How to make autumn ikebana from fruits. Master Class. Ikebana "Autumn mood". Autumn sunny day

It was in the spring, and we knew about the upcoming event several months in advance. We prepared, worried, doubted. This time there was no time to worry or doubt. In the same way, however, to prepare - we learned that there would be an exhibition two weeks in advance. During this time, of course, you can buy as many flowers as you like, and the concept of the work is such a thing, you can “give birth” in about fifteen minutes. But in order to feel it... So, in order to walk around with these thoughts - that there will be an exhibition, and there needs to be a composition, and autumn is in the yard, and the composition should be autumn, and autumn ikebana is not necessarily made of “yellow maple leaves”, it can be bright and flowery, but the breath of autumn must be felt.... Somehow my teacher’s story about how five hundred years ago in Japan monks wandered through the mountains for weeks, looking for the right branch - the one that they had dreamed - sank into my soul. and it certainly had to be found... Nowadays there is jiyuka - “free form”, and you can bend everything to the wires, but then everything was strict, no delays, as nature created, so take it...

Younger and I, however, wandered around in search of branches. Not for two weeks, of course, and not in the mountains, but in the surrounding fields, and everyone looked closely at the willows and acacias, but they didn’t find anything sensible. The willow branches are light and well curved, but somehow everything was wrong. Acacia branches are dark, and their pattern is clear, whimsical, they look very picturesque, but acacia leaves will not last even two hours, if you cut a branch, they wither immediately. We couldn't find any branches, so we decided to put up flowers.

This is mine (photo below). Shoka sim-pu-tai. In general, shoka is a form where all the flower-twigs are placed in one line, from the viewer back. And if you look from a frontal angle, as it should be, you get the impression that everything is “growing” from one “point” - by the way, you can see it in the photograph if you enlarge it. That branch that bends forward was given to me right there, during preparation, and I placed it. Such an autumn twig. Oh, yes, so that’s what shoka is, I said, and “shim-pu-tai” is a form of three elements. One is the main one. It can be anything, but it must be beautiful and have clearly defined characteristics. For example, "tall-straight". Or “dense-bright”, or, for example, “massive, low”. Anything, really. Any “sign” that expresses the beauty of a plant. The second element, accordingly, is the opposite of the first. Well, the third one “breathes” life into the composition, introduces either movement or a color accent, and saturates it with variety.

The photo below is Younger’s composition. Free form, jiyuka. A “composite” vase, made of four elements, two white, two red. I would have placed the green chrysanthemums in the long white section differently, but that’s the author’s right. The teacher approved, and the sensei approved. And Younger herself is happy. Okay then.

Well, the third work is our joint work, mine and Junior’s, and the sensei herself had a hand in the end - she added yellow flowers. The situation was a little extreme, and we staged this composition “instead”. Before leaving, my treasure announced that she was not going anywhere, and in general “she didn’t need anything.” In response to my admonitions on the topic that in general now it doesn’t matter what she personally needs and what she doesn’t need, she has no right to let people down - our teacher and sensei, she has a place at the exhibition, she is on the list of participants, and now the same situation , when you just need to go and do what you have to do, Treasure twisted her face and continued to mumble that “she doesn’t need all this.” There was no time to think about her motivations and look for “approaches” to her mysterious soul, and I decided that let everything go as it goes. Perhaps her refusal to go was explained by the fact that the day before she had smashed one of Younger’s vases (there were only five of them), on purpose, out of spite, and was afraid of retribution? Retribution would hardly come, and the sensei and our teacher usually don’t bother with little things like broken ceramics, apparently rightly believing that everything in this world is transitory, and only glimpses of beauty are eternal... But our Treasure, I think, such simple thoughts come to mind they didn’t come, and she stayed at home. And we grabbed her vases, and, after we realized our own ideas, we quickly staged the third work. In my opinion, it turned out very well.

By the way, this is already the fifth exhibition of Nihon-no-bi - The Beauty of Japan - in Russia. It takes place there, at the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts, on Delegatskaya Street. With master classes, tea ceremonies and other beauty. Open all week. When you have time, come.

You don't have to be a designer or florist to be able to create composition from gifts of nature, which will decorate your home interior, loggia, terrace, office space or garden plot. So I wanted to create an atmosphere of autumn comfort in the house. What I ended up with delighted everyone at home and guests.

And the source of inspiration for this unusual autumn composition was the rowan tree, which grew so beautifully in the country house. In my opinion, the rowan fruits, in color and shape, are simply the ideal material for autumn creativity.

