Cosmetic clay, its types and uses. How to choose clay for your skin type (photo)

Clay is a natural gift for face and body care. Low cost and amazing effect make it a favorite skin care product. A clay face mask can be prepared at home with or without the addition of various ingredients.

Benefits for the face

Any clay face masks have no contraindications and will only bring benefits. How are they useful?

  1. They will deeply cleanse the skin and remove dead cells;
  2. will make your skin smooth and fresh;
  3. the oval of the face will be tightened.

In addition, this product is easy to apply and wash off.

How to prepare a monomask

How to make a mask from clay alone? There are some cooking rules. Check them out:

  • Do not use metal utensils for cooking to avoid a chemical reaction between the clay and the metal. This type of facial clay is no longer suitable for cosmetic purposes.
  • Dilute the clay powder with cool boiled water, stirring constantly. The mask is ready when its consistency resembles thick sour cream. A mass that is too thin will simply drain from the face, while a thick mass will tighten the skin.

How to apply the mixture correctly

You need to apply the clay mask correctly, only then you will get the expected result. Therefore, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First you need to thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup and dirt. It won't hurt to steam the pores.
  • You can apply the composition with your fingers or a brush; The layer should not be very thin.
  • The composition is not applied to the lips and area around the eyes.
  • After application, lie down. A clay mask is heavy and can cause stretching of the skin if not kept in a horizontal position.
  • The answer to the question of how long to keep a clay mask on depends on your skin type. It is better to keep it on dry for no more than 5 minutes, on normal – 10, and those with oily skin type can apply the mask for 15 minutes.
  • How often can you make masks? For dry dermis, it will be enough to use clay once a week, and for oily dermis - twice.
  • To prevent excessive skin tightness, the mask must be moistened with a spray bottle filled with clean water.
  • The composition should be washed off with cool water. But under no circumstances should you rip it off in layers, as you will only damage the skin.
  • It is better to make clay masks in the evening, as they may cause slight redness on the face.

Types of clay

You already know how to properly apply clay masks. It's time to talk about the types of clay that exist in nature. Why does clay come in different colors? The answer is simple: its color is given by the minerals and chemical elements of which it is composed.

  • White and gray colors are given by the mineral kaolinite;
  • blue – silver ions;
  • black clay owes its color to quartz, potassium and iron;
  • yellow becomes this way due to the combination of iron and potassium;
  • red color is given by oxides of copper and iron, as well as manganese;
  • green clay due to iron oxide;
  • pink is made by mixing white and red.

Facial clay is a valuable natural component. But it is important to know which clay mask is suitable for your skin type.

White (kaolin)

Dermis type: oily, sensitive. Problem: enlarged pores, acne. Effect:

  • absorbs excess fat;
  • evens out complexion;
  • tightens and smoothes the oval of the face;
  • tightens pores;
  • fights inflammation.


Dermis type: dry. Problem: acne, fine wrinkles. Effect:

  • gives elasticity;
  • tightens pores, relieves inflammation;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • moisturizes;
  • provides detoxification of the dermis.


Dermis type: normal or combined, aging. Problem: pigmentation. Effect:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • fights wrinkles;
  • eliminates pigmentation and freckles;
  • improves blood circulation.

Dermis type: oily. Problem: increased fat content, acne. Effect:

  • tightens the facial contour;
  • cleanses effectively;
  • absorbs excess fat;
  • prevents and treats acne.

Dermis type: fading. Problem: acne. Effect:

  • removes toxins;
  • saturates the epithelium with oxygen;
  • allows you to preserve the youth of the dermis, reduces the number of wrinkles and their depth;
  • helps prevent and treat acne;
  • activates metabolic processes.


Dermis type: dry, sensitive. Problem: iron deficiency, peeling. Effect:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • relieves redness and irritation;
  • saturates with oxygen;
  • tones the epithelium;
  • normalizes water balance;
  • restores a clear facial contour;
  • enriches the skin with iron.


Dermis type: dry, fading. Problem: inflammation, sagging skin. Effect:

  • disinfects pores;
  • restores elasticity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • smoothes out shallow wrinkles;
  • improves complexion.


