14-year-old girl Veronika Lazareva, who was born without arms and legs, succeeded in a short time.

She independently turns on the instrument and sings in a clear and gentle voice, accompanying herself.
There is a solfeggio notebook on Veronica's desk, where notes are neatly written. A young singer writes with a pen in her mouth.

"Chelninskiye Izvestia" talked about this courageous girl many times. Veronica lived in the Orphanage and one day on New Year's Eve she wrote a letter to Santa Claus that she really wants to live in a family where she would be loved. And a miracle happened!

Accidentally seeing a photo of Veronika in our newspaper, her mother Tatyana Lazareva, who by this time had married for the second time and had given birth to a son, immediately recognized her daughter in the girl. She left Veronica in the hospital on the advice of doctors who were sure that the child would not survive. She went to the Orphanage to hug her and never let her go again.

Rosemary was born with a severe genetic disorder: hypoplasia.
The girl's legs were severely deformed and insensible, her feet looked in different directions. Rose's legs could get tangled somewhere, she could cut and burn them. When Rose was two years old, her mother decided to amputate the girl's legs. So Rose - the half-girl - began a relatively normal life.

“Imagine Barbie with her legs torn off. This will be me. Almost normal, only a little shorter - there are no 4 vertebrae.

My parents made the right decision - I can't imagine my life in a wheelchair. There were pros and cons.
I'm glad they cut off my legs. In general, it’s easier for me to walk on my hands - it’s almost like walking on my feet. ”

At school, they tried to force her to walk on artificial legs, she recalls this time with a shudder.

She moves on her hands and on a skateboard.
“School was a nightmare. They wanted to fit everyone to the same standard and appearance and made me walk on fake legs. Terrible.

In the 9th grade, my patience ran out and I decided to be myself. I skated to school, climbed onto a chair, all the students were staring at me. I was terribly proud that I dared.

Rosemary met her future husband Dave Siggins at work. Dave worked in a parts store, Rose worked in a car service. At first they talked on the phone for a long time, joked, even flirted.

He really liked Rose, and they became friends. Dave was more than just a friend to her, but she couldn't make the first move on her own. And Dave took the first step. Not just a first step, but an offer on state television.

Nicolas Vuychich was born in Melbourne, Australia, in a family of Serbian emigrants. Mother is a nurse. Father is a pastor.

At first, the mother could not bring herself to take her son in her arms. “I had no idea how I would take the child home, what to do with him, how to take care of him,” Duska Vujicic recalls.

Nick has a semblance of a foot instead of a left leg. Thanks to this, the boy learned to walk, swim, skateboard, play on the computer and write. Parents made sure that their son was taken to a regular school.

At the age of eight, Nicholas decided to drown himself in the bath. He asked his mother to take him there.
“I turned my face into the water, but it was very difficult to resist. Nothing worked.

Now he has learned to swim!

At nineteen, Nick studied financial planning at university.
He wrote a book about his life, typing 43 words per minute on a computer. Between business trips, he fishes, plays golf and surfs.

“I don’t always get up in the morning with a smile on my face. Sometimes my back hurts,” says Nick, “But because there is great power in my principles, I continue to take small steps forward, the steps of a baby.

Ten months a year he is on the road, two months at home. He traveled to more than two dozen countries, he was heard by more than three million people - in schools, nursing homes, prisons.
It happens that Nick speaks in stadiums with thousands of people. He performs about 250 times a year.
Nick receives about three hundred offers for new performances a week. He became a professional speaker.

"Last year, I met people who had a son without arms and legs. The doctors said: "He will be a plant for the rest of his life. He won't be able to walk, he won't be able to study, he won't be able to do anything." And suddenly they found out about me and met me in person - another such person. And they had hope.

“It happens in life that you fall, and it seems that you have no strength to rise. You wonder then if you have any hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that if I try to rise at least a hundred times, I will not succeed. But after another defeat, I do not leave hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength in yourself to rise - that's the way."

He leans on his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.
The women in the hall begin to cry.

Faith (Faith) is an upright dog.
The dog was born without front legs, but learned to walk perfectly on its hind legs, like a person.

Now Faith visits orphanages and hospitals to inspire people without limbs.