How to properly tie a tie. Instructions. How to tie a tie in the classic way: step by step photos Show how to tie a men's tie

Today, fashion trends do not cease to delight stylish business men, as a rule, such a male accessory as can give solidity to the image.

Unfortunately, not all men know how to tie a tie, which ones they are, so below you will find the correct step-by-step instructions for tying it with knots of all kinds.

This will be our starting point, from which all possible knots will be tied in the future.

Types of tie knots and the method of tying them

We offer to consider some ways of tying tie knots. The best option would be to learn how to tie at least a couple of knots from those presented.

Tie a tie simple knot. First you need to put the tie itself so that the wide end is closer to the left hand, and the narrow end to the right.

Thus, overlap the wide end on top of the thin one, circle it around it, and therefore bring it out under the bottom to the right side.

Thus, the wide end should be thrown over, and go into the resulting rim. After that, it must be brought to the left side.

Those. you should bring the wider part of the accessory behind the other, making a full circle and turning it to the right, turning it into a loop around the neck.

Enter a wide part into a double loop, as a result you will have a simple knot. In order to make it more visible, you will add your own sophisticated touch to the overall business style.

To tie Double Windsor, it is worth throwing a business accessory with a seam inside.

Place the thin end on the left, and the wide end on the opposite side. Lay out so that the wide part of the tie is on top, passing it through a small loop, pull it forward.

Pull the wide part of the accessory to the bottom, and move it to the right. Pull so that the wide part is in front, but you need to do this with a loop, turning back.

If you did everything right, then there will be a knot, now on top of it you must draw a wide part of the accessory to the right side.

You can stretch a wide part through the loop that has formed, in an upward direction. In the front, a wide piece forms a small space.

Through this space, you should draw a wide tip, but so that you can tie a neat knot.

Deciding to tie an option double knot, you need to act in accordance with the following algorithm of actions:

Throw the tie with the seam inward, you need to do such actions so that the wide part is on the right side, put it on the narrow part, crossing them.

Wrap the wider end around the narrow end to keep the coil intact. The wide element will be on the left side.

Tighten it, but be sure that it is under the narrow part, and slide it to the right side - an eye is formed.

Here on top of it, you will need to get a wide part and turn to the left side, passing through the loop in the neck area.

Pass the wide part into the eyelet, and then tie it. Straighten, emphasizing the double tying.

To decorate your neck, a tie tied quarter knot, you need to throw the accessory with a seam inside.

Put a thin tip on top of the second. Pass the wide end to the right under the thin end.

Take the wide part to the left side, and then pass it through the loop around the neck, stretching it to the top. Don't forget to hold the knot.

That's all - tie, stretching the end of the wide part of the tie, as close as possible to the collar of the shirt, and pull the second part down.

Diagonal variant tying it will turn out if you throw a tie with a seam inside.

Lay the wide piece on top. Formed as a result of your actions - a crosshair.

Stretch the wide part from below, but it must be taken to the right side, and wrapped around the narrow part, but no more than 1 time.

It should come out so that the end with a thin tie is directed to the right side. Draw a wide part through the front of the knot, while throwing it through the loop on the neck, leading to the left.

Pass the wide part through the small eyelet and pull.

transverse knot. Put on the accessory so that the seam is inside.

Cover the wide part with the thin part. Take the thin part to the right side, leading it under the bottom of the other part - a loop will appear.

But it will be necessary to draw a wide end through it, after bringing it to the top. Tighten.

But to complement your image with a symmetrical knot Hanover, you need to throw a tie so that the seam looks out.

Cross both ends, but so that the wide part is the seam to the outside. Cover it with a thin piece, let it stretch to the right side.

Make a circle with it near the knot, but only once, now you can bring it through the top of the loop on the neck.

The wide part will necessarily go around the knot, from the left to the right side. Bring the wider part behind the loop on the neck, so that it goes into the knot.

Elegant knot Kelvin can be tied by wearing a tie with the seam out.

Cross both parts of the tie, only the thin part on top, and its direction was towards the right side. It is important to leave the seam outside.

