How long before birth does the mucus plug come out. Departure of the cork before childbirth. Symptoms of approaching childbirth and recommendations. When the cork is out

The mucous plug, the appearance of which can be seen in the photo, is formed in the uterine cavity in the first weeks after conception, and comes out immediately before childbirth. Its appearance is a normal physiological process and a sign of the health of the female reproductive system.

The mucous plug acts as a safe barrier protecting the developing amniotic sac from possible infection.

The mucous plug (in the photo you can see its location inside the entrance to the uterus) is a clot of viscous secretions that are produced by the cells of the cervix. Appears from the first weeks of fetal development, and disappears immediately before childbirth.

As the mass of the embryo increases, the density of the mucous plug increases. Due to the constant activity of the cells of the cervix, regular renewal of the biochemical composition of the mucus is ensured, which prevents the development of congestion and bacterial infection.

The mucous plug contains antibodies that guarantee a quick reaction if pathogenic microflora enters its structure from the vaginal cavity.

Due to the immune response, pathogenic bacteria cannot penetrate into the uterus, infect the fetal bladder, or provoke the rejection of the embryo. Externally, the mucous plug resembles a mass of jelly, which may have a yellowish or completely transparent appearance. A small admixture of capillary blood is allowed.

Characteristics of the mucous plug

The mucous plug before childbirth, a photo of which can be viewed on the Internet, comes out on its own immediately before the start of the outflow of amniotic fluid. Some women feel this moment and can see a clot of mucus come out, while for others this physiological process goes unnoticed.

Despite this, every pregnant woman should know the organoleptic characteristics of the mucous plug, the release of which is the first harbinger of the imminent onset of labor. All of them are described in the table below.

Consistency Mucus plug differs from other secretions of the female reproductive system in that it has a very high degree of density. Being outside the cervix, it resembles a frozen jelly or jelly. Immediately before the birth itself, the density of the mucous plug decreases, it becomes more liquid and can come out through the vagina in parts, resembling wet discharge.
Smell It does not have a specific or pungent odor. Its appearance indicates the current infectious and inflammatory process that develops in the internal genital organs of a woman, or there are other pathologies of intrauterine development of the fetus.
Size The volume of the mucous plug is different for every woman. This is largely due to the level of sex hormones in the blood, as well as structural features of the organs of the reproductive system. The average cork size is about 2-4 cm in length. If we talk about volumes, then this is 50 ml. A pregnant woman should know the size of the physiological plug and distinguish them from other types of mucous secretions, the presence of which may indicate infection with a bacterial infection.
Color It is believed that the normal color of the mucous plug is its completely transparent appearance, or the appearance of a yellowish tint. In medical practice, there are clinical cases when in women with a normal course of pregnancy, a light brown mucous plug formed in the uterine cavity. A dangerous sign is the blackening of the cork, or its acquisition of a saturated gray color. This may indicate an imminent miscarriage or fading of the fetus. If the barrier mucus in the uterine cavity has become bright red or scarlet, then this indicates the passage of the placenta and the onset of preterm labor.
Mucus plug before childbirth. A photo

The qualitative characteristics of the mucous plug are determined by a gynecologist during a routine examination of a pregnant woman. In the case of normal fetal development and the conformity of the natural barrier to all physiological characteristics, the patient does not require any further examination.

If the above parameters do not correspond to the real picture of the course of pregnancy, then in this case the woman may need to undergo additional diagnostics.

Mucus Plug Functions

The mucous plug before childbirth, a photo of which can be found on information stands in the office of a gynecologist or obstetrician, acts as a natural barrier.

In addition, the following functions are assigned to it, ensuring the normal development of the child and preserving the health of the pregnant woman:

  • prevents water from entering the uterine cavity while bathing a pregnant woman in a pool, bath, river or open pond;
  • acts as a physiological barrier for spermatozoa that are in the vagina during sex without the use of barrier contraceptives;
  • maintains optimal microflora in the cervix and upper part of the vagina, preventing the development of pathogens, since antibodies are present in the mucous plug;
  • before the mucous plug leaves, the fetal bladder and the child are isolated from the aggressive effects of the environment (this is especially true when a pregnant woman is a woman who has already given birth to 3 or more children, has a gaping entrance to the vagina and a wide lumen of its walls).

For many pregnant women, the mucous plug is a kind of indicator of the imminent onset of labor. Women who have studied the physiology of their body well and control the process of pregnancy begin to expect the release of the natural barrier a few days before the scheduled date of birth of the child.

Causes of the mucous plug

The formation of a mucous plug is a direct consequence of the conception of a child and the rapid development of the fetus. After the egg has been fertilized by the sperm, the embryo is implanted against the wall of the uterus.

In the body of a woman, a special hormone begins to be produced - chorionic gonadotropin. It is synthesized only during pregnancy. Its presence in the blood always indicates the first stages of fetal development.

