Winter ball. (Scenario of the holiday) Senior classes. "New Year's fun" - a script for a ball for high school students A small dance block

New Year's script for elementary grades

"At a ball in the magical kingdom."

For grades 1-4

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Darkness, Fairy of the Night, presenter, sorceress.

Children stand at the door to the hall (there is an inscription "Magic Kingdom" on the door)

We can get into this kingdom by guessing riddles.

A melody sounds. To the music, the children enter the hall.

    If the forest is covered with snow

If it smells like pies

If the tree goes to the house

What holiday? (New Year)

    Snow on the fields, ice on the waters

Blizzard walks, when does it happen? (winter)

    Everywhere on this holiday there is a roar

Explosion followed by cheerful laughter

Very noisy toy

New Year's (clapperboard)

    Ear pinching, nose pinching

Climbs into boots (frost)

    He flies off in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly

He melts like a cool star

In the palm of your hand and in your mouth? (snow)

    And not snow and not ice

And silver will remove the trees (hoarfrost)

The guys break into pairs, holding hands, enter the hall to the music “Happy New Year friends”, dance in the center of the hall


Came back to us today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This New Year's holiday

We waited impatiently.

Frequent forest, blizzard field,

The winter holiday is upon us.

The old year ends

Good good year.

We won't be sad

After all, a new one is coming to us.

Let's say together:

"Hello, hello, new year!" (children repeat in chorus)


With a kind smile

Everyone entered our hall,

Because today we have

New Year's ball!

All heroes of fairy tales

Gathered again

In the magical kingdom

Meet New Year!

I am the hostess of the ball

Glad to see you!

Many miracles await us

It's time for fun!

The hall sparkled with lights

Inviting everyone to the ball!

Bright New Year's holiday

We meet every year

Who wants to have fun?

Get into a round dance.


We invite everyone

In a friendly round dance,

We have fun

With you new year.

Round dance song: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Presenter: Our ball continues!

(a cheerful melody sounds, the exit of the Snowman.)

Who came to us for the holiday? Did you guys know? Who is it?

Children: Snowman!

(The snowman carries a huge bag)

Presenter: What is he carrying in his bag?

Snowman: I brought you gifts from D.M. and Snow Maiden.

(The melody from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession” sounds. Suddenly, like in a fairy tale ..., B.Ya. and K.B. crawl out of the bag. They run around the Christmas tree with a squeal, squeak, touch the guys.)

B.I: What did you recognize me?

How beautiful I am smart

We will arrange a holiday for you

We'll send everyone home!

K.B.: New Year's Eve will not give!

Look, they staged a “Bid-you”.

Dressed up, having fun

As if we are not afraid.

Together: Here we are!

presenter: Wait, wait, how did you get here?

B.Ya.: We outwitted the Snowman.

K.B.: They hid the gifts, but put them in a sack. We will ruin your holiday.

B.Ya. They had fun without us, and now let's see how you will have fun with us.

(B.Ya. and K.B. are playing the game "Scream")

B.Ya. The girls are screaming “Ah…” and clapping!

K.B. The boys yell “Oooh…” and stomp!

Together: "Ay" shout and stomp and clap.

(children perform after showing B.Ya. and K.B.)

(B.Ya. and K. swear among themselves)

Koschey: The boys screamed and stomped better ...

B.Ya. Not! Girls!

Koschey: Boys!

B.Ya: And I say girls!

presenter: Stop cursing.

(The lights go out. Disturbing music is heard. Darkness enters)

Darkness: Did you call me?

B.Ya.: We shouted “AU” loudly to you.

(The host approaches the Darkness and says)

Presenter: And who are you?

Darkness: Who am I? I am Darkness - dark, nasty and angry. It's me who smashes lanterns and lamps, scaring passers-by in dark nooks and crannies.

Presenter: Leave our holiday, we do not need uninvited guests at the ball. We are waiting at the ball for D.M. and S., but we did not invite you.

Darkness: Ah, that's how! Since you do not want to invite me to the ball, then you will not have a New Year either! And I sent your Snow Maiden so far that I couldn’t find her. Search in the land of Dreams and Dreams. She is in one of your dreams. In the meantime, you wait for the night, fall asleep, and see her in one of your dreams, the New Year will pass long ago. Ha ha ha...

Presenter: What do we do? We urgently need to save D.M. and S. But how do we get into the land of Dreams and Dreams? After all, the night is still far away.

(The magic music “Cinderella” sounds. The Fairy of the Night enters)

F.Nights: I will help you!

Presenter: Oh F. Nochi, it's good that you're here! What should we do?

F.Nights: We urgently need to go to the land of dreams and dreams. I have a magic wand. Now we will go to this country with the help of this magic wand. (Gives the wand and leaves.)

Presenter: while the Fairy of the Night in the land of dreams, we will support her in a friendly round dance

Children sing a song: "Christmas Tree Song" Then they notice that B.Ya. Koschey and Darkness fell asleep. Lyrical music sounds. B.Ya. is highlighted)

presenter: Let's see what kind of dream B.Ya.

B.Ya.:(yawns sweetly, speaks affectionately, stretching). Ouch! Yes, they will never find this bag of gifts. Will wait until spring. Koshcheyushka hid it securely, and Darkness - the Snow Maiden with D.M.

Presenter: Something cleared up (highlights Koshchei).

Koschey: Under the tree, not far from the forester's hut, a bag with gifts. And D.M. with his granddaughter hidden under a huge castle!

(light up the darkness)

Darkness: The most important spell is to prevent children from dancing, singing, and having fun. Otherwise the spell will break, D.M. and S. will come to the holiday and bring gifts!

Presenter: Did you guys hear? We will not lose heart, but fervently and we will all dance together! "Dance of little ducks"

Enchantress. I invite everyone to the New Year's round dance.

Round dance song: "It's good that every year"

B.Ya. and K.B., Darkness confer.

B.Ya.: Woe to us!

K.B.: We are powerless!

Darkness: Our spell is broken!

Guys, let's call D.M. and the Snow Maiden. Ah! Ah! Ah!


No, I can’t hear Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. They gave us the task

Finish the poem

    Blessed with fluffy snow

And got a big drift

long-awaited and beloved

Everyone (Santa Claus)

    In a warm New Year's coat

Rubbing red nose

Children bring gifts

Good (Santa Claus)

    There is a gift of chocolate

Mandarin and apricot

Tried for the kids

Glorious (Santa Claus)

    Likes songs, round dances

And make the children laugh

Near the Christmas tree

Wonderful (Santa Claus)

    After the daring dance

Puff like a locomotive

Who say together children

This is (Santa Claus)

    Who to the delight of you guys

Brought a coniferous tree

Please answer quickly

This is (Santa Claus)

Enter D.M. and Snow Maiden

D.M.: Hello guys!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all children!

Congratulations to all guests!

FROM. : Congratulations to all girlfriends

Congratulations to all friends!

And with all my heart I wish

I have the brightest days for you.

D.M.: I was with you a year ago

Glad to see you all again!

They grew up, they became big.

And did you recognize me?

I'm still the same gray-haired

But quite young!

Together with you even now

I'm ready to dance!

And who are they? What are they doing here?

(The evil spirits fall to their knees and beg for mercy)

D.M. : Magic staff, one, two, three

You will create a miracle!

Let the evil subside

And it gets better....

Come on, get up in a circle,

Start your round dance.

The song is performed: "Little Christmas Tree" Further D.M. holds a chant: To light up the lights on the Christmas tree, repeat after me:

On the high tree - on the high tree

Green needles - green needles.

Colored lights - colorful lights

One, two, three - one, two, three.

Our Christmas tree - burn!

Presenter: The Christmas tree does not want to light up, she probably got bored and offended that they do not pay attention to her. Let's appease her! Who wants to play with the Christmas tree, clap.

The game "What the tree loves" (children answer "Yes - no")

Prickly needles -

Gingerbread, sweets -

Chairs, stools -

Tinsel, garlands -

Games, masquerades -

Boredom from idleness -

Kids, fun -

Lilies of the valley and roses -

Santa Claus -

Loud laughter and jokes

Boots and jackets -

Cones and nuts -

Chess pawns -

Serpentine, lanterns -

Lights and balls -

Sweets and crackers -

Broken toys -

Cucumbers in the garden

chocolate wafers -

Miracles for the New Year

With a song, a friendly round dance -

Presenter: D.M. shout another chant, maybe the Christmas tree will light up (the Christmas tree lights up)

The song is performed: “If the Christmas tree blooms with lights”

Presenter: D.M., what do you have?

D.M.:( pulls out telegrams) My friends sent you telegrams. What did I do, I mixed up all the envelopes. Now try, figure out which telegram is from whom. My granddaughter and I will read to you from now, and you yourself will help, and from whom they will learn.

