My dreams come true, my wishes come true! Magic techniques to make dreams come true, and a stone for making wishes come true Are these your dreams?


“The light emitting here is the subtlest,
I grant purity to my thoughts:-
Life is a moment of the brightest soul,
Revealed the beauty within yourself.”
Lyudmila Golik.
- My dreams are coming true,
Life is filled with happiness
And everything I wish
I implement it right away.
I am the power of inspiration
I am luck's best friend
Life is filled with happiness
All wishes come true.

- "My dreams are coming true!
Wishes come true!
All goals are achieved!!!
Wonderful life all around!!!
My income is multiplying!!!
And EVERYTHING will work out as it should!!!
I know that the Universe is
My very Best Friend!!!"

Timur Sokolov.

Good health, your destiny
We always create for ourselves,
Words, thoughts of Love
And good deeds and deeds.

With the vibration of Love we heal,
And we grow in the Spirit of God,
And we bring our clear Light to the world
In the name of peace, joyful victories.

In space we shine like a rainbow,
We always create harmony in the soul.
We ignite love in our hearts,
We keep the fire of love in our soul.
Natalya Petrova.


Increasing your vibrations leads to the merging of the physical body with the etheric. This is the PATH to ascension in the body.

Laughter is the vibration of Joy emanating from the heart.
A smile carries vibrations of Joy.
Laughter is the property of those who follow the path of spiritual development.


SMILE! It costs nothing, but gives a lot.
It enriches those who receive it,
Without impoverishing those who bestow it.
It lasts a moment, but remains in the memory forever.
No one is rich enough to do without it.
And there is no such poor person who would not become richer from her.
And yet it cannot be bought or stolen,
Because she's no good on her own,
Until they gave it away.

I wish you not to lose your smile in any life situations.
Smile, friends, smile and everything will be fine!

A person with a smile on his face is always welcomed. It is not for nothing that wise Chinese believe that a person without a smile on his face should not open a store, should not teach children, should not treat people...
And the French, those innate connoisseurs of women’s charms, are sure that the expression on a woman’s face is more important than her clothes.


LOVE is what fills the Universe.
LOVE is omnipotent and can do anything!
LOVE is the most effective POWER in the Universe.
LOVE is the way to realize all your desires.
LOVE is the most powerful creative force in the Universe.
LOVE is the highest vibration that a person experiences.
LOVE and TRUST are the main ways to achieve unity and togetherness among humanity. In a state of unity there is nothing but love.
Non-judgment is the Path of Harmony and Peace.

These quotes with some changes and additions are taken from the book “Wisdom of the Pleiades”.

I bring to your attention, reader, quotes about the SOUL and LOVE (from the Sermon of Sergei Sergeevich Konovalov from his book “Healing the Soul” pp. 134-135)


“...It is from Self-Love that the Path of understanding the world begins. It is from gaining a feeling of self-love that a true feeling of Love for this amazing world, for the people around you, begins.
LOVE is purity!
LOVE is courage!
LOVE is the thrill and delight of the Soul!
And continuing our Path to health, and finding ourselves, we begin to find LOVE for ourselves.
So let her triumph, so let her rule the World, and not only the external, familiar one, but also the internal World.
Only then is harmonization of all systems possible, and then true immunity to both disease and physical aging occurs.”

“The soul can be pinched or it can open its wings and fly...
And if LOVE also filled the heart and connected it with the Soul, with the Angel, then life is filled with great meaning and amazing light.
Recovery of the Soul... - purified, Coming to oneself, finding LOVE, coming to WISDOM, acquiring highly moral qualities - this is the FORMULA OF HEALTH.
Returning to yourself is restoring the healthy vibration of your entire World and health.
Learn to LOVE yourself and LOVE the Lord honestly and sincerely."
page 135.


I sing hymns of Joy, Love for you,
And together with you I enjoy life.
I live happily with everyone in the world of Light,
I give divine fire to all of you!

I sincerely wish everyone health for centuries,
Like a bird, I soar in the sky with happiness!
Good luck. I wish you prosperity and love,
I bring the Light of Joy to your home!

May your life be wonderful
May your life be bright!
You didn’t come to this world in vain,
And to sow the seeds of the highest good!

We will fulfill our destiny with dignity,
We will bring God's clear Light to Earth.
Let's fill the space of life with a rainbow of Love,
We will bring divine flourishing to it!