As soon as the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood reaches a sufficient level, the female reproductive system, as well as all other internal organs, receive a signal that it is necessary to restructure their work for the future life support of a developing child.

At the 5th week of fetal formation, the upper cell layer of the cervix, located on its inner side, begins to actively produce very thick and viscous mucus, on the basis of which a physiological barrier is formed in the form of a plug. The synthesis and constant renewal of this substance does not stop until the last days of the onset of labor.

Diagnosis of the mucous plug

Before registering with a gynecologist, a woman undergoes a preliminary examination by a specialist in this profile. In order to determine the presence of a mucous plug, to establish its color, degree of density and preliminary dimensions, it is enough for the doctor to perform a visual examination of the patient's birth canal.

If, according to the results of the diagnosis, a change in the color of the cork was detected, it has a too liquid appearance or other deviations are present, then the woman may be An unscheduled delivery of the following tests has been scheduled:

Based on the results obtained, a further course of treatment is formed. If the diagnostic conclusion does not contain serious deviations from the norm in the development of the fetus, and a change in the color shade or consistency of the mucous plug is an individual feature of the patient's reproductive system, then there is no need for therapeutic actions.

When does the mucosal plug detach?

The formation of a mucous plug, as well as its discharge, is a completely physiological process, the course of which is subject to the level of female sex hormones present in the woman's blood. If the pregnancy develops normally without complications, then the natural removal of the cork occurs at 38 weeks of gestation.

It is from this moment that the expectant mother needs to prepare for the imminent birth of a child. Simultaneously with the departure of the natural barrier, other signs of the onset of labor appear, which do not go unnoticed.

If a woman is at rest, having taken a horizontal position, or is sitting, she can feel the moment the cork comes out. An external examination of the linen can reveal an abundance of mucous secretions. If the cork came out while taking a shower or going to the toilet, then in this case the woman may not notice her exit, which is also normal.

Reasons for the early release of the mucous plug

In gynecological practice, there are cases when the waste of the mucous plug occurs earlier than 38 weeks.

Early separation of the physiological barrier can be caused by the following reasons, the occurrence of which is caused by the negative influence of pathological factors:

Regardless of which of the above reasons served as a prerequisite for the premature release of the mucous plug, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. This will allow you to take timely actions aimed at preserving the child and preventing the early onset of labor.

Cork discharge symptoms

In women who have become pregnant for the first time, as well as in re-children, the mucous plug always comes off after the 38th week of gestation. This is provided that the pregnancy passes without pathological complications. The only difference is that women who have given birth before have a smoother and more elastic surface of the inside of the cervix.

In this connection, the cork is separated quickly and comes out as a single jelly-like lump. In women who become pregnant for the first time, the secretion of mucus is carried out in portions, with small impurities of blood. This is due to the narrower lumen of the cervix.

The following symptoms are also distinguished, in the presence of which the mucous plug is separated:

  • a feeling of pulling pain in the lower abdomen (it is important to remember that the pain syndrome should not be acute, as this is not typical for the release of a small clot of mucus);
  • feeling of discomfort inside the vagina;
  • the appearance of abundant mucous secretions on the surface of linen or sanitary pads.

The above symptoms should coincide with the estimated date of birth of the child. If these signs appear, and the woman's health remains the same, then the first contractions should begin within 3-6 hours or 1-2 days. It is possible that labor activity will begin much earlier.

If, along with the waste of the mucous plug, pulsating contractions are immediately felt, then you should immediately go to the hospital to see a gynecologist.

Prevention of premature exit of the mucous plug

In order to prevent early withdrawal of the mucous plug and the onset of premature labor, you must follow the simple rules of prevention, which consist of the following actions:

The mucous plug before childbirth, the photo of which resembles a clot of a jelly-like mass, should be in the cervical cavity for as long as possible. In order to preserve the health of the child and protect him from the aggressive effects of the environment, the cork comes out a few hours before the onset of labor.

What to look for when leaving the mucous plug

The mucous plug before childbirth, the photo of which reflects the appearance of the physiological barrier, gradually loses its previous density. This is due to a change in the hormonal background of a woman. It is very important to distinguish between the waste of mucous secretions from the loss of amniotic fluid.

A pregnant woman should pay attention to the following key factors:

If, after the passage of the mucous plug or amniotic fluid, the well-being of the pregnant woman has not deteriorated. You need to go to the hospital and just expect the onset of labor soon. In the presence of pain in the lower abdomen, spasms, contractions, you should immediately call an ambulance team, or go to a medical facility in your own car.

Possible Complications

The waste of the mucous plug may be accompanied by the development of pathological processes in the reproductive system of a pregnant woman and directly inside the uterus.

