Incredibly funny soft toy made from tights in the shape of a pig. How to make a pig with your own hands: step-by-step master classes with photos How to make a pig from nylon tights

The symbol of 2019 will be the Pig. Before the New Year, schools and kindergartens often organize competitions for the best thematic crafts; for this you want to make something unusual and original. There are many step-by-step master classes here - how to make a pig craft with your own hands with step-by-step photos and videos.

The Pig is a soulful old lady, she is courteous, kind and extremely scrupulous. You can trust her with any intimate secret; she will never betray or spill the secrets entrusted to her. She is distinguished by her honesty, she will never lie, even for her own good, she is simple and vulnerable. But she is not so weak as she is good-natured. As the Chinese horoscope says, the boar is a symbol of pleasure, simplicity, passion and fertility. The Year of the Pig will be successful and favorable for everyone!

For this holiday, you can make a bunch of crafts with your own hands. A holiday gift can be absolutely anything, but it will be better if it contains the symbol of the year - a pig. Decide in advance what you want to accomplish for the coming year. The gift should be pleasant, beautiful and useful. But whatever one may say, every person likes to receive a gift made with their own hands.

Here are some current ideas:

  1. Sew or knit small versions of the piglets.
  2. Make a postcard with a pig and be sure to write a congratulations on it - a great gift for a colleague or just as an addition to the main present.
  3. Make a pig in the form of a soft toy.
  4. You can make a piggy bank from a plastic bottle.
  5. You can also make pillows for a sofa, armchair, and even for a car. Cute piglets will warm and delight those to whom you give them.

Even though piglets are pink and cute, they love to measure puddles and play in the mud. Often the delicate color of their skin is hidden under a thick brown layer of earth or clay. In this tutorial we will make a pink pig that is bathing in a swamp. Let's start the lesson by selecting the material, then knead the mass in our hands, roll up the suitable parts and assemble them into a single product.

Modeling is a useful and exciting activity that is aimed at developing a child’s mental abilities in the same way as drawing or creating paper appliqués.

Perhaps you will need such a figurine if you are creating a farm, playing an exciting game of reproducing animal sounds, or staging a play about the three little pigs. In any case, creating animals with your own hands is always exciting.

What you will need for work:

  • The main material is pink plasticine;
  • Brown plasticine;
  • Chestnut or acorn - will help save weight;
  • Toothpick – fastening of the head and body.

For work, we can take 1 block of plasticine to get a miniature figurine. An acorn or chestnut will help you save weight. These fruits have a rounded shape, so you can camouflage such a frame inside the body. In any case, we will have to show the fat creature, because all the piglets are very well-fed, so the extra volume of the body will not hurt.

From the prepared pink plasticine you need to make: a torso (for it, prepare an acorn or chestnut and a large cake), legs, a head and a tail. Cut the block into pieces and knead each one separately in your hands if you have thick plasticine and not waxy one.

Glue a pink cake onto the acorn, place it between your palms and smooth it out, roll out the surface. Next you need to make a ball head and attach it using a toothpick. But the matter is complicated by the dense material that we placed inside the body.

You will have to first make a hole in the acorn so that you can then insert a piece of toothpick into it. Also make small fragments that will allow you to copy the appearance of the planned pet: ears, snout, tail.

Glue a wide flat cake onto the ball. Press the dents twice. Glue a little above the eye, and cut out a mouth a little below.

Connect the head to the body with a toothpick. Glue the ears to the head, lowering the cakes down. Glue the tail at the back and twist it into a spiral. The figurine already looks like a pig.

Do the legs. There is no need to do each one separately. You can form simple rectangular pieces, cut along the tip of a toothpick, then glue two hooves to each piece.

Attach the legs to the body. Also make a large cake out of brown plasticine - this will be a swamp where we will place our cute pig. She will love to bathe in the sun.

The inhabitant of the farm - a plasticine pig is ready. She doesn’t grunt, doesn’t run away, doesn’t ask for food - she’s just a toy that is very similar to a real animal. Perhaps this is one of those three famous little pigs who outsmarted the bad wolf.

In this master class we will make such a pig from an ordinary plastic bottle.

It is better to choose a bottle with a pink cap. But you can also paint any lid with pink acrylic paint.

We cut out the middle of the bottle - we need to shorten it.

We connect the upper and lower parts; if desired, you can fix them with glue.

  • four foot covers;
  • printed ears and eyes.

You can print our sketch in A4 format.

We cut out all the elements, also do not forget to cut out the strip for the tail.

Using hot glue, attach the ears, eyes and pink overalls.

Attach the legs.

Our glamorous pig is ready!

Piglet - do-it-yourself pom-pom toy

This is such a fluffy and soft pig that can be made from knitting threads.

We have to:

  • wool threads;
  • pink chenille wire;
  • felt;
  • button;
  • ready-made eyes;
  • cardboard.

We cut out two rings from cardboard: the outer circle with a diameter of 7 cm, the inner circle 5 cm..

We cut yarn 1-1.5 meters long into 5-6 threads.

We put the two rings together and begin to wrap them with yarn.

We wind until the hole closes.

The last circles can be pulled through with sticks.

Then cut the yarn along the outer edge with sharp scissors.

Spread the rings a little, wrap the middle with thread and tie.

All that remains is to remove the rings and shake the pompom.

We make legs and a tail from chenille wire and glue it on.

I didn't have a pink button the right size for the pig's snout, so I painted a matching button with pink nail polish.

We glue all this to our pompom.

The soft pig is ready!

I used half a skein of standard yarn.

Bookmark using origami technique

Many parents and all educators pay a lot of time and attention to the development of children's fine motor skills. Why do this? By developing fine motor skills, you also develop the brain, that is, attention, thinking and memory. How to do this?

To develop children's fine motor skills, special techniques have been created and quite a few books have been written. But even without knowing all this, you can come up with something new, interesting and useful every day for your child.

For example, you can make an unusual bookmark in the shape of a pig using the origami technique. In itself, this unique ancient technique is already designed to develop fingers and arms, as well as attention.