Bunches of rowan berries look very attractive in a wreath or candlestick; it is also appropriate to place them on a table or near the fireplace. These berries go well with autumn leaves, reminding us of our favorite season.

Compositions from autumn materials

However, you should not limit yourself to rowan berries. Autumn fruits are very rich and varied. These are chestnuts, acorns, cones, viburnum branches and oddly shaped seed boxes, as well as late apples, pumpkins, autumn flowers and strange leaves. They can be found in the forest, on a personal plot, in a garden, in every park or square.

Editorial "So simple!" I have prepared 21 bright ones for you composition using the gifts of autumn. Create a sunny mood. Just can't take your eyes off!

  1. Such a magnificent multi-layered wreath using dry lavender, various greens, apples and decorative pumpkins can decorate not only the doors, but also the windowsill of a country house.
  2. And here is one of the simple but quite elegant compositions using rowan fruits.

  3. Fire is a fascinating element, especially pleasant to watch on cold autumn evenings. And if your house does not have a fireplace, you can use such an unusual and cozy one as a symbol of the hearth. candlestick made from natural materials. Would you like to have one of these in your living room?

  4. I simply admire this composition with its extraordinary approach. Perhaps I’ll take it into service!

  5. Amazing magnificence!

  6. Who said that autumn floristry is only wreaths on the door and bouquets of flowers in pumpkins? How do you like this autumn cake made from natural materials? Surprise your guests with such unusual decor.

  7. Physalis wreath to decorate the front door.

  8. Pumpkin is better than any other fruit for creating autumn compositions. This type of ikebana is easy to do and, most importantly, looks very impressive.

    If desired, it can be additionally decorated with flowers or simply decorated with very delicate and beautiful carvings. I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with interesting pumpkin compositions.

  9. Topiary is an almost eternal bouquet that is very easy to make with your own hands. Such a berry tree will elegantly complement the interior and add comfort and warmth to the house.

  10. Another wonderful wreath using rowan fruits.

  11. This fall I really want to create a cornucopia-shaped arrangement for my home. It is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is depicted mostly curved, filled with flowers, fruits, berries, seeds and, according to legend, brings prosperity and happiness to the house.

When preparing an autumn composition, it is important to pay attention to compatibility of natural materials and the harmony of their proximity to each other, as well as take care of the conditions in which they will have the best appearance. For some compositions, the selected elements must be in the freshest form, for example, cut flowers, branches of a bush or tree, fruits.

For others, pre-drying of the workpieces is required. After drying, some elements can be polished and finished with varnish or a composition containing wax, for example, this can be done with chestnut fruits, dried leaves, pine cones, and acorns.

All materials collected in a forest or park should be collected in dry weather, and under no circumstances after rain. Materials for creativity should be chosen without traces of dirt and dampness, otherwise something that is damp may become moldy.

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that’s what a girl’s heart strives for! Anastasia is an interior designer and also makes unique floral-themed jewelry. She dreams of living in France, is learning the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Galina Bogacheva

Autumn sunny day

Filled me with inspiration!

I send you greetings from Kuban!

AND autumn I wish everyone a wonderful life!

Autumn It's a great time for creativity. After all, it is autumn gives us wonderful natural materials to create something extraordinary.

To realize my ideas and fantasies, I also use waste material. By combining two types of material (waste and natural) I did it ikebana« Autumn mood» .

To make it we will be needed: cones, waste material, glue gun, acrylic paint, hard wide brush, sharp scissors.

Advice: To make crafts, it is better to use large cones with well-open scales.

Move work: cut off a wide part of the cone, about 5-7 scales. Cover the resulting part well with paint. (color each scale on both sides). Wait until the paint is completely dry. Apply a second coat of paint, carefully painting each scale.

If you want the flowers to be placed on the base at different levels, screw a screw into the middle of the painted cone or glue a small piece of foam plastic.

As a basis for forming a bouquet, you can use various waste material: plastic plate, mayonnaise lid, bottom of a plastic bottle, etc.

I used: a basket made from a dried bouquet and a plastic ball. To make the craft stable, I glued the ball to the bottom of the basket with a glue gun.

Then we form a bouquet and add our imagination to embellish it a little.

Ikebana is ready.

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Greetings! Today I have selected a lot of ideas for you on the theme “Autumn”. More precisely, we will figure out how to make autumn bouquets with our own hands. With the start of classes in schools and kindergartens, parents are often puzzled by what needs to be done. I think that if you have fruits, leaves and dried flowers, it is easiest to create a composition of flowers.