Put the wide part on top of the narrow one, bending around it, so you complete a full circle and it will turn out that the larger part will tend to the left.

On top of the knot, lay again a larger tip, but from left to right. Take the wide part back into the loop around the neck, and then into the eye.

Oriental- cross the tips, but only so that the thin one is at the top and stretches to the right.

With a wide piece, go around the narrow end so that it looks in the opposite direction, pull it into the loop to the bottom. Tighten.

Villarosa Method. Put on a tie so that the seam is inside. Cross the two pieces. The wide end is on top of the other.

Then pass it through the loop on the neck - from the bottom up.

Lower it down, then lift it to the top, and, aiming up, throw it through the loop around the neck.

Pass the wide end through the newly formed coil. Ready.

Tie up Onassis knot, you can, if you turn the seam on the tie down.

Cross the two parts, the wide one should be at the top, tending to the left side.

Bring it under the thin part in the opposite direction, i.e. to the right. After the wide end, bring it to the top, stretching it into a loop around the neck.

And when the ear appears, stretch the same tip to the bottom. Tie a knot by shaping the knot yourself.

But this is not the end, since it is worth taking the wide part to the right, throwing it into the resulting knot itself. Fix the knot again.

Tie tying method Prince Albert. The seam looks inward, cross the ends, wide at the top, it should go from the right side to the opposite.

Bring it under the thin part to the opposite (right) side.

Wrap it in the opposite direction and return it back again, you need to do this under the bottom of the thin part.

Repeat, but only to the left. The wide tip will be on the left side.

Pull the wide end through the loop at the neck and tuck it into the knot, passing through the loop at the top.

Do not be afraid of complex schemes, because everyone can learn how to tie exquisite knots on a tie, the main thing is practice.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. You can limit yourself to jeans and T-shirts all your adult life, emphasizing the practicality of your wardrobe - exactly until the moment when you suddenly need to tie a tie.

The reason may be working with a strict dress code, going to a wedding, anniversary or important business negotiations. Further - and a fussy search for the one who owns this sacred skill.

In fact, everything is not so difficult. Finding out how to tie a tie - it will come in handy in life!

Why is it important to know how to tie a tie?

Note to those who consider the tie a meaningless piece of fabric: this is one of the truly masculine accessories, giving status and elegance.

The representatives of the stronger sex do not have many ways to embellish themselves, emphasizing style (unlike women), and a tie is ideal for this purpose.

It also does not hurt to learn how to tie a tie correctly.

It is difficult to predict at what turn of life you will have to demonstrate sleight of hand in creating a tie knot.

Perhaps it will be a brother's wedding or an urgent business meeting with her husband. Yes, and the skill itself can come in handy: to add zest to your appearance, ladies sometimes borrow this accessory from men.

In the late 1990s, the University of Cambridge, using mathematical modeling, found out that using 9 movements when tying a tie, you can do this. 85 different options.

We will study several popular ways to tie a tie - step by step, photos are attached.

How to Tie a Tie in a Four-in-Hand Knot

He is also "quadruple", or "four-pleated". Appeared in the 18th century among London coachmen and riders, who tied scarves in a special way to keep warm. Many of them had to manage four horses, hence the "Four-in-hand" ("four in hand").

Later "coachman's" knot appreciated by members of one of the London men's clubs - and it was for that!

Simple in execution, not requiring a lot of time to tie - even those who saw this men's accessory only in the movies will cope with it.

Here is the instruction for beginner tie wearers who want to learn the easiest way to tie a tie step by step (photos and videos will help you understand clearly).

The tie is placed on the neck inside out to the shirt. It is convenient to do this by lifting the collar and fastening the top button. The wide edge of the accessory should remain on the left and be longer (as far as it turns out in practice). When tied, it should slightly go over the belt buckle.

  1. A wide edge is thrown over a narrow one and a turn is made.
  2. Perform 1 more turn around the narrow end - from above.
  3. The wide part goes up, stretches through the neck loop.
  4. The working edge is threaded into the formed lower loop and pulled down, holding the knot. It remains only to adjust its length.

