Handwriting analysis as a tool for psychodiagnostics. Determination of personal characteristics of a person using handwriting analysis. Graphology Description of handwriting

I saw in some spy detective how the character of a person is determined by signature. Tell me how to learn to determine the character by the way a person signs.

In intelligence and detective work, the more you know about the person you are interested in, the easier it will be to draw up his psychological portrait. In some situations, you do not have physical contact with the person, and there is no way to collect information about him. In such situations, you can try to learn about a person with the help of Graphology. You will learn about what Graphology is and how to use it in this article.

  • What is Graphology
  • Determine character by signature

What is Graphology

Graphology is the science of handwriting and how to study it from the point of view of the mental states and personality traits of the writer reflected in it.

Graphology: Character by handwriting

There are quite a few books that talk in detail about Graphology. At the end of the article I will list all the books known to me. Usually in such books a lot of useful and not quite useful information is given. In this article, I will give the most important points that you need to pay attention to if you need to find out the character by the signature and handwriting of a person.

Determine character by signature

1. Signature size:
a) sweeping - global systems thinking;
b) compact - concrete thinking.

2. Signature length:
a) long - the ability to delve deeply into the essence of problems; perseverance, excessive pickiness and tediousness;
b) short - the ability to quickly grasp the essence of events. Inability to monotonous work.

3. Signature type:
a) rounded - softness, kindness, balance;
b) angular - intolerance, irritability, harshness, independence, ambition, stubbornness.

4. Spacing between letters:
a) significant - generosity, squandering;
b) "dense" signature - frugality, stinginess (especially if the letters are small).

5. The presence in the signature of various elements:
a) circle - obsession with problems and ideas;
b) loops - caution, stubbornness;
c) drawings - creative thinking;
d) combining elements - the desire to optimize their activities.

6.Slope Signature:
a) to the left - waywardness, pronounced individualism;
b) to the right - balance of character, ability to understand;
c) direct slope - restraint, straightforwardness, intelligence;
d) heterogeneous inclination - secrecy, insincerity;
e) "lying" letters - the presence of serious psychological problems.

7. Direction of the final stroke:
a) up - optimism;
b) down - a tendency to pessimism;
c) directly - balanced character;

8. The length of the "tail" of the signature.
The longer the tail, the more intolerant a person is of other people's opinions. It is also a sign of discretion and caution. The shorter the tail, the more careless the person.

9. Signature underlining:
a) from below - pride, resentment, dependence on the opinions of others;
b) from above - pride, vanity;
c) crossed out signature - self-criticism, dissatisfaction with oneself, doubt.

10. Signs of symmetry:
a) symmetrical - reliability;
b) asymmetric - unstable character, mood swings.
c) spasmodic - emotionality, imbalance

11. Complexity and simplicity:
a) simple - a person lives according to the principle "no problems";
b) “loaded” - often inclined to “make an elephant out of a fly”;
c) original - great creative potential.

12. Legibility
The more clear the signature, the more open the person.

13. Pressure:
a) excessive - aggressiveness;
b) weak - secrecy;
c) strong - confidence.

Character by handwriting with examples

And now let's move on to practice and visually see examples of different handwriting and character definitions from them.

This handwriting belongs to a self-confident, strong and enterprising person. This is evidenced by the firm manner of writing, the large size of the letters and strokes, and in addition the direction of the lines, which can be characterized as a general progressive.

Handwriting of a self-confident personality

On the contrary, the example of handwriting in this figure speaks of a person who is unsure of his abilities, and does not have certain, accurate views on life. This property of a person’s character is indicated by the lack of stroke stability and the general unevenness of the text, the unequal sizes of spaces and letters, as well as the ambiguous direction of the lines.

Handwriting of a man who has uncertain outlook on life

The handwriting of an unusual, extravagant person: the movements of his hand when writing are sweeping and wide. His handwriting illustrates extreme practicality, since even the text on a piece of paper is placed by this person, taking into account the amount of space.

There is extravagance in the character
Practicality dominates the character of this person.

In the following two examples, handwriting indicates the organization and disorganization of their authors. In the first case, the linear interval is clear; in the second case, it is fuzzy.