And they also turn out so beautiful that they are suitable as a gift for a ball, for Teacher’s Day and for the autumn holiday itself.

And to make it easier for parents, I decided to make a selection where I collected the most interesting ideas for bouquets using everything that is at hand: from paper to twigs and seeds. There will be simple ideas and more complex ones for those who feel a creative touch and want to create a masterpiece.

One of the most accessible autumn materials is leaves. They have already turned red and yellow. They are collected into beautiful compositions, used as a basis for bouquets, or simply placed in a vase without embellishment.

And we can make a rose out of them. And then make a bouquet from such roses and buds. This is not very difficult to do and for 1 rose you will need 5-7 leaves. This depends on the level of openness of your flower.

It is important to take those leaves that still bend easily and do not break. Unfortunately, nothing will come of dry things.

By the way, take them in so that there is a long tail at the base. It will help you hold the workpiece comfortably and tying a “rose” with it will also be easier.

So let's take:

  • 5-7 leaves,
  • threads

Let's start by choosing the smallest leaf available. Fold it in half horizontally.

And twist it into a tube. This is what we got in the middle.

Hold the middle with one hand. And the second one folds the next sheet horizontally again. We wrap it around the middle. We don't tighten it too much.

We wrap this way until we run out of leaves. Not all of them can be used if you want to make a bud.

We open the “petals” and tie all the tails with thread. To make it more convenient, ask your family for help.

This is how the blanks turned out. They can already make a bouquet.

I think that any schoolchild will be able to repeat these simple steps and create a bouquet of “roses” on their own.

Now let's compose the composition. After all, in floristry, not a single bouquet is made without it. The idea always comes first.

You can combine such roses with fresh flowers, dried flowers or rowan.

The main thing is that there are no empty spaces in the bouquet, otherwise there will be a feeling of incompleteness. Here is an example with the addition of regular leaves. After all, they are also beautiful in themselves.

And here the flowers lie on a beautiful background and the middle is highlighted with a bright accent.

If you try, you can make roses of different shades that will look very realistic in a bouquet.

It’s not a shame to give such beauty at the Autumn Ball or on Teacher’s Day.

It is very beautiful when leaves of different colors and shapes are combined. Nevertheless, our autumn is very diverse and plays with all the colors of the rainbow.

Another idea is to use green plant branches.

I really liked how the leaves were beautifully wrapped in a tube in this photo. This immediately highlights the composition and makes it individual.

Here, in a composition with autumn fresh flowers, the leaves also actively attract attention. Agree, it turned out very original.

Another small composition on the theme “Autumn”. Very cute and beautiful idea with an apple.

Just go to a park or a forest and you can immediately collect a whole bag of material. Branches of birch, maple, rowan, apple tree - anything will suit us.

A variant of an autumn tree in the form. It can also replace a bouquet. All the gifts of the trees are used: from leaves to berries and cones.

You don’t have to fold the leaves, but simply collect them beautifully and tie them with a ribbon. You can maintain the color style. For example, take only green or only red leaves.

But you can use the branches themselves! Look how self-sufficient they look.

I think that any mother would be happy to help her child create such compositions. And collecting leaves together in the woods during a walk will only bring the family closer together.

Autumn bouquets of vegetables and fruits

You can use autumn fruits. Bouquets with them are also very popular now and look quite unusual.

For creativity you need to choose beautiful, small fruits. No dark spots or wrinkled sides.

Let's begin to consider possible options for compositions of fruits and berries. And then we’ll smoothly move on to vegetables.

Here is an idea with tangerines and rowan berries. Fruits are strung on skewers for kebabs. For strength, they are fixed with tape or special floral tape.

Here you can see that the apples are strung on skewers. They combine beautifully with asters and rowan and bird cherry. My parents made a very original stand from birch bark.

Apples go well with any leaves and berries.

Here the emphasis is on rowan. Twigs of coniferous trees add splendor to the composition.

These bouquets are made to order. Here it is important to firmly connect all the workpieces together.

I was captivated by the idea of ​​painting fruits. For example, such “golden” apples look very expensive. You won’t immediately realize that they are real!

Variations with fruits, cones and berries in a pumpkin. A little later I’ll show you how you can use this vegetable.

You can put the composition not in a pumpkin, but in a zucchini.

Apples go well with the “roses” we made earlier.

Step-by-step video about making fruit compositions.

Now I’ll show you options for bouquets with vegetables. You may not collect all types. And turn on the designer’s imagination and use only two types - pepper and garlic. Look what came of it.

Small fruits make cute arrangements.