"Four-in-hand" - a versatile, slightly asymmetrical knot (this gives special elegance). Both a wide and a narrow tie made of any material are suitable for him. It goes with almost any shirt collar.

Tie a Tie with a Windsor Knot

A popular classic, difficult to perform, but giving a spectacular result.

Named after the Duke of Windsor, who actually used the Four-in-Hand method on wide ties made from thick fabrics.

Fashionistas of that time, in an effort to imitate the duke, came up with a new method, and this tie knot was called "Windsor", although Windsor himself had nothing to do with authorship.

Node turns out symmetrical, large and tight, its size can be adjusted. Pairs well with wide collars.

Here is the detailed step-by-step instruction how to tie a tie in this difficult but effective way.

  1. The edges of the tie are crossed, the wide one is located on top. The resulting crosshairs need to be held slightly during further manipulations.
  2. A wide one is passed under the narrow edge, threaded into the neck loop, which in this case is formed right under the collar of the shirt.
  3. Next, they skip the edge that is wider, under the narrow one, pull it to the left, pull it through the neck loop again, but from the other side. It will look like a triangle. It is necessary to slightly correct it with your fingers for greater density.
  4. The wide edge is thrown horizontally, forming the front part of the knot, then brought up through the neck loop.
  5. Once again, the wide edge is threaded into the loop formed under the collar, threaded into the knot.
  6. Tighten the formed knot. To make the knot come out even and beautiful, you can put your finger through the loop during this procedure.

It remains to correct the resulting three-dimensional triangle under the collar - everything is ready!

Strongly tighten the "Windsor" is not worth it, otherwise the voluminous triangle will lose the branded volume - the "chip" of this knot.

How to tie a Half Windsor

If, when trying to tie a tie with the majestic "Windsor", hands are tied in a knot, and not a tie, it is worth considering the more "democratic" half-Windsor option.

This is a triangular knot of medium width. Compared to the "Four-pleated" it looks more formal, it will look harmonious in any situation.

Most suitable for classic collars, looks good on ties made from thin or medium-density fabrics.

Learn how to tie a half-windsor tie step by step timeless classic which will always help.

  1. The tie is thrown over itself, turning the inner part to the shirt. The wide edge is located on the right - it is with him that you have to work.
  2. Form a crosshair by placing a wide edge over a narrow one. It is advisable to fix the intersection point of the two panels with your fingers: this will greatly facilitate the manipulation.
  3. Wrap the narrow side around the wide side (from left to right).
  4. Threading the wide edge through the neck loop, lower it down. It turns out a kind of triangle, it must be slightly tightened.
  5. They form the front part of the future "half-windsor", shifting the wide edge in the horizontal direction (from left to right).
  6. The wide edge is required to be pulled to the neck and passed over the formed collar.
  7. The final movement is pulling the working edge down into the formed loop. It remains only to correct the formed "Half Windsor".

A video on how to tie a tie with a half-Windsor knot will help you understand the details:

How to tie a Prince Albert knot step by step

It is generally accepted that this proud name came from the name of the English prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who had a reputation as a trendsetter. It is not historically confirmed that he wore a tie with just such a knot, but the name stuck.

"Prince Albert" requires a decent distance between the corners of the shirt collar, looks nice with button-down collars. Suitable for narrow ties made of soft fabrics (e.g. silk).

Distinguishing feature - double loop, due to which a more "solid" thickening occurs. The first (bottom) layer peeks out a little from under the top - this is what Prince Albert looks like if you tie a tie correctly ( scheme here):

  1. The tie is turned with the inside towards you, inward with seams. The wide end (working) should be on the right. Moving from left to right, the wide side should be wrapped around the narrow one (this part just hangs quietly).
  2. Shift the wide edge from right to left over the thin one and circle it 1 time.
  3. Repeat this action again: wrap the wide end, trying to place it just below the previous position. To avoid over-tightening, a finger is placed in the first loop - this will facilitate the next step.
  4. Carefully stretch the working edge to the neck and thread it under the formed "collar", bring it forward. On the front, it is threaded through the loop that was formed first.
  5. Slowly tightening, the wide part is pulled down. It remains to correct the node for a uniform arrangement.

