Women's coat silhouette "cocoon. Cocoon coat is a great style. Let's try to make images? Black cocoon coat

Good afternoon, spring is coming, and today we will talk about HOW AND WITH WHAT you can and should wear different coats in the spring. What kind of coats are fashionable this spring season, I have already told in the article. I also told and showed in photographs how to do it right. And today we will talk about how to correctly, stylishly and beautifully present yourself in a coat. We will analyze everything in great detail - for each advice, I picked up an evidence base in the form heaps of photos with the best examples of style.

At first we'll consider different STYLES

  • fitted coat and straight coat
  • flared coat and poncho coat
  • coco collarless coat and fur collar coat
  • style "overcoat" in military style
  • oversized cocoon coat,

Then we'll consider coat of different lengths… I.e

  • what to wear with short jacket coat(classic and oversized coat)
  • what to wear with a coat to the middle of the thigh(photo examples of style)
  • how to wear classic knee length coat with trousers and skirts
  • and fashionable in this season long coat (midi and maxi).

So that everyone who searches and searches finds all the answers to the questions at once in one place - what and how to wear with a coat. In addition ... if you have not bought a coat for yourself yet, then this article will certainly help you realize WHICH coat you want to buy.

So - we dive into the laws of the style of the coat genre.

And we start by understanding with a coat of different lengths (from the shortest to the longest).


rules for choosing clothes for coats of different lengths


(what to wear this season)

Short coat (coat that opens the buttocks) - worn with trousers (narrow and wide), with shorts, jeans, with dresses.

If the coat is very short - that is, ends just below the waist and almost looks like a small jacket or jacket - then all kinds of clothes that allow a jacket can just as well admit this coat in their style kit.

A short jacket coat can be fitted with beautiful trimmings (pockets, double rows of buttons, drapery along the fastener line, etc.).

It looks beautiful if the edge of a tunic or blouse peeks out from under the edge of a short coat. And if the coat is tailored like a mini-jacket, then the tunic itself asks for it

It is beautiful to wear such a coat-jacket open (even double-breasted). Fashionable wide-cut models made of dense drape look especially stylish.

The laconic and cut of a short short coat can be complicated with additional accessories - a scarf, or a narrow neckerchief-tie.

How to wear skirts with a short coat.
There is one rule for skirts and dresses peeking out from under a short coat - it can be formulated as follows:

  • E if the cut of the coat is extended to the bottom, then the skirt should be fluffy.
  • If the cut of the coat is straight- then the hem of a dress or skirt can be straight. So that harmony is not disturbed.

Only very smart stylists can break the harmony. And then, as a rule, their “violation” looks so harmonious that it immediately ceases to be a violation and becomes new rule of harmony.

Shoes under a coat-jacket are also allowed the most diverse - over the knee boots, boots, ankle boots, shoes.

How To Wear Pants With a Short Coat. A short coat (a coat that covers the buttocks) can be worn with skinny jeans or trousers (for example, chinos are fashionable this season).

Coat to mid-thigh

(how to wear with shoes and ankle boots).

A coat with a length to the middle of the thighs can and should be worn WITH SHOES. The short length in itself makes the style of the coat lighter - and therefore light shoes are allowed to pair with the coat. Especially if the color of the coat is also light, light.

Always evaluate the visual "heaviness" of the coat. and under this weight, pick up shoes of the same “weight” as the coat.

The "visual weight" of the coat is made up of such factors - firstly, the length; secondly, large elements (collars, lapels, draperies, pockets); thirdly, color (heavy dark tones are worse combined with light shoes).

If the coat is dark, then light elements of the top (scarf, light bag, blouse, etc.) will help to balance it (in the direction of “lightening”).

And you can also visually make the lower part heavier (due to dark trousers, tight tights, a bag that is lower in the hands, and not at the top on the shoulder) - and then the whole image is balanced as a whole (the weight of the bottom and the weight of the top are equalized).

And further… this coat length also allows SPORTS SHOES. But only if the STYLE is also minimalistic and close to business-suit.

Classic coat KNEE-LENGTH
(style rules for this season).

Coat of classic length - to the knee - can be worn with a skirt, and with trousers and jeans. The style of the coat itself will tell you what suits it (we will deal with the styles a little lower in the same article).
I just want to draw your attention to the fact that The dimensions of the coat should be balanced by the dimensions of the shoes. That is, the more massive the coat looks, the more massive your shoes should be.

Massiveness on the coat is created due to large cut elements(collars, patch pockets) or large elements of the picture(for example, a large plaid cage).