This person is very organized. And the author of this handwriting lacks organization

The speed at which the text is written in the next two figures can tell us a lot. In particular, about how patient this person is.

The speed of writing text indicates impatience
This person has a lot of patience.

The slopes of the letters when writing can indicate how tight a person is or, conversely, relaxed.

Restrained character
This man is very relaxed

And the more the handwriting of a certain individual differs from the generally accepted manner of writing, the more peculiar is his personality.

This type tends to follow conventions
Independence and arbitrariness in decisions

Accuracy when writing a sample text suggests a disciplined person. And carelessness in writing is evidence of a lack of any discipline.

Self-discipline is high enough

Not the last role in determining the character of the handwriting is played by the shape of the letters. For example, those people in whom the shape of the letters is preserved may indicate clarity of thought. Irregularly shaped letters, on the contrary, speak of fuzzy thinking

Clarity in thought
fuzzy thinking

Graphology book

As promised, I am posting a list of the best books on Graphology:

  • Goldberg - The Psychology of Handwriting
  • Solomevich - Handwriting and character
  • Mayatsky - Graphology
  • Zuev-Insarov - Handwriting and Personality
  • Bastrykin - Forensic study of the letter
  • Taranenko - Handwriting, portrait, character
  • Kravchenko - Character by handwriting
  • Morgenstein - Psychographology
  • Naj - Find out the character of a person by his signature
  • Petrasyan - How to talk handwriting
  • Potemkina — Psychological analysis of the text
  • Mantsvetova — Theoretical foundations of handwriting

Using a Yandex or Google search, you can download all the above books on Graphology.

Modern technologies and the development of computer systems have almost replaced handwritten texts, which used to be the main part of the documentation. Today, a huge number of records and documents are filled out and stored in electronic versions, so some people believe that modern technology will soon replace stationery altogether, in the form of notebooks, pens and pencils. Despite this, most legal documents are kept in hard copy, and certain information and signatures are filled out only by hand.

At a time when everything was written by hand, one could even recognize the character and manners of a person by handwriting, which made it possible to achieve success not only in acquaintance, but also in the search for dangerous criminals. Is it possible today to determine the morals and character of a person by his handwriting? How to do it correctly? What is worth paying attention to?

Handwriting as a source of information

In order to add up the big picture and idea of ​​a person you just met, you just need to ask him to write a couple of lines with a regular pen or pencil. After that, having some simple skills and techniques, you can tell a lot about who is in front of you.

What properties and features of handwriting will be a source of information that testifies to the character and mores of a certain person?

  • Incline. If a person's handwriting has a slight bias, this often indicates his determination and high regard for his own opinion, regardless of what others think. Such a person also has a tendency to criticize and even find fault with minor mistakes or oversights. A strong sloping handwriting can also be an indicator of an imperious person who is used to insisting on her own opinion in everything. Also, a strong slope suggests that a man with this type of handwriting is amorous and romantic in nature. And handwriting without any bias is a clear evidence that its owner is a rare stubborn, but often shows discretion and insight in his decisions.
  • Margin width. If a writing person leaves narrow margins, then this indicates his greed and pickiness. And a wide brim is an indicator of an open and generous soul who also loves to enjoy everyone's attention and praise from others. Such a person is also distinguished by the desire for luxury and increased comfort.
  • Line direction. Direct lines distinguish a frank and conscientious person who realistically assesses his capabilities and the reality surrounding him. A line running up is evidence of optimism and even an overly high opinion of oneself, and going down often shows that a person is closed and does not see anything good in the present and future. Dancing wavy lines are an indicator of a rich imagination and even a penchant for lies, which often remain harmless to others.
  • Pressure. Light or weak pressure is characteristic of romantic people and dreamers who are distinguished by a light and superficial attitude to life and difficult circumstances. Strong handwriting pressure is an indicator of the user's activity and purposefulness. He is often enthusiastic and hardworking.

