Christmas Tree Lighting Spell. Scenario New Year's party for children of the preparatory group. Farewell of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with the participants of the holiday

The song "Christmas Toys"

Hello kids -

Girls and boys!

Second graders, third graders,

Babies and pranksters!

Congratulations on your holiday!

Happy New Year tree holiday,

Which you came to today!

I will say that I am very happy
What came on New Year's Eve!
All the guys should be congratulated
School our honest people!
Dear children -

We'll have fun here

And we will distribute gifts.

Let's sing, play and dance

And we'll show you a new story!

Clean forest, blizzard field

The winter holiday is upon us.

So let's say together:

"Hello hello new year

Everyone in the audience repeats:

"Hello, hello, New Year!"

1 musical number "Chatushki attendants Ezhek"

Presenter: (against the background of the music "Visiting a fairy tale")

They say on New Year's Eve

A fairy tale will come to every home.

Happiness will surely find each of us.

Adults and children love to plunge into these fairy tales.

Christmas trees are dressing up together,

Faith in a fairy tale is expressed.

We won't interfere with them.

Let's watch quietly.

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny.

On our New Year's holiday

The story appears!

The story is here

Open the door for her?

Children - yes

Fairy tale, fairy tale appear.

Fairy tale, tell a fairy tale!

In a magical forest

outwardly inconspicuous,

Lived - there were animals.

They played and sang songs.

They lived very friendly.

All were obedient.

In the meadow on the big

Everyone gathered in a crowd.

Among them are pigs,

Oh! Funny boys.

Outwardly, they were very similar.

Passers-by can't tell them apart.

The same ponytail, piglet,

Everyone has a pink barrel.

Even the names are similar

Let's list them first:

Nif is a braggart and a rascal.

A very mischievous boy.

Nuf is a dreamer

Lie down in a warm puddle.

Naf - loves to work very much,

Nothing will be forgotten.

Everyone has fun with friends.

Enjoy yourself better.

"Song of the Piglets" - piglets run out 1 action

Song "Musical card" Veronica

Act two (at Frost and Snow Maiden) Song of Santa Claus

Snow Maiden:

With joy and laughter

You all came to the hall.

And a forest guest

Everyone saw!

Tall, beautiful, green, slender

Does it glow with different lights? Or does it not glow?

- What about grandfather? Disorder, and what!

There are no lights on our Christmas tree!

To make the tree burst into flames,

You use the words:

"Christmas tree, beautiful,
celebrating the New Year,
Light up with bright lights
Please all the people!”

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather Frost, but it seems to me that the Christmas tree was offended by us.
D.M.: Why, granddaughter?
Snow Maiden: But the lights don’t burn on it!
Guys, let's say the magic words: - “One, two, three! Shine Christmas tree!". Off, again... Off, again.

Snow Maiden: Let the guys tell our Christmas tree a poem, maybe she will light her lights for us?

"You are a magical Christmas tree,
You give us magic
We came to you for a holiday,
Decorate him.
(Christmas tree lights up)

Thank you tree
For the bright lights
Congratulations to everyone on the holiday
Burn for us, burn!"

Santa Claus: Attention, attention!

Hurry, hurry!

Around the green Christmas tree

Get up quick!

We will go around the Christmas tree, we will sing a ringing song!

Snow Maiden:

Guys, what is Santa Claus's favorite song? ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest") Let's get up in a round dance and sing our favorite song of Santa Claus.

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Third act (exit of evil spirits) - music

The song "New Year's tree, balls, toys" Natalya Petrovna

Santa Claus "freeze or mitten"

Snow Maiden:

Game "Danetka"

I'll ask you guys.

And you give me an answer.

But think first

"Yes" answer or "no".

Do colored icicles grow on the tree,

And the balls, painted stars?

Maybe orange oranges?

Snowflakes and pink pigs?

Down pillows?

What about honey cakes?

Are the galoshes shiny?

Are the candies real?

Well guys, you said!

All riddles solved!

Game: "Repeat the move"

Snow Maiden

Guys, now repeat after me the movements

And we'll have a fun dance!

"Everyone clapped their hands

Friendly! More fun!. (children clapping over their heads)

Legs, legs pounded

Louder! And faster!

Beaten on the knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, handles raise

Above! Above! Above!

Spinning around, spinning (turning around in place)

And they stopped….

Again only faster every time

Act four (Undead in the forest) - music

Koschey: “And now, my young friends, while a cheerful melody sounds, stand around the Christmas tree. Hold hands. As soon as I say: "Snowdrift!" Everyone raise your hands up. I’ll say: “Pit”, everyone sit down. I will say: “Snowflake”, all, without releasing your hands, depict it. That's all! Remember? Let's start the game! Snowdrift! Pit! Snowflake! Snowdrift!"

Baba Yaga: Ball (ball) between the heads

Kiki: riddles

Act five (in the house of pigs) - the song of pigs

Dance game "IF YOU HAVE FUN, DO IT!" N.P. S.D.

