“Taming the Shrew”: we tame and subjugate a man. HOW to make him marry me

We're not talking about a business deal, but about a proposal from the man you love and turning that proposal into an actual wedding date. Some women will say that this process is much more difficult than a serious corporate transaction. Of course, the “Rules” can make it much easier.

If you've followed the Rules from the moment you met Mr. Perfect and your first words about love, he Necessarily will make an offer. Sometimes this happens very quickly, literally in a few months, but on average it takes a year and a half. (Maybe he has his own "rules" that require a lot of courtship before proposing. There's nothing wrong or unusual about that.)

Your problem is not that the man wants to get married, but in setting the exact date. Men can date women for five years! They are always postponing the engagement and wedding date. If a man suggests living together first to test feelings and see you more often, tell him that you are an old-fashioned girl and want to wait until engagement or marriage. A man may love you, but marriage still scares him. Maybe he's just trying to maintain his bachelor lifestyle. Maybe he has been married before and is in no hurry to get married again. Or maybe he's just young (under 25).

In general, in order to get a man to marry you within a reasonable time, you need to categorically refuse to live with him until the engagement and wedding and continue to meet no more than three times a week, although by this time you yourself will passionately want to be together constantly.

If this doesn’t work, you can rock the boat a little: go away for the weekend with a friend, cancel a Saturday date using the excuse of being busy, mention a new apartment lease, talk less about your activities. All this should instill anxiety in a man and push him to propose. As you already know, a man who is afraid of commitment loses his fear when the woman herself moves away from the cherished date, and does not approach it. This is not a trick. You are simply giving the man space and freedom.

If you didn't follow the "Rules" during courtship

Let's say you've been dating a man for more than a year, but he avoids talking about marriage and the future in every possible way. What to do in such a situation? Ask a man about his intentions. If he says he's not going to get married, accept that answer and don't date him again. Men don't lie on this issue. He's not afraid of commitment - he just doesn't want to marry you.

If he says that he will definitely marry you... someday, then it is you who will have to complete the deal. Ask him: when? If he says in a year or two, leave him and start dating other men. You've been waiting for an offer for over a year - why waste another one?

If you already live together (because you learned about the “Rules” after moving), but the man says that he is not going to get married, pack up and leave. Don't say, "I'm leaving because you don't want to commit." This is too trivial. Just say that you need more space, that you heard about a great apartment your friend is renting, or something like that. If a man doesn’t want to make a commitment, let’s leave him alone. Unless he tries to stop you and proposes, don't waste your time. If he asks what’s going on, calmly answer: “I don’t know if I should continue this relationship.” If he can live without you, you don't need such a man. Move on.

Here's what you should never do under any circumstances:

  • 1 Do not tell a man that you are hurt, do not reprimand him for making you waste your time and fooling you. You lived with him - and no one twisted your arms. Take responsibility for your own actions.
  • 2 Don't suggest seeing a psychologist to discuss his fear of commitment. Men are perfectly capable of making commitments if they love their women and women follow the “Rules.” But if a woman herself chases a man, if she is too available, if a man is not in love, then a real phobia instantly arises. Men say, “I have a hard time coming to terms with the concept of marriage,” or talk about divorce statistics.
  • 3 Don’t let a man persuade you to think that marriage is not important - “it’s just a stamp in your passport”, that it’s important to just be together. If he doesn't want to get married, it means he's into you not in love. Or his love is not what you need. If a man doesn't want to get married, it means he still wants to find someone else!
  • 4 Don't let a man convince you that because he was already married he can't marry again, that you should give him time to get over his ex-wife.
  • 5 Don’t let the man you’ve been dating for a long time persuade you to wait until everything “settles down” with him at work, his financial problems are resolved, or something else happens. This is the most unacceptable reason. There will always be problems at work and with money. Nothing should stop a man from marrying you. A man in love wants to get married and hopes that you will not notice these problems or that you will help him find a solution. He will still beg you to marry him. He will get down on one knee and say something like, “I know I’m not a millionaire, but I love you and I’d do anything for you. When a man says: “You are too good for me,” it means “I don’t want you.”

For example, take a young couple who have been dating for a long time. They live together like a young family. But this is not husband and wife, there was no wedding. The guy is happy with everything, he is in no hurry to take the first step. Therefore, the girl must take the initiative into her own hands.

So, how to get a man to marry?