In this case, complications may develop, which are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the mucous plug came out much earlier than the scheduled date of birth of the child (by 6-7 months), which may indicate placental abruption and the imminent onset of preterm labor, the consequences and course of which are difficult to predict;
  • exit of the physiological barrier due to mechanical damage to the internal genital organs with a violation of the integrity of the amniotic sac and leakage of water (in this case, the resolution of labor should be performed as quickly as possible, since there is a high risk of fetal freezing);
  • the discharge of the plug is accompanied by sharp pains in the lower abdomen and the release of blood of a bright scarlet color, which is not a normal process, may indicate internal bleeding, vascular disorders, or the presence of other abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

All of the above complications that can occur when the mucous plug is removed before childbirth (the photo of the physiological barrier exit process itself can be viewed on information posters in the obstetrician-gynecologist's office) are dangerous and require urgent hospitalization of the pregnant woman.

At all stages of fetal development, every woman should know the physiological characteristics of the mucous plug, the timing of its natural waste, and the distinctive features in relation to amniotic fluid.

With effective control of the course of pregnancy and the implementation of preventive measures, the exit of the mucous plug is carried out no earlier than 38 weeks, shortly before the onset of labor.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Mucus plug video

How does the mucous plug come out:

Thanks to educational videos on the Internet, millions of books and courses for young mothers in antenatal clinics, every pregnant girl knows in general terms how the birth process begins, what lies ahead. Something liquid should come out, then small contractions begin, they gradually intensify. However, in practice there are many more prenatal discharges. One type is a clot of mucus that performs a protective function. How to understand that it is he who is leaving, what the mucous plug looks like, and whether you need to run to the hospital or to the gynecologist - we will figure it out in the article.

What's this?

A clot of mucus forms in the cervix of the expectant mother. It's called a mucus plug. It is formed due to hormonal changes in a woman's body, starting from the second month of pregnancy, when the reproductive organ swells and softens, a sufficient amount of cervical fluid accumulates in it.

What does a leaky cork look like?

What does a cork look like before childbirth? It is very similar to raw egg white, that is, the mucus is very viscous and thick with a yellow or pinkish hue, as it contains bloody streaks. It is formed not just like that, but for a specific purpose - to protect the child from infections that can enter the mother's body.

The mucus plug before childbirth begins to gradually soften due to the influence of estrogen to the point that it simply leaves the body. The fair sex, who already have children, know that this is the first harbinger of a speedy delivery.

Note! A clot of mucus is not always a harbinger of labor. Sometimes, when a woman is examined by a gynecologist, the uterus enters into tone and pushes the cork out of itself both once, that is, with a small mucous lump, and gradually, when the discharge continues for several days, it looks like colorless spotting during menstruation.

How long does it normally start?

The birth plug comes off about five days before the baby is born. The color of the clot is beige, may be brown with bloody streaks. There is nothing wrong with them, because they are just broken capillaries. The texture of the cork is liquid and viscous. It does not come out all at once, but in small portions over several days. Serving size can be compared to 1.5 tablespoons.

In this case, you don't need to do anything. It is only important to listen to your own feelings and observe the process. The help of a qualified health worker at this stage is not needed. If a woman initially wanted to go to the maternity hospital ahead of schedule, because due to circumstances she cannot go to give birth in an institution at the same moment, then the discharge of the cork before childbirth is the very preparatory moment.

Important! If there is a lot of blood in the discharge, then this is a clear sign of placental abruption - this is a very serious violation of the course of pregnancy, in which you must immediately go to the hospital.

How long before birth do amniotic fluid come out, which directly signal the beginning of the process of giving birth to a baby? This happens literally a few hours before labor. In color, they are completely transparent or with a pink or greenish tinge, but not cloudy. The consistency is watery, without mucus. Leaking constantly, aggravated by sneezing or coughing. In this case, you need to urgently gather in the maternity hospital.

Important! For each woman, the timing of such a process is individual! It is possible to speak about all time intervals only conditionally. For some, the mucous plug leaves immediately during childbirth, while for others - in a week.

If, and there were no traffic jams, there is no need to urgently go to the maternity ward. In a situation where the cork, on the contrary, has departed too early, that is, 2-3 weeks before the expected date of birth, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist who will give all the necessary recommendations and monitor the well-being of the expectant mother.

How does the process start?

In order for a woman to be less worried and know exactly about the approach of delivery, it is important for her to know in advance how the cork leaves before childbirth. According to internal sensations, the lower abdomen may ache a little, as it happens before the onset of menstruation. In addition, pain is observed in the lumbar region. There is nothing to worry about, everything described is the norm.

The mucous plug can come off before childbirth at any time. This happens when visiting the toilet, water procedures, during breakfast or dinner, in a dream. Remnants of white or beige mucus will always remain on the underwear (unless, of course, the cork came out when going to the toilet).

If the cork has come off, then it's time to get ready for the hospital.

Depending on the hormonal background, the clot comes out either in small parts, or all at once.

It is worth noting that in primiparas and those who become mothers again, the cork leaves in different ways.

In the first category of women, childbirth itself, as a rule, lasts longer, therefore, preparation for this process covers a more extensive period. The discharge itself is identical to that of multiparous ones, but it happens at different times, usually later.

