I wish you strength and patience. Congratulations on the day of tolerance. Who will reveal the hidden

The strength of the human spirit lies in the ability to look with interest and optimism into an unpredictable future. This is the belief that there is a way out of any predicament, and all disagreements can be resolved. Beckett Bernard

If you lowered your hands - do not despair, there will definitely be something wonderful under your feet, do not be afraid to raise it. If it will be difficult and scary, it is important to feel how it becomes easy and clear for you what to do now. Serge Goodman

There is a striving force in the human will that turns the mist within us into the sun. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

Man is like a brick; when burned, it becomes hard. George Bernard Shaw

Happy, thrice happy is the man who is tempered by the hardships of life. Genre Fabre

A person achieves something only when he believes in himself. Andreas Feuerbach

The highest distinction of a person is perseverance in overcoming the most cruel obstacles. Ludwig van Beethoven

Avoid those who try to undermine your faith in yourself. A great person, on the contrary, inspires the feeling that you can become great. Mark Twain

The greatest test of a man's courage is to fail and not lose heart. Ralph Ingersoll

Only when his soul forces surge in a person is he truly alive for himself and for others; only when his soul is red-hot and burning does it become visible. Stefan Zweig

I often tell myself when things are bad
And there are obstacles along the way.
The road is not always smooth,
On it there are both stones and potholes.
That I will be able to survive any troubles,
I am strong, and tears suit my face.
I'm not afraid of the vicissitudes of the weather,
I can overcome everything in the world.

Allow yourself to breathe deeply and do not drive yourself into a framework. Strength belongs to those who believe in their strength. Elchin Safarli

Fallen face down in the mud? Stand up and convince everyone that she's healing.

I became strong because I was weak
I'm fearless because I was afraid
I am wise because I was a fool.

By confessing his weakness, a person becomes strong. Honore de Balzac

All our muscles are not a guarantee of strength, someday such a day will come that will simply put a person on his knees and the one who rises and continues to live and becomes even better - that's the strong one!

I have me. We'll manage somehow.
Don't be afraid to face the truth - let it be afraid of you.
Do not be afraid to be not perfect - have you met a lot of ideal ones yourself?
Do not be afraid of criticism - it means NOT indifference,
Don't be afraid of the future - it's already here.

Even if it rains, tomorrow it will be sunny. I will move forward as long as my heart is beating. Max Lawrence

A man is what he believes in. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

If you think you're broken
You are really broken.
If you think you won't dare
So, don't decide.
If you want to win but you think
What you can't
You will almost certainly lose.
The battles of life don't always win
The strongest and the fastest
But sooner or later the one who wins
It turns out to those who considered themselves capable of it!

Are you concerned about the future? Build today. You can change everything. Grow a cedar forest on a barren plain. But it is important that you do not construct cedars, but plant seeds. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Desire expresses the essence of man. Benedict Spinoza

A person is driven primarily by motives that you cannot see with your eyes. The spirit guides the person. Apuleius

What is in a person is undoubtedly more important than what is in a person. Arthur Schopenhauer

Ten plus years ago
I decided to choose this path.
At first randomly
But over the years, seeing the essence deeper.
Who always goes forward
Let sometimes the road is not easy,
Fortunately, he will come
Even if the chance is one in a hundred.

Without a shadow of a doubt
Don't hide your face
Go to your goal
Dear fighter.
Go to the end!
To end!

To move forward, a person must constantly have glorious examples of courage in front of him on the peaks ... The future has several names. For a weak person, the name of the future is impossibility. For the faint-hearted - the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant - the ideal. The need is urgent, the task is great, the time has come. Forward to the victory! Victor Marie Hugo

Human capabilities have not yet been measured. We cannot judge them by previous experience - a person has still dared so little. Henry David Thoreau

If something is beyond your power, then do not decide yet that it is generally impossible for a person. But if something is possible for a person and is characteristic of him, then consider that it is also available to you. Marcus Aurelius

Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight. Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko

When all roads come to a standstill, when all illusions are destroyed, when not a single ray of the sun shines on the horizon, a spark of hope remains in the depths of every person's soul. Delia Steinberg Guzman

I am not a lady. Everything that was taught
It swept like the wind over me.
But adversity did not break me,
Let me be tough sometimes.