The entire space between the vegetables, where the joints could be seen, was covered with rowan berries.

By sticking to a certain color scheme, you can create a very stylish bouquet. For example, using cabbage and succulents. After all, autumn can be different.

In this photo, I was captivated by the background of rolled leaves. The composition is clearly visible here. The highlight is in the form of earrings that fall down under their own weight.

Look how beautiful the idea of ​​painting the ears looks. Very bright and lively.

Now let's move on to the very common idea of ​​using a pumpkin as a vase for flowers and herbs.

Bouquets with pumpkin

It is convenient to place bouquets in a pumpkin. But in order for them to stand and not wilt longer, all plants need water. How to place it in this large vegetable?

There are three most convenient options: using a floral sponge, using a tin can, or combining both of these options.

So, take out the middle with the seeds from the pumpkin. They can be dried and used for appliqués and panels. More on this below.

And put a floral sponge inside. It is sold in many flower shops, as well as in creativity departments.

Then you water it with water and insert flowers. Most often, this option is necessary when you create a bouquet of fresh flowers. The sponge also helps keep the shape of the composition when the stems are stuck into it.

You can also put a tin can inside. In this case, there is no need to remove all the pulp. The main thing is that the jar is not visible. We use canned pineapple containers. You can also pour water into it, but you don’t have to do this if you are using dried flowers.

For these purposes, it is better to take a wide pumpkin.

Instead of a jar, you can use a glass. Its top side indicates the diameter that needs to be cut to fit the glass. For fresh flowers, put a floral sponge inside and saturate it with moisture.

Ideas for compositions in a pumpkin are in front of you.

A vegetable vase can be decorated with ribbons or braid.

There are only fresh flowers here.

And here we see the use of spruce branches, bunches of bird cherry and rowan.

The whole composition is on the theme “Autumn”.

This craft will appeal to both schoolchildren and children in the older group of kindergarten.

The main thing is not to be afraid to use the materials that are at hand. Making a bouquet is a very entertaining and creative process.

How to make paper compositions on the theme “Golden Autumn”

There is an idea to make autumn bouquets from paper. Initially, flowers are prepared from which the composition is created.

It turns out very beautifully when using the origami technique.

Interspersed with .

Let's add leaves in autumn shades to them.

This master class describes the detailed process of creating leaves.

Coat the ends of the accordion-folded sheet with glue and connect.

Maple leaves can also be made using the origami technique.

Here is a detailed master class.

If it’s not clear from the photo, I’ll attach a video.

Everything is described in detail here. I think that using the video you can definitely create a craft by repeating all the steps step by step.

Master classes and ideas from natural materials for kindergarten

For small children you need something simpler. Therefore, I suggest using natural material for bouquets. We will look at ideas from pine cones, peanut and pistachio shells, pumpkin seeds, and dried flowers.

From the cones

It turns out that cones are very similar to flowers. Especially if you put unopened things in water. They become saturated with moisture and open up. My child, when he saw these metamorphoses, was simply delighted.

The cones can also be attached to skewers, sushi sticks or toothpicks. To create a round composition, round floral foam balls are used. I made them from regular polyurethane foam.

They come in different diameters. All kinds of plants and materials are stuck into them. You can use both fresh flowers and branches, and any other materials.

A beautiful bouquet when the pine cones are turned with their tips facing forward. It turns out to be a very neat composition. The tips themselves are decorated with beads, ribbons, rhinestones and flowers. They stick well with hot glue.

How do you like this autumn composition? I think it's very original.

The cone also lends itself well to painting. They can be painted with gouache or spray paints. The intensity of the color depends on the number of layers.

dense gouache can also cover up the natural brown tint of the buds.

If you remove the inner branches, the flowers will turn out more open.

Or you can take just one thing and make it the center of the composition.

Another idea from the gifts of the forest. Everything that lies near the trunks and under our feet is used.

Agree, pine cones are an excellent material for creating an autumn bouquet for children in kindergarten.

From pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds can also be used as flower petals.

There are two options for buds. The first is to glue the seeds on paper in several rows. Here is a detailed master class.

The middle can be painted or covered with a piece of colored cotton wool.

You can make daisies like this using plasticine.

Or flowers like this.

Let's take a closer look at how this is done. Rows of pumpkin seeds are inserted into a plasticine ball. You can form different buds and inflorescence options.

Also very interesting, don’t you agree?

From peanut shells

We rarely buy peanuts, but we often pick up shells from friends after men's get-togethers. To make such bouquets for teachers once a year in kindergarten.

You can get whole “hydrangeas” from pistachios.