Firstly, you don’t need to constantly tell him that it’s time to get married. If you put pressure on him, there will be no point. And the phrase “all my friends got married, I’m the only one left” will not help. You need to act cunningly.

You need to think about how to get a guy to marry on his own initiative. The girl must be made to understand that she will be a wonderful wife. To do this, she needs to monitor her appearance constantly, even after the wedding. Otherwise, the guy will regret that he proposed to her. A guy should admire his future bride and wife.

You need to keep the house in order and cook deliciously. Even if the girl does all this, and the guy takes everything for granted, then she just needs to correctly hint that since he doesn’t propose to her, it means he doesn’t have serious intentions. And if so, then further relationships are fruitless. The guy must understand that if the girl leaves, then he will feel empty, the house will not be cleaned, there will be no tasty food, and she will not illuminate his house with her beauty. This thought will frighten the young man, and he will begin to think about proposing marriage.

Also, the girl must learn to cope with her character. If she is constantly nervous and swears at the guy, he is unlikely to want to propose to her. But if she learns to solve all problems calmly, putting everything in order, such a girl will be approved.

Before hinting to a guy about marriage, a girl must clearly understand that this is her choice for life. She will need to realize whether she is ready for this, whether she accepts him for who he is. If you’re not sure, then what’s the point of thinking about how to get a man to marry?

A girl must learn to accept the whole guy, with his shortcomings and hobbies. If he likes football, or sometimes hangs out with friends, his girlfriend should make it clear to him that she is not against it. And after the wedding, he can watch football or meet with friends, just within certain boundaries. Guys think that after marriage their freedom and their joys of life end. A difficult married life ensues. And if the girl can convince him that freedom does not disappear, hobbies remain, then he will definitely take the initiative in holding the wedding.

A girl should always praise her boyfriend, even in small things. She must show him that the head of the family will be the husband, not the wife. This situation will suit the guy, and he will want to start a family, solve all problems, and protect his wife.

Also, the girl should be able to show the guy that she won’t wait long for an invitation. She is attractive and other men like her. And if her boyfriend doesn't want to make her happy, someone else will. Life is too short to sit and wait for a young man to take a desperate step.

It is also quite natural to be happy for those who get married. Admire wedding dresses, shoes, everything related to a wedding, beautiful bouquets. Perhaps a guy, looking at how her girlfriend sincerely rejoices for the happiness of others, will make her happy himself.

Sometimes the situation influences a guy to propose to a girl. A girl can create it herself by setting a beautiful table with delicious food and wonderful wine. By carefully talking about wedding topics, a guy may decide to propose to her.

If a girl feels that she is ready for marriage, but the guy does not take any action, it is recommended to put these tips into practice. These tips + patience + young man = happy and strong family in the future. Don't forget this.

The ring on the finger symbolizes reliability, love and respect. Beautiful ladies want to live a long and happy life with their loved one. Men, in turn, are in no hurry to propose marriage, since they are freedom-loving by nature. They are satisfied with the fact that a woman is nearby, supports them in difficult times and prepares delicious dishes.

What not to do

You should not make common mistakes that will kill a possible marriage in the bud. Below are practical tips on how to avoid misunderstandings.

