Birthday 1st year of organization. How to celebrate baby's first birthday. Photo session with a child

Most often, mothers do the design of the anniversary. But dads unobtrusively hint that the baby still does not understand anything in order to arrange a colorful show, but, surprisingly, they take part in the preparations with pleasure.

But you really want to congratulate your son beautifully on his birthday, a year old. And here interesting design ideas and thematic options for holding the boy’s first birthday will come to the rescue.

Traditional birthday decoration for 1 year old

Definitely, a thematic birthday requires strict adherence to the chosen direction.

Therefore, some parents prefer the traditional festive decoration of the holiday.

An entourage made in a certain color scheme will look much more concise.

It is better to choose colors that are not poisonous, not too bright, so as not to distract the baby.

Pastel, muted tones are ideal. You can stop at white, green, brown and honey tones. It is not necessary to make jewelry in boyish blue shades.

Play with colors, combine several options.

All decorations must be large enough and safe.

Remember that the baby learns the world not only visually, but also by touch.

The child will try to touch and even taste the scenery.

Therefore, be sure to consider this and avoid the use of glass, fragile jewelry.

Balloons, streamers with congratulations, various flags and pompoms are ideal. Children really like various animals made of balls, as well as huge balls filled with smaller ones or toys.

Just keep in mind that the child may be scared if such decor suddenly bursts.

Be sure to make a play area for kids.

Here you can install a toy house, an inflatable slide, ladders, structures made of large cubes.

If the holiday takes place in the summer and on the street, a pool, a swing, a sandbox will do.

How to congratulate a boy on his first birthday in an original way: choose a theme

But if you want to congratulate your son on his first birthday in a non-standard way, choose the right theme.

After all, thematic holidays are always distinguished by their creativity and originality.

We offer several themes that are ideal for organizing a boy's first birthday.

Creating an atmosphere of mysterious space is not so difficult.

It is enough to figure out how to convey the beauty of the starry sky. You can make heavenly bodies in the form of stars, comets, planets from ordinary cardboard. Give them shine by pasting with foil or decorating with fluorescent spray paint.

These neon-effect jewelry will glow in the dark. Also, finished figures can simply be sprinkled with broken Christmas tree decorations, crushed into crumbs.

The main color of the holiday will be blue, diluted with white and silver. In tone, we make flags with the image of stars or in the form of small space rockets. The same rockets and stars will decorate treats.

And we dress the baby with a small astrologer. We prepare caps with stars for guests.

Happy birthday to son for 1 year, like a little prince

Create a real fairytale kingdom for your little prince.

To make the setting reminiscent of ancient knightly times, make a real castle out of cardboard. It can be made voluminous or used as a background by placing it on a wall or curtains.

It is not necessary to make a whole fabulous town or huge buildings - a couple of towers will be enough.

Helium balloons look cool at the birthday of the little prince, on the ribbons of which you can stick fairy-tale figurines. To congratulate the baby, we are preparing a colorful thematic banner.

The main color schemes of such a holiday will include a combination of blue with silver and gold. It is in this color scheme with the image of crowns, coats of arms, medals that you can make invitations for guests and cool caps.

Be sure to make a colorful candy bar where you can display sweets, cakes, drinks and cake as treats, decorating them with themed toppers.

How to wish a happy first birthday to a son - a little gentleman

Another great idea for a boy's birthday party is a gentleman's birthday party.

The main accent in the decoration will be antennae and butterflies.

We dilute the main color with multi-colored stripes and peas, which will make the atmosphere more fun.

We choose for the crumbs a festive outfit with a vest and, of course, a butterfly.

We use the same elements, as well as images of glasses, hats, canes to decorate the room and for a photo shoot.

Great classic set for big and little gentlemen's birthdays!

Let the first birthday of the crumbs be remembered for its originality and chic.

Happy birthday baby: 1 year old in a marine style

Happy birthday, one year old boy: ideas for decoration

Not only the right theme will help to give individuality to the holiday, but also ideas that can be brought to life exclusively on the anniversary.

They can be the start for traditions that can be continued on the second, third and subsequent Birthdays.

Poster "I'm growing up..."

It will be interesting for guests and relatives to see how the baby grew up, how it changed throughout the year.

Indeed, in the first year, the baby grows very quickly and not everyone had the opportunity to observe these fascinating changes. Therefore, posters with photographs of a child taken in each month of the past year, from birth to anniversary, are very popular.

You can design such a poster in the most unpredictable ways. Cool locomotives look with a photo in the windows of trailers. You can draw a clock and place a corresponding photo on each digit. Or make a flower with 12 petals and stick a corresponding picture on each of them.

Just a poster or banner will do, where you can stick a photo of the baby.

Collages with photographs look no less interesting, where you can display cool situations and child skills.

In this case, plot photos with the image of the baby together with parents, grandparents are ideal.

If you wish, you can pick up interesting captions for the plots or short rhymes.

Such a poster of achievements can be hung in the common room or at the entrance.

