Asterisks from paper schemes

A paper star will not only become a home decoration on the eve of the Christmas holidays, it is suitable for educational activities with children. A do-it-yourself voluminous paper star is made quite simply, while joint lessons will help develop the child's imagination and his motor skills.

An ordinary sheet of paper can be a suitable space for creativity. Having given it the desired shape, the craft can be decorated by painting with felt-tip pens, paints. Fantasy and sleight of hand will help the kid create a masterpiece. And how to make a three-dimensional star out of paper, this article will tell.

Necessary materials and tools

All the tools and materials that may be useful in the work can be found in everyone's home. Therefore, absolutely anyone can do this work. To create a star you will need:

  • paper;
  • protractor;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • decorations.

Instructions for creating a three-dimensional star

They start making crafts by choosing paper. For work, you can use both an ordinary sheet, and a bright multi-colored one with your own hands can be made of durable, in this case the craft will come out quite dense, and it can be used as a decorative decoration for a room or a Christmas tree toy.

On the back of colored paper, you need to draw a circle, the diameter of which will correspond to the size of the star. For these purposes, a compass is suitable, but if it is not there, then you can use a saucer or other round object. After that, you need to draw a line from the edge to the center of the circle.

At the second stage, a conveyor ruler will come in handy. With its help, from a straight line, you need to mark an angle equal to 72 degrees, and draw a line. Thus, it is necessary to mark the entire circle - you get five lines.

The next step is to connect all the lines into a star. In the center of the part, you need to draw additional lines as illustrated in the picture. After that, the asterisk must be cut out and bent along the main lines so that the drawing looks inward. If thick paper was used in the work, then the folds should be worked on much more carefully so that they are as pronounced as possible. For these purposes, you can use any blunt object (ruler, back of a knife, etc.).

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper star is done quickly enough. In conclusion, you need to make a small loop so that a beautiful craft can be hung on a Christmas tree or somewhere else.

double volume

This option is a continuation of the first instruction, which tells how to make one convex part. This master class will tell you how to make a double volume.

According to the previous example, two similar elements should be performed. A template for a three-dimensional star made of paper is presented below. Its difference lies in the fact that there are additional elements designed for gluing parts.

The elements cut according to the template must be shaped and glued according to symmetrical additions. It remains to wait until the glue dries, and the volumetric paper will be ready.

Star from book pages

And although this star looks very beautiful, many may not be happy with the fact that they have to ruin books. This is not necessary at all, because they can be replaced with old magazines, newspapers or technical publications.

When thinking about how to make a three-dimensional paper star, you should first of all take care of the materials and tools necessary for work. You will need a voluminous paper star, it can be made by following the master classes presented above. In addition, you need to prepare scissors, glue, as well as an old book.

The first step is to make a lot of paper bags. For each of them you need a paper rectangle equal to one fourth of a book page. When a lot of details are ready, they must be glued to a paper star as shown in the photo. In conclusion, a little glue should be applied to the bags and sprinkled with glitter crafts.

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper star is made quickly and easily. To make it a wonderful decoration for a room, a Christmas tree or a gift, you can experiment with colors and sizes. Such elements can be fastened together using threads, glue or double-sided tape.

Good afternoon, today I am publishing an article in which I have collected a variety of ways to make New Year's stars with my own hands. We will make stars paper, cardboard, sew stars from felt, crochet them. You will see simple christmas crafts accessible to children, and complex structures in the shape of a star.

Here are some of the ideas I gathered today in one common pile:

  • Stars from strips of paper using quilling technique.
  • The stars are transparent with stained glass film.
  • Stars are three-dimensional in 3d technique.
  • Christmas star window stickers.
  • Christmas garlands with stars.
  • Six-pointed stars with convex edges.
  • Stars from cardboard modules.
  • New Year's stars from the newspaper.

So, let's start our New Year's star crafts.

Craft Idea #1

paper star

in the quilling technique.

