When to take a pregnancy test. What tests are there? When to take a pregnancy test after IVF

For a home pregnancy test to show accurate results, it must be done correctly: any mistake will result in false data. It should be understood: no matter how high the sensitivity of the analyzer, it will not give a 100% guarantee. Accurate data can be obtained only after examination by a gynecologist and blood donation for hCG.

When can I do a pregnancy test

Any home pregnancy test is aimed at determining the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. This hormone begins to intensively produce chorion tissue as soon as the fertilized egg is attached to the walls of the uterus. HCG grows exponentially every day, and its presence in the blood can be detected already on the 7th day of pregnancy, in the urine - a couple of days later. For this reason, research done before this date may give false results.

Another point: a woman can only become pregnant during ovulation. This is the name for the period when a mature egg leaves the follicle and passes into the fallopian tube, where fertilization occurs. This period lasts 2-3 days. With a 28-day cycle, in most cases it begins on day 14, but each organism is individual, so it is impossible to accurately predict the beginning and end of ovulation without special tests.

If fertilization has occurred, the woman will be 2-3 weeks pregnant by this time, so the concentration of hCG in the urine will be at a level sufficient to confirm or deny conception.

If your periods are irregular, the time of ovulation is difficult to predict. In this case, you need to count 10-12 days from the moment of the expected pregnancy, and then do the test. The probability of a false negative result is high, so after a week the test must be repeated, or even better, donate blood for hCG. To make the task easier, you can purchase ovulation detection strips and use them during your cycle. Some of them are sold along with a pregnancy test.

Often the analysis shows false positive results. This is possible if a woman has recently had a miscarriage or an abortion and is taking hormonal medications. Sometimes an increased level of the hormone indicates cancer or false pregnancy.

Important: you need to test the very first urine in the morning. After a night's rest, the natural concentration of the hormone in it is maximum. To get correct results, you need to thoroughly wash and dry before testing: the presence of foreign substances in the test sample will distort the analysis.

How to use a pregnancy test

Before testing, you need to make sure that the analyzer is not expired and carefully study the instructions. The further scheme of actions is as follows. Urine is collected in a special container or pipette, and then placed on an absorbent layer that contains elements that react with hCG. After this, you need to wait from 1 to 5 minutes (depending on the manufacturer’s instructions) and check the results. One strip indicates that there is no pregnancy. Two lines, even if the second one is weak, indicate a high probability of conception.

The accuracy of testing depends on the quality of the analyzer. If cheap reagents were used in its manufacture, the sensitivity of the device will be low, and an error in one or the other direction is possible. For this reason, it is better to buy a test that indicates a value of 10 mIU/ml. Higher numbers - 20, 30, 40 - reduce the reliability of the results. In addition, preference should be given to well-proven products. Products from Frautest, Clearblue, Evitest, and Premium Diagnostics have received good reviews.

The most popular type of testing is the test strip. The analysis must be done following the recommendations of the instructions for use:

  1. Urinate in a clean container in the morning (under no circumstances expose the strip to a stream of urine).
  2. Carefully open the package and take out the analyzer, making sure that no dirt or water gets on it. Do not touch the area where the reagents are located with your hands.
  3. Dip the strip vertically inward to the mark indicated on it (no deeper), holding the colored end.
  4. Keep in urine for 10-30 seconds.
  5. Remove the analyzer from the liquid and place it on a dry horizontal surface.
  6. After the time specified in the instructions, evaluate the result (in most cases, after 3-5 minutes). Do not pay attention if the second line appears or disappears after 10 minutes. These data will be uninformative and only indicate that a false reaction has occurred.


The sensitivity of tablet (cassette) tests is 20-25 mMel/ml, which allows you to obtain highly accurate results if the study is carried out correctly. Externally, the device resembles an elongated case with two windows: one displays the results of the study, the other pours urine. The package includes a pipette and a container for collecting urine.

