Safe ways to dye your hair from black to brown. How to dye your hair in dark colors without blackout at the ends? The secret of even color How to recolor dark dyed hair

Most people think of light, sun-warmed strands when they say summer, but if you follow fashion, you already know that dark color is gaining popularity. Whether you're ready for blue-black hair or want to go for a more subtle auburn shade, this hair color will be a dramatic way to show off your style this summer. Before you become a bold brunette, you should learn about some of the intricacies!

You will need to think about your eyebrows

If you dye your hair a shade far from your natural one, you need to color your eyebrows to match the color, or constantly use the appropriate cosmetics for the same purpose. If you decide to color, contact a specialist: you should not apply dangerous chemicals on your own to an area located so close to the eyes. If you decide to use cosmetics, look for a product that will match the color of your hair. Eyebrows should be only one or two shades lighter than hair to make everything look natural. You can use shadow or tint gel, wax or pencil. Now there is a huge selection of funds, so finding the right one is not difficult.

You will learn that a dark shade is not just dark

If you go to the hairdresser, you will find that the shades do not have clear names: they are all a mixture of several tones necessary to obtain the desired effect. For example, if your hair is reddish, you will need a more ashy or purple shade to defeat the unwanted yellowness. If you have gray streaks, you want a shade with golden undertones that will cover them effectively. Consider all this before choosing a shade or discuss with a specialist. Only in this case you will get a result that will please you.

Paint can damage skin

Dark paint contains a substance that your skin can react to with a serious reaction. Some have swelling, irritation, burning sensation, redness. A severe allergic reaction is rare, but it is possible. If the cause is paint, you will notice the problem immediately. There is no way to know if you will be allergic, and reactions can appear over the years. The only thing you can do is always do a preliminary test on a small patch of skin. If during the coloring process you feel burning and discomfort, your face swells or turns red, wash off the paint immediately. After that, you should contact your doctor: allergic reactions cannot be ignored.

You will learn how difficult it is to maintain an attractive appearance

If you dye your hair just a couple of shades darker, maintaining your hair will be easy. If the change is abrupt, be prepared for the roots to be conspicuous. You will need to color your hair every few weeks to keep the shade natural and the roots invisible. However, for the sake of an impressive result, these efforts are not so impressive.

Getting blonde hair back is hard enough.

Dark paint is for a long time, though not forever. It is extremely difficult to return from a dark shade to a light one. For a while, the hair is guaranteed to be yellowish, and besides, they can suffer greatly. If you often change the shade of your hair, consider a small change, rather than a full color, otherwise you can quickly become disillusioned, and it will be extremely difficult for you to return the previous look. If you do not want to risk the health of your hair, consider the prospects in advance.

Shop paint may not help you

Store paints are of fairly high quality, but they also have some limitations. If you dream of a shade that is a couple of shades darker than your hair, you can easily color it yourself. If you want to make a much darker color, you will need the help of a professional. Home remedies cannot color hair as intensely as it is a complex process. It is better to entrust everything to a specialist who will create the perfect hairstyle for you. Only in this case you will be able to get the desired shade the first time.

You will need to change your makeup

Makeup that looks good on you with blonde hair may not work for you when you change. Pink blush can turn you into Snow White - better use beige tones. Be ready to experiment and remember: arrows always look good! A few different looks - and you can easily find something that will look attractive in combination with your new hair shade.

You will need time to get used to

Any drastic hair change can be terrifying at first. The brain takes some time to adapt. Perhaps your hairstyle looks great, but you still can't appreciate it, because you're just not used to it yet. Do not succumb to unhappy thoughts and immediately consider staining unsuccessful.

Get ready to buy new hairpins

Hairpins, invisibles, combs, hair bands and elastic bands - all this is matched to the color of the hair. After dyeing, you will have to change all these accessories for new ones if you want them to be invisible in the hair and look appropriate.

This will be your best decision.

Really! Dark hair makes your eyes stand out, your skin appears more radiant, your face is dramatically accentuated. Once you start dyeing your hair darker, you will never want to go back to the old shades! Just try it - and you will check it out for yourself!