Snow Maiden: We wish without interference

Gnawing nuts for you for a whole year,

Jump and play burners

Happy New Year! Your .... (proteins)

D.M.: It's snowing, it's a wonderful day

Happy New Year! Your…. (Deer)

Snow Maiden: I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather.

Round side, ruddy side.

Happy New Year ...... (kolobok)

2nd grade poetry

D.M. holds game"I will freeze"

Presenter: The holiday continues! Blizzard - begins!

D.M. and the Snow Maiden overheated from your games and smiles, and this is dangerous for their health

Dismantle these snowballs (children loosen cotton wool, turning it into a snowflake, blow on it, lifting air to the top) The music “Winter” sounds

And now it's time to turn into snowflakes (music sounds)

Well like D.M. and Snow Maiden, are you feeling better now?

The guys have prepared a gift for you, you are ready to look at it.

Performances by students with concert numbers.

A game“If you like it, then do it” (Snow Maiden conducts)

naughty game(leader conducts)

The guys become in a circle around the classes, the music “New Year's round dance” sounds, the music stops, the presenter says: “Screamers” - shout, “Puffers” - puff, “Squeakers” - squeak, “Clappers” - clap, “Squealers” - squeal, "Topalki" - they stomp, etc.

D.M. It's time, friends! Need to forgive!

We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts.

Let the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids!

Snow Maiden: I wish you success in the new year,

More cheerful ringing laughter!

More good friends and girlfriends

Excellent grades and knowledge chest!

D.M. and S.: Goodbye! See you soon!

Presenter: Let's spend the D.M. and the Snow Maiden with a cheerful dance "Letka - Enka"

presenter: Here is the New Year's holiday

It's time for us to finish

Lots of happiness for everyone today

Wish the kids!

Be kinder, smarter, more courageous,

Keep joy for everyone.

And now it's all goodbye

And see you again!

Schedule (estimated for 4 hours):
1. Meeting guests at the entrance (girls dressed up as fairies meet)
2. Getting to know the guests, introducing them to the King and Queen of the ball.
3. Ball - a dance marathon with the participation of a dance master, with competitions, an auction and small dramatizations.
4. Seeing off the old year and meeting the new.
5. The arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Contests.

Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, dance master, fairies at the entrance. Actors for dramatizations (you can rehearse in advance, or print out roles and improvise with guests).

1. Meeting guests.

First fairy:
Welcome, we've been waiting for you
A little more - and the waltz will play,
And the Christmas tree will flare up, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve awaits you!

Second fairy:
O noble guests,
Shining like stars in the sky!
Tell me how to introduce you to the palace scroll? (see below)

(Writes down.)

BUT). Palace Scroll - it contains the names of guests, titles and achievements. At the end of the meeting, the list is promptly forwarded to the king, queen and host.

B). A box with paper smiles - they are distributed to guests, later, when everyone gets to know everyone, you can write a wish to one of those present on a smile. This is mail. At the end of the ball, the Host reads out the mail, and the fairies (those that met) deliver it to the addressees.

2. Acquaintance


Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are pleased to welcome you to the New Year's ball. In our world, time goes differently than the people of the earth are used to, so do not be surprised by the small miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us. Let us greet those who have arrived at this ball with applause.

The presenter reads out the names of guests, titles from the list. Each of them walks through the hall to the throne of kings and bows. This must be explained to the guests by the fairies at the entrance in advance. The King and Queen smile and say a couple of kind words to each guest personally.

3. Ball

The promised hour has come
We invite everyone to the waltz.
Let the sounds of the violin circle
Let the smiles shine!
Step right, step left
Hello friends,
Our wonder queen
And, of course, the king!

The King and Queen enter the first dance.

Five to six dances - 15-20 minutes.

Between dances, the host announces:

1. This song is dedicated to all those who have not lost their good spirits and enthusiasm of youth in the hustle and bustle of running days.
2. This dance is dedicated to true connoisseurs of cherry syrup and strawberry jam. (or something along those lines).


We had a dramatization about the suffering of Bluebeard (a dummy character), who suddenly begins to sob in the middle of the ball. He tells a story about his three wives, who mercilessly mocked him, and therefore had to strangle them - the nerves could not stand it. The story is really funny, especially if it is shown in roles. (The text is available, but it is long). At the end of the story, Bluebeard is put up for auction by suitors, and unmarried ladies are bidding and showcasing their talents.

4. Meeting the new year.

(The clock strikes.)

King :
Let's fill our glasses, friends,
To please the year and, of course, the family,
So that everyone in spirit finds a craft.
May we all be lucky in the new year!

Queen :
So that the kingdom of a dream come true enters your house as soon as possible
And so that it is good and joyful for you in it!

(The first dance of the New Year, at the end of which Santa Claus appears and starts dancing in the hall without warning.)

We have an amazing guest. In different countries, he is known under different names - Per Noel, Babo Natale, Gaspard, Melchior and Valthazar in the same guise, Santa Claus - in general, his Majesty - Santa Claus! And his beautiful companion...

(Monologue of Santa Claus.)

5. Contests

Competition 1.
Exam on the history of the new year (quiz) - the presenter will have the text. The first team to give the correct answer gets a token. The team with the most tokens wins the prize.

Presenter: Would you like to warm up. So, a competition for the most dexterous!

Competition 2.
Two teams stand in a line - half a meter apart from each other, it is impossible to move. From the beginning to the end of the line, you need to pass the balloon without dropping it. Who is faster, he and well done.

Dangerous contest 3.
It takes three of the bravest (or more depending on the male-female ratio). For example, three gentlemen are blindfolded. Everyone else gets around. The daredevils, blindfolded, must choose a mate from those standing and dance the dance without going beyond the circle outlined by a ribbon laid out on the floor.

(Santa Claus is dancing with the presenter.)

Santa Claus: Oh, and you tired me, red girl, and now I still have to go around seven kingdoms. And at the Snow Maiden my eyes are closed. And our deer are not fed at the gate. Let's go already.

Presenter: Well, Grandpa, work is work.

Santa Claus :
Well now it's time to say goodbye
hug, kiss,
May you be well
In the year that came into the world!

Snow Maiden :
To keep you all healthy
So that the dragon with its wing
Protected you like a cover
Didn't puff fire on you.
So as not to attend laziness,
And let the world fill the house!
And so that every new day
Warmed the hearts with warmth!

Queen: Let the children be obedient,

King: And let your eye be apt!

And so that the hands do not tremble,
And that there were no separations.
To avoid boredom
There were fewer blizzards in life.

Goodbye friends
And see you in a year
Let the stars shine for us
On a bright New Year's holiday!

winter ball.
Scenario for the senior class. (Grades 9-10-11)

With our winter this scenario, the winter ball will be fun and festive!
New Year's mood in the lights of the WINTER BALL!

WINTER BALL-1 Characters:
Santa Claus
Snow Maiden
Baba Yaga
Ensemble "Wild Guitars":
Cat Matvey
funny buffoons
New Year
As well as Snowflakes, Mummers and other fairy-tale characters - the retinue of Winter and Santa Claus.

At the door of the hall, in which there is a cleaned Christmas tree, the children are met by buffoons. There is a big padlock on the door.
Buffoons (pointing to the door).
There is a lock on the door
The path to our tree is closed.
Yaga has locked the door here,
I took the key with me.
To open that lock
You have to perform a miracle
To open these doors
There is one secret in the world -
Solve three riddles
Break the evil spell.
And for this, guys,
We'll give you riddles.
What winter and summer
Is it one color?
(Christmas tree)
It is cold in winter - white
In the warm summer - always gray,
What does not bark, does not bite -
In the house, however, does not let?

After the third riddle, music is heard, the castle falls, the doors to the hall to the Christmas tree open. Buffoons with their traditional greeting invite everyone to enter the hall for the holiday.


Come quickly
Do not crowd at the door!
Hurry, adults and children!
Songs are waiting for you, dances are waiting for you,
New Year's game!
You on a holiday with us
It will be fun now.
There will be music and singing
There will be games and entertainment
Very interesting,
Simply wonderful!
Congratulations to everyone on the holiday!
Happy New Year tree holiday,
Which you came to today!
We invite everyone to the general circle,
The Christmas tree festival is starting!

The song is about winter. Then, to the music of a waltz, Winter enters the hall, accompanied by a retinue - snowflakes, mummers.

Hello Russian girl,
Coloring soul,
white winch,
Hello, winter-winter?
P. Vyazemsky
Hello my friends!
I'm glad to see everyone here!
I brought for children
Lots of fun stuff:
ice slides,
painted sleigh,
Sticks, skis and skates,
Yes, cold days
Yes, shiny smooth ice,
Yes, snowflakes round dance,
Threes with bells,
With dashing fellows.
Many folk holidays
Many round dance songs
Christmas tree holiday
Brought everyone today.
Louder, music, play!
Get everyone to dance!

