DIY tulle skirts for mom. Master class: how to make a tutu skirt from tulle with your own hands. How to make a tutu skirt for newborns with your own hands

Today I want to show you how to sew a fluffy, airy tulle skirt that you can wear not only for a holiday, but also for a walk with friends or on a date. Probably the easiest way to sew such a skirt, since there is no zipper, is a skirt with an elastic band.

Necessary materials: 3 m eurofatin with a width of 3 m (I have a powder color), 50-60 cm of satin fabric with a width of 1.5 m for lining (dusty rose color), elastic band, threads, scissors, pins and measuring tape.
Eurofatin provided "Fabric Studio "Fox".

We divide the tulle into strips 3 m long. The width of the stripes depends on how long you want your skirt. From a 3x3 m square, I learned 5 strips of 60 cm each, but in the end I sewed the skirt not in 5, but in 4 layers, since this was enough for me. For my height of 163 cm, the skirt comes out just below the knee.

We gather the upper part of the tulle strip (where the belt will be). This can be done manually using a thread and a needle, or on a sewing machine using a smock foot, or on a machine, sew a straight stitch with a wide stitch, and then carefully pull the bottom thread. I added 2 layers of tulle at once (it’s faster this way). The length of the gathered part is equal to the circumference of the hips +2 cm. That is, for my OB=90 cm - this length was 92 cm.

We sew each layer separately on the side, where it is marked with a dotted line.

We connect all layers of tulle.

Pattern of inner satin skirt (lining) = 2 pcs. The pattern will fit approximately sizes 42-46.

From the wrong side, we sew both parts on the sides using an overlocker or an overlock stitch. If you don’t have an overlocker, you can proceed as follows: sew along the sides at the very edge, first along the front side of the skirt, then along the wrong side.

The edges of the fabric are hidden inside the seam. View from the reverse side.

Front view.

Fold the hem twice and stitch.

We cut the elastic 2-3 cm less than the waist circumference and sew its ends together where marked with a dotted line.

Then we bend the edges in different directions and stitch again on both sides.

It remains to connect 3 parts of the skirt together: all layers of tulle, the inner skirt and elastic.

I first basted the tulle and satin skirts together.

And then we sew an elastic band to them, stretching it a little.

On the wrong side it is better to sew such loops on both sides from thin satin ribbons.

These loops make it very convenient to store your skirt.

I got such a fluffy airy skirt made of eurotulle with elastic.

Vera Olkhovskaya

Sew it yourself Wedding Dress many girls want. But few people know how to do this. Below we will consider the issue of cutting skirts with a train and with a difference in length, which are suitable for both a wedding dress and evening dresses.

Let's start with what a train is. It is a mistake to call a skirt with a difference in length a train (photo 1 on the left). The train is the hem of the dress that drags behind, that is, the part that comes into contact with the floor or ground (photo 1 on the right).

If we remember the times of kings, for example, the era of Louis XIV, then trains and mantles were a mandatory part of the toilet of a noble person. The train showed the retinue at what distance from their master they were allowed to follow. Of course, the longest robes and trains were worn by royalty.

Skirts with a train, like skirts with a difference in length, can be of different designs.

One of the most fashionable is the “sun” skirt with a difference in length, the pattern of which is on Vera Olkhovskaya’s website:

Skirts made from wedges with a difference in length or with a train are not widely used due to the somewhat greater labor intensity of the cutting and sewing process, as well as due to the high consumption and significant area of ​​the lunges (photo 1).

Construction of a wedge when cutting a skirt

Let's start by building a wedge, which we'll call original wedge (Fig. 1). The same wedge can be used to cut any other skirts using wedges.

Before you start building, you need to learn how to take measurements and learn their letter designations

So, draw a vertical line. It will serve as the line of symmetry of the wedge - the middle line, and on the layout it will play the role of a lobe.

Now the horizontals: the line is Lii. Put it down from her

Di + 2 cm.

Hip line: set aside from the waist line down 18 cm and draw a horizontal line.

Now the width of half the wedge is at the waist.