Let it always be this way - nothing else!
Let all plans and tasks become clear.
Light the fire of divine love in your hearts,
Live a calm, bright life joyfully!

10/11/2016 Lubyany village.

In order to always be a healthy and cheerful person, cultivate LOVE and JOY in yourself, because illnesses are the result of a limited connection with the Source-Creator and your own divinity.

* “How to give up your illnesses? You have the choice to leave them. You no longer need the old set of commands.
The new energy and new order of things give you the tools, the permission, and the ability to make the choice to let go of these old patterns.
Say this: - “Dear God! My choice is to get out of this situation and let this disease leave me - that is my intention. This disease is inappropriate. She prevents me from being the way I should be – healthy, energetic, harmonious and cheerful.” Do you like these words?! And all this is real, it really works. Choice is what the New Age is all about
You are healers!”

Chronic fatigue is a form of emotional paralysis and spiritual gangrene caused by an inability to make the necessary changes in one's life. This may be due to emotional trauma from a past (parallel) life.

Emotional trauma is a form of separation; it is a departure from unity. Through Love and Trust, achieve unity, and then you can heal yourself from psycho-emotional experiences. Become a harmonious person and be healthy for centuries!!!

*Kryon. Partnership with God. Page 157.

(to be continued)

I am writing this post because a lot of people ask questions about handwriting analysis. In what cases is it carried out? What does it show? What is reflected in the characteristics, etc. In this regard, I am posting a small fragment of the young man’s conclusion. Names have been changed and consent for publication has been obtained as confidentiality is strictly maintained. Background: A young girl, let’s call her Anna, approached me, wanting to start a family in the future with her boyfriend Alexei. The question is that the girl has doubts about Alexei’s feelings, although he is persistent in courtship. The relationship lasts about a year. Anna is also alarmed by the fact that her boyfriend often changes jobs and treats this with some ease. I would like to clarify that there were a number of other issues that were put to resolution, but I cannot publish them. Within the framework of the first question regarding the manifestation of feelings, graying was discovered: Alexey has a somewhat closed character type, emotional coldness. Of course, he shows feelings, but his emotions are directed, as it were, inside himself. Alexey tends to protect himself from any external stimuli and is completely focused on his experiences. Comment: this type of character was formed in early childhood, when Alexey did not receive enough love, care and warm feelings from his parents. A child who has not received full parental attention and love, as he grows up, will become “stingy” with emotions and will reject manifestations of love in the future. Alexey loves Anna, but cannot demonstrate it because he has not learned it. If a girl is ready to fight for her chosen one, she should acquire patience and prepare for trials. The peculiarity is that this situation is not pleasant and painful for the youngest person. Within the framework of a question related to the field of work, we can say that Alexey prefers material comfort. The desire to frequently change areas of activity is due to the fact that he is constantly on the move. As for work, our hero hopes that by working in a new place or meeting new people, he will be able to solve problems associated with internal uncertainty. In fact, this behavior is associated with a person’s desire to escape from himself. The young man has problems that are awaiting solutions and do not allow Alexey to look into the future with optimism. Comment: such an escape is the typical behavior of a “rejected” person, that is, psychological trauma formed in childhood as a result of upbringing. And here you can say: “hello to the parents!” I also want to say that we cannot blame the parents entirely, since we do not know the circumstances of their lives. What contributed to this upbringing? What were the reasons for doing this, etc. I can also summarize that Alexey’s active desire, proper therapy, help and support from his beloved girl will bring positive results. And I remind you that the reasons for applying are different - personal self-development, some personal problems, lack of understanding of your purpose, compatibility in couples, trustworthiness of a business partner, selection of employees, self-determination in life and a predisposition to running your own business.

We all want our dreams to come true and our lives to improve day by day. And today it has been scientifically proven that our attitudes have a colossal influence on the fulfillment of desires and improving the quality of life. There are many negative ones among them. However, there is good news - settings can be changed. But how to do this pleasantly, easily and joyfully?

It's actually not that difficult. Remember how the words of songs literally “stick” to us? And this is not only because of the beautiful melody, but also because of the successful lyrics.

That's why we've made a selection of inspiring affirmations in verse for you. They are easy to remember and repeat out loud or to yourself at any free moment - while taking a shower, standing in line at the supermarket, in transport, while preparing food (by the way, then it will be “charged” with your positive energy and good mood - and this will affect on everyone who eats it).

