Itching during pregnancy. It itches belly, chest, vagina, body. Skin itching during pregnancy During pregnancy, the body itches what to do

During pregnancy, women often have itchy skin. Itching can be localized in one place or spread to the whole body. There are many reasons for this, but you need to know how dangerous it is for the woman and the fetus. There are causes of a safe nature and those that entail pathological changes.

Why does the body itch during pregnancy?

Causes that are not included in the dangerous group:

Liver enzymes ALT and AST reflect the real load on the liver of a pregnant woman. Their increase is called hepatosis or cholestasis of pregnant women, which occurs as a reaction of the body to bearing a fetus, taking vitamins and other drugs.
  • Hormonal surge. During this period, the body produces estrogen (female hormone) several times more than usual. As a result, the liver cannot cope with processing, which leads to the accumulation of bile. Then all these substances are distributed through the blood into the muscle fibers, irritating the nerve endings. The body starts to itch.
  • Itching occurs in the background drying and stretching of the skin. Usually this is observed in women who are rapidly gaining weight. Therefore, doctors recommend that during the period of bearing a child, strictly monitor body weight. In this case, there is a slight itchy tingling in the abdomen and lower back.
  • Stretch marks. Stretch marks appear due to a lack of elastin and collagen, rapid weight gain.
  • Increased sweating. Body moisture promotes the spread of pathogenic bacteria. It is important to observe personal hygiene.
  • Wearing synthetic and overly tight underwear.
  • If your body is constantly itching, contact your doctor immediately. Itching can be a sign of serious pathological abnormalities!

    Diseases with itching of the body

    Diseases indicated by itching of the body during pregnancy:

    1. Violation of the functionality of the liver. The main symptoms: itching, the formation of a red rash in certain areas (most often on the feet and palms). The itching condition intensifies in the evening.
    2. allergic reactions often accompany pregnancy. Even if there was no allergy before conception. Signs: rash, redness, itching. Learn more about allergies during pregnancy -.
    3. Thrush, bacterial vaginosis. With such pathologies, the genitals itch, accompanied by abundant secretions.
    4. Skin diseases- dermatitis, eczema, scabies, lichen, fungus and more. Accompanied by redness, peeling and rashes.
    5. Diabetes. In the second half of pregnancy, blood sugar levels may rise. This condition is called gestational diabetes, since the disease occurs during pregnancy. But if a woman had undiagnosed diabetes mellitus before pregnancy, then skin itching may be present already in the first months of pregnancy.
    6. Violationsnervous or endocrine system. Expert advice is required.

    It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, because the treatment of diseases during pregnancy excludes the use of fast-acting drugs. Therapy should be prescribed in the early stages of the development of a particular pathology.

    How to eliminate itching all over the body during pregnancy

    The problem of eliminating itching during pregnancy should be treated with special attention, since there is a risk of harm to the fetus. For the same reason, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before using any remedy or drug. The method of eliminating itching depends on the etiology of occurrence, so a variety of means are used.

    Conservative therapy

    1. At increased ALT and/or AST it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist for the appointment of drugs, such as Ursosan or Ursofalk. Additionally, Enterosgel, Essentiale, Hofitol can be prescribed.
    2. If noted allergic reaction, the doctor initially identifies its cause. Based on this, medications are prescribed. An allergist is in charge of treatment.
    3. At diabetes It is important to keep your blood sugar levels under control. You can not eat a lot of sweets, you should abandon the rest of the prohibited foods. If necessary, the endocrinologist increases the dose of insulin.
    4. At skin pathologies have to follow a special diet. Vitamin therapy is used, antihistamines and calcium preparations are used. Lotions with the addition of potassium permanganate solution should be applied directly to the skin areas.
    5. If diagnosed diseases of the liver and biliary tract, hepatoprotectors are prescribed that are acceptable for use during pregnancy. It can be Karsil, Essentiale. To improve the outflow of bile - "Papaverine".
    6. At genital skin infections candles are used.
    7. To prevent and neutralize stretch marks ointments and creams are prescribed. Traditional medicine recipes are also used.
    8. At nervous system disorders, excessive excitement, anxiety and nervousness, the doctor prescribes sedatives.

    Elimination of itching folk remedies

    Traditional medicine recipes have always been used to eliminate itching. Especially during pregnancy. After all, medicinal herbs and other medicinal products contain many essential substances. They are safe and harmless to the fetus.