Although the model oversized wide overcoat, despite its powerful cut dimensions, allows narrow shoes with thin heels. Here everything must be decided individually, your height plays a role, and the color of the coat itself and the clothes under the coat, and accessories - just look in the mirror and ask ourselves if there is an advantage and disharmony here.

Also, the color affects the visual dimension of the coat.- dark coats look visually heavier than light coats - and thin legs in tights do not look under such a dark coat as a cloud - ankle boots, ankle boots and boots are better, and if shoes, then massive and paired with trousers or jeans.

But even if you have a dark coat, you can still wear it with shoes if you add a light element to the neck area - for example, a light-checked voluminous scarf.

What to wear with a LONG coat.

A long coat (with a length below the knee, to the middle of the lower leg and below) is usually worn with boots in cold weather, and part of the top of the boots generously hides the hem of the coat.

But boots with such a length are not necessary - ankle boots will do just fine here - in addition to tight leggings, tights, or tight pipe jeans.

Also, under such a long coat, you can wear a dress with a hem flush with the edge of the coat.

This coat can be worn with shoes (left photo below) - but only if you know how to do it. This is where subtlety is needed. The absence of unnecessary trim details on the coat, the softness of the fabric (so that the coat does not stand like an ax but gracefully flows around you), and shoes should be massive enough (preferably on a platform) to withstand this coat.

A long coat looks good with classic trousers, semi-sports trousers, and chinos that are fashionable this season.

Also fashionable is such a long coat with skinny jeans.


style examples for different coat models.

What to wear STRAIGHT FIT coat.

A straight coat is a classic style. This is the design base from which you can create a touching fragile image of a woman. Men's straight cut lines only emphasize femininity the one that is wrapped in such an ascetic-rectilinear shell.
The length can be different - below the knee, knee-length, to the middle of the thigh.

Even the most masculine cut lines of a straight coat look good on graceful female figures.

As you can see in the photo below, the STRAIGHT fit coat can be worn with anything.

See? And with ankle boots, and with shoes, and with socks, and with golfs.

A straight coat can be worn just like that (buttoned / unbuttoned) or girded with a belt - fit it unbuttoned, especially under an elegant dress.

Classic FITTED coat silhouette.

A fitted silhouette is what is most often searched for when choosing a coat. It is chosen even by those whose life circumstances have stolen their waist. And this is absolutely not their style - for obese women or pregnant women, we recommend choosing completely different styles (they will be discussed below, this is a straight style with an oversized cut or a rounded cocoon style).

A fitted coat can be worn with tight jeans and trousers, with a skirt (skinny or fluffy) - with ankle boots, boots, shoes.

You can further emphasize the waist in a coat with a wide belt or a thin belt. In this case, it will turn out beautifully if the coat is left unbuttoned.

How to wear COCOON COAT

(wide and large OVERSIZE silhouette)

Cocoon coat(or OVERSIZE coat) is a "bloated" coat style ... loose at the shoulders and slightly tapering towards the bottom. With its outlines, the oversized coat resembles a slightly wrinkled letter “o”.
oversize coat- this is a model that visually seems to be 2-3 sizes larger than necessary - a coat from someone else's big shoulder. But this is the trend of the season and you need to boldly choose such styles and patiently explain to your grandmother that this is your size. and what is so fashionable to wear today.

The cocoon coat can be worn with skinny skinny jeans... under ankle boots or pumps. If you choose shoes... then leave the coat unbuttoned ... and try to pull up the sleeve to the level of the elbow.

Suitable under a cocoon coat and feminine boots, ankle boots, shoes ... and men's style shoes, like low shoes with laces.

It is this style of coat (with an oversized cut) that is ideal for obese women.
You can see this if you look at the photos from the article.

What to wear with a coat WITHOUT A COLLAR.

Collarless coat- created specifically to reveal a beautiful female neck ... This revolution in style Invented by Coco Chanel... she believed that pearls and other jewelry could and should be worn with a coat. Modern fashion has omitted bright spillikins, replacing them with peeking lace collars or knitted golf necks. It is also welcome to drape the neckline with scarves ...

Under such a coat without a collar fit like ankle boots with tights... so Wellingtons

You can add here any style elements... the main thing is that these elements support each other ... Like, for example, a hat, bags and heavy boots are held together in the right photo below.

Well, if we go back to Coco Chanel… then the development of her idea of ​​a luxurious woman was this collection of coats presented below….

GLAMOR COATS (no collar)

Agree, it is difficult to pass by such pretty models ... graceful feminine ... for real ladies of royal blood ...

