What can I give boys at school on February 23. Gifts for middle school students

Liana Raymanova

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a men's day. On February 23, it is customary to congratulate the strong half of humanity on the holiday and give symbolic gifts. Do not forget about the little future defenders. Boys also deserve attention and a special souvenir as a gift. So, what are some interesting gift ideas for Defender of the Fatherland Day for a child 5 years old and older?

First of all, the gift should bring joy to the child.

Therefore, parents should ask the boy in advance what he wants to receive for the holiday. Do not forget that children grow up quickly and accordingly their interests are changing rapidly. What the child liked a month ago may no longer be relevant.

What to give a boy 6 years old on February 23

Choosing a gift for boys of any age should be based on his individual preferences. Knowing what the child is interested in, it will not be difficult for parents to find an interesting gift for him. The present for the boy must match military theme, so it is best to give toys related to the army or military equipment. Preschoolers can be given the following gifts:

  • Pistol or machine gun for playing war. So that the child does not get hurt himself and does not break everything in the house, choose special safe models of pistols with suction cups. Boys love to play in the army or war games, so such a gift would come in handy.
  • Police or fire truck with flasher and sound effects.
  • A set of soldiers.
  • Radio controlled aircraft.

  • Machine on the remote control.
  • Toy binoculars for children. If finances allow, a preschooler can be presented with real powerful binoculars of a small size so that the boy can comfortably look through it. At this age, boys interesting to learn new things so it will be a great gift.
  • A figurine of your favorite cartoon character or a large soft toy from your favorite cartoon.
  • A set of tools for a young builder.
  • Children's uniform of a policeman or firefighter.

  • Military themed coloring pages and a set of felt-tip pens.

What can I give for February 23 to a boy of 7 years old

Gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day for boys of school age differ from gifts for preschoolers. Children at this age are already in school and their interests are changing. Toys are not as relevant as, for example, Mind games. Choose a gift for a student, focusing on his character and temperament. If the child is mobile, then the gifts should be for outdoor activities. If the boy is more calm, then games for the house will be appropriate.

What to give an original gift to a child of 7 years old on Defender of the Fatherland Day:

  • Educational games for reading or math.
  • Entertaining board games.
  • A book with adventures and colorful pictures.
  • Lego".
  • Puzzles depicting a tank or a military helicopter.
  • Children's cognitive encyclopedia on the history of the fatherland for boys 7 years old. If the child does not like history, give him a book about animals or the underwater world.

  • Special prefabricated models of an aircraft, car or tank.
  • Video game discs. Not all parents allow their children to play video games, but if you don't mind such a pastime, then surprise your child with an interesting game.

Before buying this or that toy, look at the age restrictions indicated by the manufacturers. Try to choose only calm, non-annoying games

It is best to choose games that can be played by the whole family. There is nothing more fun for a child than an evening of games with the family.

What to give a boy 8-9 years old

For some children, choosing gifts for the holidays is more difficult than for adults. After all, you need to buy a useful and at the same time interesting gift that the child will like. But practical does not always mean entertaining, the boy will not be interested in using a boring thing, they always need something unusual.

  • Football, volleyball or basketball. The choice of the ball depends on the sports interests of the student. If a boy goes to soccer practice, then naturally he needs a soccer ball.
  • For a boy who is fond of sports, give sports equipment, such as weights, boxing gloves, or expanders.

  • It will be great if you give videos on February 23 at the age of 9 or an older boy. This is a great sports gift that any child will be delighted with. If he already has roller skates, give him skates.
  • A universal gift for boys of school age are constructors. The stores offer a huge selection of designers of any subject. On February 23, you can find models of aircraft, helicopters, tanks and even a whole military camp. There are different models for every age. For older children produced electromechanical designers.
  • flying alarm clock. If it’s hard for a child to get up in the morning for school, then a modern alarm clock model will make this task easier. When the set time comes, a loud siren turns on on the alarm clock, and in the meantime it takes off. To turn off the beep, the boy will need to get out of bed and catch it. With such an assistant, waking up a child will become much more fun and he will forget about being late for school forever.
  • Piggy bank. Suitable for a child who likes to save money. You can give a regular or electronic piggy bank. It will help the child save up for a thing that he has been talking about for a long time. dreams.