Here is the first idea - a New Year's star from strips of paper, twisted and glued in quilling technique.

Even if you are not yet familiar with the paper strip twisting technique, you just need to take a close look in the photo below to understand how this paper star is made.

First, from paper strips, we collect separately five rays– and then glue them together.

Here in the photo below, I even highlighted each detail of the paper strips separately - in different colors.

Each ray of a star is made up of three short oval twists of paper strips - light green lines. One twist is longer - orange line. AND one paper tape , which wraps all these twists together - in the form of a single frame - the pink line in the photo below.

You yourself will rejoice at how quickly your homemade New Year's star made of paper turned out. You can make several of these and hang them on the Christmas tree as a decoration.

And according to a very similar principle, we can create such stars. This is also essentially QUILLING. But here the forms are no longer so smooth and rounded, but more clear and faceted. But the principle is the same.

If you look closely at the photo below, you will see that each of the rays of the star is 2 triangles glued together its longest of three sides.

That is, cutting 10 identical strips of paper. From each we make a paper triangle. All ten triangles are divided into pairs. And we glue each pair with each other with a long side. We get five rays future paper star. We glue the rays together. Close the center of the gluing with an asterisk. With a hole punch we make a hole in the upper beam in order to hang it on a Christmas tree by a thread.

Craft Idea #2

new year star

FROM ROLLS from toilet paper

And here is the next DIY star idea similar to the previous technique the fact that here, too, round paper loops are glued together. Only the loops here are not glued from paper strips, but are toilet paper roll cuts- and a transparent colored film (food wrap, or colored tape) is stretched over each section.


We need a roll of paper towels or toilet paper. And we will also need multi-colored transparent pieces of film to wrap around our paper blanks for the star.

Where can I get transparent color film for this Christmas star craft.

Option 1 - food color polyethylene.

Option 2 - colored transparent candy wrappers.

Option 3 - colored transparent packaging from bouquets, or gift wrapping in stores with a gift wrapping department.

Option 4 - colored wide adhesive tape - is sold in hardware or finishing stores.

Option 5 - a transparent finishing film from a hardware store. It is sold in such large rolls as wallpaper - but they can be bought in any pieces - at least 1 meter, at least 10 cm - cut off from the roll and sold. But first you need to make sure that this film, in isolation from the paper base, gives a transparent color - that is, it transmits light. Check directly in the store - peel off the corner of the film from the paper base directly on the roll and check it for transparency.

How we will make New Year's transparent stars.

We cut the paper roll into identical parts-rings - and from these parts we bend ray shapes And middle-pentagon for our future star.

To fold the pentagonal middle - you need measure the circumference of the roll and divide it into 5 equal parts. And bend in the places marked with a pencil.

And now for every ray of our star we must bend BASE, which in length will coincide with the length of the side of the pentagonal center. To do this, bend the roll along the edge and measure with a ruler half the length of the side of the pentagonal center stars.

By the same principle, we wrap the remaining rays of a cardboard star in a film (or colored tape).

And now our task is to glue all parts of the asterisk into one - connect the rays with the middle.

The easiest way is with a piece of double-sided tape. Scotch tape with sticky edges on both sides.

Or you can spread it with PVA glue and dry it pressed down - we squeeze it with clothespins

And when assembled, such an asterisk is hung by the window - so that it lets in light and looks like a New Year's glass craft.

By the way.

If you have a glass cutter and multi-colored pieces of glass left over from old interior doors, then you can do real glass Christmas stars.

Craft Idea #3

new year star

in the BEER technique.

Here in the photo below we see a six-pointed star made of paper. Even a child in a circle of children's creativity can make it. You do not need to draw anything with a compass, build complex calculations. All you need is 1 square piece of paper folded like a fan. And another square of newsprint (smaller).

BUT Master Class for making such a New Year's star with your own hands looks like this. We fold the square sheet like a fan so to get six sides- that is, three folds of the fan only (as in the photo below).