Slide show

If you know how to work with video programs, be sure to make a colorful slide show. Such a video will be a great addition to the birthday script and a gift for the baby. Here you can use not only the most interesting photos, but also videos that have accumulated throughout the year.

When a child turns one year old, parents prepare for the holiday with anticipation. Mom runs around the shops in search of a gift and attributes to decorate the room, dad prepares a variety of labyrinths that will be useful for competitions. Pleasant chores entail many questions: what to cook, whom to invite, and so on. Specialists in the field of preparing holidays give their recommendations on this matter. Let's consider them in more detail.

Choosing a scenario for the competition

Take note of one or more competitions, thanks to which the holiday will be fun and will be remembered for a long time.

Option number 1. Who will the child be in the future?

  1. The competition is based on psychological aspects that will help you understand who your baby will become in the future. Lay certain objects in front of the child and watch what he chooses.
  2. For example, a ball of threads will characterize a long-liver. The flower will tell that a person will grow up happy. The book says - the kid will become a teacher or a professor.
  3. You can lay out any items at your discretion (a brush - an artist, a ring - a happy family man, car or apartment keys - a successful businessman).
  4. Place objects at some distance from each other. It will be easier for the baby to choose, while the choice will be made almost consciously. Believe me, such a competition touches and pleases at the same time.

Option number 2. Who did the baby go to

  1. Prepare cards for each adult guest. Write on them certain parts of the body and face of the baby. Distribute leaflets to the invitees and invite them to play.
  2. Guests need to put a tick in front of the part of the body or face at the expense of dad or mom. The family member with the most points will be the winner. So that's exactly what the child looks like.

Option number 3. What to give the child for the wedding

  1. Download from the Internet a variety of pictures with gifts that are most suitable for presenting at a wedding. Gather the photos in a pile so that the image is not visible.
  2. Invite each of the invitees to draw 1 card. What is printed on it will be a gift from a certain guest for your child's future wedding.

Option number 4. Taste baby puree

  1. The competition is interesting and tasty enough if the guests have everything in order with the receptors. Gather a circle of volunteers who don't mind tasting baby puree from jars.
  2. Blindfold the guest, then offer a spoonful of treats. Let the invitee try the treat and determine what it is made of (apple, banana, etc.).
  3. The competition will be much more interesting if only men or women without children are allowed to participate in it. These categories of people have a vague idea of ​​​​how baby puree looks and smells in general, not to mention its taste.

Option number 5. paint a portrait

  1. Prepare a large sheet on which the baby will draw. Arm your child with a felt-tip pen or brush with paints. Sit a relative in front of the baby, let the child draw a portrait.
  2. It is important that the posing model does not spy on the process. After all the manipulations, show the drawing and put the painting with the little finger of the crumbs, dipping the pad into the paint.

Option number 6. Make the kid laugh

  1. If your child is a serious person, prepare the next contest for the invited people. It lies in the banal rule - make the child laugh. The person who manages to do this will be the winner.
  2. Alternatively, you can arrange karaoke. Each guest will perform children's songs. The person who makes the child laugh and clap will be the winner.

Making a list of invitees

  1. There are several options for the development of events. The first lies in the fact that you invite only close friends and relatives to the holiday. So to say, the holiday is spent in the family circle.
  2. The second option - you can call mothers with children aged from 1 to 1.5 years for a birthday. Do not be shy if you decide not to call anyone, celebrating the holiday with your family.
  3. The main thing is that the birthday should be attended by people who sincerely love the child and actively participate in his upbringing. It can be grandparents, godparents, friend and bridesmaid, aunt and uncle.
  4. If relatives live relatively far away, invite the child's friends. Perhaps you communicate well with moms who do not mind having fun and unwinding.
  5. Don't try to call everyone at once. Let the holiday be peaceful with 3 mothers and their children. So it's easier for you to keep track of the fussy crumbs.
  6. You should prepare for the fact that each child has his own mode of wakefulness and rest. Therefore, some invitees simply will not be able to attend the event due to these circumstances.
  7. Among other things, you should study what a certain child eats and what foods he is allergic to. It is important that the menu is hypoallergenic and festive at the same time.

Cooking a festive table

  1. The festive table includes dishes for adults and children. In the first case, there are no special restrictions, prepare standard salads and your favorite snacks. You can find out from the guests in advance what exactly they like.
  2. Bring a childish touch to main courses, salads, desserts. As for children, stock up on hypoallergenic puree in jars in advance. Buy a variety of curds and other goodies.
  3. Some mothers prefer to arrange a holiday based on All Inclusive. The main thing here is to make sure that the children do not overeat. It's easy to arrange a buffet.
  4. Place children's cookies, fruits and berries, drinking juices with straws, jars of puree on different saucers. For the birthday, the cake should be made at home. You should not doubt the quality of the dessert and its naturalness.
  5. To make a cake, you need to make biscuit dough without using soda. When the cakes are ready, grease them with a mixture of cottage cheese for and berries with fruits. Top with the same cream, sprinkle with sugar.
  6. You can use this cake for everyone. Moms on a diet will definitely like it. Do not forget to light a candle so that the child blows it out and makes a wish.