If life is fun, do this .. (two claps above your head)

If life is fun, do this .. (two clicks of fingers)

If life is fun, do it like this .. (two waves with spread fingers when the hands are attached to the nose. Pinocchio gesture)

If life is fun, do this ... (two pulls of your own ears)

If life is fun, do this .. (two protrusions of the tongue with a turn to the neighbor)

If life is fun, do this.. (two slaps with both hands on your own ass)

The game "We are in the south",

We have in the south

in the hot south

The sun shines all year round.

And everyone is dancing

Everyone is having fun

When they celebrate the new year!

- And now we will sing one more time and shake that part of the body that I will name.

"RIGHT HAND!" (children sing a song and shake their right hand)

"LEFT HAND!" (sing and shake with both hands)

"RIGHT FOOT!" (singing and shaking with both hands and right foot)


(The meaning of the game is that with each repetition, the children should “shake” more and more parts of the body. Everyone is funny and fun)

Act six - holiday

Snow Maiden: "Crackers and toys"

Evil spirits: "Dance marathon" (round dance once in a frosty winter)

They dance non-stop for 5-7 minutes different dances. Folk melodies are replaced by modern rhythms. For the original performance, the guys are awarded sweets to the best dancers.

Santa Claus. Well done, what beautiful costumes you have, something I got tired of. I’ll sit down and rest, and the guys will show me something and tell me something interesting, funny.

(children recite poems, songs, etc.)

- Oh, guys, the ringing of bells is heard, these are my fast horses rushing after me, to take me and my granddaughter to other kids who are waiting for me with gifts!

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year, good day,

With a Christmas tree!

We spent our holiday

Have fun today!

Santa Claus (on the background of music).

Our boys and our girls!

In the New Year, we want to wish:

Schoolchildren only excellent studies,

Do not take twos and threes with you.

Snow Maiden.

New meetings are already on the threshold,

New entertainment awaits you.

Joy, songs, fun, health,

Happy new year guys!

Santa Claus. Good luck! (leave)

You danced and sang

Have fun from the heart!

And masquerade costumes

Yours are good too!

Who worked, was not lazy,

Who spent a lot of energy

Who used fantasy, skill when sewing -

The best will be rewarded.

What a prize - it's a surprise.

(Costumes Award)

We are happy holiday

We congratulate you all!

Health and joy

We wish you all!

We wish you not to know fatigue

Walking in the white world

We wish you all a happy life

And kind, like this song!

The final song "Happy New Year Mom ..."

1. Play the game "Crackers and toys". Children line up around the Christmas tree, put their hands on each other's shoulders. Wonderful living "beads" are obtained. Divide them into even ones - these will be “crackers”, and odd ones - “toys”. On the command “crackers”, the even ones stomp loudly, on the command “toys”, the odd ones bounce.

2. For “crackers” and “toys” there is one more task: the “Find the FIR” contest. The guys become in a circle and, at the signal of the host, for 5-10 minutes remember the words that contain “spruce”: drops, flute, snowstorm , April, writer. The most ingenious will remember that this combination of words can be both at the beginning and in the middle of the word: spruce forest, dolphin, gorge, loafer. Each word adds a point, counting them, choose the winning team.

The host says: "Christmas trees are ... big, tall, wide, thick ...". And the children should show it, and the leader makes other movements to confuse everyone.

2 players participate. They are given in their mouths a spoon with a cotton ball in it. On a signal, the children scatter in different directions around the Christmas tree. The winner is the one who comes running first and does not drop the snowball from the spoon.

4 kids compete. A large inflatable ball is clamped by two children with their heads. At a signal, two run around the tree. The pair that runs faster and does not drop the ball wins.

All children stand in a circle. Santa Claus loses his mitten.
The host of the holiday finds her and, turning to Santa Claus, asks: “Santa Claus, is this not your mitten?” Santa Claus replies: “My mitten is mine, I’ll catch up with her, friends.” Children pass each other a mitten, and Santa Claus tries to take it from the children.

The two tallest participants or two adults stand and hold hands. They hold their hands up (such a mini round dance) and say:
“How we got tired of the mice, they gnawed everything, everyone ate. Here we put a mousetrap, we will catch all the mice.
The remaining participants - mice - run between the arms of the catchers. On the last words, hands drop, the “mousetrap” slams shut, whoever is caught joins the catchers. The mousetrap increases, the game repeats. The last mouse wins.

8. "Clown"
Props: The top part of a box of matches.
Children line up in 2 teams, in a column. The first person puts the box on his nose.
It is necessary, on command, to quickly transfer this box from nose to nose. Hands should be behind the back. If the box falls, the game starts again. Whose team passed the boxes faster is the winner.

9. "Centipede"
The game is a relay.
1st participant runs, runs around a chair, returns. The next one clings to it, they run, run around the chair, return. And so, to the last person. Whoever gathers their participants faster is the winner.

10. "Surprise"
1 person is invited. He is blindfolded. Unwind several times along its axis. And they let go to look for the prize, which stands on a chair under a cap. If he finds it, he gets a prize!