The number of wedges in the style under consideration can be any, starting from 6. If you decide on a wrap skirt, you may need an odd number of wedges. That's why

Divide st by the number of wedges

And half the width of the wedge at the level of the hips is equal to

Sat divided by the number of wedges

The width at the bottom is arbitrary, but it is better if you first make the width the same as at hip level, and then add extensions.

Figure 1 shows wedges with the most common types of extensions:

a) initial wedge – base wedge;

b) with extension a year from the level of the knee or from the level of 1/2Di;

c) with expansion from the level of the hips;

d) with an extension from the bending point of the hips, located 10 - 12 cm below the waist level.

The next operation to design the wedge is deflection at the waist and bottom 0.5 cm.

The main rule in the construction of any of these wedges is equality of length.

D The length measured along the wedge cut without expansion must be equal to the length measured along the wedge cut with expansion.

If these lengths are not equal, then the larger one is equalized by the smaller one.

Having built a wedge base for a skirt with a train or for a skirt with a difference in length, multiply it to half the amount indicated by the name of the style.

That is, for a 6-blade, make three wedges, for an 8-blade, 4, etc. Don’t forget to apply a line of symmetry to each part.

I will have eight blades. They are more convenient when cutting models with a train, as they fit well with the bodice of the dress, which has a middle seam.

Lay the wedges so that their lengthwise cuts are end-to-end, and the bottom cuts form a smooth line (Fig. 2).

Extend the side of one extreme wedge by the length of the train (30 - 50 cm), and extend the line common to wedges II and III by half the length of the train.

Form it smoothly line of the bottom, going to “no” to the first wedge.

Please note that the extreme ones in Fig. 2 lines of I and IV wedges should connect to the bottom curve at a right angle.

Finally, extend the sides of the wedges to the new bottom line and cut each wedge with these changes in mind.

Let's look at the layout (Fig. 3). The difficulty of its implementation lies in the fact that the wedges cannot be rotated relative to the line of symmetry (the middle line of the wedge) and cannot be expanded or narrowed.

Seam allowances are 1 – 1.5 cm except for the waist. We do not add any allowance at the waist.

Pattern with a difference in skirt length

If the train is made on the basis of godet wedges, then they should be laid on the train to lengthen it, aligning the cut points at the level of the beginning of the expansion. Beginner cutters are misled by the bend inherent in the goda. In this case, the bend is not taken into account (Fig. 4) or is added to the elongated wedges after cutting.

That is, when the length of the wedges is extended and the bottom line is adjusted taking into account the train, you just need to create a new bend (Fig. 5). For a wedge of maximum length, the deflection over the year can be from 2 to 4 cm. A simple rule works here: the longer the wedge, the greater the bend of its side.

If it seems to you that everything is simple, then I’ll tell you right away - there is a catch. In such dresses it is very difficult to determine the position of the level of the beginning of the expansion, so as not to distort the proportions of the figure.

Cut out skirts with a train

And another style with a train (photo 2), which is so similar to “Tatyanka”. We are talking about an overskirt made of embroidered coupon “mesh”.

Please note that such a skirt can only be cut from soft elastic mesh. Rigid and “stable” fabrics are not suitable for this cut. Heavy guipure will not work either.

If you are not going to embroider the border yourself, then the pattern of the upper transparent skirt will look something like in Fig. 6.

That is, the fabric is folded in half perpendicular to the embroidered border. The length of the skirt in front is laid down from the edge of the border along the fold. The length of the skirt at the back is measured along an inclined line. The inclination is arbitrary, the approximate value of the inclination is 40-50 cm.

Finally, the drawing is formed with concave lines.

And advice. Despite the apparent simplicity of the cut, it is very difficult for beginning couturiers to choose the right fabric and maintain the proportions of the product, so that the dress emphasizes the advantages and hides the shortcomings. Therefore, unless you are a professional tailor specializing in wedding and formal dresses, do not expect your first work to compare with haut couture dresses.

Wedding dress pattern

Many people associate a tulle tutu skirt with the world of ballet, but this element of clothing has become popular among people who have nothing to do with it. Previously, such skirts were worn by little girls and teenagers, but when stars began to wear them, other older ladies turned their attention to this kind of clothing.