Choosing the time of the holiday

  1. If the baby has two sleeps a day in the daytime, then the holiday is best spent between hours of rest.
  2. When celebrating a baby's birthday with family and friends, in the morning you can arrange a holiday directly for the child.
  3. Then put the baby to sleep and continue the fun with adults. Thus, no one will interfere with anyone, everyone can relax in their own way.
  4. If the baby sleeps only once a day, the holiday should be held only after sleep. Because the child will not feel tired.

Gift choice for 1 year

  1. Do not immediately make a common mistake, do not buy a gift on the last day. Modern stores are oversaturated with children's toys, so in a hurry you can buy a completely useless and expensive thing.
  2. In a quiet family circle, consult with your spouse what can please the baby at such a young age. Do not try to give clothes that can be worn after a while. Such gifts will be made by friends and relatives.
  3. It is worth buying the thing that the baby can use immediately. For example, consider a children's house in the store, various toys with light and sound accompaniment. It is better to give preference to developing dolls.

We create a festive atmosphere

  1. Take care of the holiday room in advance. Find decorations and decorate the walls with various inscriptions and balloons. The room must match the theme. With the onset of the holiday, give the baby the opportunity to appreciate and get used to the environment.
  2. Try to explain to the child that today is his holiday. Relatives and relatives should also not frighten him, the baby should be gently congratulated. You can get in the habit of celebrating birthdays in different colors. Let this become a family tradition.
  3. In this case, you can stick to the colors of the rainbow. Warn guests in advance so that they select outfits of the appropriate shade. In the first year of the celebration, psychologists recommend holding a birthday in white and light colors.
  4. If you have a boy, give preference to bluish tones. If it's a girl, decorate the room with a pale pink shade. It will be much more fun by decorating the men in the house in a fun pink color. This move will cheer everyone up. Pick themed costumes. Don't forget to take pictures.
  5. If you plan to spend a holiday with a lot of children, you definitely need to create your own corner for them. In it, kids can sit at their desk and do what they really want. Divide toys by age if necessary.
  6. Try to dress the birthday boy in a themed costume, choose an outfit in such a way that the child likes it. In the case of a girl, you can play an interesting game. Lay out some beautiful dresses in front of her. After choosing a birthday girl, praise her and change her clothes.
  7. Do not insist on any outfit. If the child does not want to change clothes, you do not need to insist on it. You can also additionally purchase a special set that creates an imprint of the foot and palm of the baby. Make a mold and keep it as a keepsake. A similar procedure can be performed with paints.
  1. If you want to spend a holiday at the highest level and not think about extraneous troubles in the process, ask a loved one to be a photographer. Also, do not rush to show all the gifts that relatives brought. Otherwise, whims cannot be avoided.
  2. The problem is that the baby's eyes will start to run wide and he will want to play everything at once. Hence the crying and tantrums. Don't make these kinds of mistakes. Think in advance where guests will be able to take gifts. Well, if the baby does not see them.
  3. After you have eaten, make sure that the kids have enough space and toys on the floor. Remember, children will not be able to sit at the table with you. Try to foresee everything, remove dangerous items in advance that can harm.
  4. It is important to understand that during the holiday you will not always be able to look after the children. Therefore, the environment must be as safe as possible. The best option would be to protect children with a screen or allocate a separate room.

Organize the holiday as colorful and fun as possible. Invite people close to you, it's good if there are more children. Prepare in advance a place where the kids can play. If there are animals, it is worthwhile to lock them in another room for a while. In this case, you can avoid accidental injuries and incomprehensible situations.

Video: how to celebrate the first birthday of a child

2016-02-09 | 29

The first birthday is undoubtedly the most important holiday. Two, three, four years - all these, of course, are also significant dates, but on a completely different level. It is in the first year of life that a baby goes through a colossal path from a newborn “alien” to an absolutely formed person. Such metamorphoses will never happen again.

Therefore, I really want this day to remain in my memory - bright, beautiful, ideal. How and where to celebrate one year? We have analyzed in detail the three most popular options.

Option number 1

home party

pros. The child is in a familiar environment, so he is usually calm and friendly. You do not have to go anywhere and take a backpack with everything you need for children's outings. And, of course, - serious savings.

Minuses. Cooking, cleaning and the inability to concentrate on the holiday, as you bear the entire burden of organizing a birthday.

Budget. Of course, this is the most economical option. The main budget will be the festive table. Add to it the cost of decorating the house, souvenirs for guests and the services of a professional photographer (who, as a rule, can also make a video). The cost of reportage shooting - from 3 thousand rubles. in an hour.

Important Details. First of all, you should think about time. It is best to schedule a celebration for the second half of the day after a daytime (for someone the only, and for someone the second in a day) sleep. Even if the child is overexcited from impressions, then, in any case, it will be easier to put him to sleep “at night”. Although it may take longer than usual.

The holiday for the birthday boy and invited children (if any) should not last more than two hours on average. This time is enough to have time to carry out the planned and not tire the child. A one-year-old baby is not yet able to appreciate the significance of a birthday in his life, and even more so, he cannot understand that he is the culprit of all this fuss. Do not break the usual daily routine: no one will appreciate it.