Dyeing dark hair without bleaching or damaging the cuticles is a daunting challenge even for an experienced colorist, let alone us mere mortals. However, dyeing dark hair without lightening is quite possible. Not even a hairdresser. Even with my own hands. So, here are some options for brunettes and brown-haired women who want bright creative shades, but do not want to burn their hair with bleach.

Hair thickness is not an indicator of success

To understand how different hair coloring methods work and what side effects they can have, it is worth understanding the main problem: why is it so difficult to dye dark hair, evenly and “accurately”? First of all, this is due to "racial" features: dark hair often has oriental, Asian "roots", which predetermines their more rigid, durable structure. The cuticle layer on this hair is denser, stronger, and the true black color is just an impregnable fortress for the blonding agent. Almost any hair is much more resistant to the product than blond or reddish hair of Anglo-Saxon or Irish "origin".

When it comes to getting the exact color you want, hair texture also poses challenges. For example, many people think that coarse, thick “Gypsy” or Afro-Caribbean hair has the most durable texture, but in fact this is one of the most fragile types of hair that a colorist will be “lucky” to work with. Their hair shaft differs from Western and Eastern hair, and the main feature is that their thickness from roots to ends does not match, since the hair structure is heterogeneous. This is one of the reasons why such hair is curly, but along its entire length it has many "vulnerabilities" - weak points that are easily damaged.

Dye dark hair without lightening: technical and safety issues

Even without problems in the form of "stubborn" or damaged hair, there is still the question of the incompatibility of the desired and base colors. The fact is that the hair of each of us has a base color that "opens" only when we lighten it. For example, if you take a dark dense hair and “bare” it by one tone, you will initially fall into a deep red-brown tone, but the bright color will not “appear”. Further, as you lighten dark hair step by step, their shades will gradually change - moving from red to copper, then to golden, and, finally, yellow will appear. Only at this point, when yellow appears, can you dye dark hair in light or bright colors. Now think about how the health of the hair will suffer in this long and difficult process.

Indeed, dyeing dark hair - even with lighteners - is not always an easy process that gives at least a satisfactory result. And when staining at home, the end result, all the more, will never look like “like on the box”. Dark-haired girls, like no one else, are familiar with the disappointment when, having received the desired color “as in the picture”, they realize that their hair has lost its former liveliness and shine. Yes, brown-haired women and brunettes were much less fortunate in this regard than fair-haired girls. Plus, there are enough horror stories on the air to discourage anyone from trying to dye their dark hair. But do not be afraid: today you can find many options for solving this problem! (At least we will offer you four.)

4 ways to dye dark hair without bleaching

1. Try to slightly change the shade with a tint - a special hair pastel. This option is suitable for those who are not trying to turn into an orange blonde, are not looking for a bold color, but just want to safely experiment with shades using a kind of “retouching”. While the brightener works by eating away the pigment from the hair, Tint Tint lifts the cuticle scales of the hair and deposits the tone into the hair shaft, thus helping to achieve a change in shade. This makes such a procedure less harmful compared to the clarifier, which continues to act until it is washed out. The tint will lift the hair for 50 minutes and deposit into the hair shaft for the last 10 minutes of this process. However, tinting is suitable if you only want to bring your hair color a few shades lighter. It is also important to consider the history of previous stains.

2. Hair toning. The easiest, easiest and safest way to turn dark hair into almost any - fortunately, the beauty industry has provided us with the appropriate sprays, varnishes, foams and shampoos to change the color tone. They can be bold and bright, pastel, semi-permanent and wash off quickly. You don't even have to paint the whole head, and you definitely don't have to worry that the shade will be unsuccessful: the consequences are reversible. Toners are absolute freedom of choice in hair color. By the way, with their help, you can reconstruct the old "faded" color. But they are not the only interesting product for girls who want to change, but do not want to radically dye their hair, there are more options.

3. Trial temporary color with hair crayons. Mascara has been popular for a decade, but now there is a more convenient alternative - crayons. They allow you to dye dark hair without lightening in any shade, you just need to run a chalk from the roots down over slightly damp hair. Hair crayons are multi-colored pastels with a special composition that helps to dye strands of hair in any color. They are not harmful at all, do not contain toxins, do not damage the hair structure, but they allow you to radically change the color of your hair in a few minutes, at least partially, at least completely.

