Master class hare. Tilda hare: master class Tilde hare ears

First of all, we need to choose the fabric for our clothing bunny. Most often, craftswomen choose linen, cotton or fleece for tildes - depending on what the future toy should be. In addition, for cutting and sewing a tilde bunny we need:

  • wire 1.5 mm thick;
  • stuffing material (holofiber, padding polyester or other);
  • chalk, paper, pencil, scissors;
  • threads, needles.

Master class on sewing a standing tilde bunny

If we act as follows, we will soon be holding a cute bunny doll in our hands!

  • Print/translate the pattern onto paper and cut it out. We fold the fabric in two layers, with the front side on the inside. It is advisable to sweep the material in advance or pin it with needles so that the bottom layer does not fidget.

  • We place the patterns on the fabric and trace them. We cut out the ears separately - in hares they are usually double-sided, so we select the fabric for the inner side so that it subsequently matches the suit.

  • Now you need to sew the parts on a machine, leaving small areas through which the toy can then be stuffed.

  • After this, we take out the basting and cut out the resulting parts, retreating from the seam by 5-7 mm. It is necessary to make notches at the folds so that the fabric does not bulge when we turn it inside out.

  • We turn out the parts of the hare using a pencil, insert the wire into the legs and ears (since we are sewing a bunny, the ears should stick out). The wire must be inserted so that it passes not only through the legs, but also through the body (in the case of ears, through the head).

  • We stuff it carefully. We try to stuff tightly, but at the same time leave a little space near the hole to make it more convenient to sew the parts together.

  • Using a hidden seam we sew the arms, legs and ears of our bunny to the body.

  • We make a nose, mouth, eyebrows, eyes - they can be drawn or embroidered, sewn on ready-made ones or selected beads - and blush on the cheeks. The bunny is ready!

Sometimes the details are completely covered up. In this case, they are stuffed through special slits, which are then sewn up. In addition, you can easily do without wire. If the tilde is made of fleece, its legs are sewn on the side and stuffed very tightly, then it stands up perfectly even without wire. The ears will stick out if the fabric, on the contrary, is quite rigid and folded at the base.

Clothes and accessories for the tilde bunny

Naturally, everyone who sews such a toy wants to dress it up to their own taste. You will see for yourself what exactly suits your hare as soon as he is ready. Many craftsmen write that each tilde doll has its own character, and if the clothes that were originally planned do not fit (this happens!), you have to redo everything. If your bunny is a girl, pantaloons, a sundress, a dress, a jacket or a hat will look great. For dresses, choose both simple fabrics like chintz and more festive options - for example, crepe-satin, satin, organza. Lace, satin ribbons, and braid are usually used for decoration.
By the way, a girl bunny just needs accessories! A bouquet of flowers, a miniature toy, a handbag or a doll mirror - your fashionista should have something that will highlight her individuality. Some people add hairstyles, braid their tilda or experiment with jewelry.
Pants, T-shirts, and caps are sewn for mischievous boy bunnies. Leftover knitwear or thick fabrics like denim are great for clothing. Don’t forget about shoes for your bunny’s feet! You can make patterns yourself by first taking measurements from the toy. All masters make different bunnies, even if they are sewn using the same pattern. Very often, a couple of bunnies are made for a wedding - in the groom's suit and the bride's dress.

Pattern hare tilde

Video tutorial


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In the world of handcraft and creativity, dolls called “Tilda” have recently become popular. But these are not just toys, but a whole brand that has become widespread and won the hearts of many lovers of handmade products in many countries. Tilda is not only dolls, but also animals and interior items, which are made according to the design of the Norwegian artist Toni Finanger. This style was born in 1999, it was at this time that the designer made her first doll.

The idea was liked by fans of creativity, adults and children. Currently, Tony publishes books, opens stores and creates not only dolls, but also unique decorative elements. Tilda stores sell goods for making toys, including patterns. There are no finished products there. This is due to the fact that Tony wants to teach needlewomen to create their own unique masterpieces, give them a special character, and put a piece of their soul into them. In his author's books (five of them have already been published), the designer openly shares with readers his experience of making toys in the Tilda style, and describes in detail a master class, which necessarily includes a pattern for each toy.