Perhaps the only thing that can be guaranteed to interest the baby in his own holiday is the changed home environment. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the design: bright balls or garlands of flags will extend the first birthday for a few more days. You can, for example, start celebrating rainbow birthdays. The first is Red Birthday. The apartment needs to be decorated with red balloons, ribbons, guests should be warned to come in red clothes. Next year's birthday will be orange. And at the age of 3, the child himself will be able to invite guests to a yellow birthday.

A very important point: it is worth considering in advance who will be responsible for photo and video shooting. It is best, of course, to use the services of a photographer: by placing the responsibility for photographing on a professional, you will not have to be torn between a child, guests and a camera.

But the program of the event should be as simple as possible. Guaranteed “with a bang” will be entertainment with balloons and soap bubbles. You can even purchase a special mini-machine for creating soap bubbles for this occasion.

Option number 2

Holiday away from home

pros. For mothers, this is, of course, a more attractive idea: no need to cook, no need to clean up afterwards. You can focus on the holiday and pose for the photographer.

Minuses. The baby will be in an unfamiliar environment and it is quite difficult to predict the reaction. Add to this the time it takes to get the family ready and to get to their destination. And, of course, this is not a budget option at all, especially if many guests are planned.

Budget. Game programs cost from 10-12 thousand rubles per hour, and a turnkey holiday is around 30 thousand rubles.

Important details. Now in Moscow there are many specialized or simply friendly cafes and clubs with respect to one-year-old babies. Many of them have special birthday celebration programs designed for this age. The necessary conditions are proximity to home, intimacy of the atmosphere and the preservation of a homely atmosphere of comfort, the possibility of making adjustments to the program. Here are three great, in our opinion, places for the first birthday of the baby.

Children grow up very quickly, you don’t have time to look back, and it’s time for parents to choose a birthday script for 1 year old. But how to plan it in such a way that it would be interesting for both adults and children? After all, it is often very difficult, especially since the baby can be very tired of the noise and the large number of guests that day. That is why we decided to collect the best ideas for celebrating the first birthday, give useful planning tips, write a list of the most exciting and funny contests that are interesting for any generation.


It is best to celebrate the first birthday of a child at home. A cafe or a children's room at this age is not yet interesting. In addition, it is not very convenient for parents, the child may want to sleep, eat, or just be naughty. However, even at home, you can create a festive, fabulous atmosphere for a birthday, think over a scenario, decorate a room.

So, what interesting ideas can be used to celebrate the first birthday?

  1. Balloons. Kids at 1 year old are very fond of colorful balloons, so you should definitely use them for decorations. For example, you can make unusual air flowers. To do this, you need 4 large balloons (petals) and 1 small one (middle). Just tie them with ribbon and carefully tape or pin them to the wall. You can make other figures, for example, fairy-tale characters, one, symbolizing 1 year of the child, a dummy made of balls, the sun.
  2. Big one. The huge number 1 looks very impressive at the holiday, it makes excellent family photos. You can make it from anything - balls, napkins, fabric, children's photographs, mirror paper, etc. As a rule, the selected elements are attached to the base frame (wire, cardboard), and the bottom of the unit is weighted so that the kids during the celebration of the day birth, it was not accidentally knocked over.
  3. Garlands, flags, caps and whistles. These ornaments can be bought ready-made or you can make your own. For example, a garland can be made from photographs of a child. Such a little thing can be used from year to year, each time replenished with new pictures. Well, where without the inscription "Happy Birthday", funny caps and whistles? They will decorate any scenario, creating a festive atmosphere throughout the day.
  4. Wall newspaper. Usually, up to a year old, parents very often take pictures of the child. These pictures can be interestingly designed by drawing a wall newspaper (or printing it out at any printing house, photo salon). The drawings look interesting in the form of a calendar with 12 months of a baby's life, a carriage in which a little birthday girl rides, an old film with frames, a watch dial. For a boy, you can use a rocket in space or a train with 12 trailers. And somewhere on the side you can place a palm tree with the dynamics of the growth and weight of the baby.
  5. Presentation. Slideshow for children's songs will not leave indifferent any of the guests. Presentations look especially interesting along with pictures of close relatives (when they were only a year old). Or you can simply make a clip of the best photos and videos of your baby, arranging them from birth to a year old as they grow.
  6. Music selection. Cheerful children's music, songs, cuts from cartoons will help to revive any scenario. They will help adults plunge into the world of childhood, and kids will be able to move funny, dance.

Party Plan

Regardless of the number of guests and the size of the party, it is better to think over the celebration of the first birthday in advance. If everything happens in turmoil, then there will be neither time nor energy left for the script. It is very important to decide in what sequence the meal, congratulations, gift giving, contests, etc. sleep.

When planning a scenario for a birthday, you do not need to paint everything by the minute. Don't forget to leave room for unexpected moments and surprises, they are sometimes the best memories.


