Parent meeting "How to help your child with his studies?" Parent meeting “How to help your child learn Monitoring homework completion”

Parent meeting on the topic


Objectives of the meeting:

  1. Discuss the causes of learning difficulties encountered by a primary school student and determine how they can be prevented and overcome.
  2. Teach parents how to develop in their children the habit of strictly completing homework.

Participants : class teacher, parents, school psychologist.

Form of conduct: informational conversation.

Organization of parent meetings:

  • preparing invitations for parents;
  • the teacher’s study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of the meeting;
  • invitation of a school psychologist;
  • organizing a book exhibition to help parents;
  • preparation of leaflets with advice for parents.

If a child succeeds in school, he has every chance of success in life.

W. Glasser


I. Opening speech by the class teacher

Dear parents! Studying at school is one of the most important, most difficult and responsible moments in the lives of children. IzmeThe child’s whole life is taken into account: everything is subordinated to studies, school, school affairs and worries. And each of you wants your children to be independent and successful in their main activity - studying.

In the dictionary of the Russian language SI. Ozhegov, the word “success” is considered in three meanings: as luck in achieving something, as public recognition and as good results in work, study and other types of socially useful activities.

Teachers, psychologists and parents strive to do everything possible to ensure that the education of younger schoolchildren is successful, so that each child achieves the highest possible results in his educational activities.

From the axiom: “Any pedagogical influence is successful if it takes into account the needs of the child.”

Let's look at the most important of these needs.

  1. The student wants to acquire new knowledge at school. "
  2. The student strives for self-affirmation and recognition from adults.
  3. As children grow older, they begin to understand that school prepares them for adult life. And that they will be better able to solve the problems that society will set for them, the more thorough knowledge they acquire now.

Do we always take into account these needs of children in our educational work? But we must remember that “every pedagogical intervention will be successful only if it takes into account the needs of children.”

Should I help my child study? Of course yes. Let's try to use the following when working with a child.

II. Speech by a school psychologist.

Your child is learning something. The overall result will consist of several partial results. Let's name four of them.

  1. The most obvious is the knowledge he will gain or the skill he will master.
  2. The less obvious result is the training of the general ability to learn, that is, to teach oneself.
  3. The result is an emotional trace from the activity: satisfaction or disappointment, confidence or lack of confidence in one’s abilities.
  4. The result is a trace of your relationship with him, if you took part in the classes. Here the result can be either positive (we were satisfied with each other) or negative (the piggy bank of mutual dissatisfaction was replenished).

Remember. Parents face the danger of focusing only on the first result (learned? Learned?). Never forget about the other three. They are much more important.

For a child of primary school age, the attitude of adults towards him is very important. In many ways, the opinion of parents and teachers is determined by the child’s self-esteem, creates a sense of self-confidence, and affects the level of anxiety. Therefore, your support, interest and attention to his affairs and problems are so important to the child.

How often do we think about why learning is not associated with the joy of learning, does not arouse interest and does not serve the development of abilities? Do we remember, in pursuit of good grades, that studying through force, at the strict demands of an adult, inhibits the development of a child’s creative abilities? We ask him every day what he received today. We praise him and approve of him precisely for his good grades and are not at all interested in what the child has learned new, what he has learned, what is especially interesting to him. No one remembers the joy of knowledge!

We, adults, must take into account the child’s individuality, his characteristics and capabilities, know his typical pace of work, and observe his growth and development. Think: maybe you need to reconsider your attitude towards his studies, the organization of his homework, the nature and content of your assessment of his educational success?

Let me remind you of another feature of a junior schoolchild: he must perform any work “with success.” Therefore, it is so important to maintain even the most insignificant results, especially if the student has shown independence, patience, and perseverance.

III. Message from the class teacher.

"How to help your child study well"

All parents dream of their children studying well. But some parents believe that once they send their child to school, they can breathe a sigh of relief: now all problems related to learning should be solved by the school. Of course, the school does not abandon its responsibilities. This is a matter not only of the school, but also of the parents. We, teachers, explain working techniques to children, but how the child has learned these techniques, how he uses them and whether he uses them at all, remains outside the teacher’s field of vision. And parents have every opportunity to control their child. They can provide the help that a teacher cannot provide.

In this case, cooperation between parents and teachers and coordination of their actions is of particular importance.

It is at the initial stage of education that parents should provide maximum care for their child. Their task is to teach how to study correctly. Therefore, the question “How to help a child study well?” I bring it to the parent meeting.

The efforts of family and school in solving this problem are united.Help
children must be efficient, literate and must walk in three

  • organization of the daily routine; , .
  • control over homework completion;
  • teaching children to be independent.

1. Organization of the daily routine.

Organizing a daily routine allows a child to:

Easier to cope with study load;

Protects the nervous system from overwork, i.e. improves health. Poor health is a cause of academic failure.

Therefore, teach your children to follow a daily routine; rational nutrition; Ensure that your child does morning exercises in the morning; I did sports; spent at least 3.5 hours in the fresh air.

Exact schedule of classes- this is the basis of any work.It is necessary to include in the daily routine the daily household chores (buying bread, washing dishes, taking out the garbage, etc.). There may be few of them, but children need to fulfill their duties constantly. A child accustomed to such duties will not have to be reminded to put away his things, wash the dishes, etc.

It is absolutely necessary that daily reading of books be included in the daily routine.Preferably at the same time.

A student who reads well develops faster, faster

masters competent writing skills and copes with problem solving more easily.

It’s good if you ask to retell what the child read (a story, a fairy tale). At the same time, adults will be able to correct speech errors and incorrectly pronounced words. In this way, children will learn to express their thoughts.

An important issue in organizing the daily routine- This is a leisure activity.It is important not to leave the child unattended, but to give him the opportunity to do what he loves in his free time from school.

Particular attention should be paid to spending time in the fresh air (up to 3.5 hours a day), because children have a great need for movement. In a group - 1.5-2 hours. At home - 1.5-2 hours.