Of course, stylists help celebrities look good by choosing the best outfits for them, but ordinary girls should not be upset, they will be able to create a beautiful image with the help of a tulle tutu skirt themselves. You just need to know certain rules on how and with what to wear a tutu skirt.

Tutu skirts have long been seen in many fashion shows. Therefore, you can safely wear it in public, but you still need to know what to wear with a tutu skirt so that you can conquer others with your magnificent appearance. Let's try to figure this out.

Why has the tulle tutu skirt become so popular?

You've probably seen ballerinas more than once and they were all dressed in the same clothes, the basis of which was airy skirts. Many designers liked it to create stylish and festive looks.

Sometimes a tutu skirt serves as a theatrical costume to create some kind of image, often grotesque. Photographers also often use clothes in photo shoots, as the tutu skirt is ideal for such events.

That is why in ordinary life girls treat them with some hostility; they think that wearing such an outfit will make them look stupid and ridiculous. It’s not for nothing that in English-speaking circles I call it a tutu skirt. But in fact, this is not so; a tulle tutu skirt can become one of your favorite wardrobe items.

How to choose the right tulle tutu skirt

Any girl can wear it if she chooses the right style and color. In addition, it is easy to make a tutu skirt with your own hands. It can be short, fluffy, medium length, or it can be a long, semi-fluffy skirt, with frills and ruffles.

Skirts in light pastel or caramel colors suit many girls. But if you want to add drama to your look, then it is better to choose long models made of translucent fabric in red or black tones. Ruffles and styles are suitable as decoration. Classic models are not fluffy, of medium length and made of black, gray fabric or other neutral shades.

With the help of purple and burgundy shades, which the fashion collection contains this season, you can create a romantic image. Skirts of any length, medium fullness in natural shades also look attractive.

We take into account height and figure

In order to choose the right tutu skirt, you need to take into account your body type. Lush tutus with knee length make the figure more slender with full hips. Fat girls should not be afraid that a tutu skirt will turn them into ridiculous creatures. A long style with flowing fabrics is most suitable for them; they will look visually slimmer in it.

A tutu skirt is suitable for women of any height, because you can always wear heels. But tall girls should not wear a skirt that is too short, this will make their image look comical. It is better for them to choose clothes that are knee-length or slightly higher. For women of average height, a medium-length skirt is suitable, which can be combined with any other clothes.

Women of any age can wear such a skirt, but older women should not choose too fluffy outfits in bright, flashy colors. Even girls, the so-called “plus size”, will be able to wear this kind of clothing.

For the hourglass figure type, a tulle skirt is ideal, even if the figure is slightly curvy. A tutu skirt for this type of figure should be knee-length, a little lower is acceptable, but no more. But if the waist is not very pronounced and the figure is of the “apple” type, then choosing an outfit will be more difficult.

It is necessary to choose clothes whose top fits close to the body, so it is advisable to have a belt with the skirt, but it can be fluffy, the length being knee-length or slightly lower. In such an outfit, the figure will look more harmonious; a full skirt will hide the difference that exists in the waist and hips.

Choosing clothes to match a tutu skirt

If the cold season has arrived, then you can safely wear a tutu skirt, combining it with tights, preferably in a fishnet. But be careful here, choose tights that are in harmony with the image, otherwise you risk looking vulgar. You just shouldn’t wear knitted tights, which stand out on their own; they will be a kind of dissonance with the transparent fabric from which the tutu skirt is made.

Both high heels and closed-toe shoes look great with this skirt, and even boots will be appropriate. Well, pumps or sandals will always look great.

We already know that a denim jacket is ultra-versatile, but here's another look you can add to the list. With short heels, a discreet top and a curvy bottom, you'll be ready for any occasion with your girlfriends.

During the weekend, you can safely wear tulle skirts and sneakers, you will look attractive.

A tulle skirt is the perfect way to create a daytime glamor look, but it will also work as evening wear.

How to sew a tutu skirt from tulle

In fact, you can make your own outfit if you know how to make a tutu skirt. To do this, take three meters of fabric. For this cut, skirts are mainly made from materials such as organza, nylon, tulle, and tulle.