If you like these youth coat models… you can order them for home delivery… on this French site with quite nice prices, as you can see…

Fur collar on the coat.

Coat with fur collar suitable for trousers, jeans and skinny short skirts, and warm dresses. Under this style of coat, choose ankle boots, ankle boots and high heels with heels.

business line style fit under a coat with a straight cut ... A jacket version of a coat with a fur collar can be wear like a regular jacket...

HOW TO WEAR THE OVERCOAT (military style).

army design coat a - not everyone dares to buy ... It often seems that it is not clear what it can be worn with ... In fact, a double-breasted overcoat provides many opportunities for beauty.

First, in the buttoned version, it creates a beautiful fitted silhouette– and the two rows of buttons are reminiscent of a uniform, spice up your look – a woman in uniform has always turned on the male imagination. So why not use it.

It's simple perfect for little women– a super-short coat worn over mini-shorts – will allow long legs in beautiful tights to start immediately from under the cut of the coat (see photo below)… this lengthen the legs and stretch up the whole figure as a whole.

Such an overcoat can be worn with skinny jeans, skinny trousers. Also, military style does not exclude a skirt or dress under a coat.

And if you add such a skirt-overcoat image high boots and cap- it can turn out to be a luxurious image ... Just leave your hair down so that in the image there is only a playful hint of a uniform ... and not a complete transformation into a soldier's lady with a tough military bearing.

With what to wear a coat with SHORT sleeves.

So… now let’s deal with short sleeves… As we can see in the photo below – short sleeves can have a coat of any style(bell coat (left photo)… straight collarless coat (middle photo)… cocoon coat (gray coat on the right in the photo below)

Coat with short sleeves - in the classic version, they are worn with long gloves to the elbows. But this is optional. You can just put on a blouse under the bottom - and let the sleeves of the blouse look out of the sleeve of the coat - there is nothing wrong with that.

The main thing is that your sleeves are STYLISTICALLY JUSTIFIED by other elements of the image.

Easiest- this is when the sleeves of the jacket match the color of the coat ... We just went to the store and bought such a jacket specially ... A calm option - just for those who does not dare to play fashion constructor- as in the example with a gray coat and a red and black jumper from the photo above.

But the classics of the genre are still high gloves to the elbow ...

But this is not at all necessary - blouse sleeves can be a different color... the main thing is that this color should not be too alien to the whole image as a whole ... that is, something should justify this color ... a hat, shoes or a bag.

A-line coat

(style with a high waist under the bust).

A-line coat ... or a flyaway coat ... or a cliché coat ...(as soon as the people do not call this style a coat with a high waist and expanding downwards like a bell.

This coat is perfect for graceful short women... for young girls (the style emphasizes their youth ... turns them into pretty little girls - such a style of "Lolita" is obtained.

Perfect Choice for a growing belly- if you are planning a pregnancy - then this model will be most welcome.

You can wear a trapeze coat as with narrow trousers, skinny jeans, tights and shorts, so with lush skirts, with the same high-waisted dresses - with leggings and tunics

What to wear with a PONCHO COAT of different styles.

cape coat - looks beautiful on tall women ... If you are short, then it is better to wear platform shoes and choose either a not very fluffy poncho model, or a not very long one (slightly covering the buttocks) - then the poncho coat will look proportionately even for small growth.

The “cape” style, as a rule, resembles a poncho with slits for the arms ... or has short, wide coattails.

This poncho coat can have simple laconic cut(as in the photo below).

Or cape coat can be tailored with elements of drapery - with numerous lush soft folds

Or the style of the coat can be maximum close in cut to a classic poncho ... the same triangular shape and vertical slits for the hands. Then such a coat should be worn with long gloves to the elbows ... or with a blouse with long sleeves.

These cape coats can be worn both with boots ... and with shoes… The main thing is to choose an image that would justify your choice of shoes.

WRAP COAT - how to choose the right one.

Wrap coat (overcoat) - can be of any style ... both fitted ... and close to the overcoat style (with two rows of buttons) and also have drapery elements (gray photo below).

Wrap coats should also be chosen wisely - some models can visually enlarge the already large breasts ... other models, on the contrary, will practically hide small breasts.

The floors (sashes) of the overcoat can be fixed on welt loops and buttons ... or on hidden inner buttons and belt or strap.

You need to wear a wrap coat according to the same rules of length and style - which I have already voiced:

With what to wear DAFKOLT - a coat WITH A HOOD.

Dafcolt coat - refers to the sporty style. Therefore, it is combined with the same things with which you are used to combining a regular sports bike.

