Stiff heels cause. Simple ways to treat rough and dry heels

Experts note that the coarsening of the skin is a natural process associated with age-related characteristics of the human body. As a rule, such a problem occurs after forty years, when metabolic processes slow down a bit. You need to eat right and stay healthy. There are times when dryness of the skin develops even at a younger age, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism and the conditions of existence. The problem may occur for the following reasons:

  • Wrong shoes. A person feels severe discomfort while walking;
  • Excess weight, which creates an additional load on the feet;
  • Deficiency of the mineral and vitamin complex in the human body. In particular zinc and vitamins A, E;
  • Work associated with constant loads on the feet;
  • Violation of foot care;
  • Climatic conditions, increased dryness of the surrounding air.

In addition to all this, some diseases can also be causes:

  • Any stage of diabetes;
  • Psoriasis;
  • fungal infection;
  • Eczema;
  • Pathology of the thyroid glands.

2 What danger lies in dry heels

In addition to a cosmetic problem, skin roughness can provoke the development of cracks, and this is already dangerous for humans. If the problem is started, then such a condition of the legs causes discomfort and pain while walking. In addition, concomitant pathology develops in the form of dermatitis and inflammatory processes. A more severe form can cause a condition where limb amputation is required.

3 What to do

First you need to understand what causes dry skin. If the irritant is shoes, then it needs to be changed to another one that will not cause discomfort while walking. But if the main cause is an internal disruption of the body, then this is very serious. This development of events indicates the appearance of the disease. It is necessary to contact your doctor so that he conducts a complete examination and prescribes treatment.

4 Cosmetic procedures

At the first manifestations of dry skin, various emollient creams can be used. Thanks to them, the skin will not only receive nutrients and vitamins, but will also become a little softer. Experts recommend using creams after water procedures, when the skin of the heels is not so rough.

Experts recommend a procedure such as physical peeling. This is the scraping of hardened epithelium from the surface of the skin. This procedure is carried out at home using a simple pumice stone. Of course, you can contact a beauty parlor to a specialist, but this is an extra waste of money and time.

A popular method is chemical peeling - this procedure is carried out with the help of medications and special patches. Such a complex allows you to dissolve an unnecessary layer of the skin. After the procedure, a person receives clean skin, prevention of cracks.

5 Folk remedies

You can also cure dry heels with the help of folk remedies. Now there are a large number of recipes and procedures that allow you to get rid of dry heels and get excellent results.

You can make an apple compress. To prepare it, you need to take a small amount of green apples and grate on a fine grater. Apply the prepared mixture to the affected area of ​​​​the skin and put on socks. This procedure is recommended to be done at night, when a person is resting, and nothing will interfere with the metabolic process.

An equally interesting method is slurry based on a banana. To prepare it, you should take a small amount of fruit and knead thoroughly. Apply to the skin and wait 20 minutes. During this time, the skin will receive nutrients and soften a little. All this is recommended to be done after water procedures. Then rinse everything with warm water and wipe thoroughly. Use a soft towel to wipe.

Honey is considered one of the healthiest foods. Based on it, you can prepare a large number of effective remedies for various diseases. To improve the condition of the skin of the heels, you need to add honey to the bath, apply to the skin and make compresses.

6 Preventive measures

To prevent dry heels, you need to follow a few rules:

  • During the appearance of the first symptoms, do not comb the problem area, it is better to apply a cold compress. If the skin is damaged, there is a risk of infection;
  • Regularly take water treatments. It is desirable that the water is not hot, but a little warm. It is also not recommended to use fragrant soaps and foams in large quantities. They can cause discomfort when they get into cracks;
  • Do not make sudden movements while rubbing the skin. It is better to use a soft towel that will not irritate the skin;
  • Regularly carry out moisturizing procedures, nourish the skin. This will not only soften the skin, but also prevent further occurrence of the problem;
  • Choose shoes so that there is no feeling of discomfort. You should not buy cheap products, because they are made of low-quality materials;
  • If you have allergies, carefully choose cosmetics, shoes and other products.