Before finally tightening the result of their efforts, the pros are advised to pinch the wide edge at a distance of less than 5 cm from the knot with their fingers so that two neat vertical folds are obtained on the tie.

When performing the final step, they are held and then released. You will get a spectacular dimple just below the knot.

Balthus - how to tie a provocation knot

Knot-provocation - he has such a reputation.

And for good reason: firstly, it is wrong side (when tying, the accessory is put on with the wrong side up). Second, the finished wide edge does not go below the chest.

In general, sheer shocking, so those who like to impress should learn how to tie a fashionable men's accessory step by step with this massive symmetrical knot.

The tie is placed around the neck wrong side up, the narrow part in the right hand.

  1. They form a crosshair, turning a wide part under a narrow one.
  2. Perform 1 turn with the wide end around the narrow one.
  3. Pass the wide edge up through the neck loop and bring it down to the right side.
  4. On the right side, another twist is made around the narrow part and the working edge is directed from below to the opposite side.
  5. On the front side, the wide end is drawn horizontally from left to right, brought in from the bottom up into the neck loop and pulled through it. As a result, the wide edge hangs down the center of the front of the work.
  6. Carefully pass it into the loop formed in the center, tighten and straighten. It remains to adjust the length.

This option also called the Hannibal knot: in the series of the same name, the performer of the role of Dr. Lecter, Mads Mikkelsen, tied his tie in this way.

How to tie the Eldridge knot

An unusual and original way of tying a tie knot.

It cannot be called simple, but a man who has mastered this wisdom will always be in the spotlight.

The peculiarity of this option is that it is impossible to pull it up ready-made, so you will initially have to knit it close to the collar of the shirt.

The tie is thrown around the neck, the wide edge is placed on the right. Unlike the previous methods, The "working" part here will be narrow.

  1. With the right hand, they take the wide part, forming a small fold on the canvas with their fingers. The thin edge is turned from left to right, they make a turn around the wide one (they pass it from the back side), they are tucked inward with an upward movement. He is on the left. On the back side it is directed to the right.
  2. From right to left, the working edge is brought in, tucked in from the inside out, leading out through the neck loop, and sent to the left side.
  3. Next, you need to lead it from left to right from the inside of the tie. It looks like it comes out on the right side.
  4. There is not the easiest manipulation ahead: bending around the top of the triangle that has formed in the center, you need to tuck the thin edge into the loop that has formed on the left. The result should be slightly tightened, but not overtightened.
  5. The thin part, which, after the previous step, turns to the left and is directed slightly upwards, is tucked under the thin part of the tie, wrapping around the neck, on the left, moving from top to bottom.
  6. The previous action is repeated again: wrap a thin edge over the tie at the neck. Here, you don’t need to tighten it to the end, you need a small space.
  7. The thin edge on the inside of the work is translated from left to right. It should appear on the right side.
  8. Moving from right to left over the emerging knot, the thin end is passed into the loop that was formed at the 6th step (at the moment when we deliberately “did not reach”).
  9. A thin edge (already noticeably shortened) is tucked under the collar.

The resulting knot is straightened, bringing it to the ideal.

If, according to the instructions and photo, tying a tie step by step with the Eldridge knot did not work right away, it does not matter, since the task is not an easy one. A couple of attempts - and the skill will come.

Instead of a conclusion

A tie is an accessory with character, an indicator of style and status, very difficult and multifunctional.

For example, Japanese craftsmen invented pillow tie. It looks normal, it has a special hole in the back. If you blow into it, the tie turns into a small pillow, on which it is convenient to take a nap in the office during a lunch break (or when the boss is away).

Is it possible after that to call a tie a meaningless and impractical wardrobe item?

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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The ability to tie a tie is the basis of business etiquette for a modern man and gentleman. There is no doubt that it is desirable for every man to know how to tie a tie. There are approximately 85 variations of tie knots that are suitable for both formal and informal dress codes.