It is necessary to properly organize your sleep. Daytime nap - 1 hour. (If the child does not sleep or is overexcited, let him lie down and listen to a fairy tale.)

You need to go to bed at 21:00. Good, restful sleep is the basis of health.

Make sure your child doesn't get overstimulated after dinner.I didn’t watch “scary movies” or play noisy games. All this will affect the child’s sleep and well-being. It's good to take a walk before bed for 30-40 minutes.

If the child is sleeping, make sure that the TV and radio are not loud. Turn off the lights, speak more quietly. Often parents follow their children’s lead and put up with the child’s whims: children take part in feasts and go to bed late. It is unacceptable. This is where you need to be firm.

You must remember that you now have a student and not disturb him. Often parents do not notice that they are disturbing their children: they talk loudly, turn on the TV. Sometimes parents do their children's homework. In this case, morality suffers. Children get used to lies and hypocrisy.

You should not forget that, due to their age, schoolchildren are difficult to switch from one type of work to another. For example, a child sits down to draw, and the parents send him to the store. You need to give time to switch. Otherwise, internal reluctance may be accompanied by rudeness. Remember: any unreasonable switching from one type of work to another can develop a bad habit: not finishing the job.

Control must be systematic,and not from case to case and not limited to questions: what marks? did you complete your homework?

After an affirmative answer, parents go about their business without supervising their children.

Some parents do not control their children at all, explaining this by lack of time or busyness. As a result, children do not learn the material, work is done carelessly, dirty, gaps begin to accumulate, which can lead to the child’s intellectual passivity. He does not understand the teacher’s questions or his comrades’ answers. He becomes uninterested in the lesson, he does not try to work mentally, and the reluctance to strain mentally develops into a habit, that is, intellectual passivity develops. What leads the child to reluctance to learn. Therefore, assistance to children should be provided in a timely manner. Otherwise, gaps in knowledge will accumulate, and then it will be simply impossible to eliminate them. Therefore, control must be constant, every day, especially in elementary school.

As much demands on children as possible and as much respect as possible. Control should be unobtrusive and tactful.

At first, the little student needs your help, to remind him of his lessons, and even, perhaps, to sit next to him while he does them. These first school steps are extremely important: perhaps his entire school life depends on them.

It is very important to control not the final product of their work, but the process itself, i.e. it is important not just to control the result of the work, but to control how the child performed this work, to help overcome difficulties in work!

Well, if you were interested:what the child studied at school today; how he understood the material; how can he explain, prove the actions that he performed.

When working with children, it is important not to train them in individual skills, but to teach them to think independently, analyze, prove, turning to you for advice and help.

Control is the organization of assistance to eliminate any gaps or difficulties.

It is typical for younger schoolchildren that they do something first and then think. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to plan upcoming work.

For example, when solving a problem, you need to:

“Explain what each number means, repeat the question in the problem; think about whether it is possible to answer the question of the task; if not, then why;

“make a plan for solving the problem;

c check the solution;

“Write the solution in your notebook.

When performing an exercise in the Russian language, you must:

* repeat the rules;

A very important point is to develop the habit of

strict completion of homework:

  • whatever the weather;
  • no matter what TV shows are on;
  • no matter whose birthday it is.

Lessons must be done, and done well.Excuses for not completing lessonsit can not be. ForDeveloping this habit requires parents to respect learning as an important and serious matter.

It is very important that the child sits down for lessons at the same hour.

Special studies have shown that fixed study time causes a state of predisposition to mental work, that is, it develops installation.

With this attitude, the child does not need to overcome himself, and thus; The painful period of getting involved in work is reduced to zero. If there is no regular practice time, then this setup may not work. develop, and the idea will be formed that preparing lessons is not obligatory, a secondary matter.

The location where the work is performed is also important. It must be permanent. No one should disturb the student. It is also very important to study collectedly, at a good pace, without being distracted by extraneous matters.

Children have two reasons for distraction.

The first reason is the game. The child is drawn into the game without even noticing. The reason may be an abandoned toy.

The second reason is business. Looking for a pencil, pen, textbook. The more distractions, the more time is spent on homework. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a clear order: ruler, pencil, pen - on the left; textbook notebook diary - on the right.

Younger schoolchildren have a habit of doing work half-heartedly. It seems that he is not distracted, but his thoughts flow lazily, constantly interrupted, returning back.

The pace of work is very important. Those who work quickly work well. Therefore, the child needs to be limited in time (set the clock).

If you are sitting next to your child at first, you should encourage him: “Take your time, baby. Look how good the letter turned out. Well, try one more time to make it even better.” This, of course, will help him in difficult work, and even just make it more fun. If you get irritated, if every blot makes you angry, the child will hate these joint activities. So be patient and don't be nervous. But if the child completed the task very poorly, then he needs to redo it on a piece of paper and put it in the notebook, not for evaluation, but so that the teacher can see that the child tried and respect his work. One of the main tasks of "sitting" next to your son or daughter is to ensure that they are not distracted in any way duringworking hours. And this can be achieved even from the most disorganized child if the mother or father sitting next to him politely and calmly returns him to work.

The hardest thing for our children to learn is writing skills. Here you can be reassured that in our age, calligraphic writing is not the most important thing and that if your child speaks, then, in the end, let him write not so beautifully, and there is no need to torment him for it. It is important to teach him to write cleanly, keeping the margins, and always without any blots.

Again, for educational reasons: a person must do everything beautifully, absolutely everything. Help your child with this with a kind word and your presence. And you will not regret the time spent: it will bear fruit.

The question arises: when should you leave your child alone with his lessons? This should be done as early as possible, but not abruptly, but gradually. Prolonging the process of this “sitting” is also harmful. Such children who do their homework only with one of the adults will never be able to complete the task assigned to them.

With reasonable help and a control system, children learn to do their homework at the same time and gradually learn to manage time independently.