    Be sure to consult your doctor before use. Some of the herbs can cause an allergic reaction. Remember, the body of a pregnant woman changes at the physiological level!

    1. For a lotion, you can do tincture of periwinkle leaves: for 1 tbsp. l. take a glass of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes on low heat and let it brew. The decoction can be used for taking a bath, and the filtered residues can be applied to the itch.
    2. Melissa and mint tea perfectly calms the nervous system, therefore it is used for itching that has arisen against the background of nervous overstrain.
    3. Ointment based on chicken eggs helps relieve itching in certain areas of the body. Combine the boiled yolk with butter (1 tsp) and chopped to a powder state, roasted nuts (1 tbsp). Warm up the mixture and transfer to a glass container.
    4. Take cabbage leaf, soak it in apple cider vinegar and chop. You should get a gruel, which is applied to the itchy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
    5. Accept bath with decoctions chamomile, calendula, oregano, elecampane, celandine and other herbs.

    Prevention of itching during pregnancy

    To relieve or prevent itching, every pregnant woman should follow certain recommendations:

    1. Eat right! Eliminate fatty and smoked foods, spicy and salty foods from the diet. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of fluids. It is undesirable for pregnant women to consume exotic products, they can cause allergies.
    2. Personal hygiene should come first. So take a bath or shower more often. Use hypoallergenic cleansers and skin care products.
    3. Body cream should be moisturizing or baby. Today, special creams for pregnant women are produced.
    4. The skin loves to breathe, so spend more time outdoors and always ventilate the room.
    5. Do not wear synthetic and too tight underwear, clothing.
    6. Do not visit the solarium and do not stay in the open sun for a long time.
    7. Never brush your body. This will make the situation worse.

    If the body itches during pregnancy, it causes discomfort, so try to be examined in a timely manner and prevent the development of diseases. Use conservative and folk remedies (in consultation with the doctor), get rid of existing diseases and do not be nervous.

    Itching is a mild pain sensation that is transmitted through pain receptors. It is caused by weak stimuli that cannot be recognized by the nervous system. Such sensations are either localized in a certain area, or spread throughout the body.

    Itching during pregnancy may occur due to polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women, when a rash appears on the woman's thighs and abdomen. This condition is not dangerous, so it is enough to smear the affected areas with special ointments and creams against stretch marks. This itching usually disappears after childbirth. During pregnancy, itching can appear on any part of the skin, and on the mucous membranes. Often it is explained by the growth of the abdomen in a woman and appears due to stretch marks. In the fight against it, you need to use oils.

    Itching may also appear in the vagina. It can be caused by increased production of vaginal secretions, and this provokes the revival and development of harmful fungi and microorganisms. Unpleasant itching can be caused by thrush. Genital infections are dangerous to the fetus.

    Causes of itching during pregnancy

    • Stress, nervous strain. Itching for these reasons usually occurs at night.
    • Stretching of the skin due to a growing belly.
    • Multiple pregnancy.
    • Significant weight gain.
    • Due to dry skin caused by dehydration.
    • Changes in the hormonal background - the skin loses firmness and elasticity, as the production of elastin and collagen in the body decreases.
    • Skin diseases.
    • Pathology of internal organs.
    If a pregnant woman experiences itching and burning in the vagina and in the external genital organs, it means that inflammatory processes occur in the body or infectious diseases develop. This should be cause for concern, as the fetus may suffer due to infections of the genitourinary system. It is urgent to be examined and treated.

    In addition to infections, sexually transmitted diseases, thrush, the cause of itching is a change in the acid-base balance of the mucosa. It happens:

    • due to the regular wearing of synthetic underwear, thongs;
    • regular use of aromatic panty liners;
    • overheating or cooling of the pelvic organs;
    • when using antibacterial alkaline personal care products;
    • due to colpitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
    • with genital herpes, etc.
    Other reasons: prolonged use of antibiotics, the development of diabetes, iron deficiency in the body.
    Most often, itching is localized on the back, abdomen and soles. It is important to timely recognize the itching caused by hormonal changes and distinguish it from the one that causes scabies.

    Itching is often explained by inflammatory or allergic reactions, when histamine appears in the skin of the expectant mother - a biologically active substance that irritates the nerve endings. It causes tissue swelling, which is manifested by swelling, redness of the skin, increased blood flow to the inflamed area.
    Due to the pathology of the liver and biliary tract, bilirubin and bile acids are deposited in the skin, and this also provokes itching.