  • Disappearing ink pen. All boys love spy movies. With the help of such a pen, the child will be able to feel like a hero of the movie and will be happy to use it.
  • Interesting puzzles. For an inquisitive child, you can buy a fascinating puzzle. The stores offer a wide range of intellectual entertainment of various designs. Find a “thing” that suits your child and he will not be able to tear himself away from it.

Inexpensive gifts for children on February 23

Often, parents are faced with the question of what to give boys at school on Defender of the Fatherland Day. The so-called "collective gift" for children should be inexpensive and usually need to be bought in the shortest possible time. This task is quite difficult, given that a souvenir for children should be interesting, practical and like all the boys. With a limited budget, it is customary for boys to give the following souvenirs on February 23:

  • Stationery for study, such as a set of pencils, helium pens or notebooks.
  • Small thematic calendars. You can make a calendar on the background of any photo or with your favorite superheroes.
  • Beautiful key rings.
  • A small set of puzzles with an interesting picture.
  • Laser pointer.
  • Compass.

  • Notebooks or notepads.
  • Headphones.
  • Chess, checkers or cards.
  • Stands for mobile phone.
  • Mugs with a name or congratulations from February 23.

Of course, such gifts are not unique, but very practical. The boys will use them every day and remember the holiday. In addition, such gifts have a small value. The most important thing when choosing a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day is to navigate on the age of the child and his hobby.

February 16, 2018, 10:30

February 23, despite the fact that it has long lost its original meaning, it is customary to congratulate men of all ages and professions, because even every little boy is the future defender of our country.

Traditionally, on this holiday, we congratulate our fathers and husbands, sons and close friends, work colleagues and, of course, classmates. You need to learn to choose and give gifts from childhood, therefore, starting from the first grade, classmates with the help of their mothers, and, having matured, already on their own, are puzzled by this question every year.

What to give the boys on February 23? A good gift cannot be completely trifling, especially since all the trinkets that were presented to the boys for the holiday are more than returned to the girls themselves on, which, as you know, is just around the corner.

This is such a kind of male revenge, because, whatever one may say, but the more interesting the gifts received by the guys, the better and more attentively they approach the choice of gifts for girls. But, in any case, it is not so easy to cope with this task, because even when choosing gifts for your closest ones, you are afraid to make a mistake and not guess, and if we are talking about friends, then you have to almost re-learn the tastes of your comrades.

Naturally, surprises for classmates will, first of all, depend on the age of the children, since what a first-grader will like will obviously not be liked by a high school student.

We must not forget that if you decide to give each child your own, personal present, then all of them must be equal, both in value and in functionality, so that none of the boys feel disadvantaged.

It is necessary to deal with this issue in advance, since it may take time to prepare the most interesting and original gifts, which you definitely won’t have a day or two before the holiday. is inexorably approaching, which means it's time to make a choice, because after planning the idea, you will also need to collect money at school, and only then go for gifts.

Ideas for boys 7-10 years old

This is exactly the age when the best gift is, of course, a toy. It will be interesting and creative to give themed toys, for example, a set of soldiers, tanks, machine guns or pistols, military vehicles or children's helmets.

A universal gift that will suit any boy of this age is small cars or robots, helicopters or airplanes. Older children can be presented with puzzles, they come in different sizes, from which their cost will vary.

Primary school classmates will always like bright sets of colored pencils, pens or markers, unusual pencil cases, especially with images of their favorite superheroes, juicy covers for diaries and notebooks, as well as interesting pencil holders or pen holders.

Boys of elementary school will also like sweet gifts, but, instead of a banal chocolate bar, you can buy a curly cake or cakes in the form of small cars, all this is now made to order by professional pastry chefs.