When checking homework, do not rush to point out mistakes; let the child find them himself; do not give a ready-made answer to their questions. When doing homework, there is no need to replace the student at work; Children stop thinking and wait for hints. Children are very cunning in this and find ways to “make” them work for themselves.

Teach children to identify a learning task, that is, the child must clearly understand what skills and knowledge he must master in order to be able to complete this or that task. By each time highlighting a learning task using the example of material that has just been learned, we help the child learn to see it himself both in the new material and in the material that is yet to be mastered. Therefore, when providing help to a student, adults should not forget that the main thing is not to overcome this or that difficulty that has arisen today, but to show, using the example of each particular case, how to generally overcome difficulties in learning, and teach children to become more and more independent.

IV. Summarizing

Drawing up rules that should be followed when communicating with a child.

1. Do not interfere in the child’s business if he does not ask for help. By your non-interference you will tell him: “You’re okay! Of course you can handle it!”

2. If it’s difficult for a child, and he is ready to accept your help, be sure to help him. Wherein:

  • take upon yourself only what he cannot do himself, and leave the rest to do himself;
  • As your child masters new actions, gradually pass them on to him.

3. Think out loud in front of your child, analyze, reason. Think with your child together, plan, discuss. Solve life situations. Teaching your own child to think is the main responsibility of a parent!

V, Meeting decision

  1. Use the information received in your work with your child.
  2. Use various popular developmental literature to organize activities with children (to develop memory, thinking, attention, observation, imagination, etc.).

Parent meeting “How to help your child with his studies”

Target: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents on the issue of helping their child learn; integration of the efforts of the family and teachers in activities to develop the child’s personality.

Progress of the meeting

I. Organizing time

II. Speech by the class teacher

Slide 1

Hello dear moms and dads! We are glad to see you in this room at the parent meeting. And I would like to start it with the question: “What does every parent want?” The answer is easy. We want the child not to get sick, to treat us with respect, to help around the house and with housework, and to study well. We ask ourselves - how to achieve all this? Humanity has been looking for an answer to this question for a long time. And we, parents, began to look for him as soon as our own “suns, bunnies and sweethearts” were born. And today we will try to help each other solve certain problems that we cannot cope with ourselves. Namely, we will talk about: “How to help a child with his studies?”

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Children these days have to absorb a lot of information. This happens day after day and piles up like a snowball. Each of us is familiar with the expression: “Learning is light.” And I would also like to add that teaching is good, it makes a person wiser, kinder, richer both spiritually and materially (which is important in our time). However, I agree with V.A. Sukhomlinsky, who argued that “due to the fact that teaching in our society has become not only publicly accessible, but also mandatory, in the eyes of many young people it has ceased to be a good thing.” Moreover, for many children it is not only burdensome, but also a punishment, and doing homework is torture.

How to make learning desirable and attractive, how to help a child with his studies?

There is a category of parents who are careless about how their child does homework. Usually, homework control ends with elementary school. We often hear phrases like this: “Why check it? He’s an adult now, let him think for himself,” “Now there’s a different program, I don’t understand anything about it.” It’s good if the child can cope on his own, but what if not?

Psychologists have long proven that children’s responsible approach to homework contributes not only to learning, but also to the development of skills that are essential not only in school, but also in life: organization, readiness to solve problems, attention, memory, ability to formulate challenge, perseverance and discipline.

No matter how old a child is, he needs parental help. But how can working, always busy parents help? The simplest excuse about your own ignorance of the material is not a reason to avoid helping your child. It is not at all necessary to master the theory of the material that your child is studying; you do not have to solve problems and do exercises for him. The main thing you can do for him is to support him morally and create the necessary conditions. In a word, do not withdraw yourself in the process of raising and educating your child.

Slide 3.

Students completing homework is an obligatory part of their studies. The absolute duty of parents is to establish the process of preparing homework.

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A child should feel a sense of responsibility for what he does, because it is the key to success in school and life.

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Cultivating a sense of responsibility is inseparable from the ability to complete the work started.

One more point is important. “First of all, the student must be seen as a person, and not as a repository of knowledge that must be acquired, assimilated, and assimilated. Knowledge only becomes a blessing when it is born from the fusion of the inner spiritual forces of a person and the world that is being known... The mission of the educator is to reveal to children the incomprehensible, to awaken the desire to know,” I think that these words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky should be addressed not only to teachers, but also to parents.

Therefore, if your child cannot cope with the school curriculum and does not do his homework, do not immediately label him a quitter and do not exclaim in a panic: “I don’t know what to do with him.” First, try to understand the reasons that led to this situation.

Slide 6.

These may include the following:

Objective difficulties, lack of understanding of a specific topic. In more frequent cases, the child’s attention is distracted by extraneous things, hence the inattention when acquiring new knowledge and the inability to reproduce it.

The desire to attract the attention of adults. In families where parents, in their everyday haste, do not give their children basic human warmth, this is the only way to attract attention.

Spoiled: Excessive care can lead to dictatorship on the part of the child.

Fear of failure, which prevents a child from concentrating. A similar situation arises if parents punish a child for failure. It may also happen that the child will associate punishment with learning, as a result of which his general educational knowledge will be insufficient.

The active presence of parents in children's lives gives a sense of security and self-confidence. Such children are sociable, resourceful, and able to understand various social situations.

If parents are overly demanding and do not give the child independence, then the children lose faith in themselves, they develop uncertainty, which leads to difficulties in relationships with others and to difficulties in their studies.

When parents are not at all interested in the life of their child, voluntarily or unwittingly avoid communicating with him, the child may fall under the influence of the first “authorities” that come across, which will lead to conflicts at school, misunderstanding at home, a decrease in academic performance and the disappearance of interest in learning.

We can conclude that the school, of course, bears responsibility for raising children, but still the main educational environment is the family: the child’s behavior and, of course, the desire to learn depend on the relationship between parents and children. Having found out the causes of the problem, you need to look for solutions.

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Situation one: the child is desperate because he cannot solve the problem. At the same time, it answers your questions about its content with difficulty or does not answer at all.