    This sensation during pregnancy is a protective reaction of the body to a skin irritant. When it occurs, a scratching reflex appears, due to which cracks, scratches, redness, and inflammation appear on the skin. This can provoke penetration into the skin of a secondary infection, and with it tissue swelling, ulcers and cracks.

    Symptoms of itching may indicate the initial stage of a skin disease. If, for example, it appears on the elbows, knees, skin folds, this can be the first signs of eczema against the background of physiological, hormonal factors that accompany pregnancy.

    All this should make a woman alarmed and see a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous.

    Thrush and candidiasis are common in pregnant women. Itching, burning in the genitals - one of their main manifestations. They should be treated immediately.

    To temporarily eliminate unpleasant symptoms at home, you can make warm baths of mint, sage, oak bark, chamomile; observe hygiene, exclude toilet soap, synthetic underwear; adjust nutrition by excluding salty, spicy, etc.

    Treatment of itching during pregnancy

    Therapy for itching depends on the causes of its occurrence. If it is mild, then the doctor advises the expectant mother to change her underwear, which should be made only from natural fabric. It is necessary to limit the use of household chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics. You should use hypoallergenic products, often shower without soap, and then moisturize the skin with neutral creams.

    Most importantly: the itchy place should not be combed, to avoid increased discomfort, irritation, redness.
    If itching is caused by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, then treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist after tests and a medical examination.

    If the cause of itching is a malfunction of the liver, you should take adsorbents (activated charcoal) and hepatoprotectors - drugs that restore liver function: No-shpu, Essentiale Forte, Karsil.

    Nutrition should be adjusted, if prescribed, - take antihistamines (from the middle of pregnancy).

    Many people associate pregnancy with irritability, but sometimes expectant mothers are faced with a strong susceptibility not only of their psyche, but also of their body. Skin itching can occur in them at any period of gestation. Regardless of why it appears, this symptom causes a lot of inconvenience and requires immediate action. The problem is that in pregnant women, many signs are eliminated exclusively by sparing methods.

    Why does itching occur during pregnancy?

    Itching during pregnancy can be normal. It is explained by hormonal changes in the expectant mother, which make her body an ideal "incubator" for the fetus. Estrogens produced in the female body affect the functioning of all its systems. The skin becomes drier and more sensitive, it reacts sensitively to any irritants and, at the very beginning of gestation, it can itch for completely different reasons.

    With the development of pregnancy, discomfort can either increase or disappear completely. For all women, this happens in different ways: for some, the whole body itches, for others, discomfort is localized in a particular place. Most often, pregnant women are concerned about discomfort in the abdomen, chest and perineum.

    In the early stages

    In the 1st trimester, toxicosis is the culprit for all the troubles of the expectant mother. Due to the fact that a lot of “garbage” is thrown into the blood, a woman develops itching, which is most felt in places where the epidermis is thinnest.

    Another physiological reason that the skin itches is its dryness. It is normal if there are no rashes on it.

    In the first months of bearing a baby, a common cause of itchy skin is increased sweating. Under the influence of hormones, a woman begins to sweat more than before. The skin is not used to this, therefore it reacts with irritation and itches where moisture accumulates: in the armpits, under the breasts, in the crotch area, etc.

    Itching in the abdomen and chest in pregnant women in the 1st trimester is explained by the processes occurring inside the abdominal cavity and mammary glands. When a woman begins to itch her nipples and the skin around them, her breasts are preparing for the start of lactation.

    If the expectant mother has cracks on her skin, her legs and arms begin to itch, she may not have enough vitamins A and E in her body. Vitamin E deficiency is dangerous for the fetus, so it is often prescribed to pregnant women.

    At a later date

    The skin can itch even in the later stages of bearing a baby (for more details, see the article: the stomach itches in late pregnancy). In the 3rd trimester, many expectant mothers complain of itching in the abdomen and the appearance of stretch marks. Stretch marks are often accompanied by very severe itching, causing discomfort to a woman.

    The cause of discomfort in the last months of bearing a baby is often the weight gained by the mother. The epidermis is stretched, not having time to adapt to the new size of the body, and itches.