7 Conclusion

Getting rid of dry heels is not difficult, the main thing is to understand what is the cause of this problem. A complete treatment for dry heels can take several weeks.

Dry heels are a common problem that causes discomfort, tightness, itching, and deterioration of the appearance of the skin. To restore the softness, smoothness and health of the legs, it is necessary to provide gentle care.

When the skin on the foot begins to dry, peel off, this indicates a deficiency in the body of useful substances, vitamins. In women, this is due to hormonal imbalances. In adulthood, rough epidermis appears as a result of menopause. You need to find out the cause of the problem in order to permanently get rid of it.

Medical factors:

  • eczema;
  • fungus of the skin and nails;
  • negative reaction to taking medications;
  • psoriasis;
  • stress and nervous strain;
  • allergic reactions;
  • avitaminosis.

Not always an unpleasant symptom provokes a disease, often a crack, rough callus, roughness appear due to improper care and external negative factors:

  1. Dry indoor air.
  2. Lack of fluid.
  3. Acclimatization.
  4. Poor quality, uncomfortable shoes.
  5. chlorinated water.

Which vitamin deficiency leads to dryness?

If there are no visible health and care problems, and rough heels do not allow you to live normally, the reasons are beriberi. Deficiency of a number of trace elements, vitamins occurs against the background of malnutrition, prolonged illness or dehydration.

  1. Vitamins of group B. Necessary for the proper functioning of the circulatory system, muscle tissue, are responsible for hydration, nutrition, regenerative processes in the skin. Barley, fish, yeast, soybeans, wheat, eggs, red meat, nuts will help replenish stocks.
  2. Vitamin A. An important component of the process of cell regeneration and water-lipid metabolism. If there is a lack of retinol, it looks inflamed, rough, the foot begins to crack, deep painful cracks appear. Treatment of dryness in the heel area is based on an increase in the amount of consumption of foods with this vitamin: carrots, liver, sour cream, fatty fish, parsley, cottage cheese, cabbage, vegetable oils.
  3. Vitamin E. In the people it is customary to call it the vitamin of female beauty and youth. With its lack, the processes of updating the upper layer slow down, and protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation decreases. Skin looks dull and dry. To make up for the deficiency, you need to eat liver, nuts, beans.

If the heel cracks badly, does not heal, you need to contact a medical facility. The dermatologist will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes.

Treatment methods at home

If the nutrition has already been established and the health of the body has been taken care of, it is known why and why dry skin appeared on the heels, it's time to treat the coarsened epidermis. This must be done using a variety of external means. A complex of baths, creams, ointments, compresses is used. Home care should be carried out regularly, in courses, until healing occurs, restoration of the skin.

Ointments and creams

The pharmacy offers a wide range of products to combat corns, hyperhidrosis, and roughness of the epidermis. The drugs most in demand among consumers are:

  1. 5 days. Promotes the healing of cracks in the heels, helps to remove the fetid odor, increased sweating of the feet. The drug is applied to cleansed, dried skin of the feet. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. There are contraindications: not recommended for high sensitivity to at least one of the components. People undergoing hormone therapy should consult with their doctor.
  2. Bepanten. The tool comes to the rescue when it is necessary to quickly heal wounds, accelerate regeneration and moisturize the skin. It has a wide range of applications, helps to soften neglected areas and prevents them from roughening up again. On sale you can find ointment, cream. Both options are effective, but the first treats, and the second is used for prevention.
  3. Sea wolf. Natural remedy for roughness and dryness. The composition includes minerals from the bottom of the sea, plants with a therapeutic effect in the form of extracts, algae, formic alcohol. The cream restores the limb, protects against the influence of negative factors, moisturizes, fights inflammation.

Scrubs and peeling of rough areas

Using folk experience, you can harm your feet. Carefully follow the recommendations, do not violate the proportions.