Children form 2 teams. At a certain distance from each team there are small gates. Near the teams, the host puts a smart box with ping-pong balls according to the number of participants. To the cheerful music, the first players take a ball from the box and roll it from a place, trying to get into the gate, after which they take a place at the end of the team. The second participants enter the game, etc. The team with the most balls in the gate wins.


All participants in this game become in a circle. Each child is given inflated balloons. But one participant is not given a ball. The leader turns on some New Year's song or, if he has the ability and a musical instrument, plays the melody himself. When the music sounds, the players pass each of their balls to a neighbor. When the music stops, the player without the ball is out of the game. After the player is eliminated, one ball is also removed. If during the game someone's balloon bursts, that participant is also out of the game. The winner is the one who is left last in the game.

The scenario of the New Year's holiday in the preparatory group "Miracles at the Christmas tree"

Target: to interest and activate children of senior preschool age using musical material in a playful and entertaining way.

Children: gypsies, fish, frosts, Christmas trees, heroes.
Adults: Santa Claus, Jean, Baba Yaga, Goblin.

Holiday progress:

(To the music of “Our Tree”, the children enter the hall and stand near the Christmas tree.)
Here comes the tree guys
To us for a holiday in kindergarten.
Tinsels, how many toys,
How beautiful is her dress!
Happy New Year.
Let fun come to us.
We wish you happiness, joy
To all children and guests!
Hello tree!
How beautifully you dressed up for us.
How many happy children are here
You collected at this hour.
How good it is in this room
We met again.
We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time.
And he came in frost, in winter.
Through the window from frosty white streets
Winter loves us.
Look, all the guests smiled,
Well, holiday, good daylight!
Round dance "it's good that every year", L. Titova

Vedas. So that the tree wakes up, looks more cheerful,
She smiled at all the guys, we will light the lights on her!
Together we will say with you:
All: - Christmas tree, light up the lights! (The Christmas tree does not light up)
Vedas. Something the tree does not burn, it is clear that the tree is fast asleep ...
F-ma 7 F-ma snoring Christmas trees
Vedas. How to wake up a Christmas tree? Maybe clap? Clap snore
No, he doesn’t wake up, .. Or maybe stomp? Stomp snoring
No, it doesn't work...
Vedas. At my edge - green girlfriends grow,
A dress with a needle, who is it? (Christmas trees!)
1 Christmas tree: Snow falls quietly, sparkles, silvers,
And falls like Christmas trees on long eyelashes.
2 Christmas tree: Silver cones hang on the Christmas tree,
In them, nuts are tasty for birds and squirrels.
6 Christmas tree: In the forest, we, Christmas trees, have fun,
The blizzard sings songs to us,
Branches covered with snow
All the trees are lined up.
Dance "Yolochek"
1 Christmas tree: Our Christmas tree cannot be without lights today!
You guys help and repeat after us:
2 herringbone: DO NOT BLOW, DO NOT ANGRY,

The tree does not light up

3 herringbone Still quiet, still weak. We all need to shout together:
"One two Three! Miracle tree, burn!”
Everything. "One two Three! Miracle tree, burn!”

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit, everyone clap their hands.

It's time for a fairy tale
Open your eyes wider.
A miracle awaits everyone today
On this new year's day!
Song "Fairy Tale"
Leading. I see heroes here, of unprecedented beauty.
Well, well done, get up. Start the song together.
Bogatyr1. Hello honest folks.
Here we are good guys. honest
Brothers, we are all relatives here.
Bogatynr2 The hero grew up big
Healthy even. head count with arshin
In the shoulders of an oblique fathom!
Song "Under the iron ringing of chain mail".
Leading Ai beauties! Ay look! Just sang. Well done!
Snip, snap, snure, tour, baselure!

(Magic music sounds, Baba Yaga enters, sits on a stump, talks to herself.)

Baba Yaga:
Oh, it's boring to live in the wilderness of an old woman. Whether it was white before: there was no time to be bored. My hut stood in the busiest place, no one passed by it unnoticed. Now, you see, Ivan - Tsarevich will look in, then the Serpent Gorynych will kidnap some beauty, and there will definitely be a daredevil who will go to rescue her and wrap me up. And now all the paths of the path to my hut are covered with snow, there is no living soul, even my cat Vasily and he disappeared somewhere. (looking for a cat) Kitty-kis-kiss! Chastushki Baba Yaga
1. What kind of life does Grandma Ezhka have?
The hut is on chicken legs.
But one in the whole forest ...
I can't take it-oo-oo!
2. I cooked something like cabbage soup,
Koschey came to visit here.
We cooed with him for a long time,
They ate fly agaric.
3.Where is all my relatives?
Drove into the city...
Goblin and Kikimora
They forgot about me.
Baba Yaga:
Oh, old, everything in my throat is dry! Where to drink some water? He looks around, runs into Leshy. Oh, you scared me, Goblin. Where did you come from?
You howled so much that it is far to hear you.
Baba Yaga:
Do you have anything to drink? Horror, how you want to drink.
I have some kind of vessel, now I'll look in the bag. (takes out a bottle).
Baba Yaga:
What a strange vessel! I have never seen such things in my life. Where did you get it?
Yes, I found it in the river when I was fishing.
Baba Yaga:
Come on, open it quickly.
Darkness! The bottle is magical!
(voice "Let me out")
Baba Yaga:
What's the other focus? How can we let it out of the bottle?
Who to release? (voice "Let me out") What do we need to do?
Rub the bottle, fool!
(Goblin rubs the bottle, a roar is heard, throws it under the tree).
Guard! Save who can!
Baba Yaga:
Oh, mothers, what a horror!?
(Everyone is hiding behind the Christmas tree, oriental music sounds, oriental beauties come out).
Dance of Oriental Beauties