  1. Let your man enjoy freedom, do not limit your living space. He must understand that when he gets married, the opportunity to see friends or have fun will not disappear. Don't impose, don't pester, don't nag. It is important to convey to your companion the idea that he will not lose himself when a stamp appears in his passport.
  2. Don’t engage in blackmail: “You marry me, or I’ll leave for someone else!” A self-respecting man will not fall for such provocations; the gentleman will automatically develop a defensive reflex. Don't drive your partner into a corner, don't rush into a marriage proposal, guide him slowly, remain patient.
  3. Don't try to please your loved one. Many ladies buy glossy magazines and sit on forums looking for answers to questions: “How to have sex?”, “How to get a man to marry?”, “How to please your mother-in-law?” And so on. A gentleman will treat you much more carefully if he notices that your companion has her own opinion, desires, and life priorities.
  4. Don’t be fooled by talk that a stamp in your passport won’t change anything. Insist on a position that speaks of reliability and an inextricable connection between partners. Many men try to “move out” of a marriage proposal, confidently claiming that the couple does not stand strong enough on their feet.
  5. It is important to remember forever - a man in love will do everything to take you as his wife. Excuses like “now is not the time”, “let’s wait for the summer” only prove the frivolity of intentions. If you hear the phrase: “I don’t deserve you,” this means only one thing - he doesn’t want you.
  6. Stop being capricious. Whining about wanting to get married, wear a beautiful dress, or buy diamond rings will only make things worse. A man will begin to defend himself by all means, because he will not want to take a bore with a difficult character as his wife.
  7. Under no circumstances should you resort to the “folk” method - pregnancy. A woman will never keep a man with a child, and besides, this is a vile step. Perhaps you get married and live together for 2, 3, 6 months, but eventually you will need to sign a divorce. Understand that becoming a single mother is not the best prerogative in life.
  8. Do not try to force your partner to see a psychologist to discuss his attitude towards marriage. Ladies believe that men are cowardly creatures who are unable to take responsibility, but this misconception is extremely wrong. If they are 100% sure that they love their soul mate, then they will undoubtedly come to the desire to start a family.
  9. Don't hurt a man's ego by trying to buy a partner. A statement like “Parents have decided to give the keys to an apartment in the center as soon as we get married” will offend the partner and push him away. Every man strives to give a woman everything she needs. If he agrees, do not try to marry the gigolo.
  10. Don't let your boyfriend persuade you to understand that marriage does not bring any benefits. He may say “We already have a good time together” or “I love you, what else do you need?” Such statements indicate dislike for his soul mate; to a certain extent, the man is still looking for the “better” option.
  11. Never tell your gentleman that you spent the best years of your life, this will hurt and humiliate him. Do not try to express the pain of not wanting to get married with tears or constant hysterics, this is the wrong policy.
  12. There's no need to sound like a bitch if you really aren't. Maintain your dignity, behave naturally, do not try to crush your companion under your thumb. Be relaxed, do not burden communication with prolonged silence or caustic remarks.

It is difficult to force a companion to marry, it is much easier to direct him to the true path. Let's look at the important aspects in order.

Step #1. Find out your attitude towards marriage
The first step is to find out a man’s attitude towards starting a family. Try to bring your partner into dialogue. Find out how he plans to develop relationships, whether he strives for marriage, whether he is thinking about it.

To use the psychological technique correctly, start a simple dialogue about your friends’ upcoming wedding. You can also watch a movie or TV series where everything works out for the best for a married couple.

Don't ask the question "Are you even going to marry me?" directly, approach from afar. Don’t become intrusive, frame the question differently: “Darling, how do you feel about such an important step as marriage?”

Step #2. Make friends with family and friends
It's no secret that a man's behavior is influenced by his environment, take advantage of this. Find a common language with your partner’s mother, make friends with his friends, become a good friend.

Behave lightly, do not touch on serious topics. It is important to create a good impression so that after meeting you, your relatives will buzz the man’s ears: “She is ideal for you,” “They marry people like that,” “Look at her: smart, beautiful, well-mannered.”

The main ally you need to connect with is your partner's mother. Show that you are worthy of becoming a good wife to her son. Agree with her in 80% of the statements; at first, do not rush to express your own opinion. Become a friend to your mother, tell her your secrets, ask for advice.

Step #3. Encourage a man to get married
If a man doesn't give a specific answer regarding whether he wants to get married, give him a nudge. The main thing is to make it clear that life will be better after marriage. Tell them that friends constantly fly to the islands to celebrate their anniversary. Simply invite your companion to read an interesting book with a romantic plot and a happy ending, where the relationship ends with a wedding.

Provide irrefutable evidence that will make a man think. Convey the message that the relationship must develop, otherwise you will go out like a match. Try to communicate only with cheerful married couples who find an outlet in each other. A man must understand that complete unity of souls will occur at the moment of marriage.

Step #4. Surround your partner with care and attention
A man chooses a caring and loving woman as his wife, become her. Surround your partner with attention for a while so that he gets used to good things. Pamper your loved one with delicious desserts, pack him lunch for work, send him romantic SMS.

Reconsider your own attitude towards sex, add some spice. Buy lace underwear, dance a striptease, cook a romantic dinner.

As soon as the man gets used to it, go to your relatives for a couple of days so that your partner gets bored. The main thing is not to fill the refrigerator with food. Otherwise, the man will understand that he is fine without you.

Leaving the gentleman alone hungry in terms of food and sex is the best stimulant on the way to marriage. To all the claims “You’re not going anywhere,” answer directly: “I’m an unringed lady, I’ll do whatever I want.”