It can be jeans with sneakers ... leggings with sneakers ... shorts with sports low shoes.

And also…

In the following articles, I will

Good luck with your style decisions.

Olga Klishevskaya - especially for the site

We all know that fashion is cyclical, and this fact is perfectly illustrated by coats and cocoon down jackets, which have found their second life this year. The famous fashion designer Cristobal Balenciaga is considered to be the creator of the "cocoon" style.

For the first time on the podium, a cocoon coat could be seen in 1957. It was then that the designer created a collection of clothes, in which there were a lot of oversized models. And the cocoon coat was introduced into fashion by Grace Kelly, who was a friend of Balenciaga. However, there are references that for the first time such a coat was sewn back in 1912 and a photo of the model was published in one of the French magazines.

Also, such styles of coats were popular in the mid-80s. At that time, many cocoon coats were presented in the brand's collection. Models were made of fabrics of soothing colors and had a simple silhouette. Now they are usually referred to as retro style.

Coat-cocoon - a variety of styles
Let's start with the fact that the coat can be either single-sided or double-breasted. The length of the product can also be different. Today on the podium you can see both very short cocoons and quite long ones.

Sleeves deserve special attention. They can vary in width from very wide to very narrow. There are cocoons without sleeves at all. They are replaced by slots, the same as those of the capes.

The model has a smooth silhouette and slightly lowered shoulders. It is also worth noting that such a coat does not accept decorative elements. All its charm is in simplicity and conciseness. The main feature of the cocoon coat is a slightly narrowed bottom.

Woolen fabrics or boucle are chosen as the material for making coats. It is these textures that make the product the most interesting. Most often, cocoon coats do not have a hood or even pockets. However, today it is quite easy to find a more functional model. Quilted models made of water-repellent fabric also appeared on sale.

What color is trending
As already mentioned, purple will be considered the most important color of the next year. However, if for some reason it is not in your favor, then you can pay attention to the models of the following colors:
The black.

Who is this style for?
The cocoon coat is quite versatile and suits almost all women with any type of figure.
Tall, slender women can choose for themselves any model of this trendy coat. Long enough models (up to the middle of the calf) will look especially good on them. If a woman is slim enough, but her height is far from model parameters, then the best option for her would be a coat just above the knee length or shortened models that reach mid-thigh. In addition, women of short stature should not choose too voluminous models with broad shoulders. Too pronounced oversize will make the figure disproportionate.

For those women who suffer from a lack of volume in the hips, a cocoon coat will be a real salvation. This style will add roundness to the hips. If you have a type of figure, which is commonly called "Pear", then pay attention to models with a narrowed bottom line. The most optimal length of the product in this case is up to the middle of the calf.

How to choose a cocoon coat for women with shapes
If you think that this style of coat is only suitable for women with a standard figure, then you are greatly mistaken. For women with a non-standard figure, designers also offer a huge variety of "cocoons". When choosing a suitable model, pay attention to a coat of a smaller volume. The most optimal coat length is midi (15 centimeters below the hip line).

How and with what to wear a cocoon coat
The cocoon coat is so versatile that almost anything can be worn with it. If you just can’t imagine your everyday look without trousers, then pay attention to the cropped (7/8) models of a narrow cut, they go well with a cocoon silhouette coat. Skinny jeans and tight black leggings are also good here.

If you want to create a feminine look, then feel free to choose a pencil skirt or any dress with a fitted silhouette. At the same time, stylists advise that the hem of a dress or skirt must be covered with a coat.
Also, a knitted turtleneck dress or an oversized model of textured knitting, for example, with braids, is perfect for such a coat.

I will say a few words about shoes. Stylists recommend wearing a cocoon coat with heeled or platform boots. At the same time, fashion gurus note that shoes should be as simple as possible and without decorative elements.
However, in my opinion, the “cocoon” goes well with high boots and platform sneakers.

And to complete the look, add a few accessories to it and remember that there should not be too many of them.

A beautiful scarf, hat or stylish handbag will be enough.

A photo:
Create your style - LiveJournal
What to wear with what - learning to combine correctly

The cocoon-shaped coat has been in fashion for two years in a row, but in 2016 it will be at its peak.

Among girls, such a stylish coat is very popular, because it is not only attractive, but also very comfortable in it.

There are some nuances that you need to consider if you want to buy a cocoon coat in 2016.

This applies to the figure, your style and coat colors.

A kind of cocoon is not suitable for everyone, so if you want to be stylish, carefully study how and with what to wear it.

The history of the appearance of the cocoon coat

In 1957, the first style of such a coat was demonstrated by Cristobal Balenciaga.

