So that the skin does not age in winter. Types of facial aging and their characteristics. Facial skin aging in women: causes, first signs, prevention

Modern science is developing rapidly, but it is not yet able to completely stop aging. But with proper skin care, you can slow down this process a little. The skin at a young age is elastic, smooth and dense. Over time, due to a decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin, it gradually begins to age. Wrinkles, fine lines and age spots appear on the skin. Time leaves its marks on the skin anyway, but you can take certain steps to look younger than your age.

1. Crow's feet

This is usually the name for several thin, horizontal lines on the outer corners of the eyes. They are usually one of the earliest indicators of the skin aging process. Such “paws” may appear slightly after 20-25 years. With age, they become more visible. Collagen production decreases and the delicate skin around the eyes suffers the most from this. Crow's feet can also appear from prolonged exposure to the sun, frequent squinting and smoking. To prevent them, you need to apply liquid vitamin E to the eye area with massaging movements. In addition to it, aloe vera pulp juice helps a lot. It is best to apply it before bed.

2. Dark circles under the eyes

Delicate, sensitive and thin skin around the eyes is highly vulnerable to various external irritants: sun, wind, cold, etc. Due to the loss of collagen, it becomes transparent and blood vessels are more visible.

Dark skin under the eyes makes a person look older than his age. The appearance of dark circles is often provoked by sunlight, sleep disturbances and unfavorable environmental conditions. In order to avoid this trouble, it is important to get a good night's sleep, not look at the screens of various gadgets for a long time, and regularly use nourishing creams and almond oil to soften and nourish the skin.

These are thin or deep folds and lines in the skin that appear with age. They often accompany the natural aging of the body. Wrinkles usually appear after 25-30 years. They are most often found on the neck, face, arms and forearms. The main reason for this is a decrease in collagen production. In addition, wrinkles become more frequent after prolonged exposure to bright sun, smoking, severe stress, sudden weight loss and with a genetic predisposition.

To maintain moisture in the skin and the process of cell regeneration, it is useful to massage your face daily with warm olive or coconut oil. A fruit mask helps well: banana pulp, papaya (you can skip it), avocado in equal quantities, mixed and applied to the face for half an hour. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

4. Dry skin

If well-moisturized skin suddenly quickly becomes dry and rough, then this may also indicate the beginning of its withering. Over time, it produces less oils, which are necessary for its elasticity. This causes dry skin. In addition, with age, the rate of skin cell renewal decreases. In addition to aging, dryness is caused by dehydration, excessive sun exposure, using the wrong soap, smoking, stress and dry air.

To prevent such a problem, it is useful to apply a little natural olive oil to your face and body using light massaging movements half an hour before taking a shower. Then in the shower you need to rinse everything off and, after drying your skin with a towel, apply moisturizer. Oil in this procedure can be replaced by honey and milk cream. It is advisable to keep them on your face for about five minutes.

5. Swelling around the eyes

A hangover, prolonged crying, lack of sleep, and allergies can cause swelling under the eyes. If the swelling does not go away for a long time, then, most likely, the skin has gradually begun to age. Under the eyes, the skin is thinner and weakens quickly, which leads to puffiness. To reduce swelling of the skin, you can use tea bags or cucumber slices to place on your eyelids. Do not vigorously rub the skin of your eyelids with your hands. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of salt and alcohol: they only aggravate swelling.

Pores on the face become more visible as we age. This also occurs due to decreased collagen production and loss of elasticity in the skin. In addition to aging, enlargement of pores is influenced by stress, genetic predisposition, prolonged exposure to the sun, poor environment, and improper skin care. You can visually reduce pores by using pieces of ice. They should be massaged into the skin periodically (morning and evening). Apple cider vinegar is also useful for solving this problem. Mix it in equal parts with water and wash your face before going to bed.

7. Loose skin

With age, the skin loses its moisturizing components, which makes it loose and saggy. The amount of elastin and collagen in the skin decreases, causing tissues to become weak and damaged more quickly. Sagging skin is made worse by overexposure to sunlight, smoking, drinking alcohol, sudden weight fluctuations and poor diet. In this case, a mask of one egg white and natural yogurt (a tablespoon) will help. The components are mixed and left on the face for 20 minutes. In addition, it is important to do regular facial massage with warm olive oil.