I am not a lady. I am a fearless warrior
The one that looks only forward,
The one who knows the price of the military so well,
But in the distance, the sunrise is already flaring up.

I fought for him and I will fight,
And forever in my life I will not forget:
The South lost its war ingloriously
And I got my victory.

Cotton fields with hand touching,
I look to the future with faith...
- What helped you? - ask, surprised,
- Strength of the spirit, just return it and save it!
gone With the Wind

Difficulties generate in a person the abilities necessary to overcome them. W. Phillips

We are people with a strong spirit and a resourceful mind, from any intrigues and obstacles, we will be able to build a help! Juliana Wilson

A purposeful person finds means, and when he cannot find them, he creates them. William Ellery Channing

We must look for our essence, our human origins, our inner strengths, our potentials. The height of a person does not depend on his physical growth, but on the grandeur of his dreams. The horizons that open to him are outlined not by mountains, but by his faith in himself. He is young at heart; he is the bearer and keeper of hope, he has the eternal power to remain an optimist, an enthusiast, and to retain the ability to fulfill what he aspires to. Jorge Angel Livraga

True defeat is the voluntary renunciation of one's rights. Jawaharlal Nehru

When you don't get the part you deserve, you have to write it yourself.

Fate puts strong people on their knees in order to prove to them that they can rise, but she does not touch the weak - they have been on their knees all their lives.

A soul that has never suffered cannot comprehend happiness! Overcoming difficulties, you become happier. George Sand

The strength of the spirit makes a person invincible. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

You are very strong. Just very tired. You remember your wings, remember that you can fly. It's hard to walk on the ground if you can fly. Spread your wings and fly. Despite the difficulties and circumstances. And despite the fact that many hold your wings. YOU are stronger!!! You will take off!!! Just believe in yourself!!!

With experience I have known
There are no easy ways in our life.
But what won't kill me
Tomorrow will make me stronger!
In this world, everyone
Free to control your own destiny
But from start to finish
You just need to be yourself!

When it becomes very difficult for you, and everything turns against you, and it seems that you have no strength to endure a single minute more, do not retreat for anything - it is at such moments that a turning point in the struggle occurs. Beecher Stowe

To be strong, you have to be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; the dam - it will stop; the dam breaks - it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - it is round. Because she is so compliant, she is most needed and strongest of all!

No need to be sad when fatigue takes over the body, the spirit is always free. In the midst of the battle, you are allowed to rest. Agni yoga

The Spirit alone, touching the clay, creates a Man out of it. Saint Exupery A.

The spirit that makes itself is attuned to the wave of forces that govern the world.

The true man is not an outward man, but a soul in communion with the Divine Spirit. Paracelsus

The quietest and most serene place where a person can retire is his soul... Allow yourself such solitude more often and draw new strength from it. Marcus Aurelius

Your determination not to give up will allow you not to break even when everything collapses.

The main thing is not the place where you are, but the state of mind in which you are. Anna Gavalda

The spirit is strong with joy. Lucretius

The joy of the spirit is a sign of its strength. Waldo Emerson

The mind is the eye of the soul, but not its strength; the strength of the soul is in the heart. Vauvenarg

Don't be afraid of your fate
After all, everything is extremely simple:

Rating 4.80 (15 Votes)

Subject of the article: Wishing patience to a woman. Sleep, get away from the bustle, let the angel guard dreams

Beauty is also a virtue, a beautiful woman cannot have flaws. Friedrich Schiller

You are the treasure that I was lucky to find!

Good day - I want your every moment to be bright and magical, wonderful!

May you have colorful and good dreams today. I am sure that this night you will be able to sleep and gain strength to conquer a new day.

Girls, of course, know how to keep secrets, but together ...

The dream of every Japanese girl is to marry a young and rich kamikaze...