Step #5. Be perfect

Try to be perfect in everything: cooking, cleaning, sex. Take care of yourself, your partner should be proud of you. At every opportunity, remind him that you love him. Ultimately, a man chooses as his wife the girl who believes in him more than himself. Become a support in everything, but don’t go too far. Refuse sweet flattery, as a result of which your partner will put on a crown and stop praising you.

Show that you are a great friend. Buy a bottle of good wine, sit in a cozy environment and just chat. Find out if something is bothering him, find words of consolation. Try to convey the unity that unites you.

Step #6. Trigger fear of loss
The main misconception of a man is that she is not going anywhere. Refute this fact. While living together, begin to slowly hint that you are an unringed young lady who owes nothing to anyone. Your partner should become wary and begin to be afraid of losing you. Don't speak too seriously, translate the words into a light joke with a grain of truth.

Make it clear that you are not a submissive gray mouse or furniture that is always at hand. Show character and independence in terms of gatherings with friends, shopping, and courtship. Jealousy will motivate a man to take action, but don't overdo it.

Gradually instill in the gentleman the fear of loss, do not say a word about the wedding. Pretend that you are not against civil marriage, but you still want to go for a walk, and the ring is a trifle. As a rule, after such manipulations a man gives up.

It is not difficult to force a man to marry if you have a little cunning and patience. Become your partner's friend, find a common language with his mother and friends, pamper your partner with desserts and passionate sex. Show that married life is not a sentence, but friendship, respect and boundless adoration.

Video: how to get a man to marry you

How to force a man to marry? Every girl thinks about this question at least once in her life. Even in conditions of emancipation and demonstrative independence of women from men, everyone wants to have a close, beloved and loving person next to them.

But the reasons that push girls to the cherished doors of the registry office are very diverse, as are the ways in which they gently but steadily drag their chosen ones to them. Let's take a closer look at both.

I can't bear to get married! For what?

For men, this question often arouses sincere interest; indeed, why commit yourself if you can live peacefully together?

Before giving the male half a worthy answer, it is worth noting that the institution of marriage itself gives a woman confidence, the very foundation on which she is ready to build her future life.

The so-called civil marriage is more of a game of “family”. The woman understands that at any moment “Game over” can be heard and the participants will scatter, unobligated and unconnected to each other by anything other than common memories.

So this option is good for the beginning of a relationship or when both participants are not serious about it.

Now let’s look at other reasons that make a certified marriage so attractive to the fair half.

I want to be like everyone else

When the bridesmaids' weddings follow an orderly sequence, and the bride's bouquet constantly flies past, the girl begins to passionately desire marriage, if only to show off in a white dress and take part in the leading roles in all this enthusiastic crowd around the wedding tables.

In addition, marriage dramatically changes a woman’s interests, so in a circle of ringed friends, a bachelorette feels like a black sheep, and clearly the odd one out.

An important role is played by the fear of being left alone, which gives rise to certain complexes. What are some reasons to rush down the aisle?

Social pressure

Oh, those idle neighbors, aunties, colleagues, friends, former classmates, who, first of all, when they meet, they sympathetically ask: “Are you married?”, “Why didn’t you call?”, “When are you going?”

And even if the confused young lady had not even thought about such a decisive step before, she is pushed to these thoughts and insights: it’s time for her to get married!

I want children from him

If a girl’s maternal instinct is heightened, it can serve as an impetus for marriage when she meets a man who, in her opinion, is suitable for this responsible role. The selection is carried out very carefully, the goal is noble, it is achieved at the cost of any sacrifice, so the “chosen one” is simply doomed to become married.

Marriage of convenience

The desire to get a rich, wealthy man and his credit card for personal use makes many girls passionately strive for marriage.

Statistics speak in favor of such marriages - they are usually much stronger than those based on strong feelings. Is it just happier? The question is controversial.

The calculation may include registration, connections, living space and other benefits that radically change the bride’s life for the better.

Big love

This is the most natural reason for marriage. What could be more beautiful than a high feeling, confirmed by oaths of allegiance, rituals and enriched by the joy of loved ones.

In this way, lovers move to a qualitatively different level and open up new prospects for themselves. This is a natural stage in the development of relationships.

How to get a man to marry

If everything is clear with the reasons, it’s time to figure out how to achieve what you want. Generations of cunning women invented various methods, came up with all sorts of tricks and traps.

