Home cosmetics from roses. Gentle rejuvenation. How to make rose petal lotion? Rose lotion recipe

Rose petals used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory, healing agent. Rose petals are used for bathing, skin cleansing. In masks, tonics, creams.
For the preparation of homemade cosmetics, use fresh roses, it is better if they are homemade freshly picked from the garden. The beauty of a flower can not only please the eye, but also benefit your beauty and health. The most popular cosmetic products made from rose petals are rose water (tonic), tincture, oil. They are also used for the manufacture of masks, lotions.

Rose Cleansing Toner (Rose Water)

facial cleansing toner | rose, pink petals | normal skin

Pour boiling water over large fragrant red roses at the rate of 1 liter of boiling water 4 roses and 200 g of sugar. Leave for 2 hours. Then shake and strain. Store in a bottle in a dark and cool place.
Attention! Skin with protruding blood vessels should not be wiped, as rose tonic has a tonic effect.

How to make rose petal tincture

rejuvenating facial tincture | rose, alcohol | aging skin

A half-liter bottle is filled with fresh rose petals and filled to the top with vodka. Insist in a dark place for a month. Then the tincture is filtered and rubbed on the skin of the face. It rejuvenates it and makes it elastic.

Flower infusion for skin cleansing

cleansing infusion for the face | camomile, linden, rose | normal skin

In 2 tbsp. spoons, mix dried chamomile, linden and rose flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 1 hour in a sealed container. Strain the infusion and wipe your face.

Lotion for normal skin based on rose petals

facial cleansing lotion | cucumber, St. John's wort, rose | normal skin

Make a decoction of St. John's wort and an infusion of rose petals. Mix 50 ml of cucumber juice, 50 ml of decoction and 25 ml of rose water. For a decoction of St. John's wort 1 tbsp. St. John's wort pour 100 ml of boiled water, insist in a water bath for 30 minutes and cool.

Apple and rose mask

toning face mask | apple, rose, honey | normal skin

Peel and grate the apple, be sure to use a plastic grater. Grind 10 fresh rose petals and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Add the mixture to the apple and pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of boiling water to get the consistency of mashed potatoes. Let it brew for 20 minutes and add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil. Gently apply the mixture on your face for 18 minutes. The mask with an apple tones and gives freshness and a healthy look to the skin of the face.

pink cream

nourishing face cream | rose, beeswax, butter | dry skin

Petals of 5 fresh roses are carefully crushed. Melt 10 g of beeswax in a water bath, add 50 g of fresh butter and rose petals, mix thoroughly and remove from heat. Then add 1 teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution, mix again and allow the cream to cool.

Rose tincture

facial cleansing tincture | rose | oily porous skin

20 g of dry rose petals are poured into 200 ml of vodka (or a bottle is filled with fresh petals and filled to the top with vodka) and insisted in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking daily. Then strain and store in a tightly stoppered vessel. This tincture wipe oily skin with enlarged pores. It has an astringent and antiseptic effect, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Lotion of fresh rose petals for problem skin

toning face lotion | rose, rose petals | problem skin

Boil water and pour a handful of fresh rose petals into 100 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes and strain. Add 1 teaspoon of copper and 5 drops of lemon juice, spread well. The lotion is used for problematic inflamed facial skin. Wet a cotton pad, wipe your face and wash off the residue with cool water. The lotion perfectly refreshes and relieves inflammation.

Dry rose petal lotion for oily skin

therapeutic face lotion | rose, mineral water, kombucha | oily skin

Pour a handful of dry rose petals with 100 ml of kombucha infusion, add 70 ml of mineral water. Insist in a dark cool place for 2 weeks in a tightly sealed container. Filter and lotion in the morning and evening wipe oily skin prone to inflammation.

lotion flower

facial cleansing lotion | rose, linden, lemon | problem skin

1 st. a spoonful of crushed dry rose petals, linden flowers, nasturtium, blue cornflower, taken in equal parts, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours, filter and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. This lotion is applied morning and evening to sensitive, irritated skin.

rose petal mask

nourishing face mask | rose, yoghurt/sour cream, rose water | problem skin

1 st. a spoonful of powdered dry rose petals is mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of natural yogurt (for oily skin) or sour cream (for dry skin) and apply the mixture on cleansed skin. Hold the mask for 20-30 minutes, then remove with a napkin and wipe the face with a cotton swab moistened with rose water. This mask nourishes, softens and tones the skin.

