Yana Laputina: “I am the Russian wife of a Georgian man. How to marry a Georgian

May 23rd, 2017 , 11:01 am

User alzoter asked a reasonable question - why don’t Georgian and Armenian women marry Russian men, while Russian women take great pleasure in marrying Caucasians or simply having affairs with them?

Actually an interesting question. Let's try to reason a little. With Caucasian Muslim women, everything is clear and understandable - Dagestani women, Chechens and Ingush women, if they marry a Russian, will simply be expelled from their tribe and, if they are lucky, will peacefully disappear from their native republic. Although Fatima Ivanovs, no, no, are already found in the vastness of Rus'!

It’s a little more difficult with Armenian and Georgian women. Technically, a Russian can, without loss to himself, seduce an Armenian or Georgian madmazel and have a sexual shurum-burum with her until marriage.

One of my friends, for example, specializes only in Armenian women, almost exclusively uses them, constantly and inconsistently. He likes the Armenian mentality, the constant struggle in relationships between a man and a woman. He squeals because the rebellious Armenian woman constantly needs to be mentally pressured and physically grabbed by the throat (so that she stops showing off and showing her teeth). But this is foreign to me. Plus, I really don’t like Armenian women for their crooked-nosed appearance.

Georgian women are much more beautiful than Armenian women, but they are still not very accessible to Russian men due to geography and material wealth. Nowadays, in the midnight pubs of Tbilisi you can find and try to hook up with Georgian girls smoking strong cigarettes and singing English-language hits at karaoke. However, these young creatures are still more focused on the Western public: guests from the USA and other Europe/Turkey. I introduced myself as a visitor from Ireland and I was lucky. :) Outside of tourist Tbilisi, where the harsh Caucasian traditions of bygone times still linger, Georgians are still gloomy and inaccessible to strangers.

In general, to be honest, this is a difficult question. I tried to answer it briefly and came to the conclusion that the difference is in mentality.

Georgian girls are distinguished by their incredible beauty and bright appearance. Georgia is a country rapidly developing in a European manner, but the local population still honors and observes the traditions of their ancestors. How do Georgians live today and how are they noticeably different from women of other nationalities?

Georgian families

For many centuries in Georgia, women were raised to be like men. Even today, complete patriarchy reigns in the vast majority of Georgian families. The wife is lucky if her husband is the eldest child. According to the customs of this country, younger sons must live with their parents even after marriage. At the same time, their wives completely and unquestioningly obey not only their husbands, but also their mother-in-law, who in this situation plays the role of “senior housewife”. All this sounds too unusual for a European person, doesn’t it? Historically, the solution to all everyday issues lies on the fragile shoulders of women. In mountain villages today, every family has a large farm. At the same time, the function of a man is to work and provide for his family. Real Georgians do not help their spouses around the house. A woman should be not only an excellent housewife, but also an excellent housekeeper.

Raising Georgians

All women in Georgia, without exception, are wonderful housewives. Many families in modern cities choose the European lifestyle. But even in this case, it is a real shame for a mother if her daughter does not know how to cook national dishes and take care of the house. Today, all girls in Georgia receive secondary education. City residents often graduate from college. Particular attention is paid to raising children at home. Georgian girls are distinguished by pride, high morality, incredible love for their homeland and their own family. Georgians are highly respected in this country. They often look soft and resigned, but at the same time, most of them are distinguished by incredible strength of spirit and have a steely character.

Etiquette of Georgian women

In Georgia, it is not customary to look strangers in the eyes, especially men. This behavior is considered defiant. Many Georgian girls have been able to look “through people” since childhood; this is the look that is considered acceptable and acceptable. During a conversation in this country, it is customary to keep a distance of at least a meter. Only close relatives or good friends can get closer to each other. Separately, it is worth noting the norms of everyday clothing. The traditional color for Georgians is black. Most often, women wear skirts below the knees. They also choose sweaters and blouses in dark shades. Accordingly, accessories are selected to match.