Good morning. Wonderful day! For success, a well-known step: the one who manages to get up early will have time for a lot in life.

You are like a fabulous flower, tender, beautiful. You are just charming. I admire you, I adore you.

In the hours of the night I feel sad, saying to you: good night! And I'm looking for photos - I miss you very much!

Women fall in love with what they hear, and men fall in love with what they see. Therefore, women put on makeup, and men lie.

Some women maintain day after day two love affairs that are as difficult to maintain as they are to break: one of these relationships lacks a marriage contract, the other lacks love. Jean de La Bruyère

A woman is like a tea bag: you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. Nancy Reagan

Sleep, my love. I promise that no one and nothing will disturb your peace, as I will protect it until the morning.

Every woman is a mystery ... offended, guess what the hell ...

I want to wish my love - good night!

The more a woman has decoration, the more she wants to walk around the city. Mikhail Chulkov

Let comfort reign in the bed, it is so soft and very warm in it! Colored dreams are already waiting for you, time to sleep, my bunny, it's time!

If we men married the women we deserve, it would be bad for us!

Sable eyebrows, slyly playful look, ruddy cheeks I love your face!

Female attractiveness is only strong when it is natural and spontaneous.

Tell me, how does it feel to feel like the most wonderful girl in town?

A real woman should look so that even gays, looking at her, think: “Maybe I’m in vain ?!”

The most beautiful thoughts are those that I have about you.

Good night, my favorite miracle. Let the star beam descend gently on your face and touch your eyelids with an incredible kiss.

How many stars are in the sky, how many pebbles are at the bottom, how many loving kisses I send you!

Such a cute and sweet girl should receive sms with compliments every day!

Looking at you, I turn into a child who knows only one word - I want!

I can’t sleep for some reason, because I want to be next to you right now. Good night, pleasant sleep! I will love you ever!

Women are never as strong as when they arm themselves with weakness. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

As long as the interests of girlfriends do not intersect, female friendship can continue to exist.

One who has never experienced the ecstasy of betrayal does not know what ecstasy is. Jean Genet

Women are so arranged that they are disgusted by any truth about men, love, a child, society, the purpose of life. They even try to take revenge on those who open their eyes to them. Friedrich Nietzsche

Women don't like timid men. Cats don't like wary mice. Henry Mencken

May your day be great and easy. May there be light in your heart.

It is easier to ask an old man when he will die than a woman when she was born. Jean de La Bruyère

Wishing patience to a woman - May you have fabulous dreams, as you walk on the moon, surrounded by spring.

You are not an angel or a character from a fairy tale, for me you are a whole world, a world of happiness and inspiration, a world of joy and sweet dreams.

You are light for me, you are darkness for me, if you are not there, I just go crazy, I will wait for you, I will burn bridges, just be able to understand that only you are in my heart!

Let a cup of coffee warm you, and the sun will give you a ray of warmth.

For many of us, at least once in our lives, on a birthday or other holiday, we wished patience. Some say that it is bad to desire patience, because such a desire can cause great trouble for a person, meanwhile, it cannot be denied that we sometimes lack patience. We experience patience in situations of expectation, in relationships with other people, in a state of need, in times of illness, medical procedures and interventions that one way or another we have to do.

What do we mean by the word "patience"? How to learn patience? Is it possible to wish patience to friends and acquaintances?

According to Dahl's explanatory dictionary, the verb "endure" means "endure what, endure, endure, endure, need, suffer; to be strengthened, to (over) be able, to take courage, to hold on, to stand without exhaustion, without losing heart; expect, wait for something better, hope, be meek, humble; condescend, allow, loosen, indulge, improve, give a habit; do not rush, do not rush, do not drive, get used to. As you can see, this word is defined by a large list of terms that are familiar to each of us in our own way.

To put it more briefly, on the one hand, patience is perseverance, perseverance and endurance in some business, work or study, on the other hand, the readiness and ability of a person to put up with an undesirable, unpleasant situation.