Women who are going to become a mother again should know that their body has already gone all the way, knows how to react. Therefore, childbirth is shorter, and preparation takes less time compared to the first time. After the discharge of the birth plug, you should not wait long; in the next few hours, you should expect a long-awaited meeting with the baby.

Note! During the period of discharge of the mucous plug, you need to be careful about your own hygiene. As soon as it comes out, the natural protection against infections will cease. Treat not only your own, but also the health of an unborn baby with care, do not take risks.

What to do?

What rules should be followed as soon as a clot came out before childbirth?

If there is even a little blood in the discharge, then this is the reason to immediately contact a gynecologist.
  1. You can not swim in the bathroom, and even more so in public places - the pool, river, sea. It is worth limiting yourself to a warm shower for the next few days. Since the immune system during pregnancy is too weakened, it will not be able to withstand even the most fearless infection, which is not known how it can end up in the end. Many women will object: the baby is still surrounded by amniotic fluid and the fetal egg itself. True, but the barrier is too flimsy and may not endure some kind of threat, it all depends on immunity. Why risk it again?
  2. Observe your feelings. It all depends on the duration of the birth. It often happens that the cork and water depart at the same time. The primiparous does not always feel the difference, and therefore may not worry for the next few hours. If the period is already long, and mild aching and pulling pains do not subside, but also intensify many times over, you need to go to the hospital. With a high probability this is if the interval between attacks is about 10 minutes. In all other cases, there is no point in going to give birth. Contractions can also be training, they will end quickly and everything will be as before.
  3. Start collecting bags for the maternity hospital, prepare documents, give the last instructions to your husband and household.
  4. If in the intimate sphere, even for a considerable period, all sexual contacts with a loved one are still preserved, after the discharge of the mucous clot, they must be stopped. The birth canal, again, is highly likely to be infected.
  5. If there is a lot of time before the scheduled date of birth, and the cork has already come out, this is a reason to visit the gynecologist.
  6. Women who have given birth repeatedly rarely confuse amniotic fluid and birth plug. If there is at least some doubt that the mucus has departed immediately with the waters, while the process is accompanied by cramping attacks, it is better to see a specialist.
  7. If the discharge is accompanied by a large amount of scarlet or dark blood - urgently for an appointment. With this phenomenon, the risk of placental discharge increases, which ends with the death of the fetus.

The fact that the cork leaves before childbirth is a completely natural process that provokes the hormone estrogen. It softens the mucus, removes it from the cervix. Since then, the expectant mother must observe her own feelings and be ready: collect all bags and documents, give instructions to relatives, carefully monitor hygiene.

Any pregnant woman is waiting for the onset of childbirth with some trepidation and fear. Some people think that this moment would come sooner, others want to wait a little longer. But in any case, no matter how you prepare for childbirth, they always come unexpectedly.

How to understand that the cork has come off? How and for how long does the mucous plug go before childbirth? Should I go to the hospital right away or wait?

So many questions give rise to panic, which only aggravates the situation, increasing tension, bringing it almost to hysteria, which is extremely harmful for both mother and baby.

That is why, in order to prepare and know exactly how to be and what to do, it is necessary to arm yourself with knowledge in advance.

Many women who are preparing for childbirth for the first time have heard that some kind of cork should come off before childbirth, but at the same time they have no idea what it is, what it looks like, and they don’t even know how the cork comes off before childbirth and what it means to leave the cork .

So what is it - a cork during pregnancy?

At the very beginning of pregnancy mucus accumulates in the cervix, or rather, the uterus itself produces it when.

This mucus accumulates and thickens, tightly clogging the cervix, as if sealing it, blocking the path of any infection from the vagina, thereby protecting the unborn child.

This tube looks like piece of slime, jelly or jellyfish. In principle, it is quite a bit, about two tablespoons. It usually has a white-yellowish color., may have an admixture of blood or streaks of pink or pure white (each woman is purely individual).

How long does a cork take? It is impossible to say exactly how long the cork leaves. She comes out differently for everyone. and at different times. Many women may not even notice that the cork has ALREADY gone. After all, this can happen when going to the toilet (then you feel like something has fallen out).

Mucus plug often comes off while taking a morning shower, at this moment you can also not feel or see anything. Only if the cork has come off at night or during the day, when you are in your underwear, can you see a piece of mucus on your panties.

Not everyone has a cork completely, this can happen in stages, the cork leaves in parts, that is, in such small quantities that only an increased secretion of mucus can be noticed on the panties.

But for many pregnant women, the cork may not go away at all, and then the obstetrician or the doctor who takes delivery will remove it with his own hands. And it happens that the cork leaves along with the waters, and then it can also be overlooked.

If you still notice that the cork has moved away, - do not panic, this does not mean at all that the birth will come immediately, you may still have 2 more weeks left, especially if the deadline has not yet come.

If the loose cork is a normal white or yellowish color(sometimes with streaks of blood), and after that the waters didn’t go away and the contractions didn’t come, then it’s okay, you can relax.

