How to make a temporary tattoo at home. Temporary tattoo at home. How to apply a henna tattoo

Today tattoos are fashionable. But what can you do if you don’t want to lag behind fashion, and you like tattoos on your body, but getting a tattoo on your skin (remembering that it won’t come off or be erased when you get tired of it or don’t like it enough) is scary? Let's figure it out how to make a temporary tattoo at home.

There are many methods for making a temporary tattoo on your body (we will look at each of them in more detail below). In principle, there is nothing supernatural or difficult in this matter; here we can name several main components:

  • artist's talent
  • fantasy (if the first point is missing, but you want to get a tattoo)
  • tools (specific for each application method)

What I would like to immediately note are the advantages of a temporary tattoo:

  1. A budget option. A temporary tattoo, no matter what it is applied with, will cost much less than getting a real one, and if you draw it on your body yourself, then the costs will only include the purchase of materials for “making” a temporary tattoo.
  2. Fast and easy. Applying a temporary tattoo to the skin is much faster and easier, so this process will definitely not take up much of your time.
  3. The name of the tattoo already reveals its advantage - for a while, which means that you get it done, walk around with it for a certain amount of time (depending on the application material and method), and the tattoo smoothly and imperceptibly leaves your body without leaving it on your body. and a trace.
  4. In case something does not go according to plan, for example: the drawing will not work, the tattoo will not look very good, the artist’s hand will tremble, etc. - these mistakes can be corrected (not like in the case of a real tattoo).

For some, a temporary tattoo is the way out, because it may be required for the following cases:

  • conducting a photo shoot
  • shooting films, TV series
  • games in theater and other performances
  • for a wedding

The best option is if a temporary tattoo is done by someone other than you on yourself, because for another person:

  • it will be easier to do this
  • faster
  • more careful

If, after considering all the pros and cons, you still decide to get a temporary tattoo, then we suggest you consider simple methods of applying beautiful designs to your body.

How to make a temporary tattoo with a pen?

This is the most commonplace method of getting a temporary tattoo. If you decide to implement your design ideas on your body, this is a great way to do it. All we need for the process in question:

  • gel pens
  • artistic skills
  • parchment paper or tracing paper


  1. Come up with a design for a future temporary tattoo. If your imagination is tight, then find the image you like in:
  • Internet
  • magazine
  • book, etc.
  1. Draw the design of your choice on parchment paper (it is advisable to choose dark, rich colors of a gel pen for this).

  1. Completely sketch this drawing with either one or several colors (you should carry out this process with extreme caution so that the drawing does not “float”).
  2. After the tattoo design is made, we proceed to choosing the place where you want to apply the design.
  3. Apply the drawn drawing to the selected area of ​​the body (an excellent option in this case would be the help of a friend). There is a certain sequence of actions, knowing which you can get a beautiful and clear temporary tattoo on your body:
  • apply a piece of paper on which the tattoo is depicted (pattern down) to the selected place on the body;
  • moisten a cloth or rag with warm water;
  • press it quite firmly against the paper with the image;
  • hold in this position for at least 40 seconds;
  • check whether the tattoo has completely transferred to the arm by lifting one of the edges of the paper;
  • if not completely, hold for a few more seconds;
  • when the design is completely imprinted on your skin, remove both the rag and the paper;
  • let the image dry (do not try it with your fingers or cling it to clothes and objects until it is completely dry).

Despite the fact that the instructions may seem long at first glance, there is nothing complicated in the process of “making” a temporary tattoo using a gel pen.

If you know how to draw well, the whole process will take you no more than half an hour from start to finish (it will all depend on how complex the drawing is and how well its creator draws).

How to make a temporary henna tattoo?

At this point in time, ethnic jewelry and pictures have become fashionable:

  • on clothes
  • things
  • pieces of furniture
  • instruments
  • body, etc.

If you decide to put such a design on your body, then the best option for this is a temporary tattoo applied with henna. Typically, such patterns are applied to:

  • ankles
  • wrists
  • Hands
  • stomach
  • forearm

Do you have artistic talent? Then it’s worth practicing applying more complex and sophisticated patterns to the skin.

If a drawing with a gel pen is washed off after several times of soaking with water, then the pattern made with the paint in question will decorate your body for a long period of time (it’s not for nothing that such art is done even at resorts).

Practice shows that an ornament applied with paint on the body can last from two weeks to one and a half months. The durability of the pattern will directly depend on:

  • wetting frequency
  • skin characteristics

When dealing with henna, remember that it is a strong dye, so you should keep clothes and other things from touching it until it dries completely.

Excess paint can be carefully removed fresh with a cotton swab or a damp cloth. If it happens that you have stained your clothes, they must be washed immediately, preferably with a strong, effective detergent.