I think everyone knows the sayings: “Be patient, Cossack, you will be an ataman”, “Patience and work will grind everything”. In certain circumstances, we often remember them, and they are perceived by us as a wise truth with which we never want to argue. We know that it is worth waiting a little and our patience will surely be rewarded. This thought supports us in difficult times, gives us strength and hope for the best.

There is another saying about patience: “God endured and commanded us,” but it does not inspire faith in a bright future, but, on the contrary, makes you humble yourself, courageously accept inevitable suffering, like Jesus crucified on Golgotha.

When we talk about patience, another derivative of this word pops up in our head - “tolerance” - a person’s tolerant attitude towards others if their opinions, beliefs, views and faith differ from their own views, opinions, beliefs, faith. Without tolerance, it is difficult to get along in society, to understand another person, to accept him as he is.

But tolerance usually ends where its excess begins. An excessive manifestation of tolerance in some situations is perceived by many as a weakness of character, an inability to stand up for oneself. Such people are usually called the insulting word "suffered" - a person who, despite his suffering, suffers bullying, insults or beatings, something that should never be tolerated.

How to learn patience? Here are some tips you might find useful.

  • If you don’t like to be stuck in traffic jams, you are nervous, you lash out at others - use the mobile application about traffic conditions, carry your favorite music in the car, use a car air freshener with the scent of lavender, ylang-ylang, mint, bergamot, citrus fruits.
  • The decision of some important issue is burdensome, you cannot calmly wait for its results - take a walk along the street or in the building in which you are, if you are at home - clean the apartment, wash the floor.
  • Do not like queues - try to visit shops and shopping centers on weekdays or on weekends in the evening.
  • Making an appointment with a specialist in advance will help you avoid long queues.
  • Of course, force majeure situations always happen in life, but you can also prepare for them in advance - take a book, a magazine, knitting with you, if this is your hobby, at worst, headphones to your smartphone in order to spend the free minutes that have appeared without looking to the ceiling, but with benefit and sense, and then you will not feel like a hostage to circumstances.
  • If you experience pain during any medical manipulation, imagine that pain is something separate from you. Try to watch the pain as if from the outside, think about what you have to do after an unpleasant procedure, imagine that everything is over and you are already at home.
  • You are afraid that your patience with someone will soon burst - leave the room, tear or break something unnecessary, hit the wall with your fist, drink a glass of water. Don't come back until you feel better. Don't forget about breathing - a slow deep breath through the nose and the same slow exhalation through the mouth.

Patience in our time is running out for many people. The general atmosphere of nervousness and aggression that pours from the television and mass media screens cannot but affect the human psyche.

  • Refuse to watch information programs and talk shows, do not wind yourself up. Watch a video about nature and our smaller brothers - it calms the nerves.

Now answer the question: "Is it worth wishing patience to relatives or friends?". I think that it is possible, because as Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: "... patience is the last key that opens the door."

It's your birthday today. And I want to wish something special, something warm and pleasant. I wish on the path of my life neither to meet, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor disappointment. Meet only good people in life. Take from life all the joys, bright colors, and bright days. And when you go astray, raise your head, look at the sky, and ask the Lord for help. May all your dreams, one by one, come true. The family is always happy. All difficult situations, let them turn into invaluable experience. Only pleasant memories are kept in memory. And know that you are a good person, and there will always be people who will help you in any situation. Happy Birthday to You!

For every person, a birthday is a day when you expect miracles. When you hope for a fairy tale. I am on your birthday, I congratulate you and wish miracles to be with you every day, and life is a complete fairy tale. I wish you great happiness, sparkle in your eyes and a joyful mood. So that success and luck go with you along the path of life to the end. Let the positive fly in the air, surround you everywhere. Not to know what tears are, but to see them only in the movies. Stay the same bright and kind person always. And let life change only for the better. Let your career develop, and let your loved ones please you with success. May friends always be there. And your labors turn into pleasant fruits!