8. Pigmentation

It occurs for many reasons, including aging. Excess melanin production makes some areas of the body darker than normal. In addition to aging, pigmentation begins due to hormonal changes, various skin injuries, burns, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, constant stress, and improper skin care. Age spots are most common on the face, arms and back. You can lighten them a little by regularly rubbing lemon juice into them, after which after 15 minutes the remaining juice is washed off. Aloe vera gel is no less effective and should be left on the skin overnight.

The skin on the neck is very thin, and therefore, with age, it quickly loses its elasticity. Deep wrinkles appear on it, and the skin itself sag. This can also occur due to sudden weight fluctuations, intense sun exposure and genetic predisposition. In order to prevent neck laxity, it is useful to use a moisturizer for the décolleté areas daily. Before going out into the sun, it is recommended to treat your neck with sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher).

10. Droopy eyelids

Over time, the edge of the upper eyelid droops slightly as the skin loses its elasticity. This can also occur due to thyroid dysfunction, fluid retention, sun exposure and other factors. To avoid drooping eyelids due to aging skin, you should periodically apply gentle massage around the eyelids to improve blood circulation. This area should be carefully protected from sunlight using dark glasses and sunscreen.

The human body stops developing at the age of 25. First, the face undergoes deformation. Why does the skin begin to age first in this area of ​​our body? It is vulnerable to the sun, wind and frost, expresses all our emotions and feelings. Of course, age-related changes in facial skin cannot be stopped completely, but there is a chance to slow them down by preventing sagging by moisturizing and nourishing the cells.

Depending on the type of skin, a woman's face fades in its own way. For those who have a thin figure and a dry type of epidermis, aging begins from the corners of the eyes (so-called “crow’s feet” appear), then wrinkles appear above the upper lip and in the chin area. Pigmentation often increases with age.

Signs of aging in oily skin are a changed oval of the face, a deepened nasolabial fold, drooping corners of the lips and upper eyelids. Women with excess subcutaneous fat usually notice sagging cheeks, an enlarged double chin, and swelling. The process of leaving reproductive age is characterized by rapid aging. However, by about age 50, skin aging slows down. To prevent premature aging, it is important to develop a careful and systematic approach. Understanding the physiology of fading makes it possible to consciously take care of yourself.

Why does facial skin age?

1. Blood circulation slows down. Cells need nutrition, but the thinnest vessels are damaged, oxygen and substances important for the epidermis are not supplied in the required quantities. Along with their deficiency, signs of aging also appear.

2. Metabolic processes proceed more slowly. The life cycle of a skin cell is already longer than the required 20 days, and the quality of its functions is declining. To break through from the depths to the outer layers of the epidermis, new cells require more time and effort, but old, dead ones remain on the surface for a long time.

3. Aging of facial skin in women also depends on a decrease in the number of fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin. This leads to a decrease in turgor. These fibers lose quality, their regeneration stops, and dead particles accumulate in the intercellular space. The elasticity of the skin on the face decreases noticeably.

4. After 40 years, a woman approaches menopause. The body produces less estrogen, the hormone responsible for tissue regeneration and skin restoration. It becomes noticeably thinner and becomes painfully sensitive, including to ultraviolet radiation.

5. The level of hyaluronic acid and sebum production decreases. All this leads to dryness, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles.

6. Systematic poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals, bad habits and lack of sleep worsen the regenerative processes of the skin doubly. Signs of aging in women who lead a similar lifestyle tend to appear earlier.

Modern beauty technologies make it possible to prevent rapid aging. It is important to choose a method that is suitable for a woman’s specific age and skin condition.

Anti-aging procedures

Careful and consistent home care can stop facial skin aging for a while. But hardware cosmetology and the use of professional products have much more impressive capabilities. Regular visits to the salon will really give you a head start on age, rejuvenate and make your face healthier.