Preparing the skin for henna tattooing

First you need to choose a place to apply the drawing. In this case, it all depends on your wishes, but you should also take into account the recommendations of specialists.

You should not regularly apply henna to the same area of ​​skin. It is recommended to make a drawing in a certain place no more often than once every few months, because the skin must rest from various types of influences on it.

Dermatologists say that frequent application of paint to the same place can lead to an allergic reaction, as well as the development of a skin disease such as eczema.


  1. Two days before the procedure, protect your skin from burns that can result from prolonged exposure to the scorching sun.
  2. The first thing you will need to do is remove excess fat from the skin:
  • rub the area of ​​the future tattoo with a washcloth
  • wipe it with alcohol-containing compounds (if you have alcohol, you can use that too)

The skin should be smooth, so if your skin is too rough, it is better to exfoliate it. If this is not possible, “polish” the skin well with a washcloth (now you know the secret, how to make a temporary tattoo last longer). Fewer dead particles on the skin means the tattoo will last longer on the body.

  1. Hair at the site of a future tattoo can also be a static nuisance, so the best option is to get rid of it, because a tattoo on a surface with hair may not turn out whole.

Among other things, the dye lasts much longer on the hair, but not on the skin, and, ultimately, the tattoo will partially disappear:

  • will disappear from the skin within a few weeks
  • can stay on your hair for up to several months (no matter how hard you rub it with a washcloth)

You must also remember that getting rid of excess paint from the body is a painless procedure, but from hairs it is not.

Preparing the Paint

The best option would be to prepare henna yourself, because the finished dye does not last so long on the body.

If you want everything to go perfectly and you get the desired result, you need to carefully prepare the paint. This must be done 24 hours before use.

So, let's consider a recipe for which we will need 40 g of henna, from which, in the end, we will get 200 g of finished paste.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • a couple of lemons (we will squeeze the juice out of them)
  • henna powder
  • container for mixing ingredients
  • sugar powder
  • plastic bag
  • spoons (to measure the dosage of ingredients)
  • syringe
  • a thin stick or a toothpick (those who know how to paint well with this paint can take a brush)
  • flavored oil (optional, but recommended)

Instructions for preparing paint:

  1. Sift the powder through the finest sieve. This is not a recommendation, but a rule for those who will make neat lines. If you forgot to sift the powder, then you can rub the ready-made consistency through this sieve (this will be more difficult to do, and it’s very easy to get dirty).
  2. Mix in a bowl or other vessel of your choice (preferably glass, to make it easier to wash it later from henna):
  • 40 g powder
  • half a glass of lemon juice
  1. Stir the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into plastic cellophane and leave it alone for half a day (where the temperature does not drop below 21 0).

You should not mix paint with water, because the coloring pigment stands out better in an acidic environment. To obtain a design in darker colors, add a little natural paint (basma) to the henna.

You should not experiment and add other components to tattoo paint, because it is unknown what reaction their combination may cause on your body.

Remember, you need to prepare the paint in question a day before you use it.

  1. After 12 hours, add a few tablespoons of sugar powder to the previously prepared mixture. This ingredient is needed for the density of the prepared composition, so that it is easier to apply to the skin and draw with it.
  2. Add a few more tablespoons of flavored (most often wood) oil.
  3. The resulting composition should be so thick that it is convenient to squeeze it out of the syringe, therefore, if it turns out to be too thick, you need to add lemon juice and carry out this procedure until you are satisfied with the density of the prepared solution.

The liquid composition can be thickened by adding henna.

  1. Leave the paint on for another half day and the paint is ready to use.

Possible colors of Hindi designs

Paint images on the skin can be of different shades - from reddish to orange.

Color depends on:

  • method of preparing paint
  • quantity of added ingredients
  • presence of additional coloring components (basma, etc.)
  • the area where the paint is applied (if you want a bright pattern, then paint with henna on your legs or arms)

Immediately after washing off the paint from the skin, the painted picture will be quite pale, but for two days after applying henna, the coloring pigment will stand out, and you will get a rich dark color of the image.

It is advisable not to wet the area where the drawing is located for at least a day, so that the paint dries well and the coloring pigment comes out as dark as possible.

Applying henna to the skin

  1. Degrease the skin.
  2. Apply eucalyptus oil to the surface where the pattern will be drawn. This is necessary so that the pores expand as much as possible and absorb the paint to the maximum. Don't forget that eucalyptus oil will make the paint take much longer to dry, but the effect will be much better.

In this case, you should not overdo it, because just a couple of drops of this oil will be enough to rub them over the surface of the skin (otherwise, you may get an allergic reaction).

