Lesson on speech development. Abstract (node) on speech development using elements of triz technology. senior group. Problems in integrable areas

Organization: MA Preschool Educational Institution Kozlovsky Central Regional Development Center – kindergarten “Bee”

Locality: Chuvash Republic, Kozlovka

Program content:

1. Teach children to distinguish words with a certain sound by ear.

2. Practice changing words using suffixes.

3. Strengthen children’s ability to use generalization words in speech.

4. Strengthen the ability to solve riddles.

5. Summarize and consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals.

6. Foster love and respect for nature.

Material: soft toys (bunny, hedgehog, squirrel), pictures of wild animals (squirrel, fox, hedgehog, bear, wolf, hare).

Preliminary work: Examination of the album “Wild Animals”, didactic games “Who lives where?”, What grows where? Conversations about the seasons. Reading fiction about animals.

Progress of direct educational activities:


Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet: “Good morning!”

Good morning to the sun and birds

Good morning to smiling faces!

Educator: Guys, look, they sent us a letter, and what is written in it! Let's read it!

“Hello girls and boys of the middle group “Forget-me-nots”, kindergarten “Pchelka”! We are forest dwellers: birds and animals, we invite you to meet us and play different games! We will be very glad to meet you!”

Guys, so what? Do we accept the invitation of our forest friends?

(children's answers)

Educator. Then all the guys get into the carriages and set off on our journey.

We boarded the locomotive together
And they looked out the window.
The driver pressed the pedal.
Our locomotive has run!

(Children with a teacher sing the song “Steam Locomotive”)

Our locomotive is small,
Our locomotive is not easy.
The wheels don't rattle in it,
It consists of guys.
We go, we go, one after another,
We're going through the forest, we're going through the meadow.
Stop along the way, go for a walk!

Educator: Guys, well, we’ve arrived in the forest, look at the stumps, let’s sit down and rest. Children, look who's moving in the bushes? Yes, it's a hedgehog.

Hedgehog: Good morning, children! Do you like riddles? And do you even know who lives in the forest? Let's check.

Didactic game “I’ll guess - guess”

Red-haired cheat

Hid under the tree.

The cunning one is waiting for the hare.

What is her name?..


Red-fiery lump,

With a tail like a parachute,

Jumps quickly through the trees,

He was there...

Now it's here.

He's as fast as an arrow.

So this is...


Lying between the trees

Pillow with needles.

She lay quietly

Then suddenly she ran away.

Clubfoot and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves pine cones, loves honey,

Well, who will name it?


The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark.


Gray, scary and toothy

Caused a commotion.

All the animals ran away.

Scared the animals...


Hedgehog: Well done! You know a lot! Go further, many more interesting tasks await you.

They walk along the path.

Educator: Look, here comes the squirrel.

Squirrel: Hello guys! So we met!

Children: Hello, squirrel!

Squirrel: Let's play! I will name the words, and you must say what they are called in one word.

Didactic game: “Name everything in one word”

Squirrel: butterfly, ladybug, ant, dragonfly

Children: insects;

Squirrel: birch, spruce, maple, pine,

Children: trees;

Squirrel: woodpecker, owl, magpie, sparrow

Children: birds;

Squirrel: strawberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries

Children: berries;

Squirrel: chamomile, bell, rose, cornflower

Children: flowers;

Squirrel: fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog

Children: animals

Squirrel: Well done! Now play a game with me "Small big"

Squirrel: A hedgehog has small paws, but a bear has big ones

Children: paws.

Squirrel: A hedgehog has a small nose, but a bear has a big one

Children: conk.

Squirrel: A hedgehog has small eyes, but a bear has big ones

Children: eyes.

Educator: Thank you, squirrel, for the games, but it’s time for us to move on!

Squirrel: I'm glad we played and became friends! Now go further and you will meet a bunny! Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, let's follow each other. This is how we walk

We raise our legs,

Look at us all.

The sun is shining

The breeze plays

We're walking through the woods

“Top, top – more fun!

Don’t feel sorry for your legs!”

Look, some stumps, let's sit down and relax.