How effective they are depends on the case and specific circumstances. All we have to do is list them.

All methods can be divided into two parts: blackmail and gradual measures.


The method of threats and pressure is chosen by impatient, contentious, annoying and not very smart women. They do not always realize that marriage is not a case when you need to lie down with bones, but to force, force a person to act contrary to his wishes.

To tell the truth, it is worth saying that you can achieve results in such a situation very quickly, but it is fraught with a lot of troubles in the future.

Types of blackmail:

  • Unwanted pregnancy– the option is in many ways classic. The “delighted” groom will go to the registry office with the appearance of a doomed lamb, but there is no guarantee that the happy newlywed will not subsequently be left alone with a child in her arms.
  • Buy a husband- promise that after the wedding the parents will give an apartment, a car, a residence permit in Moscow (underline as necessary). The eyes of the future spouse that lit up during the enumeration should lead to reflection: a self-sufficient man will not fall for such bait, there is a chance to warm up the gigolo.
  • Dying Swan- promise to jump off the bridge if the chosen one of the heart does not propose here and now, or with a funereal air tell that there is nothing left to live and I would like to spend my last hours with my beloved and in a married status. The groom, brought about by such methods, may well personally hasten the imaginary death of the irrepressible young lady.

Sometimes one of the measures described above can be used if the young man himself was going to propose, but did not dare. Here events were simply accelerated, although the man can quite rightly later reproach him for being married to himself.

But if the groom did not experience any warm feelings, was forced or interested for some mercantile motives, the marriage can turn into scandals, hatred, betrayal, drunkenness and, as a result, divorce.

Violence is not the best choice when it comes to starting a family.

Gradual approach

This option is chosen by girls who are smart, subtle, and discreet. It takes a long time, requires a good knowledge of the basics of male psychology, the ability to adapt, and be patient.

The reward will certainly be a marriage proposal, which the man will make from the bottom of his heart, sincerely believing that this is his own decision.

This result is worth the effort and requires attention to the following tips.

Praise- as you know, she is pleasant even to a cat, let alone men. Any success or achievement should be celebrated and approved, even if it is the hundredth victory in your favorite game. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to fake it.

Flirting will help keep the relationship new. A man should feel that he is interesting; love play will only fuel his interest in the one who has been nearby for several days.

No talk of marriage! You shouldn’t repeat “I want to get married” every day, slip your boyfriend catalogs of engagement rings and call your mother his mother-in-law. Any intrusiveness will only push the man away and will definitely be unpleasant for him.

Caring housewife- an excellent role that clearly demonstrates to the young man what a rare treasure he has received. A guy who has tasted the delights of life with such a girl will probably come to the conclusion that this is too good to end, and will ask her for marriage.

Stimulating jealousy- the weapon is quite effective, but also dangerous. Attention from other men will flatter a man in love and show that his choice is correct. There will be a fear of being late with an offer. The main thing is not to seem public and frivolous.

Friendship with future mother-in-law largely determines how successful the intention to marry his son will be. When a man makes a fateful decision about marriage, praise from his mother can be the decisive factor. Another thing is that achieving such harmony with your future mother-in-law can be difficult.

No to civil marriage! We must try, if possible, to avoid such half-measures, which, instead of being temporary, can become very long-lasting. Men like this option, but for a woman it can turn into a problem, which becomes more difficult to solve the longer the “pseudo-marriage” lasts.

Psychologists suggest trying “cohabitation for the weekend” or meeting in the evenings as a worthy alternative that allows you to maintain the temperature of your relationship and at the same time get to know each other better.

Indispensability suggests that the beloved has become necessary in some matters, that she does something better than others and with pleasure. This could be anything from a Thai massage to preparing his fishing gear.

Following these tips will allow you to unobtrusively lead a man to the idea that it is the girl next to him who will make his family life happy. At the same time, the temptress herself will retain her pride and dignity.

Astrology. How to convince a guy

Those who trust the influence of stars more will be interested to know what approach men under the influence of one or another zodiac constellation require.


Aries loves to take the initiative, so a woman should appear in the form of a trembling doe, demanding protection and tenderness, which this fire sign will give in abundance.

You can become truly irreplaceable if you provide him with a change of impressions, constantly open up to him from new sides, do not be afraid to experiment, and be original.

Aries' life partner should be easy-going, sociable, and interesting. But at the same time, allow your man to be a leader, and not try to overshadow him.