Henna is a paint that is absorbed into the skin very quickly, so if you drew something wrong or beveled a line, you must immediately correct your “errors” with a cotton swab or a damp cloth.

  1. Ornaments and patterns can be applied:
  • by hand
  • through a stencil
  • pencil (and then the drawing is drawn with henna)
  • felt-tip pen

  1. Applying the design directly to the skin. Fill the syringe with the prepared mixture and gently squeeze it onto the drawing, correcting it with a stick or brush.
  2. If you are not confident in your artistic abilities, or you are drawing on the skin with henna for the first time, it is better to first practice on paper, and then draw a design on the skin with a felt-tip pen, and only after that, apply it with henna.
  3. After the henna has completely dried, it will begin to gradually fall off in pieces; there is no need to wash it so as not to disturb the design.

If you want the design to stay on the skin longer, just wet it less with water. Now you know, how to make a temporary tattoo for a month.

How to make a temporary tattoo using a printer?

Get a temporary tattoo without henna This is also possible, for this you will need a printer:

  1. To begin, use a laser printer to print out the picture you like (on adhesive paper so that the picture turns out to be a sticker). If you do not have special paper, you can use tape and stick it over the entire width of the future drawing ( This is how you can make a temporary tattoo using tape).
  2. It is advisable to display the picture horizontally in a text editor (if it is an inscription or picture with alphabetic characters).
  3. In order to transfer the sticker to the skin, you will need the following tools:
  • sponge or piece of cloth
  • vessel with water
  • hairspray (in this case, neither its properties nor the manufacturer matter)
  • perfume or cologne (which contains alcohol)
  1. We coat the area of ​​skin on which the temporary tattoo will be applied with an alcohol-containing composition

  1. We apply the sticker to the hand with the side on which the design itself is applied.
  2. Blot the sticker on your hand with a wet rag or sponge (carefully so as not to move it out of place). We carry out this procedure for several minutes.
  3. We remove the paper from the hand - the tattoo is ready.
  4. We now need to secure it; at this stage we will need hairspray.
  5. We spray it on the area of ​​skin where our tattoo is located (it is better to apply the varnish in several layers).

This temporary tattoo can last up to a week on any part of the body (depending on how often you get it wet). In this case you will succeed make a temporary tattoo without any powder.

How to make a temporary tattoo with a pencil?

For this tattoo you will need:

  • pencil (preferably soft)
  • rags
  • scissors
  • eyeliner (preferably black)
  • tassel
  • alcohol-containing composition (or alcohol)
  • cotton pads
  • talc
  • tracing paper
  • spray for wounds

So, the method of applying a tattoo:

  1. Draw a pattern or picture with a regular pencil on tracing paper.
  2. We degrease the area of ​​skin where our temporary tattoo will be located. For this you can use:
  • vodka
  • alcohol
  • soapy water, as a last resort
  1. We apply tracing paper with a pattern to the fat-free area of ​​the skin (respectively, with the pattern down).

  1. Using a moistened rag or washcloth, press the design onto the skin, blotting it well.
  2. We outline the translated drawing with eyeliner.
  3. Leave it alone for 5 minutes.
  4. Then sprinkle with talcum powder and carefully distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the temporary tattoo.
  5. Apply wound spray to the drawing and the tattoo is ready.

It’s worth noting right away that such a tattoo on your body will only last a few days.

Now you know simple and popular ways how to make temporary tattoos without leaving your home. A very convenient option: you don’t need to spend a lot of money and time, and the effect is temporary, so after a certain period of time you can update your tattoo or get a new one.

Video: How to make a temporary tattoo?

Many people strive to look fashionable and stylish. One way to stand out and emphasize your individuality is to apply a temporary tattoo. In order to make a drawing on your own body, you don’t have to go to a salon. If you have all the necessary information, you can get a temporary tattoo at home.

What are they - temporary tattoos

After talking with some of the tattoo artists, you can hear the opinion that temporary tattoos do not exist. The argument of experts in this case is the fact that when applying a pattern using this method, the dye is not injected subcutaneously. At the same time, a number of salons offer temporary tattoos, and the amount for the provision of services is quite impressive. Temporary tattoos are becoming increasingly popular. And the fact that some of the pros call them body art or body art does not affect their popularity in any way.

The design applied to the body is indeed not a tattoo, but in appearance it is no different from a full-fledged tattoo. The popularity of this method of decorating one’s own body is easily explained. There can be quite a few reasons for deciding to get a tattoo only temporarily. Someone will want to make sure that they have chosen the right design before getting a permanent tattoo, while others will want to show their individuality while on vacation contrary to the existing dress code or simply shock others by appearing at a party in a new role.