I've lived in a bottle for three hundred years
Century, I thought, will not be seen!
But you saved me - from now on
I will help you all!
Now I'm every desire
Today I can do
I will keep my promises
And how can I help you!
Baba Yaga:
Who are you?
Where did you come from?
I am Gasan - Abdurakhman - ibn Khatab! The gin of their vessel. And who are you, my good saviors?
Baba Yaga:
I am Baba Yaga-ibn - Forest, old!
And I - Goblin - ibn - Bolotny!
Baba Yaga:
So you're saying we're your saviors? It's good! Give me some water to drink, my throat is dry.
I listen and obey! (claps and takes out a bottle of water under the tree)
Leshy: I don't know. I dare not!
Anyway. Gin. Buddy!
Don't be too hard on me.
I want in this room
The fish danced for me!
Let them come from the depths of the sea
Raise adrenaline in the blood!

Dance "Fish"

Gene is here, there is a kindergarten nearby. There, the children celebrate the New Year, Santa Claus will come to them, will you whistle a bag with gifts?
This cannot be done! Santa Claus is good, kind, he distributes gifts to everyone
Baba Yaga:
Bring to kindergarten, we will dance, have fun!
Well, you, grandmother, and give!
And you don't understand?
You slept all winter
She called us to dance.
Your tea is a whirlwind.
Ile brains all on one side.
Where did you invite us?
Is there just one kid here?
Baba Yaga:
Hush, hush, shut your mouth
I have my own plan.
Hello kids! We have come to your tree. We want to have fun and play.
What's the sound, what's the sound?
Having fun all around.
We will distribute toys
We will invite you to the game.
Game "Merry Musicians"
Baba Yaga: (Gin)
Oh thank you, you've got it!
How you made us laugh!
Where's the candy?
Baba Yaga:
Wait a bit, there will be sweets.
(Music sounds, children dressed as gypsies come out.)
1. Gypsy:
May I ask you, dear?
Baba Yaga:
Well, ask, so be it!
1. Gypsy:
Give me your palm, I guess
And I will know your fate...
So ... your name is Yaga,
Your leg is bone.
You have a hut
You can't count the years.
Baba Yaga:
Well, well, well, I'm young!
I look into your eyes...
I see you are bored.
You don't eat and you don't drink.
You wander alone through the forest
Yes, you are expecting guests.
3. Gypsy:
And you don't have enough guests.
Goblin, Koschey, yes Kikimora baby.
You have a beautiful daughter
She just doesn't love you.
What to do with you? Grandma hedgehog?
Baba Yaga:
Everyone told, sniffed out everything.
And we will wait for the gifts, believe me.
After all, this is what we came here for!
Better dance, please the soul!
"Gypsy dance"
Baba Yaga:
And who on New Year's Eve
Are the kids waiting for everyone?
Who will bring gifts?
Will he invite everyone to the round dance?
Cheers, laughs, plays,
Amuses with a cheerful dance?
Who will answer the question?
It's Santa Claus!
For grandfather to appear here,
Gotta stomp your feet
Now clap your hands
How Frost will hear us -
Instantly appears now!
(Children stomp, clap.)
Baba Yaga:
Something cold cheeks, nose ...
It can be seen that Santa Claus is close.
Open doors wider
And meet everyone Frost!

(Solemn music sounds, Santa Claus enters the hall)

Santa Claus:
I got lost on the road, but I found the way!
I still came to you, I still found you.
Hello children! Hello guests!
Happy New Year! I wish you a snowy winter
For you to play snowballs
So that snow blizzards sing their songs to you
So that they are not afraid of frost, so that they grow and harden!
Become, in a round dance, we will meet the New Year with a song!

Round dance "Happy New Year!", S. Elizarova

Here he got into our circle,
Stay here.
Don't leave, my friend
How not to get out.
Santa Claus:
Let me go
cute kids,
Because I love to dance
More than anything in the world.
Dance of Santa Claus
Santa Claus:
So, so, it’s impossible to get out, then I’ll freeze you.
And we are not afraid!

The game "Oh, what kind of people are coming for the frost"
D.M. I'm tired, I'm tired, I danced very merrily
Baba Yaga. Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what did you bring to the guys?
DM: Snow and blizzards, laughter and fun,
Snow blizzard, frost - that's what I brought to the children!
Snow flies and sparkles
In the golden light of the day.
Like fluff
All valleys and fields.
Everything in nature freezes
And the fields, and the dark forest.
Snow flies and sparkles
Silently falling from the sky.