Do you know at least one way how to tie a tie? If not, we suggest learning how to tie a tie in 12 ways! The visual aid that we have prepared for you will help you easily master simple and complex tie knots.

Pick an interesting knot for yourself and learn how to tie a tie! We wish you success!

An easy way to tie a tie or Kent knot

The Kent or Kent knot is the easiest knot to start with. The knot is suitable for classic and informal styles of clothing for all types of ties and shirt collar shapes.

Click to enlarge the diagram of the Kent knot!

Simple and versatile Four-in-Hand

The Quarter or Four-in-Hand Knot is the most versatile yet easy way to tie a tie. Consists of 7 steps (see illustration), but will suit any occasion and style of clothing. The knot fits classic, medium and wide collars.

Click to enlarge the diagram of the Four-in-Hand knot!

Video how to tie a tie in a quarter knot

We shot a video clip for you so that you can watch live how a tie knot is tied.

Symmetrical Windsor Knot

The Windsor or Windsor knot is a voluminous and symmetrical knot that looks great on a collar with soft corners (like polo shirts), medium and wide collars.

Click to enlarge the diagram of the Windsor node!

Tie the Windsor Knot - Video

Fashionable asymmetry or Prince Albert knot

The Prince Albert or Prince Albert knot is a rather sophisticated and asymmetrical knot for a tie. Looks great on men of thin build. We recommend using a thin tie up to 5-6 cm wide. Suitable for medium, wide and button-down collars.

Click to enlarge the diagram of the Prince Albert knot!

Kelvin knot

The Kelvin or Kelvin knot is named after the physicist and inventor William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin - the same one who invented the Kelvin scale. Very similar to the Quarter Knot, suitable for short and classic collars.

Click to enlarge the diagram of the Kelvin node!

Half Windsor knot

The Half Windsor or Half Windsor knot is a versatile knot that is great for wide and tight ties. The knot is fairly symmetrical and works well with wide and padded collars.

Click to enlarge the diagram of the half windsor node!

Knot Pratt or American

The Pratt knot, or Pratt, was invented by Jerry Pratt, an employee of the US Chamber of Commerce. The knot is universal and suitable for a classic collar and with rounded ends.

Click to enlarge the diagram of the Pratt node!

Hello! If your man wears a tie, then you must know how to tie a man's tie in different ways. This beautiful accessory gives a man status, self-confidence and a special charm.

How to tie a simple knot - instructions for beginners

To properly tie, you need to learn the whole scheme once, and then you will not experience any difficulties. A tie is the most important detail of the image of a successful man. Do not lose the opportunity to maintain this high status. Instructions will help you gain experience in tying.

To make a beautiful knot, it is important to remember two rules:

  1. Do not tighten the tie so that it causes discomfort to its owner. A heavily overstretched knot looks ugly, especially on a silk model.
  2. Pay attention to the length of this wardrobe item. Too long or too short can spoil the whole image of a man.

See how long it should be. The accessory should be up to the belt, but not higher or lower. With a little practice, you will easily find the "golden mean".

See what it looks like classic knot. It is even, smooth, of normal size, suitable for any collar. According to the rules of etiquette, in width it should be equal to the height of the shirt collar.

Easy way to tie a tie

The figure shows an easy way to tie this wardrobe detail. But even a simple technique must be learned. look, how to create a straight knot step by step.

  • Lay the tie so that the wide end is in your left hand and the narrow end is in your right.
  • Put a wide part on top of a thin one, circle around it, then try to bring it under the bottom to the right side.
  • Transfer the wide tip over, bring it into the resulting rim.
  • Then, bring it to the left side. Those. you need to bring the wide part to the other end, make a full circle, turning it to the right, put it into a loop around the neck.
  • Insert the wide end into a double loop, tighten slightly.

Almost the same is done pratt knot. The diagram of a beautiful knot is shown in the pictures.

How to double knot a tie

Business men prefer to wear strict with a plain shirt. For this case, it is important to learn how to tie a tie with a double knot.