And who is that peeking out from behind the bush? Yes, it's a bunny! Hello, bunny!

Bunny: Hello guys!

Educator: Why are you hiding?

Bunny: I'm afraid.

Educator: Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you. We came to play with you.

Bunny: And then let's play a game with my magic snowball, and it's magic because it never melts. The game is called “Name it kindly.” I will call you a word and throw a magic snowball, and in return you call the word affectionately and throw a snowball at me!

Didactic game "Name it affectionately"

Fox - little fox , wolf - wolf cub , bear - little bear ,
squirrel - little squirrel , hedgehog - hedgehog , hare - bunny , elk - elk calf.

Bunny: Well done! I enjoyed playing with you so much, come visit me again. Bon Voyage!

Educator: Guys! You are probably tired. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. You turn around twice and everyone is in the group.

Educator: Well, guys, we are back in kindergarten. Tell me, where did we go?

(children's answers)

Educator: Who did we meet in the forest?

(children's answers)

Educator: Did you enjoy the walk? What will you tell your parents about at home?

List of used literature:

  1. Adzhi A.V. Notes of integrated classes in the middle group of kindergarten. Familiarization with fiction. Speech development. Literacy training: A practical guide for preschool teachers. - Voronezh: TC “Teacher”, 2006.
  2. Development of speech and creativity in preschool children: Games, exercises, lesson notes. Ed. Ushakova O.S.-M: Sphere shopping center, 2005.
  1. Ushakova, O.S. Theory and practice of preschooler speech development: Developing speech. -M: Sphere shopping center, 2008.

By groups:

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All sections | Speech development classes. Lesson notes, GCD

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Journey to the Land of the Snow Queen” Subject: "Journey to the Land of the Snow Queen" Software content: 1. To consolidate and systematize ideas about winter changes in nature and natural phenomena characteristic of winter. 2. Strengthen the skill of composing expanded story using a mnemonic table....

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Lesson notes on speech development

This section with notes will allow attentive parents and teachers of preschool institutions to choose interesting and exciting forms for classes with preschool children on speech development. For children, the element of play is very important in any exercise - with it it is much easier and easier for them to learn new material, and the notes given pay a lot of attention to the play component. “In the fairy-tale forest at Grandfather Au’s”, “Cockerel is a golden comb”, “Visiting the gnomes” and other scenarios will help to evoke positive emotions in children from playing fairy tales and with fairy-tale characters, and will develop their imagination and logical thinking. In addition, the scenarios presented help develop group communication as well as a sense of empathy.

Some of the materials are accompanied not only by detailed and clear descriptions, but also by colorful illustrations. Funny riddles and poems, songs and bright materials will help make activities with children not only useful, but also exciting. The activity “We are looking for a Blot” will help you choose words with the same root, introduce children to the concept of a stressed syllable, engage them in word puzzles, and also help in composing words from syllables.

Everyone in this section will find a scenario suitable for themselves: you can choose an option depending on your favorite children's heroes or on the assigned tasks. In any case, this section will be a good addition to the collection of educational activities with children.

Open educational activity on speech development in the first junior group of the preschool educational institution “Let’s help the cat”

Program content:
1. Teach children to recognize and name a pet.
2. To develop the ability to highlight the characteristic features of a fluffy tail, soft fur, keen eyes, etc.
3. Develop the ability to imitate the actions of animals and imitate their sounds.
4. Develop attention and memory.
5. Cultivate goodwill and responsiveness, interest in Russian folklore.
To promote the development of the ability, on one’s own initiative or at the suggestion of an adult, to talk about the appearance of a cat. Stimulate initiative requests in joint actions and games. Encourage children to act according to the words of the text.
To form in children basic ideas about a cat, its appearance, its behavioral characteristics and habits.
1. cat toy
2. basket
3. pictures of kittens (A4 format)
Methodical techniques:
1. surprise moment,
2. artistic word,
3. looking at a cat toy,
4. questions for children,
5. physical education minute,
6.looking at pictures.
Previous work:
1.reading the nursery rhyme “Like our cat”
2.d/i “Pets”
3.observing a cat on a walk.
Vocabulary work:
1. soft
2. fluffy
3. keen eyes
Before class, the teacher places a basket with a cat in the locker room.
Educator: Guys, guests came to us today to see how you can play. Let's say hello to them.
Children: Hello!
Educator: Now let's say hello to each other.