Hair crayons are the perfect option for anyone looking for a quick, cheap and safe "paint blast" on their head. Hair crayons sometimes give a completely crazy effect! Of course, the color is washed off after several shampoos, but this is for the best - in case you don’t like the result or want something new.

4. Colored hair extensions. Quite difficult, expensive and not the most convenient way, but it also has the right to life: hair extensions will give you so many color options. With hair extensions, experienced hairdressers can even create their own color "mixes" to give their clients a unique personality. And we're not just talking about natural shades! Although these hairstyles are more difficult to care for, extensions also have advantages: extensions come in various lengths, colors and textures, so you can fit them into your hairstyle very successfully.

Incorrectly fixed hair extensions by the master can cause alopecia areata (partial baldness, bald spots), so make sure that they are not located too close to the hairline. Insufficient care of hair extensions is no less dangerous: improper washing and irregular combing can lead to the fact that they are confused with relatives, and then you have to cut them together, so you risk losing a considerable length of your hair - but is this what you raised them for?

Popular staining techniques

Today, coloring also has a practical meaning - getting rid of gray hair, but more often they resort to it to change the image, emphasize a haircut or revive a dull natural color. There is no longer any need to use dubious folk remedies, since the choice of colors allows you to implement any, even the most unusual, ideas. But women who practice periodic hair color changes know that the result is not always pleasing. Curls often become brittle, dry, and their shade is far from desired. Let's figure out how to avoid mistakes in dyeing different types of hair and choose among fashionable methods what is right for you.

Classic monochromatic coloring, in which the curls along the entire length have the same shade, is ideal for women who want to hide their gray hair. But it has a drawback - most dyes dry out the hair, making it brittle. Therefore, it was replaced by new, sparing methods. They allow you to achieve interesting effects, with virtually no damage to the structure of the hair.

But colored hair needs special care. Unfortunately, almost all products of leading manufacturers of shampoos and balms contain substances harmful to hair. If you find sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, or PEG on the label, stop using this product. The best way to take care of your hair is with all-natural cosmetics. Dermatologists speak about this unanimously. According to the latest tests, the best hair cosmetics are produced by Mulsan Cosmetic. We highly recommend visiting the site and choose the right shampoo and conditioner for you. This will keep you healthy and beautiful. in your hair.

Highlighting and coloring

For gentle lightening of hair, highlighting is used. The essence of this technique is a play on the contrast of dark (natural) and bleached strands, going from roots to ends. They are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the head or make several light lines near the face, while maintaining the color of the bulk of the hair. If a noticeable gray hair has already appeared, you can mask it by highlighting the “salt and pepper” shade. In this case, the hair is first dyed ash-colored, and then individual strands are lightened by 2-3 tones.

When coloring, natural curls are “diluted” with bright notes. Hairstyles with contrasting strands of various, often unnatural colors (red, purple, pink, green) are suitable for bold and extraordinary girls.


Bronding is a way to combine light and dark hair. It is similar to coloring, but instead of bright colors, brown, coffee, golden hues are used. The coloring of the strands begins, stepping back a few centimeters from the roots, so frequent adjustments are not required. As a result, the hair looks natural, and the light lines in the hairstyle create the effect of sun glare.

Ombre hair coloring

The ombre technique involves a soft fusion of two colors along a horizontal line. At the same time, the upper half of the hair has a natural color, followed by a transitional shade, and below it is a rich colored one. There is a bolder version with a clear border between contrasting tones. Both methods are successfully used on both light and dark curls of all shades.

Balayage hair coloring

This type of staining resembles highlighting. But the lightening of the strands is performed from the middle of the hair length, becoming more saturated towards the tips. More often, the technique is applied to dark curls, although balayage also looks interesting on fair-haired girls.

As part of the method, instead of lightening, the strands can be dyed with one or more contrasting colors. But more often, a shade is selected that is combined with the bulk of the hair to get the effect of burning out the tips.