Dance "Polka-counting" is performed.

Oh winter, oh winter
Russian beauty,
You drove everyone crazy
We like winter.

Everyone is dancing "Letka-Enka" cheerfully. After the dance, Cat Matvey, Leshy, Kikimora, Baba Yaga burst into the hall to the soundtrack. They perform the song "Wild Guitars".

Cat Matthew (addressing the audience).
Bonjour! Tujour! Alam! Salam!
The place - in! Suitable for us.
Here we will arrange our disco.
And who will be against - instantly calm down.
Who you are? Keep answer.
Do not be hooligans at the holiday,
Cat Matvey (representing the company).
I am Cat Matthew
And here are my friends.
Without us, this holiday cannot begin.
Here Leshachok, Kikimora forest
And the first beauty - dear Yagulechka!

Everyone bows gallantly.

Well, since you've come
Please don't interfere.
We will have our holiday
Now continue.
Cat Matthew.

Your advice is of no use to us.
We don't like cold, we don't like winter.
Who is the best of us - we ask the children,
At the holiday with whom they will have more fun.
Now let's play with the guys
And then we'll get their opinion.

Conduct the game "Traps". Give out prizes.

Cat Matthew.

Well, how? Did you like the game?
Shout out, kids...

Yes! Yes! Yes!
And I'll invite everyone to the dance now.
I'm in charge here! I'll prove it to you!

There is a mass dance "Ducklings".

Did you enjoy the dance?
Give us an answer soon.

Yes! Yes! Yes!
Who will judge us? How can we be?
How can we solve this problem?
Let's vote:
Who should be at the party
Who - not byvat.
Let him raise his right hand
Who can't live without a disco.

And who will help us count?
I can only count to five.
Come on, assistants,
funny buffoons,
Quickly run through the hall,
Please count all the children.
We are familiar with this
You may not be disheartened.
Let's take it boldly
We can count everyone!

The buffoons run in different directions, count the guys, then return and call the same number.

For - 192! Against - 192!
It turned out equally!
Everyone wants fun, laughter,
Songs, dances, music.
And without you there will be no success,
Do not rattle music here.
Sing with us, have fun
Learn different dances
All the children in attendance.
Let the music rule
Your favorite cat Matthew!

Cat Matthew.
I am very happy to be a disc jockey
At New Year's Eve.
And I invite all the guys -
Both timid and pranksters.

Music sounds. Two or three dances are performed in modern rhythms.

A holiday is not a holiday
Without the main guest
And who is this guest - guess now.
“What master did this on the glass
And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses?
Come on, all together
Come on, all together
Frost and granddaughter will call here!

The children call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Fanfare sounds. Santa Claus appears in the hall
and the Snow Maiden. They are accompanied by forest dwellers. They go around all the children, say hello.

Santa Claus.
Hello dear viewers:
Children, teachers and parents!
We haven't seen you for a long time.
Thank you for inviting us to the party.
Snow Maiden.
To everyone who came to us
We will give songs
Dances, smiles, gifts in a bag.
Here we will make anyone have fun,
So as not to sit, not be sad in the corner.
To make it more fun
To make it brighter here -
Christmas tree, Santa Claus, light it up
Have fun guys!
Santa Claus.
Light up with different lights -
Green and red
Shine in honor of the year of the former
And the coming year!
Once! Two! Three!
Shine, shine, burn!

He strikes with a staff, the tree flashes with lights.

Snow Maiden.
In honor of the Christmas tree
We will sing a song.
In honor of the Christmas tree
We'll go dancing.

The traditional song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is performed.

Santa Claus.
And now we will play:
Pass the skittles in a circle,
Don't forget to make a New Year's wish!

The game "Passing pins". Then Cat Matvey offers a dance.
Please don't stand still
Cheerful dance to dance.
Dance more fun -
Don't feel sorry for the heels.
The best one will receive my prize.
What will it be? For now, surprise!

The competition for the best dance performance begins. Leshy awards the best performer with his prize.

Friendship dance Friendship dance
We invite you to dance.
Who does not know this dance -
We'll show you how to get started.

The waltz "Friendship" is performed.

Santa Claus.
Well you danced, And now we'll play.
Who is not afraid of frost?
Who is ready to fight me?

Santa Claus holds the game "Freeze".

That's how Santa Claus -
Freeze everyone seriously.
Look at the guys
Like icicles, everyone is standing.
Snow Maiden.
Louder, music, play -
Invite everyone to dance!

Performed by "Lady". A prize is awarded for the best performance.

Attention! Attention!
New Year's Eve Competition Begins!
Auction of New Year's riddles!

Winter Riddles Contest. The last person to name the riddle wins a prize.

Cat Matthew.
And again the dance is not easy,
Fire dance again
In modern rhythms!
It is danced quickly.

Modern dance is being performed.
Santa Claus.
Oh, I stomped, oh, I danced
I am very tired.
I'll sit by the tree
Who is talented - I'll see.
Come on, young talents:
Singers, dancers, musicians -
Come closer to the tree
Show your talents.

Kikimora and Yaga are the first to run up.

Kikimora and Yaga (together).
We are funny friends
We want to sing ditties for you.
Who also knows ditties
Let him come out and sing along!

Sing ditties in turn.

We are funny friends
We love to sing and dance.
New Year's ditties
Let's do it today.

The Christmas tree freezes in the forest,
Crying: I can't do it anymore
To the kids in the school hall
I really want to go to the ball.

Santa Claus said to the lazy man:
- The New Year has come, get up!
- Don't bother me, I'm resting
- The lazy man muttered in response.

Julia loves at the entrance
Chat in the evenings
And stubbornly in physics,
Like a partisan, be silent.

Lyuda crammed chemistry
Sunday all day.
And on Tuesday I forgot everything
I was too lazy to repeat.

Don't scold him director
Do not scold him, father, -
Stas is lazy to study,
On orders - well done!

All a lesson in the tenth grade
Interesting to visit
Because the computer is there
Started to study now.

The wolves dance, the rabbits dance,
Leshy and Yaga are dancing.
Who is under the mask in this room -
You will hardly know.

Everywhere the trees sparkled -
In bright stars the whole country.
For the guys and in this room
The miracle tree is lit.

We sang ditties to you.
We have a lot of them.
We would sing to you
Yes, we are afraid to get bored!

The New Year is coming.

New Year.
I am New Year! I am a peaceful year!
I hasten to your friendly round dance!
I wish you much success
Cheerful ringing laughter
More reliable friends and girlfriends,
So that all the people around live happily,
So that the clear sun shines from heaven,
So that many miracles await you!
Carnival! Carnival!
I gathered everyone in the hall today.
Here are Pierrot and Pinocchio,
Karabas and Cipollino,
Here is Malvina, the Gray Wolf -
Everyone in costume knows a lot.
Hold hands, friends, take
Yes, go to the music.
The best are waiting for a prize today,
What a prize - so far a surprise!

There is a carnival procession through the hall. After it, the best costumes are chosen and the winners are awarded.

Santa Claus.
Well, the tree is over
And it's time for us to hit the road!
We will say goodbye for a long time.
We will come back to you in a year, kids!
Happy New Year to you, friends!
Happy New Year!
Good luck! Happiness!
Health to everyone, everyone!
Happy winter holidays!

The song sounds like a wish for happiness. All members sing this song. Say goodbye to the audience.

New Year's fairy tale "In search of the Snow Maiden" Winter ball.
Song: New Year (disco accident)

Voice: Good evening friends!
One day the hour comes
Everyone is looking forward to their arrival.
And the miracle happens again
And this is a miracle 0 - New Year!
For the fact that you are so glad to meet,
For the kindness of open eyes
We want to give you a gift -
Let's give the show to you now!
Music sounds
Voice: Ah, this magical holiday - NEW YEAR! Everywhere smells of olives, tangerines and pine needles! The festive atmosphere permeates everywhere. It is reflected in shop windows and on the faces of passers-by. Everyone is preparing for the New Year, and especially on television.
But more on that later. And now we are going to the fairy forest….

Music sounds.(). Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Leshy play cards and argue.
Baba Yaga: And I tell you: a wonderful duet - Gurchenko and Moiseev! Jack…
Kikimora: How beautiful! You look - pah! Lady…
Baba Yaga: I wish I could be like Lyudmila Gurchenko!
Goblin: Honey, how many braces do you need to do - there won't be enough ropes!
Baba Yaga: Dreaming is not harmful! Bito!
Kikimora: Yeah, it's bad not to dream!
Baba Yaga: Stop arguing. Let's sing our favorite.
Together (sing a song to the motive “I've lost my mind” gr. Tatu)
We're crazy, we're crazy
We need a shake, we need a shake
Kikimora: And nobody in the forest, absolutely seriously
The situation is help, the situation is sos!
We can't find anyone in our neighborhood, So we'll hang out with you alone!
Goblin: How lousy in my soul, I'll scream now
I'm not in the mood, I don't want anything.
Baba Yaga: This boredom is poison gas for us.
Even the new outfit does not please our eyes!
Together: We're crazy, we're crazy
We need a shake, we need a shake!