Can sheet immediately measure in width and divide this figure into 6 equal parts. And mark these parts with a pencil and make bends-folds according to these marks - then we will get a fan of six identical harmonica blades.

And if you make patterned cuts in such a star (as in a snowflake), you will get a patterned New Year's star made of paper - with a beautiful openwork pattern on its rays.

That is, the fan itself (still folded) is supplemented with slots. And then we sew the middle of the fan with a bracket, fold it in half, unfold it in a circle and glue the blades of the halves that meet.

Craft Idea #4

new year star

from twisted triangles.

Here we see a seven-pointed paper star. Because of the abundance of rays, it looks more like a snowflake. But if you change the shape of the triangle to a more elongated one, you can get a design with five rays. We lay each such tube on a paper round base smeared with glue.

Craft Idea #5

paper stars

In the form of a garland.

A paper star is often used as an element of a New Year's garland. Here I propose to consider three ways to make such a star garland for the New Year.

Option number 1. Here is the easiest and fastest way to thread stars onto a string. You need a sewing machine and silhouettes of stars cut out of cardboard.

We thread the thread into the sewing machine, put a star under the foot of the machine and drive the machine line through the star. Moreover, when the line reaches the edge of the star, we do not stop the machine, but we scribble further to get a long thread twisted into a line. After a few centimeters of such an empty line-chain, we again put a star out of cardboard.

Option number 2. You can make a garland of voluminous stars according to the same principle. They are made according to the principle of krizhka - several silhouettes of a star made of paper are superimposed on each other and fastened with a common machine seam. Or you can first paperclip these multi-layered stars.

For a garland of paper stars, it is not at all necessary to buy colored paper. You can use the pages of old books or a musical staff.

Option number 3.

And you can make a garland of three-dimensional stars with smooth edges. If you make holes in such paper stars with a hole punch, then you can stretch the thread through them - and we will get a starry New Year's garland.

Here is an understandable master class that clearly shows how to make such a three-dimensional 3D cardboard star with your own hands. As we can see, with a sharp stick under the ruler, we iron the arrows of the star. And then the ironed lines will already be easily bent into the convex folds we need. And we will get a star with faceted rays.

Those lines that lead from the center to the tip of the beam are bent outward. And the lines that lead from the center to the interbeam point are bent inward.

Craft Idea #6

new year star

with smooth edges.

And below is another easy way to make a star out of paper. Here you need a template (the drawing of the star itself) and a ruler with which we will smooth out equal folds of each face of such a star.

Look at the picture and you will see that this is a simple flat six-pointed star. It was cut from a flat sheet of paper. And then each face was bent - in sequence, we bend one face outward, and bend the next face inward.

To draw a six-pointed star on paper yourself, you can use ruler or compass. First, we measure the distance from the middle of the circle to its edge (that is, we find out the radius of the circle). And then we measure this radius around the entire circumference with a ruler or compass. Only six of these radii fit. along the entire circle. These marks will be the points of the rays of our star with six rays.

Or you can use the ready-made stencil in the picture below. You can trace it directly from your computer screen, just put a sheet of paper on a glowing screen - the star will shine through the paper - and trace the contours (or just the points of the corners) with light pencil lines. And then remove the sheet from the screen and circle everything with a bold line.

If you want to increase or decrease the size pictures on the screen, this can be done with the buttons of your computer.

Press the button with your left hand ctrl on your keyboard (it's on the bottom row on the left) - and while the button is pressed, you use your right hand spin the mouse wheel Forward to increase, back to decrease. And the size of all pictures on the screen changes increasing or decreasing.

Craft Idea #7

new year star

From paper modules.

And here is a star made of paper, which is folded by connecting individual paper modules together. How exactly to fold such a star out of paper is shown in detail in the diagram below.

Such New Year's paper stars can be made as an independent decoration for the Christmas tree. As a decorative star for the decoration of the New Year holiday. Or such paper stars can be dotted with a ring for a Christmas wreath.