However, for personal peace of mind, you should still go to the doctor and find out how soon you will give birth and if everything is in order. Depending on the general course of pregnancy, the doctor will give specific recommendations or send you to the hospital.

Don't forget that the departed mucous plug is still the fact that childbirth will come soon and the moment is near when you will pick up your treasure.

So, it is better not to go far from home, go on a trip and generally travel by transport. Review the packages that you have prepared for the maternity hospital, whether everything is in place, whether everything is prepared at home, and wait.

But if, after the mucous plug, the waters broke or contractions began, then you will have to go to the hospital immediately.

And one more thing: if the discharge of the mucous plug is accompanied by bloody discharge of a scarlet color (the plug with blood leaves), while it is quite abundant, then you should contact the doctor immediately.

While it's normal to have blood streaks in the mucus plug (as the cervix prepares for childbirth, it dilates, which can cause capillaries to burst), it shouldn't. So, if something like this happens, call an ambulance immediately.

Remember - attentive attitude to oneself and one's health, close observation of one's own body- the key to successful childbirth and the health of your baby. Therefore, in the event of the appearance of mucous secretions, do not panic in vain, calm down, remember the information received and act in accordance with the assessment of the situation.

Very soon you will become a mother, and this is an incomparable feeling, because you will take responsibility for another life.

Expert comment

The separation of the mucous plug from the vagina indicates the harbingers of childbirth. And it doesn't matter how long. begin by the same mechanism as the physiological or delayed ones.

The mucous plug is formed from the secretion of the cervical glands. This is a thick jelly-like mass that fills the entire cervical canal. The secretion of the cervical glands is constantly maintained by a high level of estrogens and progestogens, hormones responsible for the growth and maturation of the fetus.

In this way, mucus plug is not a collection of thick fluid formed from the very beginning of pregnancy. The secretion of cervical cells occurs in a continuous mode, and the mucous plug always remains “fresh”.

It fills the inside of the cervix 4-5 centimeters long: completely, leaving no gaps between the walls of the canal. Mucus contains antibodies- immune cells that neutralize pathogens.

Before the onset of childbirth, the balance of female hormones changes. Estrogens become much more than gestagens. That is, the process of fetal ripening is considered complete and is canceled. Under the action of estrogens, the mucous plug is liquefied followed by its separation.

In primiparous and multiparous women separation of the mucous plug proceeds differently.

The fact is that the cervix, which did not go through the process of childbirth, in nulliparous pregnant women has a smaller diameter of the channel, and its walls are quite dense, which hold the mucus so firmly that the mucous plug leaves either with blood or in parts.

At the same time, prenatal structural changes in the cervical canal occur, which are accompanied by the separation of epithelial cells. This is accompanied by minor bleeding. That's why nulliparous pregnant women note the streaks of blood in a slight thick discharge.

For women who have given birth the inner surface of the cervical canal is elastic. The integumentary epithelium is loosened, and the intercellular spaces are able to stretch. So the mucus plug in women who have given birth departs instantly and bloodlessly.

Regardless of parity (number of births) the separation of the mucous plug from the cervical canal in pregnant women occurs painlessly.

exception from general cases are women with lesions of the cervical canal. Scars on the inner lining of the cervix are formed due to its forced expansion during abortion or inflammatory lesions of the cervical cells with Trichomonas infection.

Much less often spotting in women who have given birth again when the mucus plug comes off associated with the presence of the cervix.

Fine discharge of the mucous plug occurs 3-5 days before the onset of labor. The amount of thick liquid is negligible. No more than ovulation. Because ovulatory mucus fills the cervical canal, the dimensions of which remain unchanged during pregnancy.

The separation of the mucous plug indicates hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, which ensure labor activity, canceling the process of bearing a child. This process is physiological and does not require medical intervention.

At the same time, with secretions from the genital tract that are not examined under a microscope, it is impossible to distinguish where they came from: from the cervical canal or from the uterus?

Amniotic fluid sometimes breaks before labor begins.

Separation of the mucous plug does not mean that the protection of the fetus from the vaginal microflora is impaired, since the second and more important barrier is the dense membrane of the fetal bladder.

And here with tearing of the amniotic membrane(which is also absolutely painless), the risk of infection of the fetus becomes irreversible and steadily increases. The waterless period is counted in hours and minutes.

It is impossible to determine exactly which vaginal discharge has appeared at home. Therefore, when they appear, you should note the exact time and call an ambulance. Mucus is a plug or amniotic fluid - only a doctor can determine.

Throughout pregnancy, women stubbornly monitor changes in their bodies. Starting from the first days after conception, they observe with trepidation the joyful symptoms of the onset of pregnancy. Then the women listen intently to the baby, so as not to miss his first movements in the tummy. And starting from the third trimester, future women in labor are anxiously waiting for the first bells that will warn of the approach of childbirth. A clear signal of the beginning of delivery is considered to be the discharge of the cork during pregnancy. What is a cork, how does it look and how long to wait until the first contractions after it leaves? Let's try to figure this out.