Separate features of handwriting, indicating the character

Although the basic principles and rules associated with handwriting and allowing them to determine the morals of a person are listed above, some of the nuances deserve special attention. One of them concerns the shape of the letters that the owner of the handwriting displays with a pen. The main forms of letters by which character and character are determined are:

  • roundness. This form speaks of the peaceful disposition of the user, as well as his compliance and gentleness. It is not only pleasant to communicate with such a person, but also to solve various, even rather complex issues.
  • Angularity. Angular letters are a clear evidence of the deep pride of the owner of the handwriting. It is not easy to build a permanent or close relationship with such a person, and during conflict situations, it is difficult to make peace.
  • Pointiness. The letters, the tips of which are clearly pointed, indicate that the person is not very interested in the point of view of others, because he is sure only that he is right. The owner of such a handwriting does not accept advice and moralizing, considering himself right in everything.

All these and some other principles for determining character and character by handwriting have been tested and tested in practice. Knowing them, you can, without making a close friendship or acquaintance, already form a certain opinion about the person who is in front of you, and also not allow you to be misled by pretense of modesty or other qualities.

Handwriting can be sprawling, beautiful, slanted, small, illegible - it's hard to find people who write the same way. Having carefully studied the handwriting of a particular person, you can learn about his character, personal qualities, even describe his appearance. Only at about 20 years of age does handwriting take on its final form. Then you can analyze the text written by hand. What do you need to pay attention to and how to analyze the handwriting of a person as accurately as possible?

General information about handwriting

Graphology is a science that analyzes handwriting and makes the relationship of different characteristics with personal qualities. The work is carried out taking into account the slope of the letters, width, height, location of words, brevity and other factors that indicate the personal character of a person. The combination of all qualities leads to the definition of an accurate portrait, the individual characteristics of a person.

The science of graphology is able to give an accurate and complete analysis of the qualities of a person. In some cases, it is even possible to find out sexual preferences, a predisposition to drug addiction or suicide, a tendency to personal growth or degradation, etc. That is why many psychologists use handwriting analysis in their practice. In addition, many firms are beginning to use the services of graphologists when hiring specialists. This is a kind of new version of a lie detector, only it still shows the inclinations of a person that may appear in the future. Do not be afraid if they give you a blank piece of paper and fake your handwriting, because you can do yourself a disservice by ruining the characteristic.

What is needed for handwriting analysis?

Graphological analysis is most often carried out in the presence of a specialist, but if you know some of the subtleties of science, you can do everything yourself. This will require pencil and regular A4 blank sheet. For analysis, a person needs write at least 4 sentences, and without excitement and speed. The larger the inscription, the easier it is to parse some criteria of handwriting and determine the personal character. A pencil is needed to determine pressure, since it is difficult to determine this indicator with a pen.

Sometimes, for the accuracy of the analysis, the verifier asks to provide a previously written text, while not every option is suitable. For example, postcards or statements are not suitable due to the fact that the person puts effort into writing the text in them. In some documents, handwriting does not correspond to personal qualities due to haste or awkward position. Only text that was written in a calm and comfortable position is suitable for analysis. That is why graphological research is carried out with texts that are written by the same person, but at different times.

What characteristics of handwriting to pay attention to?

Graphologists believe that in order to analyze handwriting, it is necessary to have a few examples handwritten text. This is necessary in order to determine the exact handwriting. A person with each sheet makes less effort to write beautiful letters, which means that his handwriting becomes natural. It is the last sheets of text that become the object for analysis and determination of personal qualities, but what characteristics should you pay attention to?

Before starting to consider the main criteria for the inscription, you should pay attention to the piece of paper itself. By its appearance, the basic data is determined.

The first criterion in handwriting, by which personal character is determined, is letter size. It can change with age. Usually the letters become larger with age or change due to physical condition. That is, handwriting can be affected by illness or fatigue.

Letters increase with age due to fatigue or deterioration of vision, so this indicator should not be paid attention to. Handwriting is recommended to be checked in people aged from 25 to 45 years, because during this period many qualities of writing are stable and do not depend on physical condition. Besides, do not pay attention to the average size of the letters. This is the most popular size when writing, so it does not carry any specific information.

Letters written big print without emotional and physical tension, they talk about the leadership qualities of a person, his emotional stability, openness and ease of establishing relationships with people. small font indicates that a person is able to sit in one place for a long time while doing work. In addition, they have a noticeable sense of purpose and restraint, but people who write in small letters do not take root in society and are closed personalities.