Six months later, he released a full-fledged collection of loose clothing in the form of cocoons.

At first, people did not accept this innovation of the designer, since the clothes were 2 sizes larger than the figures of the models, but later it became fashionable and such things began to be called "Grace Kelly".

The queen of Monaco, who was a good friend of Balenciaga, liked the cocoon coat, and his clothes were named after her.

Many trendsetters claim that the cocoon coat was invented back in the 20th century. As evidence, they cite a 1912 French magazine, La Gazette du Bon Ton.

However, the cocoon coat came into fashion only in the 1980s. They called him the "boyfriend coat". This name has remained in the fashion world and has become a classic style of clothing.

Who should wear a cocoon coat

You should not rush quickly for, because not everything that is fashionable suits you.

The cocoon coat style is more suitable for girls with a pear or apple body type. It perfectly balances the upper and lower parts of the body, visually making the figure more beautiful.

The wide shoulder line of the cocoon coat diverts attention from the lush hips, which look straight with the help of a narrowed bottom.

In general, such a style is suitable for a girl who knows how, understands the length and shape of the model necessary for her height.

Any cocoon coat is suitable for tall slender girls, but for slender and short girls - only the length below the knees with tapered sleeves, shoulders and bottom.

You should not look at the fashion in the 70s, when the designer dressed his models in a cocoon coat 2 sizes larger.

The coat must match your size. You run the risk of looking not stylish, but funny.

Do not buy yourself a stylish cocoon coat with rich colors and patterns. It's not fashionable, it's ridiculous.

This style implies only classic colors, such as:

  • the black;
  • White color;
  • Brown;
  • Gray.

Of course, other colors are also acceptable, but only when you are sure that they were made by a good designer who was able to stylishly combine the color of the cocoon coat and accessories.

To make you look great, pay special attention to the fabric of the product. Your external image and the further use of the coat depend on it.

Choose high-quality cashmere, tweed or drape - the rest is a cheap imitation that has nothing to do with a stylish cocoon.

What to wear with a cocoon coat in 2016

Most importantly, remember that the clothes should be tight-fitting, since the coat itself has a loose fit.

Also suitable option with a narrow bottom and loose top.

The best option for a cocoon coat is:

  • pencil skirt;
  • skinny pants or jeans;
  • mini skirt;
  • fitting dress.

From shoes you can pick up beautiful slimming high boots, which can be either on the sole or on the heel.

If you are wearing a cocoon coat and a dress, shoes such as ankle boots are allowed, but only classic ones.

Forget about thin or lace tights, only warm and plain models.

A good option would be to complement a stylish cocoon coat in 2016 with wide-brimmed hats or retro pillbox hats.

Also give preference to shawls and stoles.

Handbags should be classic, mostly made of leather or lacquer. Possible rediculus.

As for things like gloves, it all depends on the length of the sleeves of the coat.

Many coats are sold without buttons, so be sure to choose a warm sweater to keep you comfortable.

If you decide to buy yourself a cocoon coat, then be sure to follow our recommendations, because you can become not stylish, but a scarecrow.

Everything looks beautiful on the catwalks, but not everything is suitable for our everyday lifestyle.

Women have always loved and will love universal things. It's great when you can combine different styles with outerwear, while remaining in trend. This season, such an outfit for fashionistas is a cocoon coat, which is also called oversized.

A bit of history

In 1957, Cristobal Balenciaga introduced the world to the original cocoon coat. In the same year, he released a collection of oversized items. Then they, of course, were not called that, but the public was terribly interested. The coat was a couple sizes larger than the model who wore it.

The idea of ​​the original designer was supported by the Princess of Monaco, who was also his good friend. Grace Kelly loved this coat so much that she constantly appeared in it in public. After that, this style was called by many by her name.

However, there is a version that the outfit existed at the beginning of the 20th century. Historians support their opinion with photographs from a fashionable French magazine.

Despite these two stories, the real popularity for the product came in 1980. It was then that the name “boyfriend coat” stuck to it. Now this outerwear has three names.


The cocoon coat has dropped shoulders and a relaxed silhouette. It looks voluminous, and that is why it never emphasizes the curves of the figure. It is worth saying that the outfit is rarely decorated or decorated with something. He loves minimalism in cut and other details.

The main feature of the product is a slightly narrowed bottom. It may resemble the notorious sheath dress or pencil skirt, but not so tight. But the famous designer associated this format with a butterfly cocoon. That's why it's officially called that.