Dermis type: sensitive. Problem: irritation, peeling. Effect:

  • nourishes and softens the skin;
  • makes the skin firm and elastic;
  • smoothes and gives velvety;
  • produces a delicate cleansing of the dermis.

Preparing healing masks

It's time to learn how to make a clay face mask. You are already aware that the consistency of the mask should resemble thick sour cream. The amount of clay powder for preparing the mask is two tablespoons. And water – about 80 ml.

However, masks with facial clay and other ingredients are no less useful. It should be noted that all the rules on how to apply a clay mask also apply to these compositions.

  • If you add lemon juice (1 tablespoon) to the mixture prepared from white clay, you will get a wonderful clay mask for oily facial skin with a whitening effect.
  • And when you use chamomile decoction instead of water to dilute kaolin powder, you can enhance the cleansing effect of white clay on your face.
  • Another product, which contains white clay for oily skin, differs from the previous ones in that a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil are added to the finished mask. This mixture cleanses and refreshes the dermis, giving it a well-groomed appearance.
  • If the dermis is excessively oily, a cleansing mask will help. Yellow clay should be mixed with teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, honey and lemon juice. If the composition is too thick, you can dilute it with water.
  • A mask made from green clay powder, peach oil and grape seed oil is useful for mattifying the skin. All ingredients must be taken in equal quantities, the mixture can be diluted with water.
  • Dry facial skin that needs to retain and add moisture can be moisturized by adding egg yolk or essential oils: rose, frankincense, orange or ylang-ylang to the clay mask.
  • For dry skin, this face mask will help: red clay (1 tablespoon) is mixed with fatty sour cream (in the same amount), add a couple of drops of any vegetable oil to the resulting mixture and apply to the face.
  • This mask is also suitable for dry skin: pink clay is mixed with milk, sour cream, yogurt or kefir (your choice). This DIY composition will moisturize the dermis very effectively.
  • You can make a red clay mask with milk and other ingredients. For example, with a yolk and a small amount of aloe juice and a teaspoon of glycerin.
  • If you add chicken egg white to a black clay mask, you will get an effective remedy for fighting acne and inflammation on the face. /li>
  • Another find for problem skin is blue clay. The mask is prepared as follows: add half a tablespoon of sour cream and clay powder to the pulp of watermelon and grapes (you need to take one teaspoon each of these components).
  • To eliminate pigmentation, use a product made from black clay and bodyagi. Mix a teaspoon of dry herb with two teaspoons of black clay powder, dilute with water until the required consistency is obtained.
  • You can also dilute the natural remedy with cucumber juice, strawberry juice or parsley. This clay mask for the face will successfully get rid of age spots or freckles.
  • Green facial clay and cabbage will help aging skin. Place the cabbage leaf at the bottom of the bowl and pour half a glass of hot milk on top. Grind the softened leaf into a paste, add protein and half a teaspoon of green clay. Mix.

Making face masks at home is not difficult at all. You just need to set aside a little time for yourself, forgetting about everyday problems and affairs, and apply a useful product to your skin.

A clay healing mask will help cope with many facial skin imperfections. The composition should be applied for a very short period of time, so you will not be distracted from family affairs for a long time. But then a beautiful and happy woman will delight her household with a good mood and beautiful appearance.

There are varieties of cosmetic clay: the most popular are white, blue, wishing, black, red. Each type has unique medicinal properties, so one or another variety is suitable for different skin problems. Which clay is best for the face, how to choose it, what clay to use for the face for various problems. Let's consider these questions at Medvyan.

How to find and choose clay

Clay is everywhere: in quarries, in areas with cracked soil, next to brick factories. You can find a good one in the garden by digging the ground a meter deep.

To choose the right clay for your face, you need to understand that the most important selection criterion is the environmental friendliness of the product. Therefore it should be:

  1. Free from impurities, pebbles, grains, and various inclusions.
  2. If you collect it yourself, then only in areas remote from industry.

Ideally, you need to buy a certified product that is approved for medicinal use and oral administration. The one you buy from cosmetics stores can only be used for cosmetic purposes.

Determining quality

If you purchased or found this product, please check the quality before using. The best clay for the face is clean, so test it: moisten it with water, rub it with your hands. If there are no grains of sand or pebbles, then it is good. Also, the mass should have a uniform consistency.