Fields when writing text

When analyzing handwriting, attention should be paid to fields.

  1. If, when writing a text, a person withstands narrow margins, it means that he is thrifty, but the denser the text, pressed against the borders, the more this quality dominates in his life. As a result, words that practically run into the borders of the sheet speak of greed and stinginess. Such a person can manifest envy and vindictiveness.
  2. Wide margins indicate that the author is generous and loves to live without saving money. The economy of a person depends on the width of the margins. A lot of empty space indicates that he likes to grab, live in grand style in luxury. Such qualities are not always appreciated in human society.

Pressure when writing text

The pressure at the time of writing determines not only the individual characteristics of the person, but also his emotional state while writing the text. Emotions can be very different, but the brighter they are, the stronger the person presses the pen or pencil.

  1. If the emotional background is stable, strong pressure pen means the energy and hard work of a person. Such people find it difficult to establish relationships in society, lead a correct lifestyle, and do not withdraw into themselves. In addition, the strong pressure of the pen means a strong-willed, firm character and self-confidence.
  2. light pressure handles often determines a calm character, softness, loneliness and unwillingness to make contact with a large number of people. Such natures easily build personal relationships, but society scares them. In some cases, light pressure determines the tendency to romance.

In handwriting, the direction of the lines is of particular importance, because by the quality of writing the text, it is easy to determine the main personal characteristics. Letter slant is able not only to recognize the qualities of a person, but also to indicate his inclinations in the future.

Elements of the letter, the shape and slope of the letters

For a more accurate picture of personality, the binding elements and the shape of the letters should be determined. For example, if all letters have a transition, then the personality is distinguished by logical thinking, straightforwardness, and even capable of obstinacy. Separate spelling of letters indicates that the author refers to people with developed thinking and imagination. This type of writing is characteristic of a small number of people. Graphology states that balance is determined by continuous spelling of 2-3 letters, after which the separation slips and again the continuous spelling of letters.

Analyzing the shapes of the letters, it is easy to understand what a person is in terms of compliance and helping others. If the symbols angular or sharp, then its author belongs to the egoists. These are people who live on their own and you can't ask for help from them. Characters with smooth features define a malleable person who will always come to the rescue, but they cannot refuse, which is not always a good quality.

A large number of personal qualities are easy to recognize when analyzing the slope of the letters. Criticism is defined by slight tilt to the left. Such natures put themselves above others and do not take into account other people's opinions. The stronger the slope of the characters to the left, the more the author shows stubbornness and a tendency to defend his point of view. His side will always be the only true one.

Strong tilt to the right denotes a strong-willed character, strength in decision-making, a little zealous qualities and the ability to fall in love. A slight tilt of the text to the right is not used for analysis, because this is how they teach to write at school, which means it is more a rule than a manifestation of personal qualities. The direct spelling of letters indicates stubbornness, but without selfishness. This shows a balanced view and assessment of their capabilities.

Determination of character by handwriting

You can also determine not only the character by the handwriting of a person, but also the type of his temperament. To do this, several categories of handwriting should be used in combination.

  1. choleric determined by the slope of the text to the right. Characters are jagged, wrapped, or even confusing. The pressure of the pen is strong, and the distance between the words is different.
  2. Phlegmatic determined by the thickness of the letters. If the letters are bold, but their thickness is constantly changing, then the author has a phlegmatic temperament.
  3. Sanguine write in beautiful handwriting. Distinctive qualities are running and sweeping letters. The lines are wavy.
  4. Melancholy withstand uneven fields, characters dance, both in an inclination and in an arrangement on a line. Symbols are distinguished by elongation, strokes and dashes.

Definition of personal qualities

It has been known since ancient times. The first work on this science was published in 1622, it was called “On how the character and properties of the writer can be known from writing” and belonged to the Italian Camille Bolgio. In the time of Bolgio, the work on graphology went unnoticed: at that time, a small percentage of the population could write at all.

In the seventies of the 20th century, graphology penetrated into various spheres of life: handwriting examination began to be used in forensic science, when applying for a job. Today, official psychology has more accurate ways of diagnosing personality.