Inside the tablet test there is a material treated with a reagent containing antibodies to hCG. If a woman is pregnant, when tissue fibers come into contact with urine, the hormone and antibodies interact with each other, which leads to coloring of the information window. To do everything correctly and reduce the risk of error, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. With clean hands, open the packaging and make sure that the device operates correctly.
  2. Place the test on a flat, dry surface.
  3. Collect morning urine in a container.
  4. Pipette some liquid into a pipette.
  5. Place 3-4 drops into a small window.
  6. Wait 5-7 minutes.

When the time has expired, a control strip will appear in the information window, the presence of which indicates that the test was carried out correctly and the urine interacted with the reagent. The presence of a second stripe indicates pregnancy. Do not take note of its appearance after 10 minutes: this indicates a false reaction of the test components with each other.

The sensitivity of inkjet tests is 10 mMel/ml, so their results are considered the most reliable. Inside the product there are fibers along which the liquid quickly rises to the part of the rod where the reagent is located. If hCG is present in the liquid being tested, it will bind to the antibodies located inside the analyzer. The result is a second stripe.

The advantage of inkjet research is the speed and simplicity of analysis. The instructions for the pregnancy test indicate that it should be done as follows:

  1. With clean hands, open the sealed package.
  2. Remove the protective cap from the product.
  3. The first use option: while urinating, place part of the test strip under the stream so that the edge with the reagent faces down.
  4. The second use option: collect urine in a clean container, lower the edge of the product there for 15-20 seconds.
  5. Put on the protective cap.
  6. Place the test on a horizontal surface.
  7. After 3-5 minutes, the result will appear in the window: one or two stripes, either plus or minus.
  8. Data received after 10 minutes are not taken into account.

Digital devices are characterized by high accuracy. They are able to show results 5 days before menstruation and even indicate the duration of pregnancy. The only caveat: with such early testing, the accuracy is 65%. If the study is done the day before the start of menstruation, with a correctly performed test, these numbers will rise to 98%. Proceed according to this scheme:

  1. Remove the analyzer from the box and remove the protective cap.
  2. Place the open edge for 5 seconds. under the stream so that it points downwards. At the same time, make sure that the other part of the device does not get wet.
  3. The appearance of an hourglass on the screen means that the urine collection was done correctly and the results are being processed.

After 1-3 minutes, a plus or minus will appear on the display. Some devices say “Pregnant” or “Not pregnant”. If conception has been confirmed, the estimated period will be shown under the plus sign: 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks, 3+.

Some companies, for example, PTeq, produce a device in the form of a flash drive that can be connected to a computer, after which the data will be displayed on the monitor. Taking into account the concentration of hCG, the computer can even indicate the approximate date of delivery.

Reusable digital tests

Some manufacturers produce reusable electronic devices with removable cartridges or several pieces per package to determine conception. Some of them are able to determine not only conception, but also the time of ovulation. For example, the Clearblue Fertility Monitor kit includes a digital results reader, 20 ovulation cartridges and 4 pregnancy cartridges.

Like the disposable analyzer, reusable tests can be used several days before your expected period. The testing scheme is similar to using a disposable device. The only caveat: if conception does not take place, throw away the used cartridge and insert a new one.


For almost every family, the decision to have children is a planned event. And the joy of seeing two stripes on a test is incomparable. True, the fact of unwanted conception cannot be ruled out. In this case, it is worth determining for yourself whether there is a problem and when can you do a pregnancy test?


How reliable the results will be depends on when you plan to do it. It is in this case that it is worth deciding on the time of the event. So, when can you take a pregnancy test? If we are talking about the time of day, we recommend doing it in the morning, but determining the date will be much more difficult.

Real result

The test will work only when human chorionic gonadotropin is present in the body - a hormone released when a girl is pregnant. The production of this biological substance begins approximately a week after conception. It is when its production occurs that testing can give a true result (about 7 days before the start of menstruation). Knowing this point, you need to ask yourself when you can take a pregnancy test.

Where is the best place to check?

The production of human chorionic hormone begins with the goal of blocking the function of the ovaries so that they do not produce eggs. True, the increase in the level of a biological substance in the blood occurs extremely slowly, so even at the moment when you can take a pregnancy test, the result may be unreliable. We advise you to go to a medical facility and determine the presence of the hormone there, because the presence of the beta subunit of chorionic biosubstance is checked in the laboratory.