We can't sit still
We love to have fun
We are not afraid of frost
We are not afraid of the cold
After all, we are frost boys - his best friends.

We love you, winter
Your frost and ice.
And fluffy snow on the branches,
And the sled and the skating rink.

You carry a Christmas tree from the forest
Guys in the New Year,
You turn everything into a fairy tale
When your snow is falling.

We are blizzards no worse
We love fluffy snow.
For the beloved frost
We dance the best!

Dance "Winter-crystal"
DM: Oh, how fun they danced! Are you guys tired?
Children: No! Look quickly at us, we will start dancing again!

GENERAL DANCE "The blizzard covered my city"

D.M. Well, dance, just class! That's how much fun you have!
Goblin: Santa Claus, get up and play with the guys!
DM: I will shake my beard, I will amuse all the children!
Two lumps, two coals, we make a snowman.

Game "Assemble a snowman" (cut pictures)

Brrr! I'm freezing! Mittens, where is Yaga? Lost like always?
Santa Claus:
We will find gloves
Let's have a fun game!
Game "Find a Pair" (mittens of different colors, cut out of cardboard)
Yaga We need to do something in order to receive a gift.
I know what is needed. Jin needs to be asked to conjure something.

wooden boards,
Ride straight from the river
From the hill - oh!
Up the hill - wow!
It's breathtaking!
The game "On one ski to collect snowballs in a bucket"
The path is covered with white fluff
How clear the air is in winter!
I'll stand, I'll love a little,
As snowflakes fly over me.
Winter scatters them everywhere,
Gives everyone a silver outfit.
As if a fairy tale around comes to life
And the snowflakes are spinning and flying.
Every ray of snowflake is sharpened
They are so transparent and gentle.
So beautiful that I really want
I collect snowflakes like flowers.
The song "We are spinning around the Christmas tree, meeting the holiday with her"
Yes, you brought good fun, Santa Claus.
You brought a slender, thick Christmas tree.
But other gifts are waiting
And I don't see them here.
Santa Claus:
I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
He brought gifts for everyone.
Well you performed
Songs were sung. We danced.
And for this you friends, I will give gifts.
Baba Yaga: Santa Claus! Hooray! I found your bag! (Trying to untie) That's the knot...uh-huh...I can't untie it! (Goblin helps, it doesn't work)
DM: It is necessary to call the genie as soon as possible, he will help to conjure.
Jin: Let's all clap together! (clap)
Let's stomp our feet! (Stomp) Snip, snap, snure, lure. Basilura!
The knots were all untied, and we got the gifts! (Pulling on a short rope.)
D.M. Hurry in places, I will distribute gifts to everyone! (Distributing gifts)
Yaga: And us?
Jin O you are my saviors!
Santa Claus: We distributed all the gifts,
We visited a fairy tale.
And now it's time to say goodbye
And part with the guests.
Be healthy kids
Live together, without worries
And do not be bored, we are back to you
Together: We'll be back in exactly one year!

New Year in the preparatory group. Scenario

The scenario of the New Year's party for children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten "Magic Chest"

Sefershaeva Alfiya Askhatovna, musical director of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 99", Kazan.
Material Description: Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old). This material will be of interest to music directors and kindergarten teachers.
Target: To develop in children emotional responsiveness to a festive performance. To make the life of pupils the most interesting, meaningful, filled with the joy of fairy tales and music.

Educational: To form in children the ability to emotionally perform songs and dances.
Developing: To develop an ear for music, plasticity, emotional responsiveness to music.
Educational: To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale, the ability to overcome fear of the audience.

Winner of the All-Russian competition « Most requested article of the month » JANUARY 2018

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 268 combined type" st. Govorova, 56-A, Krasnoyarsk

Senior - preparatory group Musical director - Porshakova N.A.


  1. Fanfare sound.
  2. Children's exit. General dance to the sound of the song "Herringbone" music and words by A.S. Yermolova
  3. Mounting.
  4. round dance "White snow" music and words by A.S. Yermolova
  5. Exit Winter.
  6. The exit of the hut and Baba Yaga.
  7. Dance "Moon and Stars" music and lyrics by Y. Entin
  8. Departure of Emelya on the stove.
  9. Game - relay race "For Water"
  10. round dance "Under the New Year" music and lyrics by N.K. Martynov
  11. Exit Nastenka
  12. Dance "Russian" performed by the group "Blizzards"
  13. Exit of the King Peas and two from the casket
  14. General dance "New Years is soon" music and lyrics by T.N. Nagornoy
  15. Exit of Baba Yaga dressed as Winter.
  16. Exit Santa Claus
  17. Nordic dance "Girl Snow Maiden" S. Elizarova
  18. Lighting the lights on the tree
  19. Music game "And Frost on the street" words and music by T.V. Rich
  20. Song - performance "At the edge of the forest" music by E. Hanok and lyrics by S. Ostrovnaya
  21. Surprise moment and gift giving



  • presenter
  • Baba Yaga
  • Emelya
  • King Peas
  • Santa Claus


  • Nastya
  • Snow Maiden
  • 2 from the casket
  • buffoons
  • Russian people
  • northerners
  • month
  • stars

The tree is on fire. Fanfare sounds.