To sew such a skirt, you need to give it volume, and to do this, attach several layers of fabric to the elastic waistband and stitch. But there is an even easier way to sew a skirt.

Make a tutu skirt

This method of sewing can be mastered even by a little needlewoman who has picked up a needle for the first time.

Tulle is ideal for sewing such a skirt, so in most cases this fabric is chosen. This material has a cellular structure; to put it simply, it’s just a fine mesh. This synthetic fabric also differs in rigidity.

For such a skirt, choose a material that is not very hard and not very soft. Since one is a very hard tulle fabric for delicate skin, and the second will not be able to hold volume.

How to correctly calculate the fabric for a skirt

The surest way is to take many thin strips so that you get several layers, rather than one wide piece. The width needs to be cut into strips of approximately 15 cm. The length will be easier, because it can be anything - determine the child’s height and take into account the length of the hem that the girl wants.

To determine the length of the skirt, you need to carry out the following steps: first we decide what length of skirt we should choose, then we take a meter and measure the length from the waist to the place where your product will end. What we got in the end, we add the same amount and another 6 centimeters, in reserve. If we take a 4-year-old girl as an example, she needs a skirt of about 30 cm. Having calculated everything, the result should be -65 cm. The number of stripes for the skirt should be approximately 60 pieces. Cut more, the number of stripes determines the fullness of the skirt.


To sew such a simple fabric skirt for a real princess, you need to prepare a satin ribbon and an elastic band for the waist. The elastic band will become the main detail in sewing a skirt. To determine the length of the elastic, measure your waist circumference, subtract 3 centimeters and add 2-3 cm for seams.

First of all, we prepare the material for sewing. We cut the material into a large number of strips, already knowing the width and length of the fabric. Fold the fabric in several layers - this will help speed up sewing.
We connect the elastic band on both sides and fasten it with a seam. Then we attach it to the back of the chair to make it easier for us to continue sewing.

Taking the first strip, we distribute it evenly over the elastic, the ends should be the same size. To create a larger skirt, tie the knots twice, and to create a skirt that is not so full, choose a loop knot. When doing such delicate work, tie the knots evenly and neatly, making sure that they do not puff up anywhere.

We do this similar process as many times as necessary to obtain the volume of the tutu skirt. The more stripes, the fuller the skirt.

If you see that the skirt is uneven, trim it at the bottom.

For the belt, it is preferable to take a wide satin ribbon. Pull the ribbon through a few knots and tie a beautiful lush bow.

Always try to maintain a middle ground so as not to look vulgar; you will succeed if you follow the rules of style. Don't wear things that are too vulgar and always choose them carefully. If the skirt is made of fabric of calm tones, then it will not attract too much attention.

A fluffy tulle skirt is the dream of almost every girl. And it’s not surprising, because things made from tulle look very feminine, airy and elegant. It is a pleasure to sew with this material. The fabric is unpretentious and holds its shape.

How to sew a full tulle skirt

Skirt with frills. To sew it we take:

  • 4 m. tulle;
  • meter of stretch satin or any other stretch fabric;
  • an elastic band two to three cm wide;
  • scissors;
  • sewing supplies.

Step-by-step sewing instructions.

  1. We sew the base. Cut a rectangle from stretch fabric. One side of which is slightly shorter than your future product. The other side is equal to the volume of your hips, plus a couple of centimeters for allowance.
  2. Sew the ends. The base of the future skirt is ready.
  3. Now let's do the ruffles. Cut the tulle into strips of 12-15 cm. It is better to cut on the bias. Work the edges in a zigzag pattern, pulling the fabric lightly. If you did everything correctly, then you will get beautiful tulle waves.
  4. Now we sew the folds onto the base. We retreat 10 centimeters from the top and sew on the first ruffle. To make the skirt more voluminous, when sewing on the ruffles, we make folds. The distance between rows is 7 cm, depending on the desired length of the product. Leave 5-7 cm between the last fold and the bottom of the skirt.
  5. Tuck the remaining fabric on top and stitch. The coquette is ready. We make 2 holes in the middle. We insert a lace into them.
  6. Steam the folds. The skirt is ready.