All dolls made in this style have special characteristics. So the Tilda hare, a sewing pattern for which will be offered in this article, has small black eyes in the form of dots, cheeks with a slight blush, and a simple cut line. Also, toys are made from natural materials, mainly in delicate, pastel shades. Therefore, all Tilda dolls are characterized by simplicity and conciseness.

Tilda the Hare is one of the most charming and sincere Tilda dolls. Therefore, those who like to sew and who are fascinated by the art of handicrafts will certainly be interested in a master class, which will include a photo, pattern and detailed description of how to make Tilda Hare. This wonderful standing bunny can be not only a cute present, but also an original piece of furniture and a good toy for a baby, which you can sew with your own hands by watching our master class.

Tilda Hare: master class and pattern

The master class, located a little lower, will tell you the sequential steps by which you can make a toy. To complete it you will need:

  • Fabric (it can be cotton, linen or fleece)
  • Filling, for example, synthetic winterizer
  • Threads to match the color of your chosen fabric
  • Needle, scissors
  • Pattern
  • Wire for legs, since our hare will be standing
  • Various accessories for decorating toys

As always, at the beginning of our work we will need a pattern.

Print or draw on a sheet of paper. We lay out the pattern on fabric folded in two layers, secure it with pins, and cut out the parts.
It is best to cut out the bunny ears separately, because it will be much more beautiful if you make them double-sided.

Then you need to sew all the parts on a machine or by hand, but do not forget to leave small holes through which the doll can be stuffed. In places where the products have folds, you need to make serifs so that the material does not bulge. We turn the parts right side out using a wooden stick or a pencil, thread the wire through the legs and ears (we are sewing a bunny, and his ears should stick out). The wire must be threaded in such a way that it passes both through the legs and through the body (as for the ears, the wire must pass through the head).

Fill the products tightly with padding polyester or other material. Using a hidden seam, he sews the legs, arms and ears of the hare to the body.

Now the master class moves on to designing the bunny's face. We draw with paints or embroider the nose and eyes with black floss. Also, as an option, you can sew small beads as eyes. Add a little blush to the cheeks, and our hare is ready.

Clothes for bunny Tilda

Of course, everyone who makes such a doll wants to dress it in a special way, to their own taste. You will understand for yourself what exactly suits your Tilda, immediately after she is ready.

If you decide that you will have a girl, then a sundress or a dress with pantaloons will look great on her, and you can put a hat with a brim on her head. The outfit can be decorated with satin ribbons, lace, and braid. The following would be perfect accessories for your fashionista: a bouquet of flowers, a handbag, a decorative carrot, a small mirror and others.

For a bunny boy you can sew a T-shirt, pants or shorts, a cap or a baseball cap. If you want a serious bunny, you can sew him a weekend suit with a bow tie.

We hope our master class will help you sew a Tilda hare, but how to complement the image of the toy depends on your fantasy and imagination. Good luck and pleasant work.

I suggest you sew together a toy: Tilda Hare

What needs to be prepared. I’m making a list for Tilda, which is close to the classic version.

Tools and materials:

  • Pattern.
  • Textile. For the “carcass” I take two threads. You can use plain linen. Well, or any plain natural fabric. You can use calico, calico, etc. on the inside of the ear. Either plain or with a small pattern (polka dots, checkered patterns, flowers). For clothes, any fabric (preferably also natural) you like. In the classic version, this is a checkered pattern, a small pattern, etc.
  • Iron. During the cutting and sewing process, you must constantly smooth out the parts.
  • Scissors.
  • Pins.
  • Chalk, pencil, marker. In general, this is what we will use to trace the pattern on the fabric.
  • Needle and thread. Threads will be needed to match the fabric and black for the eyes and nose (I use black floss).
  • Sewing machine. This is if you don’t want to sew by hand.
  • Decorations Small buttons or beads. Natural texture is also desirable.
  • Wood is ideal. Plastic - "wood-like". But this is purely optional. Will be needed for decorating clothes.
  • Something to tone your face. Some people tint with tea and coffee, I use old blush.