Rose water was first produced by the famous Persian physician, scientist and philosopher Ibn Sina (better known as Avicenna).
Several lotion recipes.
Lotion for sensitive, easily irritated skin
with dilated capillaries.
Take a tablespoon of dry rose petals, sage, aloe, plantain, mix well and pour a glass of boiling water. Put in a dark place for 2-3 hours, tightly covering the glassware, in which it is best to prepare the lotion. strain, add a little citric acid or sour fruit or berry juice. Wipe the skin of the face in the morning and evening instead of washing. Store the lotion in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. If you add a tablespoon of alcohol, then the shelf life increases to 2 weeks.

From the infusion of rose petals, excellent lotions and rubs are obtained for easily irritated by the sun, dry and delicate skin.
Pour boiling water over one tablespoon of rose petals, leave for half an hour, strain. Ice can be made from the liquid, with which to wipe the face in the morning and evening.

3 OPTION. Rose water.
For the preparation of this tonic, it is better to use red roses with a strong scent. They must be dried in a dark and cool place. Fill a 2-liter jar with dried roses, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and a little medical alcohol into them. The liquid should wet the roses without covering them too much. The jar is placed in a cold dark place (you can use a refrigerator) for 1-2 months. Periodically, the roses are turned over and mixed. Then the petals are squeezed very carefully. The resulting liquid is diluted in proportions: 1:1 for oily skin, 1:2 for normal and 1:3 for dry. Used as a face lotion.

4OPTION. Rose petal lotion.
(to narrow pores and even out skin tone).
4 cups of dry red rose petals pour 0.5 liters of table vinegar, place in a tightly closed vessel for 3 weeks. Then strain the infusion and dilute with an equal amount of boiled water. Well tones and cleanses oily skin, can be used for any skin.

OPTION 5. Lotion of roses and wild rose.
This lotion can be used for all skin types. Tightly, but without tamping, place the petals (both dry and freshly picked) in a bowl or small saucepan. Pour in enough boiling water to cover them with water. After 20 minutes, strain - rose water is ready. By adding a pinch of citric acid or 1 tablespoon of any sour juice to the infusion, you will get a lotion for wiping the face.

6 OPTION. From fresh rose leaves.
You can prepare an infusion - rose water - for rubbing cyxoy, sensitive, and aging skin.
2 tablespoons of finely chopped petals should be poured with a glass of boiling water, wrapped in a towel, let it brew for 20-30 minutes, cool and strain. Cold infusion can be used to irrigate the face twice a day.
© Rozanova N.E.

2 cups strong scented rose petals
4 cups distilled water
1 cup pure alcohol
2-3 drops of aromatic rose oil
We buy water, alcohol and rose oil at the pharmacy.
We put rose petals in a suitable glass jar, pour disc. Water and alcohol. Close the lid and put in the sun for 1 week. Shake every day in the morning and evening. Every evening we bring a jar into the house.
After a week, we filter the liquid 3 times through a coffee filter. But you can take out the blackened petals and add fresh ones, continuing the procedure, for a stronger taste and smell. A week later, we also filter 3 times. You can also drip 2-3 drops of aromatic rose oil
Store in a bottle in the refrigerator. Can be poured into special ice bags and stored in the freezer.

but). 2 handfuls of fresh rose petals, preferably dark in color, place in a jar. Pour a glass of sugar and pour 1 liter of warm, but not hot water with 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. Shake after 2 hours, strain and store in the refrigerator.

B). Mix rose oil with chilled boiled water in the ratio of 1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water. Shake thoroughly.

9 OPTION. Tonic.
Instead of rose petals for the manufacture of tonics, you can use flowers and leaves of other plants - rosemary, mint, jasmine, hibiscus (Chinese rose).

Rosemary (Rosemary) is widely used in the East as a spice and tonic. Rosemary infusions and lotions smooth out flaccid skin and prevent wrinkles. Rosemary also enhances hair shine and is therefore often used in hair products.

Hibiscus rose (Hibiscus, rosemallow) is an astringent and refreshing plant. The extract from this delicately scented flower tones and tightens the skin while cleansing and refreshing it. Best of all, hibiscus tonic is suitable for oily and combination skin.

10 OPTION. Pink tonic for the face.
(refreshes and soothes irritated skin)
You will need:
- 1 teaspoon of honey;
- 2-3 drops of lemon juice (for oily and combination skin);
- fresh rose petals (or rosemary, hibiscus) or half a glass of rose water.
Pour a handful of petals into ¼ cup boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Add honey and lemon juice if desired. Apply to cleansed face with a cotton swab. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

11 OPTION. Coconut toner for oily or acne prone skin.
Coconut milk has a moisturizing and soothing effect on the skin.
You will need:
- half a glass of coconut milk;
- 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
Mix all ingredients. With a cotton swab dipped in the mixture, wipe your face 1-2 times a day. Let dry and then rinse with cold water. The mixture should be refrigerated and used within 3 days.