Using a razor to remove rough patches promotes the growth of new, denser skin. This threatens with inflammation. Pumice helps to remove roughness, but if it is rubbed roughly and for a long time, it can cause injury. Scrubs, peels on a natural basis will help to avoid dangerous consequences.

  1. Combine apple cider vinegar, almond oil, honey in a bowl. Each ingredient is added in 2 tsp. Enter a handful of ground rice. Mix until a paste. Carefully remove dead cells after steaming. Rinse, lubricate with a nourishing cream.
  2. Pour olive oil, 2 tsp honey into a cup. Soda is added to them in the same amount. Mix the mixture, rub with massage movements. Leave for a few minutes, remove with warm water.
  3. Grind aspirin 1 plate into powder and combine with a glass of vodka and 5 drops of iodine. Rub into the foot, leave for deep absorption for 20 minutes. Recommended for daily use.
  4. Oat flakes 20 gr. grind, combine with aloe juice and brown sugar, 2 tbsp each. Add olive oil and honey to the mass, 1 tsp each. Rub thoroughly for a few minutes, let dry, rinse.

Baths and compresses

Baths are effective procedures in the general caring complex. Masks and creams are best applied after steaming.

  • Pour boiling water over chamomile herb, leave for 30 minutes. Pour into a bowl, lower your legs. The foot should be in hot water for 20 minutes. After the time is up, dry the skin, apply a moisturizing composition.
  • Pour 30 ml of acetic malic acid into the water, lower your feet into it. The bath is taken for 20 minutes, after which each leg is rinsed and moistened. The recipe helps in the fight against fungus.
  • Sea salt 20 gr. dissolves in heated water, feet are lowered into it. Steam 15 minutes. Then rinse, treat with cream.

A compress can help in the most difficult situation. It softens the skin, eliminates the cause of dry heels, acting on the deep layers.

  • Combine hydrogen peroxide and warm water in a ratio of 1:5. Dip a gauze cloth in the solution, apply to the heels. Remove after 2 hours. Hydrogen has a beneficial effect on the problem area, does not allow it to dry out, crack.
  • Boil oatmeal in a saucepan, add flaxseed oil to it. Place the finished mass in cellophane bags, lower the feet there. Put socks on top. The mask should act for at least 2 hours. Remove with warm water, smear with fat cream.

Possible complications and contraindications

If you do not carry out a professional pedicure on time or do not take care of your feet at home, you can face serious problems in the future. In the absence of proper care, the skin on the foot begins to burst, causing discomfort and pain when walking. Cracks appear in which a dangerous bacterium can penetrate and cause serious inflammation, infection.

Particular caution should be exercised in people with diabetes. Ignoring the problem can lead to limb amputation - first a person loses a finger, then a foot. With this disease, it is necessary to constantly be under medical supervision. Treatment is selected by a doctor, any prescription can complicate the situation.

Contraindications to treatment are pregnancy, thyroid pathology, when the use of baths and various compresses can provoke complications.

When the heels begin to dry, a person has itching, peeling, and a burning sensation. With insufficient attention to the symptom, you can get unpleasant consequences in the form of cracks on the heels and calluses covering the foot, finger. To restore health, beauty to the legs, it is necessary to show perseverance, patience. Regular daily procedures with natural ingredients, treatment with ointments will restore the skin, return it to its former softness. A set of measures will help in the fight against coarseness, and preventive measures will prevent the skin from drying out and cracking.

Always and in all respects, we want to look perfect. And the question: how to get rid of and what to do so that dry rough heels become smooth and tender - sooner or later it can occur in every person and at any age.

And if for women the priority is the aesthetic side of the issue, then for men - practicality. After all, the rough, cracked skin of the heels causes a certain discomfort, prevents you from moving freely and working, it’s only convenient, except to scratch the other leg with your heel 🙂

Why do you still need to take care of your heels?

Constant heel care affects the general condition of the body - all nerve endings are concentrated there. Well-cleaned and well-groomed heels after a thorough massage make you feel much better.