Materials needed to make a bookmark:

  • double-sided pink colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • glue;
  • button.

First, we need to construct a square with a side of 12-15 cm using a ruler and pencil.

Carefully cut it out and fold it diagonally once.

Now you need to fold the two corners to the fold, as shown in the photo.

We fold the side corners and wrap them in the resulting envelope. The corner blank is ready. Now we begin to revive it.

We will make a pig from the resulting corner, so we need to cut out ears from the same pink paper. A large pink button will serve as our piglet. You can take the eyes ready for toys, but you can also draw them and then cut them out.

Carefully glue the button, eyes and ears. The result is a funny, cheerful pig that will store the page and you can easily find it.

What an original gift this would be for dad or grandma! It is even more valuable because it was made by children's hands.

Each of us has pencils and pens. Especially in children. And so that they are all in one place and do not get lost, we will crochet a cute pencil holder in the shape of a pig. This pencil holder will fit perfectly into a child's room. In addition, tying it will not be difficult.

To knit a pencil holder we will need:

  • yarn in light pink, dark pink and black;
  • hook;
  • needle;
  • a little padding polyester;
  • cup.

We start by knitting the bottom of the pencil holder. Let's knit a circle using double crochets. We knit with light pink yarn.

Let's make a sliding loop and knit twelve stitches into it. Starting from the second row, we will make increases. In one row in each loop, in another through a loop, in the next through three loops and so on. We knit a circle the size of the bottom of the glass, which will be the base of the pencil holder. Our bottom is ready. It is better to take a heavy glass for the base so that the pencil holder stands firmly and does not fall.

And now we need to raise our next row a little. To do this, we knit a row behind the back walls of the loops and do not make any more increases. We begin to knit the walls.

We knit rows until our knitted cup hides the base. This is how we tied a regular glass.

Let's tie the nose into a snout. We knit it with dark pink yarn. Let's make two loops and knit six single crochets into one. We will make increases from the second row. In one row in each loop and in the other row through the loop.

Then we knit a row behind the back walls of the loops and knit another row with single crochets.

Now let's tie the pig's ears. We knit them with dark pink yarn.

Let's make four air loops and perform two double crochets in the initial loop. We knit four turning rows. And in each of them we make an increase in the first and last column.

Using light pink yarn, we tie each ear with single crochets.

We will tie the eyes with black yarn. Make ten half double crochets into a sliding loop and tighten the loop.

On the patch we embroider minks with black yarn. We sew the patch to the middle of our knitted cup, filling it a little with padding polyester.

And we sew the ears on the sides, folding their wide part in half. To sew the ears evenly, you can find the middle and count the same number of stitches in both directions.

Then we sew on the eyes.

All that remains is to embroider a smile. We also embroider it with black yarn.

The crocheted pencil pencil in the shape of a pig is ready!

How to crochet booties

How to knit such adorable booties in the shape of piglets for your baby with step-by-step photos, see here.

DIY application from foamiran “Piglet”

You will get a little pink pig if you repeat this interesting lesson. Naturally, it is intended for children, they are the big fans of paper making. The figurine will turn out to be unique, because it needs to be made exclusively from circles. In order to somehow diversify the work, we will replace the paper with foamiran - an unfamiliar material with a unique soft texture. It will be even more interesting to work with him.

If you have a pink leaf, then it is perfect for a little pink pig, if not, then take paper or foamiran at your discretion. The circles will become details for making crafts; this shape will allow you to reproduce the fact that the pig is plump.

To make an applique in the shape of a pig, prepare:

  • pink foamiran;
  • blue cardboard;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • white paper coin;
  • black marker.

How to make an applique in the shape of a pig with your own hands step by step.

Blue cardboard will become a canvas for an interesting foamiran applique. The pink leaf will later become a pig; you need to cut out a sufficient number of circles of a suitable size from it. This is the minimum amount of materials that will be used.

Cut 3 large and 1 small circle from pink foamiran. The small circle will become the head, one of the large ones will become the body of the pet. Leave them unchanged. Cut the remaining two large circles in half. While you will need 3 semicircles to imitate the legs, the hind legs will visually merge, so you don’t have to show the second one.

Glue a large whole circle in the center - this is the body of the pig, you need to position it so that all other parts of the body fit onto the prepared sheet. Directly attach one half of the circle - a leg - to the round body, move the other leg forward a little. But make these 2 parts on the same level. This way the front legs will already be in place.

Glue a small circle on top of the two semicircles - this will be the head of the animal. Add a leg at the back, turning the part with the convex side towards the head.

Now you need to use the remaining half of the third large circle. At the second stage of work, we cut 2 of them in half, but only 3 halves were used for the legs. So, the last fragment will be used to make the ears and tail. Cut 3 segments. Thus, the initially prepared parts will be triangular.

Glue the ears to the head, lower the tips down and secure with glue. Glue another segment at the back in the form of a tail, bend it just enough to show an imitation of a hook. The foamiran figurine is already ready. Now you can design the muzzle. Glue a white paper coin in front - a patch, draw black dots. Also make 2 slits - eyes. That's all the manipulation of materials.

The pig turned out to be very positive; all kids will like this children's craft, because it is easy to make and bright.

Using the same principle, you can perform completely different familiar or exotic animals. Experiments are always interesting and useful for the development of children.

How to make another one, see this applique here

How to make a chestnut pig with your own hands

Of course, pigs are most often depicted as pink, and chestnuts are the brown stuff. We have 2 ways - to mask the chestnuts under a thin layer of pink plasticine or to use the pink mass only in fragments, gluing additional parts of the figure.

This lesson describes in detail how to make a pet from natural material. This craft is easy to do, so kindergarten-age kids can master it. See how to do it here.

Every child asks mom or dad to buy him a Kinder surprise, not so much to taste delicious chocolate, but to see what kind of toy is hidden inside. Did you know that you can make a toy from a Kinder Surprise capsule with your own hands? Children will happily get to work.

