Life publishes Vodonaeva's scandalous confession about breaking up with her fiancé (audio). Alena Vodonaeva explained why she broke up with her fiancé Vodonaeva broke up with Anton Korotkov

News of Tyumen and the Tyumen region - 10.07.2015

Alena Vodonaeva stopped hiding her new lover. Together with Anton Korotkov, she appeared at the wedding of Ksenia Borodina, after which she began to actively post joint photos on her Instagram.

Recall that earlier Vodonaeva, a former participant in the Dom-2 television project and a native of Tyumen, carefully concealed her personal life from outsiders. She did not post photos of boyfriends on her social networks - in the pictures one could see only separate fragments of their body, for example, an arm or part of a leg.

On Friday, June 26, Alena Vodonaeva for the first time added a photo with a young man, but did not mention his name. Immediately after that, the couple began to actively flicker together at various parties and events. So, they not only attended the wedding of Ksenia Borodina, but also celebrated Family Day with each other.

Boyfriend Vodonaeva Anton Korotkov: who is he, what does he do

The new Anton Korotkov calls himself a "fighter". Little is known about the guy. Only the fact that he works as a tattoo artist in one of the Moscow salons, there are a lot of tattoos on his body, he also actively goes in for sports, swings and, judging by his page on Vkontakte, does not drink or smoke.

By the way, Alena Vodonaeva celebrated her birthday a week ago. Her closest friend Aiza Dolmatova, congratulating Alena on the holiday,

In an interview with, Vodonaeva said that she was returning to work, because she had a second wind. Feelings for Anton became a kind of impetus for her, gave her strength and desire to develop and grow. “I confess to you: my young man has been my director for some time now,” Alena said. - Our relationship, apparently, has gone so far that he now wants to control me in this area. Naturally, all our friends have already told us that we are fools, since we decided to mix the personal with the work. However, I see so many examples where spouses work happily together and this does not interfere with them. Valeria with Iosif Prigogine, Zhora Kryzhovnikov with Yulia Alexandrova, and there are many such families. We can only guess how a couple actually develops a relationship when both partners do not part 24 hours a day. But Anton and I decided to try and for now we are trying to separate the flies from the cutlets and quickly resolve difficult issues.”

Recently, Alena Vodonaeva made it clear that she had quarreled with her lover, but later they got back together

Vodonaeva and Korotkov find it hard to find a way out of problematic situations, and if they quarrel, then sparks fly around! “Thunder and lightning is about us. I have probably never quarreled with anyone in my life as much as with Anton. At the same time, he can always calm me down, despite the fact that the person himself is quick-tempered. Anton is a very strong, patient person. Not a single man suffered from me as much as Anton. I can run furious around the apartment, yell, swear - in a word, a real witch! At this time, he will calmly sit on the couch and wait until I calm down. I like it".

Alena Vodonaeva has been walking in the status of a bride for 10 months

Alena admitted that her lover proposed to her on July 26 last year, but they are in no hurry with the wedding. Vodonaeva did not think that everything would go so far - that Anton would someday become her director and she would be able to stop controlling everything.

Alena Vodonaeva and Anton Korotkov in Thailand

Lyubov Novoselova / Photo: Instagram

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After the divorce, Alena did not want a serious relationship for a long time, but everything changed when she met Anton. According to the star, he hooked her with kindness, honesty and warmth.


“He is brutal only in appearance, but he is a calm, caring, modest, intelligent guy. In the afternoon with fire you will not find such! Although I liked bad guys all my life, I still married good guys, and Anton is also good. By the way, Anton is not a tattoo artist, as he is called in the press. This is more of his hobby, for the soul. He draws and takes art lessons. But he is an economist by education, he has his own business, ”said the star.

“According to the horoscope, I am Cancer, Anton is Scorpio. We are so different that, swearing, we can not agree on anything. It doesn’t come to fights, although ... Six months ago I had such a tantrum that I beat Anton with my palms. In general, our quarrels are thunder and lightning, and because of garbage. We can watch, for example, a rap battle, disagree, and such a dispute will begin! It's like we're 15 years old! Then we sit down, as at school at a desk, and spend hours sorting out relationships. Worse than in "House-2" on the frontal place! - she said.