Beauty in Georgian style

What do very beautiful girls look like in Georgia? Georgian women are naturally beautiful. Thick dark hair, dark skin and expressive eyes. Among the representatives of this nationality it is simply impossible to find a clearly unattractive person. Many Georgian women value their hair and grow long braids. Short haircuts are not popular among local women. Georgian women are naturally slender and have very feminine figures. However, in adulthood, many women begin to gain extra pounds. Most often, the reason for this is a passion for national cuisine combined with a slower metabolism. To correct their figure, beautiful Georgian girls choose diets, but sports activities in this country are considered an unwomanly thing. Many Georgian women enjoy wearing costume jewelry and jewelry. Residents of many provinces of Georgia use cosmetics only on major holidays. The situation is completely different in big cities. Here women wear makeup every day, black eyeliner is very popular. All Georgians, without exception, are partial to perfumes.

Female Georgian names

Many Georgians, even today, take very seriously what to name their newborn child. National ones in Georgia are often borrowed from ancient legends and traditions. In this country, it is important not only how musical a personal address to a person sounds. Georgians believe that a name can influence a person’s character and destiny. Jamaliya ("beauty"), Mariam ("decisive"), Mzevinar ("sun"), Tinatin ("glimmer of the sun"), Teona ("thought of God"), Aliko ("all-knowing") - this is what the girls are called in this country for many generations. However, it is worth noting that old names are not very popular with young people. And often abbreviations used in everyday life are invented from full and complex names. Many “modern” parents in Georgia name their daughters the same as Europeans or Russians. Diana, Christina, Ekaterina, Marina, Maya, Natalie, Nellie, Polina, Sofia are modern Georgian girl names. Most Georgians are Christians. Many families choose biblical names for their babies.

Relationships with men and wedding traditions

Most Georgian girls get married at a young age. In some regions of the country, an ancient custom involving bride kidnapping is still common. And yet, most marriages in this country are concluded by mutual consent and agreement between the newlyweds. Young Georgian girls should be modest and chaste. Young Georgians are advised to behave in such a way that none of their neighbors can even think of anything bad. A wedding in Georgia is a special event. They prepare for the celebration for some time; all relatives and friends are invited to it. Even in large cities, many ancient customs are observed today. A wedding in Georgia is a very colorful and interesting event with traditional dances and songs, beautiful toasts and an atmosphere of general fun.

Features of life in cities and villages

Modern Georgia is a country of contrasts. Small villages and hamlets live the same way as they did decades ago. But large cities are not much different from European megacities. The upbringing of Georgian girls largely depends on how strict the father is in the family. In most villages, even when swimming in ponds, you must wear clothes. At the same time, fashion boutiques, cafes and nightclubs are open in the cities. Many representatives of modern youth dress the way they want and look quite extravagant. But, of course, such behavior is unacceptable in rural areas. The actions and appearance of Georgian girls in the provinces have been discussed for years. Mistakes are unacceptable, because even today, for most young Georgians, the priority goal is a successful marriage. This means that the local population tries to take care of their own reputation from their youth.

The legendary Queen Tamara is the ideal image of a Georgian woman

Many creative people looked for inspiration in the landscapes of Georgia and the beauty of local women. The main muse and the real Georgian is Queen Tamara. This woman went down in history thanks to her wisdom and great achievements. The queen built cities, made significant government decisions, and in her free time from political affairs she was personally involved in raising children and doing handicrafts. If you believe the words of famous poets, Tamara was incredibly beautiful and feminine. She was often called simply “perfection.” Many modern very beautiful girls in Georgia strive to develop their character and dream of becoming at least remotely like the great Queen Tamara.

Gamarjoba! Please do not take the text below as the ultimate truth and treat this post with humor, but there is a certain amount of truth in my words! So, why should you never go to ?

    • You'll get fat

The fact that I gained 3 kg in a month and a half in Georgia is not Georgia’s fault, but my lack of willpower, but a similar effect in the form of additional kilograms is observed not only in me.