Advice!Balayazh is fully revealed on curly curls, so owners of straight hair should twist them or do a perm.

New in the paint industry

What if you appreciate the natural beauty and softness of your hair, but still want to experiment with its color? New technologies in coloring will come to the rescue.

Staining with elution

This is the most gentle method that improves the structure of your curls. For the procedure, a special composition of Elumen is used, containing only natural color dyes. The tool is suitable even for very dry and brittle hair, increases their volume and returns a healthy shine.

Elumination is the most gentle staining method
Elution gel contains only natural dyes

The paint successfully eliminates gray hair and is quite resistant - the effect lasts up to two months. The only negative is the high cost of the procedure. Due to the peculiarities of applying the composition, staining should be carried out by a master who has the appropriate certificate confirming the possession of elution technology.

Coloring with colored crayons

Sometimes there is a desire to try out a completely new look with a bright look for just one day. This is easy to do using hair crayons sold in specialized stores. To get a new color, it is enough to run them over dry strands, and after washing your hair, they will become the same again. Their color palette is huge and it is not difficult to find any desired shade. But remember that crayons dry out hair, so you should not use them regularly.

How to choose a shade?

The choice of a new shade of hair is a crucial step in dyeing. It is advisable to consult a professional stylist on this matter, but if you decide to do everything yourself, adhere to the general criteria for compatibility of tones, and also consider eye and skin color. It is noted that dark-skinned curls of a warm color are more suitable, and for girls with pale skin, especially blue-eyed and gray-eyed ones, cold ones.

Dark hair coloring

Very dark hair is recommended to be dyed in chocolate, chestnut, blueberry, cherry and wine shades. You should not experiment with a blond - there is a high risk of not getting the right color and ruining your hair. If you still want to lighten up, it is better to choose a coloring technique that does not affect the roots - ombre, balayage or bronding.

Red hair coloring

Red curls are more difficult to color than other shades. For clarification, you can use ash-colored paints that cope with yellowness after clarification. But there is no guarantee of obtaining the desired result at home.

Of the dark tones, the color of cinnamon is recommended, red, chocolate, copper are also acceptable. In any case, it should be close to native. This applies to natural red hair, but if the shade is obtained using henna, it will not work to recolor it. You need to wait for the regrowth of the previous color and only then experiment further.

Shades for light and blond hair

Naturally fair-haired girls are suitable for caramel, honey, sand, ash and golden tones. If the eyes are dark, it makes sense to choose a light chestnut color and a shade of mocha. And you can lighten dark blond curls with gentle methods, for example, highlighting.

Advice! Giving a person a certain hair color, nature acts wisely. In order for your image to remain harmonious after dyeing the curls, you should not change their color by more than 3 tones in any direction.

Choosing the type of paint

Having decided on the desired color, it is important to choose the right paint. Its main criterion is durability. On this basis, three types of compositions are distinguished:

  • tinting agents of the first level of durability;
  • semi-permanent dyes of the second level;
  • resistant paints of the third level.

The first type includes a variety of tinted shampoos, balms, foams. They do not harm the curls, but do not last long - about two weeks. More often, such staining is resorted to to refresh the natural color.

The second category contains soft dyes in small quantities. They allow you to change the color of dyed strands by 1-2 tones and last up to two months. Due to their gentle effect, they are used even on brittle hair.

The third type gives a lasting result and successfully copes with painting over gray hair. This paint is also suitable for a radical change in color. But it causes more damage to the hair and, if improperly dyed, causes serious damage to their structure.

Hair length and coloring technique

In dyeing short and long curls, there are some differences regarding its type and technology. Short haircuts leave less room for imagination. Usually such hair is dyed in one tone, although, if desired, a combination of two shades is used. At an average length, most of the well-known techniques can be implemented - highlighting, bronding, coloring. The same applies to long curls, in addition, they are ideal for creating ombre with a smooth transition of colors and balayage technique.