My dreams are coming true!
Wishes come true!
All goals are achieved!
Life is wonderful all around.

My income is multiplying
And everything will work out as it should!
I know that the universe
Always my best friend!!!

I bless my life,
I thank her for everything!
I fill my heart with love
And I give my Love to everyone!

day after day
Lucky in everything!

I live in a happy world
What I created with love!
I am the creator of good and light.
I'm lucky in everything! Hooray!!!

I transform everything and everyone
Good luck, money and success!

I'm beautiful, smart, energetic
And everything in my life is going great!

My companion is luck!
I can handle everything!
Everything is easy, which means
I get what I want!!!

I am beautiful - just a miracle!
I am young - I am and will be!

I am a magnet for love and luck
I also attract money to boot!

Life gives only the best to me!
I am happy in reality and in my dreams!

I'm so beautiful, I'm young
I am always happy and healthy!

My life is happy and bright,
I receive gifts every day!

Everything that surrounds me -
Makes me happy and inspires me!

I am confident, I am healthy and strong!
My life is full of joy and happiness!

I am beautiful! Perfect!
I am calm! I sing!
Everything is wonderful in the Universe!
I LOVE the whole world!

I wake up rested, inspired,
I lie with my eyes closed and breathe in
All the vigor of the morning and calm silence.

The whole world around me is in love with me!
I feel it, I believe it! I know for sure,
That all my problems are solved.

And so I open my eyes, good morning!
I wish happiness to the whole Earth and the whole Universe!

I was created beautiful, kind, wise,
Flying, joyful, worthy, perfect!

The whole body is filled with energy,
I breathe in deeply the fresh wind,
I am open to new things, I go through life boldly,
I, only I, am responsible for my life.

I'm free, I'm calm,
Every moment brings bliss,
I deserve this life
This life is perfection!

My body is a temple of beauty!
His features are perfect!
My body is a wonderful home
For a happiest life in it.

I am special, I am unique.
Like everyone on this Earth.
My appearance is always perfect
And it suits only me.

No two drops of water are so similar
On top of each other, it’s impossible to tell them apart.
Among hundreds and thousands of passers-by,
I’m so alone, what’s there to hide?

Beauty is only measured
In centimeters, in volume, in length?
Billions of beauties... different!
I'm the only one on earth!

You know, dreams come true, and here's why...

  • Do you want to board a plane and fly far from home?
  • Do you dream of traveling across different continents?
  • Do you want to have a prestigious one that brings pleasure and a lot of money?
  • You want to get married successfully, have a child...
  • Or is your main goal today to be slim and beautiful?

Important! I have seen in my own life that dreams do come true! Moreover, even if at first glance they seem completely fantastic and impossible. But this is far from true >>>

If a person’s dreams come true, then this is part of his life plans.

© Juliana Wilson

This is my favorite quote!

It represents 100% truth. And now, my dear reader, I will tell you how you can make your dreams come true into your life plans)))

Dreams Come True! And I know this for sure, since many of my desires have already become reality. This is what my blog is all about.

And with this article, I want to inspire you to fulfill your deepest desires! I’ll tell you the most exciting stories and share techniques for making your dreams come true :)

By the way, famous people also make their wishes come true, here is a cool story by Jim Carrey:

What are you dreaming about?

I am sure that most of those who are now reading this article will definitely does not know what he really wants.

No, of course, we all know that we want to become rich, strong, healthy, beautiful, have a successful business or a great job, travel and enjoy many other things.

But often this is all very abstract...

How many of you imagined your dream in detail?

But exactly seeing your desire, understanding why and what exactly it should be - this is half the success of bringing it to life!

If you don’t put something specific before your SUBCONSCIOUS, it means you don’t put anything. Yes, yes... And figuring out your dreams is an important first step towards their fulfillment.

By the way, how I understand my “wants”, read the article:. And after that, dreams come true!

You can understand why your subconscious mind needs clear instructions by reading one of my old articles:

Are these your dreams?

I always advise you to start by figuring out your desires.

Work with each of them, understand:

  • why is it needed,
  • Is it really necessary for your happiness?

Or maybe your passionate desire, which you have nurtured for so long, spent time and energy on fulfilling it, is not yours at all? You may ask “how can this be?” But in fact this happens very often.