General dance with glow sticks - entrance to the holiday to the sound of a song "Herringbone" words and music by A. S. Ermolov.

1 child:

How nice that today
Our guests have come here
And, without looking at the worries,
Everyone found a free hour.

2 child:

New Year's holiday is coming
Lights a thousand fires!
Christmas tree is elegant today
He invites all his guests.

3 child:

Our tree is full of toys
And the balls are hanging on it!
Our tree HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Congratulations to all the guys.

4 child:

And snowflakes fly outside the window
Looking into the spacious, bright room,
A fairy tale awaits us here today
And a fun, noisy carnival.

5 child:

New Year's carnival
Gathered all my friends here
Dancing masks here and there
Everyone laughs and sings.

6 child:

New Year's carnival
Gathered all my friends here
Loud music calls
All in a cheerful round dance.

7 child:

Under the beauty tree
We lead a round dance
A joyful holiday has come to us ...
ALL: Happy New Year!

A round dance is being performed "Under the New Year" words and music by Martynova N.K. (at the end of the song, the children sit on the chairs).


Fluffy snow is silvering, soft carpet spreads
And snowflakes, like fluffs, curl merrily around.
Our Russian winter went out into the field in a white dress.
Let her walk boldly, the kids will be happy.

Sounds like music from a song "Because it's winter" words and music by N. N. Yentsova, children perform 1 verse and chorus, "Winter" dancing.


Hello Russian girl,
Coloring - soul,
white winch,
All: Hello, mother - winter !!!


I know you waited for me, dressed warmer.
I scattered snow everywhere and around, it became beautiful.
With my girlfriend Frost, I froze puddles,
So that in winter there was a place to ride in the yard.

And how beautiful the winter forest is, there are many fairy tales and miracles in it.


We miss wonders so much
On fun adventures
According to good Russian fairy tales,
Magic transformations.

Lead, Winter, hurry us to the forest,
We want fabulous miracles.


And in order for us to visit a miracle, we need to call!
Look at me and repeat with me!
Miracle, miracle respond! Miracle, miracle appear! (3 times)
The lights turn off, magic music sounds, at this time a hut enters the hall and stands in front of the Christmas tree, turning away from the children.


Oh, look at the hut, maybe an old woman lives in it ?!

(hut turns)

Baba Yaga: (behind doors)

Turn away from them, hut! You see, winter is here.

Oh, how many guys are here, they are all noisy, noisy. (hut turns away)


Hey, hut, don't be lazy, turn to face us! (hut turns)

To the music, Baba Yaga appears in the hall with a bandaged cheek.

Baba Yaga:

Again there is no peace in the forest! Why don't they teach you etiquette?

Before yelling out the window "Hello" say.


Hello Grandma Yaga! How is your health? How is your leg?

Baba Yaga:

I'm tired of your frost.
The last tooth hurt.
There is nothing for grandma to chew on!
It is urgent to drive Winter.

I'd rather take Winter and lock it up with a key (shows key)

The light is turned off, Winter and the Hut leave the hall, the light turns on.

Baba Yaga:

I'll hide the key as soon as possible from these mischievous children,
And then they will find him and unlock the lock.
I'll hide it in a snowdrift so that no one can find it. (thinks)
But in winter there are a lot of snowdrifts, then find it and try it. (goes to audience)

ABOUT! I'll hide it here, they won't find it here for sure. (thinks)
No, you will betray me, give the key to the kids.
I'll hide him in a fairy tale, let them cry now,
You will have to go into the forest to find the key in the fairy tale.

I cancel the New Year, I turn off all the garlands
Well, let's say: one, two, three - do not burn our Christmas tree! (2 times asks children to help, blows on lanterns)
The tree goes out, the lights turn off, Baba Yaga hides the key under the tree and runs out of the hall, at this time the stove rolls out with the sleeping Emelya.

Look, children, the stove is standing, and someone is sleeping on the stove. He sleeps all week! Who is he?

All: EMELIA!!!

presenter (suitable for stove):

Hey, Emelya, wake up, get ready as soon as possible!
You need to heat the stove, drink tea to the guests.
Emelya (wakes up):
Either I'm sleeping, or a miracle,

Who are you children and where are you from?



There is no key in my fairy tale, but there are magic words!
Before you tell them to you, you need to play with me !!!
I really need water, but I'm lazy, that's the trouble !!
With you, water with me, words, such a game

Relay game "For Water" (children line up in 2 teams, pick up a bucket, run around an imaginary well, take a snowball, then return, and pass the bucket to the next one, and sit down on a chair)


So thank you guys!
Helpers are what you need!
And they brought water to me, and they heated the stove!
So why did they come?


We are looking for a magic key, children are bored without Winter !!