  • For Double Windsor throw on the accessory with the seam inward.
  • Place the thin part on the left, and the wider one on the right.
  • Lay out so that the wide part lies on top, pass it through a small loop, stretching it forward.
  • Pull the wide end to the bottom, take it to the right. Pull so that the wide part is in front with the help of a loop, bring it back.
  • Next, over the knot, draw a wide part to the right side.
  • Pull the same part through the loop formed, in the upward direction.
  • At the front, the wide end forms a space through which you pass it so that you can make a neat knot.

Another option for a double knot:

  1. Wrap the tie around your neck - make the wide end, the one on the left, longer than the thin one.
  2. Cross both ends so that the part is wider under the bottom. Flip it 180 degrees so it's on the wrong side.
  3. Put the wide part of the tie on the narrow one, pointing to the left.
  4. Next, slide the wider end under the narrow one, on the reverse side.
  5. Put the reverse side on the narrow end.
  6. Going from the bottom up, pass the wide part through the loop at the neck.
  7. Pass the end that is wider into the resulting space.
  8. Tighten the knot, straighten.

The double method of tying an accessory is most often used by men with leadership qualities.

Bow tie for romantics

You can buy a ready-made butterfly with an elastic band, or you can tie it following the pattern.

Short Kent tie

Narrow (herring), short, wide models came into fashion. A short tie is worn under a jacket. It got the name - "Kent".

  • Pull the tie over so you can see the seams. The wider end is on the right, and the narrow end is on the left.
  • Pull the tip of the small part slightly above the belt.
  • Place the wide end under the narrow end.
  • Wrap the narrow end with the wide end from left to right.
  • Pull the wide ribbon to the neck, thread through the loop on the front side of the formed knot.
  • The part that is wider, pull down, slightly tightening.
  • Fix the knot.

How to tie a herring tie for thin men

A thin tie, which was called a "herring", will suit tall, thin representatives of the stronger sex.

The fashionable method of tying is called "Half Windsor".

  1. Wrap around the neck so that the wide edge hangs 30 cm below the narrow part.
  2. Wrap the elongated strip around the thin one, without leading to the right side.
  3. Bend the strip up, passing from the inside under the loop on the neck.
  4. Lower the wide ribbon down, lead from the inside of the narrow strip, turning around it, making another knot.
  5. Lift the strip that is wider from the inside up through the loop around the neck, thread it into the ear from the formed knot.
  6. Lay the wide part on top of the narrow one, straighten the knot on the neck without tightening it.

Windsor- an option for a narrow tie, which was tied only by noble personalities:

  • That strip, which is wider, lower it slightly below the narrow one.
  • Next, put this part on top of the narrow end, wrap it around the inside, stretch a thick strip to the neck.
  • Pass the wide end through the loop at the neck, then pull it down the front. Go around the narrow lane again with a turn to the right.
  • Moving the other way, throw the wide strip over the tie again, then lower it down to create a loop. It should lie perpendicular to the entire tie.
  • Pass the wide edge again from the inside into the loop around the neck, then bring it out, threading it into the ring from the perpendicular loop.
  • Straighten the Windsor knot, tightening slightly, and lower both ends of the tie down to the belt. A beautiful and large knot will look very elegant, giving style.

This option will emphasize elegance. It is worn with a strict shirt.

Dear friends, you have learned many options on how to tie a men's tie. After a little practice, any option will submit to your skill.

To tie a tie correctly and beautifully is a whole art. The beauty of the knot depends not only on its type: Murell, Pratt, Kent, etc., but is determined by the texture of the material of the tie and the model of the shirt collar itself.

For example, a tight, lined tie will not work for a neat, narrow knot, as the design would be too bulky. Complex knots look perfect only on a sample of thin silk fabric.

Choose a tie knot

Click on the tie you like, and you will see a step-by-step tying diagram with photo and video instructions.

Node features

The type of knot is determined by the model of the shirt collar and the material of the tie. Let's see for which node this or that sample is suitable.

Simple small knot "Kent"

The easiest way to tie your own tie is to make a small knot. It will turn out right if you tie a tie immediately over the shirt. The small knot is also called the Kent knot. It is better to create it from fairly dense fabrics, such material will give it volume.

