Short congratulations on Valentine's Day: a selection of short congratulations in verse and prose to your loved one. The most beautiful words for Valentine's Day. Beautiful congratulations on Valentine's Day Congratulations on Valentine's Day in your own words

[in prose]

Happy Valentine's Day greetings to a girl

Stay young at heart and always love,
Never be upset, don’t feel sorry for yourself -
Be smiling and kind, gentle, dear
And then life will give you happiness in the spring!
Warm your heart on Valentine's Day -
The cold, the pain, the blizzard, drive away the sadness quickly!
Let them give way to joy, love,
Happiness, kindness and laughter! Always live like this!

A holiday of love and a holiday of hope,
That it will never end.
I wish you boundless happiness:
Every girl really wants love.
Happy Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day
Congratulations to you, on the wings of love
Fly in the skies, drink love wines,
And quickly invite happiness into your home!

My beloved, Cupid is knocking,
To your window on this bright holiday!
He will tell you how I am in love,
How to be endlessly happy with you.
Let life be a honey river,
So that the spark in your eyes does not go out.
And I would always like to be with you,
My person, the closest in the world.

I don't have enough words to tell you,
How endlessly dear you are!
I've been wanting to confess for a long time -
You are the only one, forever!
On Valentine's Day, honey,
I’ll give you an armful of red roses...
I will make you happy myself.
Sunny, I love you so much!
How lucky I was to meet such a person!
Honey, you are the best in the world!

Happy Valentine's Day, honey,
My you are tender and the most beautiful!
This Valentine's Day is so beautiful
Catching the gaze and happiness of eyes so clear!
I thank you for our days and nights,
For your kind words, care and warmth.
I dream of raising sons and daughters with you,
Live so that your soul is light!

I rarely see you, I know you little,
I want to know better and... I’m silent...
I don’t remember myself, I don’t understand
What, finally, do I want from you?!
I'm jealous, I'm burning with passion again,
I suffer from the intrusiveness of thoughts about you,
I will grind anyone into powder
Who will be even a little rude to you!
And even if we remain friends,
I melt tender hope in my soul.
I rarely appear before your eyes,
Only because I love you.

Today is Valentine's Day,
I want to confess without hiding,
That there is no more beautiful girl in the world,
You go through life cheerfully, laughing!
And I have long wanted to confess to you,
That in this world I only love you,
I will never tire of admiring you,
Let me worship you!?

Happy Valentine's Day - Happy Happiest Day!
I spend the last ray of the sun,
And I will bring you to my quiet castle,
And I'll lock the door and lose the key,
And I’ll light the candles, creating intimacy,
And I will open my arms to miracles...
Let Valentin give me reciprocity,
And I'll get the rest myself!

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I congratulate you on this most romantic holiday - Happy St. Valentina! I give you my most sincere, warm wishes! Today you can already hear the breath of spring, despite the tricks of the snowy winter. Believe, our hearts with their passion, warmth of feelings, fire of desires will melt any ice! I love you!

Valentine's Day is a reason to confess my love for you, my soulmate. But how? No words can convey my feelings, beautiful flowers are unworthy of your beauty, and sweets cannot compare with your kisses. I wish you to feel my love in your heart.

On this long-awaited Valentine's Day, I want to thank fate for connecting us with strong bonds of friendship and love. You are my hero, my boyfriend, my man, and I always want to see your kind eyes in the morning, feel your caring hands and understand that I am the only one for you.

Love is truly a wonderful feeling. How many songs have been composed about her, how many poems have been written, how many sacrifices have been made in the name of love. In the name of love, Valentine himself died, after whom this special holiday is named. In the name of love for their beautiful ladies, knights performed feats. Love your knights, dear friends, inspire them, and then their exploits will not keep you waiting! Happy Valentine's Day, my dear girlfriends! Love and happiness to you!

As if spellbound, I admire your amazing beauty of the external and internal world. You are opening up for me from a new, unknown side, and I am pleasantly surprised by such discoveries, like the sun you illuminate everything around, like a flash that blinded me, like a fire that penetrated into my soul. And on Valentine's Day, I confess how much I am in love with your eyes, with your smile, with those golden curls. Happiness to be with you! Happy holiday to you! May Saint Valentine protect us!

Happy Valentine's Day! I wish that on this day and throughout the next year, butterflies flutter in your heart, and your head is spinning with love euphoria, and that your eyes shine with faith in the sincerity and strength of feelings. Let your love overcome all obstacles and give you endless, boundless and cloudless bliss of being together with your one and only loved one. And I also want to wish you the ability and ability to retain all the tenderness and warmth of the days spent together and never waste time on petty quarrels over trifles.