Taurus values ​​comfort, loyalty and a calm atmosphere. Nervous people irritate such a man and he immediately ends the relationship. It is important for him to feel comfortable within the walls of his home, and the future wife should provide the appropriate conditions.

You shouldn't play on Taurus's jealousy, it can lead to the opposite results. Sex is of great importance for this sign, so the chosen one must be good in bed.


A Gemini man is attracted primarily by intelligence. The spiritual life of his girlfriend should be rich and meaningful. In addition, Gemini is attracted to riddles, he is extremely curious, so the person who has become a “Chinese box” for him can be tied to him for a long time.

An interesting nuance: men of this sign are very sensitive to fragrances, they especially like fresh, delicate smells.


Cancer is an esthete, primarily paying attention to external beauty, but a woman who is ready to take care of him, delve into his inner experiences, and devote all her time to him can truly interest him and tie him to her by marriage.

The future wife is required to be sensitive and able to understand at a glance. She must prepare for the fact that she will be assessed for a long time, the results of the assessment will be weighed, the information received will be pondered in depth, and only then will they make an offer. And all this time the bride must remain friendly and sympathetic.


Leo has high self-esteem, he likes to dominate and feel superior to others, so the path to a lion's heart lies through subtle flattery. Applicants for his affection will have to refuse any form of open pressure; it is unacceptable for Leo.

He will consider a self-sufficient, well-groomed, interesting woman a worthy companion, especially if she demonstrates her indifference. The soul of the primordial hunter will perceive this as a challenge and now taking the victorious trophy - the ring - will be his task.


Virgo will dare to connect her life only with the girl whom she trusts unconditionally. Therefore, there should be no betrayal, lies or omissions. He values ​​mutual understanding and harmony; only by creating these conditions can you build a nest with such a man.

A girl can try to take the initiative, acting unobtrusively and gently. Virgo men are very dependent on other people's opinions and approval; the future wife will have to try to please his friends and family.


Libras lead a very intense spiritual life; they are interested in literature, art, and philosophy. The chosen one must comply. Men of this sign tend to pay attention to the external manifestation of taste, so carelessness in clothes and makeup is unacceptable.

At the same time, they do not allow any criticism of their own appearance. In general, it is better to agree with Libra as much as possible; they really love unity of opinions.

A woman should also be the initiator in a relationship, since any decisions are not easy for such men, through long doubts and reflections.


Scorpio has a clear idea of ​​what kind of girl he needs, and only one who fully corresponds to this image can become his wife. It is better to find out the list of requirements in advance and think carefully about whether the game is worth the candle.

If yes, then you need to consider the following: Scorpio respects only strong-willed people; trying to push for pity will not work. His girlfriend should be the envy of others with her beauty, elegance, self-confidence and sexuality.

Intelligence is another indispensable condition, but there is no need to demonstrate it, especially in public. It is important to provide Scorpio with an intense intimate life.


It is important for Sagittarius that his beloved shares his hobbies and interests. Inner intimacy plays a huge role for him. But he cannot stand showdowns, quarrels, or threats; his girlfriend should be an easy-to-communicate person, loyal, with a sense of humor and the ability to take risks.

Passion plays a big role in their lives; only a sensual woman can interest this sign. He values ​​wit, spontaneity, spontaneity and readiness for little madness. The future wife of Sagittarius will have to come to terms with the fact that his friends, without whom he cannot imagine himself, will enter her life with him.


Capricorn likes to woo the girl he likes himself, so you should give him this opportunity without imposing yourself and without showering him with signs of attention. Subsequently, it is necessary to constantly and sincerely admire him.

He is attracted by the comfort and ability to run a house economically, thinking through every detail of the interior and daily table setting to the smallest detail. A mandatory requirement for an applicant for an engagement ring is crystal honesty and devotion, the ability to provide support at the right time.


Aquarius tries in every possible way to avoid the bonds of Hymen, so only an exceptional woman who can arouse his natural curiosity can force him to marry. Here mysterious ambiguous phrases and non-trivial actions come into play that will force a man to look for their hidden meaning.

Aquarius is interested in girls with a rich inner world that actively influences their behavior. It is important to constantly maintain this interest in him; as soon as it fades away, the man will leave. The task is not easy, only eccentric, creative people can do it.