It is best to start the entertainment part with a presentation, this will set the guests in the right mood. Then you can proceed to the official address to the guests. Thank you for being here today. Share some funny moments in your child's life. You can find out which of the famous people was born on the same day as the baby, and it is interesting to present it. For example, if this is a great composer, you can say: “Probably, Sashenka has an excellent ear and a sense of rhythm ...”

Then you can proceed directly to the competitions, but before that, do not forget to take an oath from the guests. It sounds something like this: “I swear on this day to have fun from the bottom of my heart, not to refuse, so that they don’t offer me, not to shout “what kind of kindergarten” or “I don’t play like that.” In the name of a pacifier, a rattle and a delicious porridge!

Contest-fortune-telling for the future of the baby

It is better if the competition starts the scenario when the child is not yet tired and in a good mood. You need to spread a small blanket on the floor, lay out various objects around its perimeter, and put the baby in the center. The essence of the competition is for the kid to choose 1 or 2 things by which it will be possible to predict his future. To make the scenario even more exciting, you can invite each guest to guess what the child will choose (write down on a piece of paper, and then check).

Item values:

  • money - will become a millionaire, banker, accountant, economist;
  • comb - hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist;
  • spoon - chef, restaurant business owner;
  • pills - a doctor, a doctor;
  • computer mouse - programmer;
  • the brush is a famous artist;
  • photograph - photographer;
  • toy tank or gun - military;
  • matches - fireman;
  • gavel - judge, lawyer, lawyer;
  • glasses - scientist, teacher;
  • figurine of a dog - veterinarian, cynologist;
  • machine - driver, owner of a car dealership;
  • flashlight - policeman;
  • phone - leader;
  • the ring is a good family man;
  • mirror - handsome (beauty), model;
  • a ball of thread - the baby will live a long time;
  • ball - football player, sports career.

The tradition of cutting a child at 1 year old arose so long ago that almost no one remembers why this was done. The fact is that earlier in each family a large number of children were born, but many of them died, so the hair (a source of strength) was not cut for the first year. It was believed that until the child was 1 year old, he might decide to leave the family. In the same year, the first curl was solemnly cut off from his crown, without touching the rest of the hair. This was a sign that the child was adopted by the family and is now under its protection.

Today, as before, the godparents of the baby cut the first curl. This must be done quickly and accurately, in the form of a cross. The hairs are placed in a beautiful envelope and carefully stored together with the baptismal shirt. If desired, after the ceremony, the child can be shaved bald.

Competition for mindfulness

Prepare for this competition in advance. You need to cut out large chamomile petals from white paper and write a question about the birthday man on each. In this case, there should be as many questions as there are invited guests (one for each). Then they are attached to the yellow center with double-sided tape.

Questions can be anything, for example:

  1. With what weight was the birthday boy born?
  2. What was his height?
  3. What does the baby like to eat?
  4. What time did he get his first tooth?
  5. What day of the week was he born?
  6. When did he take the first step?
  7. At what time was he born?
  8. When was he baptized?
  9. At what age did he start sitting?
  10. What is the baby's favorite toy?
  11. What is his zodiac sign?
  12. What color are the eyes?
  13. What is the affectionate name of the child's parents?
  14. Who is his first friend?
  15. How many teeth does he have now?
  16. What is the birthday boy's favorite fairy tale?
  17. What does he like more, painting or dancing?

Funny, funny contests

Everyone loves to have fun, even grandparents will be delighted with such games. But it should be borne in mind that children at 1 year old will be captivated by such a spectacle for a short time. Therefore, for the duration of the competitions for younger guests, you need to come up with an exciting activity: get paper and finger paints, plasticine, colored pencils, etc. While the kids are busy, adults can play.

  1. Contest "Guess the Taste" Participants are blindfolded tightly and offered to try baby food. By taste, they should determine the contents of 5-6 jars (vegetable, fruit, meat purees). Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.
  2. Contest "Who will drink faster?". Participants are poured adult drinks into baby bottles and offered to drink at speed through a nipple with a large hole.
  3. Competition "Dress the child". Participants need to quickly, and most importantly, correctly swaddle the doll. Who will cope with the task first, must notify everyone with a rattle. The same task can be organized with a diaper, add socks, a hat and other items of clothing.
  4. Competition "Rompers". For this competition, you need to sew large sliders or just tie the legs of your trousers. Participants must cover the distance from one end of the room to the other. Whoever comes first is the fastest slider.
  5. Competition "Whim of the day". Participants are given pacifiers, which they must spit out as far as possible. The winner must be awarded a prize (otherwise he will be upset and will be capricious).
  6. Bubble Contest. Blowing soap bubbles is loved not only by children, but also by adults. You can compete a little and find out who can inflate the biggest bubble, and who releases a huge number of them at a time.

End of entertainment program

In any scenario, there must be a spectacular ending. Therefore, pay special attention to the final part. You can record a congratulatory clip for a child for a year. To do this, all guests are given a small candle, the light is slightly dimmed. Then the mother or father of the child lights a candle for each in turn, after which the guest says a wish to the baby. Touching children's or classical music can play softly in the background. At the final stage, when all the candles are lit and the guests have spoken, everyone will once again say in chorus “Happy birthday to you!” It will be a pleasure to watch such a video in the family circle from year to year.