Georgia has very tasty food. Juicy, fresh, and most importantly - fatty! Khachapuri with margarine, cheeses, khinkali, lavash and huge cakes will tempt even the most strong-willed person at every turn.

Impossible to resist!

    • You'll start drinking

There is a cult of wine in Georgia. Literally in every village and in every house you will be treated to chacha and homemade wine. When I first got to Georgia, I had not drunk alcohol in any form for a long time, but three days later I drank my first glass of wine when I found myself in Georgia.

Behind him was the second, third and fourth. We were given wine as a greeting in the apartments we rented, they poured chacha for the meeting with the words that chacha was good for digestion.

Over time, I developed the habit of carrying a bottle of pomegranate or apple juice with me so that I could add a soft drink to a glass under the table without offending the Georgians. At the same time, she poured the wine into the bushes. Ugly, but what can you do?

You order a glass of wine at a restaurant, and you get a whole decanter!
  • You will eat animals

Even if you are a convinced vegetarian, you won’t get far in Georgia with such a lifestyle. You either need to sit at home and not communicate with anyone, or be prepared for the fact that they will feed you delicious kebab, slip you khinkali with meat, or treat you to fried chicken.

Of course, in Georgia you can eat vegetables, fruits and side dishes, but the basis of Georgian cuisine is meat dishes and in order to experience Georgia, you will have to eat them!))

Offtop. I get asked from time to time about vegetarianism, so I’ll answer here. During my first trip to Georgia in 2013, I still somehow held on, but this year I let go of the situation and ate whatever I wanted. Over the past couple of years, my perception of this world has changed, and any extreme no longer fits into the concept of normality.

Long-term communication in Asia with vegans, people who practice dry fasting, home-grown yogis and lovers of celibacy in order to conserve energy made it possible to become convinced that happiness is not in what you eat and whether you do specific exercises, but in not throwing yourself into extremes, turning into a fanatic of teachings often imposed from outside.

The main thing is to listen to yourself, your body and do what is comfortable for you personally. My path is running (not yoga) and delicious food (including Brunswick sausage and chicken with cheese). Thus, although I rarely eat meat.

If it is more pleasant for someone to starve, eat plant roots, engage in philosophy and conserve sexual energy - this is your right, just do not judge others, lest you be judged.

  • You will start talking to strangers on the street

My first trip to Georgia
  • You will fall in love with a Georgian and your heart will break!

I am writing this point for girls. If you can take the previous lines as a joke, then I ask you to take what is written below seriously.

Don't fall in love with Georgians! Georgian men are handsome, passionate, sexy. They may pay you compliments, give you flowers and give you generous courtship. Unfortunately, as practice shows, most beautiful words remain words and deeds that are not supported in any way.

Georgians light up very quickly and burn out just as quickly, so do not rush to sell off your property and move to a Georgian village to live with your newly found loved one. Look at actions, not words. The concept of marital fidelity among Georgian men is also very vague.

I made similar conclusions based on personal experience, as well as experience in communicating with dozens of people. She asked her questions about relationships, about affairs with foreigners and about marital fidelity to Georgian men, Georgian women and girls who had relationships with Georgians.

Based on people’s responses, I formed the following rule for myself: “You can have a holiday romance with a Georgian without deep feelings for fun if you really want to, but it’s better not to have a serious relationship.”

Of course, dividing someone based on nationality and looking at a group of people from the bell tower of one’s own stereotypes is an imprudent matter. Everyone has their own unique qualities, everyone has gone their own way, which has nothing to do with the country in which a person was born, however, the environment, upbringing and example of other people have a certain influence on the formation of personality, which is why there is such a thing as mentality.

I’m used to writing on my blog only the truth and my personal opinion, don’t blame me if you didn’t like it. With my last point I don't want to offend anyone. I have Georgian friends whom I sincerely love with all my heart. These are wonderful, sympathetic, kind people who treat guests of their country with respect, but if we talk about the love between a Georgian man and a woman from another country, then a number of questions already arise.