When working with clients, salon specialists usually set themselves the following tasks:

  • increase the epidermis layer by stimulating cells;
  • reduce the stratum corneum of facial skin through cleansing procedures;
  • stimulate the production of elastane and collagen by fibroblasts;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • improve contours;
  • reduce the appearance of pigmentation.

1. Injection salon procedures:

  • Botox. Botulinum toxin A injections are a substance that blocks the nerve endings of certain areas of the face, preventing the formation of facial folds, which after some time become deep wrinkles. Getting rid of the latter is quite difficult, since reflex contractions when speaking or expressing emotions are almost impossible to avoid. Botox allows the skin to become smoother, so a woman's age becomes less noticeable.
  • Mesotherapy. This is a procedure that involves injecting a vitamin complex deep into the skin. A cosmetologist can use different combinations of beneficial compounds in injections. Vitamins ensure tissue regeneration, active supply of oxygen to cells, and restoration of functions lost with age. Thanks to mesotherapy, complexion improves, skin sagging disappears, wrinkles become less noticeable or disappear altogether, and aging slows down.
  • Hyaluronic injections or contouring. Epidermal cells need moisture, but wilting significantly reduces its amount in the cells. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that fills the intercellular space and is designed to retain water, which is so necessary for the skin of the face. Salons use European drugs, which are added to the cost of the correction itself.

2. Hardware.

Aging slows down due to smoothing wrinkles, activating blood flow and increasing skin elasticity.

  • Laser grinding. Removes the layer of dead skin cells, evening out the complexion and its texture, eliminating shallow wrinkles and reducing folds. The procedure is good for women at any age after 25 years. Usually a course of laser resurfacing is prescribed, consisting of several sessions.
  • Professional peelings. They assume the elimination of the callous layer of the epidermis due to the effect of fruit acids and scrubbing with natural ingredients. Peeling can be done at home, but only a professional will carefully assess the condition of the skin and act comprehensively, delaying aging. The procedure can be carried out manually or using professional equipment.
  • Massage. By influencing certain points on the face, the cosmetologist achieves strengthening of facial muscles, stimulating blood circulation and activating regenerative processes.

3. Professional masks.

The procedure consists not only of applying a nutritious mixture to the face, but also of a careful preliminary selection of those components that are necessary for a woman’s skin, depending on the type, age, and condition. Masks nourish and moisturize the epidermis, smooth out wrinkles and add radiance.

4. Plastic surgery.

This radical method for rejuvenation is used by older clients who want to correct the contours and shape of their faces. Using surgical instruments according to a previously developed scheme, the doctor performs an operation under general anesthesia, which tightens the skin and returns the shape of the cheekbones, cheeks, and chin. These expensive procedures have a temporary effect: soon the face begins to “slip”, wrinkles return, folds become deep again, and the operation has to be repeated. Facial plastic surgery often changes the shape and expression of the eyes, making a woman look different from herself.

What can you do to help your skin?

There are several simple rules that are suitable for both young girls as a preventive measure and those who take care of their facial skin after 50 years. By not missing these moments every day, you will significantly delay aging:

  • eat healthy food;
  • drink plenty of clean water;
  • spend time outdoors;
  • wash off makeup without using alcohol toners;
  • nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • exfoliate once a week;
  • master facial massage.

By turning these rules into a habit, you can slow down and delay skin aging.

Hi all!

Today, while writing another post, I caught myself thinking - I’m writing about beauty, about how to preserve and maintain it, how to take care of our skin so that it remains young longer, but I know so little about why skin ages?

But this knowledge underlies everything else, without knowing such basic things, how can you effectively slow down the aging process of the skin?!

Therefore, I decided to sort everything out for myself, to understand the causes of skin aging and the signs of aging.

And in order not to mislead myself and others, I again took as the main source of information - one of the best textbooks on cosmetology, “New Cosmetology”, edited by A. Margolina (I believe that this textbook should be studied by every woman who really wants to stay young longer and beautiful)

From this article you will learn:

Why does skin age - the main causes of aging

To date, there is no clear answer to this question. Scientists biologists have been struggling with this problem for decades, but have not come to a consensus.