In any case, smooth well-groomed heels are comfortable, practical and beautiful!

As life practice shows, the problem of dry heels is most relevant in the summer, when the skin of the foot is open and not protected from external influences of atmospheric conditions, street dust and direct contact with shoes. Although in some cases, the heels remain dry and rough all year round.

Causes of dry heels

  1. Excess weight. It is the primary cause of dry heels, since it is they that bear the main load from body weight, which leads to constant deformation of the skin and cell death, that is, to its dryness and flaking, and in the future, if nothing is done, to the appearance of cracks .
  1. Wrong care. The open skin of the feet, especially in summer, is exposed to the external environment, which requires careful daily care: healing, nutrition and moisturizing. While overuse of antibacterial soaps and chlorinated water can also lead to dry feet and rough heels.
  1. uncomfortable shoes. Comfortable well-being of the legs can only be felt under the condition of natural, loose shoes. Tight, moreover, polyvinyl chloride shoes interfere with normal air exchange and blood circulation, lead to sweating of the feet, the formation of calluses and foot fungus.
  1. Presence of a fungus. A fungal infection also provokes dry feet, rough heels and constant itching. In addition, a change in the relief and color of the nail plate already indicates the presence of a fungus. In such cases, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist and take a course.
  1. Other external factors. Rough heels and dry rough skin of the feet can be the result of frostbite, the lack of an optimal microclimate in the room, periodic walks without shoes, the body's reaction to a sharp change in climate, and skin diseases such as:
  • dermatitis, allergies, scarlet fever
  • psoriasis, eczema, erythoderm
  • peeling skin syndrome and others.

Dry heels can also be triggered by internal factors, that is, by some types of diseases, mainly these are:

  • disruption of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus
  • work of the digestive system
  • metabolic processes in the body
  • iron deficiency anemia, that is, a lack of hemoglobin - leads to oxygen starvation
  • deficiency of minerals and vitamins A and E
  • reaction to certain types of drugs
  • nervous exhaustion of the body, due to depression or constant stress.

In such cases, conventional care procedures are ineffective. It is recommended to seek help from specialists and undergo a course of treatment. When the cause is removed, the effect will also go away.

How to take care of rough heels?

The desired results can be achieved immediately if you carefully follow certain rules of therapy, which include a set of procedures such as:

steam baths. They activate blood circulation and air exchange, ideally steam and soften dry skin of the feet, rough heels, improve the condition of nails. That allows you to gently and painlessly remove the stratum corneum of the skin, nourish and moisturize it. To do this, you can use a pumice stone, a finely abrasive nail file or scrubs.

Baking soda bath for rough heels

Perfectly softens and disinfects the skin. Add one to two tablespoons of baking soda to three liters of warm water. Dip the feet (above the ankle) for 15-20 minutes. Keep the water temperature warm enough and comfortable by constantly adding hot water.

Bath with decoctions of herbs for dry heels

Prepare a rich decoction of two or three types of dried herbs. Suitable: chamomile, lemon balm and mint, calendula, nettle and sage, string and in small quantities - celandine. Pour three tablespoons of dry herbs with a liter of boiling water. Let it steep for 30-40 minutes, then dilute with hot water to a comfortable temperature. Herbal decoctions have an antiseptic, antibacterial and soothing effect, soften rough heels well and nourish the skin.

Bath with salt from dry heels

Take three to four tablespoons of sea or regular table salt, add a tablespoon of any base oil for dry skin, mix thoroughly. Then dissolve the oiled salt (the oil does not float) in three liters of hot water. Dip your feet for 15-20 minutes, make sure that the water is always comfortable.

If there are cracks or fungus on the heels, prepare a more saturated 9-10% saline solution. (link) This concentration has excellent antiseptic, antibacterial and adsorbing properties, capable of removing pathogenic flora from various layers of the skin.

Bath with soap

With a large accumulation of keratinized dry cells on the heels, a hot bath with laundry or birch bark soap is suitable. Grate a small piece, and dissolve in three liters of water. Soak your feet for 20-25 minutes. Do not abuse this procedure, it can lead to dry skin of the foot.