Thus, they will experience triple pleasure: they will taste their favorite sweet, be surprised and rejoice at the surprise they will find inside, and also have an interesting time doing exciting creativity. with step by step photos here.

Do-it-yourself piggy bank video tutorial

DIY yellow pig made from paper

Bookmarks are always appropriate. Absolutely everyone uses them, be it adults - they always like to read at night, be it teenagers who go to school and use textbooks, be it children to whom their parents read interesting and instructive stories. Thus, a bookmark can become a symbolic gift for the New Year, made with your own hands. And it represents the head of a pig. You won't find a simpler option. Step-by-step master class here

To decorate the New Year's table, you can make a lemon pig like this.

The yellow pig is the symbol of 2019

People born in the year of the Pig are usually successful in business. Representatives of this sign are energetic, resourceful and straightforward. They take their business seriously and can go to great lengths to fulfill their desires. Moral and material satisfaction fully characterize the Year of the Pig. But some people can live this year carefree without much financial wealth. They do not notice aggression and betrayal in those around them.

In the year of the Pig, brave and strong people are born who go ahead in any situation. Pigs are hardworking and smart, but at the same time they believe in deception, often confusing it with the truth. Pigs prefer to follow the straight path; they are simple and open people who can find a common language with the society around them.

The pig is a great player. She hides a competitive spirit that she usually doesn't show to strangers. Often she doesn't believe in herself. Often a lot of questions are spinning in her head, for example, about what is the right thing to do in this or that case. This is a very sincere person, he will easily conquer any person with his open and honest thoughts and actions.

The Pig sees only good qualities in the people around him. She will not even think that there may be enemies among her close people. She wants to believe that only kind and honest people live in the world. She often gets disappointed in people because of her good-natured attitude. It is almost impossible for someone who has ruined his reputation with her to become her friend again.

The simplest and cutest do-it-yourself nylon pig

Now is a good time to think through decor ideas and practice making crafts for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, because you should prepare for the holidays in advance. Making decorations and decorative elements for your home yourself is not only an exciting and fun activity, but also very practical. You just need to come up with ideas for crafts and prepare the necessary materials and tools. And since we are going to decorate the house for the next New Year, it makes sense to make its symbol with our own hands - a pig. Children can and should be involved in work, because such activities have a beneficial effect on the baby’s psyche and develop motor skills and spatial thinking.

Crafts in ECO style

It is not necessary to purchase new materials to complete the craft. A beautiful and unusual pig can be made from textile waste, which is sure to be found in every home. These may include colored or plain socks that are no longer suitable for wear. Here's what you'll need for one Pig:

  • Two socks - one colored with a pattern, the other plain.
  • Small buttons - 2 pieces, preferably the same size for the eyes.
  • Medium-sized buttons - 2 pieces, preferably the same size for the patch.
  • Sintepon, cotton wool or rags that can be used to stuff the figure.
  • Thread and needle.
  • Scissors and crayons for marking parts.

Each family member can make a pig with their own hands by 2019 from their own old socks that were left without a pair. All you need to do is wash your items first. If there are small worn areas, you can mend them with patches and multi-colored threads, which will give Piglet individuality and unusualness. Materials and tools need to be prepared in advance so that everything is at hand.

We start by stuffing one sock with filler. The padding polyester body is lighter and easier to work with. You need to stuff it very tightly so that the figure is stable and keeps its shape. When the filler reaches the heel area, you should stop stuffing. The body should take on an oval shape. The remaining unfilled sock must be cut off with scissors.

The resulting hole in the body must be tightened. Choose a thread that matches the color of the material. Although if your Pig already has patches, then you can stick to the style - tighten the hole with colored thread. In order for the seam to turn out beautiful, and the knitting of the product does not begin to unravel, you need to thread the needle from the wrong side of the hole (the needle comes out). Then the second stitch is made on the opposite side of the hole, inserting the needle from the front side, brought to the back side from the side of the first puncture, retreating slightly. They tighten it. This is done until the body is completely darned. It is possible to apply stitches in an easier way - run running stitches along the perimeter of the folded edges of the hole, then pull them together.

Now we put the cut piece of the product on the finished body so that its elastic frames the undarned edge - this will be Piglet’s head. The cut edge of the sock you are wearing may be too long. The excess must be carefully trimmed. The resulting hole needs to be tightened, just like the previous one. At this stage you should be careful. When you tighten the hole, the loose elastic of the sock may move. Therefore, the baby will most likely need help.

It is better to tie the tie using the “needle forward” method, bending the edge of the product around the perimeter of the hole. This way the edge will be finished and neat. Keep in mind: the smaller the stitches, the neater and tighter the seam will be.

Now Piglet needs ears. We will make them from the elastic band of the second sock. Carefully cut it off and cut it in half crosswise. Having turned the halves inside out (front side to front side), use chalk or a pencil to mark the place for the stitching. On the material you need to draw the shape of a Piglet's ear. Sew along the line, leaving the bottom of the elastic unsewn. Through the remaining hole we turn the ears inside out so that the stitching remains inside. The details are ready.

If the elastic of the sock is thin, the part may not hold the desired shape. This problem can be solved by placing a thin layer of filler or thick paper inside the ear. All that's left is to sew the parts to the body. It is better to use a hidden seam. First connect the front part of the part to the body, then the back.

Family crafts for the New Year 2019 are almost ready. All that remains is to sew on the eye buttons and buttons for the snout. In order not to make a mistake with the place where the parts are attached to the head, mark the desired areas with a pencil or chalk. This Pig can be filled with any filling - cereal or balls, scraps of fabric and cereal.

Naf-Naf, Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf at the festive table

From children's tights, you can suggest sewing a more realistic Pig yourself. The craft will turn out large and voluminous. You can hang it on the Christmas tree and even present it to relatives as a New Year's souvenir. To work you will need:

  • Scissors and pencil.
  • Sewing pins.
  • Children's colored tights. You can use knee socks, but the sock material may not be enough.
  • Needle and thread to match the color of the tights.
  • Sintepon and buttons for the eyes.