The coat rarely has a hood or a heavy collar. Even pockets are not always added, because they make the outfit heavier. The thing is that it is quite complex in itself. A massive thing will look incredibly cumbersome if you add excesses to it.

Who will suit

Some styles will suit slender beauties, and some ladies with magnificent forms.

Tall and thin ladies can choose absolutely any model, because everything will look good on them. As for babies, they are recommended to choose the right length. A knee-length coat is best.

Owners of the type of figure "apple" or "pear" should stop at the classic version. It perfectly hides wide hips and, by the way, too narrow ones too. And also visually makes the waist thinner due to the narrowed hem.

If we talk about age, then there are no special restrictions here either. Older ladies are better off choosing more elegant styles. It will look good oversized, close to a straight cut. As for the youth, any format is available to them.

Popular Models


This coat is rarely decorated with a hood, but if this design is used, then it looks skillfully. Usually this element has strict forms or goes a little into the collar. Not all girls prefer this option, because it resembles a sporty, informal model.

It is difficult to combine with classic things. Therefore, we recommend stopping at casual clothes or sport-chic style.

Put on cropped pipe jeans, sneakers and a shirt. With a hood, it will be more interesting to look at a style that resembles a straight cut. The bottom should taper, but not much.

With fur

This format is more suitable for late autumn or winter. Most often, the collar or hood is decorated with fur. Decorated cuffs and bottom in most cases look ridiculous.

Classic cut and noble material will beat this style, making it elegant. You can safely wear strict dresses or skirts with him, adding precious jewelry to them. In tandem with heels, the image will be even nobler and more elegant.

It is worth saying a few words about fur. Using natural material, you will get a sophisticated and stylish coat that will be combined with expensive outfits. But a fake can reduce the price of the product. If the budget does not allow, then try to find a fur that will be as close as possible to the genuine material.


For obese women, a classic cocoon coat with the most narrowed bottom is suitable. Due to the volume of the thing, all the protruding parts of the body will be securely hidden. Try to divert attention with lush breasts, which women of large build can most often boast of. This can be done with a turn-down collar and a deep neckline.

In alliance with heels, the coat will look even more luxurious, and the silhouette will be slimmer. This advice necessarily applies to short girls.

You can combine the outfit with strict trousers or a sheath dress. If you are shy about your legs, then give preference to long models.


A common format on a cocoon coat. The neckline is usually slightly rounded, and sometimes V-shaped, but without lapels. The style seems elegant and very feminine. Some girls hide this part with scarves, but in vain. An unbuttoned coat with a bare neck will look much more interesting.

Usually, a collarless model is used for combination with dresses, business suits and heels. However, it also embraces street style in a friendly way.

If it’s already cool outside, then put on a sweater or turtleneck underneath, you can tie a beautiful scarf, and leggings or jeans on your legs. Complete the look with sneakers or chunky lace-up boots. The main thing is that the jumper combines in shade with the selected jacket.


Most often, a quilted coat resembles a down jacket, because it has a raincoat fabric. Winter models with a large stitch look great. A small pattern now looks unfashionable and is considered bad form. Pay attention to the stylish turn-down stand-up collar. It looks very interesting with quilted things.

This design on the coat most often looks sporty, so you should not combine it with a skirt and heels. Boyfriend jeans, ugg boots or ankle boots are perfect. And on top you can wear a loose shirt or sweater.

Short sleeves

Oversized short sleeves can be found quite often. Models with wide sleeves and ¾ length look very curious. The thing that is narrowed to the bottom will look best.

This is an elegant and sophisticated style, despite its massiveness. Bare hands always look seductive in outerwear. Remember this little secret.

Do not wear long sleeves under the bottom, as they will ruin everything. If it is cold outside, then it is better to choose long, tight-fitting gloves made of suede or leather.

You can't go wrong by adding feminine tailoring pipes or a skirt to the look. Heels are a must.

With turn-down collar

The most common version of the cocoon coat. Turndown collar is an incredibly fashionable trend this year. Therefore, in the wardrobe of a real fashionista, such a style must certainly be present.

The best part is that this detail takes on absolutely any image. With wide lapels and a V-neck, this coat looks great with casual or evening style.

You can wear straight-cut jeans with rolled-up edges and a thin jumper with a boat neckline. Such a tandem will not need a scarf, as the sweater will perfectly complement the coat. You can complete the look with high platform sneakers or fashionable boots with a small heel.

Actual colors


A pleasant pastel shade looks restrained and elegant. Most often it is worn by girls who prefer dresses and heels. The good news is that even ripped jeans and sneakers will make the look a little more elegant.