Craft Idea #8

new year star

From cardboard.

Here is a simple craft volumetric Christmas star made from cardboard. Here (as you see in the photo) you need to cut out two identical silhouettes of a five-pointed star from cardboard.

Then in each make a cardboard star cut with scissors - in a straight line, leading from the lower interbeam to the upper vertex of the beam - but do not cut to the end, and stop at the central point of the star.

When we we put one slot on the slot of the second star made of cardboard- we get a cruciform connection of two strips (perpendicular to each other). As a result, it turns out 3D star.

And here is an option when 2 stars, also cut out of thick cardboard, do not sit on top of each other - but simply lie on top of each other so that the rays of the upper star are located between the rays of the lower star. If you make openwork holes-slots in such a cardboard star with a blade, then the star will look more elegant. And gold sprinkles will make such a New Year's star quite festive.

Craft Idea #9

Cardboard stars


Method 1 - four-beam blank

You can make a star with four rays out of paper - then make the same second one, and connect them together.

Here is a detailed master class describing how to make 2 blanks with your own hands and connect them together into one star.

Method 1 - three-beam blank.

And these voluminous paper stars are also made from two modules, glued one to meet the other. Only here the module is not of four beams, but of three.

In a flat form, this module has such a triangular shape with serif-fasteners on all three sides.

We bend the module along the longitudinal line of each of the three corners of the triangle. The faceted modules are put on each other with notches-serifs. And it turns out a voluminous star with six rays.

Craft Idea #10

paper stars

In ORIGAMI technique

You can make an origami star. That is, from an ordinary square sheet of paper WITHOUT USING SCISSORS. This is what distinguishes the fashionable Japanese origami technique - the art of turning a square plane into a figure of any complexity.

Here such a star is also obtained from one square sheet of paper. But the process looks rather complicated. But as soon as you understand it, how do you understand the speed and ease with which these stars appear. And having made 4 such stars, you acquire high-speed automatism and can add the stars almost blindly.

And here is another star in the origami technique. Where a paper module is obtained from a square sheet. And from such modules-rays we fold a solid star out of paper.

Craft Idea #11

new year stars

Transparent for windows.

You can make a star out of paper to stick it on the window. These stars look very elegant. And this is an alternative to the classic paper snowflakes that we all used to glue on windows during the Christmas holidays.

Such a New Year's star is made of paper is quite simple. A strip of paper is folded in half. Its tips are bent to give a pointed shape. We attach the resulting module to a round base sheet. Or we immediately attach it to the window - to an imaginary circle.

Depending on the shape of the folds we made to sharpen our rectangle, we will end up with different shapes of the star's rays. Thus, having shown an EXPERIMENTAL hitch, we will be able to create more and more author's New Year's stars on the window.

Craft idea No. 12

new year stars

from a rolled up newspaper.

And here is another star made of paper - or rather, from a sheet of newspaper. Here a thin twist is made from a spread of the newspaper. It is possible to place a copper wire inside the newspaper twist - so the bent frame of the star will be given additional rigidity.

After that, the star blank from the newspaper can be decorated. Paint with paint, wrap with threads, coat with glue and cover with sparkles. Or something else according to your imagination.

These are the ideas I have collected for you in this article. Now you know a lot of ways to make a star out of paper with your mind and with your own hands.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

The step-by-step instruction “How to make a three-dimensional paper star” will help you create lovely New Year crafts with your own hands and you can decorate whatever you want for the holiday.

Photos and diagrams "" will make the creative process unpretentious, exciting and fast. We offer 3 options for volumetric stars.

For a volumetric star you will need:

  1. Sheets of colored paper. For the third version of the star - colored cardboard. And you can make white stars and paint with paints, felt-tip pens ...
  2. Pencil and scissors
  3. Glue for connecting figures and their parts.