    In the 3rd trimester, the expectant mother sometimes begins to itch the body due to nervous strain. In this case, the itching is not very pronounced, but manifests itself to a greater extent during the appearance of thoughts about the upcoming birth. Especially sensitive women who are very worried about how they will cope in one of the most difficult moments in their lives should definitely take soothing teas for pregnant women. As a rule, such remedies well relieve itching of different localization.

    Pathological processes accompanied by itching and accompanying symptoms

    In most cases, not very pronounced itching during the bearing of a baby is a normal phenomenon that goes away on its own. If the condition is accompanied by a rash on the skin, a change in body temperature and other signs, it is associated with some kind of pathology. Pathological causes of itching in a future mother may be as follows:

    Localization of itching

    The skin of pregnant women may itch in different places, depending on the cause of the discomfort. For example, the presence of fungal infections explains why the skin of the legs itches. Hormonal changes are responsible for discomfort in the abdomen and chest during pregnancy. With varicose veins, the legs often itch. Itching throughout the body is less common and, as a rule, is a sign of pathological processes in the body.

    Diagnostic methods

    To determine exactly why the expectant mother suffers from itching of different parts of the body in early and late pregnancy, the doctor needs to collect a complete history of the disorder. He conducts a visual examination, allowing him to understand if there are signs of irritation on the skin.

    If there are visible lesions, a scraping is taken from them. If the skin itches without rashes, additional examinations are prescribed - blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the internal organs.

    How to get rid of itching during pregnancy, depending on its causes?

    Discomfort caused by an internal disease should only be treated in a hospital. Serious disorders of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, causing itching of the body, pose a clear threat to the health of the fetus, so treatment should be under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    If itching appeared as a side reaction of bearing a baby, you can use various methods to deal with it. The main thing is that they cannot harm the child.

    Conservative therapy

    Doctors recommend removing the sensation of skin itching with the help of regular hygiene. Expectant mothers need a shower or bath at a comfortable water temperature. In no case should it be hot - this will increase the discomfort. For washing, it is desirable to use hypoallergenic products. After taking a shower, it is useful to apply baby cream to the skin.

    With skin itching caused by skin diseases, a special ointment is prescribed, which relieves discomfort. For example, Fenistil Gel helps with allergies.

    Many mothers who complain of itchy skin suffered from dermatological disorders even before pregnancy. They are accustomed to using certain medicinal ointments and creams for treatment. To make sure that the product does not harm the baby when used during gestation, you must first consult with a gynecologist. Knowing about the propensity of your body to such reactions, the use of drugs for internal and external use should be discussed with the obstetrician in the early stages, until the disease has worsened.

    Folk remedies

    Many women who are contraindicated in pharmaceutical ointments for itching are helped out by traditional medicine recipes. All of them are safe for the expectant mother and quickly relieve skin irritation:

    1. A warm bath with a decoction of chamomile or string. To prepare it, you need to boil 100 g of grass in 3 liters of water, let the broth cool and pour it into the prepared bath. Sitting in such a therapeutic mixture should be at least 15 minutes.
    2. Oatmeal compress. Such a procedure should be carried out with the addition of kefir or yogurt to the flakes. It is recommended to apply a compress for 20-30 minutes.
    3. Cabbage leaf. When itching, it is recommended to make lotions from a cabbage leaf soaked in apple cider vinegar. If you need to remove the sensation of itching from the area where there are cracks, the application should be done without the use of vinegar. Cabbage leaf must be kneaded in the hands before use.

    Is it possible to prevent itching during pregnancy?

    Preventive measures that can prevent dermatological problems during pregnancy:

    Research is rarely required. Differential diagnosis is made between causes specific to pregnancy and those not related to pregnancy.

    Rashes characteristic of pregnancy, most of which are associated with severe itching, usually accompany special conditions and are discussed in Skin Rashes in Pregnancy. The main complaint in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism is itching and cholestasis - a common cause of itching during pregnancy. Pregnancy can worsen kidney failure and iron deficiency (due to poor nutrition or frequent pregnancies), which is manifested by itching.