However, in many Western countries, graphology has become a tradition: until now, when applying for a job in some firms in the USA and Holland, the applicant writes a resume by hand in order to pass the employer's handwriting examination.

Determining the traits of your own character or the character of loved ones using graphology is quite simple: just take a white (not lined) sheet of paper, a ballpoint pen (not gel!) And write a few lines about yourself in your usual handwriting. Then we examine what was written according to the following parameters.

The slope of the handwriting

Handwriting is straight, not slanted:
It testifies to prudence, restraint, inner harmony. So writes a very balanced person.

Slight tilt to the right:
The most common type of slope. This is how open, moderately courageous and benevolent people write, who sometimes tend to give in to impulses. Handwriting speaks of emotionality - its owner cannot always control himself.

Strong tilt to the right:
So writes a man of momentarily emerging and rapidly fading enthusiasm.

A strong tilt to the right speaks of energy, originality and amorousness.

Slight tilt to the left:
It testifies to the masculinity of character. Women with such a slope of handwriting are guided by reason more often than others. They are smart, thoughtful.

Strong tilt to the left:
In the owner of such a handwriting, there is a struggle between internal emotionality and external restraint.

A sharp "backward" tilt indicates that the person is hypersensitive, but very rarely shows this in public.

Line direction

Rows go up:
The owner of such a handwriting is an optimist. He can be a little infantile, naive, childlike. Or maybe he's in a particularly good mood today.

The lines go straight and straight:
Smooth lines testify to internal discipline. If even on an unlined sheet the lines look even, it means that its owner is neat, prudent and collected.

The lines go down:
You are in a bad mood. Often the lines go down when we write something boring or sad. If the lines are always directed downwards, chances are that the writer is mildly depressed.

handwriting size

Large handwriting:
Such handwriting is found in open, cordial and self-confident people. Often indicates high self-esteem.

Too large handwriting happens in people fixated on themselves. Simply put, egoists.

Average handwriting:
Calm, self-confident people with adequate self-esteem usually have handwriting of medium size. If the average size increases towards the end of each line or sentence, its owner is open, independent and free. If the handwriting decreases, on the contrary, the subject wants to hide something.

Small handwriting:
Miniature handwriting may be associated with visual impairments. Also, small, neat handwriting speaks of an analytical mindset, some pedantry and increased attention to detail. Many owners of small handwriting are rather shy.

handwriting form

Round handwriting:
Most often found in cheerful and rustic good-natured people. Its owner is not too cunning and does not like intrigue. She treats others with almost maternal care, understanding and kindness.

Sharp handwriting:
Sharp corners can tell us two things that often go together: aggressiveness and very high intelligence. The owners of sharp handwriting are often shrewd, cunning, smart people. Along with this, sharp handwriting is found in not too good-natured people.

"Angled" handwriting:
When the handwriting is not too sharp, but there is some sharpness, right angles, even “sticks” of letters in it, we are talking about an observant person who deeply understands what is happening around. Often such people know how to manage others.

If the angular handwriting is quite large, this indicates the propensity of its owner to manipulation.

letter tips

If the "tails" of some letters (for example, the letter "P") go down strongly, this indicates sexual activity, passion and strong sexual desire.

If the upper “tips” predominate, for example, when writing “b”, then the owner of such a handwriting is a spiritual, “exalted” person, often a believer.


Quickly written scribbles indicate that the owner is unbalanced. In many cases, people who write in scribbles do not have a strict daily routine, go to bed late and wake up late, work at a nervous job.

In addition, doodles are the handwriting of geniuses. Most geniuses had absolutely illegible handwriting.

Clear handwriting:
The easier it is to read what is written, the stronger and calmer the person. Clarity of handwriting is found in people with a stable and healthy mind, in excellent physical shape.


Stroke the back of the sheet - can you feel the letters?

Medium pressure:
It occurs in strong-willed, purposeful people. Its owners value themselves highly enough, they know how to keep everything under control.

Weak pressure:
It occurs in timid and compromise-prone people who are easy to manipulate. If there is almost no pressure, this may indicate some complexes, low self-esteem.