Short hair coloring

With monophonic coloring of short hair, you can handle it yourself. At home, do it like this:

  1. Prepare paint according to instructions.
  2. Apply the mixture all over your hair.
  3. Comb the strands with a comb so that the paint lies evenly.
  4. Cover your hair with a plastic bag or put on a shower cap.
  5. At the end of the recommended exposure time, rinse the mixture with running water.

In order for the color to “grab” well, the head is washed with shampoo only 3 days after dyeing. In the future, it is desirable to use a caring balm and other restorative agents.

Coloring for medium and long hair

The procedure for dyeing long curls has its own nuances. At the first color change, the only difference from short hair is the greater amount of dye used (two packs are usually enough).

If you need to paint over only regrown roots, the application of the mixture begins with them. First, they carefully coat the parting line, then retreat 1.5–2 cm from it, make a new one and distribute the composition over it. The steps are repeated until all roots have been processed. Ten minutes before washing off the paint, its remnants are distributed along the entire length of the curls.

Important!The strands near the temples are thinner and can be dyed faster than on other parts of the head. Therefore, the mixture is applied to them last.

The lunar calendar will tell you when to paint

It has been observed that the phase of the moon influences the staining result. A favorable time for changing the color of curls is the period of its growth. In order for the result to be stable, and the shade to lie evenly, we advise you to listen to the recommendations of astrologers for 2019, compiled taking into account the lunar calendar:

  • The first month of the year is perfect for any bold color experiments.
  • In February, cardinal changes are undesirable, it is better to devote time to maintaining the health of curls.

  • March is a good period for updating the shade, natural tones have an advantage.
  • In April, pay attention to the care of your hair, refraining from radical dyeing.
  • If you were planning to change the color of the curls to a darker one, May is the right time for this.
  • In June, there comes a favorable time for lightening and staining in red tones.
  • July is also a great time to go blonde.
  • In August, let your hair rest, it is recommended to carry out restorative procedures.

Before you change the color of your curls, take a look at the coloring calendar
  • September is an occasion to change the hairstyle or the color of the curls.
  • In October, the time for experiments with hair color and length continues.
  • If the curls have faded, November is a good time to add bright notes to the hairstyle.
  • The final month, December, encourages you to improvise and try new things that you could not decide on before.

Hair after dyeing: care features

Colored curls need increased attention. It is advisable to take care products for them from the same series, the same brand as the paint. Shampoos, balms and conditioners used should have a color protection function.

A powerful hair dryer and a curling iron should be discarded so as not to overdry the curls. If you notice brittleness or split ends, refrain from combing with a fine comb, especially on wet hair. This exacerbates the problem and further damages them.

Restorative masks and balms are useful, but you need to know when to stop with them. Once a week is enough, otherwise the shade will quickly wash off and fade. Chlorinated water also has a detrimental effect on color. Therefore, those who visit the pool need to use a special swimming cap.

Do not forget that hair strengthens not only from the outside. Periodic intake of vitamin complexes is the key to strong, healthy curls and overall well-being.

Dyeing your hair dark is easy because you won't need to pre-bleach your hair. When stained, you can achieve a variety of shades, from natural to blue-black. Achieving the right color can be tricky, but if you do it right, the color will turn out exactly the way you want.


How to choose and prepare paint

    Choose a desaturated black tint if you want to achieve natural color. Desaturated black looks more like dark chestnut than black, especially against black clothing. However, desaturated black is still black, and this shade looks as natural as possible.

    • It is best to start with this shade. If you want to darken your hair, you can always dye it a darker shade later.
  1. Try dyeing your hair a rich black for a gothic look. Since this color is very dark, it can look unnatural, especially if you have fair skin. Sometimes black paints have a slight tint - bluish or burgundy. Hair dyed in this color looks black under different types of lighting, but in bright sunlight it can cast bluish or burgundy.

    • If you don't know how a color will look on you, go to a wig salon and try on a pair of wigs in a similar color.
  2. Choose a color and a 3% color activator (10 vol.) if you prefer not to use a ready-made staining kit. If you bought a kit, everything you need will already be there: paint, activator, conditioner, gloves, and more. If not, you will need a tube of paint and a bottle of 3% activator.