The main difficulty in sewing this model lies in the softness and elasticity of knitted tights, which after cutting can become arrows. Therefore, all operations with scissors must be done without pulling or stretching the material. As soon as it was cut, it was immediately secured with stitches. The photo shows the stages of work.

  1. Cut off 10-13 cm of the top of the tights - a rectangle.
  2. Make a 5-7 cm cut from the center along the rectangle - the legs.
  3. Darn the bottom of the legs and the area between the legs with a tight stitch.
  4. If the knitwear of the tights is thin, process the edge of the rectangle.
  5. Stuff the resulting part tightly with padding polyester.
  6. Cut off the toe of the tights.
  7. Stretch a thread around the perimeter of the hole with a small stitch, without completing the seam. Prick the needle into the pillow without cutting the thread.
  8. Fill your head with padding polyester.
  9. Tighten the hole with thread. Finish the seam.
  10. Mark places for the eyes. Tie them together with a thread. Skip inside the head. The chin and mouth are sewn with thread in the same way.
  11. Cut out a rectangle for the patch. Select the size according to the size of the Pig's head.
  12. Pull it off, leaving an opening for stuffing.
  13. Fill the patch with padding polyester. Pull the thread together to create a rounded rectangular shape.
  14. Sew the patch into place.
  15. Sew the head onto the body piece. It is better to use a hidden stitch and start working from the chin area.
  16. Cut out two rectangles for the arms. Sew them on three sides, leaving a hole for stuffing.
  17. Stuff the parts of the hands with padding polyester. Sew to the body.
  18. Place buttons in place of the dimples for the eyes.
  19. Cut diamonds for the ears. Form an ear shell, sew it on the place where the Pig should have ears.

All that remains is to come up with a hook for the ponytail. You can use wire. Cover it with material or wrap it with thread. Then secure it to the body with glue or thread. The final touch is to bend the ponytail with a hook or a spiral.

Simple options for textile models of Piglets

Textile crafts for the New Year of the Pig 2019 can be made much easier. For example, sewing two drawn forms of Piglet together and stuffing them with cotton wool, cereal, and foam rubber. To complete the figure you will need:

  • Scissors.
  • Elastic knitted fabric.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Marker.

Textiles can be of any quality, but stretchy knitwear will make the Pig voluminous and soft even if the figure is small. Making a craft is easy. You need to fold a square (15 cm x 15 cm) piece of fabric in half so that the front side touches the front side. On one of the wrong sides draw the shape of a Piglet. Templates can be used , shown in the photo below. If it is difficult to redraw, print them on paper, cut them out with scissors and, attaching them to the back of the folded piece of paper, outline them with a marker.

The resulting outline will serve as a line for stitching the figure. But so that it does not tear and withstand the packing, you need to deviate from the contour by 3-5 mm. Along the allowance line we cut out 2 parts for the figure. We sew them along the stitch line. You can use a machine. But if the Pig is small, it is more convenient to sew the parts by hand. When applying stitches, you need to leave an unsewn piece. Through it, the figurine is turned onto the face and stuffed with foam rubber. Now all that remains is to fill the figure, design the mouth, snout, and eyes. Sew on a tail and additional decor.

Templates for sewing voluminous pigs

For the New Year, you can sew a large soft toy in the shape of a Pig. You will have to spend a little more time, but the result will be a beautiful and noticeable symbol of the year. This toy can be given to colleagues and friends. Required:

  • Pattern.
  • Scissors and marker (pencil, chalk).
  • A piece of fabric.
  • Threads to match the color of the material.
  • Cotton wool, foam rubber, padding polyester or rags.
  • Buttons and needle.

If you plan to sew a large toy, you may need a sewing machine. But if you have free time, all the cutting and sewing work will be easy to do manually. We'll give you a few simple patterns. They need to be printed and the details cut out of paper. From paper blanks, transfer to material. When sewing a toy, you need to do all the stitches from the wrong side, so the parts are sewn together with the right sides. Then the finished part is turned inside out.

Don’t forget about the free holes through which the model will be stuffed. They subsequently need to be sewn up with a hidden stitch. It is better to leave those seams unsewn, which will then be covered with other parts. For example, a cutout for a leg or ear.

Pigs made of clay or plasticine

You can create crafts for the New Year 2019 with your own hands not only from fabric and threads. Using plasticine or colored children's clay, you can sculpt a beautiful and bright Pig within a few minutes. We will need:

  • Colored plasticine, clay. Let's take pinkish and green.
  • Small knife.
  • Baking molds in the shape of hearts.
  • Pure white cardboard (dimensions 20 cm×20 cm).
  • Manicure cuticle spatula.
  • Small cone.
  • Paint brush.

When purchasing kits for modeling from polymer clay, pads, molds and knives are included. But if there is no such set, then improvised tools that can be found in every woman’s cosmetic bag and kitchen are quite suitable. But first, let's do some preparatory work. To make everything work, we’ll prepare plasticine blanks.

We need to form:

  • One large ball - the body.
  • Four small balls - hooves-legs.
  • Roll a thin tube 3-5 cm long - a tail.
  • Form one medium ball - a snout.

Now, armed with imagination, we form the details of the New Year's Pig from the balls. From a large ball, roll into an oval in your palms, one side of which is narrowed and slightly flattened. Lightly flatten four small balls with your finger (just press them against the platform on which we are working). On the flattened parts, cut out the hooves using a knife. We connect them to the body.

Now we flatten a medium-sized ball and place it in the area of ​​the patch - on the narrow part of the oval. Then we twist the tail and connect it to the body from the back. Using a cone-shaped tool, we form the nostrils of the snout.

A pig needs ears. From additional small balls we form an oval and flatten it. We connect the resulting leaves to the body. The sharp part of the part should “look” up. The ear can be bent in any direction. Now it’s the turn of the button eyes. To make them, you need to roll up tiny balls and place them in the “eye sockets”. The latter can be formed using a brush. You just need to lightly press the brush into the plasticine. The eye balls are placed in the thickest part of the eye socket.