Goblin: Well, since such a thing, I'm ready, yagula, to make you an offer! Decided! Let's get married!
Baba Yaga: Nice couple! Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? Monster!
Goblin: Well, why am I not a groom? Yes, I'm just - Bruce Willis! (Konstantin Khobensky)
(sings a song to the tune "I am a chocolate bunny")
Baba Yaga: Wow! What an abomination! Whether business I! Gorgeous! I would have a groom, so a groom!
(sings the song of the baba yaga and the goblin).
Goblin: Yes, you! (with a wave of his hand, he leaves in annoyance)
Baba Yaga and Kikimora: Go go play fight! Good riddance.
At this time, Santa Claus appears on the horizon!
Kikimora: Look! The devil is carrying someone to us.
Baba Yaga: (looking). Kashchey or what? ...
Kikimora: Has he changed his image?
Santa Claus appears.
(sings to the motive of the song "Belle")
Chest, compress the chest longing and grief
Yes, it is clear to be unhappy is my lot.
For so long I brought a good holiday to people,
Everything turned upside down, and the white light is not nice.
My heavy cross will have to be carried to the end,
I can't find my former happiness.
Oh, woe to me, because people will not understand me,
Why did the Snow Maiden run away to Hollywood?
And after death I will not find peace.
I'll hang myself. No, I'd rather leave....
Santa Claus: I did not expect this from the Snow Maiden! She left me, old man. How can I appear in front of people without her? Eh! I'll go where my eyes look!
Baba Yaga and Kikimora: Santa Claus!
Baba Yaga: Hello, dear! Are you tea, lost?
Kikimora: Haven't seen you for a thousand years...
Baba Yaga: Did Ali come on business or how?
Kikimora: Maybe our help was needed? To bewitch some Baba snowy?
Baba Yaga: What's not funny? Lost your gifts?
Kikimora: No, he drove them to Santa Claus at a bargain price!
Baba Yaga: What are you, he would have been happy then!
Santa Claus: Enough! Enough! The snow maiden left me ....
Baba Yaga and Kikimora. How?!
Santa Claus. She escaped to Hollywood, to television.
Kikimora (sympathetically): How are you going to live without the Snow Maiden now?
Baba Yaga: My finest hour has come! (whispers)
Can we get off?
(Baba Yaga and Santa Claus sing a dialogue song)
Baba Yaga: I was waiting for you, so waiting,
You were my crystal dream.
I'll steal you, I'll steal you
Well, what is criminal here?
Santa Claus: I don’t dream about those, I don’t dream about you either,
And we can't do anything.
'Cause you and I don't love each other
And between us, and between us, a white blizzard.
Baba Yaga: Well, why-oo-oo-oo?
Santa Claus: Because it's impossible, because it's impossible,
Because you can't be beautiful like that in the world.
Baba Yaga: Well, to hell with you!
Santa Claus: Stop bullying! It's so hard for me!
Kikimora: Wow, what a nervous one! Well, nothing, nothing. (Seats him at the table) Now we will make you a massage ...
Baba Yaga: Relax, calm down, you look, we'll think of something.
Baba Yaga with Kikimora (sing a song to the tune of "My Bunny")
You are our snowball, we are snowflakes
You are our ice, and we are ice
You are our skis, and we are sticks.
You are our hill, and we are holes.
You are our tree, we are toys.
You are a wick, we are crackers.
Your grief is ours too
Don't be sad, we will help... You are our Frost!
Chorus: Listen to us, Santa Claus,
And don't hang a red nose
And do not hang, and do not hang a red nose!
You will find the Snow Maiden, you will find happiness again
And you will bring a magical holiday to people!
Santa Claus: Where can I find her?
Baba Yaga and kikimora: Where where, on television, of course.
Baba Yaga: I have an old airplane carpet from Hotabych. We will send you there now.
(They put Santa Claus on the airplane carpet. They wave after him. The lights go out. The song “Fir Trees” by Verka Serduchka sounds.)

Part 2. On television.
Snowflake dance
Voice: And on television everything is upside down. Preparations for the New Year's program are in full swing.
Director (to assistant): No, it's impossible! This is a conspiracy! You decided to kill me? What's this? I ask what is it?
Assistant (frightened): You asked me to prepare materials for the New Year's program. I selected...
Director (aggressively: What? Are you offering me this? Your place in the kindergarten as a mass entertainer, and it’s unlikely they will take you there. (to the audience) Mediocrity! There are only mediocrities around! Who will understand the subtle soul of an artist?