Pisces are very sensual and pay great attention to emotional impulses. They like girls who are interested in mysticism, yoga, and palmistry. It is important for a man of this sign to know that he is loved; he draws inspiration from these emotions. He is vulnerable, so only a very sensitive woman can become his mate.

It is important for Pisces to remain themselves; you should not try to remake or re-educate them, they should not be criticized. It is important for such a man to be understood; a woman should listen and ask clarifying questions.

You can use the sensitivity of Pisces for your own purposes and influence them with the help of tears and emotions, the main thing is not to go too far. Tenderness, participation and the ability to raise the self-esteem of this sign are the paths to his heart and the stamp in his passport.

Ways to encourage a man to get married in a civil marriage

  1. Pretend that you are already married, address your loved one supposedly as a joke, calling him “husband.” Let him get used to the fact that he is not just a roommate.
  2. Talk to a man about procreation, which still presupposes official marriage.
  3. It is necessary to provide the man with maximum freedom, then he will see that family life is not a prison and will be more loyal to it.
  4. A good example would be other happy married couples with whom you need to spend time as often as possible.
  5. A woman should continue to take care of herself and be attractive, this will become an incentive to desire to tie her more closely to herself.
  6. Expensive property acquired jointly can encourage practical men to marry.

As you can see, being officially married after a civil marriage is not so easy; it requires painstaking work, both on the relationship and on oneself, delicate psychological influence and considerable effort.

After divorce

After a divorce, men are very wary of entering into a new marriage. How to get him to take this step?

First of all, a woman will have to be patient and hold back her matrimonial dreams. A person who has had an unsuccessful experience in family life “ripes” much longer for a new serious relationship.

At first, the lady will have to demonstrate in every possible way her readiness for a purely romantic relationship. Only over time, when it becomes clear that people are comfortable with each other, they have common interests and are connected by strong feelings, will a man dare to propose marriage.

In this case, you need to act very carefully and subtly.

Married man

It is extremely rare for a married man to marry himself; this is worth remembering for those who decide to try on the role of a mistress for this purpose. How much this corresponds to moral standards is also a question of the conscience of the one who intends to destroy someone else’s family.

In any case, situations are different, so we’ll just give some advice.

  • Compromising evidence. Only deep dissatisfaction with his own wife can push a normal man into systematic infidelity. You need to find out as much as possible about exactly what qualities and actions cause such obvious rejection in the cheater, and act by the opposite method - create ideal conditions for him and become the one he needs.
  • Provocation. Then it is worth demonstrating to the man that he can easily lose this ideal. Excuses about a large amount of work, stories about new interesting acquaintances and a slight hint that only a lack of attention and its presence pushes you to look for other options.
  • Heavy artillery. Pregnancy may be the decisive step. But if the options listed above do not work, there is a risk that this one will suffer the same fate. There is no point in scaring you with a fictitious pregnancy - he will definitely leave when the deception is revealed, but now forever.

Common mistakes

The mistakes made by girls who are striving hard to get married are that they do not see the person they want to tie to themselves in this way behind the set goal, they choose the wrong ways to achieve what they want and do not always take into account the consequences of their actions.

It should be remembered that, regardless of the situation, the man himself must want to get married, only in this case does marriage have a future.

Video: How to inspire a man to get married

You love and it seems that you are loved, you have been dating for a long time and spend all your free time together, and perhaps you have been sharing a common life for a long time, but... when talking about legitimizing the relationship, your lover tries to get away from the topic, to evade in every possible way, to avoid pressure.

Weaknesses of the stronger sex

Men are very rational creatures. They will never marry a woman unless they are 100% sure that they want to spend the rest of their lives with her.

The fair half of humanity in this regard is much more flexible and “plastic”: many of us need a wedding just to show off in front of the guests in a lush white dress. For the stronger sex, everything is different. A man can love and even adore you, but he will almost certainly delay the engagement and wedding date. Psychologists attribute this to a subconscious reluctance to part with bachelor life, “youth,” childishness, or past moral traumas against the backdrop of a past broken marriage.

We cannot know what reason lies in the situation with your chosen one. But we will be happy to give you advice on how to speed up the moment of an engagement proposal and how to force a man to marry you.

Young men can date their girlfriends for years, even decades. Some children are born out of wedlock, which makes ladies very sad, and their potential spouses believe that this is in the order of things. After all, the main thing is that he is nearby, and the stamp in the passport is pure nonsense!