Attention! To make tulle skirts, it is best to use medium soft fabric. The fine mesh does not hold its shape. And large tulle is unpleasant to the touch.

How to sew a tutu skirt from tulle

To make the simplest tutu skirt you will need:

  • scissors;
  • tulle 11 m.;
  • elastic tape 1.5 m.

How to calculate tulle for a tutu skirt

To make a short or children's skirt you need about 60 strips of fabric. Provided the length of the product is 25 cm, plus a margin for knots/seams of 5 cm. If the width of the fabric cut is 150 cm, then 10 strips will be made from such a piece.

Therefore, in this case you will need 3 meters of fabric. If the length of the future skirt is 50 centimeters, the fabric will need 6 meters. And so on.

Tulle skirt like Carrie Bradshaw's

Fabric consumption is indicated for products of sizes 44-46.


  • Elastic satin 1.5 m.
  • Tulle is 4.5 m. One and a half meters per row, this skirt has 3 rows. If you want a fuller model, then the fabric consumption will be higher.
  • Satin ribbon 2 m.

You can clarify unclear points using the video.

How to sew a multi-layer tulle skirt

And again we return to the image of Kerry. We will sew a multi-layer skirt in the style of the most fashionable New Yorker.

  • 1.5 m of lining fabric.
  • Tulle 1.5 m per layer. Remember that the fullness of the skirt directly depends on the number of layers.
  • Centimeter, sewing accessories.

  1. We cut fabrics according to your parameters. Place all layers together, lining underneath. We pin the fabric with needles, collecting it into an accordion. This is how we form folds that will also add volume.
  2. Connect the ends of the fabric. Lined with lining, tulle with tulle. Sew. Now we sew the fabric from above, above the needles. Trim the ends of the product.
  3. The final stage. Sew an elastic band or ribbon to the waistband. Remember that the elastic should be slightly smaller in diameter than your waist/hips.

How to sew a wedding skirt from tulle


  • Satin, satin or any other lining fabric 2 m.
  • Tulle 5 m.
  • Centimeter.
  • Threads, needle.

Description of work.

How to sew an American skirt from tulle

Fabric consumption is indicated for a skirt 30 centimeters long, with a waist circumference of 60 centimeters.

We need:

  • satin or other lining fabric 20 cm;
  • nylon tulle 2 m;
  • more rigid tulle for ruffles 44 m;
  • elastic band at least 3 cm wide and 55 cm long;
  • satin ribbon 3 m.;
  • interlining 1 m.;
  • scissors, sewing machine, thread.

Cutting the fabric: cut out 3 rectangles. The first one is made of satin, length 2 OT = 120 cm.

The second is made of nylon tulle, length 9 OT = 540 cm, height 11 cm.

The third is made of nylon tulle, height 11 cm, length 12 OT = 720 cm.

OT - waist circumference.

We cut the stiffer tulle into strips 7 cm wide. From non-woven fabric we cut out strips 120 cm long and 2 cm wide.

How to sew tulle to a skirt

A question that may confuse a novice dressmaker is how to sew tulle to fabric. But there is nothing complicated about it. If you need a beautiful seam, then use a thin roller seam on your overlocker. Or use a zigzag. The fabric is mesh, and this type of stitch will secure the fabric tightly. The edge trimmed with bias tape to match the fabric looks good.

Video on how to make a tutu skirt from tulle

Light and airy skirts captivated both little girls and adult women with their beauty.

Universal clothing that is suitable for the fair half of humanity of all ages. Read how to make a tulle skirt for a girl with your own hands.

To make a beautiful tulle skirt you don’t even have to know how to sew. But it’s worth deciding on a model that will suit your age and your wardrobe.

The main types of clothing are described in the table:

Type of skirt Description
Tutu Simple, but short and fluffy skirt. Suitable for stage performances, children's photo shoots and matinees.

An adult lady will not wear such a model. You can decorate your clothes with stars, hearts and sparkles

Tatyanka An option that resembles a shopinka. However, this model is more magnificent and heavier. Usually has many tiers, maybe a long train
American The most fantasy and frilly skirt. It can have either one layer of tulle or several, gathered into folds and decorated with ruffles. The model must have a lining
Chopinka The simplest option without unnecessary frills and ruffles. Maybe in one layer or multi-layer. The classic shape of this model is a sun or a bell.