The assistant is crying. During the conversation, the TV presenter sits down and pays no attention to anything. The make-up artist preens her, and the Illuminator randomly tries to arrange lighting fixtures (different lamps, floor lamps).
Director (softens, approaches the assistant, puts his hand on her shoulder, puts her handkerchief in, wipes her nose, calms her down).
You understand: everything you picked up is completely outdated. Snowflakes, snow maidens. Brrr, what vulgarity! The viewer expects modernity, avant-garde from us. Twenty-first century in the yard, my dear! Well, why don't you dress up your Snow Maidens...
Assistant (timidly) Snowflakes ....
DIRECTOR (nervously) It doesn't matter... into the steel structure. This would be advanced. A sort of advanced snow maiden, you know. Okay, what do we have next?
Assistant: We must select New Year's films with a magical, fairy-tale plot. After all, New Year's...
Director: Well, okay, let's show your fairy tales.
At this time, the make-up artist comes up to the director and begins to preen him. Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts and addresses the Director.
Santa Claus: Tell me, son, where is it ...
DIRECTOR (not listening) What! Ugliness! Outsiders in the studio. Withdraw quickly!
Assistant, make-up artist and Illuminator bring Santa Claus out.
Director: Are we finally going to start working today?! Idlers! Why do I have to do everything alone? (To the assistant) What's next in line?
Assistant: Fairy tales.
Director: Oh yes. We'll see. Get started.
Assistant (holds videotape) No. 1 - "Cinderella" (To the director) All fairy tales in a new interpretation. The competition "An old fairy tale in a new way" begins. An example of the fairy tale "Cinderella".
Sounds like music from some Latin American television series. The heroine is dancing in the background. The girls change posters with the titles of the film. TV presenter comments on the text.
TV presenter: Grazia International TV Company presents Charles Perros' film "In the name of the love of Wild Cinderella" The script was developed by Ruy Barbossa together with Camille Borbossa and Pierre Borbossa The director of the painting is Julio Borbos. Heroes of the Film: the stepmother of Cruella, the first sister - Svinella, the second sister - Durynda and the Wild President of a very distant and very banana republic, Sye President.
In the previous episodes, we saw: There was a terrible night on which the owner would not kick the dog out of the house (roar and noise behind the scenes) Lilo was like a bucket (someone pours water from a bucket into a basin) On this terrible night, a masked man made his way through the streets . He left a package at the gate of the convent of St. Genevieve. Merciful nuns found a tiny girl in this bundle. She screamed so wildly (phonogram of Vitas) that they called her Wild Cinderella (To the audience) You don’t see anything, because that night it was very dark. The grown-up Cinderella left the monastery and went to earn her living in a rich family.
Svinella, Durynda and Wild Cinderella appear. They speak Spanish, a nonsensical jumble of words. TV presenter translates.
Svinella: Buenos dias, charmatos muchachos.
Durynda: Buenos Dias (to Cinderella)
Svinella: Dikos Cinderella! Podika tukokos I don’t know kukokos.
Durynda: Prinisikas tokos I don’t know what it is.
TV presenter: Cinderella. Come here. Cinderella, do it. Cinderella, do that. Nasty Wild Cinderella.
Crull's stepmother appears and shakes an envelope.
Cruella: Diaz, amigos. Prejidento! Uno momento!
Svinella: Oh! Presidentos!
Durynda: Oh, Sonos Presidentos! Oh amore!
Cinderella is crying.
TV presenter: Sterwell's stepmother announces that the president's son wants to find a lover and invites all the girls in the country to a disco. Durynda and Svinella express stormy delight. Cinderella was not invited, so she cries. Next you will see:
A girl appears with a poster that says: Episode 20358. Disco.
On stage Svinella, Durynda, Wild Cinderella, President, Son of the President. The son of the President declares his love to Cinderella.
Son of the President: Dikos Cinderella! Amore! Amore! Amore! I love you…
Cinderella (dreamy) Amore...
The President appears. He is horrified.
President: Diaz son is impossible! Cinderella dikos is your sistras!
TV presenter: My dear son Julian Giacomo Alejandro Juanito Fourteenth! It's impossible. I must tell you a terrible secret. Many years ago I was in love with a beautiful girl. Wild Cinderella is the fruit of this love. Is she your sister!
Enter Sterwell.
President: Cruella! Diaz, amore!
TV presenter: Cruella, dear! Is it really you, love?
Cruella: Diaz doches, Cinderella Dicos! (hugs Cinderella).
TV presenter: Cinderella! My dear daughter! How long have I been looking for you!
Svinella and Durynda: Dias sistras! (Hug Cinderella).
TV presenter: Dear sister! How we love you!
President's Son: Padre! You're non mia padre! Madre Mia has spoken!
TV presenter: The son of the President reveals to his father a terrible secret truth. He is not the President's son. This secret was revealed to him by his mother, escaping with a traveling banana merchant.
Everyone hugs and cries. Music sounds. A girl appears with the inscription: End of 20358 series.
Anchorwoman: End of episode 20358.
Director (stomps his feet indignantly) What are you showing me?! Another Argentine TV series? No, I won't survive this! (grabs his heart).
The assistant gives him medicine. He drinks it. Everyone is fussing around the director.
Director: (grimacing painfully): Okay, let's go to the next one!.
At this time, Santa Claus appears again and turns to the illuminator, who unsuccessfully tries to adjust the lighting.
Santa Claus: Tell me, granddaughters, where are you here ....
Illuminator: Don't interfere, grandfather. You see, the man is busy with business. Without me, everything will fly here, everything will fall apart, everything will plunge into darkness and there will be no New Year's program. Go to yourself, go, grandfather.
Santa Claus sighs and leaves.
Director: So what do we have next?
Assistant: Pop star Veronica, accompanied by a children's choir of boys.
Director: Well, original, fresh. Run.
The song of the bunny boys is being performed.
Jump right, jump left
To put it bluntly: tired
But our physicist is the Gray Wolf,
He clicks with a magazine, yes clicks.
He wants us all to surrender
Without tails to meet the year.
If you start with a tail,
That, alas, you will not live.
The hares are shaking their tails
Not with hands, not with feet,
If we don't wait,
That. Alas, we are not sure.
Come on, let's grow together
And from the Wolf, they ran.
He won't eat us anyway
The district won't allow it.
Director: Well, that's nice. The truth of life is reflected. It will go on air. (to the singer) Great! Divine! (blows her kisses).
Santa Claus approaches the make-up artist.
Santa Claus: Help me, baby.
Make-up artist: Calm down, grandpa! Now I'll make a handsome young man out of you!
She takes him by the arm and leads him backstage.
Director: What else do you have?
Assistant: The program "New Year's dances without stars."
Director: Not bad. Announce.
TV presenter: (already changed outfit) Dear viewers. Your attention is invited to an unforgettable, exclusive number of the program "Dancing without stars". On the stage - . Hello.
Alibaba dance.
Director: How tired I am. Are there many more?
Assistant: Snow Maiden beauty contest.
Director: (perks up) How interesting! Well, where are they?
The Snow Maidens appear. Girls dressed in modern style. They walk around the stage. But the director doesn't like them. He does not hide his disapproval - snorts, closes his eyes. Suddenly, a real Snow Maiden appears in a beautiful outfit. She looks around confused.
Director: (jumps up in delight) Here! What you need! (Running up to the Snow Maiden) What naturalness, grace, beauty! (He hugs her around the waist.) What modeling agency are you from, honey? (Takes her aside) Do you know honey? I have great connections. So what are you doing tonight?.
Snow Maiden: I don't understand what you're talking about. What agency? I am a Snow Maiden. And I want to go back to the fairy forest, to my grandfather. There is very little time left before the New Year.
Santa Claus appears.
Santa Claus: Granddaughter, finally! And here I was completely lost. Been through this.
Director: Wait! Do not understand. Are you real?
All together: They are real!
Santa Claus: Real ones, of course! My granddaughter and I came to wish you a Happy New Year. After all, the New Year without us is like winter without snow!
Director: Great! Let's go celebrate the New Year!

Final song. (Snowflake)


seats for spectators are arranged in such a way that four playing sectors are clearly defined;
in the background, a small artificial Christmas tree is installed in the center;
also in the background, along the edges, are two tables - one, to the left of the host, with props and prizes, the other, to the right of the host, with props for the New Year's wardrobe for grandfathers contest.

The musical introduction sounds, the presenter comes out.

Leading. (Sings to the tune of the song "Moscow Windows")
Here we are together again,
And faces broke into smiles.
Clap together quickly
To make it more fun
Let's warm the holiday with our friendship.
New Year is knocking at the gate
May it bring a lot of happiness.
And good luck and success
And cheerful friendly laughter,
And hope, and warmth for all.

The music is mixed.

New Year is a magical holiday!
It has leapfrog smiles,
It contains surprises, games, jokes,
Fairy tale, fiction, game.
So let's have some fun
Trouble against all
So that from joyful smiles
Weave a festive carpet.

Leading. Good New Year's Eve, dear friends!
Today, at the very end of the year 200, we have to have a lot of fun, laugh, dance, fall in love, and explain ourselves in the same love. Drink a glass, no, several glasses of sparkling champagne and say to each other many times: “Happy New Year! With new happiness!"
How the entire annual cycle is divided into four time intervals, and our audience is divided into four gaming sectors. What caused this, very soon it will become clear to everyone. And now, I announce a competition for the most resourceful and friendly company. For each sector, a riddle will sound, which must be answered correctly, in rhyme, together.

Fun "Riddles - chants"

Riddle for the first sector:
Good luck and luck will come in handy for you now,
It does not hurt to stock up on good ... (mood).

Riddle for the second sector:
It is allowed today to joke and play,
Sing, joke, laugh enough, and, of course ... (dance).

Riddle for the third sector:
A wonderful New Year's holiday, we are looking forward to it,
A holiday of joy, kindness, songs and ... (fun.)

Riddle for the fourth sector:
Year ... we meet, see off the year ...,
We will live in friendship, in harmony, for the sake of happiness and ... (love).

Fun "New Year's quiz"
Leading. Thanks for the friendly replies. And now we will identify a leader among men in each sector. Why men? Because historically it so happened that the main character of the New Year holidays is a representative of the male half of humanity. And identifying leaders is not easy, but very simple.
My question and your answer
However, that's the whole secret.

The leader approaches the first sector.
v What unites the mountain road and the celebration of the New Year? (serpentine.)
v Reserve question: What is the name of the carnival costume in the form of a long cloak with a hood? (Domino.)

The leader approaches the second sector.
v Under what sign of the zodiac is the New Year celebrated? (Capricorn.)
v Reserve question: What costume did the hare dress up in the New Year's series of the cartoon "Well, you wait!"? (Santa Claus costume.)

The leader approaches the third sector.
v Which city is declared the official homeland of the Russian New Year's grandfather? (Great Ustyug.)
v Reserve question: What period of time did the heroine of Lyudmila Gurchenko sing in the movie "Carnival Night"?
(Five minutes.)

The leader approaches the fourth sector.
v Who is the author of the opera "The Snow Maiden"? (Rimsik-Korsakov.)
v Reserve question: What did Nadia, the heroine of the movie "Irony of Fate", give Hippolyta for the New Year? (Electric shaver.)

Men who answered correctly, one from each sector, the presenter invites to the center of the hall.

Leading. Dear leaders, it will depend on you which New Year's grandfather of which continent you will personify.

Fun "New Year's Continental Swindle"
The leader from the table on the left takes a tray with four caskets.

Leading. Take one box at a time... The next contest, called "New Year's Continental Swindle", is very simple. There are 12 balls in the boxes in your hands. They need to be inflated as quickly as possible with the help of the players in your sectors. As soon as all 12 balloons are inflated, you get up together and lift the balloons up. No questions? Then go ahead!

Music sounds, balloons are inflated, the host is closely watching who can do it faster. There is one feature that is required: there are 12 balls in each box; in the first box there are red balls; in the second - green; in the third - black; in the fourth - blue and yellow.

Leading. In this competition, the green sector turned out to be the fastest of all, and therefore I decorate our Christmas tree with a green circle of large-sized confetti ...

On the Christmas tree, which is in the center, the presenter hangs a cardboard circle of the same color as the sector that won the "swindle".