The benefits of the knot are obvious with short ties. A "modest" knot does not require a significant length of the ends. This option is chosen for products made of very thick fabric. You simply cannot tie them otherwise, they will protrude ugly.

"Van Wijk"

This is a good choice if the shirt collar is buttoned or studded. You can also wear a tie with an Italian-style collar.

Such a knot is one of the most unusual. It can be compared to a spiral or a cylinder, as the wide end is circled around the thin one three times, creating beautiful folds.


This is a very elegant rather dense knot with a clear symmetry. Its density is increased due to several turns of the wide end around the already formed node.

The design feature is that the knot is actually tied with a seam outward. This is not visible on the finished sample, since according to the rules, the shape of the resulting knot must fit exactly into the neckline of the shirt collar. It is perfect for a Kent collar.


The knot is universal and very common. It is as easy to create as it is to tie a small knot. The result is a somewhat asymmetrical cone-shaped variant. It is suitable for shirts with classic, medium and wide collars.


The Murrell looks like an inverted knot, as the narrow end ends up on top of the wide end. This creates the effect of a two-layer tie, which looks very impressive. The knot itself is symmetrical and has a strict triangular shape. It is suitable for shirts with wide and soft ends of the collar.


This is one of the largest tie knots. It has the shape of a three-dimensional cone. Tie it on a tie with long ends. If you neglect the scheme and tie carelessly, the knot will turn out to be sloppy. It is easier to deal with the ends of thin material.

This way of tying a tie is ideal for short men, as the ends will be the optimal length. For tall men, the tie will end up being too short.

In any case, this way of tying a tie assumes that you immediately leave the narrow end shorter than usual, otherwise you simply will not have anything to form a bulky knot from.

"Balthus" a fairly wide knot is suitable for collars like "Kent". A classic shirt with such a tie also looks harmonious.


This is one of the most unusual knots. The finished form is similar in appearance to the pagan symbol "Trikvert". You need to tie it with the narrow end. This will require skill and practice. The first time you may not be able to create a neat knot.

You can wear a tie tied in such an unusual way with wide and medium collars with buttons.

"Prince Albert"

It is good to knit such a knot on a narrow tie. Its shape is somewhat asymmetrical. The knot's double loop gives it extra volume. To make the shape stricter, the knot must be tightened strongly. This will give the tie a businesslike look. It is important that the inner loop peeks out from below.

"Prince Albert" is suitable for shirts with a long collar or collar with buttons.


This is both a spectacular and elegant knot. Its size can be changed by varying the position of the wide and narrow ends of the tie.

Such a universal way to tie a tie is suitable for many shirts, it looks especially impressive with an Italian collar, the “smile” angle of which is 180 degrees.

"Half Windsor"

The finished knot must be symmetrical. It should be located clearly in the center of the neck. Otherwise, it needs to be tied up. At the final stage, it is desirable to create a dimple on the node. It looks especially impressive on wide ties with a thick base. This method allows you to permanently preserve the shape of the node.

It is suitable for collars with divorced ends: classic, Kent.


Tie a tie in this way with the wrong side out. You should get a volume knot. Usually choose this option for short ties with filler.

It is good for shirts with a narrow collar.


This is another unusual knot. You need to knit it with a narrow end. The result is a rather impressive and very beautiful knot, of course, if everything is done carefully and according to the rules. It is whimsical in a sock, as it blooms all the time.

Not all shirts are suitable for such a knot. You need to choose shirts whose collars have soft tips with a fairly wide “smile”.


This option is chosen for official meetings and memorable celebrations. This is an integral part of a thoughtful evening dress. Depending on the occasion and your taste, the butterfly bow can be tied in different ways using the Bat or Distel technique.

Usually printed silk butterflies are worn during the day. The main thing is not to take too dense fabric to create a butterfly. For tailcoats and tuxedos, it is customary to use cotton bow ties. The shirt must have a turn-down collar. You can create a bow tie knot from a special sample with notches.