Growth hormone

Diagnosis by determination

Beta-hCG becomes possible a week after fertilization. Pharmacy products for quick detection are less specific and detect pregnancy only at certain periods of late menstruation. On average, the hCG hormone increases every 48 hours in this order: 2mUI-4mUI-8mUI-16mUI…. It will not be difficult to calculate the day of your missed period when a strip with a sensitivity of 24 mUI can react. Using these facts, you can determine on what day to take a pregnancy test.

In just two weeks

The earliest time for testing is 15 days from the moment of ovulation. This fact is confirmed by the tests themselves - only about 16% of them can confirm pregnancy on the first day of missed menstruation.


The choice of the optimal day depends on a number of conditions:

  • on the sensitivity of the product and its quality;
  • from the date when the woman realized that she was pregnant;
  • on expiration date and storage rules;
  • from impurities in urine.

Or maybe it's too early...

You can diagnose conception with maximum accuracy using a strip after 7 days of delay. During this time, the required amount of hCG will concentrate in the urine of any woman to determine whether she is pregnant or not. Please note that the temptation to test almost immediately after conception may be great, but the result may differ from reality. To get a true answer you will have to wait. But these expectations can save you from disappointment in the future.

Thanks to the fact that at one time they were invented tests for early pregnancy detection , a woman can receive a positive result long before the happy news is confirmed by a gynecologist. You can be sure that you are pregnant already in the first weeks after conception. If you use the test correctly, you can get the most accurate result.

But for this you need to know exactly how to do the test, which one to buy, when to do it and when you can find out about pregnancy. All the features of rapid pregnancy diagnostics, as well as how to choose the best test, which ones are best to use at a certain period and how to understand the result, are described in this article.

How does it work?

The mechanism of all pregnancy tests is the same: they determine whether a woman’s urine contains human chorionic gonadotropin hormone(HCG) , which begins to be produced in the body after the embryo attaches to the uterus. That is, when conducting a test, the result appears when hCG appears in a woman’s urine after conception.

Positive result “two stripes” in the photo

Women are always interested in when the test will show the exact result. It should be taken into account that the amount of hCG after conception increases every day, but immediately after fertilization, only specialists can determine that a woman managed to become pregnant by conducting a special study of venous blood. In this way, you can get a positive result five days earlier than any of the tests will show 2 strips. Sometimes in the first days after conception, the 2nd stripe is barely visible - this depends on the level of sensitivity.

For most rapid tests, the sensitivity level starts at 25 mUI hCG. Sensitivity on some is indicated by 10 mUI hCG, but there is no evidence of this. According to many pharmacists, such sensitive tests are just an advertising ploy. It can also be considered a publicity stunt that the rapid test supposedly has the highest probability of detecting pregnancy even before a delay with an accuracy of 99%. Moreover, their price is quite high.

How to do it?

When to take a pregnancy test is determined by each woman independently. But at the same time, it is important to know when you can take a pregnancy test so that it correctly shows the exact result. The answer to the question of when it is better to take a pregnancy test after conception depends on whether it is regular or not. menstrual cycle in a woman. The corresponding number of days is counted after ovulation , so it depends on when to do the test.

After a delay

If you need to determine whether there is a pregnancy after a delay, then on what day the test is done does not matter, since the presence of hCG in the urine can be diagnosed already from the first day of the delay. In any case, test manufacturers, when answering the question of how long after a pregnancy test can be taken, claim exactly this. But in fact, experts say that pregnancy should be determined a week after the delay, that is, after the expected day of the onset of menstruation. At what delay the test accurately determines pregnancy also depends on the level of its sensitivity.

Before the delay

However, many women still rush to take a pregnancy test before the delay, choosing highly sensitive samples that have good reviews. However, it should be noted that even the most sensitive test before the delay may not always show the correct result. After all, it is important to correctly determine when testing can be done before the delay, so that even before the delay, the reliability of the result is high.