Slide 8.

Situation two: the day before, the child studied history for a long time and persistently, but the strict teacher demanded not only the reproduction of the content of the paragraph, but also asked a number of questions about it. The result is a “three”. The child declares that he will not study the subject again because it is “useless.”

Slide 9.

Situation three: they came home from work and found the child in tears. After talking with your child, you understand that he does not know how to write an essay: where to start, how to choose the main thing. But the biggest difficulty is that the child is absolutely sure that he will never succeed. In addition, his friends have been waiting for him for a long time to play football in the yard, because he is a key figure - the goalkeeper.

Tips for Solving Problems

Slide 10.

There is no pill that can cure all diseases at once. The same goes for the education process. But there are no hopeless situations. What to do if it is extremely difficult to force your child to study? It is necessary to find such motivation that the child would want to complete the proposed work, so that not only the result, but also the process of doing the work itself would be pleasant for the child. Encourage your child for homework done well, praise him, and be happy about his results associated with a positive mark. Form a culture of mental work in your child, ask what additional literature can be used to complete homework well. Consult with subject teachers if you see that your child is having difficulty preparing homework.

Slide 11.


You never think for yourself. You always count on someone to think for you.

You didn't do your homework properly because you're lazy

Slide 12.


I got it. This is very unpleasant, but don't be upset. Next time you will be so prepared that you will not need any hints.

Slide 13.

set any conditions. This teaches the child to study only for the sake of something.

Studying for fear of being punished leads to the child developing an aversion to learning and school

Slide 14

NOTE TO PARENTS: The child needs to be interested in studying

Repeat unobtrusively:

“You get knowledge for yourself”

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During the learning process, a child should be strengthened in the idea that his mental abilities are not limited

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Encourage your child to think when he is doing homework, this stimulates mental activity and develops interest in certain knowledge

Slide 17

PRAISE YOUR CHILD Show him that he is capable of much and you believe in his strength

Eliminate insults from your communication with your child.

Slide 18

Parents know their child best and are more likely to come to the rescue if he or she has problems in school.

Parents must constantly improve their knowledge about their child.

This is the key to success!

There is no single rule for everyone and for all occasions. Each child is unique, and so is our relationship with him. The philosopher Rousseau said: “Let the children do what they want, but they should want what the teacher wants.” If we want our children not to have problems with their academic performance and not to develop a reluctance to learn, then not only teachers, but also parents must constantly improve their knowledge about their child. This is the key to success. They know their child better than anyone and are more likely to come to the rescue if he or she has problems in school. Only the parents themselves, having analyzed the current situation in detail, will be able to understand what caused the reluctance to learn.

Dear moms and dads! Let's turn boring homework into exciting homework. What is difficult is what is not understood. Explain to him everything he doesn’t understand. Teach him to use dictionaries, reference books, and encyclopedias. If we are in doubt about what to do, it is better not to rush. Let's consult with the child. Someone said that adults are very tired children. Mom’s great desire is to get some sleep and be in silence. And psychologists say that twenty minutes of solitude is enough. So, dear mothers, we won’t find twenty minutes. Let’s find and get back to raising and training our “suns, bunnies and sweethearts.”

Slide 19

Thank you for participating in the meeting.

Decision of the parent meeting.

1. Parents should spend more time with their children and, together with them, develop a program of action to solve problems that arise.

2. Maintain constant cooperation between parents, children and teachers. The file will be here:

Parent meeting

How parents can help their child study well, 1st grade
Children with different levels of preparation came to the 1st grade; each child has his own pace of development, his own level of knowledge acquisition, and different cognitive activity.

Success in learning is determined by the student’s hard work, desire to learn, his abilities, relationships in the family, in the team, etc. But the most important thing is to take into account the child’s health status, the characteristics of his higher nervous activity, and the individual characteristics of his performance.

In every class there are fidgets and mumblers, some need to explain everything in detail, others like to figure it out on their own, one reaches out even if he doesn’t know, another knows but is silent, some have a quick response rate, others are slow to get involved in the work, and switch it is very difficult for them to take on a new type of activity.

The main question that concerns all parents: How to help your child study well?

Maintaining a daily routine helps the child cope with the educational load, promotes health, protects his nervous system from overwork.

When planning a child's school work and other household responsibilities, it is important for parents to keep in mind that a certain time should be allocated for everything. Of course, sometimes you have to ask your child to help with something. But you can’t do this all the time, regardless of what the child is doing now. (for example, a child sits down to his homework - he is sent urgently to the store; reads a book - he is asked to play with his younger brother).

Depending on the type of nervous system of the child, this switching may occur faster or slower. Children with a mobile type of nervous system switch more easily from one activity to another, while slow ones experience difficulties. Young schoolchildren in Vistula, due to their age characteristics, do not know how to quickly switch from one thing to another. In order to quit one activity that he has set his mind on and start another, the child has to overcome the natural internal desire to insist on his own and not fulfill the requests of his parents. The result is general discontent, quarrel, and rudeness.

Quite often, individual students (4 people without last names) come to school late for the first lesson, undress, and hastily prepare for a lesson that has already begun. Although the child must be at school 10-15 minutes before class.

Another group of students in 1-2 lessons yawn sweetly, are lethargic, get tired quickly, do not get involved in work on demand, need to repeat a task or question 2-3 times, they ignore everything, make a lot of mistakes, miss letters. During recess, one boy came up and asked: “Yu.L., did you watch the movie yesterday?” I am speechless as this movie ended around 24.00 and the content is far from being for children. Believe me, such cases exist in our class.

Many parents put off homework until late in the evening. The optimal period is from 15.00 to 16.00 hours. If a child does homework at 18.00-19.00 or even later, then such work is ineffective and very tiring, since this is a time of sharp decline in performance. So the poor child sits with his mother, copying from draft to clean copy with new mistakes.

You need to start preparing lessons with the less difficult ones (the period of practice), then move on to the most difficult ones.

Parents should control the execution of tasks.