If you have collected clay and want to determine its quality, there is a simple method: moisten a clay lump and fashion a donut-shaped figurine out of it. When sculpting, good clay should be plastic, wrinkle well, and take any shape.

In general, good quality clay, suitable not only for cosmetic use, but also for treatment, should be viscous and oily to the touch.

Which clay is best for the face if it is sold in powder form? In this case, you can also check its quality and suitability. Take a pinch and dissolve in a glass of water. Shake the water until it becomes cloudy and the particles move. Watch how they settle.

If the product is oily, that is, good, it will settle slowly, in flakes. If it’s bad, it will immediately sink and there will be two layers in the glass: a layer of water and a layer of clay. Obviously, this is not the best clay for the face; it is advisable to look for another one of better quality.

Which type of clay is better

Since now you can easily buy clay of any color, the question arises - which is better? White or blue, red or black, green or yellow?

Each has certain properties depending on its composition. To understand which clay is best for your skin type, try all its types. In general, each variety has its own specific effect:

A universal product that best cleans and whitens. In its pure form it is suitable for oily, problem skin. Which clay is best for a face with enlarged, contaminated pores and excessive oiliness? Definitely white. Has a peeling effect. Effectively cleanses when used in masks with protein and lemon. For additional cleansing, you can add tomato pulp, and cucumber pulp for moisturizing. Known for its calming effect and ability to smooth out scars.

Its main effect is toning tired, aging skin. It is recommended for use on thin, aging skin. Which facial clay is best for gentle cleansing? This is the yellow one. It is also recommended for tired skin with a grayish tint.

It is best used to tighten the skin, clear acne, and add elasticity. If you don’t know which clay is best to choose for anti-cellulite wrap, then feel free to use blue: it is known for its anti-cellulite effect.

The best of all types for treating the scalp from dandruff and flaking. It is chosen for oily and pimply skin, it cleans perfectly and tightens pores. Which clay is best for faces with problem skin? Exactly she. Green is considered the most healing of all types.

It is chosen as an astringent, it relieves irritation and smoothes. This gentle product is suitable for sensitive skin. Good for hair growth.

Which facial clay should I choose to treat inflammation and acne? Try the red one. It is soft and therefore recommended for combination and sensitive skin. Tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles, soothes. Does not disturb pH. It is recommended for anemic skin.

  • Black

Mainly used as wraps, it has a powerful tightening and anti-cellulite effect. Does not have the same cleansing effect as kaolin. Smoothes out unevenness on the thighs.

Which type is healthier?

Now a few words about which clay is healthier for the face. We have already written that each type has its own chemical composition, so it has different properties and effects.

Thus, we cannot say that one or the other is healthier - all varieties are beneficial, but one type may suit your skin type more than another. For example, if green has the main property of cleansing oily skin, then pink, black or blue are more suitable for dry and sensitive skin, since they are softer and less tight.

In turn, black is ideal for wrapping thighs, as it has a powerful anti-cellulite effect, unlike others. Therefore, which clay is more useful for solving your problems can only be determined experimentally.

In conclusion, we note that many are afraid to make clay masks because they believe that they are very drying. To avoid this, you need to choose the right cosmetic clay for your skin type, and also follow some rules:

  • Do not let it dry on your face, since there is no benefit from a dry mask, and it no longer gives anything useful.
  • Add moisturizing ingredients to your masks: oils, cream, honey, rose water, aloe juice.

Which facial clay is right for you? Tell us about it in your reviews.

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Cosmetic clay for face

Professional cosmetologists today offer a wide range of facial masks containing various ingredients. They have an excellent drying and cleansing effect.

In the form of a cosmetic product, the clay contained in the mask has the following effect on the skin of the face:

  • , i.e. removes dead skin cells, eliminates flaking, redness and spots of various origins.
  • drying, i.e. absorbs excess secretion from sweat and sebaceous glands.

There are several types of facial clay. Each type has its own special unique properties that one or another type of skin needs. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to annotate the miraculous effect of masks containing clay on the skin. Find out the peculiarities of the characteristics of multi-colored clay compositions, since each has its own secret effect.

What will each type of clay provide?