The most wonderful feeling is Love. This is a strong, genuine and reverent feeling that awakens us from the sleep of reality. We go beyond our capabilities, do crazy things and prove that the word “Love” is not just said. I am ready to show you how much I love you, you evoke in me real emotions of joy and happiness. Happy holiday, dear! Happy Valentine's day! And I am glad that I am sincerely in love with the most beautiful girl.

My world is filled with extraordinary feelings, they are becoming stronger and brighter. What I feel for you makes me better, I strive to be the person who will make you happy. I am sure that you are my destiny, the soul mate that I have been looking for for so long. Thank you, my love, for your love and affection, kindness and attention. I congratulate you on Valentine's Day and wish that your wishes come true and your plans come true.

Valentine's Day is a time when the halves of hearts rush towards each other and unite, when words of love fly in the air and the fluids of feelings overwhelm the soul. I wish you, my half, to feel and enjoy the taste of love and happiness all your life.

Love. Such a wonderful feeling, allowing you to create, uplifting and inspiring. After all, a person is truly “alive” while love lives in his heart. It is then that you have someone to smile for, someone to give yourself to. Saint Valentine gave his life in the name of love and, honoring his act, we simply must congratulate those we love on a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Happy holiday, Happy Valentine's Day! Love is the basis of the universe, the driving force, healing, the key to success in any endeavor. On Valentine's Day, I wish you to love, fall in love, embrace, kiss. To be the sun, someone's meaning, a guiding star, the cause of sweet dreams and the reason for madness, a fireworks of feelings. Hear the most cherished words, meet sunsets and sunrises with your significant other. Warmth and affection to you, magic and meetings, passionate conversations until midnight. And if you are waiting, wait, if you are looking, find, and once you have found, take care of it and live in love!

Valentine's Day has recently become a holiday tradition for us. And not so long ago we met. But how good it is that there is such a reason - to tell you once again that I love you! I love both holidays and sad days. And when you laugh and when you frown. Just let you have fewer reasons to frown! And I can tell you often, often that I love you, without any reason - all my life!

Let love fall on your eyelids on the night of all lovers, forcing you to look away with a languid look of embarrassment. Let tenderness shower star silver on your skin, helping your eyes shine, and let passion light sparkles in your soul, responding with a pulse in my heart, because you are my better half!

My beloved little man, probably all the girls have been waiting for this February holiday since their school days, but today, when we have already grown up, this romantic date gives us a wonderful reason to once again tell each other about our feelings. So know that I want our mutual sympathy not to fade away over time, so every day I live I will give you only joy and love.

I love you! I want to create a whole world, a whole universe for you. Where you and I would be happy. I want you to fall asleep thinking about me. So that every night you have a dream where it’s just you and me. So that you wake up and immediately remember about me. I want to tell you - I love you! Happy February 14th, Happy Valentine's Day.

I hasten to congratulate you on Valentine’s Day, I wish you to find a person in the vast world worthy of your love and earn mutual feelings of sympathy from him. Let your heart be filled with tenderness and light, which will illuminate your life path from the inside.

Words are very important in our lives. Sometimes one word is enough for forgiveness. You can conquer a person with sincere words of love that come from the heart. A standard and everyday phrase will not give such a dizzying result. Therefore, it is worth finding such congratulations on Valentine’s Day in your own words, so that the one to whom you will say or dedicate them will believe and feel it.

Confessions of love and congratulations, if these are sincere feelings, do not need to be invented. The heart itself will tell you what words will be needed.

You can conquer the object of your dreams in a variety of ways. It could be a romantic dinner by candlelight, or an unforgettable trip, a long-awaited proposal. But people have been given the invaluable gift of communication. With its help, we express pain and grievances, joys and sorrows, fear and courage. Nothing can fully express all feelings like words. Therefore, no dinner can compare with sincere and warm words of love. Correctly chosen congratulations in your own words on February 14 can conquer any girl.

To find the right words to express your feelings, you should listen to your heart and feelings. The simple words “I love you” will not express everything you want to say. Sometimes a simple compliment is not enough either. To express your feelings in your own words, you can first write them on paper and arrange them in a logical series. You can rehearse a little so that you don’t get confused or confused during the confession. But the main thing is the sincerity of your confessions.