Milk bath for dry feet

To treat yourself to such a bath, add a glass of milk and two or three tablespoons of natural honey to three liters of hot water. Water should not be higher than 40 degrees, as honey loses its properties. Lower your legs for 15-20 minutes.

After you have made a bath, carefully remove the steamed stratum corneum of the skin. Rinse with cool water and pat dry with a soft towel.

Nutrition for dry heel skin

After baths made according to one of the recipes, you can apply a fat or moisturizer that you usually use. Or any vegetable base oil: wheat germ and others. Massage your foot, heel and toes well.

For itching, add 7-8 drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of base oil. Apply to the skin of the foot, after treating it with hydrogen peroxide.

Masks for dry heels

Effectively nourish and moisturize the skin, applied immediately after water procedures. If you wish, you can make a healing mask according to one of the proposed recipes:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of candied honey and aloe juice. Apply to heels for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. Pound a third of the banana, add a little fat sour cream, treat the foot, rinse after 20 minutes.
  3. Grind a small onion, add a teaspoon of honey. Apply to heels, use paper for compresses, fix with a bandage, put on natural socks. Wash off after 40-60 minutes.
  4. Mix raw potato juice and vegetable oil in equal proportions, dip the bandage, then fix it all over the foot. Use warm socks. Wash off after an hour.

Scrubs for dry and rough heels

Periodically, you can pamper your feet with all kinds of scrubs that you use for the whole body. And you can cook and process dry heels immediately after a steam bath. These are simple but effective scrubs made from: sea salt, coffee, candied honey, and cornmeal with the addition of oils and fruit pulp.

Ointments and creams for cracks and rough heels

In the event that cracks appear on the heels, it is recommended to use budgetary, but time-tested means for their treatment:

  • Zinc ointment. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates unpleasant foot odor. Fights fungus, eliminates peeling of the skin. Apply immediately after a foot bath.
  • Salicylic ointment. It has an antiseptic effect and a wide range of applications, treats: fungi, burns, comedones, eczema. At home, you can mix salicylic acid, beeswax and paraffin in equal proportions. Before each use, melt the mixture and apply in 3-4 doses. Apply a bandage for several hours. Then wash off with warm soapy water. Blot water, apply a nourishing cream.
  • Balzamed. Formulated with oils and lactic acid to nourish, hydrate and soften dry heels. Not recommended for open wounds.
  • Doctor Biocon. Ideally selected composition of oils eliminates dryness, heals and restores the skin of the heels.
  • Radevit. Contains a wide range of nutrients that nourish the skin and repair cracks caused by vitamin deficiencies.
  • Cream Zorka. It is used to treat cracks in the cow's udder, softens the skin, eliminates dryness. It is applied to rough dry heels immediately after the bath. After 10 minutes after it has been absorbed, put on socks. The cream is used at night. It has a pungent odor.
  • Cream Healer. Contains a complex of active ingredients and urea. Softens the skin, eliminates pain symptoms, dryness and itching. It is also used at night, applied immediately after the bath.
  • Cream Gevol. Restores the protective functions of the skin, which provoke dry skin and rough heels. Softens and improves the elasticity of the skin of the feet.

Prevention is the best way to avoid dry heels

It must be understood that beautiful well-groomed heels require constant comprehensive care: warm water treatments, cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, massage.

Please use mild detergents. Avoid bubble baths and antibacterial soaps, which can dry out your skin even more.

At least for the duration of treatment, try to abandon synthetic socks, uncomfortable shoes and high heels.

When visiting the pool, be sure to have a second pair of shoes, try to nourish the skin of the feet with cream or oils as often as possible. After your stay at the sea, also take a course of procedures: salt water, sun and hot sand provoke dry skin and the appearance of cracks on the heels.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, go in for sports - this activates blood circulation and metabolism, improves the general background of the skin. Include as many vegetables, fruits, and oils as possible in your diet.