There are only a few objective facts, based on which we can somehow judge this process.

  • From six months of age until puberty, the skin requires virtually no care.
  • From 12-14 years of age, the appearance of the skin begins to deteriorate (increased greasiness, acne, exposure to UV rays)
  • 20-30 years is the period of stability for the skin. If she has passed the problems of adolescence, the skin has a good appearance, toned and fresh.

What happens to the skin after 25 years?

Starting from the age of 25, the renewal of the stratum corneum of the skin begins to slow down, the rate of formation of collagen and elastin decreases, the first fine wrinkles under the eyes begin to appear, the first pigment spots may appear, skin defects (scars, acne spots, stretch marks) begin to accumulate.

Therefore, the sooner you start caring for and protecting your skin, the better you will preserve it for the future!

How does skin age after 35?

In the period from 35-50 years, an intensive aging process begins.

Every year, its ability to retain moisture decreases, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases, the process of cell renewal of the stratum corneum slows down, the fat layer of the skin becomes thinner, defective collagen and elastin accumulate in the skin, age spots appear, dilated blood vessels and wrinkles appear.

This is an important period of especially active and proper skin care!! How you took care of your skin during this period will determine the condition of your skin after 50 years.

What happens to the skin after 50 years?

From 50 to 60 years, under the influence of the onset of menopause, due to a decrease in estrogen in the body, the skin aging process occurs at the fastest rate.

The thickness of the dermis and epidermis decreases significantly, and all signs of skin aging, especially those that lack care, begin to appear very sharply, strongly and noticeably.

Skin at 60 - 70 years old

After 60 years, a period of relative stability begins.

And here the condition of the skin will depend on how you took care of it throughout the previous period.

Those who have protected their skin from the sun and practiced consistent care have fewer wrinkles and blemishes and their skin appears fresher and younger.

It’s already too late to start radically saving your skin at this age with cosmetics.

After 70 years, the skin has a thickened stratum corneum, thin dermis and very low elasticity, deep wrinkles and folds, and the sebaceous and sweat glands atrophy.

Main causes of skin aging

  • The synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases

Synthesis of elastin in the skin decreases significantly by the age of 30 and then gradually disappears. Collagen fibers in aging skin become thicker, but their number and elasticity decrease.

In addition, there is an accumulation of collagen fibers, between which, for various reasons, cross-links are formed. They are not recognized by collagenase enzymes, so such defective collagen accumulates, gradually replacing normal fibers.

As a result, the structure of the collagen matrix is ​​disrupted, the moisture content in the intercellular substance of the dermis decreases, and the skin loses its firmness and elasticity.

This fact is one of the main reasons for skin aging, loss of elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Static and dynamic wrinkles

Due to these changes in the skin, static wrinkles appear, and due to increased facial expressions, dynamic wrinkles are formed, which are especially pronounced in those places where facial expressions are more active: the bridge of the nose, the area around the eyes, and the area around the mouth.

Also, the formation is caused by a decrease in metabolism in cells, intracellular pressure decreases, supporting cell walls, they wrinkle and become smaller, forming wrinkles.

  • Unhealthy Lifestyle

All diseases, stress, diets, lack of vitamins, microelements, hormones in the body, alcohol abuse, smoking, applying heavy makeup, insufficient water consumption, exposure to external environmental factors lead to wear and tear of the skin and are also the causes of its aging.

  • Genetically determined factor

And most importantly, alas, skin aging is genetically determined, it is embedded in our cells, and it is almost impossible to influence it.

Conclusion - why does the skin age?

Today, skin aging is an irreversible process caused by a number of genetic factors.

Not a single officially registered remedy has been invented or invented that can reverse this process.

I really want to hope that in the near future, scientists will still come up with such a miracle pill :)

But despite this, today we have the opportunity to independently slow down the process of aging and wear of the skin.

The main thing is to start doing this in a timely and correct manner.

Read about the main causes of skin aging that we can influence on our own and how to slow down skin aging here.

Stay tuned for updates and subscribe to my blog newsletter.

Alena Yasneva was with you, be beautiful!!!