Leading. So, dear leaders, by choosing one of the caskets with your own hands, you have determined the color of the continent, which will represent your gaming sector. Green is the color of Australia, red is the color of America, black is the color of Africa, and the combination of blue and yellow is the color of Eurasia. The moment has come to declare you the New Year grandfathers of your continents.
(Turning to the leader of the blue-yellow sector.) Our mother, Russia, occupies a large territory of Eurasia, so you will be Santa Claus.
(Turning to the leader of the red sector.) What is the name of the American New Year's grandfather? ... That's right, Santa Claus. You are about to become one.
(Turning to the leader of the green sector.) By the way, Santa Claus also dominates the days of New Year's celebrations in Australia, though there are more chances to meet him on the beach, because unlike his American counterpart, Australian Santa is fond of windsurfing. You will be the beach Santa Claus.
(Turning to the leader of the black sector.) Since New Year's grandfather came to Africa from Europe, we will conditionally call you Grandfather Heat, and the image of the leader of an African tribe will suit you best of all.

Fun "New Year's wardrobe for grandfathers"
The leader approaches the table on the right.
Leading. On this table are the attributes of New Year's grandfathers from four continents. You need to wear items of the New Year's wardrobe that are typical for your characters. So, if everything is clear to you, we are transforming!

Music sounds, leaders put on outfits. The presenter checks the correctness of the New Year's wardrobe. Santa Claus must wear a nose and a blue hat; American Santa Claus - bell and red cap; Australian Santa Claus - sunglasses and a green hat; Grandfather Heat - a headband with feathers and a ring earring in the ear. The winner is the one who did not mix up the items of his wardrobe.

Leading. I won the competition "New Year's wardrobe for grandfathers" ... Therefore, I put confetti of its color on our Christmas tree.

The leader places the mugs of the colors of the winners on the Christmas tree.

How many good grandfathers
Luxurious, generous, red-nosed
Beautiful, dignified, noble
We are congratulated: "Happy New Year!"

Fun "New Year's chants"
We continue the competition
The song contest is about to begin.
We sing about the Christmas tree, about the slender,
But everyone will sing in their own way.
In chorus, together we will sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." But:
- Americans will try to sing with an English accent;
- Australians, as tired by the hot sun;
- representatives of the black continent in the style of "rap" with snapping fingers;
- Eurasians with a scope inherent in the Russian soul.

Under the “minus one” soundtrack, the presenter holds a song contest and encourages the best sectors by decorating the Christmas tree with colored circles.

Leading. The celebration of the New Year's Eve is replete with a variety of customs and traditions. In Europe, and to be more precise, in Bulgaria, at the time of the New Year, the lights are turned off, and everyone kisses whoever wants to. In England, there is a custom "kissing branch". And in Australia, New Year's Eve is called "kissing time." Dear grandfathers, I ask you to determine from the representatives of your continents one young man and one girl.

Four couples are determined, whom the leader invites to the center of the hall.

Leading. What is a kiss, you know. What does kissing mean? If you are kissed on the lips, then you are loved; if on the cheek - respect; if in the hand, they bow before you. Dear friends, stand in pairs in a circle and hold hands. Now it's time for you to kiss. As the music starts, you will pass the kiss in a circle. Only boys kiss girls on the hand, and girls kiss boys on the cheek. At the moment the music stops, the couple who did not have time to pass the kiss are eliminated from the competition. Are you ready, music.

Music plays with stops, couples pass kisses. But with every pause in the music, the steam gets smaller. The game goes to the last pair. Color - the winner is added to the Christmas tree.

Fun "Ritual dances"

Leading. In Africa, on New Year's holidays, villagers gather for ritual dances and races on all fours with an egg in their mouths. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first and does not break the shell. Eggs are considered a symbol of life here. Dear grandfathers Frost, Heat and Santa Claus, I again ask you to appoint two representatives of your countrymen for ritual dances ...

Eight participants are determined, each of them is tied to the ankles of both legs with a balloon.

Leading. The most ancient New Year's dance is a round dance. Therefore, we stand in a circle and dance round dances. But there is one feature. If you remember, in African New Year's races, the winner is the one who keeps the shell intact. So. During the round dance, the music can stop and only at this moment you can crush the neighbor's balls, while not forgetting to save your own. But, as soon as the music begins to sound, we continue to dance. If everything is clear, I ask for music ...

A game is being played: when the music sounds, the participants dance, when the music stops, everyone crushes the balls, trying to save their own. Who has the balls survived - the winners and their colors are added to the Christmas tree.

Fun "Shoe"

Leading. In America and Europe, on the eve of the New Year, children leave their shoes by the fireplace, hoping that Santa Claus will leave holiday gifts in them at night. New Year's old men, here's a child's shoe for you, but I only have one. You pass it from hand to hand, but at the same time leave your New Year's present there, from what you have at hand. In this competition, help, alas, is not allowed. Whoever has nothing to put in a shoe is out of the game. Getting started…

Grandfathers pass the slipper, leaving “presents” in it, whoever spends money is eliminated. Grandfather-winner brings another colored circle to the Christmas tree.

Fun "New Year's bells"

Leading. In Central America, as soon as the clock strikes midnight, all the sirens and bells begin to ring deafeningly. Before the final summing up, it is time to arrange a deafening New Year's bell ringing.

(The host goes to the 1st sector.)
You will play the part of the big bell, ringing preferably low, booming and slow: “Boo-um! Boo-u-um!". Rehearsing…

(The host goes to the 2nd sector.)
You have a middle bell part, your sound is higher and shorter: “Bim-bom! Beam-bom! Trying...

(The host goes to the 3rd sector.)
Your part is the part of a small bell, the sound is even higher and more frequent: “Bam! bam! bam! Bam! So…

(The host goes to the 4th sector.)
You also got a batch of bells, the sound is the highest and most frequent: “La-la! La-la! La-la! La-la! Picture...

So, attention! The big bell begins to sound... The middle bell enters... The small bell connects... And ringing bells pour in...

Each sector performs its part - this is the bell ringing.

Leading. Stop! Thanks! This celebratory bell announced the end of our program. Let's summarize.

The host counts the colored confetti. The winners become the owners of a large bag of sweets. Silver medalist - the owner of a medium bag of sweets. Two bronze medalists - owners of small sweet bags.

Leading. (Sings to the motive of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”)
How many different grandfathers
Cheerful, mischievous,
They come to us for the New Year.
Oh, how we look forward to them!
Santa Claus is coming
And Santa Clauses
And also Grandfather Heat -
What good fellows!
Thank you, let's say to them, friends,
Thanks! No problem!
After all, in the New Year without them it is impossible,
Thank you to everyone!
Santa Claus! - Thanks!
Santa Claus! - Thanks!
Grandpa Heat! - Thanks!
New Year's grandfathers of the whole earth! - Thanks!
Thank you too, dear friends!
May it be a good and glorious New Year!


Winter Ball.
(Santa Claus comes out)
Santa Claus:
Whoa! I'm coming! I'm in a hurry!
Hello my friends!
From their dense forests
I have been coming here for a long time!
Have a nice holiday here!
I see our guests are waiting.
Well, first you need to warm up!
Everybody is dancing! (dance block 2-3 songs)
Santa Claus:
Ouch! I'm really bored dancing alone!
I would like to find the Snow Maiden somewhere -
Complicated, okay
So that the face is nothing and the figure is good!
Goth girl: I will! (runs to Santa Claus)
Emo Girl: No...! I will, take me, look at me! (have a fight)
Santa Claus: Girls, girls, let's not quarrel!
Goth girl: Why not?
Emo girl: Look at her face!!!
Goth girl: Do I have a face??? Yes, I have a squared face!
Santa Claus: Oh, girls, you will be my spare Snow Maiden. You pick up a snow maiden for me from the auditorium!
(They call two Snow Maidens, music sounds - Dance with Santa Claus)
Santa Claus: Ooh, they warmed me up so much that I almost melted!!! What do we have in the script? Ah, yes! Exactly! To hell with the script, let's call the Snow Maiden, otherwise I'm bored alone! (throws the script, a cigarette and calls the Snow Maiden ...)
Snow Maiden: I'm going, I'm going!!! Hello my dear guests, well, those who are cheaper, hello too! Good evening girls and boys! Hello you too! Granddad…! Freezing…! How is your mood?
Santa Claus: Oh ... well, granddaughter!
Snow Maiden: I see, did you like it, old one, with our guests?
Santa Claus: Oh, how I liked it!
Snow Maiden: Tell me, have you forgotten about the gifts? Did you give everything?
Santa Claus: Gifts ... NO!
Snow Maiden: WHY???
Santa Claus: And what is it so immediately and for free! I want them to play with us!
Snow Maiden: Ahhh ... Come on!
(a competition is held: 3 girls, 1 boy - a rope ...)
Santa Claus: Well, now everyone is dancing! (dance block 2-3 songs)
Snow Maiden: The second competition is announced: "Balloon Popping" (2 boys, 2 girls)
Snow Maiden: And now let's have a good time! (dance block 4-5 songs)
Santa Claus: We danced and that's enough, there's nothing to just fool around with! Let's hold now the competition "Bottle" (6 girls and 6 boys)
Santa Claus: Within 4-5 songs, we come up and write the names of the King and Queen of our New Year's Ball.
(dance block 5-6 songs)
Snow Maiden: (announces the King and Queen of the ball). And now we have a dance of the King and Queen of the ball! (dance block 5-6 songs)
Snow Maiden: And we, with our wonderful, kind and cheerful Santa Claus ...
Santa Claus: And with our sweet and lovely Snow Maiden, we congratulate you on the Coming New Year!
Snow Maiden: We wish you all the best. May all your dreams and desires come true!!!
Together: Happy New Year 2014!
Snow Maiden: And now we’re off until the end of the ball! (dance block)

(Scenario of a youth ball).