But first of all, try to take care of your health, exclude all diseases that provoke dry skin and rough heels.

Perhaps everyone has come across such a delicate problem as dry skin on the heels. If you do not pay attention to it in time and do not carry out a whole range of care and treatment procedures, this condition will only worsen. And then, the rough skin on the heels is also covered with cracks, which causes pain. And in this case, such a phenomenon is no longer just a cosmetic complication, but a symptom of a certain disease, such as foot fungus or diabetes.

Causes of dry and rough skin on the heels of the feet

There are many factors that cause dry skin and cracked heels. The most common experts include the following:

  • Non-compliance with the water regime. It is no secret that an adult should drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day;
  • Too dry indoor air;
  • Incorrectly selected shoes, or wearing a pair that is made of low-quality materials that do not allow the skin to fully breathe. The result is dry skin and cracked heels;
  • The use of low-quality or improperly selected cosmetics that cannot provide complete, comprehensive care. Lack of essential substances and causes dry skin of the heels;
  • Excessive passion for taking water procedures in very hot water;
  • Frequent visits to pools with chlorinated water;

The above reasons, due to which the skin on the heels dries, are purely cosmetic. But, not infrequently, such manifestations are considered a direct consequence of the presence of health problems. Often, a similar sign indicates the presence of diabetes. Having found out why the skin on the heels dries, we will try to figure out how to help her in a similar situation.

To keep your heels in order

If there is a financial opportunity, as soon as dry skin of the heels appears, you should immediately seek competent help from a specialist cosmetologist. In this case, a number of procedures are prescribed, for example, such as paraffin therapy, hot wrapping and many others. In addition, a number of vitamin complexes are prescribed. However, you can provide the proper care that very dry heel skin needs at home. It should be remembered that in no case should you independently remove such skin by cutting. There are several reasons for this. First of all, because, it can be even more traumatized. In addition, in place of the removed surface, a new, even more dense and rough skin will soon grow.

Therefore, you should be aware that if you have dry skin on your heels, the treatment will be quite lengthy. However, if you follow all the recommendations, your legs will again become soft and smooth.

Available treatments for dry skin on the heels

So, dry skin of the heels, what to do in this case? There are many resources. These are baths and masks, and wraps, and lotions.

For example, a milk foot bath is very effective. For it we need the following ingredients:

  • Liter of hot water;
  • a glass of milk, preferably homemade;
  • a couple of large spoons of soapy water;
  • three large spoons of table salt.

All the listed components are dissolved in water. Then take the procedure for half an hour. After the manipulation, you should gently wipe your feet dry and generously apply a high-quality nourishing cream, which has regenerating components in its composition.

In order for the procedures to bring as much benefit as possible and be as effective as possible, it is necessary to carry out a light peeling before the procedure. It will allow you to delicately remove the skin from dead particles, and as a result, the described procedure will be more effective. It should be carried out at least 2 - 3 times a week.

If it has been established that the cause of dry skin on the heels is purely cosmetic, it is recommended to apply another special mask - egg. Preparing it is quite simple. You need to take the following components:

  • one egg yolk,
  • a couple of tablespoons of olive oil (you can replace it with any other of your preference),
  • a large spoonful of potato starch.

All listed components should be thoroughly mixed. Then evenly apply on the previously cleaned surface of the heels, the prepared mask. After that, wrap the treated area with ordinary cling film. This will create an additional thermal effect and the tool will work more effectively. After 30 - 40 minutes, it is gently washed off with warm water. After that, the feet are thoroughly wiped, and then a rich foot cream is applied.

For a change, you can use baths of different composition, for example, herbal or oil baths.

Perfectly restores problematic skin on the legs and a special banana-honey mask. To make it, you should take the two named components in equal proportions. Please note that honey must first be melted in a water bath. The feet are abundantly covered with the prepared mask. Then be sure to wrap the legs with a film. When the skin is only slightly damaged, it is enough for the mask to work for only an hour. If the feet are badly damaged, the time should be increased. Up to the point that the product is left overnight. After that, the mask is delicately removed and do not forget to apply a cream of oily consistency.