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Experts distinguish 4 types of facial skin aging - each type of aging requires its own skin care and its own cosmetic procedures.

Aging dry skin

Do you remember how in our school years we envied smooth-faced beauties with porcelain skin without a single enlarged pore, without a nasty shine and without a single pimple? Most likely, they were the owners of dry skin, and the only trouble that could happen to their faces before the age of 23 was just a slight peeling (from frost or bad cream). But then, without special care, the following begins to happen to dry skin - at first it becomes covered with a thin, barely noticeable mesh, which becomes more pronounced after applying foundation and powder. Then facial wrinkles form: first the traditional “crow’s feet” around the eyes, then nasolabial folds, longitudinal wrinkles above the upper lip and transverse wrinkles on the forehead. Alas, if you “miss” the moment of the onset of age-related changes, then in the future no procedures will be able to return the face to a youthful appearance.

What to do? If age-related changes have just begun to appear, start actively using creams: moisturizing during the day, nourishing at night. Your goal is to provide the deep layers of the skin with a constant supply of moisture. Don't forget that frost and sun are your biggest enemies. And if wrinkles are already very noticeable, you should think about a course of hyaluronic acid injections - a more reliable moisture storage device in the skin has not yet been invented.

What to read . For anyone with dry skin, we additionally recommend the following materials:how to properly care for dry skin - step-by-step tips on how to care for your skin throughout the day and how to keep it in good condition and prevent premature aging, andhomemade masks for dry skin - numerous recipes that allow you to properly nourish and moisturize facial skin that is prone to aging and dryness.

Aging skin results in sagging

The second type of facial skin aging is called gravitational, because it is directly related to the force of gravity. In other words, some faces visually age because they sag. This is often due to problems with the kidneys and liver, when the face swells from time to time: under the eyes, around the cheekbones and in the lower part of the cheeks. This leads to the formation of fluid-congested areas that pull the skin down in the form of pouches. Characteristic signs of this type of facial aging are pastiness, pronounced nasolabial folds and drooping corners of the mouth. Another characteristic feature: a person looks youngest in the middle of the day, but when asleep and in the evening, the face looks rather rumpled.

What to do. First, try to eliminate the main problem: to cure, if possible, the internal organs, due to the disease of which swelling occurs. Give up bad habits: for example, excessive consumption of salt, beer, just tea or coffee (especially at night). Try drinking diuretic herbal teas from time to time. Sleep at least 7 and no more than 9 hours a day, and preferably in a cool room (hot air in the bedroom can cause swelling). Among cosmetic procedures, it is worth paying attention to masks with seaweed and classic facial massage, as well as hardware lymphatic drainage.

What to read . For additional information, we recommend the following materials:Home facial massage - all the secrets, as well as facial massage techniques with step-by-step video.Firming face masks - we share the most effective recipes for homemade masks that will help correct the oval of the face, smooth out wrinkles, and add tone and elasticity to sagging skin. The home honey massage, which is described in detail in the article, generated numerous positive responses.Honey face masks . Here is a collection of honey-based masks for different skin types.

Skin aging in children's faces

The most insidious age-related changes await the owners of the so-called baby-faces - children's faces: plump cuties with childish facial features. Such faces do not seem like adults for a long time, which is why they age sharply and suddenly. This is due to the fact that plump faces have a fairly large (anatomically justified) reserve of subcutaneous fat, which at some point the skin becomes unable to maintain in a taut state. The collagen framework, which ensures the tension of facial tissues, sags under the weight of fat, and the “baby baby” first has sagging cheeks, then the eyebrows and upper eyelids, and soon appearsdouble chin . The impression of “aging” appears after the oval of the “baby’s” face is deformed.

What to do. Firstly, strictly monitor weight fluctuations - in almost 70% of cases, sudden aging of this type of face occurs after rapid weight loss. Secondly, watch your facial expressions and be prepared for botulinum toxin injections. Well, as in the previous case, beware of swelling. Ultrasound-based procedures help strengthen facial tissues well.