The hall is festively decorated. In the center of the room is a tree. It stands on a large hemisphere, on the surface of which the contours of continents and oceans are plotted. A sham, brightly painted palace was installed. It houses the Disco Leader.
Cheerful music sounds. Leading, dressed in fancy dress, walk around the hall. They hand out badges with the image of Santa Claus to the guests. On the badge is the number that is needed to participate in the "Merry Mail"

Description of the game "FUN MAIL":
There is a table in the hall, on which lies pre-prepared pieces of paper and pencils. Any participant in the ball can write a “message” to another participant and pass it on to the postman. Postmen take letters only with indication of return numbers.

The guests have gathered. The music subsides.

HOST: Good evening!
New Year's Eve,
Like a snowflake, light and short-lived!
Waiting in all houses to meet you,
Rejoicing, meet on the threshold.

LEADING: Attention! The time has come
Open New Year's ball!
Calling the calling sound of the signal
Guests in an elegant bright room
Smiling faces,
Light flows in the eyes of happiness -
Come to us to have fun
We are New Year's greetings.
Here is the first waltz already sounds -
The lights are shining. Ball is open!

(The leader of the disco takes the floor. There is a dance program of 2 dances.)

HOST: With round dances of sparkling snow, lace of frost on the branches of birches,
blue transparent ice on the rivers, with piercingly bright short sunsets, winter came. And along with the beautiful winter, one of the most wonderful holidays comes to us - the New Year, the holiday of hope, the triumph of dreams, the fulfillment of desires, the holiday of gifts and surprises.

LEADING: Let's start with gifts. Pay attention to the ceiling. To him
Attached is a large box with the inscription "Surprise Ball". Whoever guesses what is in the box will receive it along with a surprise.

(The presenter helps the participants with leading questions. The prize draw is underway.)

HOST: Friends, by your joyful faces, cheerful mood, I see that you are well prepared for the New Year's ball. Wonderful costumes and mysterious masks flicker everywhere. Soon Santa Claus will arrive at the ball, and believe me, he is the best connoisseur of New Year's fashion. Santa Claus will determine the owner of the most elegant, most fabulous costume that makes its owner unrecognizable, and will present the main prize of our masquerade ball.

(The program continues with a small dance block, during which the hosts distribute inflatable balloons of 2 colors to the dancers, for example, red for boys, yellow for girls.
Proverbs and sayings are written on small pieces of paper. The beginning of the proverb is on one sheet, the end is on the other .. The leaflet with the first part of the proverb is embedded, for example, in a red ball, with the end in yellow. When the leaves are inserted, the balloons are inflated and tied. At the command of the host: "Salute!" all at the same time pierce their balls and take out leaflets with texts from them.
Each young man must find among the girls the one who will have the second part of his proverb. The couple who made up their proverb first are rewarded with souvenirs.
One dance composition sounds.)

LEADING: Friends! Your ability to dance is beyond doubt. I think that the time has come to invite those without whom there is no New Year's ball.
Let's invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden together.

(Participants call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. They solemnly enter the hall.)

SANTA CLAUS: We meet joyfully today
Merry Christmas holiday.
And let everyone be closer together
Fun, dancing, games, laughter!

Throws serpentine and confetti into the hall.

SNOW MAIDEN: Put on your masks
Start dancing together.
To call everyone to fun
New Year's carnival!

(Dance block.)

SANTA CLAUS: Now let's find out which of you
In fun games, the most dexterous!

(In the hall, two small artificial fir trees are installed on stands. The distance between them is 1-1.5 m.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Imagine that there are only a few minutes left before the New Year, and these Christmas trees have not yet been decorated. Perhaps there will be two dexterous people in the hall who will quickly dress them up. The one whose tree looks prettier will win a prize.

(Those who wish are there. Toys made of cardboard, papier-mâché, cotton wool are laid out on tables 5-6 steps from the Christmas trees.)

SNOW MAIDEN: But my mission is not easy. There was a short circuit in the room where your Christmas tree stands and you will have to decorate it in the dark.

(The Snow Maiden blindfolds the participants in the competition.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Perhaps someone will hang their toys on a nearby Christmas tree, but the competition is still won by the one whose Christmas tree is more elegant.

(The game “DRESS THE CHRISTMAS” is underway. It is followed by a dance block of 2 songs.)

SANTA CLAUS: Come on, come on! Who wants to win a prize?

(In the hall, scales are installed above them with the inscription “lucky weight - 96 kg.)

SANTA CLAUS: Everything is very simple. Stand on the scales, if your weight matches the lucky weight - 96 kg., you will become the owner of the prize.

Santa Claus holds his own competition. The winner is awarded a prize.

SNOW MAIDEN: Now hurry up
play the lottery,
Because in the lottery
You can experience happiness!

(Several series of tickets have been prepared for the lottery (twenty numbers each, their number can be adjusted depending on the number of people present at the ball). The Disguised Host depicts an organ grinder. The organ grinder is replaced by a colorfully painted box. A cutout for a hand is made in its upper cover.
The organ grinder pulls out lottery tickets from the box and hands them to the guests. Plays the lottery Snegurochka. She announces the title of the episode and takes out a card from a spinning drum that says "Father's Generosity". Cards are made of thick paper, folded into a tube. The holder of the ticket with the named number receives the main prize, and the holders of the remaining numbers receive consolation prizes.
For example, the Snow Maiden says:
– “We play the series “Hello, Winter!” Ticket holders of this series approach the stage.
The Snow Maiden takes card No. 7 from the drum. The one who has a similar ticket receives the main prize - a Santa Claus doll, the rest - a pine cone.)

Bon appetit series.
The main prize - a children's kitchen set, the rest - for drying.

Series "Zoological".
The main prize is a teddy bear toy, the rest - a candy each.

Series "Love the theater".
The main prize is two tickets to the theater, the rest - theater posters.

Series "Cleanliness is the key to health."
The main prize is a bath broom, the rest - a toothbrush.

Series "It's necessary for everyone."
The main prize - a doorknob, the rest - a large nail.

"Remember Me" Series.
The main prize is a postal set, the rest - a pencil.

"Don't be late" series.
The main prize is an alarm clock, the rest - a toy clock.

Series "New Year at the Gates".
The main prize is a calendar, the rest - a small calendar.

Series “To keep the body and soul young”.
The main prize - a mirror, the rest - a piece of toilet soap.

(After the lottery - a dance block.
Beautifully decorated boxes are brought into the hall and placed in a conspicuous place. These are the gifts of the Fairy of Joy. Those wishing to receive a gift must answer one of the following questions:
What is the name of Santa Claus in Germany (or some other country)?
(Santa Claus).
Since what year is the New Year celebrated in Russia?
(since 1699).
When does the new millennium begin?
(since January 2001.)
Who wrote the wonderful fairy tale about the granddaughter of Santa Claus?
(A.N. Ostrovsky).
The mini quiz is over, the gift boxes have been handed out.

SANTA CLAUS: Each box contains various items.
You will see them now. (For example, one contains a toy guitar and a shawl, another contains an accordion and a Russian shirt, the third contains a spear and a drum, etc.) For each of these sets, a corresponding phonogram has been selected. After opening the box, you must perform a dance or musical number using the set of items you got. Thus, your numbers will make up the program of an impromptu concert.
While you're getting ready, we'll dance.

(After the dance block, the participants of the impromptu concert show their numbers. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden give them prizes.)

SNOW MAIDEN: I think, Santa Claus, it's time to choose the owner of the best costume.

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden approach the participant in the most beautiful costume and reward him with a memorable gift. The disco host announces a dance in his honor.)

SANTA CLAUS: Thank you friends! It's time for us to leave. Saying goodbye, I want to once again congratulate you on the New Year.

SNOW MAIDEN: Happy New……. year!

SANTA CLAUS: We wish you a lot of happiness, joy, smiles and songs!

SNOW MAIDEN: May every month, day and hour of the New Year bring you good and good!

SANTA CLAUS: May a streamy spring come to you after a severe snowstorm. May great success come to you with hard work.

SNOW MAIDEN: Let the merry summer warm the earth with the sun! Let friendship warm you! Let love warm!