The next step is preparing the platform. Our Pig will sit on green clover petals. They are easy to make. You need to roll out green plasticine into a wide layer. Then, using a baking pan, press 3-4 shapes into it. Place the resulting hearts in narrow pieces on a piece of cardboard. The final touch is to place the Pig on the leaves. The craft is ready.

Salty Pig for New Year 2019

You can also make crafts from unusual materials, for example, salt dough. Such piglet models will be very durable. But the most important thing is that they can be painted with paints. To make a craft from salt dough, you need to prepare:

  • Bowl for kneading dough.
  • Flour, salt and water.
  • Piglet molds for baking.
  • Paints and brush.
  • Threads and glue.

Start by kneading the dough. For two Pigs you will need 2 (heaping) tablespoons of flour and 4 tablespoons of salt. Mix the bulk ingredients of “flour plasticine” in a bowl or on the table. Warm water is added little by little to the resulting mass. The dough should be tight and flexible. To check whether the “flour clay” has been replaced correctly, you need to roll the dough into a ball and leave it on the table for 10-20 seconds. If the ball is blurred - there is a lot of water, the ball sticks to your hands - a lot of water, crumbles in your hands - there is not enough water or it was too cold.

  • Roll out the dough into a pancake 4-6 mm thick.
  • Take a baking dish and use it to press out the model.
  • The resulting test pig is placed on a radiator or in the sun for 18-24 hours. You can use the oven, but if the temperature is too high, the top of the model will crack. It is better for the dough piece to dry under natural conditions.
  • Decorate the Pig with paints. If several layers of decor are applied to the model, then each next one is coated only after the previous one has dried.

The procedure can be complicated. Namely, sculpt, as from plasticine (described above), a three-dimensional figurine of a pig and bake it in the oven. The procedure is quite labor-intensive. You need to preheat the oven to 180 0 C, turn it off and place the salt dough figurine, leaving the door slightly open. Repeat the procedure until the model is completely dry. Button eyes, a tail and a snout are glued to the blank.

Using examples, it is easy to create entire compositions. But to make them beautiful and impressive, it’s worth practicing. Good luck!

Hogs homaaxel wrote in April 2nd, 2013

Surprisingly, wild boars are probably even more dangerous animals in the forest than wolves. But a lot of people make wolves, and only a few make wild boars. I also noticed that the wild boar is often associated with hunting, knives, bone carving, and trophy animals.

Elena Teploukhova from Yekaterinburg professionally creates unusual cakes with decorations. “I make any cakes - wedding, children's, anniversary, corporate ones only from natural fresh products (no margarine or chemical powders used in confectioneries). All decorations are made from edible sugar paste. If it is too sweet for your taste, you don’t have to eat it (the paste is easily separated from the cake, the decorations can be left as a souvenir - the shelf life of the sugar decoration is not limited)."

Cake "Boar", as a gift to a hunter.

Olga Bokareva from Moscow creates interior felt compositions: panels, stuffed heads, soft “stones”, animal “skins” in the form of rugs. What I love about wool is the variety of uses it has. Just think - there is one material, but everyone uses it differently :)

Boar Syoma is my new work. A birthday gift for a valiant hunter (who has never hit a target while hunting) or simply a noble and generous man. The boar is close in size to the real one. Made of sheep wool using dry felting technique.

Interior decoration "trophy boar".

Ekaterina from Moscow is engaged in knitting, and her range of interests is very wide, it is not only dolls and toys, but also babywearing beads, children's clothing, bags, jewelry...
Author about myself: “I have an artistic education - a designer.

Creativity is something without which I cannot imagine my life. I have been knitting (and not only...) for as long as I can remember... Mom never forbade spoiling the yarn :)

I knitted my first toy when I gave birth to my little son. And then I realized that this was only the beginning of an interesting, soft and fluffy path, without which life would not be so full. "

The Oddy boar was knitted according to the customer's verbal description as a birthday gift. The birthday boy was born in the Year of the Boar :)

Craftsmen from Skazkodrom made an airborne boar.

Boar Pyatak

Konstantin Polovko from Moscow works with wool, creating felt toys and panels. It's interesting to look at a man's point of view. The works have more clear lines, abstraction or brevity.


Olesya Salova from Zelenograd creates felt toys.

“I love to invent and create toys with my own hands. For more than 20 years I have been honing my skills, creating more and more new crafts, putting into them not only priceless labor, but also the warmth of my soul, endless love.”

Boar and snake. The toys were made to order. The composition consists of two figures that are not connected to each other, which allows them to be displayed in various combinations as the owner wants. The snake has a metal frame, which makes it possible to set it in various poses. The toy is an interior decoration and will fit into the design of any apartment or office.
Height of the figures in the composition: 12 cm.
Technique: dry felting.
Materials: 100% carded, 100% felting wool, plastic, acrylic paints, varnish.

Marina Boroda from Kaliningrad is a member of the Hermitage youth center, in the Italian club. For holidays, events, performances, he creates the necessary attributes - clothes, masks, toys. “I haven’t taken any courses anywhere, I just take it and do it by trial and error :)” Marina also makes paper toys and quilling. Many paper toy patterns can be found on their family website

Olga Semenovskaya from Moscow is engaged in painting and felting.

Master's page at the Masters Fair -

Her oil painting on silk "Boar Hunt"

A small boar from Ham Nadezhda from St. Petersburg.

Master's VKontakte page -

  • Making ears
  • Making paws
  • Making a patch
  • Making the head
  • Assembly of parts
  • Decoration
  • Features of the technology

    Using nylon with padding polyester or padding polyester as a material for making dolls allows you to “sculpt” the face and all other details of the doll can be made using thread and a needle. You can make these cute pigs with your own hands from old tights.

    The toys are light, voluminous and very lively. Thanks to a needle and thread, each part is given the desired shape.

    Important! You should work especially carefully on the piglet's head to achieve the desired relief of the muzzle.

    When the details of the doll are formed, it needs to be assembled and then painted using ordinary decorative cosmetics, creating the necessary darkening in the recesses with the help of shadows and blush.