For example, if a woman has a regular cycle of 28 days, then if the procedure is done on the 23rd day of the cycle, even a sensitive jet before the delay will not detect pregnancy, since there will not be a sufficient level of hCG in the blood. Whether pregnancy will be indicated before the delay on the 26th day of the cycle also depends on the day of fertilization and the duration of the cycle, etc.

With a regular menstrual cycle

It is with her that the reaction occurs when the pregnancy test shows. That is, when a pregnancy test shows a result, this is due to the fact that the hormone contained in a woman’s urine reacts to the impregnation of the strip. As a result, a second line quickly appears on the test.


The test is easy to do: you need to take a clean container and collect some urine in it. The strip is lowered into the urine with the tip to the mark indicated on it and held for 10 seconds. It is necessary to lower the strip on the desired side. Evaluation of the result takes from 1 to 10 minutes. Whether the second strip will show in the first minute depends on the hCG level: the lower it is, the later the second strip appears.

What day does it show?

From the first day of delay.




It’s not very convenient to use, it can make mistakes, and it won’t show until there’s a delay.

Modern strip tests

  • Evitest №1
  • FRAUTEST Express
  • Eve (can be determined from 1 day of delay)
  • Secret
  • BBtest
  • Femitest Practical
  • Femitest Practical Ultra
  • Itest Plus

Tablet test

Produced in a special box with two window openings.

Tablet (cassette) – Evitest Proof

Works like a strip test. Also included is a pipette and a container for collecting urine.


The first step is to drop 4 drops of urine into the first window. After 1-10 min. in the second, 1 or 2 stripes appear.

What day does it show?

From the first day of delay.


Inexpensive, the result is easy to determine.


There are a lot of steps to take to get done.

Modern tablet tests

  • Evitest Proof
  • LadyTest-C
  • Frautest Expert
  • Sezam
  • Clearblue
  • KnowNow Optima
  • Femitest Handy

Jet test

The name itself determines the principle of action: it can be done by placing it under a stream of urine.

Inkjet testing method - Frautest Exclusive

It is important that those who use Frautest , the instructions for use were strictly followed. Although sensitivity Frautesta and others of the same type are very high, Frautest Exclusive may show a negative result if used incorrectly.


Place the tip with the filter under a stream of urine or in a container with it for 10 seconds. After this, 1 or 2 stripes appear in a special hole after 1-10 minutes.


Can detect hCG in urine as early as 5 days before the delay. When asked whether the test may not show pregnancy if conception has occurred, the answer is negative. The jet test will show pregnancy before the delay, as well as in the first days of the delay.


Convenient use, accuracy.


The price of a jet pregnancy test is high.

Modern inkjet tests

  • Frautest Comfort
  • Evitest Perfect
  • Frautest Exclusive
  • Femitest Jet Ultra
  • Clearblue
  • Clear View
  • Duet

Electronic test

It is also called a digital pregnancy test.

Electronic verification method - Clearblue

Reviews from experts indicate that this is the most modern rapid test.


You need to lower the test end with the filter into the urine and hold it until it is soaked. You can evaluate it in three minutes. If the result is positive, the word " pregnancy" or the "+" sign.


Shows pregnancy 4 days before the delay. Thanks to its high accuracy, it shows a 99% correct result 2 days before the date of menstruation.


If we evaluate the sensitivity of pregnancy tests, then it is the electronic test that has the highest sensitivity. There is no need to ask which are the most sensitive electronic tests, since they all have high sensitivity.


The price of an electronic pregnancy test is very high. How much such a test costs depends on the manufacturer, but on average the cost is about 400 rubles.

Pregnancy test Clearblue (the so-called “blue” test), despite its high cost, is very popular. If you are using an electronic Clearblue If the instructions are followed, the result will be as accurate as possible. However, this pregnancy test, the instructions for use of which indicates that the resulting inscription on Clea Blue disappears after some time, the woman will not be able to keep it as a souvenir as the first certificate of pregnancy. Nevertheless, Clearblue is now popular.

Reusable digital tests

Latest invention - test with USB connector , which you can connect to your computer and see the result.