First of all, it is important to check the very fact of performing the task. and then review the correctness of its implementation. If you notice an error, do not rush to point it out. Children need to be taught self-control. Offer to re-read, recalculate and find the error yourself.

Unfortunately, some parents start drafts. The child is forced to rewrite the homework several times. This will not teach children to be neat and self-controlled. You need to do the homework straight away, but first sort everything out with the child and set him up for serious, attentive work. After this, you should leave him alone, not forgetting to limit him in time: I will come in 15 minutes, and you must write down the entire text beautifully, accurately, correctly!

I urge you to remove erasers, strokes, and pens that come with erasers from children (1 person). Having such a pen, the child does not try to be attentive, does not try to write without mistakes, because he knows that he can always use the eraser and write again. By doing so, you yourself teach children to be careless and careless: why should he try when he always has an eraser at hand? I teach children to carefully cross out the wrong letter or number with a pencil and write the correct one on top (but never write the correct answer over the wrong one - it turns out dirty).

Sometimes children tend to come home from school and immediately sit down to their lessons. Some parents encourage this desire. In children, such a desire is caused by their inability to switch from one type of activity to another. The correct daily routine requires that after school the child rest, take a walk, sleep, and only after that sit down for homework.

Not all children develop in the same way; some do not master educational material well. This will be overcome with time. But some parents, showing great impatience, sit for hours with the child, literally hammering the lesson into his head. Getting irritated, they begin to shout at the child, calling him stupid or other words. As a result, things get even worse; the child begins to hate learning and school, as the culprit of his failures.

The other extreme is when parents do not check the child’s performance of homework at all, they do not even try to motivate him to be attentive, accurate, and serious. As a result, the homework of these children (3-4 people) was completed worse than in the classroom, although conditions at home are better, no one is rushing or distracting.

I do not encourage you to delve into the educational material that we are studying. To many of you, this knowledge seems unnecessary and incomprehensible. But I repeat once again: if you don’t understand something, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen. In this case, talk to your child, tell him that you don’t know something, and let him try to explain to you how he understands. Let him complete the task on his own, but prove that he is right. You should not impose your opinion on the child (for example, a girl says: “Mom said that the sound th is a vowel.” When we once again analyzed the work of the speech apparatus when pronouncing this sound, the child still repeats: And mom says that it is a vowel) . With such statements you undermine the authority of the teacher, try to find something wrong in my words, and confuse the child.

Often the completion of a medical examination takes several hours. One boy says: “Yesterday I did sex work all evening.” Other children are surprised: “Why? Everything was easy!”

First of all, this happens because some children have not yet formed independent work skills. Even in class, you can see how some students are unable to concentrate on completing a task: they are distracted by any noise, conversation, question, or sounds outside the window. These children make a lot of mistakes, miss letters, make a lot of corrections, and do not keep up with the rest of the class. It is unacceptable for the TV to be on or the tape recorder to play while the exercise is being performed. It is advisable to leave the child alone in the room, put his toys away, do not enter the room until he finishes work, limit the time, take breaks after 30 minutes of work, since the maximum duration of work for a primary school student is 30 minutes, and for some students even more less than 10-15 minutes.

I would like to note here the children who are taught to work independently, carefully, concentratedly, quickly, without additional questions or explanations (Zherebtsov M., Karpova V., Kurmangaleeva A., Panasenko N., Raskevich V., Sukhova S., Kildusheva V.) . Another group of children are able to work without errors, but have time to talk, fidget, and look into other people’s notebooks (Zaitseva A., Yarygin A., Balan A., Ershov I.). The rest of the students need to train concentration, attentiveness, perseverance, and accuracy.

I encourage you to be patient. A friendly tone is an important condition for successfully helping a child learn. When your child comes home after school, be sure to ask what new he learned, what they did in class, who his friends are. If a child begins to complain about other children, about a teacher who did not ask him, talks about the behavior of another child, then interrupt him, do not encourage complaints and sneaking. Most often, children who complain are those who themselves have behavioral problems, those who receive criticism themselves. In our class, boys always pick on or call names two girls who constantly complain to me about it. I ask them why they don't touch other girls? It's just that other girls don't react that way to boys' behavior, so they have no interest in picking on them. Before you complain about someone, you need to look at your behavior from the outside.

And if a child tells you about his failures and mistakes, then reassure him by saying that all people make mistakes, that we learn from mistakes. Together we will look into this issue.

“Hyperactive child at school and at home”

Many adults are concerned about the question: “Why, under the same learning conditions, some children master the curriculum quite well, while others have difficulty?”

It's not about the program itself. For us it seems difficult and unusual, since we studied according to other traditional programs, which are based on completing tasks according to a model. The developmental education program teaches children how to learn. Completing specially selected tasks forces the child to think, think, and use unconventional techniques and ways of performing them.

Those parents who believe that by the end of their primary school education their children will still know the same things as those who studied in traditional programs are wrong. Your children do not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but obtain it themselves, which is much more important for their overall intellectual development. It is the ability to independently work with educational material that will be useful to them in the future when studying at other schools. As a rule, children studying under the D.B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydov, a high level of thinking, they master such mental operations as comparison, analysis, generalization. Children develop new ways to solve spelling or mathematical problems themselves when there is an urgent need for this new knowledge.

The difference in success in mastering the curriculum is that children who have the same calendar age may be at different stages of maturation. It is no coincidence that today I chose the topic for reporting on hyperactive children, since a group of such children stands out in any class (7-8 people).

Hyperactive children are distinguished by their inability to control their behavior and behave familiarly, without taking into account specific conditions. A restless, eccentric child creates constant tension in the classroom, which interferes with the teacher’s work and provokes other children to behave incorrectly.

Such a child does not immediately begin to complete the task proposed by the teacher, but asks questions that are not related to the topic.

A special feature of such a child is the inability to follow the teacher’s instructions addressed to the entire class. But if the same task is given to a student during individual work, it turns out that he can completely cope with it.