Of course, I will help you, I will say magic words,
They will take you further, where they will find the hidden key.
Snow, snow, ice, ice miracles for the new year
Around the Christmas tree you will go

You will find the magic key.

At the command of the pike, at my will, follow the stove for me (Emelya and the stove leave)


And to make it more fun, let's sing a song soon
A round dance is being performed "Under the New Year" music and lyrics by N. K. Martynov (at the end of the song, the children sit down on chairs, Nastenka sits under the tree.)

beautiful girl
He sits under the tree.
Why is the girl
Crying and sad?


My name is Nastenka.
Father left here
Me under the Christmas tree alone.
Oh, I'll freeze, I'll perish!


And why in such a cold
Did he bring you here?


The evil stepmother sent
Wants me to disappear.


Nastenka, don't worry
You better dance with us.
To warm up quickly
Let's dance more fun!

Performed Russian dance group "Metelitsa"


Oh thank you!!!
Why are you here, you say?
Did you find the path?

We are looking for a magic key, children are bored without Winter !!


I would be glad to help you
But I don't have your key!
Can I go with you
And help find him?


We always need help! Maybe you know the words? What would we go on to find the right fairy tale.


Yes, of course I will help you and I will tell you the words!
Don't scream, don't yawn
And repeat with me!
We need to go to the woods

The story is ahead. (children repeat 3 times)

Music sounds, Tsar Pea enters the hall and sits on the throne, at this time two from the casket go behind the Christmas tree.


Oh, look, the throne is standing, and King Pea is sitting on the throne.

King Peas:

King Pea in the kingdom is always bad.
The floor was gnawed by mice, the roof was leaky.
And the traitorous courtiers spent my entire treasury,
They robbed the kingdom, ate all the stocks

And they put a foil crown on me.
And I want wealth, to bathe in luxury.
Well, two from the casket, the same from the face,
Come out! Same hour, follow my order! (two run out of the casket from behind the tree)

Two from the casket:

We are two brothers from a casket,

Identical from the face.

We do it all at once

Gorokhov decrees.

King Peas:

So the holiday came to the house, but there is no fun in it.

Come on, two of the chest, the same from the face, come here to me, cheer me up!

Two from the casket:

Your decree is an order for us,

We do the same time!

The dance of buffoons is performed Russian folk music "Kamarinskaya"

King Peas:

Now I'm having fun, happy, I'm sitting.
And for this I will royally reward you guys


Happiness is not in wealth, we are looking for the key,
After all, the guys will be bored without Winter.

King Peas:

I don't have a key and I have to go on
Hurry up to the forest, take your brothers with you!!
But, and I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, goodbye, I'm leaving (leaves)
A common dance is being performed "New Years is soon" music and lyrics by T. N. Nagornaya (at the end of the dance, the children sit on the chairs)

The light turns off at this time, Winter hides behind the hut and turns on the light in the window - a lantern.


It is not a simple hut, and there Winter sits, I know
Now let's go to the hut and open the hut ...
Baba Yaga comes out dressed as Winter.

Baba Yaga:

There is nothing to look for me, I went for a walk.



Well, guys answer, who can help us?
All of us have been waiting for this for a long time, this is Grandfather Frost.
We need to say the words and call him here
Good Santa Claus, the reddest nose

Come to us soon and help us in trouble. (repeat 3 times)
Music sounds in the hall is FATHER FROST.

Santa Claus:

So I got to you, at least a little delayed.
As there are many people in the hall, I know that you were waiting for me.
Happy New Year to you, friends, I finally arrived to you.
I overcame all obstacles, I knew that I would be welcome here.


Hello Dedushka Moroz.

We were all waiting for you, Grandfather Frost, we have a problem:

Santa Claus:

I know everything about trouble! (fits in Baba Yaga)

Who are you, we now know!

Don't be afraid, guys, now I'll blow on her and I'll find out everything right away.

Will you help me?

Are you cold, winter? (blowing)

Are you cold white? (blowing)

Baba Yaga:

Stop running and jumping, enough to catch up with the cold.

I'm all cold, I'll catch a cold, I'll turn into an icicle.

Oh you are so!! Well, as you wish

You are looking for winter (leaves, children in northern costumes and a snow maiden line up near the door)

Santa Claus:

What to do, how to be?

How to open the hut!!!

I know that my granddaughter will help find the key in the forest, she can only find it.

Granddaughter hurry here and help me soon.

A dance is being performed "Girl Snow Maiden" northern dance music and lyrics by S. Elizarova

Snow Maiden:

Hello Dedushka Moroz
Hello guys
I hurried to you friends
I am very glad to you.

Det Frost, and the New Year Is that how they meet?
After all, at the holiday guys
Everyone plays games.
And look at the Christmas tree

There are no lights on it!
You need to light the Christmas tree
To keep the holiday going

Santa Claus:

As always, you are right granddaughter.
Well, guys, help me, and repeat the words after me.
Christmas tree - beauty, light the fires
Look at the guys with colored eyes! (3 times)

Santa Claus:

I know one game, we will play in a circle.

