How to wash baby bottles? How to quickly wash baby bottles from tea and milk plaque? How to properly wash feeding bottles

Baby bottles must be washed very carefully: the body of babies is very susceptible to pathogenic bacteria formed in food residues, while chemicals should not enter the baby's body.

Although some pediatricians oppose the frequent sterilization of baby utensils, none of them deny that feeding bottles need to be kept perfectly clean.

The baby's dishes need to be washed in a certain order:

  • Immediately after feeding, the bottle is dismantled and rinsed with the hottest water possible, removing plaque and milk or porridge residues. After that, if there is no free time, you can leave it in the sink. If the dishes are too dirty, they are filled with soda solution.
  • Then, with a brush or a brush, it is thoroughly washed, paying special attention to the thread and bottom. The nipple, ring and removable handles are also rubbed with a special small brush.
  • The bottle is then rinsed well with hot water.
  • After washing, it is placed on a clean towel in a well-ventilated place to dry completely. The drying process also needs to be monitored, because bacteria can also appear in poorly dried dishes.

If the crockery itself is given the appropriate permission, then it can be washed in the dishwasher using baby detergent. However, nipples are still best cleaned by hand.

Can detergents be used?

When washing, it is allowed to use detergents, namely:

  • detergent for washing children's dishes;
  • baby soap;
  • laundry soap.

Some conservative parents do not use detergents, using baking soda, mustard powder or table salt.

However, modern detergents for washing children's dishes contain a minimum amount of harmful substances, which cannot be said about ordinary detergents.

Bottle sterilization

Sterilization is a set of measures aimed at the complete destruction of all types of microorganisms.

Until recently, it was believed that sterilization of newborn bottles should be carried out before each use, and by 6 months the frequency of sterilizations can be reduced.

However, modern pediatricians say that it is necessary to sterilize a child’s dishes only before the first use or after a long break in use.

Sterilization is carried out using:

  • boiling;
  • steam treatment;
  • special sterilizer;
  • multicookers or steamers;
  • microwave oven;
  • special means (tablets, solutions).

For sterilization by boiling, children's dishes are placed in a pot of filtered water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. Then it is taken out with tongs, laid out on a clean towel and allowed to dry well.

Rubber nipples quickly deteriorate after such sterilization, silicone nipples are more durable in this regard.

Sometimes the bottles are held over the steam rising from the kettle or pot. Some parents pour water into the bowl of a multicooker or double boiler, and place the dishes in a special compartment above the bowl. This method is considered more gentle than boiling.

If sterilization is carried out regularly, then it is more advisable to purchase a special sterilizer.

Water is poured into it, several bottles are placed in the container at once.

For sterilization, some parents immerse the dishes in a glass bowl of water and put them in the microwave for a few minutes.

Also on sale are special reusable bags where water is poured and bottles are placed. After that, the package is hermetically sealed and placed in a microwave oven.

In the microwave, you can only sterilize dishes that do not contain metal parts.

Sometimes, in the absence of the possibility of boiling or using a sterilizer, microwave or multicooker, parents use special solutions and tablets. Water is poured into a bowl, the product is dissolved and the bottles are immersed for half an hour.

How to wash baby bottles when traveling?

When preparing to travel with your baby, place the pacifier brush, brush, and detergent in airtight bags.

It is best to wash baby bottles in drinking water.

In the absence of such, you can do this under running water, after washing the sink.

Since the quality of the water used is unknown, after such washing, the dishes must be sterilized.

If this is not possible, you need to rinse it with the most hot water.

When traveling, special aseptic tablets will also come in handy, which can sterilize children's dishes in cold water in half an hour.

For travel lovers, special sterile bottle inserts have been created: they are removed after each feeding, while the container itself remains clean.

Thus, parents should approach the issue of cleanliness of children's dishes with all responsibility. A baby's immature immunity may not be able to cope with the bacteria that have appeared in a poorly washed feeding bottle.

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This procedure may seem boring. However, it is very necessary. Babies have not yet developed defense mechanisms. They are easily attacked by microbes. Therefore, the dishes from which children eat must be absolutely clean.

How to clean a baby bottle?

How to clean baby bottles from plaque? Some visit children's supplies stores, buy special brushes there. In their opinion, a brush plus hot liquid is enough to make children's dishes sparkle. Some mothers are engaged in boiling or buy a product specially designed for this purpose.