About my new friend and dentistry in Georgia

How a Georgian scammed me out of $2000

I will be sincerely glad if, in the comments to this post, you want to shatter my skeptical attitude and give examples from life in which you or your friends have developed long-term relationships with Georgians, or simply share your knowledge and thoughts on this matter.

Flights to Georgia

If after all this you still decide to fly to Georgia, you can compare ticket prices in the sign. Here are the lowest prices for tickets Moscow Tbilisi Moscow (round trip) by month. You can select your city in the search terms, adjust the number of days and buy tickets online at the lowest price.

See you in Georgia! Sincerely,

8 reasons why you shouldn’t go on holiday to Georgia or fall in love with Georgians!

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    Absolutely all Slavic girls who have visited Georgia (blondes in particular) will confirm that Georgian men, to put it mildly, “breathe unevenly” towards us. They always give us a big discount “for beautiful eyes”; they look at us the way a thirsty person looks at ice water. I've always wondered why we get so much attention. With every look the horseman directed at me, I was surprised, “Are they really missing their women?!” Having recently visited the homeland of khachapuri and khinkali, and taking advantage of the moment, I found brave souls who explained to me why they were not satisfied with Georgians, writes Yulia Dryn in The People.

    Sandro Nemsadze, 27 years old (was married to a Russian woman for 3 years)

    We met my Russian wife in Turkey (I worked there, and she came to visit her boyfriend). If we call everything by its proper name, then I stole her from my friend (that’s how they are, Slavs - for their sake you can lose your head and sacrifice a friend). After dating for a couple of months, we got married in Georgia. I still remember how she called her parents in Russia and said: “Mom, I married a Georgian.” Unfortunately, we only lived together for three years, but I consider her a very good girl, friend, wife (and I will always be jealous of her). And in the future (if fate has another marriage in store for me), I would really like a Slavic wife again. Believe me, it is better to live a year with a Slavic woman than five with a Georgian woman. +

    Since childhood, my grandmother said that I would have a Russian wife. Slavic women, unlike our girls, have always attracted attention with their alluring appearance. Just recently I met a Georgian woman at an event. She looked great and was open in communication (I was even surprised that I met such a well-groomed and uncomplicated Georgian). A week later he asked her out on a date and... regretted it. She came unkempt, as if she was not getting ready for a date, but to go to the garden. Georgian girls don’t know how to be sexy, to attract a guy, they don’t even try to attract a man. +

    Most Georgian women are very complex, but at the same time they are very demanding, and they give nothing in return (they always want flowers, gifts, restaurants, attention and take everything for granted). The only advantage of Georgian wives is that they are easy to live with (they never ask their husbands to wash the dishes and clean the house, because from childhood they are taught to do it all on their own). +

    Vakhtang, 30 years old (married to a Ukrainian woman for 5 years)

    I met my wife at a friend's wedding. Fun, dancing, toasts... After the wedding, we started texting, then dating. Slowly everything was approaching the wedding again, only this time it was ours. We often laugh that it all started with a wedding and ended with a wedding. +

    I was specifically looking for a Slavic wife. In principle, I have nothing against Georgian women - Georgians always put family first, many are even ready to turn a blind eye to their husband’s infidelity in order to save the family, and our men, unfortunately, take advantage of this. But a Slavic woman wants to be the only one for her husband and does everything to be so. Changed it - be prepared to see a suitcase with things at the door the next morning. Believe me, men married to Slavic women will never even think about cheating on her, and if they do, he’s just an idiot. +

    Georgiy, 22 years old (married to a Ukrainian woman for 2 years)

    I met my Ukrainian wife on vacation. To be honest, at the time we met, I was very drunk. But even in a drunken state, he realized that he was lost. The very next day I forgot about my friends and spent time exclusively with her. Six months later we got married. +

    I am grateful to fate that it was a Ukrainian woman who won my heart. Some will say that appearance is not the main thing. But you must admit, loving a person who you like not only mentally, but also externally is twice as pleasant. +