How does the cork go and look during pregnancy. What does the term "plug of the cervical canal" mean?

The female reproductive system is designed in such a way as to protect the embryo as much as possible from negative external influences. And one of the main roles in this "security system" is played by the mucous cervical plug. In obstetrics, this term means a mucous clot that completely fills the cervical canal and performs a barrier function for all 9 months. When the need to protect the baby from infections disappears, the cork comes out before childbirth.

The role of the connecting link between the vagina and the inner space of the uterus, where the baby develops, is performed by the cervical canal. Since the vaginal microflora is unstable and at the slightest inflammation pathogenic microorganisms begin to predominate in it, even in a woman outside of pregnancy, the cervical canal is filled with mucous secretions to prevent the infection from spreading deeper.

During pregnancy, protecting the baby from vaginal infections, as well as the sterility of the placenta and amniotic fluid, becomes more relevant than ever. Immediately after the implantation of the embryo, under the influence of the hormonal system of a woman, special bactericidal cells of the cervix begin to actively produce viscous mucus. It tightly clogs the cervical canal and does not allow most pathogenic bacteria to pass through.

Interesting! The mucus from which the cork is formed contains a unique set of active substances. They exhibit an antiseptic and immunostimulating effect, and are also capable of provoking uterine contractions and the onset of childbirth when the time comes.

The mucous plug, in addition to its bactericidal function, acts as a mechanical protective coating of the uterus from the outside. Such a barrier reduces any pressure on the uterine cavity and the baby, for example, when walking, running or actively moving the baby. Thanks to this, a woman is able to have an active sex life, go to the pool and even light sports.

Cork discharge before childbirth: what does it look like

In order not to miss the moment and thoughtfully gather in the maternity ward, you should know at least remotely what this bactericidal mucus looks like. It can be of different shades and structures, but there are still similar features:

  1. Consistency- the cork resembles a gelatinous lump, a jelly-like bundle, a very thick egg white. Depending on the hormonal background, the cork comes out in one piece or in parts in the form of slight spotting.
  2. Size- on average, the volume of the mucous substance does not exceed 50 ml, and if it comes out in the form of a jelly-like lump, its size is about 2 cm.
  3. Color― variety of shades is admissible: from cream to brown. If the discharge of mucus is accompanied by tearing of the capillaries, the cork acquires a light scarlet hue. This condition is not pathological, and is often due to the presence of chronic diseases of the reproductive system. If the discharge during the discharge of the cork is dark brown or bright purple with blood clots - this is an alarm signal. A woman needs to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist and find out the cause of such discharge. Most often, this color signals premature detachment of the placenta, which is very dangerous for the woman in labor and the baby.

Advice! If you are not sure whether you have a normal cork or just pathological discharge during pregnancy, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor, and not determine the cork discharge from photos of other women from the Internet. Sometimes delaying a visit to the doctor can result in complications during childbirth.

Mucus plug discharge: timing, causes and symptoms

Until that time, while the cork sits firmly in the canal, the woman is calmly preparing for the approaching birth. But as soon as she noticed that the mucus came out, you need to be more careful, and slowly get ready for the hospital. This happens mainly after the 38th gestational week, which is due to a sharp change in the hormonal status of a woman during this period.

Why, then, does such a useful mucous substance not protect the baby until the very birth and hastily leaves the female body? It turns out there are many reasons for this:

  • 10-14 days before childbirth, the female body stops producing progesterone, which contributes to the discharge of the cork and softening of the cervix, which is preparing for disclosure.
  • Premature discharge of the cork sometimes occurs after mechanical manipulation, for example, after a gynecological examination or active sexual intercourse. Then the woman may experience pain when the cork is released.
  • Sometimes the cork can peel off during the act of defecation or during attempts.
  • Pathological discharge of the mucous clot at earlier stages of pregnancy can be provoked by inflammatory processes (colpitis, vaginitis).

Since hormone levels and health conditions differ between women, it is difficult to accurately answer the question of what a mucus plug looks like when it comes off and how quickly it will clear the cervical canal. A variant of the norm is the exit of the cork 1-15 days before delivery. There are frequent cases when she departs directly on the delivery chair. And many women do not even have time to catch the moment of mucus loss.

Signs that the cork has come out:

  • Minor pain syndrome, localized in the lower abdomen.
  • Sensation of contraction of the abdominal muscles.
  • Thick jelly-like discharge that can come out in one clot or in small portions for 1-2 days.

A certain percentage of women in labor claim that they did not have a cork. Such a statement is erroneous. The cork leaves under any circumstances, it just can go unnoticed (on examination by a doctor, when the water breaks and the baby is born). If this mucus were not present, the woman would not be able to bear the fetus due to constant contact with infections.