    Such cute piglets will bring warmth and comfort to your home, lift your spirits and become a talisman for the whole year, attracting good luck to your home.

    Materials for work

    The doll consists of a large head with a characteristic and voluminous face, to which paws, ears and a tail are sewn. It can be hung on the Christmas tree as a toy, used to create New Year's installations, or simply kept as a talisman on your desktop.

    For a New Year's pig made from nylon you will need:

    Nylon tights in light shades;
    synthetic fluff;
    eyes, which you can buy in a special doll store, or make yourself from ordinary beads;
    decorative elements;
    decorative cosmetics.

    Making a pig from nylon will be quite easy if you master the technique of forming the desired relief on the parts of the toy using a needle. Step-by-step instructions will help you master the technique of making such funny and practically living dolls.

    Sequence of work

    First you need to make blanks for the symbol of the year of the pig from nylon:


    To do this, you need to fill the nylon with synthetic fluff, tighten the corner and sew it up with a needle and thread. You will get such light balls of different sizes tied together in a knot. The size of the ball for the head should be 6 cm. For the heel, the ball should be 3 cm. For 4 paws - 2 cm, for two ears - 3 cm.

    We make the head in the same way, the size of the workpiece is 6 cm. The master class will tell you how to do this correctly. Let's do the rest of the details. To work, you will need 4 paws with a diameter of 2 cm, a penny of 3 cm in size. When making blanks, you need to ensure that folds do not form on the balls.

    These are the blanks you should get.

    Making ears

    The blank for the ears must be pressed into a suitable triangular shape, secured with thread, and the excess in the area of ​​the knot should be cut off. To give the ear the desired shape, it should be stitched through in different places.

    The thread is always fixed at the back at the end to strengthen the resulting ear shape. You should get ears with a diameter of 3 cm, concave, triangular in shape.

    Making paws

    The paws need to be formed using thread. To do this, we fix it on the tail of the workpiece and wrap it three times. Then we insert a needle into the center of the future paw to create a claw, stitch it and return to the tail. Using a needle, pull the thread to the side and tighten it, forming a paw. We take the thread to the tail of the workpiece and fasten it. We cut off the excess. We do the same for all the other legs.

    Making a patch

    Fasten a thread to the workpiece from the side of the tail and stitch it through, forming the nostrils.

    Making the head

    The main part of the master class is the formation of the pig's head. To do this, take the largest workpiece and insert a needle into the tail. After this, we sew the patch in a circle to the central part of the muzzle using the needle-back technique.

    Then we form places for the eyes, pressing and using threading and tightening. It should look like this.

    We fasten the thread by stitching through the head.

    The excess should be cut off. When all the blanks are formed, you can begin assembly.

    Assembly of parts

    We carefully sew the ears, paws and tail at the back to the head.

    For the pig's tail, you need to use an elastic band from tights, cutting off a 4 cm long strip from it. The part should be wrapped and stitched so that it curls into a spiral.

    Sew the finished ponytail to the back of the head.

    For the New Year's pig you need to sew a white cap made of faux fur. We also attach it to the pig’s head, as shown in the photo.

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    The symbol of the coming 2019 is a yellow pig. In this article we will look at several simple step-by-step master classes on how to make a piglet with your own hands.

    We will show in detail how you can make your own from materials that can easily be found in every home, such DIY crafts for the year of the pig as a piggy bank, we will make piglets from dough, we will make simple crafts for kindergarten, we will learn how to sew a pig from children's tights and socks, we will make a pig-ball from threads, we will make a coffee toy, and we will also learn how to sew a tilde pig from fabric. And at the end of the article you will find a video bonus: making a pig from pompoms as a gift for the New Year. So, if you're ready, let's get started!

    Papier-mâché: piggy bank

    To make a funny papier-mâché piggy bank, we will use toilet paper or newspapers, acrylic putty, acrylic paints, PVA glue, an inflatable balloon, foil, and a foil reel.

    First of all, you need to inflate the balloon. Then we apply prepared scraps of newspaper soaked in PVA glue and water onto the inflated ball in several layers - so that our piggy bank is not soft, but strong enough, and let it dry.

    In a plastic bucket we will prepare the papier-mâché mixture: tear toilet paper or napkins into small pieces and add PVA glue. Mix everything properly! We coat the future pig with the resulting “chewed paper”.

    When the papier-mâché frame dries well, the ball must be carefully burst and pulled out. Now we need to close the hole through which we pulled the ball out: to do this, we will seal it crosswise with masking tape and apply papier-mâché, leaving a small rectangular hole - this will be a slot where money is thrown.

    We divide the foil reel into four equal parts - it will serve as legs for our pig. Glue the legs to the pig with masking tape. Then we apply papier-mâché. The inside of the legs must be filled with something heavy - this will make our pig more stable. Sand or some small metal object, such as a nut or screws, will do.

    We make a snout for the pig from foil, under it we need to form a mouth (upper and lower lip).

    Now we need to sculpt eyes and ears for our pig - they can be made either from the remains of papier-mâché or sculpted from clay.

    The flexible wire will serve as a tail for the pig: twist it, covering the tail with the remains of papier-mâché. After our pig has completely dried, it must be properly treated several times with acrylic putty and then wiped with a cloth dampened in water - this will level the barrel of the pig.

    Our piggy is ready for painting!

    First you need to apply dark paint, you can use several different shades. Then red paint is applied to the craft with a sponge.

    Then - pink, and as the final stage - pink and white paints are applied. The last step is to apply white paint to the protruding surfaces. Our piggy bank is ready!

    We offer you another version of the piggy bank, the step-by-step implementation of which you can watch in the video:

    Pig pendants made from salt dough

    As a wonderful souvenir gift, you can also make a pig pendant at home from materials that can be found in every home - flour and salt. It is very easy to make such a pig, it turns out very cool and is suitable as a mascot that any child will be happy with, or as a craft for kindergarten. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to make such a souvenir.

    Simple DIY crafts for kindergarten

    Products that can easily be made include a paper craft, a costume for a children's party - a mask and pig ears, as well as a pig in a pen. Let's take a step-by-step look at how easy it is to make these crafts yourself.