    Let's ignore the appearance (there is no need for unnecessary words here - the Slavs undoubtedly win). Georgian women are materialists, the Russian phrase “with a sweetheart is heaven and in a hut” is not about our women. But the Slavic people live by the soul, they are ready to live in this hut for the sake of feelings. Now someone will say that I’m wrong, because many Ukrainian women won’t even look at a guy without a car and a penthouse. There are exceptions everywhere, I will answer. +

    I would also like to add - if a Slavic girl cannot get married in her homeland, let her come to Georgia, there are potential suitors for her like a tangerine on a tree. He will still turn his nose and choose. +

    In short, having a Slavic wife is as prestigious in our country as driving a Bentley to a luxury restaurant. Such men hold their noses high and consider themselves lucky, and everyone secretly envy them. +

    Yana Laputina is a TV presenter, beauty expert, writer and ideal wife. Her husband Otari Gogiberidze is not only an accomplished plastic surgeon, but also a caring man.

    - Yana, your case with Otari is a vivid example of an office romance. How did you meet?

    Yana:“My life was quite bright and chaotic. I have always put my career first. Of course, there were some hobbies, but the novels were so imperfect and fleeting that I stopped believing in a fairy tale with a happy ending.

    Experts constantly come to our “Time with Yana Laputina” program, and Otari turned out to be one of them. When he entered the dressing room, my eyes fell on him.”

    Otari:“And when I came to the program, I paid attention to Yana; at that moment she was getting her hair and makeup done in the dressing room. She gave me a rather cold look. I began to appear on the program more and more often.”

    Yana:“I knew that Otari was married, so I didn’t accept advances. Unfree men are taboo for me.”

    Otari:“Due to my line of work, I often see beautiful women. But what I saw in Yana is not in any of them. I immediately realized that this would develop into something serious.”

    Yana:“Otari began to look after beautifully. He left bouquets of flowers on my car and made sure that until I discovered them, no one took the flowers before me.”

    Otari:“There was no response from Yana.”

    Yana:“On my birthday, in the morning, Otari came to congratulate me and, casually, showed me my passport, where there was a stamp about the divorce, which he received that same morning. But it didn’t change my attitude towards him much.”

    Otari:“Then I turned on heavy defense! (laughs) There are more bouquets, and surprises more often.”

    Yana:“Otar was the first man who made me believe that happiness can come from family.

    At first, Otari earned me respect as a professional, which is important for me. I was also impressed by his ambition, his rather impudent gloss and that bit of cynicism that adds charm. And later I was captivated by how skillfully he looked after me.”

    Otari:“On the way to work in the morning, I called my florist and discussed what the bouquet should be. Then the messengers looked for Yana in the city. Besides that, I really enjoyed arranging surprises.”

    Yana:“This siege lasted about a year. We still talked a lot, often saw each other in the studio. But somehow we never met on “neutral territory.” Finally, I asked myself: “Otari Teimurazovich, why don’t you invite me for a cup of coffee?” He smiled and said that he was ready to put aside all his affairs in order to meet me in any restaurant in this city and at any time of the day or night.”

    - Who came up with the idea of ​​a wedding?

    Yana Laputina, Otari Gogiberidze

    Otari:“Somehow both at once. The option of “just living together” is not for us.”

    - Is it easy to be the wife of a Georgian?

    Yana:“During our married life, both the press and those around me have long attributed me to Georgian women, so much so did I join this ardent Georgian family.

    I would like to remind you: I am a Russian wife of a Georgian man. And nothing else. Although I absolutely love Georgia and everything connected with it. Extraordinarily friendly and hospitable people live there.

    - Is it easy for two bright personalities to live together?

    Yana:“When you yourself are an ambitious person, and when you live next to an ambitious and bright person who sets some serious goals for himself and achieves them, they admire him, they are proud of him, then it is very important to present something of yourself so as not to feel like some kind of appendage.”

    - Is there room for jealousy in your home?

    Yana:“Every healthy person has jealousy in one way or another, and sometimes I feel its stings. But if I find out that my husband is having an affair with a patient, I will understand that I made the wrong choice, because it will be too vulgar and tasteless.