Don't be afraid or embarrassed to express emotions and feelings. Not a single gift will express a reverent and tender attitude towards a person. Being able to express your feelings with Valentine's Day greetings in your own words is the most wonderful gift to be used, especially to express perhaps the most important words in the world. If you can’t come up with such words yourself, use the words that our authors have already come up especially for you and are now posted on the site.

Dear, beloved! Until recently, you and I didn’t even know about such a wonderful holiday as Valentine’s Day. But today, with great pleasure, I can congratulate you on Valentine’s Day! And I want to tell you a few words in which I put all the depth of my thoughts and feelings - I love you very much and sincerely wish that we will always be together!

I hasten to congratulate you on Valentine's Day! You were born to be the only one! And I want to live to love you! I will do anything for you! And I will treasure your love forever! I love you!

On this day, you need to listen to your soul, feel its aching thrill when you remember you, the taste and smell immediately come to mind, and everything blooms with impossible sparkling colors and wondrous flowers. And you understand that you love... Congratulations to you, and I wish you the same as I feel about you!

Today, a special love virus snuck into my phone book, found the most beautiful and tender girl there, and then sent her a Valentine card with a declaration of love. Happy Valentine's Day, my love!

Darling, you can’t imagine how happy I am now because I met you and received mutual love. Our hearts beat in unison, our desires coincide, our eyes burn with passion and mutual understanding, our souls are in a blissful state. I know one thing, that we are made for each other, and I am ready to repeat every minute that I love you very much. Darling, Happy Valentine's Day!

My beloved girl, you know, today is a special day. He is special for everyone who loves, special for you and me. I congratulate you on Valentine's Day, and I promise to always be with you, take care of you tenderly and very, very much... Love you!

Darling, once Cupid pierced my heart with an arrow. I should have cried from the pain, but the woman I am crazy about now, who is now reading my Valentine, came to my aid in time. Happy Valentines Day!

Sometimes life gives you so many reasons to start hating it, but at that moment I stop and start thinking about you: how can I hate this life if you are part of it! Happy Valentine's Day, my love!

I thought for a long time, is it better to confess my love to you early in the late evening or late in the early morning? And stopped at the first one. That's why I'm sending you a Valentine's card now! I love you! I love both early late evening and late early morning! Happy holiday, my love!

For me, you are a ray of sunshine, the light at the end of the tunnel! When you walk, everything around you lights up! I would like to be inseparable with you for many years!

Honey, I want to tell you a little fairy tale. One day, two bright stars lit up in the sky at once. And they liked each other so much that they came closer and closer until they finally united into one. So it will be with you and me. Congratulations on February 14th.

My dear, dear little man, I congratulate you on Valentine’s Day! You are the most precious thing I have, you are like air to me, without which I am suffocating, you are like sunlight, which is so necessary. I love you very much and my love is sincere and boundless. I want you to be happy with me, because I want to wish you happiness most of all. Happy holiday, my love!

My love! My heart and all other organs belong to you, and my whole life belongs only to you! Take care of them, my love! I love you very, very much and I want to be with you all my life! Today, on this day, I want to confess to you! I love both soul and body in you! I was blind, but having fallen in love, I received my sight! I melt next to you, like a snowman under the sun! You are the most precious thing to me! No one can love like me. Believe me, this is all for a reason!

My favorite girl! Happy Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, you especially think about the value of our relationship and how lucky it is that I met you in my life. I, as before, am full of romance and the desire to give you all my tenderness. Your smile warms my heart, which beats faster when you are near.

My dear, we need to meet as soon as possible. Today is a special day and I have a special gift for you. But which one, you will only find out when we meet. I congratulate you on Valentine’s Day, my beloved girl, and I’m really looking forward to it.

I don’t know if there is a number in arithmetic that would be greater than my love for you! I don’t know if there are any constants in physics that would be more constant than my love for you! I don’t know if there is a figure in geometry whose lines would be more perfect than yours! I don’t know if there is a substance in chemistry whose smell could compare with the aroma of your body! I don’t know if astronomy knows of a star whose brilliance could outshine the brilliance of your eyes! But I know for sure that no language has words to fully express my love for you!

What a beautiful, wonderful winter day it is today. Everyone celebrates Valentine's Day with great joy. My beloved, good, gentle and most beautiful, I congratulate you on your holiday and wish you a great mood. May your life be filled only with happy moments. Let joy sparkle in your eyes, and let your lips smile often. May God grant you good health, happiness and great love. My love, I am so grateful to fate for bringing us together. May your guardian angel protect you from troubles and evil, may your cheerful, cheerful laughter sound. I love you, my dear!