Skin aging in mobile individuals

Moving faces with large features age according to their own scenario. The fact is that they have a developed muscular frame - this, on the one hand, is good. But on the other hand, working muscles, “dragging” the skin along with them, stretch it much faster, which leads to the rapid formation of muscles. First, the “chewing area” stands out with steep folds (remember the cartoon about Homer Simpson? Then this area is not difficult to imagine). Then - the folds on the forehead. Well, and then everything else.

What to do. For people of this type, the main thing is a decrease in muscle tone - that is, “Botox” is, as doctors say, the drug of choice. The second point is the restoration of collagen reserves: this can be achieved by taking cosmeceuticals based on provitamin A and enzyme preparations that improve cellular metabolism. Among salon procedures, it is worth choosing a course of electrophoresis with mild muscle relaxants (drugs that help muscles relax).

What to read . In addition to all the tips, the section will be an excellent helpFacial skin rejuvenation - this is a whole blog about caring for aging facial skin, where you will find expert advice and reviews from our readers, where they share their stories and useful tips on how to keep your skin in excellent condition and always be young and beautiful.

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We do not reveal the universal secret: sooner or later the skin begins to age. Have you noticed that many girls, having discovered barely noticeable facial wrinkles on their faces, begin to panic and begin to study the anti-age cosmetics market and sign up for a consultation with a cosmetologist? At the same time, they completely forget that along with their face, their body begins to age. In different areas, signs of aging manifest themselves in their own way: stretch marks appear here and there, barely noticeable pigmentation appears, and in general there is a decrease in skin turgor.

There are suspicions that even those celebrities who claim that they are ready to boldly face age are still disingenuous: it is difficult to imagine a woman who would be ready to meekly accept wrinkles on her face. But on the body... For some reason, many are not so upset when they discover that the skin of the body has lost a fair amount of elasticity. And some completely ignore the telltale lines on the neck, arms or, for example, on the hips. But they are the ones who will reveal your age red-handed while you show others your well-groomed face without a single wrinkle. “The reasons for skin aging can be different: poor ecology, slow vital processes, heredity, poor lifestyle - all this affects the condition of the skin,” says L"Occitane expert Maria Shikhova. “Due to the fact that the skin does not have additional resources, "In order to retain moisture, it becomes dehydrated and dry. These factors provoke the appearance of wrinkles."


We won’t tire of repeating: you need to moisturize your skin every day. And not just on the face. Moreover, you need to do this after every shower. The skin's natural ability to retain moisture becomes weaker with age. This means that every time you use cleansers - gel and especially scrub - the active ingredients of the creams are washed off from the skin. By the way, it is best to apply products to the skin while it is still damp - this way all the beneficial components will be better absorbed.

“Basic care should be strengthening and toning. Products containing essential oils, for example, mint, immortelle, palmarosa, are excellent - they stimulate blood circulation very well. To keep the skin surface smooth and velvety, products with plant proteins, such as almond proteins, are suitable,” advises L “Occitane expert Lyudmila Borisova.


After a good peeling, moisturizers penetrate deeper into the skin and therefore work more effectively. Do not neglect such an important stage of body skin care as exfoliation. It is necessary to use scrubs, rough washcloths and brushes once a week: they will help remove dead skin particles and make its surface smooth and soft. Plus, these beauty manipulations will prevent the appearance of cellulite.

It is no coincidence that Victoria's Secret models rub dry skin with coarse bristles every other day - this way they improve blood circulation, dispersing lymph congestion in problem areas.

It turns out that taking hot showers too often and for a long time, using a large number of cleansers, is harmful. Even this simple procedure should be carried out according to the rules, otherwise the skin may become too dry and lose its tenderness and smoothness. Get used to the contrast shower - it will improve blood circulation, and, therefore, the condition of the skin.

Drink water

Why do you think experts advise drinking at least 2 liters of water a day? Reason #1: to avoid general dehydration. Reason No. 2 (cosmetological): so that the skin receives the necessary moisture from the inside. Can't bring yourself to do it? Keep a bottle of water on your desk or install a motivational app on your smartphone that will remind you that it's time to walk to the cooler for another glass of water.