I will sew a hare with floppy ears in a hat.

Bunny body ("carcass")
Cutting, basting, stitching parts, stuffing, assembling.

Iron a piece of fabric. I have a double thread, slightly tinted with coffee. I brewed it in a solution of the cheapest instant coffee. But she made a big mistake in that she began to iron it after drying. Now it is slightly "chewed". But when stuffing, the “wrinkles” are smoothed out.

I fold the fabric in half, but if the fabric is thinner or slips, it is better to cut each piece separately. Lay out the patterns so that there are seam allowances between them (approximately 0.5 cm).

We pin it with pins so that they don’t move.

We trace around the edge. I have a simple pencil, because... The fabric is not see-through and I will not wash the product. You can use chalk, special pencils, or a disappearing marker.

We pin together the parts that will be made of two halves (torso, arms, legs). There will be one ear on this fabric, and the second part will be from a different fabric.

Now the ear. At first I wanted to outline it on another fabric (it’s thin), but then I decided to make it simpler. I simply cut off the required piece, pinned it together and stitched one to the other. All excess is cut off. Yes, don't forget to leave an unstitched area for turning. Marked on the pattern.

Now let's put together the details. I sew on a machine. Line 1.5-2mm. If someone sews “by hand”, then the seam is “backstitch” or for embroiderers “backstitch”. It is advisable to make smaller stitches.

Please note (for those who sew on a machine) that it is convenient to cut off a piece of fabric with a cut (I only cut off the body, but it could have been left) and sew the parts one by one, and then simply cut them out. It is easier to stitch the fabric than each small piece separately.

If someone is uncomfortable using pins, then, of course, you can simply sweep away every detail. For those who sew by hand, I think it's best to cut out the cut first.

They cut it out and turned it inside out. To prevent the seams from pulling, it is better to trim the fabric at the bends before turning it out.

It is convenient to use a knitting needle for turning. We carefully straighten each seam from the inside.

Now let's iron it. One of my hare’s legs remained fairly crushed, but with stuffing everything will smooth out. The ear has not yet been sewn up at the site of the inversion.

I stuff it with synthetic fluff. Convenient thing. The carcass turns out so light, but elastic. We stuff tightly, again using the same knitting needle (and your fingers, of course). In order for the bunny to sit, we do not stuff the legs completely, leaving a little (1-2cm) empty space.

Small nuance: If you first lightly treat the edge of the product from the stuffing side with PVA glue (just lightly, along the very edge), let it dry, then the fabric will not fray when stuffing. Or, when cutting, leave a little more fabric on this side, and then, after stuffing, trim the fringes a little (this time I did that).
If you stuff it with synthetic padding, you must tear it well into shreds so that it does not clump.

Here is the result of stuffing the carcass. The parts are ready for stitching. The ears are not sewn on yet. I'll actually sew them on at the end.

If you want a “standing” hare, stuff the legs all the way, so that all that remains is to sew them on. And then you will have to sew it in a circle with a hidden seam. However, he will only be able to stand leaning against something. It's too tall for standing. The legs just won't bend.

If you want it to sit, you need to stitch it and remove a little of the filler from the legs. Just a little bit, so that when sitting, the belly does not put pressure on the legs.

Well, the first part of the sewing is ready. If I missed something, something remains unclear, I will be happy to answer all questions in the topic on our forum.

I baste the legs to the back of the body. It seems to be visible in the photo. I do this so that it will be easier to sew later, they will no longer squirm. We immediately pay attention to the fact that they are located exactly in height. Those. pay attention to the location of the heels relative to each other.

I also lightly basted the front part, although you don’t have to do this and sew it on right away.

We sew the legs and body through, as if stitching, like on a typewriter. Then the hare will sit. You can use a “back needle” stitch, or you can simply go back and forth with a basting stitch twice. We make small stitches. We sew the space between the legs with the usual “over the edge” only finely.
If you look closely, you can see a thread on the carcass. After fastening, I stretch the needle to any place on the carcass, pull the thread so that the body shrinks a little and carefully cut it under the fabric. The tail of the thread is hidden in the doll's body.