The first option is how to make a three-dimensional paper star

From sheets of colored paper, cut out two squares of the same size.
We fold one of the squares in half on one side, then on the other:

Then fold the square in half diagonally twice, as in the picture:

We make 4 cuts from the edge to the middle of the folds, which we mark in advance with a pencil:

We bend the edges of the future volumetric star. We carefully look at the photo and repeat:

Glue the edges of the rays under the fold and glue:

One half of the volumetric star is ready:

Step 6
In steps 1-5, we make the second half of the star:

Step 7
We smear with glue the rays of one of the halves from the inside:

Connect the shapes carefully. An amazing voluminous star made of paper is ready:

The second option is how to make a three-dimensional star out of paper

The star consists of two parts. Cut them out like this:

It turns out such cute details for a three-dimensional star:

Carefully, along the fold lines, bend the parts, as shown in the photo:

Bend back the places for gluing parts. The first detail of the future volumetric star is ready:

Do the same for the second piece for the star. Use paper of a different color, then the star will shine even brighter :).

To glue the two halves of the star, smear all the places for gluing with stationery glue and carefully connect the parts:

The five-pointed paper star is ready!

The last and the simplest option how to make a paper star

For one craft, cut out 2 five-pointed stars of the same size from colored cardboard. Draw them yourself or use this diagram:

Make cuts on each star as shown in the diagrams.

Scheme of a notch on one star:

Scheme of the notch on the second star:

Connect the stars by inserting one into the other through the cuts made according to the schemes and you get a pretty star:

Any voluminous star made of paper can be decorated with drawings or applications, then hung by a thread. They will be great neighbors or.
Good luck!

Origami is such an exciting activity that it draws everyone from young to old. And gradually your home turns into a warehouse of various things that you can admire for a long time, sorting through them. Some of them have practical applications, and very interesting ones.

So, for example, a paper star made using the origami technique can be used as and not only. With a little practice in making these do-it-yourself paper stars, you can decorate the whole house with them. The main thing is imagination and perseverance! You can also involve your household members in folding stars.

How to fold a paper star: a master class

Now you know how to fold a paper star, and there is nothing difficult about it. Volumetric decorations are very original. If you make a pair of identical stars and glue them together, you can hang them on a thread as decoration in any room.

When preparations are underway for any holiday, when you want to decorate your home, time, as a rule, is sorely lacking. Therefore, you should take care of the decorations in advance - find the drawings you like and try to make them in a draft version. If the result suits you, then production can be put on stream - to connect everyone from young to old.

Children are very fond of when the rooms are decorated with the creations of their hands. They feel a well-deserved pride and receive the same moral satisfaction from the work done as their parents. And working together always brings them closer. Therefore, families who practice the manufacture of various crafts, for example, as in our version, paper stars, are very close-knit and friendly. Let's take an example from them!

Helpful Hints

If you want to decorate your home for a holiday or just because, and you want to do it yourself, then an asterisk is one of the elements that will always look beautiful in a room, on a stele, on a chandelier or Christmas tree.

In this master class, you will learn how to make stars with your own hands, using a huge number of different ways.

All methods are quite simple, so everyone can choose what he likes best.

Read also:How to make a beautiful SNOWFLAKE

What can you make a star out of?

The main material from which you can make a star with your own hands is paper. You can use cardboard, plain paper, thick paper, magazines, old books, newspapers.

How to make a three-dimensional star out of paper. Five pointed star.

You will need:

a printer

Thick colored paper


1. First you need to print the blank. To do this, download the templates from this link. There are two sizes of stars in the template - you can make one star by printing the first page, and a larger star by printing the 2nd (twice) and 3rd pages.

2. Cut out the templates, bend them in the places indicated by the dotted line.

3. Glue all the pieces together and you have a three-dimensional five-pointed star!

How to make a star

How to make a voluminous star with your own hands

Such a star can be hung in a room (on a wall, window, chandelier) as an interior attribute or used to decorate a gift.