As an option, organize a small tea party with a cake right in the classroom, girls can prepare congratulatory rhymes or even dance numbers for their children, of course, without the help of their parents and class teacher, there is no way to do this.

Ideas for boys 11-14 years old

For children of this age, it is best to choose gifts that will more reflect the military theme. For example, in special stores you can find funny belts with plaques or playful water flasks.

If you have a large class where the number of guys outweighs the female half, then naturally you would like to find something inexpensive to fit into a reasonable budget.

These can be key chains or pencil sharpeners, but, of course, not childish and boring, but try to pick up something non-standard, for example, a sharpener in the form of a helmet or a keychain in the form of a small revolver. A good idea for such a holiday is comic and funny coin boxes, which can also be made with a suitable theme.

Another very interesting idea is to give the boys emotions! If the class is friendly, then you can all go to the cinema together or buy tickets for the boys to the circus, zoo or slot machines. Again, no one canceled the sweet table with interesting cakes and nice words from the girls!

Ideas for boys 15-17 years old

The most difficult and turbulent age, when you can no longer please with a key fob, and a pretty piggy bank is thrown into the far corner, where it will be covered with layers of dust. What to think in such a difficult period? Children in high school are often fond of computers, which means that you can try to somehow beat this particular direction.

If funds allow, you can always pick up cute and unusual USB flash drives - always a necessary little thing. Headphones with a standard connector, perhaps of a comic look, will never be superfluous; there are very interesting gift sets of USB accessories.

Another, albeit not new, but still interesting option is cool gift mugs, on which you can order a print with a special meaning or congratulations. An unusual present will be all sorts of puzzles that can be purchased in souvenir and specialized stores.

Another good option is to give all the boys ties, especially those who prefer a classic style. A beautiful tie, bought not by a mother or grandmother, can become a kind of symbol of growing up, and, as a result, a good memory for many years.

You can stop at the good old classics - books, encyclopedias, you can try to prepare collages from photographs or generally make gifts with your own hands.

Again, shared emotions remain a good solution at this age, especially if everyone in the class gets along well with each other. Perhaps it will be a joint trip to the bowling alley or to the ice rink, laser tag or cinema.

Girls at this age, of course, with the help of their mothers, can bake pies or cookies for the holiday, prepare an interesting extra-curricular event with contests and original congratulatory numbers for the guys.

February 23 is a holiday that has lost its original meaning. Today it is customary to give gifts to men of all ages and professions. Boys are among them, as they are the future defenders of the country. The choice of a gift for classmates is limited by the budget, so this article will talk about inexpensive but useful presents. After reading the material, you will find out what to give the boys on February 23, 5th, 6th, 7th grade and pick up great options!

Original presents

Many schoolchildren do not expect something supernatural and incredible from their classmates. But this does not mean that you need to once again present stationery for the winter holiday. You can choose a really interesting thing that the student will like.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, boys can be presented with the following products:

  • 3D puzzle "Eiffel Tower".
  • Superhero golfs.
  • A ship with scarlet sails.
  • Puzzle "Nails".
  • Alarm clock in the form of a cube with changing illumination.
  • A projector-night light that creates the illusion of a starry sky.
  • Keychain "Laser Pointer" with several attachments.
  • Luminous LED-laces that work in three modes: flickering, blinking, static glow.
  • Game "Wonderful Towers".
  • LED lamp in the form of a smiley face.

Boys who are 10-12 years old can be presented with a talking hamster that repeats phrases. This is an interactive toy that amuses not only children but also adults. It gives a perky mood and a charge of positive energy.

Budget but good gifts

Presents for boys on February 23 should be age-appropriate. This is the most important condition. If it is not taken into account, students will feel disappointed. The trinkets handed over in honor of the holiday will be more than returned to the girls on March 8th.