Let's stand side by side in a circle,
Let's say "Hello" to each other.
We are not too lazy to say hello:
Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!"
If everyone smiles -
Good morning begins!

An audio recording of a kitten meowing sounds.
Educator: Can't you hear anything? What is this strange sound? Where is he from? Maybe under the table? Or in a toy box? It seems to me that this strange sound is behind the door.
Who meowed at the door
Open quickly
Very cold sometimes
The cat asks to go home

The teacher brings in the basket and begins to examine the contents of the basket with the children.
Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us? Let's say hello to the cat.
Children say hello
Educator: Guys, our guest is very cold, because it’s cold outside. Let's help the kitty warm up.

Finger gymnastics
Let's play a little
Let's clap our hands.
We warm our fingers
We squeeze them, we expand them.

You guys are so kind, well done. Come on over to the mat, let's meet the cat. The cat told me in my ear that her name is Murka. Sofia, what is the cat’s name (children’s individual answers).
Educator: Guys, look how beautiful Murka is. She has soft fur and a fluffy tail. Pet her. Where are the cat’s ears, and where are yours? Where are Murka’s eyes? The cat has sharp eyes, she can see with them even at night. Look how small the cat's paws are, with claws in them. The cat scratches with its claws and catches mice.
Like our cat
The fur coat is very good!
Like a cat's mustache
Amazingly beautiful
Bold eyes, white teeth!

(rhyme from the book)

Educator: Guys, let's play with Murka!

Physical education minute
The cat has eyes, (Children blink their eyes)
The cat has ears, (Children show ears)
The cat has paws - (Children show hands)
Soft pillows.
Cat, cat, don’t be angry, (Grandfathers shake their fingers)
Don't scratch the kids - fight! (They stomp their feet).

Educator: Oh, guys, Murka is feeling sad. I think she's hungry. What do you think a cat likes to eat?
Children: Milk.
Educator: Make a saucer out of your palms.
Pussy came to the kids
She asked for milk.
She asked for milk
“Meow,” she said
Meow meow meow.

Educator: Guys, tell me how Murka asked for milk (Meow-meow) Arseny, how did Murka ask for milk?
Kitty ate
Kitty ate
Sang a song:
"Pur - pur - pur"

Educator: Varya, tell me what song the kitty sang (the teacher interviews several children). Guys, let's sing a song together.
Educator: Guys, you warmed Murka, fed her and played with her. Murka is very tired and wants to sleep. Let's put her in the basket and pet her.
Moore - mur - mur -
The cat purrs, -
Pet her a little!
From warmth and affection
She will close her eyes!

Educator: Well done, Murka fell asleep.
Educator: While our cat is sleeping, let's see what kittens like to do. Kittens lap up milk, wash themselves, play, sleep.
Educator: You are so great, I think Murka really liked you. Did you like her? Do you want to leave her in our group? Let Murka stay with us. And because you are so kind and affectionate, I will treat you to cookies.

Summary of GCD for speech development(preparatory group)

Subject: "Gold autumn!"Prepared by teacher: Turchina Nadezhda Ivanovna


Systematize children’s knowledge about autumn and autumn phenomena;

Activate the dictionary on this topic.

Strengthen the ability to compose sentences from pictures, and from them a short story.

Continue teaching children to answer questions in complete sentences.

Strengthen the ability to coordinate movements with speech. -Strengthen the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.
-Develop fine motor skills of fingers

Equipment: sound strips (SAS), red chips, plot pictures, pictures from the “Autumn” series, ball, slides.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, we have guests today. Let's hold hands and greet each other and those who are visiting us.
- On this autumn day
We are not too lazy to say hello.
We send greetings to everyone around us,
I am your friend and you are my friend!
We send greetings to all guests
You are very, very welcome!