You can also make a family tree with relatives. You need to print small photos of loved ones in advance, as well as prepare a layout tree. You should start from the very bottom, with a photo of the birthday person, then there are photos of parents, even higher - grandparents, etc.

In order for everyone to be satisfied and remember your party scenario for 1 year for a long time, you need to take into account several important points.

  1. Food should be not only tasty, satisfying, but also beautiful. Do not forget about the kids, they will probably get hungry and also want to eat. You can even make a special cake for them. To do this, fruits are cut into pieces in the middle of the plate, and children's cookies are laid out along the edges with a fence, at the end the cake is tied with a bright ribbon. Other dishes can be served in the form of funny animals - bunnies, pigs, dogs or cubs.
  2. Ask guests to put gifts in a specific place. If they immediately give them from the threshold, this will create chaos, numerous new toys will greatly excite the baby. It is better to show them to him a little later, for example, during competitions.
  3. Gifts and souvenirs. The large number of contests in the scenario suggests that there are many winners waiting for their reward. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on chocolate coins, delicious sweets, you can make souvenirs for relatives with the image of a child. These can be mugs, calendars, fridge magnets, key chains, and anything else that comes to mind.
  4. It is worth remembering that the birthday of the baby is a holiday for parents too. Therefore, some responsibilities can be entrusted to relatives. And so that after the birthday the house does not have to be put in order for a long time, the decorations need to be presented to the little guests. And it is useful for you, and it is pleasant for them.

The birthday of a baby is a very exciting holiday for parents, you need to prepare for it in advance so as not to miss anything. After all, the first year is remembered stronger and brighter than the rest. Photos taken on this day are viewed many times, so every effort should be made to ensure that it is filled with happiness, fun and joyful laughter.

Organization of the first birthday is a laborious and energy-intensive process, which often falls on the shoulders of a young mother. Who, no matter how she wants to remember this joyful event, to do everything perfectly and best of all? You will learn how to celebrate a year old child without too much fuss and difficulties in our article.

Determine the budget for the first birthday of the baby

Sooner or later, an alarming thought knocks on the head of every mother: “Soon the child is a year old! How to organize a holiday that everyone will remember? Images of grandiose cakes, tinsel, outfits immediately pop up. But you need to be a little realistic even in such a matter as celebrating a child's birthday. Therefore, the first thing we check is the available budget that you can spend. Sometimes the question in the family is posed point-blank: “How to celebrate a child’s birthday for 1 year and not go broke?” Believe me, a clear understanding of how much money you have will save you and other relatives nerves.

We hire, order or take matters into our own hands

Now that the financial aspect has been resolved, you can clearly see what tactics you can afford to organize a child's birthday at 1 year old. Namely:

  • manage with minimal costs, without involving paid services, saving money on the main gift (you can delegate part of the work to relatives and friends if they are ready to help);
  • equally invest both in the main present for the birthday boy and in the very preparation of the child’s first birthday;
  • simplify the process as much as possible by entrusting everything to professionals in organizing celebrations.

Where and how to celebrate the first year of the child

The choice of a place for a holiday should be given special attention.

Home Sweet Home

If your baby is anxious about a change of scenery, you have not been with him for a long time in unfamiliar places, the weather is not favorable, and the establishments do not fit into the budget or personal preferences, then the obvious and logical option remains - to spend the first birthday of the child within the walls of the house.

For a little birthday boy, it is not so important where, the main thing is with whom! Moreover, there are still many celebrations ahead, for which it will be possible to get out somewhere, but for now, enjoy a moment of calm and comfort.

Visiting relatives

For some reason, many people forget that a children's birthday can be held not only at home, but also in the apartment of relatives or close friends. This is especially true if a young family has not yet acquired a large living space, but you want to invite many guests. Of course, for this you need to obtain permission and agree on everything in advance with the owners of the apartment in which the celebration of the child's birthday will take place.


In the summer, you can not hide in stuffy rooms. The street option for organizing a children's birthday of the 1st year of life will appeal to many. It remains only to decide what suits you best: a suburban area outside the city, an equipped playground, an amusement park or a picnic on the lake. Paraphernalia and the right mood will help to recreate the atmosphere of the holiday.

Cafe, play area, shopping center

How to celebrate a year for a child if the family already has older children or will there be guests with their grown-up children? The best option is a place with a thoughtful children's area and a separate dining area. Do not forget to check with the staff if there is a secluded area where you can feed, change your baby or just be alone if necessary in the midst of the holiday.

Photo studio

The most unusual, but no less cool and modern option is to rent a room in a photo studio. Many establishments of this kind, in addition to standard filming, allow guests to organize festive events, so if you are ready to keep within a few hours, do without a global feast, but just have fun, at the same time taking cool shots as a keepsake, we recommend it.