So, the legs were sewn on. Let's get to the hands. Fold the edge of the fabric at the base and baste the hem. This will make sewing on the handle much easier in the future.

We pin the handles with pins and make sure everything is even.

Sew the handles with a blind stitch in a circle. I go through it twice, first “roughly” so that it holds, and then with more frequent stitches.

Sew on the ears. I apply it as I like. Indeed, in Tilda, even the location of the ears plays a role in the character of the toy. I don’t make creases and folds, but I think that if you want, you can arrange and sew the back of the ear in some interesting way. I sew the top part.
Here, in fact, is the assembled carcass.

Tailoring, decor.

We lay out the pattern of the panties and the straps on the fabric folded in half towards the edge of the fold.

The hat is also cut from two halves. If you take fabrics of two colors, the hat will turn out to be double, with a different one inside. The original breast is one piece, but on this fabric I will make a double one, the fabric is very thin, the folds will be visible. You might even have to sit it on a base.

And, of course, we cut out two rectangles for the skirt.

Someone probably wondered: “Where is the pattern for the skirt itself?” There is no pattern, the dimensions are in the text.
Large hare 20.5x18 cm.
Small hare 14.5x13cm. The first number is the length from top to bottom.
Two separate rectangles are cut out, the breast is sewn on, folds are made on the sides (in the original near the breast) on the upper part of the skirt. There are also folds at the back. Then it will all be in the photos.

The details are revealed. This is the wrong side. The fabric is “planted” on an adhesive base, because shirt and thin. The ideal in the original, of course, is pure cotton, but where can you get the right colors...

We sew the pants. First, the top side seams, from top to toe.

Then we unfold it, as in the photo, and stitch from the bottom of one leg through the “corner” to the bottom of the second leg. You can immediately tuck the bottom.
If the fabric is thick and fraying, then the very edge can be covered with PVA glue and tucked once. The doll is an interior design and, in theory, should not be washed.

We sew the hat. On the pattern, the dotted line indicates the place where it is not stitched. We sew everything else (continuously). Turn it inside out.

Sew the skirt along the side seams. Here's what we've got so far. You can also add straps, stitched and turned inside out. I just hadn’t turned them out yet at that time.

We wrap half of the cap (where the twist is) inside. The place of the twist can be sewn up with a hidden seam, or you can leave it like that. He won't be visible.

First fitting of a hat. We bend the margins slightly.

The pants are hemmed at the bottom and top, and are worn on a hare. We make pleats in the front and back so that they fit snugly. To be sure, you can also “attach” it slightly to the carcass. The photo is glared due to the flash, but it seems that the folds are visible.

We sew the breast in the middle of the front tight skirt. We sew straps to it with buttons. Everything has already been ironed.

We put the skirt on the bunny and put folds on it in the front, on both sides of the chest, and sew it on. We also put folds in the back so that the skirt fits snugly, and sew it on. Place the straps at the back under the skirt and sew them on.
Draw a muzzle with a washable (disappearing) marker or chalk. Here I would not recommend using something that you cannot wash off (erase) from the fabric later. When drawing, you can either try on the cap or sew it on so you can see where to draw the eyes.

Take black threads. Better than floss. Fold one thread in half and thread the ends into the needle. We stretch it so that the folded end is longer. We stick it into the place of the eye, grabbing 1-2 threads of fabric, thread it to the folded tip, then thread the needle into the resulting “loop” and pull the thread through. The thread is secured without knots. If it is not clear, you can simply fasten the thread somewhere under the ears (so that it is not visible) and stretch it inside the head to the place of the eye.

Making a French knot.
You can clearly see it here. True, it’s on tape, but I specifically chose such a video so that it could be seen.

Just make 3-4 turns with the thread. pierce until the next eye. We repeat.
Then we pierce it to the nose, embroider a triangle and a mouth. We rouge our cheeks. You can tone it with tea or coffee, but I have never done this.
Voila! Bunny under the Christmas tree in the company of friends.