Look how many different leaves there are in our clearing. What is the name of the natural phenomenon when many leaves fall from the trees? (Children: leaf fall. What time of year does this happen? - autumn.)

Educator : So today we will talk about……autumn. Select one leaf each.

Educator . Those with green leaves will be the first to go to their seats. The second ones are those with red leaves. Now children with yellow leaves. And finally with orange leaves.

Children complete the teacher’s assignment and take turns sitting at the table.

Educator: Well done. You completed my task. Place your papers on the table. Tell us what they are like “What are the autumn leaves?”

Children. Autumn leaves multi-colored, carved, smooth, cool, fragrant.

You know that different trees grow in the forest. Do you know what leaves are on different trees?

D/I “Name the leaves” (slides)

On birch - birch, on maple - maple, on rowan - rowan, on oak - oak, on aspen - aspen, on poplar - poplar,

On linden - linden, on chestnut - chestnut Educator . Well done. So. We will continue talking about autumn.

Name the autumn months (children: September, October, November)

What were the autumn months called in the old days? Who knows?

Nobody? Then listen!.....

1. September – fieldfare. Why do you think it was called the fieldfare? (because rowan appears at this time).

Educator: Children. Let's look at our paintings about autumn.

Question answer.

What is the sun like in autumn? (In autumn the sun shines, but does not warm) - What can you say about the rain? (It often rains in autumn) - What is the sky like in autumn? (cloudy sky) - What do people do in the fall? (People are harvesting) - What happens to the leaves in the fall? (The leaves on the trees turned yellow and began to fall) - What can you say about people’s clothes? (People began to dress warmer as it got colder) - What do animals do in the fall? (The animals are storing food for the winter (the squirrels are storing mushrooms and pine cones, the bear is preparing for hibernation); - Tell us about the birds. What do they do in the fall? (The birds gather in flocks and fly south) Well done. Now you need to write a story about autumn, based on pictures. But first, let's rest.

Fizminutka " Autumn leaves»

We, autumn leaves,

We sat on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew.

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

The wind came again

And I picked up all the leaves

Twisted them, twisted them

And dropped to the ground

Educator: take a seatCompiling a descriptive story based on pictures “Autumn”

Children make up a story, 2-3 children retell it.

Educator: Autumn is playful here.

Development of facial muscles(with an element of psycho-gymnastics)

The leaves have fallen. We were upset, surprised, angry The teacher smiled: Now you will need to determine where the sound [O] is located, at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end. To do this, we use a strip with chips.. I will name the words, and if the sound “O” is at the beginning of the word, you place the counter on the first square. If in the middle, go to the second square. And if at the end of a word, then on the third. For example (a child at the blackboard completes the task) THE SEA. Where should we place the chip? (to the second square, since “O” is in the middle of the word)
And so, attention!

D/I “Identify the sound in the word”
- Donkey,
- rose, - perch - juice
Now let's check, no one made a mistake?
Well done! Everyone did it!
Educator: Now let's play with words

D/i “Say the opposite”Sunny - cloudy
Windy - windless
Wet - dry
Joyful - sad
Cold - warm
Late - early
Bright - dim
Low - high
Full - hungry
Rare - frequent
Ripe - unripe
Beginning - end
Spring - autumn
Long - short Quiet - loud

D/i “What does it do”

Leaves in autumn (what do they do?) - Leaves turn yellow in autumn, fall off, etc.

Rain in autumn - Rain in autumn drizzles, falls, etc.

Harvest in autumn - Harvest is harvested in autumn.

Birds in autumn - Birds fly away in autumn.

Trees in autumn - Trees shed leaves in autumn.

Animals in autumn - Animals in autumn prepare for winter, change their coats

Bottom line. Educator:You were all great today, you did a good job. But I want you to evaluate your work yourself. Those who worked very well in class will raise an emoticon with a smile. If you were experiencing difficulties somewhere, or were in doubt somewhere, you will raise a smiley face without a smile. And who did not work at full strength, but will definitely try next time, an emoticon with a sad expression.