Biotattoo with glitter

The advantages of temporary tattoos include:

  1. Possibility to change the design from time to time if desired.
  2. No pain during application.
  3. Possibility of applying a tattoo yourself.
  4. Achieving the desired effect for a short period of time.
  5. Minimal likelihood of allergic reactions.

Depending on the type of tattoo and how it is applied, a temporary tattoo will last from several days to two months.


There are several types of temporary tattoos:

  • Henna tattoo;
  • Airbrush on leather;
  • Biotattoo;
  • Tattoo with chemical paint;
  • Transferable tattoos;
  • Tattoo stamps.

Let's try to dwell in more detail on each of the types.

Henna tattoo(mehendi)

Drawing made using henna

Handi, mehndi, mehendi - all these are variants of the names of tattoos that are applied with henna. This type of tattoo has a long history. The ancient Egyptians painted henna on the body. Since the 12th century, such drawings have become popular in India. Today, mehndi is popular not only in Arab countries. To create a tattoo, a natural dye is used - lawsonia (henna) leaves, which are crushed and dried. Henna (aka henna) comes to us in a ready-to-use form. You can buy it in specialized stores. Regular hair dye will not work for tattooing, as the grind is somewhat coarser than required. Having drawing skills, you can quickly master the handi technique and apply designs to the body without outside help. The design applied using henna will last for about a month. This is a relatively cheap way to create a tattoo. At the same time, there is no riot of colors. The most that can be achieved is different shades. A drawing made using this technique will be flat and not three-dimensional.

Airbrush by skin

Drawing made using an airbrush

The drawing in this case is applied using an airbrush. To apply it, a special water-based face painting is used. A professional pistol-type airbrush is quite expensive. In addition, it will not be possible to use it without certain skills. The inks are also not cheap, especially considering that the tattoo will last no more than a week. Such paints do not cause allergic reactions and are easily diluted with water; they are even used for children's masks. Luminescent paint will cost an order of magnitude more. All this should be taken into account before giving preference to this technique. On the one hand, you can get a high-quality multi-colored pattern on the body, on the other hand, it is short-lived. You can apply an image using face painting without using an airbrush; a lot will depend on your drawing talent. To apply the design in this case, you can use not only a brush, but also a sponge. This method is not suitable for someone who decided to just try getting a tattoo once. Buying face painting with or without an airbrush will be justified for those who are not going to settle on one drawing and want to constantly change their image.


Biotattoo is brighter than mehendi, but less durable

With this method of drawing, paints of natural origin are used. Very often, such tattoos are complemented with glitter, which is applied using special glue. Any color scheme can be used. With this application method you can get the effect of a three-dimensional picture. The difficulty in applying a three-dimensional drawing on your own will be the lack of drawing skills. Due to this, not everyone will risk doing such a tattoo on their own. This will last about a month.

Can tattoos protect against colds?

Tattoo with chemical ink (temptu)

Externally, the temptu is very similar to a real tattoo.

This method should not be mastered on your own, since when it is used, the paint is injected subcutaneously, but not deeply. Unlike other types of temporary tattoos, they can last up to two years. By and large, it is a cross between a temporary and permanent tattoo. By the end of the period it fades and disappears, ideally without a trace. At this time, the outline of the tattoo may become blurry, and the image itself may become faded and unclear.


Gold and silver will not last long on your skin, but it will undoubtedly please you!

This is not a joke at all. A drawing that can be transferred to the body using the decal principle also applies to temporary tattoos. This method is the easiest to master, but it is also less durable than others. A tattoo applied this way can last up to two days.

Tattoo stamps

With this type of tattoo everything is simple. You can create it in a matter of minutes. In this case, you need to get a stamp with the desired design and paint. Ideally, airbrush paint is suitable. The disadvantage of creating a tattoo at home in this case is the inability to change the design.

Nuances of application at home

Having set the goal of getting a tattoo at home, you should decide whether you will resort to outside help. You may need backup if you choose an area that is inconvenient for tattooing on your own. You can’t even stick a decal on your back yourself. Not everyone can boast of the ability to act equally dexterously with both hands. All these points will have to be taken into account.

The choice of pattern is also important. The tattoo can have exotic elements or be lace, in general, whatever you want. All these nuances, as well as the size of the image, will ultimately determine the location of the body design.

If a temporary tattoo is applied in order to make it permanent in the future, then when choosing a place to apply the design, it is worth considering the fact that the pain threshold on different parts of the body is not the same.

To apply a temporary tattoo, girls often choose:

  • inner side of the wrist;
  • Hands;
  • ankles and outer shins;
  • neck or back;
  • lower back;
  • stomach or chest;
  • shoulder or forearm;
  • bikini area;
  • inner thigh or buttock.