By the way, when it comes to how to organize a child’s birthday, many people remember the holiday shooting in the style of “My First Cake”. The essence of which is that first they make more elegant and standard shots of a sweet treat and a child in a thematic design, and then they allow the baby to show off and get dirty in the cake, bite it off without using a spoon. But the tradition can be changed a little by holding such a photo session directly on the birthday in a rented photo studio.

A child is a year old: how to celebrate a birthday and not bring down the regime

The next item in planning a holiday should be the daily routine, compiled on the basis of the existing regime of dreams and wakefulness of the baby. We agree that when a child is a year old, almost no one knows how to organize a celebration at a certain time, because the birthday boy can oversleep for 40 minutes or all 2 hours, and possibly switch from two dreams to one or vice versa. In any case, it’s definitely worth making a plan in advance, but you don’t need to get upset if something goes wrong.

The main thing is not to force the child, because in a year he will not yet understand why he is woken up earlier, and it can be easy to throw a tantrum from lack of sleep.

Festive birthday image

You are already starting to figure out how to celebrate, so it's time to think over an outfit for the birthday man, as well as the rest of the family.

It is clear that the entire focus of attention will be concentrated on the main character of the celebration. However, mothers often spend too much time on how to celebrate the baby's one year, forgetting about how they themselves will look that day.

So, when choosing an outfit for a child, consider convenience and comfort first of all.

Yes, a dress with a bunch of petticoats will look much more solemn in the photo, but will my daughter be able to walk and run in it? And if the baby is still mostly crawling, then such an image, all the more, she will not like it too much.

Sequins and rhinestones can fall off and go straight into your mouth, so opt for either textured fabrics or bright items.

How to arrange a holiday for your son without tying a bow tie around his neck is a mystery for some parents. After all, how else to give the image of a boy solemnity? If the baby does not resist - great, otherwise you can look at the bodysuit with a pattern in the form of a tie, or with a polo collar, complementing the image with a vest.

Be sure to prepare a change of clothes for the birthday boy, in case the first one gets dirty.

Birthday of a child at 1 year old: holiday decoration ideas

Before you start creating or ordering holiday attributes, you need to think about the theme and concept. You need to build on the points discussed earlier: budget, place, duration of the event and the number of guests. Also consider how it will be more convenient for you to celebrate a child a year old - at a common table, in the form of a buffet table or in the style of a game.

The most used options for decorating a room are paper streamers, posters with children's photos, balloons (both separately and in the form of a composition), a thematic photo zone or a photo background.

For those who do not know how to spend a child's birthday at 1 year old without making something with their own hands, we advise you to pay attention to the large figure in the form of a number. Here you can show your imagination. The basis is usually based on one principle: cut out a unit from cardboard and glue it with flowers from napkins, twisted paper spirals, multi-colored cotton balls, feathers. In general, whatever your heart desires and what is at hand. You can make it even easier - wrap the figure with a satin ribbon and decorate with a bow.

By the way, a non-obvious option is to buy a ready-made one, if on the contrary it doesn’t work out on your own.

Usually there is not much difference in how to celebrate a birthday for a boy or a girl, but nevertheless, in terms of design, we will consider both options.

How to celebrate a boy's birthday at 1 year old: choosing a theme for the celebration

Take a closer look at your child's hobbies, because the answer to the question: "How to celebrate your son's first birthday?" lies on the surface. What the baby is most excited about will be the best theme.

As examples: favorite cartoon characters, sports, a marine theme, a gentleman (or beat it like a little man), locomotives, cars. You can get by with decor simply in a color scheme suitable for a boy. Pay attention not only to blue, but also to green, yellow, turquoise, beige and khaki.

Entertainment is also selected in accordance with the given theme: sports games and competitions (in a form accessible to the child), watching the best cartoon series or attracting animators in character costumes, as well as racing toy cars or launching trains on the railroad.

Remember that when your son is 1 year old, how to celebrate the holiday is not such a difficult task, because the birthday boy will in any case be happy with the attention and new gifts.

How to celebrate your daughter's 1st birthday

First of all, everything related to princesses, fairies, dolls can be attributed to girlish themes. A little less obvious are flowers, fruits and berries, birds and cute plush friends. The heroines of your favorite cartoons will also come in handy.

Do not forget that while the child is one year old, you can celebrate a birthday in a neutral way, without reference to gender. This is especially true if there are twins in the family.

The first birthday of a child: ideas for a festive table

If the baby is allergic to some foods or the mother is simply not yet ready to introduce sugar into the diet, then the question arises, how to celebrate the first birthday of a child without a cake? What to serve guests?

For invited adults, a decorated candy bar will be a convenient and more rational solution, where they can eat without attracting the attention of a child who is still not allowed to do this.

And for the birthday man himself, you can bake a dietary children's cake using allowed products. Fortunately, there are now many recipes on the network where this or that allergen is excluded. By the way, the cake does not have to be sweet - there are vegetable analogues, where pancakes smeared with sour cream are used instead of the usual cakes.

Do not miss different bold ideas, the first birthday of a baby is a great occasion for experiments!