    Causes of itching during pregnancy

    Itching associated with pregnancy

    Rashes during pregnancy

    • Polymorphic rash during pregnancy
    • Gestational pemphigoid
    • Prurigo pregnant

    Itchy folliculitis in pregnancy

    Rashes due to metabolic changes during pregnancy

    • Hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism
    • cholestasis
    • kidney failure
    • iron deficiency

    Itching not related to pregnancy

    Rashes in skin diseases

    • atopic eczema
    • Eczema (other causes, such as contact)
    • Psoriasis
    • Xerosis (dry skin)
    • Lichen planus
    • pink lichen
    • Hives

    Metabolic Causes

    • Hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism
    • Liver disease
    • kidney failure
    • iron deficiency

    Other reasons

    Localized itching

    • Itching of the vulva

    The course of a concomitant dermatological disease during pregnancy may improve or worsen. Most patients with skin disease know the cause of itching or note that they have relatives with similar diseases.

    Atopic eczema is an intensely itchy disease, and therefore, examination reveals excoriations (scratches), thickening (due to skin friction), pigmentation, moisture, and scaling, usually on the flexion surfaces. In patients with eczema, pollinosis, year-round conjunctivitis and asthma are observed.

    Psoriasis usually presents as scaly, well-demarcated plaques on the extensor surfaces. In many patients with psoriasis, the nails, scalp, and genitals are affected.

    Lichen planus is a self-limiting disease, and unlike eczema and psoriasis, the patient usually presents to the doctor for the first time with typical purplish, flat-topped, polygonal papules affecting the anterior surfaces (especially the wrists). Lichen planus is observed in the mouth in approximately 30% of patients.

    It is believed that pink lichen is more common in pregnant women. It is more common among younger patients.

    Finding the maternal plaque (a scaly, often annular plaque, usually found on the abdomen or back and preceding the underlying lesions) aids the diagnosis. A few days later, smaller, scaly, egg-shaped spots appear, forming a "Christmas tree" pattern on the abdomen, back and chest. The eruption in rosacea rarely extends below the knee and elbow joints and rarely affects the head.

    In adults, scabies is usually transmitted sexually. It is characterized by curvilinear, highly itchy scabies. The total number of mites infecting one person can be surprisingly small (often only 20 mites). Scabies is usually found in the interdigital spaces on the hands, on the genitals and near the nipples. If scabies is suspected, the patient's partner should be examined; similar lesions may help establish the diagnosis.

    Dermatophytosis (dermatomycosis) is characterized by ring-shaped rashes, often with small pustules and peeling along the edge of individual ring-shaped lesions.

    When taking a scraping from the edge, fungal hyphae are detected, and when sowing the scraping, the pathogen is identified. During pregnancy, topical treatment is safest.

    Chickenpox (chickenpox) is rare in pregnancy, but when a patient presents with the condition, accurate diagnosis is important because transplacental spread of the virus results in the fetal varicella syndrome. Initially, chickenpox appears as bubbles that look like “teardrops on rose petals”. Often severely itchy rashes spread centripetally and affect the mucous membranes.

    Shingles immunoglobulin (ZIG) is used at various stages of pregnancy within 24 hours of infection according to national/local standards. It can be used in pregnant women not immunized against herpes zoster, in contact with chickenpox or herpes zoster, or in contact with a newborn in the postpartum period. Aciclovir is not licensed for use during pregnancy, but is considered safe and is often used to treat pregnant women with chickenpox or shingles.

    Itching is also observed with rashes associated with HIV. The virus causes various very itchy inflammatory dermatoses. HIV treatment often results in skin rashes, many of which are accompanied by itching. It goes without saying that skin diseases caused by opportunistic pathogens are more common in HIV-infected patients.

    Treatment of itching during pregnancy

    The possibilities of treating itching during pregnancy are limited, it is carried out in stages. Treatment of skin diseases consists in the use of special methods and consultation with a dermatologist. Long-term treatment with topical steroids is indicated mainly for eczema and psoriasis, in which itching often occurs (which is not always indicated in textbooks). When prescribing local steroids, it is desirable to use ointments of the lowest possible strength (no more than 0.1% betamethasone for the body and 1% hydrocortisone for the face) and conduct pulse therapy for no longer than 6 weeks. Topical steroids are designed to treat inflammation (subsidence of inflammation leads to the cessation of itching), and they must be discontinued immediately with the onset of improvement.