The tattoo will last the longest:

  • on the ankle or instep;
  • on the wrist;
  • on the back of the hand.

In these areas the skin is thinner. In addition, sweat glands are practically absent here. As a result of the combination of these factors, the exfoliation of dead skin cells occurs much more slowly.

Do not forget that the tattoo site should be prepared:

  1. It is very important that there is no excess hair in the area where the pattern is applied.
  2. If any signs of irritation, wounds, or microtrauma appear in the selected area, it is better to postpone the procedure for applying a temporary tattoo for a while.
  3. Please note that the design should be applied exclusively to clean skin.
  4. Checking for an allergic reaction to the selected dye is also necessary.

How to Draw a Henna Tattoo at Home

If you decide to thoroughly master the mehndi technique, then you should start with simple drawings or apply an image using a stencil. Even in this case, it is important to follow the sequence of application of the composition, drawing individual parts of the drawing in a clearly defined sequence.

This is how a mehndi design is born

The easiest, but not the cheapest way is to buy a paste in a tube ready for application in a specialized store. For those who are not looking for easy ways, there are many ways to prepare paint yourself.

The compositions of the mehndi solution may vary. In India, recipes for their preparation are passed down from generation to generation. In any case, you need to take into account that the resulting solution should not be liquid. It is clear that in this case more henna will be needed, but otherwise the desired effect may not be obtained at all.

In addition to henna, the mixture may include the following ingredients:

  • wine;
  • coffee or strong tea;
  • tincture of walnuts;
  • sugar;
  • lemon juice;
  • essential oils.

The intensity of the pattern will depend on the quantitative ratio of the ingredients and their characteristics. The stronger the tea leaves or coffee, the darker the tone of the picture.

Materials for henna tattooing at home

Patterns and templates for mehendi

You can create original patterns from individual flowers. Floral motifs are often used when painting with henna.
The higher the level of skill, the more complex the designs become. Henna designs for decorating fingers. On the palm, the design can be applied in a mirror image. Mehendi can be applied to the soles of the feet.

Some of the most popular handi composition recipes

Recipe with tea leaves

  • Ingredients: strong brew - half a cup; lemon – ½; sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Add the required amount of henna powder to the resulting solution. Henna is diluted to a thick paste.
  • Let the resulting mixture sit for at least 15–20 minutes.
  • Place the finished mixture in a drawing tube.

This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Option with coffee

  • Ingredients: lemon juice - 3 tablespoons; ground instant coffee - 2 bags; eucalyptus and clove oils - 5 drops each; water - 1.5 cups.
  • Sift the henna (required volume - 1 cup).
  • Boil the coffee until ¾ cup of liquid remains.
  • Add henna and oils to coffee. If the resulting mixture turns out to be liquid, then we bring it to the desired consistency with sifted henna, and if it is too thick, add a little water.

Let the resulting solution sit for at least two hours.

Combination of tea, lemon juice and olive oil

  • Ingredients: hot tea or coffee - 1 cup; lemon juice - 3 teaspoons; olive oil - 3 drops.
  • Mix everything well.
  • Add the resulting solution to a container with 4–5 tbsp. spoons of sifted henna.
  • Mix everything until it reaches the consistency of toothpaste.

This composition can be stored closed for quite a long time (up to 20 days).

A budget option

  1. Add 2-3 teaspoons of black tea or natural coffee to 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook, stirring from time to time, for an hour.
  2. Add the hot mixture to the pre-sifted henna (35–45 grams). Stir continuously while adding the mixture. The output should be a solution similar in consistency to icing sugar.

This composition is good to use for drawings that occupy a large area.

Adding lemon or lime juice makes the design more saturated.

Recipe for making a dark composition

To obtain a color close to black, you can mix henna with basma. In this case you will need:

  • Ingredients: henna and basma powder - 1 tbsp. spoon; lemon juice – ¼ cup; sugar - 1 teaspoon; a few drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Mix everything until the consistency of thick mashed potatoes.
  • Wrap the resulting mixture in plastic and keep in a warm place for 12 hours. It is very important to exclude air from entering.
  • Prepare a strong decoction of black tea (brew for at least an hour).
  • Mix the ripened mass with tea until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained, wrap again and let cool for 1 hour.

You should not use so-called black henna to obtain black color. This hair dye is chemical based and may cause skin irritation or chemical burns.

For several thousand years in India, henna designs have been an integral part of the bride's decoration.

How to apply the finished composition correctly

To apply the finished composition you can use:

  • tassels;
  • ear sticks or toothpicks;
  • medical syringe without needle;
  • syringe bags.