Test your desire with a question to the subconscious, using the method from this article of mine:

For example, one of my good friends always wanted to have a lot of dresses and shoes in her closet.

And while working with this dream, I imagined a huge dressing room, in which there were many things from fashion designers, shoes from famous brands in all the colors of the rainbow. But for some reason the dream did not come true. No, she got a large dressing room (after all, dreams really do come true), she bought herself new dresses, but it didn't bring pleasure.

While talking to me, she once complained that dreams don’t come true and all these techniques are nonsense...

But when we began to analyze her desire, it turned out that behind the dream of having a lot of things in the closet there was something completely different hidden - need for communication, admiring glances, fun time.

And a correctly formed dream began to bear fruit within a week.

A friend of mine met a man who later became her husband. Today they travel a lot, she does not lack new acquaintances, communication and attention.

By the way, I recently watched a cool documentary on the topic of wish fulfillment, I recommend it from the bottom of my heart, everything in order:

How to make your dreams come true?

Dream: dreams come true and you can’t argue with that!

But for a desire to become a reality, you need to work with it correctly. I always recommend doing it like this:

When you make a wish, don’t think that you don’t know how it can come true. Do not slow down the Universe on the way to its fulfillment.

Try to avoid fears, uncertainty, thoughts that something will not work out or is impossible.

And, of course, form your dream without any “no” or “no”. Without the desire to remove something, get rid of it, etc. And from the desire to create something beautiful.

At this time, do not think about ways to fulfill your desire. Don't worry about the money, which is not enough for him now.

Just try to get into your dreams and feel them and the emotions they will give you when they come true.

Think through the details.

You can write a letter to yourself!

One of my students shared the amazing results of this technique.

She grew up in a poor family and as a child dreamed of having a computer. But it was difficult to even believe that money could be found for it in a house where there was not always enough for bread. And then the little girl began to write letters - it happened to her purely intuitively.

She wrote that she has a computer, described how she plays on it, draws, what pages she visits on the Internet, how it helps her study at school. Surprisingly, the dream came true just six months later. For her birthday, the godmothers decided to give her a computer. Dreams Come True!

If you want something specific, such as a dishwasher or a bicycle, decide which model you want to buy. To do this, read reviews about the desired device, go shopping.

Act as if you are already choosing the right thing.

Everyone writes about this cool technique, even Zealand. In the article about his latest book, we described well how to “pretend” correctly to make your dream come true:

Detailed dreams come true fastest.

For better visualization, I often make a wish map. The pictures that I place on it program my subconscious and help my wish come true.

By the way, I immediately invite you to my next open online meeting with subscribers, come to a free master class on making your dreams come true >>>

Be careful! Dreams come true or come true almost always, no matter how impossible they may seem at first glance. But the universe does not choose convenient ways for you to realize your desires.

And here everything depends only on your thoughts. If you dream of getting something “at any cost,” then over time you will be surprised to realize that your dreams come true, but they cost you too much.

For example, one of my students told me that she dreamed of having her own apartment, with a lot of sun and bright yellow curtains. This is exactly the image she visualized for herself.

A year later, her wish came true. After all, dreams come true!

Her father died and left her a two-room apartment as his inheritance. When she arrived to her father and entered the house, she was surprised: Bright sunlight was shining through the window, and the curtains in the room were new, bright yellow.

To protect yourself from such situations, you need to add to your desire, or simply say:

May it be fulfilled in the most peaceful way for the benefit of all living on earth!

Real stories from my subscribers

Of course, we are motivated to dream by stories of other people's wishes coming true.

And of course I have prepared a portion of inspiration for you, here you go!

The magic of number 23

The story of Svetlana Popova, from the first person:

Various miracles have happened to me since school, I didn’t even know how and why this happened.

When I wanted to go for a longer walk on the weekend, and there were comments on my behavior in my diary, I didn’t even have to think about going out at all. But, I once heard a children’s joke: if you accidentally see two identical numbers on an electronic watch, you can make a wish that will come true. And I made a wish (and I was already in the 9th grade), did not let go of the phone all day, and waited for the same numbers. And they always let me go.

After school there were still moments that I really wanted and they came true.

But the real miracle happened when my pregnancy test showed two lines. This was a planned pregnancy so that the baby would be born in July.