    • Buy gloves, a coloring brush, and a non-metal bowl.
  3. Prepare the paint according to the instructions if you have a kit. Most paints are sold with instructions for use, but if your paint does not have instructions, do not worry - usually everything is clear. Pour the paint into a large bottle of activator. Close the lid and shake it to mix the liquids thoroughly. Cut off the tip of the applicator on the bottle.

    If you have a kit, mix the paint and activator in a non-metallic bowl. Pour into a bowl the amount of activator that will completely cover your hair. Add the same amount of paint and mix the substances thoroughly with a non-metallic spoon or coloring brush. Stir until you achieve an even consistency and color.

    If you have bleached hair, add a protein filler to the dye. You will need a protein filler, as bleaching removes pigment from the hair. If you try to dye your hair after bleaching, the color may not turn out the way you want, or lie unevenly. Sometimes when stained, a greenish tint appears.

    • If you haven't dyed your hair before, don't add a protein filler.
    • Read the instructions on the bottle carefully to figure out how much filler you need. As a rule, half of the package is enough.
    • Protein fillers are colorless and tinted. A tinted filler will give your hair a light shade that will be noticeable in the sun.

How to care for color

  1. Wash your hair no more than 2-3 times a week. The more often you wash your hair, the faster the color will wash out. Try to do this no more than 2-3 times a week.

    • If your hair looks greasy, use dry shampoo. Choose a shampoo for colored dark hair, otherwise the product will be visible.
  2. Wash your hair with cool water. Because of the hot water, the color will wash out faster, and since the hair was blond before dyeing, it will be very noticeable. But this does not mean that you should wash your hair only with ice water. Choose a temperature that is comfortable for you. Water can be cool to barely warm.

    Use shampoo and conditioner for colored hair. If you are unable to use such products, any sulfate-free products will do. If the product does not contain sulfates, this is usually written on the front of the package, but you should read the composition anyway.

How hard is it to dye your hair dark? Smeared, washed off, and that's it! Whether it's bleaching, toning and other fuss with the blond, however, everything is not so simple. Of course, if you dye your hair black, there are usually no problems with getting into the color, but if you need to regularly dye your hair in a color at the level of 5.0 or 6.0? Yes, so that the ends are not darkened and the gray hair is stained? Already harder?

In this article, we will discuss dyeing hair in dark tones, reveal the secret of dyeing without darkening the hair at the ends, and also answer the question: is it possible to lower the percentage of oxidizing agent by diluting it with water?

Why do women who are willing to pay hairdressers a lot of money decide to dye their hair at home? I can answer for myself, because the hairdresser who takes this money cannot do an elementary thing - dye his hair dark without darkening the ends, when he sees gray hair, he grabs a bottle of 6% oxidizer and does not hesitate to offer a color wash, because the ends of the hair "darkened ".

They were not darkened, dear, it was you who darkened them with your illiterate coloring!

To understand how to dye your hair dark without darkening, let's first understand why the ends of the hair can darken.

To do this, we need to talk about primary staining differs from repeated. So, the primary dyeing of natural hair is carried out as follows: the dye is applied first along the hairline and only then to the roots. If you apply the dye according to the standard scheme - first the roots, and then the length, then the color will turn out to be uneven: the roots are lighter and brighter, and darker to the canvas. This happens because the reaction under the influence of the natural heat of the skin of the head proceeds faster and more intensely.

Re-staining is performed exactly the opposite, first the roots are stained and only then the length. Manufacturers recommend an average exposure time for re-staining. For example, in the instructions for the L "Oreal Professionnel Majirel dye, it is clearly stated: if the color is dull, you need to apply the dye on the hair sheet 20 minutes before the end of the exposure time, if moderately saturated, then 5 minutes before the end of the exposure time. Why is there such a big difference - a whole 15 minutes?

The manufacturers of L "Oreal Professionnel Majirel operate in terms of "saturated / dull", but it would be more accurate to call it pigment saturation. Dyed dark hair is extremely rarely washed off in a month and a half so that the pigment is completely washed out of the hair. This is possible if dyed in a dark color earlier bleached hair without prepigmentation, but this is not a typical case!Most often, hair retains pigment along the canvas and accumulates it during subsequent coloring, which is why it darkens.