    Paper craft

    To make such a toy paper souvenir, we will need: a pencil and a black marker, a ruler, colored paper - pink or red, as well as silver, a stapler and glue, pre-prepared plastic eyes, and a ribbon for decoration.

    The body of our pig should be voluminous; For this we will need colored paper - pink or red. We cut out an even rectangle from paper, connect the edges with glue or a stapler so that we get the base body for our craft - a tall and wide tube.

    Next, we make the basis for the pig’s face: we take paper of two different colors, from one we cut out a larger circle - the head of our piglet, and two small triangles-ears, from the second - a smaller oval-patch. You can take pre-prepared plastic eyes for the pig, or you can cut them out yourself from other colored paper.

    Now we need to connect all the parts we cut out: bend them and glue the ears and snout to the head in sequence. On the patch we will add nostrils and a smiling mouth underneath. We draw eyelashes on the eyes.

    Now you need to cut out the remaining details from multi-colored paper - for the pig’s belly we’ll take a silver color, and red for the front legs and tail. We glue the prepared parts: we glue the long legs on the sides of the pig's body, the tail - to the back of the craft, the tummy - in the front.

    We tie a thin ribbon around the pig's neck and tie a smart bow. Our pig is ready!

    The finished paper pig craft can be presented as a New Year's present, and it will also look good on a decorated Christmas tree as a toy.

    You can also make the following craft from cardboard:

    Costume: mask and pig ears

    It is very easy to prepare such a costume for a children's party yourself, since it does not require sewing and its production will take only a few minutes.

    For a costume consisting of a pig's snout, ears and tail, we will need:

    • felt or fleece in pink and white colors,
    • scissors,
    • glue,
    • stapler,
    • paper cup,
    • elastic pink ribbon,
    • thin elastic band,
    • white thin plastic hair hoop.
    First we make the ponytail: cut a piece of felt fabric - it should be a little longer and wider than a piece of wire. We put the wire inside a rectangular piece of fabric, wrap it and carefully glue the fabric.

    Then we take an elastic band, fold it like a belt, attach the tail we prepared in the middle and fasten it with a stapler or glue. Curl the tail like a pig. One piece of the costume is ready!

    Now let's start making the patch. To do this, take a cardboard cup of small diameter, apply a piece of pink felt to it, trace and cut out the resulting circle - this will be our patch. Cut off the top of the glass so that the height of the glass is one and a half to two centimeters.

    We cut a rectangular strip of the same width from the felt so that we can wrap our cup. Now we glue our cut out parts to the cup: a circle to the bottom, a rectangular strip along the entire cup. It turns out to be a cute pink patch!

    We cut out two small oval parts from white felt - nostrils. Glue it onto the patch exactly in the middle.

    We make two small holes on the sides of the cup into which we insert a thin elastic band. We tie an elastic band inside the cup-patch on each side into a large knot. We try our nose on our head; it should hold tightly enough so that it does not fall off, but also does not press too much. Our nose for the pig costume is ready!

    Let's start making ears. To do this, we need to cut two large pieces in the shape of pig ears from the pink felt. Then we take our hairband, gather our ear, clamp it and wrap it around the headband, secure it well with glue.

    Our costume for the holiday is ready!

    Pig in the pen

    To make such a textile craft we will need:
    • empty plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters,
    • plastic eyes,
    • 4 plastic lids,
    • a piece of light felt or felt material,
    • a small piece of flexible wire
    • a piece of padding polyester,
    • nylon white stocking,
    • colorful paper,
    • several wooden skewers,
    • skein of twine,
    • shoe cardboard box lid,
    • gouache red and white,
    • clear varnish,
    • hot glue,
    • a few pebbles, acorns and twigs.
    First, let's prepare a pen for the pig: turn the box upside down, glue the required number of wooden skewers around the entire perimeter.

    We cover the inside of the box with green paper and weave a fence using twine around the glued skewers. We put acorns and pebbles in the pen, put a plastic jar - a feeder for our pig, and arrange tree branches. Our pen is ready!

    Now we make a pig from a plastic bottle: we cut the bottle into several parts - the bottom, the middle and the neck. Connect the neck to the bottom and glue it using hot glue.

    Using scissors, carefully cut out the mouth under the neck of the bottle. We cover the bottle with padding polyester and also make a mouth hole using scissors.

    We tighten the stocking around the body of our workpiece, cut out a hole-mouth and secure it with hot glue.

    Our stocking knot on the neck of the bottle must be closed with a snout: to do this, cut out a circle from white cardboard, cover it with nylon, tie it with thread - our snout is ready.

    The knot on the bottom of the bottle must also be closed with a wire tail, which we first cover in the area of ​​the butt with nylon.

    Cut out the pig's ears from light felt and glue them to the head.

    We prepare the legs: take plastic plugs, cover them with padding polyester and nylon, tighten them with thread, secure them and glue them to the pig’s body with glue.

    Prepare the gouache: mix red and white colors to make pink. We paint our pig evenly. Apply clear varnish on top. After the craft has dried, glue on the pig’s eyes and nostrils. Our piggy craft in the pen is ready!

    We sew a pig from children's tights

    Making such a souvenir will not take much time; for this you will need synthetic padding, children's tights or socks and a little imagination. The piggy craft is easy to complete by following the step-by-step instructions below. Ready? Then let's get started!

    Socks also make good piglets:

    Pig ball made of threads

    To make such an original craft we will need the following materials:
    • pink threads/yarn,
    • colored paper,
    • scissors,
    • round or oval inflatable ball,
    • PVA glue,
    • a plastic cup,
    • needle.
    First we need to prepare the base - the body of the pig: for this we will take a balloon and inflate it to the size we need. Now we pierce the plastic cup right through with a needle: the resulting holes should go near the very bottom of our cup. We will pour PVA glue into it, and we will pull the thread through the holes so that it passes through the glue poured into the cup.