12 OPTION. Tonic lotion of herbs and flowers.
Such a lotion can be prepared from one type of herb or from a mixture of different herbs and flowers. In the East, thyme, sage, rosemary, mint, and chamomile are especially widely used. 3 handfuls fresh or 2 tbsp. l. dried herbs pour ½ liter of boiling water. You can add 1 tsp. carnations. Close the lid and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then strain and store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

This lotion has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes the treatment of acne and skin diseases, the healing of sores. It is useful to take half a glass of such a decoction inside, preferably on an empty stomach, for the prevention of various diseases. You can add some honey to improve the taste.

13 OPTION. Toning express mask.
Wipe your face with rose water. Then soak geranium leaves in rose water and place on your face for 5-10 minutes. This mask quickly softens and moisturizes the skin, smoothing fine wrinkles.
©Marina Al-Rabaki

With the help of daily facial skin care, you can maintain beauty and youth for a long time. And for this it is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetics of popular brands. Sometimes the most effective methods are at hand. Well, or in a vase on the table. For example, an ordinary rose will help in facial care, cheer you up and save your budget.

For the manufacture of home cosmetics, rose petals and rose hips are suitable. You can even use flowers that were plucked a few days ago and have already managed to please with their beauty. Slightly dried petals will not reduce the effect and will not spoil the final result. The only condition is to use flowers grown at home. The use of strong chemicals and the presence of a roadway near the bushes will significantly reduce the beneficial properties of the plant.

What do the petals do? What is their advantage?

  • Smoothes the surface of the skin, gently cleanses it, fills it with freshness.
  • Petals nourish the skin with a rich set of vitamins and microelements, intensively fight the signs of aging.
  • They have a firming and stimulating effect.
  • Improve mood, act as a natural antidepressant.

With your own hands, you can make a lot of cosmetics from rose petals. However, it is lotions that will take less than the rest of the time to manufacture. Besides, what could be easier to use?

It is enough to wipe the face with a solution after water procedures, and the result will appear in the near future.

Pink lotion for oily problem skin

You will need 4 full glasses of dry petals (preferably red ones) and half a liter of table vinegar. The infusion is prepared under a tightly closed lid for about three weeks. Then it is diluted with boiled chilled water, the proportion is 1:1. This lotion cleanses the skin very well, evens out the color and tightens the pores.

You can make a lotion from two tablespoons of dry petals and 100 ml of vodka. She will infuse for 10 days. Then the solution is filtered, a little squeezed lemon juice is added to it. This lotion has a matting effect, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

If you pour rose petals with a liter of water, bring to a boil, and then cool and strain, you get the simplest pink lotion. It helps to get rid of blackheads. And if you add a little cucumber juice to it and 10 ml of glycerin and vodka each, then you can additionally make the complexion more even, brighten it.

Pink lotion for dry sensitive skin

In most cases, the rose is not used in cosmetics for dry skin, but there is still a couple of recipes. For example, you can pour three cups of dried petals with peach oil. It's also a good idea to use almond oil. This mixture is heated on a steam bath until the petals completely lose color. In addition to wiping, such a lotion is used as a means for removing decorative cosmetics.

You can add the same amount of jasmine leaves to two tablespoons of dry petals, then pour boiling water over the whole mixture, and then let it brew for 3-4 hours. Strain the resulting solution, add a couple of tablespoons of cologne, as well as two ampoules of vitamin B.

Pink lotion for tired skin

Such a tool will help restore skin tone, refresh it. To prepare, you need to mix a simple infusion of rose petals with a teaspoon of honey. Add a little fresh lemon juice or 50 ml of alcohol to the resulting mixture. Store lotion in a tightly closed container.

You can prepare a lotion with a calming effect. To do this, dry rose petals, sage, mint, chamomile, aloe, plantain and parsley are mixed in equal parts. A tablespoon of such a dry mixture must be poured with hot water and put in a dark place to cool and infuse. After three hours, this lotion can be filtered and used as directed.

If you mix dry rose petals and parsley and dill leaves, pour boiled water and set aside to infuse, you will get a lotion that fights the first signs of aging.

Good afternoon!

At the very beginning of summer, wild roses and wild roses bloom. Their delicate fragrant flowers are very short-lived. But it is a very valuable cosmetic raw material. And I will teach you how to make rose petal and lily lotion for face skin care at home. This lotion can be used on all skin types

Rose petals can simply be collected, put in a small container, pour boiling water and leave to cool. With a cooled infusion, wash or wipe your face. But the infusion spoils very quickly, so you can pour it into ice molds, freeze it and wipe your face with ice cubes as needed.