It is convenient to attach them to plasticine.

It will be easy for children to make these daisies. Younger children can insert petals from the shell into plasticine. And the older ones connect them with hot glue.

Using floral balls (I wrote about them a little higher), you can create the correct spherical shape of a sunflower. Look how organic the coffee beans look. After all, these are all the gifts of autumn.

Whole pistachios and peanuts can be given as gifts. To do this, put them into little bags and decorate them with corrugated paper.

With walnuts

Of course, we won’t ignore walnuts. You can make an autumn topiary from the shells.

Walnut bouquets with whole fruits look very presentable.

You can cover the voids with pieces of napkins.

For fun, you can combine all of the listed natural materials and fruits.

From dried flowers

Dried flowers fit our fall theme very well. They look noble and can be painted. They will complement any composition.

Anything will do - dry herbs, cereals, leaves.

And here the spikelets were painted.

Cotton flowers make the composition very delicate and airy.

A beautiful bouquet of dried flowers in a stand decorated with branches.

More ideas for you.

An interesting frame for a bouquet of branches.

Mix dried flowers and rose leaves.

Golden ears have a very presentable appearance. But you’ll have to go a long way to get the material – to the field. Look for wheat that has not yet been harvested.

Dry grass and leaves combine harmoniously.

I just loved many of the ideas.

Applications with flowers on the theme of autumn in the middle group

For the older group, you can offer ideas for applications or panels. They are made from leaves, dried flowers, cereals and seeds.

An idea with a vase with twigs inserted into it. Only the side edges and bottom are glued. The top is left free to allow material to be inserted.

Use a box of chocolates as a base and frame for the panel.

Leaves, pine cones and coffee beans create such an autumn bouquet.

Different types of pumpkin seed flowers for applique.

Use pine branches.

All bones, seeds and grains stick well to hot glue.

Leaves and flowers made from paper are no worse than natural materials.

You can also take a regular frame for the base.

You can make simpler applications in the form of bouquets, or you can make them more complex.

Autumn ideas for bouquets of candies and corrugated paper

Flowers made from corrugated paper look incredibly realistic and beautiful. For Teacher's Day, there is an idea for a small bouquet of sweets.

Or such a gift idea.

Flowers for gifts can be wrapped in autumn leaves.

You can use these flowers without candy.

Let's combine sweets with natural materials: dried flowers, cones and leaves.

Composition with sweets in a basket.

And now a detailed master class on creating roses from corrugated paper. It can be easily stretched and folded and can imitate real leaves.

The colors of autumn are very cheerful and any yellow, orange and red flowers go well with them.

I am attaching a video on how to make several types of flowers.

Corrugated paper is sold in bookstores, stationery stores, floristry, craft, and party stores.

Ideas on how to arrange a bouquet

And now you have already decided what your autumn bouquet will be made of, you have even made preparations. But you need to somehow design it so that it has a more marketable and presentable appearance!

Therefore, I offer several ideas.

For example, let’s take the now popular craft paper. Or packing tight mesh or fabric.

You can make a beautiful envelope from the same corrugated paper. With this design, there is no shame in giving your craft.

Insert the craft into a paper bag. It can even be rolled from scrapbooking sheets.

Polyurethane foam, foam rubber, floral sponge or polystyrene foam are inserted inside.

Ideas made from reed napkins turn out beautifully.

You will need:

  • napkin,
  • can,
  • cardboard,
  • pencil,
  • hot glue (glue gun).

Place the jar on the cardboard and trace the bottom. We cut it out and stick it on the tin. We will also cover the sides with cardboard.

We measure the height of the walls of the tin and cut off its size on a napkin. Wrap the sides and secure with hot glue.

That's it. Everything is ready.

The bouquet can be placed in hat boxes or shoe packaging. To do this, they are covered with fabric or special paper. The bottom is lined with film, on which we place a floral sponge. We fill it with moisture and begin to form a composition.

There is a fun idea for decorating jars with plastic cocktail straws. The main thing here is to cut them carefully and evenly.

Insert dried flowers or paper flowers into paper boxes. Here's one idea. By the way, in this article I described very, maybe you will like something too.

Cardboard fits very harmoniously into this composition. Original and beautiful.

To congratulate teachers, you can decorate the packaging with letters.

Or just put the bouquet in the basket. They are now made not only from wicker, but also from newspaper tubes, paper and canton.

Thank you for your attention and wish you productive joint work. I’m just sure that you will be able to find an idea for yourself and create a composition that you wouldn’t be ashamed to give to a teacher or send to an exhibition!