The kit includes 20 cartridges treated with a reagent that reacts to the presence of hCG in urine. With this test you can check whether conception has occurred 21 times.


Shows the result 4 days before the delay.


If you choose such a test, it can be used many times. Some tests can also check your gestational age. But the time of conception can be determined with 92% accuracy.


It is currently very difficult to purchase replacement cartridges.

Negative pregnancy test

A pressing question for many women is whether the test can be negative during pregnancy? Patients often ask doctors whether a rapid test can not show pregnancy.

Why the test does not show a delay in pregnancy may be explained by the fact that the woman is using it too early . After all, some of the tests are not so sensitive.

In some cases, a woman who wants to get pregnant begins to check the “situation” too early, long before her expected period. For example, if you start testing on the 25th day of the cycle, then at this time the hCG in the blood has not yet reached the desired level. Even if a woman has a 25-day cycle, when you can get pregnant depends on the day of ovulation, so if the value is negative, you should check the result after some time. The woman decides which test to choose. But it is important to take into account that a negative value is also possible if it is used incorrectly.

Thus, the reasons for a negative test during pregnancy may be the following:

  • Testing too early.
  • Disorders in a woman's body.
  • Incorrect application of the test.

False Positives

The appearance of two stripes in the absence of pregnancy is possible:

  • During the first two months after birth.
  • During development ovarian dysfunction .
  • When hormone-producing tumor .
  • If a test is used that has expired.

Are the results reliable if testing is done during menstruation?

Another pressing question is whether it is possible to do it during menstruation pregnancy testing? After all, sometimes a woman’s periods continue even after conception, so such an analysis is very relevant.

Menstrual blood does not affect testing, so how much a pregnancy test shows the result does not depend on menstruation. Rest assured that even if the procedure is done using blood-stained urine, the results will not be affected. This means that during pregnancy two bright stripes will appear.

Results for ectopic pregnancy

If , the fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus. However, the body still produces hCG. But in this case, hCG grows slowly, and sometimes is absent altogether. That is, the usual rapid test for ectopic pregnancy shows 2 stripes. In this case, the second stripe may be barely noticeable, blurry, when compared with the one that appears during normal pregnancy. When taking a pregnancy test, you need to take into account what day it will show the result for an ectopic pregnancy: the second line appears only after a delay has occurred. What day the pregnancy test will show depends on the day of conception and the individual characteristics of the female body.

There is a special test Inexscreen , which, a few weeks after the delay, makes it possible to suspect that the pregnancy is ectopic. Its action is based on the determination of the modified isoform that is part of hCG. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, this figure is much higher than the 10% that is observed during a normal pregnancy.

Results for frozen pregnancy

Positive or negative when frozen pregnancy the test result will depend on the time when it was carried out. So, if two clear stripes initially appeared, then, after a few days, one stripe became fuzzy, and after a few days one stripe disappeared completely, you can suspect that the pregnancy has stopped. In this case, it is important to immediately visit a specialist who will determine how to check the result in this situation.

Whether a gynecologist can determine pregnancy before a delay in this case depends on the research methods.

What to do next if the result is questionable?

Regardless of which day of the cycle the test is taken, it may ultimately be questionable. This is often evidenced by the reviews that women write on each thematic forum.

Doubts arise if it is not clear how many stripes have appeared. Sometimes the second stripe is difficult to see, it is somehow blurry and indistinct. This happens in the following cases:

  • Low levels of hCG in the body are associated with women’s health problems.
  • A test that is no longer suitable for use (it may not work due to its expiration date or damage).
  • The desire to see exactly two stripes (“I’m afraid I’m not pregnant”). Often a woman notices indirect signs - nausea, weight loss - and assures herself that she is pregnant.

What is the probability that a woman is pregnant can only be confirmed. Can a blood test for hCG be wrong? In this case, the answer is negative.

But you can still repeat the test after taking a 2-3-day break - do it, for example, on the 31st day of the cycle, if menstruation usually begins on the 28th day. The second or third attempt will be successful.

Which tests “cheat” most often?

No matter how much manufacturers claim that their products are almost 100% effective, some of the tests we do still show unreliable results.