Using syringe bags is very convenient. These are small foil cones, reminiscent in their functionality of a miniature pastry bag. You can buy them together with henna in specialized stores.

Depending on the complexity and drawing skills, you can use a cosmetic pencil or stencil to draw the outline of the drawing. The drawing area can be pre-treated with eucalyptus oil. After applying the design, about two hours should pass before the paint is removed. This time is enough for the paint to absorb and dry.

Immediately after getting a tattoo, it is advisable to refrain from water treatments for two days.

Temporary henna tattoos (video)

How to properly stick a decal

It is very easy to use decals at home. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of decals. In specialized stores you can find transfer tattoos that, when glued, resemble real ones.

You can quickly and radically change your image with the help of transferable tattoos

In this way, you can apply an imitation of all kinds of jewelry (bracelets, rings, pendants, etc.) to the body. The beauty of such stickers is that you can get rid of the non-body design at any time.

These tattoos are also suitable for participating in themed parties. At the same time, it is far from necessary to limit yourself to one tattoo, and it will take little time to create an image. You can cut out pictures along the contour in advance and choose their location too.

  1. Cut out pictures along the outline.
  2. If there is a protective transparent layer, it will need to be removed.
  3. Attach the decal with the design facing down.
  4. Soak a paper towel in water and place it on the back of the cut out picture.
  5. Carefully peel off the paper layer.

Face painting is easy to do at home (video)

How to extend the life of a temporary tattoo

It should be noted that the lifespan of a tattoo on different parts of the body is not the same. Much will depend on how much the pattern comes into contact with the clothing.

Considering that a temporary tattoo on the body is not secured by anything, you need to learn a number of more rules:

  1. Do not allow the tattoo to come into contact with hot water or aggressive detergents.
  2. Do not scratch or rub the image, including with a washcloth.
  3. You should get your tattoo wet as little as possible.
  4. A shower is preferable to a bath.

A tattoo applied using henna is least susceptible to external influences. By choosing this method, you can be sure that fragments of the design will not be washed off or lose their attractiveness when exposed to external factors. And yet, before taking water procedures, it is better to apply any vegetable oil to the mehndi area. In this case, the rich color will delight you much longer. Under the influence of oil, henna penetrates deeper. For this reason, it is recommended to lubricate the mehendi area with oil during the first two to three days after application.

At the end of the water procedures, the place where the temporary tattoo was applied should be carefully blotted with a towel, or even better, let it dry on its own.

The desire to emphasize your individuality is completely justified. A temporary tattoo is a great way to attract attention and assert yourself. Having learned how to create a tattoo yourself, you can transform yourself beyond recognition at any time.

Before applying any tattoo, you should prepare your skin by doing the following:

  1. A hot shower using a scrub to remove dead epithelium.
  2. Next, choose a place for the tattoo, treat it with alcohol to degrease the skin. For a temporary tattoo, choose those parts of the body that are least in contact with clothing, for example, the neck, arms, legs, back.

Advice! The strong half of humanity should not neglect a soft scrub, a hard loofah and a pumice stone, otherwise the pattern will lie unevenly.

Temporary tattoo with cosmetic eyeliner

For such a tattoo, you will need a regular thick eyeliner that needs to be sharpened. A black or brown shade looks the most attractive, but no one forbids using brighter colors for a tattoo.

A pencil drawing can be applied to the skin of the face, neck, arms or ankles, in a word, where it will not be quickly erased. Before applying, take a pen and sketch out a sketch of the future tattoo on paper, then carefully transfer it to the skin.

After creating the design, gently blot it with a cotton pad, creating a shadow and removing excess pencil. The final touch is to spray the temporary pencil tattoo with hairspray to make it last longer. The tattoo is easily washed off with soap and running water and retains its good appearance for 12 hours.

Tattoo with a permanent marker using a stencil

A permanent marker and stencil allow you to create large and rather rough designs that are difficult to wash off with water. The technology is based on clear lines, for example, popular motifs are hearts, stars, birds. The tattoo is applied in this order:

1. Cut out a certain shape in paper, then secure the paper with soft tape or hold it with your hands.

2. Take a permanent marker and draw a template cut out of paper directly on the skin, let the ink dry for 10 minutes.

Advice! Before applying, use a little ink on your shoulder or skin to check if you are allergic.

What is temporary tattoo paper and how to use it?

Remember the decals that were in every pack of chewing gum? Today you can buy special paper for a temporary tattoo, but you apply the design for it yourself using a color or black and white printer:

  1. Select a picture and a color scheme for it. The more shades of ink your printer has, the brighter the tattoo will be.
  2. Match colors with your skin tone. For people with white skin, pastel colors are suitable, and for dark skin, a combination of red, blue, and olive shades is ideal.
  3. If a word is chosen as a picture, remember that when applied to the skin, the picture is mirrored. That is, the selected inscription on the paper for a temporary tattoo must be printed backwards.