The reaction of rejection on the part of teachers is quite understandable: after all, even one restless, restless child can disorganize the whole class, and what if there are 7-8 of them?

As you know, attention is one of the main conditions for any normal mental activity. As for a hyperactive child, he is unable to concentrate even for a short time on a specific object. He pays attention to side effects, concentrates on them and can no longer respond to the main ones. Attention impairment increases with non-compliance with the daily routine, sleep, with acute respiratory infections, during the last lessons at school or for no apparent reason, and this is reflected in the constant alternation of successes and failures when completing tasks.

The most often impaired are fine motor skills (which manifests itself in uneven handwriting, stretched letters) and sensorimotor coordination (awkwardness in hand movements, inability to do neat crafts, cut, paste, etc.). Excessive muscle tension and increased muscle tone are often observed.

Specific features of hyperactive children:

Neurotic habits (finger, pen or pencil sucking, constant clenching of fingers, stereotypical movements: head nodding, body rocking, etc.)


Increased fatigue (pallor, drowsiness).

Sleep and appetite disturbances.

Obsessive tics (on the face, on the torso, on the neck).

Unclear and intermittent speech.

Forgetfulness in daily activities and frequent loss of items needed to complete a task or other activity.

Increased impulsiveness.

Working methods with hyperactive children:

Permissiveness should not be allowed: such children need a clear definition of a model of acceptable behavior, including reward and punishment.

A solid diet, sleep and generally regular rhythm of life.

Help with homework.

Creating conditions in which the child can move a lot and relax.

Cultivate interest in any type of activity, stimulate this interest (the main thing here is not to overdo it, since excessive workload of the child leads to overwork, which necessarily affects educational success at school and the quality of homework).

Hyperactivity in most children subsides by age 10 and disappears by age 15. But sometimes it transforms into serious behavioral disorders.

Parent meeting

“The power of a soft, calm word is so great

that no punishment can compare with it"


Goal: integration of the efforts of parents and teachers to create successful educational activities for students, assessment of the significance and effectiveness of parental support for the child in his educational activities.


1. Identification of problems of interaction between parents and children in overcoming learning difficulties.

2. Expand the knowledge of parents about the forms and methods of solving problems that arise with children.

3. Working with parents on educational and psychological techniques to support the child’s educational activities.

4. Develop a joint program of action to stimulate the cognitive activity of students.

Format: round table, work in microgroups.

Equipment: slide presentation on the topic, booklets for parents with tips on supporting children in educational activities.

The child who kneaded the dough grew.

Introduction to the topic of the meeting.

Once upon a time there was a Little Red Riding Hood, so pretty and smart that there was no one better than her in the world. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more. One day Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother. She was walking through the forest, picking flowers, listening to grasshoppers, and suddenly she remembered, but she hadn’t done her homework, and the sun was setting in the evening...

Assignment for parents: continue the fairy tale, make 1-2 sentences in a chain.

Teacher's speech. Studying at school is one of the most important, most difficult and responsible moments in the lives of children. The child’s whole life changes: everything is subordinated to studies, school, school affairs and worries. All parents dream of their children studying well. But some parents believe that once their child goes to school, they can breathe a sigh of relief: now all problems related to learning should be solved by the school. Of course, the school does not abandon its responsibilities. This is a matter not only of the school, but also of the parents. We, teachers, explain working techniques to children, but how the child has learned these techniques, how he uses them and whether he uses them at all, remains outside the teacher’s field of vision. And the parent has every opportunity to control his child. They can provide the help that a teacher cannot provide.

K.D. Ushinsky also said that it is at the initial stage of education that parents should take maximum care of their child. Their task, together with the teacher, is to teach children how to learn correctly. The education of our children is something that accompanies your, dear parents, life for a long time and in which you (to varying degrees, of course) are sure to participate.

Parents are the main “designers, constructors and builders” of their child’s personality.

Parental support helps the child to believe in himself and his abilities, and supports him in case of failures.

The greatest educational success is achieved by those children whose parents understand that in order to receive a good education, they must be responsible for learning along with their child and the school.

In order to help a child in difficult activities, we must know how to do it.

Before the parent meeting, preliminary work was carried out: surveying parents and students, processing questionnaires

Questionnaire for parents

2. What did you do at school?

4. Did anyone ask you today?

5. Did they reprimand you?

Analysis of questionnaires for parents.

If we look at the chart, most of the parents have ticked the questions

Did anyone ask you today? %

Did they reprimand you? %

Preferred answers - ; unwanted – .

Questionnaire for students.

1. Do you have a special workspace at home where you constantly do your homework?

3. What subjects can you easily handle on your own?

Analysis of questionnaires for students.

1. Do you have a special workspace at home where you constantly do your homework? Yes-

2. How long do you do your homework (1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours)?

1 hour - %

2 hours - %

3 hours - %

3. What subjects can you easily handle on your own? Reading – %

4. What items do you find difficult to prepare?

Mathematics %

Russian language %

5. Who helps you prepare your homework?

Mother - %

Dad - %

Sister - %

6. What do your parents ask you when you come home from school?

What grades did you get today? %

If we compare the analysis of two questionnaires, then the answers of parents and children coincided on the question “What grades did you get today?” Control over homework should not be limited to just one issue; parents should support the child’s interest in learning and help the child get involved in the learning process. To help children feel the joy of learning, to promote the development of their curiosity, cognitive activity, observation, memory, and attention. The efforts of the school family in solving this problem are united.

Help for children should be effective, competent and should go in three directions:

    organization of the daily routine;

    control over homework completion;

    teaching children to be independent.

1. Organization of the daily routine.

Organizing a daily routine allows the child to: cope with the academic load more easily; protects the nervous system from overwork, i.e. improves health. For 20% of schoolchildren, poor health is the reason for academic failure.

A precise schedule of classes is the basis of any work. It is necessary to include in the daily routine daily household chores (buying bread, washing dishes, taking out the garbage, etc.). There may not be many of them, but children need to perform their duties constantly. A child accustomed to such duties will not have to be reminded to put away his things, wash the dishes, etc.