And I told my husband that I would give birth to a girl, Lisa, on July 23 (I didn’t want cancer according to my zodiac sign, my husband’s birthday was on July 24, my sister’s birthday was on July 25, and after these dates it was somehow not the same). The husband just laughed.

And this thought, to give birth to a girl on July 23, was with me 24 hours a day. When we informed the grandmothers about the pregnancy, I also firmly told them that I would only give birth to my 23rd girl. And on the day “X”, July 23, 2013, I gave birth to a healthy girl, Elizaveta. The husband was shocked.

We later had a second pregnancy planned for December. All relatives jokingly asked who and when? And I already knew for sure that the boy was December 23... Dreams Come True!

Date with a star

Catherine's story from the first person:

My most vivid wish fulfillment is associated with a personal meeting with my favorite musician. I bought a ticket to a concert in Moscow. I used the visualization technique. I imagined what I would look like, my blue dress, I curled my hair... I imagined with my own eyes and from the outside. Visualization was daily for about 1.5 months.

Pictured is Ekaterina and her idol David Garrett

When I arrived in Moscow, I was wearing a red dress (my mother said that it is better to go to the violinist in a classical dress). But I took the blue dress with me!

Somehow I met the girls from the fan group, and they were planning a meeting with the musician. But we were not allowed to meet, since it was the Kremlin Palace. A day later there was the next concert in St. Petersburg, the fans left for him, but I stayed.

But at the last moment I decided to go too, at that moment I saw a picture of my visualization. The concert in St. Petersburg was much cooler!

After the concert, the girls went to meet the musician, but I was not on this list ((They let me through strictly according to the list. I decided to try, but I still didn’t understand how I would do it. But I was able to pass, I won’t say what I had to say security so that he would let me in. But I was the only one who was not on the list and I passed.

Everything was just as I had imagined. I talked to him, took his autograph, and hugged him, as planned (no one had done this before me) And yes, I was in a blue dress and with curled hair!

Dream figure

Anna says:

Now I want to talk about a specific technique that I tried 3 years ago, and which miraculously fulfilled my desires. This technique is a “wish card”, which I made for the first time in my life in January 2015.

Made simply by inspiration, without following the rules for placing pictures on the cardinal points) And I didn’t prepare the pictures themselves in advance, but quickly found illustrations in magazines that more or less suited my desires.

I was very fascinated by the process of selecting pictures, cutting them out and placing them on my map. And, I won’t be modest, my card was the brightest and most elegant compared to the “wish cards” of other members of my family - then we created with the whole family)))

After that, I solemnly hung the map on the wall opposite the bed.

During the week, I even illuminated my “map” with a flashlight in the evenings (I read somewhere that this speeds up the fulfillment of desires). And then everyday life absorbed me, and I forgot about my card. Well, that is, of course, I looked at her every day when I woke up, but I didn’t do anything, didn’t imagine, didn’t say... In general, as they say, I “let go” of my desires...

And imagine my surprise when, while preparing for the move, I remembered my “wish card,” which by that moment had already become a familiar element of the interior of my room. To be honest, I was shocked that so much of what was shown on the map came true... And some of it quite quickly!

I will not describe the fulfillment of small desires, pI’ll tell you about the fulfillment of the most significant desire at that moment.

This is a problem that worries many girls about losing weight. I have never been slim, but I always dreamed of it. I went in for sports, went on diets, but to no avail...(

Then I got married and, thanks to my loving and caring husband, who actively fed me sweets, I generally gained a lot of weight.

And the Universe heard me again!) Dreams come true!

Here are the opportunities the Universe gave me completely UNEXPECTEDLY:an annual card to a fitness club as a birthday gift + an invitation to participate in a free online marathon on healthy nutrition “Eat and Lose Weight” + a team of like-minded people for sports and cycling (including the same MCH).

In general, everything is easy and relaxed, without any special restrictions on food or grueling workouts.

Naturally and playfully, the active process of losing weight began. I noticed that I was losing weight only from the surprised compliments of others and the need to periodically change my wardrobe... But now, when I look at my BEFORE and AFTER photos, I understand the reason for questions like: “How did you do it???”)))

I won’t write in kg and cm. I’ll just show visual results:

This is how my “wish card” worked!) And I thank the Universe for the realization of these and many more smaller desires!!! And I know that dreams DEFINITELY come true!!