Playing a musical game "It's cold outside" words and music by T. V. Bokach

Santa Claus:

Granddaughter soul my help we need yours

Snow Maiden:

I know it's not a problem, I found the key in the forest

We will now take the key and unlock the hut! (gives the key to Santa Claus, he goes to the hut and opens it)

The song is being performed - dramatization "At the edge of the forest" music by E. Hanok, lyrics by S. Ostrovnaya.

(during the song, Winter comes out to the children and dances with the children; at the end of the song, the children sit on chairs)


Thank you guys for releasing

And invited to the winter holiday.


What a nice new year
Lead a round dance at the Christmas tree,
But it's nicer what to hide
Receive gifts for children.

Santa Claus:

There are quite a few gifts, they can not be counted at all

Christmas tree flare up stronger, magic fly faster


We will help Santa Claus, we will all sit quietly,

And we only follow Santa Claus with our eyes!

Snow Maiden:

You are very quiet! Magic you do not scare away!
Santa Claus (begins to conjure, the lights in the hall turn off):
Here I raise the staff and quietly lower it
Magic comes to us

Don't scare him away!!!
What is hidden will be found
What is closed will open!!!
Freeze the magic!!!

Where gifts show! (Winter's hut begins to glow)
Here they are gifts where!
Joy to our kids!
Winter help and give gifts to the guys. (1 gift is given to the Snow Maiden)

Presentation of gifts.


Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

I, guys, wish you that you do not know the troubles!

Snow Maiden:

I wish everyone success in the New Year,
More cheerful, sonorous laughter!
And so that you are not afraid of frost,
More skiing and sledding.

Santa Claus:

So it's time for us to finish the New Year's holiday.
I wish you to grow big, kids,
So that you do not know worries, and I will return to you in a year.


Christmas tree, beauty, smile!

Light up with bright lights!

Claps hands once. The lights don't light up. The witch tries several more times to light the lights with her magic words, but nothing works.

Santa Claus.

No, you're screaming a little!

Come on, guys again

Let's shout together:

"Christmas tree, beauty, smile!

Light up all the bright lights!"

Children repeat these words in chorus. Santa Claus knocks with his staff, the tree lights the fires.

Santa Claus.

We have not tried in vain with you,

The tree burst into flames!

Santa Claus is calling you all

In the New Year's round dance!

A song is being performed

Santa Claus.

Guys, are you afraid of the cold?

Snow Maiden:

We don't care about frost!

We are not afraid of the cold!

We dance and sing

We have a lot of fun!

Santa Claus.

So, so, so you're not afraid of the cold? Now I'll check it out!

The game "Wow, I'll freeze" is being played

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus! Why are you scaring the kids?

By the ears, by the noses grab them?

Santa Claus.

I am very happy today

And I'm friends with the guys!

I won't freeze anyone

I won't catch anyone!

(At this time, the children hold hands. Santa Claus is inside the circle).

Oh, how can I get out of the circle?

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus! And you dance with us, then we will let you out of the circle!

Santa Claus.

Ah, rascals! Well, what can you do?

Let's continue the holiday

Let's have fun dancing!

Dance "4 steps"

Snow Maiden.

Tired Grandfather, tired!

How merrily he danced!

Let the tree rest.

Who will read poetry to him?

Y child.

Santa Claus walked through the forest,

Past the maples and birches,

Past the clearings, past the stumps,

I walked through the forest for many days!

He walked through the forest

He dressed the Christmas trees in beads.

This New Year's Eve

He will take them down to the guys!

Y child.

Silence in the field

The yellow moon shines

All trees are in silver

Hares dance on the mountain!

Ice sparkles on the pond

The New Year is coming!

Y child.

We all live happily

We play happily

And we dance and we sing

We welcome the New Year!

Y child.

The Christmas tree stands festively

She has an elegant look:

Squirrels, cones and scales,

bells, clock,

colored balls,

Painted sleigh!

Y child.

Santa Claus breathes on the windows,

On the glass of the picture he writes:

Arrows, towers and flowers

Unparalleled beauty!

Santa Claus is a little tired.

Quietly looking out the window.

Look Santa Claus

The beard has grown to the glass!

Santa Claus.

Thanks guys for the lyrics! And now you, Snow Maiden, come out and surprise the kids with your magic!

Snow Maiden.

There are a lot of our toys on the Christmas tree,

Balls of different, paper crackers!

Bunnies, bears and even ... hedgehogs.

The dolls are beautifully dressed!

Well, I'll surprise you guys

I will bring the dolls to life!

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

(claps hands to count).

The dolls will dance!

The "Dance of the Dolls" is performed.

Santa Claus.

Oh yes, dolls! How beautifully they danced! Well, Witch, now it's your turn to surprise the guys!


Oh, what surprises me? Well, let's see, I found the bags! Here are some! Painted! (Shows two bags for the game). Let's play! The game "Who is faster ".

Santa Claus.

Oh, they played great!

They showed their skill!

Now hurry up guys.

Let's dance again!

I'll see who's better

Sing a ringing song!

A song is being performed