It is absolutely necessary that daily reading of books be included in the daily routine. Preferably at the same time.

A student who reads well develops faster, quickly masters competent writing skills, and copes with problem solving more easily.

It’s good if you ask to retell what the child read. At the same time, adults will be able to correct speech errors and incorrectly pronounced words. In this way, children will learn to express their thoughts.

An important issue in organizing a daily routine is the organization of leisure time. It is important not to leave the child unattended, but to give him the opportunity to do what he loves in his free time from school. Particular attention should be paid to spending time in the fresh air. It is necessary to properly organize your sleep. You need to go to bed at 21:00. Good, restful sleep is the foundation of health.

Make sure that after dinner your child does not get overexcited, watch scary movies, or play noisy games. All this will affect sleep and the child’s well-being. It’s good to take a 30-40 minute walk before bed.

2. Monitoring homework completion.

Solving problem situations.
I suggest you divide into three or two working groups (this can be done in advance by asking parents to choose leaves of three or two different colors, depending on the number of parents) and work through situations that parents find difficult to resolve.

1st group The child came home with a bad mark. What is your model of behavior in this case? Develop rules that will help eliminate the child’s academic failure.
2nd group. The child does not want to do homework. What should be done in this case to help the child with homework?
3rd group . The child does not like to read and does not read well, which causes many problems at school. How to teach a child to read? Try creating a program or developing techniques for teaching children to read.
After discussion, each group offers its own solution to the situations, which is drawn up in the form of a memo on the board or sheets of Whatman paper.
The solution proposed by the 1st group.

After each group’s performance, the teacher summarizes, summarizes and expands on the parents’ response.
1. You should not punish a child for getting a bad grade, because he has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and they are not punished twice for the same thing. The child expects help from his parents, not reproaches.
2. Show that you are upset about his mark so that the child understands that he made you worry.
3. Ask your child about the reason for receiving an unsatisfactory grade. Listen to all his reasons. Do not express disbelief in his version of getting a bad grade, but at the same time try to convince him that he is largely to blame for this, and not the teacher, not his deskmate, etc.
4. Consider together the question (exercise, task, task, paragraph) for which you received a “D”. Try to explain this task to your child; If you can't do it yourself, find an opportunity to approach a teacher so that he can help you. The teacher must see your interest in correcting your child’s unsatisfactory grades.
5. Be sure to monitor your homework, especially in this subject. Do it in the system.
6. Don’t forget to approach the teacher or class teacher to find out about your child’s further progress.
7. Never try to make your child promise that he will never get a “2” again. He will never be able to immediately correct ten mistakes in a dictation or learn the entire multiplication table in a day. Hence the next rule.
8. Set extremely specific tasks for your child, solvable and realistic. Do not tempt your child with impossible goals, do not push him onto the path of deliberate lies.
Conclusion: Only together with the parents will the child be able to correct his unsatisfactory grades. This requires patience, control, praise, and cooperation with the teacher.
/Can you give criteria for grading/

The solution proposed by the 2nd group.
Recommendations for parents on preparing homework:
1. Set a firm start time for your classes. Thanks to this, the child develops the habit of sitting down for lessons at the appointed time, psychological readiness and a predisposition to mental work appear.
2. Reasonably determine the ratio of time allocated for lessons, walks, and household chores, so that one does not come at the expense of the other.
3. Determine a permanent study location where all the necessary items are at hand. The workplace should only be a place for studying (no games, no pictures, no toys, no other foreign objects, not even pencils and markers if they are not needed for the current work).
4. The main rule is to start work immediately, without delay or procrastination. The longer you delay the unpleasant moment, the more effort it will take to force yourself to start doing your homework.
5. Work breaks are necessary.
6. Do not relieve your child of household duties. In addition to studying, he should have other things to do so that he gets used to valuing time, planning work, and starting it without delay.
Conclusion: Only together with parents can a child learn to do homework and learn self-discipline. This requires patience, control, praise, reasonable demands, and interest.

Homework serves various functions.

One of the main ones is the functionleveling the child’s knowledge and skills, his skills, in the event that he was sick for a long time, or missed a lot, or did not master some complex topic.

The second function of homework isThis is the stimulation of the student’s cognitive interest, the desire to know as much as possible on a subject or topic.

The third function of homework isThis is the development of student independence, perseverance and responsibility for the educational task being performed.

In what order should the lessons be taught?

If you know that your child gets involved in work right away, works with enthusiasm at the very beginning, and not at the end, it is advisable for him to do the most difficult lessons first and gradually move on to easier ones that require less mental stress. If a student gets involved in work slowly, if fatigue does not appear soon, then he should start with easier ones and gradually move on to difficult ones. The most difficult, uninteresting work should be assigned to the middle or second half of classes.

It is best to start doing homework 1 hour or 1.5 hours after returning from school in order to have time to take a break from classes. If the child is busy with some other activities (for example, attending clubs, sections), then you can sit down later. But in any case, you can’t put it off until the evening./


    Check whether the workplace is properly organized.

    Everything should be in its place.

    Sit with your child during the first stages of doing homework. His future school success depends on how calm his first steps are.

    Form a habit of doing homework. Remind them of lessons without shouting, be patient.

    Decorate your workspace beautifully. Table, lamp, schedule, elements, wishes for schoolchildren, educational tables.

    Learn to do your homework only in this work area.

    There is order in the workplace, if it is difficult for him to restore order, then help him.

    Read the assignment and exercises out loud. This calms the child and relieves anxiety.

    If a child does something wrong, do not rush to scold him.

    If your child gets distracted, calmly remind him of the time allotted for completing his homework.

    To complete written assignments cleanly, without mistakes.

    Don't force me to rewrite the work multiple times. This undermines interest in school.

    Try to teach them to do their homework on their own as early as possible and to contact you if necessary.