Wash baby bottles from plaque, perhaps as follows:

  • wash immediately after use. Don't leave this work for later;
  • rinse under running hot water. Cleansing will be much better;
  • prepare all the necessary cleaning materials in advance;
  • the sink in which you wash the children's dishes should always be absolutely clean;
  • wash the bottle in a collapsible form. Pay attention to every element;
  • dry thoroughly and only then collect.

All actions are quite simple. By adhering to them, you can prevent the formation of plaque or easily cope with it.

How to whiten baby bottles? Some mothers complain about the appearance of a yellow coating from boiling. The container loses its color. You can try to get rid of yellowness using ordinary soda plus a brush. Rub thoroughly, then rinse. If such manipulation does not help, the baby bottle has turned yellow thoroughly, the yellowness is not removed, boil it in water with the addition of citric acid. The scale should dissolve. After this procedure, do not forget to rinse the dishes to wash off the acid.

How to clean baby bottles?

For cleaning you will need:

  • a brush for washing baby bottles, which helps to wash the bottom, side walls from bacteria located there;
  • dishwashing liquid acting as a disinfectant for baby bottles;
  • this remedy is soft, harmless, leaving no traces;
  • you can wash the baby bottle from milk plaque by boiling.

How to descale baby bottles? Its formation is affected by water hardness. Try boiling in twice boiled liquid. Calcium and other compounds should be already destroyed by the time of washing.

This method successfully helps to wash baby plastic bottles from plaque. Another option is to buy a sterilizer. When used correctly, no scale will form.

How to wash a baby bottle of tea? There are a lot of tips for doing this. If you are looking for an inexpensive way, you can choose from the following options

Methods for dealing with tea plaque:

  • pour a little cereal, soda into the container, pour water. Close tightly, shake. Open, rinse;
  • it is possible to clean baby bottles using a brush, soda solution;
  • hot liquid, washcloth.

Nuk is also used for this purpose - a detergent for washing baby bottles. Washes perfectly the remains of any origin. Eliminates unpleasant odors. Removes milk deposits from dishes that have stood dirty all night. A couple of movements are enough to make everything shine.

How to remove odor from a baby bottle?

Very often, if you do not wash it in time, you can get a persistent unpleasant odor. Getting rid of it is difficult, but quite real. Processing of baby bottles can be done in several ways. However, they all boil down to boiling. In many cases, soda helps. The smell can appear when the dishes were sterilized for a long time, and then they stopped doing it. Any pollution, smell is easily removed if eliminated at the first sign of manifestation.

Parents of newborn babies constantly have to learn and remember something new. Your baby's health depends on many factors. For example, how to wash baby bottles? How can you protect your baby from bacteria? The detailed instructions below will make the task easier.

Where to begin

How to properly wash baby bottles? First of all, you should pay attention to the sink. It does not hurt to clean it in order to get rid of possible chemicals and bacteria.

Water during washing the sink should be hot. You can wipe the bottom, walls and drain with a hard sponge. If necessary, you can use a natural disinfectant or baking soda.

How to wash baby bottles: step by step instructions

The baby's dishes must be cleaned in a certain order. Strict adherence to the rules will help protect the child from bacteria. So, how and with what to wash baby bottles?

  • Immediately after feeding, the dishes must be disassembled. The bottle, nipple and ring should be washed separately. This is very important, because milk can accumulate between the parts, which will provoke the growth of bacteria.
  • Then all parts should be rinsed, getting rid of the remnants of milk or porridge, plaque. The water should be as hot as possible.
  • If the dishes are heavily soiled, they can be poured with soda solution for a while and left in the sink. Further, all parts are thoroughly cleaned with a brush or brush. Increased attention must be paid to cleaning the bottom and threads.
  • After that, the bottle is rinsed again with hot water.

Available funds

How to wash baby bottles so as not to harm the baby? It is allowed to use detergents that do not pose a threat to him. For example, it can be laundry or baby soap. It is also allowed to use a product designed specifically for washing children's dishes. The packaging must contain a corresponding mark.

Some moms and dads prefer folk recipes that have been tested for centuries. They wash bottles with table salt, baking soda, mustard powder. Conservative parents do not trust modern detergents, and in vain. All of them are tested for the presence of harmful substances.

Thorough drying

How to wash baby bottles after formula, milk and cereal is described above. After washing, it is important to let the dishes dry completely. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a special shelf designed for drying bottles. In the absence of such a device, you can use a clean towel.