Today is Valentine's Day - the most beautiful and long-awaited holiday of all lovers. There are smiles, gifts, a cheerful mood and hot, tender kisses all around. My sunshine, I congratulate you on your day of love. May this good feeling last a lifetime. I love you so much. You are my only one on the whole Earth. I'm ready to do anything for you. On this holiday, I give you my heart and hope for reciprocity. I always feel so good with you, I love listening to your clear and so gentle voice. Be happy, my beloved!

A huge feeling is love. Love can overcome the most granite obstacles. Love inspires us and makes us the happiest on Earth. Today the whole planet celebrates St. Valentine's Day. And I want to congratulate you, my dear. May your life be filled with success and joy. May your sunrises be filled with bird chirping. May the good mood never leave you. May fate always be favorable to you, and may your guardian angel protect you from sadness. You are my miracle, my love. Be always happy!

For the sake of love, a person is ready to do anything. Love motivates us to do the most incredible things. They say lovers grow wings, and this is true. Today, on a frosty February day, the whole country celebrates the big day of love. I congratulate you, my dearest, most beloved, dearest, on this wonderful holiday. May all your cherished dreams come true on this day, may all the flowers of the earth bloom for you today. Let only reliable and faithful friends meet in life. Be always happy, my beloved!

How wonderful it is when you love or are loved. At this moment, everything is under your control. You can do the most beautiful things, even reach the brightest star from heaven. Today is a wonderful holiday on Earth. Although it is still winter outside, as if by magic, flowers are blooming all over the planet out of love. I have prepared your most favorite roses for you. I really want to do something nice for you, because I love you more than anyone on Earth. My sweet, good, most gentle and affectionate girl. May all your dreams come true this holiday.

You cannot live in the world without love. For love is a miracle. The happiest people on Earth are lovers. Today is such a beautiful day. Smiles, flowers and gifts make your soul feel so good. On Valentine's Day, I want to congratulate and wish you joy, good luck and good mood. May all your cherished dreams come true. May there be only happy moments in your life. Everything for you, my love, on this day. And most importantly, I give you my heart, burning with love. And I really hope for reciprocity. You are my soulmate, destined for me by fate. Let our love know no barriers. I love you. Be happy!

We celebrate the most wonderful and beautiful holiday in February. On such a frosty, cold day, my soul is warm. After all, we love! What happiness! For the sake of our loved ones, we sometimes do the most incredible things. For the sake of love we are ready to do anything. My love, I congratulate you on Valentine's Day. May the day of love last throughout our lives. I know we will always be together, because our love is mutual. I wish you, my sunshine, great happiness, good luck, prosperity and warmth. You are the most beautiful, most tender, most affectionate and dearest girl.

Love sometimes comes to us unexpectedly, and then we simply transform, become kinder, sincere, more gentle. We look at the world with completely different eyes. Today is a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. Our day is with you, my love. May all the flowers of the earth bloom for you today. May everything you dream about come true. May everything be wonderful in your life. I so want to be with you all my life, my beloved. I love you and for the sake of love I am ready to do anything. Be happy, my dearest and dearest.

I want to confess my love to you. May you remember this day forever, because today is Valentine's Day. My beloved and adored, may everything you dream about certainly come true. Let a gentle, beautiful smile often appear on your face, and let your eyes glow with joy and happiness. I wish you good health, good luck, comfort. I am sure that we will carry our pure and beautiful love throughout our lives, our feelings, like sparkles, will flare up more and more and turn into the future flame of love. Always be the best and make me happy with your presence. My beloved, good, and dearest soul mate.

To my beloved and only one, who is always a little mysterious and unique, in whose name I want to perform feats, today I have prepared congratulations on Valentine’s Day and a wish to be the happiest, as well as a tender kiss of love!

I wanted to rush south with the crane key, loaded my suitcase, took a Panama hat, but then I saw you through the clouds and made an emergency landing. Even though I had the chance to return to the snow, believe me, I don’t regret it. So you are my warm lands, and in the most brutal blizzard I will warm you too.

Life to go through - says popular wisdom - is not a field to cross, but with you, my dear, I am ready to cross both mountains and seas, and live three whole lives in a row! After all, you are my light and my happiness! On Valentine's Day, I again talk about my love and am infinitely happy to see warm reciprocity in your beautiful eyes!