After choosing a design, prepare the skin, print the picture, cut it out with scissors and stick it on the body. Press down the paper with your hand or a towel, trying not to move it; after 30 seconds, the paper is removed, and a pattern remains on the skin.

The cost of paper ranges from 13 to 15 dollars, but the kit includes 10 A4 sheets, which will last one person for at least 2 months.

A mixture for home bio tattooing from coffee, tea, juice and a small amount of henna

If you are tired of using henna, which takes a long time to fade from the skin and turns unsightly, then you can prepare an interesting natural mixture:

  • henna, it’s best to take green henna, about 40 g.
  • ground coffee 2 tbsp. l.
  • black tea loose leaf 2 tbsp. l.
  • lime juice for bright color.

The mixture is boiled to a thick caramel state, cooled and placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. While the mixture is cooling, prepare a stencil or apply a design to the skin using a water-soluble thin felt-tip pen. Next, wash your skin with soap; for a strong adhesion, you can spread it with a roll-on deodorant. The resulting glaze is applied to the skin with a brush or toothpick, leaving the glaze on the skin for 6 hours. Then it crumbles, the design remains and should be wiped with vegetable oil.

Glitter tattoos based on glue and paints last up to two weeks

A glitter tattoo is created in 10 minutes and requires the following components:

  • acrylic body adhesive that stays on the skin for up to 2 weeks. The cost of 50 ml of glue starts from 800 rubles;
  • tattoo stencils with adhesive backing. The approximate price of a stencil is about 15 rubles;
  • glitter that is applied to the glue. The price for 20 grams is about 30 rubles.

All components are enough to create more than 20-30 tattoos. Tattoos are applied very simply:

  1. Cleaning the skin with a scrub, degreasing with alcohol.
  2. Attaching the stencil, removing the protective film.
  3. Next, acrylic glue is applied to the skin along the stencil lines with a thin brush or spatula. After application, the stencil is removed, and after 1-2 minutes the glue acquires a pleasant pearlescent pink hue.
  4. When the glue becomes transparent, begin the important procedure of applying glitter. A cosmetic brush is used for this purpose. The shade of the glitter depends on the design, but the base color is usually chosen dark, it is rubbed into the glue, the excess is removed with a large brush.
  5. After applying the base, take a thin brush for drawing glue, which emphasizes the contours of the design. Brush over the glue layer with silver or gold glitter.

The tattoo stays on the skin for 2 to 3 weeks thanks to the water and abrasion resistant acrylic adhesive.

Advice! To decorate such a tattoo, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just sparkles! Buy a supply of decorative pebbles, the size of which corresponds to the size of the selected design. After a layer of glue, the pebbles are transferred to the skin with tweezers and remain on it for more than 1.5 weeks.

Airbrush - the optimal solution for home tattoos

An airbrush is a device that sprays body paint. The paint is applied through a stencil and washed off after 3-4 weeks. But with practice, you can earn money by making drawings for friends and clients. The procedure for a temporary tattoo using an airbrush is simple:

  1. Buy or cut out a stencil.
  2. Clean and degrease the skin, spray paint.
  3. Remove the stencil and again remove paint drips with alcohol, sprinkle the design with talcum powder and wait about 10-20 minutes for drying.

The airbrush recreates the complete illusion of a real tattoo, and you can change the designs at least every month. The only downside of the device is its fairly high price, because a high-quality device has a price tag above 5 thousand rubles.

As you can see, you don’t have to limit yourself to one drawing for the rest of your life. Modern technologies and interesting ideas allow you to create chic tattoos with the help of talent and available materials!

How to make a temporary tattoo without henna - video

Tattoos are a great way to show your individuality, but... you don’t always want to leave such a masterpiece on your body for life. The solution can be quite a compromise - get a temporary tattoo at home. The advantages of this type of decoration are obvious - it is fashionable and very original. In addition, a temporary tattoo is applied to the skin absolutely in a safe way: using airbrush, henna, rhinestones or a transfer stencil.

You can get a temporary tattoo at home painlessly, without spending a lot of time and resources. A temporary design can be applied in preparation for a “permanent” tattoo, choosing the most suitable location, size, tattoo design, etc.

In addition, if you are good at drawing, you can try to show your imagination and make a temporary tattoo for yourself at home, using available means at hand. Yes, very original drawings are created on a sheet of parchment paper with a regular gel pen. Next, such a picture is transferred to the skin, where it can last from one to several days.