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May all the wishes addressed on your birthday come true soon. All positive emotions will remain in the heart for a whole year until the next birthday. I wish life to be like a fairy tale, full of miracles and fabulous mood. The sun so that it shines for you, and energizes you for the whole day. Never lose heart. And even from unpleasant situations, learn invaluable lessons. On this day, accept many pleasant surprises. Today you will hear many pleasant compliments, and all addressed to you. Let the good mood never disappear, but only rise. Let your favorite fairy tale come true, and let today's holiday bring a lot of pleasure and joy. Let people make you smile. And life will be damn nice and cool!

Wonderful and inspiring birthday! We can't think of a better holiday! After all, this holiday is full of children's spontaneity and adult emotions! Let everyone get the most pleasant sensations from this day and the soul be filled with endless happiness! Let all the good that is in the world come true on this very day, and all the people who will surround the birthday man give him unearthly tenderness!

Birthday always brings inspiration and moral satisfaction. It is on this day that a person can hear many positive words addressed to him. Of course, everything said to you today is no exaggeration, because you have a bouquet of positive qualities. I believe that all the wishes addressed to you will certainly come true, and the hopes you feed will come true. Take care of yourself and never give up!

It's your birthday today! May the most cloudy weather turn into a bright sunny day on this festive day, the gloomiest person smile at you and say kind words, all previously closed roads will be available today, inspiration will come to solve unloved affairs, your loved ones will be healthy, and enemies will never visit your threshold. And let all this get to you just like that!

What an amazing and radiant day, and all because one glorious person has a birthday. This is not just another holiday, this is an important event, because another year of bright moments, happy moments, experience, love, harmony and happiness has passed, and there will be many more ahead. And so every year, let all good things double, because you deserve it.

I wish you fulfilled aspirations, justified hopes and innovative ideas! I wish you not to leave what you started halfway, because any of your goals is worthy of being achieved. May self-confidence never leave you, because along with confidence these forces come. And if your own hands and head suddenly turn out to be not enough, let true friends, loving relatives and inspiring luck help. Happy Birthday!

It's your birthday today, it's such a wonderful holiday. For you, I wish a magical setting. Let celebration, joy walk in the house, harmony reign. Let your loved ones always be there, and please you with success and achievements. Let things rise like climbers on Everest. Work brings real pleasure, and love will only be mutual. Let life paint your life only with bright colors. Greet every morning with a smile on your face and a twinkle in your eyes. Let Faith, Hope and Love be your helpers. Let faith always live in your heart, Hope does not fade away even in a moment of despair, and let Love surround you all your life. Just go forward, don't look back. And boldly overcome all barriers!

According to an old parable, on his birthday, the Guardian Angel leaves his sponsor and flies to report to the higher powers for the year he has lived. On this day, a fantastic portal is opened and everything that is sincerely wished to the birthday man will certainly come true. I wish that now and all your life you are surrounded by people who love and respect you. So that their words are heard and returned to you in the form of large-scale happiness.

On your birthday, I sincerely want to wish you good health, because without it it is impossible to do anything. Good luck, without the help of which any efforts become futile. Patience, because without it there will be no strength to overcome the hardships and difficulties that are encountered on the path of life! Let what you dream of always happen to you, and joyful moments come to you more often!

It has been (number of) years since you celebrate your birthday. I want people to give you so many pleasant emotions on this holiday, so that they last until the next birthday with a margin. On this day, I wish not to know what a disease is, and a bad mood. Enjoy life and enjoy every new day. Bring even the wildest dreams to life. Gain wise experience that will help you in life, and then proudly pass it on to your children. Smile as often as possible, as sincerely as possible, and life will become more beautiful. Work to bring real pleasure, and be a joy. Always be filled with optimism for the whole day, and give it to loved ones. May miracles happen on your birthday. Be open to the whole world. And the world will open up for you.

I wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. And I wish you much joy. Let fate give only pleasant surprises. No matter what happens, never give up and never give up. Love life and thank the Lord for every new breath. May your Guardian Angel always protect and help you. Let relatives and friends surround with care and affection. Enjoy every new day. Do not be lazy to seek happiness. And always keep luck on a short leash. Choose the path that the heart points to. May the Lord keep you!