Pair it with blue skinny jeans or pink trousers and pair it with a white chiffon shirt. Even with the first option, the image will turn out to be feminine and sophisticated. Chunky heeled ankle boots are the perfect accompaniment to this look.


The base shade will look nicer in a light version. This coat does not seem gloomy or boring.

Gray combines perfectly with many interesting colors. For example, to create a romantic look, you can add pink or light yellow accessories. For a casual look, it is better to use dark colors. A successful union will be with a dark green or cherry tone.

For a date, choose a dress or skirt in pastel colors. Pair these outfits with gray suede over the knee boots.


Another delicate color that adapts well to various combinations. It combines great with denim, as it is similar in scale to it. You can use any combination, because the main character will make all things more elegant.

You should not add too bright accessories and products to the blue coat. You can override the sensitive tone.

Wear a T-shirt and blue boyfriend jeans underneath your outerwear. White sneakers or sneakers will add even more fragility. Thus, sports items in the right range can change any format.


Officially, the girlish color is recommended to choose as light as possible. By the way, the “dusty rose” tone is now very popular, which is increasingly decorating outerwear. A slightly muted shade won't be as strongly associated with barbie dolls or glamour.

And, it would seem, such an elegant coat requires classics. Yes, he combines well with skirts and heels, but he also considers the everyday format. Pastel shades generally have the talent to decorate any thing.

For a romantic look, pair white skinny pants with a beige flowy blouse. You can complete the look with patent leather ankle boots or suede high platform sneakers.


The base color in such an interesting coat style looks rather boring. Of course, it will look good with both classics and sports. A black coat is good because it is practical and versatile. Versatile not only in terms of combinations with styles, but also with colors.

You can create a completely different look every day by adding different shades and styles of scarves, hats or other accessories to it. The same applies to clothing.

For an evening reception, wear high ankle boots and a mid-thigh bodycon dress. The outfit will sparkle with bright colors if you add decorations made of natural stones to it. A less massive coat with a pronounced narrowed bottom will look best.


A lot depends on the tone here. For example, acid green will not work with feminine items and jewelry. But a dark green coat will suit absolutely any look.

Wear rich black skinny jeans and an oversized shirt. From shoes it is better to choose trendy ankle boots, decorated with metal rivets. With a dark green option, an elegant red mid-length dress and ankle boots of the same color as outerwear can make friends.


A lot depends on the length. For example, girls with short stature are better off choosing short models. The standard option is to the knee or slightly higher. If you like midi, then wear high heels. These shoes are able to visually lengthen the legs.

Tall ladies, on the contrary, will like the maxi length much more. It can be up to the ankle or mid-calf. This style will not only save you from wind and cold, but also allow you to create many stylish images.

Short or medium length models look best with feminine clothes in a classic style. And for everyday and daring combinations, maxi is more suitable.



According to statistics, coats are most often sewn from wool. This is not only high-quality and solid material, but also incredibly warm. It is wind resistant and light enough. But in addition to these important qualities, the fabric boasts its stylish texture.

A wool coat looks very cool on voluminous styles of outerwear. It goes well with office style. However, he will also complement sport-chic and casual.

For a casual or business look, wear a coat with a turn-down collar and long sleeves. From shoes, you can choose leather ankle boots with thick heels or tube boots. A pencil skirt and a light shirt complete this versatile look.

Fashion, like so much in our lives, goes in circles. Recently, tight-fitting outerwear has been replaced by a cocoon coat. It was relevant in the middle of the last century, and today this clothing is again popular. She will be a real favorite in the near future. Pleasant and soft O-silhouette smoothly fit the figure, smooth lines and rounded sleeves give this style a special restraint and femininity.

Now designers unanimously say: no tight-fitting silhouettes and hourglasses. Brand new contours are now at the peak of popularity. Often such a coat is made in calm and classic colors. The length can be below or up to the knee. It is better to give preference to high-quality tweed, drape, cashmere, so that you will feel 100%! Such materials simply drape and take on the silhouette of your figure.

The cocoon coat usually has sleeves to the elbow and is long. The product is sometimes decorated with voluminous buttons and beautiful brooches. This coat will be beautiful and elegant only if it is sewn from expensive and high-quality fabric. Otherwise, the image may not look very good.

The history of the coat

Cristobal Balenciaga can be considered the first who came up with such outerwear. He demonstrated this fashion trend at the beginning of 1957, and after a while he continued to implement bright voluminous things. He gave the world a huge collection of clothes and accessories, which was not several sizes larger than the figures of the models. Also, the cocoon coat is Grace Kelly's favorite thing. This famous woman was friends with Mr. Balenciaga, and often wore his clothes. But there is an opinion that such a coat was invented earlier, since it was published back in 1912 in French magazines.