    We wrap our inflated ball in a chaotic manner with a thread dipped in glue to create as many weaves as possible. The larger the layer of wound thread, the stronger the craft will be. You can stop gluing the ball when it is almost hidden under a layer of thread.

    It is necessary to remember that the glue takes a long time to dry, about a day, so such a craft must be prepared in advance before the holiday.

    After the glue has completely dried, you need to pierce the ball with a needle and carefully remove it from the craft.

    The legs of a piglet are made in the same way: a sausage ball is inflated, wrapped with thread, then after the glue has dried, the ball must be carefully burst and removed from the legs.

    Now you need to glue the legs to the body; While the glue dries, we can start making the pig's face. To do this, on colored paper we first need to draw all the necessary details - a snout, eyes and ears, then cut them out and glue them onto the pig’s body.

    Then you need to stretch a long thread and secure it with a loop knot - it will come in handy if we want to hang our craft on the Christmas tree.

    Coffee toy

    A New Year's pig souvenir in the form of a coffee toy is also easy to make, its design is quite simple, but it will have an exquisite aroma of coffee, vanilla or cinnamon and will give its new owner only positive emotions. Let's start creating a coffee toy!

    The technique for making such a souvenir is quite simple, and to make naf-naf we will need: light calico, light threads, stuffing material - padding polyester or foam rubber, vanillin or vanilla sugar, cocoa, instant coffee, cinnamon, scissors, PVA glue, needle, old toothbrush, gel pen, small container for diluting fragrance, brushes, acrylic paints.

    First, you need to prepare and cut out a template - you can attach tracing paper or thin paper to the monitor screen and trace the outline of the toy from the photo.

    The toy can also be cut out to any size; to do this, just click on the picture and its size will increase. It is also advisable to transfer the cut out pattern to thin cardboard - it is more practical and convenient.

    Now we will need our pen - we will use it to trace the resulting pattern; This should be done on fabric that is folded in half; if you plan to sew more than one toy, then you need to leave a space on the fabric between the patterns for a seam allowance of about 0.5 cm, while the seam itself is best done not along the drawn line itself, but nearby: the mark from the handle will not be noticeable if the fabric gets wet.

    It is necessary to sew two layers of fabric along the line at the same time; the seam begins and ends between the hind limbs of our craft, leaving about 2 centimeters unsewn - this hole is necessary to make it more convenient to stuff the pig. Also, you can’t cut the seam threads so that it doesn’t come apart when we turn and stuff our pig.

    We also cut out triangular teeth at the seam allowances, leaving a distance to the seam itself of about 0.2 cm - this will allow the seam on the toy to remain smooth and not bulge in different directions.

    Now we turn it inside out and stuff the stitched pig; For particularly narrow spaces, the ends of folded scissors are suitable. We fill the toy with padding polyester using the unsewn holes: the more padding polyester there is inside, the more “plump” and “pot-bellied” our pig will be. It is necessary to carefully sew up the holes through which we stuffed our pig and thread it - this will help us easily hang our pig to dry.

    Now let’s prepare the flavoring for our craft: dilute 40 ml of boiling water in a prepared container and add a teaspoon of coffee. Then the remaining ingredients - vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa - add about a quarter of a teaspoon to the resulting mixture.

    Stir everything thoroughly and cool. Then you need to add about half a teaspoon of PVA glue to the mixture and mix thoroughly.

    Apply the resulting composition to our pig with a toothbrush so that the fabric is stained and not completely saturated.

    Now we need to dry our toy; To do this, hang it on a rack in the oven, turned on at low heat, for a quarter of an hour.
    If, after drying, there are still wet spots on the toy, you need to turn off the oven and dry our workpiece in this way.

    After complete drying, the fabric soaked in the coffee adhesive solution will become rigid, and any funny design can easily be applied to it.

    Let's start painting - first with a simple pencil to outline the details, and then with acrylic paints. After the paints have dried, you can attach a loop or magnet to the coffee toy - then you can hang it on the Christmas tree or on the refrigerator.

    It is advisable to avoid getting the toy wet. Our wonderful DIY coffee pig is ready!

    Sew a tilde pig

    In order to make such a wonderful souvenir, we will need a printout of the pattern, cut out and transferred to the selected material. The best material for such a toy is natural, plain light fabric, such as linen, cotton, calico, poplin. You can take materials left over from old clothes or a new piece of fabric.

    The pattern itself consists of several parts - the pig's body, ears and legs.

    The fabric must be folded in half, the pattern pieces placed on top and outlined; Don't forget to leave 0.5 cm on the seams. Now we cut out the resulting parts and sew them together as shown in mk.

    Be sure to leave holes for filling the craft with stuffing and in order to sew on the pig's tail. Next, we need to sew the resulting parts together and turn them inside out. We fill the craft with filler, for example, padding polyester, holofiber, padding polyester; You can also put a flavor sachet into the pig.

    It is necessary to sew the legs and ears to the body of the pig using a hidden seam. We decorate the muzzle: you can glue plastic eyes, sew on beads, embroider with threads or paint, nostrils can be drawn or embroidered with floss; You can paint a blush on the pig’s cheeks, so it will become more elegant.

    In order to make the last detail of our pig doll - the perky tail - we will need to cut out a rectangular piece of fabric that is suitable in size, and sew a piece of flexible wire into it.

    We fix the tip of the wire inside the tail with glue.

    After the glue has dried, pull the second, free end, and it will take the shape of a pig's curled tail. We sew the tail into the body of our toy.

    See below for a few more options for textile piglets:

    Video bonus: pompom pig

    This video presents a master class that step by step reveals the process of making a pig from homemade pompoms.

    All the step-by-step instructions presented in the article for making homemade pig souvenir toys - the symbol of the coming 2019 - are very simple; their repetition requires simple materials that can be found in every home. With a little patience, skill and care, you can make any of these toys yourself.

    You can arm yourself with threads and nails and make paintings in the style of pig string art:

    A pig souvenir is a gift that will not leave anyone indifferent; it will give joyful emotions to everyone! Dare and create with our master classes!

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