If you start jumping to the sky, trying to take away a star from the night, I will get it so that you don’t burn your fingers. I will enter the labyrinth of the Minotaur with you and take the navigator with me. And when you rush to the ends of the earth, I will have to run after you so that you don’t fall from there. You ask why? Most likely, my practicality is to blame, or maybe something else...

My beloved, we have been together for so many years that it seems to me as if I never had another life. I can't imagine how I could live without you. I am happy that you are my wife, there is no need to dream of another. I love myself very much and wish you a Happy Valentine's Day.

My sunshine, happy holiday! On Valentine's Day, from the bottom of my heart, which belongs to the most beautiful girl in the world, I wish you endless bright happiness, magnificent luck and tender love! May your dreams come true, may your life be light and bright, like that of a baby hummingbird!

Today, on Valentine's Day, I wish you many good things: good health, great luck, constant good fortune, great joys and insignificant sorrows. Success at work, well-being at home, implementation of even the most ambitious plans and risky ideas. I don’t wish for only one thing - love. For it is still impossible to love more than we love each other. Happy Valentine's Day!

I can't live a day or a night without you. I think about you early in the morning and late at night. You are my inspiration, my love, my world and my dream. I love you very much and I promise that we will always be together!

Happy Valentines Day! You are as bright as the sun, sweet as caramel, and tender as a doe! So how can I not love you, not adore you with all my heart? Today I tell you about this again without stopping and I want to talk like this all my life! And I also give you flowers that fade next to your beauty, and a hot kiss!

All my adult life I dreamed of meeting a girl like you. I looked for her, but she was not there. Before you, I didn’t know what love was in the full sense of the word, and only with you I found peace of mind, full-fledged love, happiness and harmony with the world. Always be there, I love you very much!

Beloved, my thoughts and desires, ahead of each other, tend to quickly unite our bodies in a tender kiss, which is very pleasant for both of us and for the people around us. Our feelings give everyone an example of a beautiful and warm relationship between a man and a woman, which inspires others to do the same.

Congratulations to your beloved on Valentine's Day

Darling, I congratulate you on Valentine's Day! You are my only one, gentle, affectionate, kind, caring, beautiful, sympathetic, smart, beautiful, amazing, the best! The one for which I go through fire and water. I thank fate for having you. I love you endlessly. I want us to be happy all our lives!

The most tender and beautiful
On Valentine's Day I will say:
I love you, dear,
I'll prove my feelings
The best girl in the world
I'm sure you won't find it
It's good that we met
We are on the path of life!

My joy, I congratulate you on Valentine's Day! I wish our relationship to be strong, our happiness to be bright, our feelings to be sincere, and our love to become stronger every day. I love you, you are my most charming, extraordinary, amazing girl, and may everything with us always be simply PURPLE!

May your angel protect you
Protecting peace and sleep,
And kiss me
Because I love you, dear.

You are my heart and soul
Your gaze makes me melt.
Oh God, how good you are!
What a blessing to have you nearby!

I give you all my tenderness,
All of yourself and without a trace.
I only pray for one thing:
Love me just as sweetly!

You are my dear, desired,
And I love you with all my soul,
And you, my dear girl,
I want to congratulate you on Valentine's Day!

I want you to smile
To always be with me,
So that grievances are always forgotten,
I love you with all my soul!

You are like a bright ray of sunshine,
I made my way into my life through the clouds.
With its beauty and affection,
My life has turned into a fairy tale.
I love you so much, dear,
And happy Valentine's Day!
May life give you surprises,
And let him forgive for his whims.
Be happy, my love,
I'm happy next to you!

On Valentine's Day
I'm writing a Valentine's card.
About your hot love
I'll tell you everything in it.

Your smile makes me melt
In the middle of February
You break your heart with your gaze
On the shards of crystal.

I'll ask Cupid
Even in summer and winter
We'll be together all the time
I'm with you, and you're with me!

Happy Valentine's Day!
For you, my beloved,
I can do everything in the world,
These feelings warm my soul.

Always be as sweet as you are
Charming, beautiful.
Never be offended
And enjoy love!

Let my declarations of love for you today sound somehow special. You are my ray of light, my warm light that guides me in this sometimes cruel life. You are the most wonderful creature this universe has created. I am incredibly happy that I can hold your hand and be warmed by your breath. And I want this happiness to never end, and to be as eternal as my love for you. Happy Valentine's Day, my love!

I'll whisper gently in your ear,
My gentle kitten, I love you.
On Valentine's Day, I want to confess to you,
That in the world you are the only one I love.
I hug you, I write a confession,
And I want to congratulate you on Valentine's Day.