SANTA CLAUS: Let there be a beautiful autumn full of golden leaves! May your home be full of happiness, smiles and songs!

SNOW MAIDEN: And then the snow carousel will spin again, the lights of the Christmas trees will sparkle and you will say to each other: “Happy New Year, friends! With new happiness!"

SANTA CLAUS: We know it will!

SNOW MAIDEN: We know that everything you dream of will come true. We believe he will be happy - the upcoming New Year!

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden leave the hall. The dance block continues.)

HOST: Dear friends! Our meeting has come to an end. We say goodbye to you and wish you all the most beautiful and unique.

LEADING: Let the star of your youth burn brighter, bring with it purity and joy of love, faith and hope in all the best and kindest. Happiness to you!

(The final waltz sounds.)

Education Committee - Administration of the city district of Podolsk

Municipal preschool educational institution

Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 51 "Solnyshko"

"New Year's ball"

holiday scenario

for older children

Compiled and hosted by:

Musical director

Highest qualification category

Kamenskaya Oksana Alexandrovna


create for children an atmosphere of magic, mystery, mystery, New Year's mood.


    to develop in children communicative qualities, artistic abilities;

    attract children to participate in the New Year's holiday;

    cultivate a desire to do good.

Material and equipment: electronic media, notes, snowballs, panicles-2 pcs., a bag with gifts, a rope, costumes of heroes.


Leading- adult

minutes– girls

dolls– girls

Hussars– boys


chocolates– girls

Snow Maiden- adult

Santa Claus- adult

(Music sounds run in for five minutes - girls)

1st minute.

Let us in, let us in the hall

And then we raise a scandal.

What are the tickets?

We don't have tickets.

2nd minute.

We are New Year's minutes

We love laughter and jokes.

People save minutes

The whole year is made up of minutes.

3rd minute.

The old year ends

Good, good year

We won't be sad

After all, a new one will come to us!

4th minute

And we are looking forward to a cheerful fight of hours.

5th minute.

A wonderful day is coming

The New Year is coming to us!

Feast of laughter and fun

Fairy tale holiday for children!

(Children run into the hall to the music)


Our dear guests!

We hasten to congratulate everyone!

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you!

May all good people

Not afraid of worries

It will not just be new,

And Happy New Year!

So let's say together

Everything: Hello, hello New Year!

    Song about New Year

1 child:

We've been waiting for this holiday

When will he come

Our glorious, our elegant,

Happy New Year!

Child 1

What kind of guest came to us

As if winter came with her?

There is no forest, but it smells like a forest,

There is no snow, but it smells like snow.

Who is she?

Children. Forest tree!

Child 2

We can't take a look

To the beauty of the forest

Wonderfully decorated,

Where else can you find one like this?

Child 3

It's time for fun and laughter

And we all gathered here

And the tree here will be lit for us,

Let's just tell her...

Everything. Light up!

Child 4

flags and toys,

Gifts on her

Silver frost hung;

Let the tree burn in millions of lights

Let's tell her:

Everything. Light up!

The garland on the Christmas tree lights up.

2. Round dance "Herringbone-beauty" (music by G. Levkodimov)

(Children sit down).

presenter- And now let's read poetry to our Christmas tree.

3. Poems about the Christmas tree (3-4)


They say on New Year's Eve

What you don't want

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

They may even say

All desires come true.

It is only necessary, they say,

Put in the effort.

(Music sounds. Dolls and hussars run out)

1 doll:

We are beautiful dolls

We love to dance so much.

2 doll:

Hussars guard us

When we go to bed.

1 hussar:

We are remote hussars,

Bold, dashing,

We guard the dolls here.

We even have a sword.

2 hussars:

Hussars are brave heroes,

In battle, always only ahead.

And the enemy will not dare to pass,

When the hussars are on the way.

3 hussars:

He is called a hussar

Who does not fight with kids.

Who is educated and healthy

Ready to help everyone.

4 hussars:

Who does not shed tears

For every little thing

For all your actions

He answers himself.

3 doll:

Now under this tree

The magic will happen

4 doll:

We will all dance in a circle,

How good it is!

4. Dance of the hussars and puppets.

Leading - Here are miracles!

Miracle, miracle appear.

Fairy tale, fairy tale show!

(Music sounds with the song, the Snow Maiden enters)

Snow Maiden

I came to you from a winter fairy tale,
I'm all snow, silver,

My friends are frost and frost,
I love everyone, good to everyone!
Oh, how many children -

Both girls and boys!

Hello, here I am
The Snow Maiden has come to you.


Snow Maiden, girl, Hello, we are happy !!!

We've been waiting for you, look at the outfits!

And you dressed up, that's just one?

Snow Maiden:
I arrived a little before Frost.
My grandfather told me to play with you,
So that you don’t get bored waiting for your grandfather.

Ah, wise Frost!
After all, we love to play!

5. The game "What hangs on the Christmas tree"

The Snow Maiden names various objects. If the children decide that this item can hang on the Christmas tree, they clap together and say “Yes!”. If the object is not a New Year's decoration, then the children stomp and say "No!".

Snow Maiden:

Cotton bunnies?

Chocolate bars?

Red lanterns?


Beads? Flappers?

Old pillows?

Wrinkled newspapers?

Tasty candy?

Snow Maiden.

Oh, carnival, amazing ball!

How many friends did you gather for the holiday!

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing,

All miracles are still ahead.


And yet, Snow Maiden,

Without Santa Claus, snowflakes don't fly.

Without Santa Claus, the patterns do not shine.

Without Santa Claus and Christmas trees do not burn.

And there is no fun for the guys without Frost.

Snow Maiden.

New year came today

All the people are having fun.

Let the New Year's holiday

Santa Claus is coming!

Let's call Santa Claus!

(Children call Santa Claus. Music sounds. Santa Claus enters)

Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Both the Snow Maiden and I congratulate you, friends!

Snow Maiden.

Congratulations, congratulations

We wish you to be healthy!

Santa Claus.

Only joy and laughter

Only happiness and success!

And to sing for a whole year,

Start a round dance!

6. Round dance "Christmas tree-sorceress".

Leading- Grandfather is tired, tired!

How merrily he danced!

Let the tree rest.

Who will read poetry to him?

7. Poems (3-4)

Santa Claus:

And now after the verses

Who is ready to sing for me?

Leading- Grandfather, get up and perform movements to the song.

8. The song "We've been waiting for you for so long, Grandpa"

Santa Claus It is white in the yard, all the blades of grass are covered,

All paths all the way, you can’t go to kindergarten!

Guys, help, clear the snow from the tracks.

9. Attraction “Collect snowballs with a whisk”

Santa Claus

Well, guys, well done, had fun from the heart,

And now it's time to say goodbye, go on the road.


Santa Claus, wait, wait, oh, what a cunning you are,

Haven't you forgotten anything?

Santa Claus:

No, I sang songs, read poetry, I played with you.

Oh, I didn’t give you candy!

Lollipops and chocolates, don't play hide and seek with me.

Come out to dance, to amuse our guys!

(Lollipops and chocolates run out)

lollipops- We are lollipops!

chocolates We are chocolates!

Together- Look at us guys!

Chocolate 1
We were wrapped in candy wrappers
Shiny and bright.
We tied bows.
We are very, very sweet!

Chocolate 2
Can't be without sweets
New Year's Eve
To take us as a gift -
We dreamed a lot!

Lollipop 1
We are decent lollipops
From fairyland
We have sweet shirts
And sweet pants!

Lollipop 2
We have raisin eyes
And a sideways hat!
Dancing at our Christmas tree
We can all day!

10. Polka of sweets.


Santa Claus, your gifts have come to life. And the guys want delicious, sweet candies to eat.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, what about gifts?

Santa Claus: Oh, I completely forgot!

Snow Maiden:

What are we going to do now? Will the children be left without gifts? Grandpa, you are a magician! Think of something!

Santa Claus: Bring me the magic rope! (The host gives the rope)

Santa Claus: Now I'll show you the magic! (Santa Claus throws a rope out the door. 1. The first time it comes across is a mitten.

2.Second time - one gift.

3.Third time - a heavy bag with the rest of the gifts.

Santa Claus

Yes, the bag is mine!

On it the knot is not simple! ( trying to untie the knot

Oh oh oh! Uh-huh!

I can't untie!

Come on, blow harder! (children blow)

Knot, untie it quickly! (gift giving)

Santa Claus

Well friends, it's time to say goodbye

Gather on the road.

We're leaving, we've got to go!

Goodbye, kids!

Happy New Year!

Be happy always!

Snow Maiden

May good luck and luck

Each of you will come!

And we are with Santa Claus

We'll be back in a year!

Santa Claus

Well, now it's time for us with the Snow Maiden! See you soon, kids!

Happy New Year!


Grandpa, and a photo for memory?

Santa Claus