According to the observations of many women, the most common false negative and positive results are shown by the following tests:

  • Faith Test (its sensitivity is 25 mIU/ml);
  • Bebicek
  • Mon Ami
  • Bee-Sure
  • rest assured


What to do if a woman already has a positive test in front of her eyes depends only on her. Many expectant mothers, even those for whom pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, do not know what to do next when they see two stripes. In fact, you need to calm down and rejoice. Regardless of which week the test you choose shows pregnancy, there is still a lot of time ahead. Now it is important not to be nervous, to practice healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. And also - visit a doctor to confirm the good news and receive important recommendations.

If you are asking yourself this question, you are unlikely to wait until the morning to carry out everything according to the rules. Regardless of whether a woman is expecting pregnancy or is afraid of it, she certainly wants to know the result right now. But will the test show pregnancy if checked during the day or evening? Let's figure it all out.

To understand when it is better or possible to carry out a pregnancy test, it is necessary to understand the principle of its operation. And it is very simple. When the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus, the hormone gonadotropin begins to be released in the woman’s blood (and a little later in the urine). Its presence is evidence that the woman is pregnant. The test reagents are specifically aimed at recognizing this hormone, which is manifested by a change in the color of the diagnostic strip. That is, its coating, reacting with the hCG hormone, becomes colored, which we observe in the form of a second test strip.

Now let's think logically. If there is hCG in the blood, the test should show it (provided that its level has already increased sufficiently, for which you need to know and stick to it). Based on this, there is no fundamental difference at what time of day you carry out the procedure - the hormone will not disappear from the urine. But in the short term, the hCG level may still be insufficient for recognition. And by morning its concentration increases significantly (and generally reaches its maximum level compared to other times of the day), which increases the chances of a correct diagnosis. Therefore, a test performed in the morning will be more reliable than an afternoon or evening test, especially in the early stages. So the ideal sample for analysis is the first morning urine.

But if you have already experienced a delay, then a good high-quality test (with high sensitivity) is very likely to show pregnancy if it is present, regardless of the time of day. The only thing we can recommend is the following:

  • the urine analyzed should always be fresh;
  • before the test, you should avoid excessive intake of fluids and diuretics so as not to dilute the urine concentration;
  • It is best to refrain from urinating for at least 4 hours before the test.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I bought the cheapest test for 20 rubles. I did the test in the evening. It immediately showed two stripes. I didn’t even have to wait. I did it on the first day of the delay.

From Guest

The main thing is high-quality, highly sensitive test strips; personally, for me, cheap test strips showed pregnancy only at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. I did them specifically out of pure curiosity when these test strips would react to the presence of pregnancy

My hands are shaking, my head is foggy, there is an incomprehensible mix of emotions inside, and the reason for everything is a positive pregnancy test. Some women rejoice at it as if it were a miracle, others begin to panic, and others completely fall into a stupor. But within a few minutes/hours/days everyone has the same question - what next?

1. Calm down

It is better not to neglect this advice. Very often, women who really want or, conversely, are afraid to get pregnant, “think out” a second stripe. In any case, pulling yourself together will be an excellent decision.

You don’t have to try to be distracted by something else - it won’t work. Instead, deep, calm breathing or talking to your spouse will help.

2. Recheck the result

As soon as the ability to think clearly returns, it is advisable to begin rechecking the result. To do this, it is better to buy 2-3 tests, but of a different brand and type. Ideally, at another pharmacy. Reading the instructions for them is a must. Tests may produce false positive results due to improper use, storage, or expiration.

A false positive result also occurs in the following cases:

  • recent abortion, miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • ingress of organic particles into the test from the outside;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • menopause;
  • oncology;
  • some types of cysts, uterine fibroids and similar diseases.

You can repeat the procedure after 2-3 days if in doubt. If you are pregnant, the stripes will become brighter after this period. If the tests still show pregnancy, it’s time to move on to the third step.