Beauty school or how to prevent dry skin on the heels

In order not to wonder why dry skin on the heels, it is necessary to provide this area with proper care. First of all, do not forget to generously lubricate the feet with a fat, vitaminized cream, lotion, serum after each intake of water procedures.

In addition, regularly make masks of a different spectrum of effects: cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing. And also at least once a month to carry out a pedicure.

To eliminate the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, it is recommended to take special pharmacological complexes twice a year and regularly monitor that the diet is balanced.

Such an integrated approach is guaranteed to help avoid such a problem. If the described methods did not bring the desired result, a thorough medical examination should be carried out. Most likely, the reason lies in the presence of a more serious disease.

A woman should be well-groomed from head to toe. Many make a big mistake, focusing only on the skin of the face. Meanwhile, beautiful, smooth and tanned skin on such a part of the body as the legs makes its owner an object of universal admiration. Often, due to an insufficient level of moisture, including against the background of lack of care, the skin becomes dry, often flaky. The situation is aggravated by regular epilation procedures. The lack of moisture reduces the elasticity of the skin and makes it defenseless against the negative effects of environmental factors.

Causes of dry feet.
In the event of dry skin on the legs, one should speak either of an insufficient level of lipids or moisture in its stratum corneum, or of a slow process of replacing old epithelial cells with new ones. Against this background, the protective functions of the skin are violated, resulting in dryness. The causes of dry feet can be different. These include:

  • Clothes made from non-natural fabrics. Synthetic clothing (tights, leggings) often become a source of skin irritation, which manifests itself, among other things, in the form of dryness and peeling.
  • Cosmetics. Incorrectly selected or not suitable specifically for this person cosmetics dry out the skin. When choosing body skin care products (including legs), be sure to pay attention to the composition, they must include natural oils or ceramides.
  • Insufficient care or its absence. Not many women take care of the skin of the legs as carefully as the skin of the face. Meanwhile, this part of the body requires the same careful care. Be sure to use a body scrub (feet) once a week to remove dead skin particles and prevent peeling.
  • The presence of diseases. Very often, dry skin is one of the symptomatic manifestations of a disease. It can be psoriasis, eczema, diabetes. In addition, dryness may be due to a lack of vitamins in the body and the presence of fungal infections.
  • Age. Dry skin is the result of aging. Over the years (after forty years), the skin becomes drier, which requires more thorough and regular care. It is also important to drink clean water (mostly women replace the daily intake of liquid with juice, tea and coffee, forgetting about ordinary water, which is fundamentally wrong), include more fruits and vegetables, fish in the diet, and take vitamin complexes. During this period, it is also important to abandon hygiene products containing alkali (as you know, it dries the skin very much).
  • Violation of blood circulation. Dry skin is also a symptom of problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, namely in pumping blood through the blood vessels. At the same time, the sweat and sebaceous glands do not cope with their function, as a result, the skin loses its natural lubrication, becoming dry. In this case, it is recommended to carry out hardening activities, do exercises, play sports, in general, strengthen and train blood vessels. If your professional activity is associated with a long stay in one position (working at a computer) or standing on your feet for a long time (teachers, hairdressers, etc.), you need to periodically take a break (walk, get up) so as not to disturb the blood flow.
Proper hydration of the skin on the legs.
It is necessary to apply any cosmetics on the skin of the legs (and not only) with open pores. This can be achieved by taking a bath, shower, foot bath (if it is dry skin of the heels). If you apply the cream without such a preliminary “steaming” procedure, the skin will not be able to absorb to the maximum all the nutritional components that make up its composition. Never use soap as it dries out the skin and strips away its protective natural oils. When taking a shower, give up perfumed gels, just put your body under a good stream of warm water. Such a water massage is an excellent tool for raising the tone of blood vessels. After the procedure, apply a fatty-based cosmetic or natural oil (linseed, olive, almond oil) to wet skin, wait a couple of minutes to be absorbed, then remove the excess with a paper towel.