Dishes should dry in a well-ventilated place. Otherwise, there is a risk of bacteria formation.

About the dishwasher

Should You Use a Dishwasher? This is allowed if the bottle has a mark indicating that it is allowed to be cleaned using such a device. This information can be clarified with the seller.

The vessel should be placed upside down on the top shelf. It is important that it is far from the heating element. In stores, you can find a special basket designed for washing nipples and rings. However, teats are still recommended to be cleaned by hand rather than using a dishwasher.

Is sterilization necessary?

It is important not only how to wash baby bottles for newborns and older babies. Parents should also not forget the importance of sterilization. Fortunately, the myth that utensils need to be sterilized before each use until the baby is six months old was debunked some time ago. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that this is not necessary.

Be sure to sterilize the container before using it for the first time. It is also recommended to do this after a long break in use.

How to properly sterilize

This can be done by boiling. The vessel must be immersed in a saucepan filled with filtered water. Boiling continues for 5-7 minutes. Next, children's dishes should be removed with tongs. It is laid out on a clean towel until completely dry. We must not forget that rubber nipples quickly fail after such a procedure. However, it does not harm silicone products.

The procedure can also be carried out using a special sterilizer. The device must be filled with water, and then put the bottles in it. Next, cover the sterilizer with a lid, connect it to the network and start it. The duration of the process is about 10 minutes.

Of course, there are other ways as well. Some parents prefer to hold the bottles above the steam that rises above the pot or kettle. Others submerge baby dishes in a glass container of water and then put them in the microwave for a few minutes. Special reusable bags for sterilization are also sold. They must be filled with water, and then bottles are placed there. Next, the package is hermetically sealed and placed in the microwave for several minutes.

During the travelling

How to wash baby bottles when traveling? Going on the road, you need to stock up on airtight bags. A brush and a brush, detergent are placed there. To clean dishes, it is advisable to use water that is suitable for drinking. If this is not possible, you can limit yourself to running water. Be sure to take care of the thorough cleaning of the sink before the washing procedure.

Travel may require additional sterilization. This is due to the fact that the quality of running water cannot be checked. It is most convenient to sterilize bottles on the road with the help of special aseptic tablets. You need to draw water into a bowl, dissolve the product, and then immerse the dishes in it for half an hour. Tablets can be used even in combination with cold water. The procedure in any case will provide the desired result.


Can the baby bottle be washed? This must be done after every use. It is difficult for a baby's immature immunity to cope with the bacteria that can form in a dirty feeding vessel. Don't put your child in danger.

A baby bottle is the very first utensil for a baby. Behind her, like the rest of the children's dishes, regular and thorough care is needed. And the thing is that the dairy environment is the best place for the reproduction of harmful bacteria and microbes. And everyone knows that it is better not to use bacteria “for food” for small children, especially during the neonatal period. At such an early age, immunity is not yet fully developed, and the intestines are not yet populated with the necessary "good" bacteria that help digestion. In this situation, the body may simply not cope and react with pain in the tummy, colic, bloating and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid the above problems, regular care of the bottles with a brush and a special detergent is necessary.

Here a new problem arises: is it possible to wash children's dishes with ordinary detergent?

It is not recommended to do this, since such liquids and gels for dishes contain heavy chemicals, surfactants, sodium lauryl sulfate, flavorings, dyes. Even with additional rinsing under running water, traces of harmful components of the detergent will remain on the surface of the bottles, which, when they enter the body of the crumbs, accumulate and can affect the health of the baby, causing disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with the liver, kidneys and other equally dangerous consequences. .

How to wash baby bottles and not harm the health of the newborn?

Many parents use folk remedies to fight bacteria and hygienically clean bottles. The most common of these is mustard powder. It is first diluted in water or used dry as an abrasive. Another popular way is to use baking soda. You can make a soda solution or apply the powder directly to the sponge. Lemon is often used for cleansing. It effectively copes with unpleasant odors and adds shine to glass bottles.

Everything seems to be great, and young mothers can arm themselves with these home remedies for cleaning baby bottles. But there are several significant disadvantages - these funds are also poorly washed off with water, it takes a lot of effort to use them. And the bottle is also small - it is inconvenient to wash it with your hands, you have to soak it, it takes a lot of time and the product itself. But mom has so little time! You need to have time to redo a bunch of things in addition to washing the bottles - and put the baby to bed, and prepare lunch and dinner, iron it, throw things into the washing machine. Where can I find an extra five minutes to even drink tea?