It is very easy to make such a rag hare yourself, even if you do not have sewing skills, the result will always please you. This is my first time publishing MK in this community, I hope I haven’t messed up anything)

Such toys are sewn only from natural cotton fabric. I used linen for the body and cotton for the clothes.
Sewn using the Tilda hare pattern.
To speed up the process, the fabric is folded in half. translating the pattern for this I use a disappearing marker.

Cut with seam allowances. We pin it with pins so that the fabric does not fray and sew it on a sewing machine; if you don’t have one, you can do it by hand.

All the parts of the hare are stitched and the seam allowances are trimmed with zig-zag scissors; there are no such scissors; you need to make notches in the rounded areas, otherwise the fabric will pull when stuffing.

We turn the parts right side out and stuff them. I have a ball holofiber. You can stuff with chopsticks, tweezers and any available objects, as you wish and as you please)

We turn the bottom of the body and sew it with a basting stitch, we will insert legs or paws)

We attach the paws to the body, here you need to pay attention so that one paw is not shorter than the other. We fix it with pins and stitch it, you can do it manually...

Or you can do it on a typewriter, as I did.

We mark the place where the upper legs are attached and sew them with a hand stitch.

Let's start with clothes. On paper there are 1/4 parts of the trousers, I transferred 2 parts together at once so as not to make unnecessary seams. We need 2 of these halves.

The bottom and top were folded and glued using an iron and glue web. I sewed lace along the bottom.

Place the pieces right sides together and sew the side seam.

Unfold and sew the trouser legs. Turn it right side out and press the seams well.

Place 4 folds evenly and sew by hand.

We tighten the bottom of the legs with thread.

What happened.

Let's move on to the dress. This is the simplest dress, I drew a rectangle on the fabric with a disappearing marker, the width is the length from paw to paw, and the height is the length of the bodice. For a rectangle, look for the middle and set aside the size of the collar, as well as the width of the sleeve.

The lower rectangle is the two halves of the future skirt.

We bend the bottom of the skirt and glue it with adhesive web.

We sew the top of the skirt with a double stitch with a stitch with a wide stitch and tighten it to the size of the top of the dress.

We sew both parts of the skirt to the bodice of the dress.

The end result should be something like this. We smooth out the folds and remove the thread that was used to make these folds.

Place the right sides facing each other and sew the side seams. turn and iron the almost finished dress.


We assemble the edge of the sleeve with bait.

A linen lace collar was sewn to the neckline.

Let's start with the apron. It can be any size, whatever you like. I cut out a rectangle, trimmed the edges and glued it onto adhesive web. The belt is approximately 3 cm wide and 2 waist circumferences long. I will gather the top part and sew the lace down.

Now we need to sew the apron between the two halves of the belt, find the center at the belt and at the apron and connect it. For those who had handicraft lessons at school, I think it won’t be difficult to sew such an apron.

We fold the ears in half and sew them in the center of the head.

The tilde hare is an excellent soulful toy that you can make with your own hands. These wedding and other crafts can be made from any fabric in any style. The tilde bunny will be a wonderful home decoration, so why not make it right now?

The tilde hare is an excellent soulful toy that you can make with your own hands

Master Class:

  1. Take the fabric. All the details of the work are drawn on it: the body, ears, head and legs. Then a pattern is made.
  2. Additional fabric is being prepared from which the hare's clothing will be made. It is desirable that she be elegant and beautiful.
  3. The cut pattern is placed on the fabric. Next you need to stitch it. We sew strictly according to the pattern.
  4. Leaving half a centimeter for allowance, we cut out the parts. All parts of the rabbit's body must be stitched. It is important to slightly stretch the fabric while sewing, so the seam will be more neat. But you don’t need to stretch the fabric too much, otherwise the product may burst after stitching.
  5. Then all the workpieces are laid out on a flat surface. Textile blanks should become a model for future work.
  6. The bottom of the body should be slightly bent. You can fasten it and then iron it.
  7. After this, the body can be filled with holofiber. Other parts are filled with the same material. Important: the rabbit’s paws are not completely filled with holofiber, as this will lead to them sticking out in different directions.
  8. The ends of the bent copper wire are inserted into the ends of the legs. Next, safety pins are used. After this, the legs can be sewn to the body.