It is necessary to deal with the issue of choosing gifts in advance. Then you can pick up interesting options for a small price. If you're short on time, check out our ideas:

  • mug with the inscription "February 23"- a useful gift, which will always find a use. The boy will only pour tea into his own cup, as it was given to him by his classmates;
  • alarm clock "Grenade"- an unusual device, the key purpose of which is the rapid awakening of a person. The principle of its operation is simple: you need to pull out the pin and throw a toy grenade under the bed. After a couple of seconds, an annoying sound appears. It intensifies over time. Such an alarm clock can be used by parents to wake up their beloved child or a boy who has a younger brother / sister;
  • large calculator in the form of Ipad- a device with a bright and stylish design. The touch calculator does a great job. It bears a good resemblance to the Apple tablet;
  • Notebook "Notes of Superman"- a present that a student of grades 5, 6, 7 will definitely like. He will write down in his notebook important events and feats accomplished on his own or with friends;
  • souvenir clapperboard- a product with which boys can try their hand at making films. They will like this activity and bring joy. Additionally, the clapperboard can be used as a writing board;
  • piggy bank "Disappearing coins"- a product designed in the style of a circus arena. After the coin is thrown inside, the person hears a ringing sound, but sees nothing. The secret lies in the optical illusion. The boy himself will be happy to save money and will be able to show tricks to his peers;
  • foldable football fan bottle- a wonderful gift that you can give to a student. The product is made of food grade plastic. When folded, it takes up almost no space. Includes a carabiner for attaching to a belt or backpack.

A great addition to a budget gift is tea in the classroom. To do this, parents must bake a large cake, decorated in accordance with the holiday. Alternatively, you can write the inscription “February 23” on the cake and use thematic figurines from mastic (soldier, star, flask).

TOP 10 gifts for boys on February 23, grade 5, 6, 7

  1. Mug "Ninja" with an unusual stand and a spoon in the form of a katana.
  2. T-shirt with a thematic photo print.
  3. Table lamp "Skeleton".
  4. LED board for records with an alarm clock.
  5. Magnetic watch without hands.
  6. Mini-bike "SPIN GO".
  7. A small ant farm for 3-5 individuals.
  8. Inflatable ball with LED light that changes colors.
  9. Vinyl wall sticker "Transformers".
  10. Optical mouse on the finger.

Another great gift for boys on February 23 is LED lighting for shoes. This is an accessory that attracts the attention of others. It is suitable for all kinds of shoes. Young defenders of the Fatherland will be happy to receive a backlight for shoes as a gift.

Boys like unusual things. Therefore, you do not need to buy pens, pencil cases, sets of compasses in the store. Such products must be purchased by parents before September 1. There are many interesting gifts on sale that can be given to schoolchildren in grades 5, 6, 7.

We have selected several suitable products:

  • straw for drinks "Labyrinth"- a fun invention for the holiday. It consists of many parts that are connected in any sequence. The tube is ideal for drinking juice, lemonade;
  • money printing machine, - every person dreams of such a device. By presenting the boys with a device for printing banknotes on February 23, you will not lose. Schoolchildren will show focus to parents, peers;
  • clock powered by vegetables, - a present with which students can get acquainted with the basics of physics. The secret is that potatoes, apples, tomatoes contain water and electrolytes. When the electrodes are immersed in the pulp of fruits and vegetables, a corresponding reaction occurs. So the clock starts running;
  • pedometer is a useful device. Children lead an inactive lifestyle. They spend a lot of time at the computer. The benefit of the product is that the steps taken are counted. The higher the number, the better for health;
  • NANO constructor- There are several models for sale: camel, giraffe, elephant. In terms of meaning, the game is somewhat similar to puzzles, but it is much more interesting. After assembly, a figurine is obtained that is very similar to a real animal;
  • drum kit Play Box- a great gift for boys on February 23, 5th, 6th, 7th grade. This is a small device with which the guys get acquainted with the existing rhythms and learn to play the drum kit. More than 10 melodies are built into the device. There is a choice of song and style;
  • waterproof speaker- a product made of durable plastic and silicone. It is easily attached to the surface with a suction cup. In a sealed housing, the electronics are reliably protected from moisture. Therefore, boys can listen to their favorite music even during hygiene procedures in the bathroom.