The solution proposed by the 3rd group.
How to instill an interest in reading?
1. Let children see that you yourself are reading with pleasure: quote, laugh, read passages, share what you read, etc.
2. Take turns reading stories or funny stories to each other. Entertain yourself by reading instead of watching TV.
3. Buy books and give them to your child and other family members
4. Let the children choose their own books (in the library, in the store).
5. Create a children's library together with your child. Collect books on topics that will inspire children to read more about it (for example, books about dinosaurs or space travel).
6. Ask children often for their opinions about the books they read.
7. Encourage your child to read any periodical materials, even horoscopes, comics, and reviews of television series.
8. Solve crossword puzzles with your children and give them to children.
9. Select a special place in the house for reading, create comfort.
10. Let children read short stories rather than long works. They will be able to read them to the end, and they will have a feeling of completion and satisfaction.
11. Offer to read the book on which the film is based before or after watching the film.
12. Encourage reading aloud whenever possible to build your child's reading skills and confidence.

Conclusion: Only together with parents can a child learn to read. This requires patience, praise, and parental interest.

Rule one:

Rule two:

Rule three:

Rule four

Rule five:

Rule six:

Rule seven:

Rule eight:

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Parent meeting decision

    Teach your child to do homework independently and correctly evaluate the results of their activities.

    Use the prepared reminders for the most rational structure of children’s work in preparing lessons.

    Provide assistance to children when serious difficulties arise in completing homework.

    Don't skimp on praise. Always praise the performer, and criticize only the performance.

    Set realistically achievable learning goals with your child.

Parent testing.

Test “A child’s life and his success at school”

Each statement must be answered "Yes " or "No ».

    I develop in my child a positive perception of his capabilities and abilities.

    I have provided a room or part of a room exclusively for the child's activities.

    I teach my child to solve his problems and make decisions on his own.

    I show the child the possibilities of finding books and materials needed for his studies.

    I do not refuse a child’s request to read.

    I constantly take my child on trips, trips, and excursions to interesting places.

    I often do the same thing with my child.

    I also welcome my child’s communication with friends.

    I care about the physical health of the child.

    I make sure that the child follows a daily routine.

Test score.

Count the number of “yes” answers.

Each positive answer is worth one point.

Divide the resulting amount by 10 to obtain the arithmetic average.

1 – level /1 – 0.7 points/

You will properly organize your child’s school life. Your child has comprehensive interests and is prepared to communicate with adults and peers. With such an upbringing, you can count on good academic success.

2 – level /0.6 – 0.4 points/

You may have some problems in teaching your child.

Think about whether you are extremely active, whether you are blocking the child’s “field of freedom”, does your child have enough time to communicate with peers?

We are confident that your thoughts will help determine the optimal parenting strategy.

3 – level /0.3 – 0 points/

In your experience, the main mistake can be seen - overprotection of the child, replacing the child’s efforts with one’s own activity. You do not give your child enough time to communicate with peers and interfere with his opportunities to gain social experience.

We hope that your self-criticism will bring success in your educational strategy.

Questionnaire for parents

(Check only those questions that you ask your child when picking him up from school)

1. What grades did you get today?

2. What did you do at school?

3. What classes were the most interesting?

4. Did anyone ask you today?

5. Did they reprimand you?

6. What new did you learn today?

7. Which guys did you play with today?


Advice for parents “psychotherapy for academic failure”

(based on materials from O.V. Polyanskaya, T.I. Belyashkina)

Rule one: don't hit someone who is lying down. “D” is a sufficient punishment, and you should not punish twice for the same mistakes. The child has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and at home he expects calm help from his parents, and not new reproaches.

Rule two: no more than one flaw per minute. To rid your child of a deficiency, notice no more than one per minute. Know your limits. Otherwise, your child will simply “switch off”, stop responding to such speech, and become insensitive to your assessments. Of course, this is very difficult, but if possible, choose from the many shortcomings of the child the one that is especially bearable for you now, which you want to eliminate first, and talk only about it. The rest will be overcome later or will simply turn out to be unimportant.

Rule three: you are chasing two hares... Consult with your child and start by eliminating those learning difficulties that are most significant for him. Here you are more likely to meet understanding and unanimity.

Rule four : praise - the performer, criticize - the performance. The assessment must have an exact address. The child usually believes that his entire personality is being evaluated. It is in your power to help him separate the assessment of his personality from the assessment of his work. Praise should be addressed to the individual. A positive assessment should refer to a person who has become a little more knowledgeable and skillful. If, thanks to your praise, the child begins to respect himself for these qualities, then you will lay another important foundation for the desire to learn.

Rule five: the assessment should compare the child's successes today with his own failures yesterday. There is no need to compare your child with the successes of your neighbor. After all, even the smallest success of a child is a real victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated.

Rule six: Don't be stingy with praise. There is no loser for whom there is nothing to praise. Select a tiny island, a straw, from the stream of failures, and the child will have a springboard from which to attack ignorance and inability. After all, parental: “I didn’t, I didn’t try, I didn’t teach” gives rise to Echo: “I don’t want, I can’t, I won’t!”

Rule seven: assessment security technique. Child labor must be assessed in a very granular and differentiated manner. A global assessment, which combines the fruits of very different efforts of the child - the correctness of calculations, the ability to solve problems of a certain type, literacy in writing, and the appearance of the work, is not suitable here. With differentiated assessment, the child has neither the illusion of complete success nor the feeling of complete failure. The most practical motivation for teaching arises: “I don’t know yet, but I can and I want to know.”

Rule eight: Set very specific goals for your child. Then he will try to reach them. Do not tempt your child with unfulfilled goals, do not push him onto the path of deliberate lies. If he made nine mistakes in the dictation, do not make him promise to try to write without mistakes next time. Agree that there will be no more than seven, and rejoice with your child if this is achieved.

Today we are convinced that there are many reasons for the “unsuccessful” educational activities of children. Finding out these reasons and getting rid of them is possible only with the coordinated activities of teachers and you parents. We must never forget that every child is unique.

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