Popular white clay

Unusual blue clay

The main and main property of this clay in mask compositions is antibacterial. This clay has the best set of mineral salts and trace elements. She treats various rashes and even small wounds. Copes perfectly with skin impurities, tones and heals. It is blue cosmetic clay for the face that, like no other, removes light wrinkles of facial origin, bringing a rejuvenating effect. A mask composition with such clay makes freckles and various age spots invisible. Only blue clay stimulates blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue and normalizes subcutaneous metabolism. you can learn more about blue clay.

Green clay, mysterious

Gray clay and its features

They lift her from the depths of the sea - everything for beautiful ladies. She loves to work with dry skin, nourishes it well and enriches it with useful minerals.

The choice is difficult

Cosmetic clay for – which one to choose from a wide variety? After carefully studying each type of clay and consulting with specialist cosmetologists, you can proceed to choosing a mask composition for your skin type, or put yourself in the hands of a professional cosmetologist.

Any facial skin problem can be solved with the help of one clay or another. And even weekly prevention will also be quite effective with a clay mask.

Clay compositions will be useful:

For acne or any other rash, mask compositions including white, blue, and yellow clays are suitable;

You can overcome oily skin by using blue and white clay;
A bleaching composition that includes blue clay can lighten stains, including pigment stains;
Red clay will save very sensitive and “tired” skin;
restore the hydrobalance of the mixture based on gray, green and red clay;
Fading skin will get an excellent rejuvenation effect if it contains green, white, blue and red clays.
You will have to decide for yourself which clay is best for your face. But we must take into account that the effect of clay compositions on the skin of the face directly depends on the type of skin and the effect that you want to achieve.

Restrictions on the use of clay-based masks. Are they there?

We cannot discount the known contraindications when using clay-based masks.

There are no medical restrictions as such. Clay is a natural, hypoallergenic, natural material. To achieve maximum results, you need to consider:
the clay composition must be applied to previously cleansed skin;
the full composition of the mask: does it contain allergy-causing drugs;
Do not apply the mask composition to the areas around the eyes. There are no more serious restrictions for clay masks.
Since facial clay is described by skin type, you need to find a pharmacy or specialty store, purchase the ingredients for the mask and create your own optimal care.

Clay face masks - reviews from those who have become prettier and younger

Olga . I recently started using cosmetic white clay. The skin on the face is of a combination type, so it is often overcome. I have tried a huge variety of our and imported, expensive and cheap cosmetics. The effect is zero. I decided to switch to folk remedies. The very first masks restored the color and elasticity of the skin. I recommend to all.

Tatiana . I have been using clay masks for quite some time. In addition to the amazing anti-aging effect, this self-care is very economical! Packaged bags of clay are not expensive. She made it herself, applied it herself, looked prettier herself!

Clay was used for medicinal purposes back in the days of Ancient Egypt, and even Vanga used it in her healing practice. The uniqueness of the product lies in its strong antibacterial properties and mineral-rich composition. In this regard, the breed is widely used in cosmetology, especially for facial skin care. But what kind of clay is suitable for the face? Which one should you choose for radiant skin and which one for wrinkles? You will learn reviews from cosmetologists and a lot of other useful information from our article.

Types of clay, how to choose

Clay, also called “kaolin,” is a natural material that consists of microscopic rock particles. It has pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, nutritional properties, and can easily change its state from dusty to pasty under the influence of moisture.

Depending on the impurities in the composition and cosmetic properties, the following types of clay rock are distinguished:

  • white (removes excess fat secretions, tightens pores, tightens, brightens the dermis, gives radiance);
  • gray (removes toxins, impurities, refreshes, moisturizes the skin);
  • blue (heals wounds, clears rashes, restores the elasticity of the epidermis, smoothes expression wrinkles);
  • green (normalizes blood circulation, the functioning of the sebaceous glands, fills the dermis with moisture, narrows pores);
  • yellow (eliminates acne, evens out complexion, rejuvenates the epithelium);
  • red (saturates with oxygen, rejuvenates, relieves irritation, peeling of the skin);
  • pink (tightens the facial oval, eliminates wrinkles, nourishes, cleanses the epidermis; is a mixture of white and red clay);
  • black (gets rid of rashes, blackheads, tightens pores, removes toxins and impurities).