Women, especially if they are having a first pregnancy, often wonder if contractions can start without the plug coming out. If the contractions have begun, and the amniotic fluid has not yet departed and the mucus has not come out, it is quite possible that the cork will come out during childbirth.

On a note! Most gynecologists say that the mucous plug should not leave the female body earlier than 14-15 days before the active phase of childbirth.

When does labor begin after the mucosal plug has passed?

The discharge of the cork from the cervical canal indicates that the level of progesterone has fallen, while estrogen, on the contrary, has increased. Such a hormonal jump starts the process of preparing for delivery. But when childbirth begins, sometimes even an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist cannot calculate. Everything here is individual and depends on the female body: some women start contractions after the cork is released after 5-7 hours, while others can take another three weeks before the baby is born.

In addition, it absolutely does not matter which pregnancy is on the account. Since both in primiparous and in women with a second pregnancy, the symptomatic picture of the onset of labor develops in the same way. It should be borne in mind that if a woman has a mucous plug during one pregnancy 48 hours before delivery, this does not mean that during a second pregnancy it will not go away 10 days before delivery.

The duration of the cork discharge can also vary greatly. All the mucus can instantly separate and fly out of the cervical canal in one piece. Or it can come out gradually, leaving spotting on women's underwear, but not more than 1-2 days. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor for pathological discharge.

Closely watching their secretions, so as not to miss the exit of the cork, ladies in position often miss other harbingers of childbirth. They mistakenly think that labor will not begin while the cervical canal is clogged with mucus. But no one is immune from the fact that contractions can begin without the cork leaving. It is also necessary to prepare for such a development of events. If you notice intermittent and cramping pain, seek medical attention immediately. Since the cork can come out already at the final stage of childbirth.

What to do to a woman in labor after the discharge of the mucous plug

Once you notice the jelly-like clot that has come out of the vagina, you still have time to collect the necessary list of things for childbirth and the baby. But we should not forget that childbirth after the discharge of the cork can begin quite unexpectedly. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself and adhere to a special sparing regimen:

  • Skip the relaxing bath, take a cool shower.
  • Cancel the trip to the pool and do not enter open water.
  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene regularly.
  • Avoid sexual contact.
  • Prepare things and check the package of documents.
  • Watch for the onset of contractions and the passage of amniotic fluid. If you have contractions without the plug and water coming out, go to the hospital immediately.
  • Try to avoid any contact of the intimate area with sources of infection.
  • Wear a comfortable bra, as excessive nipple stimulation releases oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions.
  • Minimize heavy lifting and any physical activity.

It is quite natural that women are very concerned about the question of what the cork discharge looks like. Possession of basic information on this matter helps a woman navigate her health status, understand what is happening to her and when to go to the hospital.

Video "What is a mucous plug and how to understand that it has moved away"

Every pregnant woman should be aware of the signs of an impending birth. She needs to correctly assess the changes that occur in her body in order to go to the hospital in time. If there are no questions with contractions and the outpouring of amniotic fluid, then not everyone knows about the cervical plug. Faced with such a symptom as thick, heavy discharge before childbirth, many women panic.

Why do you need a mucus plug during pregnancy? What to do after her departure? How long does it take to go into labor after the cork comes out?

What is a cork and what does it look like?

Nature has thought out in detail the process of development and protection of the embryo in the womb. All the forces of a woman's body during pregnancy are aimed at preserving the fetus. Doctors note that during this period, the immunity of the future mother herself is significantly reduced, she becomes “easy prey” for viruses and bacteria. Especially often infection occurs in the genitourinary system, because the microflora of the mucosa is changing.

How to protect the baby from harmful pathogens? In the cervical canal of the uterus of a pregnant woman there is a dense accumulation of mucus that protects the unborn child from harmful environmental factors, this is the cork. It is formed under the influence of sex hormones in the first trimester. Over time, the cork thickens and thickens.

In addition to the protective function, the cork becomes a shock absorber, that is, it reduces pressure on the child and the surrounding tissues. Thanks to this, many pregnant women can be active, do their usual activities and gentle sports, without fear of harming the baby.

What does a cork look like before childbirth? More often it has a white color with a creamy tint, sometimes contains a small admixture of blood. If the mucus is pinkish or brown, do not worry, doctors consider this a variant of the norm. Emergency measures should be resorted to if bleeding occurs immediately after the release of the mucus. The photo shows the normal mucous discharge of a woman before childbirth. If we talk about the amount of mucous content, then it is not at all large.

The mucous clot departs for everyone in different ways. Some women notice the discharge of the cork before childbirth, while others take it for ordinary discharge (we recommend reading:). Often, the cork comes out during hygiene procedures and the pregnant woman simply does not feel it.

How many days or weeks after the cork is released will labor begin?

The appearance of mucus depends on the production of special substances by the endocrine glands. The body begins to actively prepare for the birth of a child and stops the mechanism of progesterone production. It is replaced by estrogen, which stimulates contractions. An increase in its concentration leads to the fact that the cork before childbirth is removed as unnecessary.