In such conditions, you need to look for another way to wash baby bottles.

It would seem that we are at an impasse - modern products for adults are not suitable - they have a lot of harmful components, folk methods are very energy-consuming and take a lot of time. But there is a third option - special baby detergents. Their choice is huge, their eyes run wide. But quantity does not mean quality.

It is necessary to be very careful when choosing a children's product, be sure to read what is written on the label. It is also necessary to evaluate the detergent according to the most important parameters:

  • whether there are "adult" chemical components in the composition;
  • the full composition is indicated or it is written in abbreviated, vague phrases, such as “antibacterial components”, “special component”;
  • contains a large number of chemicals and few natural components;
  • the product is poorly washed off with water;
  • too liquid and ends quickly;
  • inconvenient to use;
  • smells strongly - the stronger the smell, the more unnatural the remedy.

With all these requirements for baby bottle cleaner, as well as quality, safety, efficiency, convenience and price, it is recommended to use. It combines all the necessary qualities, while remaining absolutely safe for washing newborn bottles.

When choosing a bottle cleaner, a mother needs to take into account many factors, the most important of which, of course, is the safety of this product for the health of a small child. But at the same time, do not forget about the convenience and economy - this will make mom's life more comfortable and enjoyable.

Whoever has a small child in his family is no doubt familiar with feeding bottles, nipples, diapers, pacifiers and probably knows how and with what to wash baby bottles and other items surrounding the baby. Absolutely all young parents need such knowledge, because incorrect actions regarding the cleaning of children's household items can not only damage the things themselves, but also entail a negative reaction of the child's body. The thing is that a newborn baby has not yet had time to fully develop its immune system, and this makes it more susceptible to bacteria that are on improperly treated surfaces.

Important! When buying plastic baby bottles, make sure the plastic does not contain the chemical Bisphenol-A. It is very toxic and can lead to serious health problems for the baby. Many countries have already banned the production and sale of children's items with an admixture of this chemical. Unfortunately, our country is not included in this list yet. Therefore, parents need to be more vigilant when buying children's products.

How to properly wash feeding bottles?

In order for the care of feeding utensils to be perfect, you need to know the detailed instructions on how to wash baby bottles. It looks like this:

  1. Rinse the bottle in the sink immediately after feeding:
    • Even if you do not have time for a more thorough wash, just rinse the dish. This will prevent dried milk and dirt from accumulating on the walls and bottom of the bottle.
    • Use hot water for rinsing. In this way, rinsing will be more effective.
  2. To make the washing process as effective as possible, you need to know what is the best way to wash baby bottles. When buying a feeding bottle, immediately purchase the following products:
    • A brush for washing baby dishes and a special brush for washing a rubber nipple. Some bottles are difficult to clean near the bottom and in the neck area, a brush will help with this. Teat brushes have the ability to collect bacteria from their surfaces.
    • Detergent specially designed for washing baby bottles. It differs from the usual dishwashing detergent in a more gentle and mild action. It is hypoallergenic, non-toxic and, no less important, does not leave soap residues on the surfaces of the container after rinsing in hot or cold water.
  3. To eliminate the possibility of foreign bacteria and chemicals getting on children's dishes, it is recommended to wash the sink itself before washing it.
  4. For best results, use a hard sponge, baking soda, or other natural disinfectant.
  5. After cleaning the sink, fill it with hot water of the highest possible temperature and soap.
  6. Before washing feeding bottles, they must be completely disassembled. Each of their parts - a bottle, a nipple, a ring, a cap - are washed separately.
  1. Submerge each piece in hot soapy water.
  2. Use a bottle brush and a nipple brush that can also clean the ring.
  3. If the instructions for use of the feeding bottle say that it can be washed in the dishwasher, then use this method, which will save you a lot of time.
  4. Place the bottle upside down on the top rack of the dishwasher, away from the heating elements.

Important! Today, children's goods stores can offer their customers a special basket for washing rings and nipples that are installed in the dishwasher.

  1. To get rid of soap residues on the surfaces of the bottle and its elements, after washing, they should be thoroughly rinsed under running water at the highest possible temperature.
  2. Place all parts of the newborn bottle on the drying rack.

Important! Dry the bottle in a well-ventilated area so that it dries completely quickly. Otherwise, fungus and mold may begin to develop on its surfaces.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before taking a dry baby bottle and offering it to your baby.