Met love and got married

Mary's story:

I have been studying the power of thought for many years and have already materialized hundreds of desires, but I want to tell you about how I met my beloved)

I want to inspire those who are looking for love, since for many this is the most difficult question in materialization)

At the time of the meeting, I was almost 27 years old and there were practically no long and serious relationships before meeting my beloved, firstly, I didn’t really want to)) this really happens)

I had a great time - I did what I wanted, lived in different cities and even in Anapa for a couple of years)) It seemed that a man would only interfere with development, set limits and distract (I didn’t understand women who see the joy of life only in a man and children).

To be honest, like many, I didn’t believe that the real me could be loved, that I still needed to lose weight, and besides, there were “betrayals and betrayals” behind my back. And I grew up in a dysfunctional family, where the example of family relationships discouraged any desire to come even close to a man.

At school and kindergarten, no one paid attention to me, since I was very plump and had a bunch of different charms that clearly did not contribute to love (although over the years I became much thinner (by 20 kg) and also became prettier with the help of the power of thought!!)

In addition, due to circumstances, I returned to live in the small northern village where I am from, where “normal men were snatched up as puppies, and the rest are uninteresting, undeveloped drinking rednecks”))

(I’m writing all this down specifically for those who think that in their circumstances it’s definitely impossible to find love).

I am very grateful to all this now and consider it a gift of fate, in fact.

And there were also a bunch of stupid beliefs that prevented me from focusing on meeting my loved one.

At some point I realized that I want a real family! And I knew for sure that dreams come true!

I put away all my exes in my head (this was the MOST powerful step). And I clearly focused on the sensations that I want to experience in a relationship!

Firstly, I went into a relationship with a clear feeling of giving; in a purely feminine way, I had accumulated a lot that needed to be given - tenderness, love, inspiration.

I was a very happy person (at that time I had worked a lot in myself and in my thinking) and I needed to share my happiness with someone.

Secondly, I wrote that I want to meet a man who will be my true love, soul mate, who will also want to develop, will be in the subject of materializations, will want a family and, in the future, children from me.

I wrote down a few other nice little things, BUT nothing like driving a BMW, being 180 cm tall and working in the oil industry.

This is all gainful and, fortunately, has little to do with it. I wrote what love, family means to me, what it means to be with a loved one and how it feels, where we could meet, all in order to keep the focus on meeting love as much as possible.

No “come back my ex, I’m sure you’re the one I need, I’ll make you love me, I’ll just do this technique”))

I told everyone around me that I was about to meet my beloved, that I really felt it, I started watching films about love and listening to songs only about happy love!!!

I, the one who always laughed at all this romance, began to look for examples of happy relationships in the environment and among the stars (there is an excellent program on music TV “love stories” - stories of how stars found their “half”), I began to notice in every man something interesting, and in my reality a ton of free, interesting, handsome men opened up in my village!!! (that was the time)))

Many people wanted love and relationships, a family, but could not meet a girl.

I spread a field of such men around me, and also went to the gym, where there were more of them))

I don't know what was happening, but there was an unreal amount of attention from gorgeous men. I also became prettier, dressed nicely for work and was ready everywhere))) By the way, I wrote all this in early December, and I clearly decided to celebrate the New Year with my beloved man!

On December 10, my now husband wrote to me in a personal message. How he found me is a separate story (he accidentally saw me in a local public page in the comments under a girl’s advertisement for the sale of a subscription), he moved to live due to circumstances from Irkutsk to our village about six months ago and we started communicating.

On the 15th our first date took place, we talked in a cafe for several hours, and when he accompanied me home in a taxi, the song “tramp, single in life, oh this wedding, goodbye now peace, today you became his wife”) was playing))))

(looking ahead, then this song was played at our wedding a year and a half later)

After this date, he began to court me very persistently, came running to me at work in 40 degree frosts, just to see me, and I kept my defenses, because his intentions were immediately serious, which frightened me greatly)))

And he immediately said that we would have beautiful children (I laughed so much)), and at work he said that I was his girlfriend, although we didn’t even kiss, he didn’t fool me, he knew what he wanted, and on December 26th he Already rented our first home...

We have already celebrated the New Year and my birthday (January 1st) together; in January he already introduced me to his relatives and family! From the moment we met, at most we separated for a day. Later I found out that my beloved, 2 days before seeing me “in contact”, went to church and asked God to meet true love)) Dreams come true!