3. Chat with mom

And not only for moral support and sharing joy. A conversation with your mother is needed to find out how her pregnancy and childbirth went. This information will subsequently help the doctor better understand how to manage the pregnancy of the expectant mother. A few questions to ask your parent:

  • What weight and height was I born with?
  • Were there any complications during pregnancy or childbirth?
  • Did you suffer from high blood pressure during pregnancy?
  • What childhood diseases did I have (rubella, chickenpox, etc.)?

It also makes sense to remember all your chronic or serious illnesses in the past, and the presence of allergies. Perhaps mom can help with this too.

4. Make an appointment with a doctor

A logical and obvious step. However, as practice shows, many women postpone visiting the doctor or do not consider it necessary to go to the clinic at all. And in vain. The sooner the expectant mother makes an appointment, the greater the doctor’s chances of preventing the development of pathologies in the fetus or complications during pregnancy.

If the test shows two lines not due to pregnancy or a defective product, the doctor will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What can a doctor do during the first visits?

4.1. Send for a laboratory test for hCG

If the period is still short, even a gynecological examination may not reveal pregnancy. But a gonadotropin test will do an excellent job of this. There is much more of it in the blood than in the urine. If the pharmacy test shows an incorrect result, the laboratory test will reveal this.

4.2. Carry out diagnostics

The doctor may order several blood tests, urine tests, and a thyroid examination. He will probably recommend a general examination by a therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and several other specialists.

You will have to take tests frequently during pregnancy, almost before every visit to the gynecologist. However, it is best not to skip them as they are really important for maintaining a healthy pregnancy. All procedures are aimed not only at monitoring the condition of the child, but also at caring for the well-being of the mother.

Low hemoglobin levels, weak immunity, too strong hormonal fluctuations and discomfort in general - for all this, a gynecologist can prescribe vitamins. They will improve a woman's health and even make her more attractive.

4.4. Schedule an ultrasound

The first ultrasound will be scheduled no earlier than 2 weeks after the start of the delay. Its main goal is to exclude ectopic pregnancy. It will also be able to identify problems with the genitals, if any.

An ultrasound to determine the sex of the child and the characteristics of its development will be prescribed much later.

4.5. Agree on a visit schedule

You will have to see the doctor almost more often than your husband. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the frequency of visits will most likely be equal to one visit per month, but not less often. Closer to the due date, a woman will have to visit the gynecologist even more often.

To avoid having to cancel plans later and rush to see a doctor, it is advisable to immediately discuss an approximate schedule of visits with the doctor.

5. Stock up on information

Books, reliable online sources, courses for pregnant women - all this will definitely come in handy. A woman who knows how her body and child changes during pregnancy feels more confident. And confidence and calmness make childbirth easier.

What is definitely better not to do is listen to adherents of traditional medicine with dubious and often dangerous advice. These 9 months are not the best period for experiments.

6. Enjoy your pregnancy

Almost every pregnancy is accompanied by discomfort. This is natural and quite tolerable. However, it is still better to try to provide yourself with the most comfortable environment possible.

Communication with pleasant people, visiting beautiful places, positive emotions have a good effect on the baby’s nervous system and his health in general. And mom will only benefit from this.

And yet there is a “but”. Pregnancy is not the best time for drastic changes. Therefore, if a young mother:

  • smokes, she can't quit this habit sharp. Better gradually reduce the number of cigarettes and then smoothly refuse them;
  • lives according to a disrupted schedule, she'll have to try slowly restore it. It makes sense to ask the future dad about this;
  • , it is recommended to exclude strength and intense training. You can replace them with simple walks or yoga for pregnant women;
  • loves fast food, it is advisable to reduce its amount. A woman’s tastes can change greatly, which often provokes cravings for junk food. You shouldn’t completely deny yourself pleasure, but seriously limiting the amount of such food is necessary. It is important to ensure that the main diet consists of mainly from healthy dishes.
  • active personality who will not sit still, she may leave her old way of life. But she will definitely have to monitor her daily schedule and nutrition, and eliminate negativity and overwork.

A positive pregnancy test can be either the result of a defective product or an omen of motherhood. Regardless of this, it is better to play it safe and still visit the doctor's office. This step will help protect your health and that of your baby.