Many women in labor are interested in if the cork has already gone, when will the birth begin? Normally, cork separation occurs from 38 to 40 weeks of pregnancy and serves as a signal that the birth process will begin soon. However, this symptom should be assessed only in combination with other signs (lowering of the abdomen, intense training contractions, outpouring of water).

Do not worry that you will miss the moment of discharge of the prenatal mucosal plug. From this event to the birth of a child, it can take a long time, from several days to a crescent. In one woman, different pregnancies may be accompanied by different periods of cork departure.

If the mucous plug has not come out in advance, the obstetrician will remove it during childbirth. This is a common practice that has long been worked out by specialists.

Early cork release can occur due to inaccurate gynecological examination or after intimacy. This negatively affects the health of the female genital area, contributing to the development of inflammatory diseases. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor observing the pregnancy.

During the first pregnancy

The term of delivery after the release of mucus does not depend on whether this is the first pregnancy in a woman's life or whether she has already experienced the birth process. In primiparas, as well as those who give birth again, mucus may pass two weeks before delivery or not stand out at all. However, in primiparas, partial discharge of mucus is more common, because their cervix has a different structure.

The main difference between women giving birth for the first time and those who give birth again is that all the processes during the first pregnancy take a little longer (contractions, attempts). However, this does not affect the passage of the cork.

In multiparous

Multiparous women have already experienced all the signs of an approaching birth. They are calmer and know what to do when signs of labor appear. The release of the cork should be a signal for them that the birth of the baby is not so long to wait.

When will labor activity begin in a multiparous woman, if the mucus has already departed? It is believed that before the second birth, the cork moves closer to contractions. Doctors voice the waiting period from several days (or even hours) to 2 weeks.

It is known that the second and third delivery proceed faster. Sometimes experts even talk about rapidly flowing childbirth. That is why you need to carefully consider all prenatal symptoms, do not hesitate to call an ambulance.

The process of discharge of the mucous plug in pregnant women

How is cervical plug removed? For some, it separates completely at one time, others note its partial separation. Both are considered normal.

A woman may feel that she has a clot prolapse, for example, during urination or when washing. In some cases, a discharge is found that looks like egg white. Those who were interested in the process of childbirth in advance will not be surprised by the appearance of a specific mucus. In some cases, the release of the cork occurs when the amniotic fluid is poured out.

The process of secretion of mucus almost always occurs painlessly, without causing discomfort to the expectant mother. Some note weak cramping pains in the lower abdomen, like menstruation (especially if there was a mechanical intervention).

At a scheduled appointment, you should tell your gynecologist that the cervical mucus has already departed. He may decide to put you in a hospital to await delivery.

Anxiety is caused by yellow or greenish discharge, especially if there is pus in them. Such a symptom does not indicate a cork discharge, but an inflammatory process that requires urgent treatment.

If the discharge before childbirth is loose, but rather liquid, there may be a suspicion of water leakage. This condition is much more alarming, you must definitely visit a doctor or do a special analysis. Test strips that allow you to find out the nature of the discharge are sold at the pharmacy and will show exactly if there is a reason for excitement.

What to do after she left?

The actions of a woman depend on how long this event occurred. If the due date is still far away (pregnancy up to 37 weeks), then you should urgently consult a doctor, because a loose cork can be a harbinger of premature birth.

If the pregnancy is coming to an end (38-40 weeks), you should not worry. It is necessary to carefully examine and evaluate the condition of the mucous plug, pay attention to its volume, color and consistency. If there is any doubt or anxiety, it is best to visit a doctor.

The body is preparing for the appearance of the child, which means that the mother needs to be on the alert. She has time to check if everything is collected for the maternity hospital. Relatives should be notified that childbirth will begin at any moment. Not a single doctor can determine exactly how long it will take to start contractions.

Do not worry that after rejecting the cork, the child was left without protection. Around it is amniotic fluid, which will protect the baby from pathogenic microorganisms. However, mothers still need to be careful:

  • you can not immerse yourself in water completely, because the liquid can penetrate into the genitals;
  • carry out daily hygiene procedures, change underwear on time;
  • wear a comfortable bra so that rubbing the breast does not provoke labor ahead of time;
  • refrain from sexual intercourse;
  • do not lift weights and do not overwork;
  • Listen carefully to your body's signals.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

What symptoms should be the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor? Help should be sought in the following situations:

  • saturated red or dark brown color of the cork (indicates a possible violation of the placenta, which means there is a threat to the life of the child);
  • liquid discharge, which may be amniotic fluid (if the test showed their presence, you need to urgently call an ambulance);
  • cork discharge up to 37 weeks is a sign of early labor or placental abruption, both of which are very dangerous;
  • blood on linen, normally it does not occur before childbirth; this means that there is a pathology of pregnancy (a very small amount of blood is allowed, but this must be told to the gynecologist).

In all other cases, it is enough to notify your gynecologist that the cork has come off, and start preparing for the upcoming birth.