DIY gifts

If girls want to make presents for classmates on their own, that's very good. There are many master classes on the Internet, in which each stage of making crafts is described in detail. As an option, on February 23, boys can be given a postcard made using the quilling technique. To work, you need white and colored paper, a pencil, scissors, glue. You will also need quilling strips and a special tool for twisting them.

Creating a postcard is carried out in stages:

  • a sheet of paper is folded so that one part is slightly longer than the other;
  • the numbers 2.3 and the word "February" are cut out of colored paper. Elements are glued to the template;
  • blanks are made from quilling strips. A large number of spirals are twisted with a special tool or a toothpick;
  • a beautiful composition is laid out around the numbers and the inscription of the elements. Spirals are alternately glued to a sheet of white paper. Postcard is ready!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, all boys can be presented with a common poster created by girls. To do this, you need to take a piece of paper and draw a thematic picture on it (a tank in the field, a plane with a pilot on board, a soldier with a weapon in his hands). If there is no one in the class who can do this, you need to use the help of parents. When the picture is drawn, you need to color it and write a congratulatory inscription.

After choosing a gift for the boys on February 23, come up with a concert program. Here you can not do without a class teacher and parents with organizational skills. To create a festive atmosphere, you need to come up with a few poems and pick up interesting contests. Then the winter holiday will be remembered by schoolchildren for a long time!

Good day, dear blog readers! While there is still time before Defender of the Fatherland Day, I decided to write an article about what to give to boys at school on February 23.

Of course, as with any holiday, the choice of a gift is significantly limited by the budget. This is especially acute when choosing a present for classmates. That is why in this article we will focus mainly on inexpensive, but useful gifts.

What to give classmates on February 23

The circumstance facilitating the task in this case is that none of the schoolchildren is waiting for something supernatural and incredible as a gift. But even in this case, it is worth trying and finding something really sensible, and not giving shampoo or shower gel for the 500th time.

The most unexpected ideas can be original ideas. For example:

But besides choosing a gift, you also need to figure out how to present it.

How to originally congratulate the boys on February 23

I offer you 5 easiest ways to congratulate the boys on a holiday.

  1. Put gifts in personalized packages. Or packages with an interesting design (as in the "training set"). Plus, if everyone has the same gifts, which is done quite often, then you can put individual congratulations for everyone.
  2. Pick up beautiful solemn music and hold a mini-prize presentation of the "most-most". Distribute your characteristics to each. For example, the strongest, smartest, diligent, etc.
  3. Arrange a search for a gift a la "hot-cold". The only condition is that whoever finds his surprise must stop looking.
  4. Make a large wall newspaper where you attach all the gifts and write congratulations. Of course, this will not work with large presentations, but you can try to get out of the situation with the help of a denser base for a congratulatory poster (thick cardboard, for example).
  5. Arrange a win-win lottery in which everyone can pull out their prize-gift. True, then you need to make at least three types of presentations to make it really interesting.

That's all for me, I hope to see you in the next article Bye bye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Even the smallest boy is the future defender of the Motherland. Therefore, starting from about kindergarten age, it is customary for them to give gifts on their holiday. Very often it is not easy for girls classmates to decide what to give the boys on February 23rd. I would like to pick up something corresponding to the theme of the holiday, at the same time useful and interesting for the recipients. It is difficult to do this, but we will advise the most successful options.

Pros and cons of traditional gifts

Usually the problem of choosing gifts falls on the shoulders of the parent committee, if the children are small, or the class asset, if the children are already old enough. To choose something really necessary, interesting and at the same time not exceed the amount in the "class treasury", you have to work hard.

If parents make the choice, they often buy something simple and traditional:

  • Calendars, notebooks, pens or sets of them;
  • Puzzles on a military theme;
  • Mugs with thematic drawings;
  • Keychains.

These are good universal gifts that will definitely come in handy for boys and will not require significant financial costs. But such predictable and frankly boring gifts will definitely not bring great joy.