Masha, why did you choose this emoticon? And you, Katya, why (children explain their choice)

Abstract (NOD) on speech development "Pets. Journey to the village" (senior preschool age)

Topic: "Pets. Journey to the village"(senior preschool age)
Tikhonenko Natalia Alexandrovna. teacher of MADOU "Katyusha" Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Labytnangi
Description of work: This material will be useful primarily to educators, as well as parents and students. Preschool age is unique, because as a child is formed, so will his life, which is why it is important not to miss this period to reveal the creative potential of each child, and the speech development of preschool children is improved: between methods and techniques in organizing direct educational activities and active activities children.
1. Learn to form new words; learn to invent and retell a story consistently, emotionally, logically; teach how to distribute sentences by introducing definitions; achieve intonation expressiveness of speech.
2. Show children what benefits pets bring to a person and how he takes care of them; come up with a fantastic pet using the TRIZ method; develop the ability to highlight the main, essential, separating everything necessary; develop critical thinking, prove your point of view; to train children in the ability to restore a holistic image from a separate part, to develop creative imagination; improve dialogue skills and phrase formation.
3. Foster hard work and respect for working people; create goodwill in communication; cultivate love for loved ones and care for them; interest children and evoke an emotional response in them.
Vocabulary work: work on the words “toil”, “hardworking”,
“necessary”, “useful”.
Individual work: work on expressiveness of speech.
Equipment: Photos of grandparents; illustration “Village”; pictures depicting domestic animals and their babies: illustration “Farm”; games; “The pictures are mixed up”, “What kind of animal”, “How animals help people”, “Wonderful things”; scheme for teaching talking about animals; mystery; sheet; felt-tip pen.
Preliminary work: Examination of the painting “Village”; compiling a descriptive story using TRIZA elements.
Follow up work: Inventing stories using a diagram about other pets, children sketching a wonderful pet, inventing other wonderful things using the game “Wonderful Things” (TRIZ).
Progress of the lesson
I. Organizational moment.
Sketch "Friendship"
1.Psychological attitude
Educator: Isn’t it true, guys, today is a good day?
Children: Yes
Educator: Then let's hold hands, shake them lightly, look affectionately into each other's eyes, smile. Is it really good?
Children: Yes
Educator: What are you guys like?
Children: Kind, cheerful, affectionate...
Educator: Would you guys like to speak beautifully and correctly?
Children: Yes
Educator: What do we do to learn to speak beautifully and correctly? (gymnastics, tongue twisters, tongue twisters).
2. Articulation gymnastics. Fairy tale “Visiting Grandma and Grandpa”
(pronouncing vowel sounds).
Tongue twister “Who wants to talk”
(Children pronounce the tongue twister with different voice strengths: they start in a whisper, end in a loud voice)
Educator: So how should we talk?
Children: Correctly and clearly (according to the words of the tongue twister text).
II. New topic.
Educator: And now, I suggest you go on a trip.
Do you agree? Then let's go! But the road ahead is long. First we’ll fly by plane (start the engines, pronouncing the sound v-v-v), then we’ll sail on a boat (pronounce the sound l-l-l), and now we’ll go by train (ch-ch-ch). Here we are. (Children and the teacher perform the movements)
Children sit on chairs. The teacher puts the picture “Village” in front of them.
Educator: Where did we end up?
Children: to the village (village...)

Educator: How did you guess that this was a village?
Children: (Children's answers)
Educator: And you and I, where do we live?
Children: We live in the city of Labytnangi.
Educator: What is the difference between a city and a village?
Children: The size, structure of houses...
Educator: Where is it better to relax in the city or the village? Why?
Children: The village has clean and fresh air...
Educator: Who lives in the village?
Children: Grandparents live in the village.
Educator: Yes, our friends grandfather Vanya and grandmother Tanya live here. Why are they not visible on the street?
Children: Grandfather and grandmother work.
Educator: Grandfather and grandmother work hard themselves and teach the children to work. What do you call people who work hard?
Children: Hardworking people.
Educator: What do you think grandfather and grandmother do?
Children: growing vegetables in the garden,
Children: Grow vegetables in the garden, take care of pets.
Educator: Let's think about what tools will be useful for grandparents to work in the garden. And this encrypted picture will help us with this.
Game for developing imagination “The pictures are mixed up”