How to organize a child's birthday at 1 year old: choosing a gift

Perhaps the most difficult question that the parents of the birthday boy face is what to give? Let's take a look at the best ideas for the first birthday of a child.


A high-quality and well-thought-out business board will be a truly wonderful gift for a one-year-old child. It promotes the development of motor skills, new skills, and allows mom to free up some time for her own business. There are both large and small options in the form of cubes. This is especially true for those who, when planning a holiday, are thinking about how to celebrate one year old child and at the same time not fill up the apartment with unnecessary rubbish.

Tepee or tent

Small children are very fond of climbing somewhere, so let it be a cozy and safe “hut” rather than narrow and inaccessible places in the apartment.

Creativity set

How to celebrate a child's birthday at 1 year old so that gifts from relatives are useful, and not gathering dust in the corner? Ask them to buy the supplies they always need: paints (including finger paints), coloring books, plasticine, kinetic sand, pencils, stamps, cardboard and more. All this can be beautifully arranged and presented, and most importantly, using it in the future, remember the donor with gratitude.

Lego set or other constructor

Designer Lego Duplo, Magformers and other similar products are universal for any gender, suitable even for such kids, but at the same time they will be interesting in the future (secretly, even for adults).


Of course, such a gift is more logical for a boy. However, kids at this age love to watch a train moving along rails, regardless of gender. And if all this is accompanied by sound and light effects - delight is guaranteed!

Dry pool with balls

When the long-awaited child is 1 year old, how to celebrate a birthday and not give something big and grandiose? If this is about you, then take a closer look at dry pools filled with balls. They come in different colors, so they are suitable for both a boy and a girl. And the impressive size of such a gift and a huge number of balls will not leave the child indifferent.

Tolokar or other transport

Do you know how to celebrate your son's first birthday without giving him a car? We are not. Therefore, we advise you to present the boy with a new personal transport, on which he can, pushing off with his feet, ride around the house. By the way, this gift is perfect for my daughter.

How to spend the first birthday of a child so that adults are not bored

No one argues that the organization of the first birthday of a child is based mainly on meeting the interests of the baby, however, you should not forget about adult guests. We suggest not to arrange too banal contests, but to use light and fun alternatives.

Surely in the house where the first birthday is celebrated, there are supplies with baby puree: broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, etc. Invite guests to blindfold and, tasting the “delicacy”, guess what is in the jar. At the same time, feel for yourself what yummy the baby has to eat.

We ate puree, now you can drink. What do babies drink from? That's right, from the pacifier. Which of the guests will cope with this task faster? Worth checking out and rewarding the fastest (or hungry) one.

How to celebrate a child's birthday at 1 year old, at the same time remembering all the significant dates, numbers and events from the baby's life? A fun quiz-questionnaire will come to the rescue. The one who knows the baby best of all can be given a symbolic gift.

You can turn idle looking at photos into another competition - let adults try to guess how many months the birthday boy is on each of them.

Do you know how to celebrate the birthday of a one-year-old child and at the same time enlist the support of relatives for the future? Come up with and write down promises for them on slips of paper and offer to pull yours out of the bag. Examples: “I will buy toys”, “I will help with lessons”, “I will teach you how to ride a bike”, “I will take you on a mini trip”, and so on.

How to organize a holiday for a child in one year and take a photo as a keepsake

The most obvious option, but also the most costly, is to hire a photographer.

You can ask one of the guests who knows how to catch good shots to shoot a holiday. In extreme cases, a tripod and a bluetooth trigger will help out.

Think in advance which photos you want to get (for example, presenting gifts, blowing out candles, a family in full force and individual portraits of a birthday person). Often, mothers, spending all their energy and time thinking about how to spend a year with their child, forget about taking photos and videos during the celebration. As a result, at the end of the evening it turns out that there are simply no successful shots, which can be very upsetting for any parent.

First birthday: how to celebrate without forgetting about mom

In most cases, it is the mother who is most waiting for the child to turn one year old. She also decides how to arrange a birthday. In this hustle and bustle, you can easily drive yourself into business so that there is no longer any festive mood left. To prevent this from happening, you need not refuse help, plan everything in advance and do it gradually so that there is no emergency at the last moment. And remember that when the baby is a year old, how to celebrate the holiday worries adults more, so lower the bar if necessary if you feel that you are not coping.

Birthday: how to celebrate without harm to the baby

I would like to draw attention to some not so obvious moments in the organization of the celebration. Namely:

  • All holiday paraphernalia must be safe and under the supervision of adults. Any child will want to explore new bright balloons, streamers and more. The kid can start to try on the tooth what is not intended for this, and small details are generally insidious, as they tend to get stuck in the most inappropriate places. If you doubt something, it is better to exclude it from the decor altogether than to constantly worry about it later.
  • Despite the fact that a birthday is a fun holiday, the child's psyche gets a kind of overload from the very fact of the abundance of emotions. Therefore, in the midst of the celebration, take breaks in silence and alone with the baby.
  • Be flexible, don't get frustrated if things don't go according to plan. After spending the first birthday, you will probably know better how to celebrate the next ones, because nothing can replace your own experience.