Black and pink breeds are considered universal because they are suitable for every type of epidermis. Other types must be selected individually, depending on the problems and needs of the skin.

Which clay to choose according to skin type

Depending on the intensity of the sebaceous glands, as well as the level of moisture, cosmetologists and dermatologists distinguish 4 main types of skin:

  • normal;
  • fatty;
  • dry;
  • mixed (combined).

Each of these types requires an individual approach regarding the selection of clay masks.


A rather rare type, which is distinguished by small, unnoticeable pores, an even matte shade, a normal level of sebum production, and resistance to weather and hormonal changes.

When using kaolin for masks, you should adhere to moderation so as not to dry out the epidermis. In order to prevent rashes, maintain even color, elasticity, and smoothness, choose blue, green, pink or black breed.


This type is characterized by enlarged pores, more frequent manifestations of acne, oily shine, dense texture, and rather late appearance of wrinkles. The skin layer does not tolerate high temperatures and humidity, and reacts to hormonal fluctuations and inappropriate cosmetics by clogging pores and rashes.

Face masks should have a pronounced drying, antibacterial, cleansing effect. Therefore, for oily types, choose white, blue, yellow, green, black or pink powder.


This type is distinguished by a thin, delicate epithelial surface with invisible pores and a matte tint, a reduced level of fat production, which often manifests itself in dryness, irritation, and flaking. Earlier than other types, they experience expression lines or age-related wrinkles.

For dry dermis, it is necessary to select products that have high moisturizing, soothing, and refreshing qualities. Gray, black, pink, red cosmetic clay is suitable for this.


This skin surface is the most common; it combines oily, dry and normal types, appearing in different areas of the face. It is characterized by increased fat content, enlarged pores on the forehead, nasolabial folds, and chin. Cheeks, cheekbones, temples are represented by dry or normal skin.

The choice of masks must be approached more responsibly and individually, analyzing the skin's reaction. White, yellow, black, pink, green breeds are most suitable for mixed dermis.

Oily, dry, combination skin may have signs of sensitivity or problems that appear under the influence of external and internal factors.

Clay mask recipes

Cosmetic kaolin is a universal care product that can be used either in its pure form or enhancing its effect with the help of additional ingredients.

To dry and even out the complexion, mix two large spoons of clay suitable for oily skin, 3 spoons of cool water, the juice of a small slice of lemon, a small spoon of honey, and egg white. Keep on face for 15 minutes.

To get rid of acne and inflammation, mix two tablespoons of clay for oily skin, one and a half tablespoons of water, and the same amount of aloe juice. Leave on face for 15 minutes.

Kaolin masks with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, calendula or celandine are very effective in fighting acne.

Masks for dry and sensitive skin

To soften and nourish, mix two spoons of clay for dry skin, two spoons of cream or yogurt, a spoon of tomato juice, a few drops of olive oil or honey. Keep on face for 10-15 minutes.

To moisturize, mix two parts of kaolin for dry skin, the same amount of cucumber pulp, a couple of drops of cosmetic or essential oil (olive, almond, peach, sandalwood or ylang-ylang). I leave it on the skin for 15 minutes.

The most effective types of clay against small expression lines or age wrinkles are considered to be white, blue, black, and green. A good effect is achieved by using a mixture of rock powder and water in a 1:1 ratio.

To enhance the smoothing effect, it is allowed to add sea buckthorn oil, cucumber pulp, olive oil, honey, dairy products, essential oils of tea tree, lavender, frankincense or geranium.

Kaolin masks must be applied exclusively to a well-cleaned surface, do not leave them on the face until completely dry, and be sure to use a moisturizing or nourishing cream after rinsing.

Masks with clay are carefully selected for dry, sensitive skin prone to peeling and irritation. If after using the product you feel that the dermis is dry, tight or itchy, immediately cancel this mask.

Carefully study the composition of the powder when purchasing. Flavorings and chemical components can cause allergies or irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Frequent use of kaolin can dry out even very oily epithelium. It is better to use them 1-2 times a week.

It is forbidden to apply clay masks to the thin epidermis around the eyes and lips, or to use them after prolonged exposure to the sun. To avoid allergies, it is recommended to first apply the mixture to the inner bend of the elbow.

Clay can be your trusted friend in facial care, but it must be used with caution and care.