(children find, name and circle the found object, name its meaning)
III. Consolidation.
Educator: Let's remember what proverbs and sayings about work do you know?
Children: (name proverbs and sayings about work).
Educator: Do you guys like to work?
Children: Yes
Educator: Now, guys, let's imagine that our carpet in the group is not a carpet, it is not a lawn, but a village clearing.
(Children move to the carpet and sit on it).
Educator: What grows in the clearing?
Children: Grass, flowers...
Educator: What kind of grass?
Children: Green, soft, fluffy, silky, thick...
Educator: Who lives on the grass?
Children: Insects - butterflies, beetles, insects, grasshoppers...
Educator: Let us now turn into little green grasshoppers and frolic in the clearing.
Physical exercise “Grasshoppers”
Educator: Grandfather Vanya and grandmother Tanya have many loyal friends in the village. They take care of them, and these friends are not in debt. Do you want to know what kind of friends these are?
Children: Yes
Educator: Then listen carefully.
(listening to a tape recording - the voices of pets)
Educator: What were you listening to now?
Children: Animal voices - cows, goats, etc.
Educator: How can we name all these animals?
Children: Pets.
Educator: What other pets do you know?
Children: cats, dogs...
Educator: Why do you guys think people need pets?
Children: Pets bring benefits to people...
Educator: But now we will find out what benefits pets bring. Let's play the game "Benefit"
Game "Benefit"
(on one side there are pictures depicting domestic animals, and on the other – pictures showing the benefits they bring to humans. Children need to select the necessary pictures and explain their choice)
Educator: Who is the most attentive of you - who noticed the odd one out?
Children: The extra one was a bear, since he lives in the forest. He is a wild beast.
Educator: Guys, what animal do you think grandfather and grandmother say about – “nurse, our mother”?
Children: That's what they say about a cow.
Educator: Why do they call a cow that?
Children: Because it gives milk, and milk is used to make cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, ice cream, cheese...
Educator: Let's please grandparents and tell them about their favorite cow. And in order not to miss anything during the story, a diagram will help us - a hint.
Writing a story about a cow using a diagram
Educator: Well done, you came up with a good story. They told everything and forgot nothing. I think my grandparents were very pleased to listen. Then we will tell stories about other pets according to our scheme and send them by letter to grandparents.
Guys, do you know that my grandparents are already old and it’s hard for them to care for so many animals, because it’s still hard and difficult work. How can we help them?
Children: We can give them a fantastic pet. (TRIZ technology)
Educator: Well done, guys, and you and I even have a ready-made wonderful animal, remember, we came up with it last time when we were going to visit our grandparents. Let's remember and tell our grandparents why this animal is wonderful.
Collective storytelling about the characteristics of a wonderful animal

Children: The head is a cat's. The cat has whiskers and sensitive ears, so it will not stumble in the dark and will be good at catching mice. The body is like that of a pig - fat and plump; the body will be covered with thick wool, like a sheep’s, so that the grandmother knits warm things from the wool; he will have a tail like a dog’s, so that it will wag it and be kind and cheerful; the legs will be like those of a horse so that it can run fast. This animal will also have an udder to produce milk. And also horns like a goat to protect yourself from enemies.
Game “Good - Bad” (TRIZ technology)
(a game to develop creative imagination and logic)
Educator: What is good about this animal? What's wrong with an unusual animal?
Children: (Children's answers)
IV. Summary of the lesson.
Educator: What do you guys think, did we give you a good gift for your grandparents? Yes, now they will probably have more time for rest and for you and me. After all, the long-awaited summer will come, and we will go to visit them in the village.
Did you like the villages?
And now it's time to say goodbye. I'll tell you one secret goodbye, would you like it? Today for our afternoon snack, Mother Cow has prepared delicious yogurt.
Let's thank grandparents and their pets for this interesting trip.
Let's head back.
Who remembers how we got here?
(Articulation exercises with the pronunciation of consonant sounds - l, h, v).