To prevent dry skin of the heels and cracking, it is important to regularly remove the stratum corneum with a pumice stone. Only this should be done on dry heels, in no case should you steam it, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation. After the procedure, be sure to moisturize the skin of the heels, for which it is ideal to use a special cream with the presence of urea in the composition, as well as make masks. It's good to make homemade masks.

Fighting dry skin on the legs.
For the correct and sufficient provision of the skin with moisture and nutrients, it is important to choose a set of procedures for the care of very dry skin of the feet. For this purpose, it is not at all necessary to spend fabulous sums, you can get by with available funds (only when choosing, we must look at the composition). Systematic care will return the lost smoothness and elasticity to the skin.

If dry skin is a constant phenomenon, here, first of all, you need to pay attention to your diet, enriching it with seafood, vegetable oils, cereals, fruits and vegetables, vitamins A (for smoothness and elasticity), (eliminates itching). In autumn and closer to spring, courses of taking multivitamin complexes (per month) are recommended. The drinking regime is also important (at least a liter per day).

If the cause of dryness was a disease (which one, the doctor will identify), it is necessary to eliminate it. In this case, it is useless to deal with the elimination of dry skin, since this is just a symptom, and not the disease itself.

Preference should be given only to clothing made from natural materials.

Additional home treatments to eliminate dry skin of the feet.

Paraffin therapy for feet.
The procedure of paraffin therapy can be carried out in a beauty salon, but it is quite acceptable to do it at home. To do this, you need to buy cosmetic wax, melt it and apply a thin layer on the feet. After hardening, apply a couple more layers. Wrap with plastic wrap and a thick towel on top for an extra warming effect. After thirty minutes, remove the wax film, and remove rough skin with a pumice stone. The procedure contributes to additional softening and moisturizing of the skin.

Foot baths.
Useful foot baths based on chamomile and hops, sage and oak bark, bran and oats (in the same ratio, two tablespoons per liter of boiling water, leave for twenty to thirty minutes). Such baths should be done regularly twice a week for fifteen minutes, after which a cream with a moisturizing or nourishing effect should be applied to the skin.

How to get rid of dry legs?
Dry skin in this area is the result of improper depilation. In this case, after shaving, it is necessary to use special products or vegetable oil. The problem will quickly disappear.

Foot masks.
The simplest and most affordable is to rub vitamin A and E or coconut oil, cream (sour cream) into the skin of the legs (feet). Do it better at night. Remove excess with a paper towel.

A few drops of essential oil can be added to a regular foot care cream (it is ideal to use patchouli, sandalwood or tea tree oil for feet).

If the skin of the legs is too dry, such procedures should be done daily, after improving its condition, you can do it twice a week, as a preventive measure.

Or here is a recipe for a mask for dry feet: cut apples into slices, boil them in milk until they become mushy. Apply the mass in a warm form on the skin of the legs, wrap with a gauze cloth and leave for half an hour. Further, the mask does not need to be washed off, but simply wiped with a cotton cloth after removing the gruel. Put on socks after the procedure.

The mask prevents cracking of the heels.
To soften the skin of the legs, such a mask is suitable: grind a teaspoon of butter with raw egg yolk, introduce two teaspoons of raw potato pulp (rubbed on a fine grater) and four teaspoons of baby cream. Put the mass on the feet, wrap with food polyethylene and put on warm socks. Wash it off after twenty minutes. The procedure perfectly softens the skin of the heels. Conduct twice a week.

Prevention of dry skin on the legs.

  • Use in the apartment, office, room where you work, air humidifier.
  • Do not use soap.
  • Regularly cleanse and moisturize the skin of the legs and feet.
  • Change your diet by enriching it with vitamins and useful microelements.
By following these simple rules, you will save or restore your legs to their former attractiveness.