Happy birthday to you. I wish you a bright, bright, vigorous and wildly cheerful life. Don't regret anything. Clearly believe in your success, and go through life with your head held high, looking only ahead. Always achieve your goals. So that all life flows like a holiday. Never swim with the current. Love only those who deserve it. So that all problems turn into acquired experience over the years, which you will then pass on to your children and grandchildren. I want to wake up every day with a smile on my face. Enjoy all the little things, and not take problems seriously. Love and know that you are loved!

Congratulations! May desires be passionate, dreams come true, news joyful, love sincere and mutual, friendship proven over the years, rest magnificent, work beloved and highly paid, loved ones loving and understanding, holidays bright and unforgettable, cash flow inexhaustible. , goals - ambitious, but achievable, health - unfading, life - long and happy!

Happy Birthday! Today you see everything in a different light: the world opens up to meet you with the smiles of friends and bystanders, waves of causeless joy splash in your soul, the rays of the sun tickle your face, and the air is fragrant with the aromas of flowers and expensive perfumes. I wish that the mood always remains bright and upbeat, the feelings are sharpened to the limit, and the feeling of infinite happiness fills the heart!

Birthday is a very personal holiday, a solemn and bright day, on which you once saw the light for the first time, and the light - you and was very surprised that such good people can exist in the world! Today we wish you a fun, free life and the fulfillment of all dreams!

For some reason, it is on our birthday that we so love to take stock of life and make plans ... Well, well! We can only congratulate you on the holiday and wish you always achieve your goals as a winner crowned with happiness!

It is known that a holiday begins in the soul, and then it is transferred to the real world ... And it seems to me that today you have a cocktail of fireworks and fireworks in your soul! Happy birthday dear man! Accept the wish to live in the style of adventure, where the route is the whole world, and the reward is simple human happiness!

Happy Birthday. Sit quietly, listen to the silence and think, think about life. Take stock of this year, which has clearly been interesting and varied. Remember your dreams, goals, plans. Set yourself a goal for this year, and work hard to achieve it. Then thank the Lord for another year lived, and accept my wishes. I wish to forget about bad luck, grief, sadness, just delete these words from your life. Work hard to get what you want. Give your love without demanding anything in return and you will receive twice as much love and affection. Rejoice for the success of your family and friends from the bottom of your heart. Thank the Lord for every new day. Believe in success. And life will become a fairy tale!

May your birthday be filled with sunshine and warm wishes. May your life be like a rainbow - every day will become a new, bright, happy streak. Happy holiday to you!

From time immemorial they say they like to compare a person with animals ... That one has an eagle's eye. This one has the heart of a lion ... Well, and you ... if you think carefully, you are a fantastic and diverse animal, with which I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you the same varied happiness!

What magic happened to you? You just shine today! Women's wisdom has increased in the eyes, deeply enchanting, like forest lakes, and your smile is like rays of sunshine for our society ... Congratulations on your birthday, most beautiful! Be happy and loved!

They say how you spend your birthday is how you spend the rest of the year. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday, on this bright holiday. And I wish that all plans come true one by one. So that there are never gloomy days in your life. And the sun generously pampered you with its rays and warmed your soul. Let only kind people meet on your way, and add something good to your life. And even if you get lost and don't know what to do, never give up, but raise your head to heaven and ask your Guardian Angel for help. Believe in miracles and they will come into your life. So celebrate your holiday with a great mood and a smile on your face. And believe that success will surely come into your life, and take your girlfriend luck with you. Happiness to you on this day, a whole car. And many pleasant surprises!

Sometimes it seems to me that it was not a stork that brought you, but an eagle, you are such a freedom-loving and courageous, proud and courageous person! So let happiness wink at you on your birthday and give you everything and more for a long, prosperous life in which the sun always shines!