    • Emollients (in the bath or on the skin)
    • Bath supplements containing lauromacrogol (eg Balneum Plus) or oat extract (eg Aveeno) provide additional antipruritic activity
    • The spectrum of topical emollients starts with water-based preparations (moisturizing cream) and ends with oil-based preparations (white soft paraffin). The patient must choose the remedy that suits her.
    • Soaps and detergents should be avoided. Use soap substitutes (moisturizer).
    • Non-sedating antihistamines (loratadine) are not usually licensed for use in pregnancy, but they appear to be safe.
    • Sedative antihistamines (chlorpheniramine) are safe to use during pregnancy
    • Ointments containing topical steroids are probably safe in pregnancy (although not licensed). The weakest drugs should be used, for a period not exceeding 6 weeks
    • Ultraviolet B narrow beam phototherapy (rare)


    If you feel that the body itches during pregnancy - you should not be surprised. Almost all women during this period develop itching of a different nature, depending on the nature of its origin. Itching can be triggered by causes not related to pregnancy, but sometimes a specific trimester becomes the cause.

    Common Causes of Itching Not Related to Pregnancy

    Not necessarily all causes associated with the prenatal period. If before pregnancy a woman suffered from skin diseases or allergies (both permanent and seasonal), then in an “interesting position” the situation will not change in any way.

    Allergy. Anything can trigger an allergy.

    For each person, the allergen is individual and affects differently. An allergy manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin and rashes that constantly itch. There may also be a runny nose and tearing. To help yourself with allergies to a pregnant woman, you first need to get rid of the allergen. It is good if you know about allergies in advance and already know what to do when it appears. In position, it is not recommended to use a new washing powder and try unusual products, because they can cause scabies.

    Skin diseases. Such diseases include eczema, dermatitis, skin fungus, and so on. Perhaps the problem was present even before the conception of the baby. Skin diseases are characterized not only by rashes, but also by flaking of the skin.

    Body itching in the first trimester

    In the first trimester, the hormonal background changes, which can affect the occurrence of itching. The main reason for its appearance with a change in hormonal levels is estrogen. It begins to increase even during the journey of a fertilized egg to the uterus. It is this hormone that provides softening of the walls of the uterus before the introduction of the egg, and also with its help the mammary glands increase. In a normal amount, estrogen does not cause inconvenience, but with its excess, the body can itch during early pregnancy. Regular tests that are carried out for all pregnant women help keep the level of this hormone within limits.

    Itching of the body in the second and third trimester

    Skin stretch

    In the second trimester, itching of the skin appears due to rapid weight gain. If a woman does not gain her personal mass, only the growing belly, chest and hips will itch. A rapidly growing fetus and enlarged mammary glands greatly stretch the skin, from which the body will often itch.

    In late pregnancy, stretch marks can appear not only on the abdomen and breasts, but also on the hips, because they diverge in preparation for childbirth. If the body itches during pregnancy, special creams will help to increase skin elasticity.

    Violation of internal organs

    Often at the turn of the second and third trimester appears cholestasis. The reason for this is the hormone estrogen, which has risen too high. The work of the liver and biliary tract is disrupted. It can be identified by itching of the feet and palms. Itching begins in the evening and ends only in the morning, characterized as a burning sensation. If itching is left untreated, scabies spreads throughout the body.

    In the case of cholestasis, self-treatment should not be allowed, only qualified medical assistance is needed. The disease in a neglected state is dangerous for the life of the child, since the excess bile produced corrodes the wall of the placenta, which is why it poorly transfers oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The baby will feel oxygen starvation, from which he may die.

    With hepatitis and diabetes, there is also a strong obsessive scabies. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, undergo a series of studies and tests. If the theory is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe an adequate treatment that is most suitable for pregnant women.

    Strong sweating

    One of the most common problems in the third trimester is excessive sweating. Especially in the summer, salt accumulates between the skin folds, which greatly irritates the skin and causes itching. What can be done if body itching during pregnancy is caused by sweating?

    1. Frequent shower. If there is a problem with sweating, frequent showers are a must.
    2. Wear only natural clothes. Synthetic clothing does not allow air to pass through, which makes the body feel like in a steam room. During pregnancy, you can not wear clothes even with a small percentage of synthetics. Only pure and natural fabric!

    How does scabies affect the unborn baby?

    Basically, itching does not bring the child any discomfort, if it is not a disease of the internal organs. Scabies caused by other reasons can only irritate the expectant mother herself. But with lack of sleep, irritability and bad mood, a woman will be more vulnerable to viral infections and colds. Given that many drugs cannot be taken during pregnancy, it will be more difficult to recover. It is better not to leave the issue of body itching for later, but immediately seek advice from your observing doctor and dermatologist.