If you want to choose something more interesting, you should take an interest in the tastes and hobbies of the boys, take into account their age and gift history for a couple of years. Then it will be possible to choose a present that will truly please future defenders.

TOP 10 gifts for boys on February 23

  1. Traditional souvenirs such as key chains or themed magnets
  2. military toys
  3. Stationery
  4. Computer accessories
  5. Constructors and models
  6. Books
  7. Mugs or t-shirts with comic inscriptions
  8. Flashlights or laser pointers
  9. Adventure for the whole class
  10. Sweets decorated in the theme of the holiday

What to give boys up to 10-11 years old

Primary school students are not yet too spoiled for gifts on February 23, so they can be offered something inexpensive and traditional:

  1. Key chains, magnets, souvenir medals, notebooks, etc. with themed drawings. These are inexpensive little things that will delight the little ones.
  2. Discs with computer games. To choose such a present, you will have to work a little, find out the preferences of each boy and clarify which games are already in his collection.
  3. Toys. At this age, they will definitely appreciate a variety of designers and small cars. Military-themed toys are great, such as sets of soldiers, weapons, tanks or children's helmets.
  4. Stationery. Bright felt-tip pens, sets of pens, pencil cases with favorite cartoon characters - all this will definitely appeal to young defenders. You can also give covers for notebooks and books or pencil holders.

You can complement the gift with sweets, but it is advisable to choose not simple chocolate bars, but small cupcakes with thematic figures or a general cake decorated in a military theme.

Children will definitely enjoy tea after school. For tea, you can bring homemade cakes or buy any delicious cookies.

Gifts for middle school students

Children aged 10-14 already know perfectly well what they want. They already received almost all the traditional gifts in the lower grades, so they will have to work hard choosing the right presents. Usually boys of this age like:

  1. Models for constructing something, such as ships, aircraft, cars and other equipment.
  2. Pocket flashlights. This is a practical little thing that will come in handy for all teenagers.
  3. Laser pointers. Not the most practical and useful present, but boys love such things, so they will be happy.
  4. Books. It is best to choose interesting encyclopedias. It is also desirable that they are useful in studies.

As in elementary grades, you can end the holiday with a sweet table. In addition, girls can prepare an unusual congratulation in the form of a poster, a poem, or even a song.

If the class is friendly, then you can give the boys emotions, invite them to the military museum, and if you want something fun, go to the circus or the zoo.

Presents for high school students

It is already difficult to call young people at this age children and gifts for them also need to be selected not for children. At this age, almost all guys spend a lot of time at computers, are fond of modern gadgets, are interested in the latest technology, cinema and music, so they will be delighted with such presentations as:

  1. New stereo headphones. A useful gift that the average high school student will definitely find use for.
  2. Cooling pad for laptop or any other device.
  3. PC mouse. To make the gift match the theme of the holiday, you can choose khaki mice.
  4. Music speakers that play music from flash cards.
  5. Flash drives with an original design, for example in the form of a bullet.

Also, do not forget about comic and funny gifts. Such adult children will definitely appreciate the humor in the presentations. You can order all cups with cool inscriptions on the theme of the holiday. Also a good gift - T-shirts with interesting inscriptions and drawings. For example, on each T-shirt, you can print a portrait of the recipient with the caption "The best future defender of the Motherland."

In addition to individual gifts, you can present entertainment for the whole team, for example, going bowling or playing paintball. Friendly classes will be able to enjoy communication and entertainment, and disunited classes will be able to find common interests and make friends.

Also, high school boys will appreciate if the girls prepare a funny video greeting for them or a wall newspaper with jokes about each “defender”. You can make a collage of photos, and find funny rhymes on the Internet. The girls are old enough to bake their own sweets and set the table for tea. They can also prepare competitions and entertainment for the holiday. If you plan everything correctly, the holiday will definitely turn out to be fun, and the future defenders of the Fatherland will be satisfied with their gifts.