However, temporary tattoos also have their disadvantages:

  • the drawing may turn out to be unsuccessful and quickly get boring;
  • a poorly applied tattoo “blurs” from exposure to moisture and sunlight;
  • Tattooing is contraindicated for people with allergies and skin diseases.

There are several ways to apply tattoos at home, allowing you to create designs of different quality, color and style, for a period of time from 1 day to several weeks.

The most popular of them:

Henna designs;

Transferable tattoos;

Airbrush on skin


Crystal tattoos;

Glitter tattoos or shimmering tattoos.

These simple but very original ways to decorate the body can perform not only an aesthetic function. For example, you can get a temporary tattoo if you want to hide some imperfection in your skin. Even a transfer tattoo can be applied so professionally that the result will be simply stunning. Let's take a closer look at each type of tattoo and try to determine which method of application is considered the best.

How to make a temporary tattoo at home?

As mentioned above, temporary tattoos can be applied in different ways: henna, without henna, using parchment paper, special glue, rhinestones and airbrush.

1. Henna or mehndi tattoo. Intricate sacred patterns on the body began to be drawn back in Ancient India, and they have retained their original relevance to this day. Finely ground natural Iranian henna is suitable for this safe and somewhat pleasant procedure. Apply it to cleansed, dry skin using a thin brush..

You can also use tracing paper or a stencil. The pattern has a chic fiery red or burgundy color that does not fade after contact with water. Mehndi lasts for about three weeks, which makes it easy to change your images and create a new mood for yourself.

2. Transfer tattoos. This method can be called frivolous or even childish. However, it is transferable tattoos that have become the most affordable way to decorate the body for some special occasion. In addition, a high-quality translation will last on the body for about 7 days. Transferring a drawing from paper to skin is very simple - just select a suitable area on the body, apply the transfer and press firmly with a damp cloth for 30 seconds. It is best to keep this area away from clothing, especially during the drying period.

3. Airbrush. This method of applying temporary tattoos involves the use of a special device - an airbrush. In appearance, the device resembles a gun filled with hypoallergenic waterproof paint. Airbrushing is very reminiscent of body art, the designs are extremely original and unusual, but they don’t last long. With proper care, you will enjoy airbrushing on your body for 7 days. You can remove a tattoo using medical alcohol.

4. Glitter tattoo is a very impressive temporary tattoo that applied to the body for up to 2 weeks. Glitter tattoos can be done with single-color or multi-colored inks with a fluorescent effect. Before this, a hypoallergenic adhesive base is applied to the body, which helps the paint stay on the skin longer.

5. Crystal tattoos- This is the decoration of the body with rhinestones or compositions of them. Neat shimmering stones can be an excellent addition to a biotattoo or airbrush in any style.

Video tutorials: how to make a temporary tattoo at home?

Today, all kinds of tattoos are very popular. However, not everyone is ready to decorate their body for the rest of their lives. An excellent alternative in this case would be a temporary tattoo, for example, for the summer, which you can easily do yourself, right at home.

In addition, some people use this method when they want to check whether a particular design suits them. After all, if you are dissatisfied with your work, you can delete it at any time.

What types of temporary tattoos are there?

Temporary tattoos vary depending on the type of ink used and the method of application.

Today the following types of such jewelry are the most popular:

In this article we will tell you how to make a temporary henna tattoo that will last you for several weeks or even months.

How to prepare the solution for application?

First of all, you should prepare henna to create a design. You need to start preparing a day in advance.

Follow our instructions carefully:

How to prepare for the procedure?

First, you need to decide on the area of ​​skin on which you will apply the image. If this is not your first time getting a temporary henna tattoo, try choosing a different part of the body. Experts do not recommend decorating the same place more than once every 2-3 months.

At least a day before applying the design, avoid visiting the solarium, and also try not to expose your skin to direct sunlight.

  • wash your skin thoroughly with a hard washcloth and soap;
  • wipe it with a cotton swab generously soaked in alcohol;
  • All hair must be completely removed from the area of ​​skin on which the image is to be applied.

How to make a temporary tattoo at home?

When you have prepared the paste for application and have decided on the area of ​​the body where you will paint, you can proceed directly to creating the jewelry. Such a temporary tattoo will remain with you for a period of one week to 3 months.

Mix the pre-prepared solution again and begin drawing the outline.

To do this, you will need a special tool, which you can make yourself from foil or polyethylene, according to the following scheme:

Using the resulting tool, you can easily draw the outline of the future image by carefully squeezing the tape. At the same time, a little paste will come out of the tip of the cone.

Having drawn the outline, we slowly draw patterns on it. In this case, you need to very carefully and slowly squeeze the tip of the tool we made. To draw the smallest lines, a thin brush will help you, which you need to dip in henna paste as often as possible.