And now let's remember how in most cases hair is dyed in dark tones (5.0 and all shades of the fifth level, 6.0 and all shades of the sixth level) in hairdressing salons of different levels:the paint is applied to the roots (5-10 minutes depending on the length of the hair), then the paint is immediately applied to the canvas (5-10 minutes depending on the length) and the client is seated to read a magazine for the remaining time. On average, it turns out that the paint affects the hair for longer than 20 minutes.

We have already discussed the principle of operation of the oxidizer more than once. Briefly - the oxidizing agent, interacting with the ammonia of the paint, lifts the hair scales. The higher the percentage of oxidant, the more aggressive this process. L "Oreal Professionnel Majirel works with 6% oxidizer. It is enough to dye your hair 2 times with 5.0 dye with 6% oxidizer all over the canvas to get a strong triple at the ends, without five minutes black.

How to avoid it?

A typical example: re-coloring, base natural hair color 6.0, 45% gray patchy (marginal hair growth + temples), desired color 5.0.

We will paint L "Oreal Professionnel Majirel 5.0 +, and here I break all the rules by using 6% not recommended by the manufacturer, but an oxidizing agent 2.7%, L" Oreal Professionnel Dia Activateur 2.7%, designed for L "Oreal Professionnel tinting paint Dia Richesse.

There is a natural question "how so?". The manufacturer clearly explained in the instructions that the paint works with 6% and 9% oxidizing agent, then it was necessary to take the native dye, the same Dia Richesse, and not Majirel, but situations are different! There is Majirel paint, a scalp that does not tolerate anything above 3%, and there is L "Oreal Professionnel Dia Richesse 2.7%. However, there is also a 6% oxidizing agent, which, theoretically, could be diluted with water to ... stop! And this is exactly what you can not do in any case!

When we replace one oxidizing agent with another or even use an oxidizing agent of the wrong company as the paint, this, of course, is not very good, but it is viable, but when water, shampoo, balm and other liquids are used, it is to cut off the hands of the one who came up with these recipes!

Hydrogen peroxide is an extremely unstable compound, professional cosmetics manufacturers achieve its stabilization by adding special components - stabilizers. There are only three ways to change the percentage of stabilized peroxide:

- increase pressure
- heat up a lot

if you add water to stabilized peroxide (no matter what temperature), it will stratify into water and ... peroxide flakes, that is, the percentage of the composition will not decrease! What will happen to the hair in this case? Part of the dye that has reacted with water will work as a composition, and part - as a dye. It is obvious that the quality of hair, coloring and color fastness is unnecessary to discuss in this case.

The third way to lower the percentage of oxidant (peroxide) is to add a lower percentage oxidizer to it. There are no more ways!

Few examples:

- to get 60 ml of oxidant 4.5%, you need to mix 30 ml of 3% and 30 ml of 6% oxidizer.
- you have 12% and 3% oxidizer available, but do you need 6%? mix one part of 12% and 2 parts of 3% oxidizer.

So, back to coloring in dark colors.

We mix the paint with the oxidizing agent according to the instructions 1: 2.
We apply to the roots, going beyond the border of natural and dyed hair by about 4-5 cm.

We keep 20 minutes.
15 minutes before the end of the exposure time (35 minutes in total), we put on gloves and “move the paint”, distributing it slightly beyond the border of dyed and uncolored hair.
(I got such a “crown”).

We hold out for the rest of the time.

Those. we do not distribute the paint along the entire length at all! It is important to understand that we are talking about dark tones: 5.0; 6.0 and others in this range. If you dye your hair red at level 6, this method is not for you!

After the end of the exposure time, we go to the bath and, after wetting the hair a little with warm water, we distribute the paint along the entire length of the hair. You can gently massage the hair along the entire length, stretching the dye for 2-3 minutes, after which we wash everything off and wash my hair with shampoo. This emulsification with water is enough to refresh the dark color and avoid darkening!

I hope this article will be useful to those who dye their hair on their own. If you have any questions, write them in the comments, and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.

To be continued...

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