Very light and airy. Suitable for both little girls and adults

Advice! You can even wear a tulle skirt every day, combining it with simple plain light sweaters and T-shirts.

A flower hoop or a cute hairpin would be a successful and harmonious addition.

For the little fashionista, mothers want to create the image of a princess. But if the needlewoman has never even held a thread and a needle in her hands, you can simply use scissors. No need to sew anything!

Just gather all the materials you will need to create the skirt:

  • Fatin.
  • Rubber.
  • Scissors.

Important! Calculate the length of the stripes based on the girl’s height and the estimated length of the skirt.

You can use ready-made strips rather than whole pieces of fabric to cut fewer strips. It is profitable to buy mesh in a skein 5-10 cm wide. Such materials can be purchased at fabric stores.

To make a tutu, you will also need a chair. Measure the circumference of your daughter's hips, remember that the elastic should be taut, but not put pressure on the child. Tie or sew the finished strip.

Advice! It is better to tie both ends of the elastic with a small knot so that you can adjust the size. This trick will help you make a skirt that will grow longer.

Now pull the elastic band ready to size over the back of the chair. Prepare the following materials - mesh strips.

The tulle needs to be cut into small but even pieces about 1 meter long and 10 cm wide. For a short skirt for a small one-year-old baby, 60-70 cm is enough.

You will need a lot of strips - from 40 pieces. The quantity depends on the splendor of the product and the age of the girl. You can create interesting options by alternating stripes of different lengths and colors.

When all materials are prepared, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • Tie the strip with a stretched elastic band. There is no need to make a tight knot; distribute the tulle tails evenly.
  • Tie the next strip next to it. There should be no spaces between each, the mesh should completely cover the elastic band.

Tie strips until you run out of creativity. When the elastic is no longer visible, remove the finished skirt and try it on your little princess.

This item would be ideal for a photo shoot or performance in kindergarten.

To avoid buying extra material and to calculate each strip, use these tips:

  • For children under one year old, the length of the skirt will be only 20 cm. In the store you can purchase only 2.5-3 meters of fabric with a standard meter width.
  • For girls from 3 to 5 years old, the minimum length of a tutu is 30 cm. It will take about 3-4 meters of tulle to make.
  • To create a stage look for an adult girl, the stripes should be longer, thicker and the layers thicker. You will need to make 100 strips of fabric. A minimum of 6-7 meters of material is required.

But sometimes there are skeptical women behind the store counter, so you have to do the calculations yourself and roughly.

Master class: sewing a lush multi-tiered tutu

To create a multi-tiered skirt, you need to have basic knowledge of cutting and sewing. If you have a sewing machine in the house, then making such a model will take no more than an hour or two.

For the multi-tiered bundle master class you will need:

  • Pattern of the sun.
  • Textile.
  • Lining material.
  • Sewing supplies.

Advice! The more layers a model has, the more fabric needed for sewing.

Now you need to make all the measurements. If the skirt has elastic, then the resulting waist circumference figure should be reduced by 2-3 cm.

First start sewing the lining; it is better to use satin or cotton to match the tulle for the bottom layer.

Use an old ballet skirt as a lining to save time making the bottom layer:

  1. Make the first layer according to the pattern. For an inexperienced seamstress, it is better to practice on old fabric first. Keep in mind that there will be fold lines 2-3 cm above and below.
  2. Create suns based on the model. The layers will all be the same size, experiment with fluffiness based on taste and color.
  3. Now all the parts need to be connected. The mesh does not need stitching, but do not forget to hem the bottom of the lining.
  4. Sew each layer onto the petticoat in turn. You can also use another method - secure all layers with an overcast stitch and machine along the edges.

    But in this case, the quality of the technology must be high in order to penetrate such thickness.

Trim the finished product with scissors from the bottom. The length of the tulle part can be made a few cm longer so that the bottom layer is not visible. Be a beautiful princess at any age.

Useful video