We women are always looking for stability and reliability. And even though this very stamp is not a business agreement and does not entail strict obligations on his part, we are still calmer when it is present on the pages of the main civil document.

The main steps towards achieving family happiness

In fact, the only right decision you can make if you really want to get married is to renounce any cohabitation before announcing your engagement and submitting an application to the registry office. Meet with your chosen one no more than three times a week. We do not encourage you to remain celibate until your wedding day, but you cannot overdo it here either. Sherry Argov wrote in her legendary book that the biggest mistake women make is the desire to immediately feed them cake, when all they really need to do is tease them with candy. And this is one hundred percent true.

Don't throw yourself into the pool headlong. Since your man is not making serious plans, move away from them too. Better take care of yourself and your interests. Meet a man only in an area that is convenient for you and only at a time that is convenient for you. This way you will gently make him also jealous of you. Remember - too persistent women, throwing themselves on the neck and not “getting away” from their chosen one, bore even those around them. What can we say about the man himself, in whom his natural hunting instinct is deliberately suppressed!

However, everything does not end with marriage, and in order to maintain the union, you will have to constantly maintain his interest in you. And if you become an open book from the very beginning, it is unlikely that you will be able to wait at all for that very coveted marriage proposal.

How to make a man jealous? Rock the boat a little. If you follow the advice stated earlier, i.e. you refuse to live by his rules, outside of marriage, he is probably already provoked by your meetings several times a week. Both he and you already passionately desire to be with each other all the time, but since he never called you down the aisle, it’s worth alarming him.

Go with a friend to Europe for the weekend, or just visit your grandmother in the village.

In a word, disappear from his sight and availability for a couple of days. Cancel your next Sunday dinner, citing the sudden burden of business on your fragile shoulders. But do not cover the reasons and reasons for such behavior. This tactic will help you subjugate a man, and, rest assured, after several such disappearances, your husband will treat you much more reverently, give you gifts, and protect you as his “trophy.”

And of course, after a short time he will utter these cherished words: "Marry me". You should not think that in this way you are manipulating a man or making him suffer. This is not true at all. It’s one thing to play detective and watch his every move while vegetating at home, and another thing is to have fun on your own and give your loved one the necessary freedom. The behavior described in the paragraph above only makes a man feel that he is not burdened with anything. And it is at this moment that if he loves you, he should desperately desire to “burden” himself with you, because without you the “taste of freedom” turns out to be too bitter.

When should you quit?

But there are times when the game is not worth the candle.

How to recognize such a situation?

  1. Ask your lover directly if he is going to marry you. No man would lie in answer to this question. And if this very answer is negative, it makes sense to look for happiness elsewhere. The only reason your chosen one doesn't walk you down the aisle is because he simply doesn't want to. And he’s unlikely to want to in the future;
  2. If you have been dating a young man for a long time, constantly hinting at marriage to him, ask him directly when your wedding will take place. If he starts wagging and responding spatially “in a year or two,” leave him. Why do you have to wait so long? And are you sure that after this time his answer will not be the same?;
  3. If you are already living together, and it seems to you that the man does not want to take you as his wife, just pack up and leave him. To his question “what’s the matter?”

Don't answer honestly and trivially. Just tell him that you need more personal space, that you want to help your mother, live separately, etc. If he doesn’t stop you and try to get to the bottom of the truth, you don’t need such a man. He is not yours if he can live without you. If he simply asks what's wrong, simply tell him that you don't know if it's advisable to continue your relationship with him since he can't take responsibility. Many women ask a strange question - “. Is it possible to make someone love you? Isn't love something that comes from the soul on a voluntary basis? Do not humiliate your dignity, trying to make a man love you. He cannot force himself to want you as his soul mate for the rest of his days if he did not see it in you from the very beginning.

We have already talked about how to make a man bored, and what actions to take to push him to get married. But many girls are rightly concerned about another question - how to get a man to give gifts? Agree, it’s not very pleasant to watch how a gentleman gives her a friend a third necklace in a month, and you have to beg for a modest bouquet of flowers every six months.

Follow these quick tips:

  1. Be weak and know how to ask for what you need / like / like at the moment;
  2. Give gifts yourself, do not provoke a one-sided game;
  3. Learn to receive all kinds of gifts with delight and gratitude;
  4. Praise the generous chosen ones of your girlfriends in his presence, but do not hurt his self-esteem;
  5. Don't beg for gifts - it's pathetic.

How to make a manwant you all the time?