The lovers have not yet decided on the date of the wedding, although they planned to get married last year.

“Anton proposed to me on July 26 last year. With a Tiffany engagement ring, everything is as it should be. Later we bought a ring for him too. Anton wants to sign and fly somewhere together. I don't really want to throw a big party either. And if our wedding is to be, I think it will be modest and only for two. Well, I think it will be a little later. Now it’s not up to her at all, there are too many other things to do and tasks, ”said the star.

Recently, Anton has become Alena's director. The young man is involved in some of her projects and advertising contracts.

“He took over most of my cases. We have, one might say, a family contract. I didn't even expect it to be. But we live with Anton so far in two apartments, ”added the star.

In a recent interview with one of the popular publications, Alena Vodonaeva admitted that she would get married next year. The ex-participant of the Dom-2 project even declassified the wedding date - July 7, 2017.

Not even a month had passed since the publication of the interview, as rumors spread on the Web that Alena Vodonaeva and Anton Korotkov broke up.

The reason for such assumptions was the fact that almost all the photos where her fiancé was captured disappeared from Vodonaeva's Instagram.

Alena Vodonaeva did not endure the envy of the groom

In an interview with reporters, Alena Vodonaeva recently described how attentive, courageous and understanding her lover is. Even frequent quarrels do not affect the couple's decision to be together.

But now, when it became clear that Anton Korotkov and Alena Vodonaeva broke up, the ex-star of "House-2" did not remain silent, but reported on her Instagram page everything that had accumulated lately.

Anton Korotkov turned out to be not at all the same man as Vodonaeva had previously imagined him:

I just understood and felt the limit. I was wrong. The fact that I am tired of stupidity, emptiness, jealousy and my independence, I have already said. But what is more surprising is that I did not expect to go through copper pipes with this man. I was ready to put up with endless checks on my phones, tantrums and breakdowns, fights, mood swings, and not wanting to grow up. And I was looking for a solution. In the end, I realized that my choice fell on a person who is not ready to either lead, or go hand in hand, or follow a woman, even if she is (emphatically) more successful than you. I heard words addressed to me that I had not heard even from fierce enemies. I was accused of ... success. "Overbusy with the career ladder and the child and ... in growth.

Well, now no one interferes with the dizzying career of the former TV star ... Alena herself hinted that the place in her heart was already occupied by another.

Account: _korotkovvv

Occupation: tattoo master

Anton Korotkov is an Instagram user who has an athletic build and a strong, strong-willed character. He is an open, positive person who is not shy about showing his feelings.

Anton Korotkov Instagram photo of which they talk about a rich self

bright events of life, often shares new records. The guy is actively involved in sports, adds photos from training. He is engaged in boxing, shows his biceps to his subscribers. The guy loves animals, as evidenced by the pictures of his beloved dog on the page, with whom he often walks. He devotes a lot of time to his friends who also go in for sports. Since Anton works in a tattoo parlor, he has many different tattoos on his body, which he constantly shows off. He also publishes photos from his work. In the tattoo parlor in which the guy works, a close-knit team of guys works.

On the Instagram page of Anton Korotkov, you can find many joint photos with his beloved girlfriend Alena Vodonaeva. The couple travels a lot to different countries. Real passions rage between lovers, they often add romantic photos. The guy really treats his girlfriend with warmth, gives her gorgeous bouquets, protects her. They participate in various photo shoots. The guys see each other very often, despite the fact that Alena works a lot, leads programs. Also, in the pictures from the summer trip, Alena's son, Bogdan, is present. Anton and Bogdan have friendly relations, the photos show that they like to have fun. He keeps a lot of things in secret, does not reveal some details of his life, so as not to draw too much attention to himself and his beloved.

Biography of Anton Korotkov

Anton Korotkov's biography, which began on October 27, in 1987, never talked about where he was born and raised. He received his education in Moscow at the RSSU.

  • In 2011, he worked at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation as a 1st category specialist.
  • In 2013, he decides to completely change his life, to do what he loves. He started working as a tattoo artist in a Moscow salon. Since that time, the biography of Anton Korotkov has been forever associated with this activity.
  • In 2016, he is an active tattoo artist at the MAGNUM salon in Moscow.