You will need:

Thick colored paper (colored cardboard)

simple pencil


Thread (ribbon)

1. You need to start with two sheets of paper, each of which should have a square shape.

Each sheet of paper must be folded in half horizontally and vertically. Next, you need to bend twice in half diagonally (see picture).

2. Using scissors, make cuts along the line of perpendicular folds. The incision should be about half the line or a little less. In total, you need to make four such incisions.

3. Bend the edges as shown in the image.

4. Now prepare the glue and grease one of the sides of each ray of the future volumetric star and glue it (see picture).

5. Make a soul mate following the same instructions.

6. Finally glue the two halves and decorate to taste.

How to make a paper star

It is very easy to make such a star. It is made from just two stars cut out of cardboard or thick paper.

You will need:



Thick colored paper or cardboard


1. Draw a star on thick paper or cardboard. You can do it by eye or use the video tutorial.

How to draw a five pointed star

2. You can decorate the stars however you like and cut them out.

3. Now on each star you need to make an incision - on one it should go from top to bottom (from the outer corner to the center of the star), and vice versa on the other, i.e. from bottom to top (from the inner corner to the middle of the star).

4. With the help of cuts, connect the two stars by inserting one into the other.

How to make a paper star. Bulging star.

These beautiful little paper stars will be an excellent decoration, both for the interior and for a postcard or gift.

You will need:

Colored paper (you can use pages from an old magazine)

Scissors (clerical knife)

* The key point in this master class is the correct cutting of paper strips.

* Stripes must be even. In this example, they are 9mm wide and 221mm long.


1. Cut paper strips.

2. Take one strip and make a loop out of it (see picture).

3. Next, the short tail of the paper strip must be wrapped and tied in a knot. Do everything carefully so as not to tear the paper. Slowly tighten the knot, press it down and hide the remaining tail by tucking it in the middle.

You should end up with an even pentagon.

4. Let's move on to the most interesting and at the same time simple process - making an asterisk.

Wrap a long strip around each side of the pentagon. You need to do 12 to 15 wraps. This means that each face must be wrapped at least twice.

5. Hide the remaining tip of the paper inside your star.

6. Now be very careful and careful.

Hold your pentagon with two fingers of one hand. At this time, with the tip of the finger of the other hand, lightly press on one face. You need to hit the middle of the edge.

This process must be done with all the faces and you will get a beautiful star.

How to make an origami star

How to make a big star. Book pages.

Despite the fact that this star looks very beautiful, many may be unhappy with the damage to books. In this case, old, unnecessary, technical books are used.

You'll need:

Paper or plastic three-dimensional star

* You can make a three-dimensional star out of paper yourself (see or) and proceed further according to the instructions.

Old book


1. Cut off one-fourth of the book's pages and fold into small bags.

2. Glue the bags to your star as shown in the picture.

3. Put a little glue on the edges of the bags and sprinkle them with sparkles.


How to make a Christmas star

You will need:

Double-sided thick colored paper


1. First you need to prepare 4 sizes of squares. You should have 8 squares of each size. In this example, the following sizes were used: 18cm, 13cm, 10cm, 7cm.

2. Fold each square as shown in the picture

3. Start gluing squares according to size. The first is large and then descending.

You should get such a star.

How to make a star on a Christmas tree. Decorative star.

You will need:

Star pattern

white cardboard

Green and red felt


simple pencil

glue gun

brown thread

1. Prepare white cardboard and circle the template star on it. Next, cut out the star.

2. Now, slowly, you need to draw another star inside. It should turn out as shown in the picture.

3. Cut out the star inside the blank.

4. Using a glue gun, attach brown thread to the star and cover the star with it.

5. The star is almost ready, you just need to decorate it a little. To do this, prepare the felt of red and green colors. Cut out two circles from the red. And from green leaves. Glue the cutouts to the star.

How to make a Christmas star

DIY paper star. rainbow star.

How to make a star of Bethlehem with your own hands

This beautiful decoration is perfect for any room.