This infusion can also be poured into a spray bottle, add 1 k. to it and use it in the heat to irrigate the skin of the face in order to refresh. Store in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

You can make a more complex lotion. For its preparation, you will need petals of white roses and lilies. You can use rosehip petals.

It is better to take white or light flowers, then the lotion will turn out lighter. I do not recommend using purchased roses, because on an industrial scale, roses are very heavily treated against diseases and pests. It is better to take flowers from park or garden roses, petals from climbing and floribunda roses will do. If you have your own roses, this is the best material.

Roses are a very valuable raw material for cosmetic products. Essential oil is obtained from roses, and fragrant water, which is obtained as a secondary product in the production of oil, is also actively used in cosmetology for facial skin care.

Rose essential oil is called the queen of oils. In one of the articles of the rubric, I will tell you about the properties of rose essential oil.

Preparation of lotion from rose petals and lilies

Fill a small glass jar of about 200 ml with white or cream rose petals and fill with high-quality vodka. It will take about 100g of vodka. You can mix rose petals in half with petals of white fragrant lilies. If you grow lilies, then Candidum and Oriental lilies are best suited.

With lilies, the lotion will be more effective, since white lily is an ideal skin care product. You need to insist at room temperature for 1-2 weeks.

Strain the infusion and dilute in a 1:1 ratio with freshly squeezed cucumber juice. To make juice, grate 2-3 cucumbers (overripe) and squeeze through gauze.

Mix the tincture and leave for a few days to settle. After a few days, sediment may settle at the bottom. Carefully drain the liquid from the sediment.

This tincture is good to use for wiping oily and porous skin. You can store for several months, preferably in a dark glass bottle.

An undiluted tincture can be used as a concentrate, poured off a little and diluted with water as needed.

For dry and normal skin, this lotion should be diluted with boiled or mineral water 2 times. Store the diluted tincture in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

Before diluting with water, the tincture can be further enriched with essential oils by adding 2-3 drops of one of the essential oils of your choice to the bottle - rose, neroli,. For skin with acne, mint will be useful. Tightens skin and patchouli. But even without essential oils, this lotion is very good.

How to properly use facial cleanser.

Moisten a cotton pad with water, wring out, and then moisten with lotion and wipe the skin. The lotion cleanses and nourishes the skin well, smoothes fine wrinkles, refreshes.

If the skin is dry, on a cotton pad moistened with lotion, drop a little cosmetic oil, such as grape seed, and wipe your face.

Make yourself such a lotion from rose petals, do not be lazy. After all, homemade cosmetics are much more effective than store-bought ones, and simple recipes make them very affordable. You can also make excellent rose petals.

If you want your skin to smell like a fresh May rose, then try making a homemade tonic with the petals of this beautiful flower. Fresh, they have a high bactericidal activity, which will help in the fight against acne, eczema and acne. In addition, the essential oil included in the composition is considered one of the most expensive oils. And its value is undeniable.

Homemade rose petal lotion: benefits for the face

It is known that rose water lotion tones, smoothes, refreshes and evens out the complexion. It contains such useful substances as:

  • pectin;
  • vitamins of group B, PP;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oil;
  • polysaccharides.

Of course, it is better to take fresh homemade flowers, but if there are none, then you need to look in pharmacies or specialized stores. Rose petals can also be purchased at a flower shop, but only if you are sure that they have not been treated with any pesticides.

Crimean rose also has medicinal properties. With its help, acute respiratory infections, herpes, thrush, insomnia, tuberculosis, etc. are treated.

Cosmetology today produces entire lines of care products, based on these beautiful flowers. Oils, essences, waters, masks, soaps - that's how many products the cosmetics market offers us.

Dear ladies, let's pamper our loved ones and prepare a miraculous elixir, which was used by Cleopatra herself - the great queen of Egypt!

How to make rose petal tonic at home?

To make pink face lotion at home, you will need:

  1. Rose petals (one handful);
  2. A glass of clean water;
  3. Rose essential oil is desirable, but lavender is also possible.

Cooking steps:

  1. grind rose petals;

2. bring water to a boil;

3. fill in our flowers and cover (we insist an hour);

4. filter rose water and add a couple of drops of essential oil;

5. Pour the tonic into a spray bottle.

How to use rose petal tonic?

Apply to clean skin in the morning and evening. Shake before application. Also suitable for the skin around the eyes. This tonic will be especially useful for dehydrated and aging skin.


The skin is nourished, hydrated and tightened. Small wrinkles are smoothed out and the complexion is evened out. A pleasant aroma gives a good mood and helps fight depression.