At the last stage, you need to sew clothes for the bunny, and then dress him up in them.

Gallery: tilde hare (25 photos)

Rabbit tilde: mk (video)

Standing tilde bunny with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

The standing tilde bunny is made in the same way as a standard bunny, but you need to work on its legs.

When making hares, the work should include the following steps:

  1. The first step is to make a pattern.
  2. After this, it is placed on the fabric. You need to make a line. The finished parts should be laid out on a flat surface. The future toy is modeled.
  3. In order for the tilde hares to stand in full size, you need to use wire. It bends in an arc, and both of its edges are threaded into the legs.
  4. After this, the legs should be secured with pins. Don't skimp on pins!
  5. A thread that matches the color of the product is taken and the stitching is done. It’s okay if you can’t make an even seam, it will still be almost invisible.
  6. The legs bend inward. A few more stitches are made. Thanks to such manipulations, the toy stands on its feet.

The standing tilde bunny is made in the same way as a standard bunny, but you need to work on its legs

Soft tilde hare with long ears: pattern and description

A bunny with long ears turns out incredibly beautiful and attractive.

Scheme of work:

  1. The materials necessary for the work are selected.
  2. The rabbit's ears are long, so the pattern for them should also be long. Let them be the same size as the torso and legs.
  3. Once the fabric is cut according to the pattern, you can begin stitching. The seam should be smooth and neat. When stitching the fabric, it is important to slightly tighten it. However, if you pull the fabric too hard, it may eventually burst.
  4. The first part to be filled with holofiber should be the bunny's body. Its bottom is slightly bent and secured with a pin, then it should be smoothed a little. Only after this can you begin filling the body with holofiber.
  5. Similarly, the rest of the parts, including the ears, are filled with this material.
  6. Before you start sewing the parts together, they need to be secured with pins.

A bunny with long ears turns out incredibly beautiful and attractive

Tip: You should always use additional fabric to sew clothes for tilde toys. Beginners are not always able to make even seams, and putting clothes on the toy will hide all the mistakes and shortcomings of the work.

Tilda doll, dress template pattern: master class

A Tilda doll can be a wonderful gift for a friend or mother. How is it done?

  1. The pattern for the doll is drawn on newspaper, paper or wallpaper. The optimal size of such a pupa is 30 cm.
  2. After this, the working fabric is prepared. It is recommended to use either white or pink fabric. It must be ironed and clean.
  3. The pattern is placed on the fabric and traced with a pen. Next, the fabric is cut along the formed contour. However, it is better to leave about half a centimeter of fabric from the outline, as this will help the fabric not fray after stitching.
  4. After cutting, you can proceed to sewing. This is done using a standard padding seam.
  5. The blanks are turned inside out before filling with holofiber. Alternatively, you can use regular cotton wool. It is worth helping to push the material with a pencil.
  6. After this, all parts must be sewn.
  7. At the last stage, the doll should be dressed. Clothes can be made by hand, for example, it can be a white sundress.
  8. You can use pink knitting yarn as hair.

A Tilda doll can be a wonderful gift for a friend or mother

Tip: If you use white fabric when sewing a tilde doll, you can soak it in coffee so that it darkens slightly. This will not only provide a richer color, but will also give the product a pleasant coffee aroma.

Big hare tilde

Scheme of work:

  1. To create a large tilde bunny you will need a lot of fabric, at least 1.5 meters.
  2. A mock-up of future blanks is drawn on paper or another paper surface.
  3. Then the cut out design is applied to the fabric. The pattern is made taking into account leaving 1 cm at the edges for the seams.
  4. Next, the fabric is stitched using a sewing machine.
  5. When all the products are sewn, you need to model the layout of the future toy, laying out the blanks on a flat surface.
  6. Then each blank is filled with cotton wool or other material. To push the material deep into the part, you should use a pencil or a long match.
  7. It is recommended to use additional fabric to sew clothes for the toy.

At the last stage, the large bunny is decorated, for example, you can sew a bow on it or tie ribbons around its clothes.

We sew a toy in the evening: tilde bunny (video)