Bottle sterilization

This method is very effective in killing all possible bacteria on the surfaces of children's dishes. If earlier, after each use, the bottle was advised to sterilize it, but now this process is considered not so necessary.

Important! Recent studies by the medical community have shown that washing feeding bottles with hot, soapy water is sufficient to clean them. The main condition is the purity of water and its suitability for drinking.

And, nevertheless, sterilization is indispensable in the following cases:

  • Before the first use of baby dishes immediately after purchase.
  • After each washing of the bottle with water from a well or well.
  • After the illness of the child.
  • after prolonged use.

Electric and microwave sterilizers

The principle of sterilization in these devices is the treatment of dishes with steam at a temperature of +100 C. Steam with such a high temperature kills all bacteria and microbes on the surfaces of the bottle. To properly use these devices:

  • The electric sterilizer should be filled with a small amount of water. Place rings, nipples and bottles inside at some distance from each other. Sterilization takes approximately 10 minutes.
  • With a microwave sterilizer, the steps are essentially the same. Once all items to be sterilized have been placed, place the instrument in the microwave oven. Set the microwave to full power and turn it on for 4-8 minutes.

Important! The operating time of a microwave oven depends purely on the power of the device itself.

Sterilization in a steamer

A double boiler is a fairly common item in the kitchen of a young housewife. With it, you can not only cook healthy and tasty food, but also, if necessary, sterilize children's dishes. For this:

  1. Pour water into the bottom compartment of the steamer.
  2. Place the bottles upside down.
  3. Other elements of the baby bottle can be placed on top of the steamer.
  4. Turn on the appliance in the "cooking" mode for a period of 5 to 15 minutes.
  5. Wait for the steamer to turn off and cool down.

After that, children's dishes can be used for their intended purpose.

Sterilization in a multicooker

Sterilization in a slow cooker is very easy:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into the main container of the multicooker.
  2. Place all items of baby utensils that require sterilization on the steaming rack.
  3. Turn on the steam mode by setting the time to 7-10 minutes.

Sterilization in the microwave

  1. To carry out this process in the microwave, it is better to use special bags or additional containers with a lid.
  2. Children's dishes are placed in a container or bag and filled with cold water.
  3. After 7-8 minutes of microwave operation, the baby bottle will be sterilized.


Mothers, grandmothers and their predecessors were not familiar in their youth with either microwave ovens or sterilizers. And yet, they took care of their children no worse than modern mothers. Today, a large number of young parents use the old and proven method of sterilization - boiling.

This is done very simply:

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. Place all parts of the feeding bottle into the boiling liquid.
  3. Cover the pot with a lid and boil the items for at least 3 minutes.

Important! This sterilization method is most suitable for glass bottles. If the plastic bottle does not contain the above harmful component - bisphenol-A, then it can also be processed in this way.

Sterilization in cold water

This process can be carried out with the help of cold water and a special preparation that has antiseptic properties. In this case, to wash baby bottles, in order to get the effect of sterilization, it is necessary to use products such as Milton or Bebe Comfort. They are sold in pharmacies. According to instructions?

  1. They are dissolved in cold water and children's dishes are placed in the solution.
  2. After half an hour, the dishes are removed from the solution and thoroughly washed with boiled water.

Important! This method well protects children's dishes from germs without damaging them.

How to wash baby bottles when traveling?

Children never let their parents relax. Therefore, while traveling, you need to be prepared for various minor troubles. To solve the problem of how to wash baby bottles during a trip, you should always have a small container of soap and a brush with you.

Important! It is best to place the brush in a sealed zip bag. So you will protect it from external bacteria that you do not need.

How to act:

  • If you have bottle and brush detergent, you can wash baby dishes in any sink.

Important! Remember the rules on how to wash baby bottles. Strictly follow them, even if you are far from home.

  • When traveling, disposable sterile bottle inserts will come in handy. With their help, you can get by with one bottle throughout the trip and wash it only once a day, for example, in the evening.

Important! Inserts must be changed after each meal.

  • Find out if your overnight stays and stops have microwave ovens. If available, take a portable type microwave sterilizer with you on your trip.
  • Taking care of the health of your baby, be sure to take care of the cleanliness of the objects that surround him. This is especially true for children's dishes, which the child uses in the first months of life. If you approach this issue correctly, then washing baby bottles will not take you much time and effort, and the baby will be protected from microorganisms that he does not need.