The cocoon coat with a hood was most popular in the eighties, at that time it had a more strict look. Similar forms were shown in their own collections by almost all designers, including Yves Saint Laurent. Since fashion designers have recently been increasingly recalling the retro style of the 80s, this thing is again relevant.

What to wear with a cocoon coat? This thing always has voluminous forms, so it is important to observe the principle of proportionality. Of course, a lot depends on the type of figure. Small girls should combine outerwear with straight trousers and boots or high heels. If you are proud of your height, you can safely wear a cocoon coat with flared trousers and sneakers, as seen in the Italian Max Mara collection. Prefer to wear a skirt? Then keep in mind that she is able to “cut off” the figure, so it’s better to buy a skirt that is similar in length to a coat.

The color variety of these things allows each girl to find her own option. So a blue and pink coat, as seen in the photo of the Guillaume Henri collection, is relevant for gentle and at the same time courageous women. Striped, plaid or plain black will be a classic piece that you won't want to take off.

To complete your fashionable look, be sure to use gloves. The latter are especially relevant if you prefer a coat with ¾ sleeves. The main thing is that they go under the sleeves of the coat, but do not clench their hands.

The summer cocoon coat goes well with 7/8 cropped pants, as well as with skinny jeans. The autumn and spring version of the coat with thick black tights also looks interesting. If you can't refuse a dress, choose a tight-fitting style. The coat in this case should either completely cover your dress, or should have a shortened shape to the hips.

Regarding headwear, give preference to scarves, stoles, wide-brimmed hats and retro hats. A contrasting long scarf goes well with this outerwear.

To make the image harmonious, you should not wear a coat with lace tights and colored ankle boots or shoes. Strive for your appearance to be harmonious and consistent with the minimalist style. Some styles that involve the absence of buttons may bring some discomfort. Numerous jackets and sweaters will help to hide from the cold, especially since it is very easy to hide warm clothes under a voluminous top!

Combination options:

  • If you are interested in a winter and autumn look, choose a coat with a fur collar. It goes well with men's boots, mid-length boots, tight pants and jeans.

  • Pair a white bodycon dress with a medium-length red plaid coat in a stylish way. White or beige shoes, as well as a bright pink brooch, will complement this look.
  • How to wear outerwear to impress at first sight? If you like bright colors, opt for a yellow or orange coat. This is an interesting option that can be combined with leopard print leggings and black patent leather shoes. A girl in this style will not leave indifferent any man!

  • Another topical bow is hyper volume in dark colors. A dark green cocoon coat combined with a black hat, black skinny pants and men's boots is a trendy and minimalist option!
  • A white or beige cocoon-style coat is bright and feminine. An addition to it can be a tight-fitting dress in black, beige, pink, red, as well as ankle boots with a beige stiletto heel.

  • For anyone who appreciates masculine style, we advise you to combine a malachite or emerald coat with a floral print, wide black pants, a white shirt and a black wide-brimmed hat. This is a great option for cool autumn weather and warm spring sunshine!

It is worth choosing a cocoon coat exactly in size. After all, this is exactly the case when there should not be excessive volume so as not to look bulky. Think before you experiment with layering. Since the coat in the form of a cocoon is voluminous, it can give the figure a certain clumsiness.

Another useful tip: if your figure in such clothes looks dimensionlessly voluminous and wide, pick up a narrow strap and highlight your waist. From such a technique, your cocoon shape will not suffer, but femininity will even be added. Do not forget that your cocoon coat will settle in the closet for a long time, you just have to choose tight-fitting accessories, light scarves to demonstrate that there is a fragile and tender girl under the cocoon!

Who suits this coat

Feminine and somewhat shapeless forms of this clothing were immediately appreciated by many girls and women. The cocoon coat is perfect for tall beauties. In addition, the long product is ideal for a girl with a pear figure. Narrow shoulders will slightly smooth out the splendor of the coat from above, and the narrowed hip line will look more strict and advantageous. In this version of outerwear, you can feel more comfortable and reliable!

If you have a slim figure, but your height does not allow you to wear a long model, choose medium length options. The coat on the shoulders and hips should not be large. For women with narrow hips, there is also good news: such clothes will help hide such flaws.

If you have not yet decided to purchase such a thing, study fashion magazines and try on a fashionable look visually. Best of all, a cocoon suits a slender and tall girl, but with the right approach, you can customize the style for yourself. Fashionable images for you, dear girls!