What is more eloquent than all words? Actions. It is they who speak about true feelings and thoughts, they are stronger than words and are the criterion of truth. What do the actions say? That we, the guests, postponed urgent business, put on a marathon, polished our shoes, put on formal dresses, got on the bus, then on the subway and came here to congratulate the “newborn”. And this means that he is dear to us. Let's move our glasses for him, for his good health!

Happy Birthday! Your age is just wonderful, it's time to paint a family portrait! Masculinity flourishes, wisdom in the eyes ... it seems, turn off the light - they will light up like a tiger! Do you believe in omens? All those who have gathered for the holiday do not leave a presentiment ... that something wonderful, unusual awaits you! And one more thing… anticipation… that the birthday cake is delicious…

One old parable says that once a snake crawled to God and asked to make her a beautiful woman, since she was already tired of crawling. God listened to the snake and turned it into a woman, saying: "Go and feel sorry for the people." The next day, an affectionate dove flew to God and also asked: "Turn me into a beautiful woman." And God also listened to her and turned her into a woman, saying: “Go and bring good to people.” Since then, two beautiful women have lived in the world: one with a black soul, the second with a white one. I have not the slightest doubt that our dear birthday girl is that very affectionate and kind dove. So let's wish her many years of life, happiness and optimism!

Congratulations on the day of tolerance
I want you today
Restraint and Understanding
Let you be on the shoulder.

Be kind to loved ones
And calm as bamboo
Let them solve disputes in life
Loud laughter, handshakes.

Congratulations on the Day of Tolerance!
Let's become more tolerant, kinder,
Surrounding each other with understanding
And making the whole world warmer together.

Let there be more light in the world
More joy and sincere love.
Let our planet smile
All fulfilling wishes and dreams.

Congratulations on the Day of Tolerance. On this day, I would like to wish always and everywhere, in any weather and in any situation, to remain a real person who respects himself and those around him. I wish justice, honesty, kindness and sincerity to reign in the world. May each of us be tolerant, calm and unperturbed.

Happy Tolerance Day
I congratulate you
Be patient with each other
I call to be.
In the world alone
We all live
We are neighbors
The planet is our home.

And let us have different
visions and goals,
I wish that
We were able to yield.
I wish the choice
Alien respected
And to each other
Always understood.

tolerant and tolerant
We would like to live
To old grievances
Forget everything forever!

We will forgive each other
Understand and accept
To malice and strife
We will never know!

For the sun to shine on everyone
And from the sun's rays
Everyone is kind and warm,
The world will be happier!

We heartily congratulate you
And we want to wish you
So that patience is eternal,
After all, patience is a blessing!

We are all different, we are all different,
Gossip discarding commonplace,
We will meet together the Day of Tolerance,
With understanding, with a share of gallantry,

This day is specific and significant,
The sun shines for everyone the same,
The stars shine the same for everyone
Let everyone meet happiness on earth!

We all live on a big planet,
Be tolerant of someone else's faith,
To the code of customs ... And never
Don't harm others!

Let others understand you too
Help a hand, if necessary, they will give,
They will be tolerant and very kind,
And not disgusting and not at all evil!

I hasten to congratulate you on the day of tolerance
And wish you patience in everything
So that in life you do not have to scandal,
Goodness and happiness filled the house.

To live comfortably and calmly,
Family and friends surrounded
Behave decently and with dignity,
And happiness will definitely choose you!

Happy Tolerance Day to you!
After all, this holiday is celebrated by the whole country.
I wish you patience and peace
Love was always with you.

Around you so that people understand
The way you are, to be accepted.
Let there be no adversity in the world,
Let the sky be bright.

The Lord taught us good
Everyone just forgot
But today came
Holiday in this style.

There is no trouble and evil today,
Only happiness shines
Tolerance must be
Every day in the world!

As God bequeathed to us, we will be tolerant, people,
May only peace and happiness be on earth,
Children do not cry, but sleep peacefully in their beds,
And everyone gets chocolates for the holiday!

May there be peace in the hearts, harmony in everything,
And everyone who lives has a home
There will be no evil - good will prevail,
We welcome everyone into our big family!