Greek style hairstyle for long hair. Greek hairstyle “Melon slices”. Complex option with fleece step by step with photo

Ancient Greece left a lot of beauty - architectural monuments, fascinating myths, beauty recipes and romantic hairstyles, which have become especially popular in recent years.

Distinctive features

The basis is compliance with the rules of harmony, emphasizing the perfection of body proportions. In the ancient world, they also informed others about the status and social position of a person.

Greek-style hairstyles for long hair include volume, braids, weaves, curls freely falling over the shoulders, and the use of elegant accessories.

Dark-haired Greek women bleached their hair, trying to look like their golden-haired goddesses. For this purpose, various means were used, the composition of which is still unknown. Sometimes it was ordinary rice flour, and on holidays it was gold powder.

Several types of styling are known, the most popular were: Greek knot - karimbos, it is based on small strands that were tied into a bun and secured low on the back of the head.

Melon-shaped– the hair was divided into sectors and laid from the forehead to the back of the head, tied with ribbons.

Lampadion– curls, plaits or braids luxuriantly collected on the crown of the head.

Accessories will add charm

Greek hairstyle is feminine and versatile - it suits everyone, you just need to experiment a little.

Hair styled with additional accessories looks great: tiaras, tiaras, ribbons and headbands. Everyday hairstyles are easy to do at home according to the instructions, which show step by step all the stages of their creation.

First way:

  • Apply gel or foam along the entire length of the hair;
  • put on a bandage;
  • gather all the hair into a low bun at the back of the head;
  • Place the tourniquet carefully, using pins, under the elastic band.

Second way:

  • Comb the strands well, apply a fixative and put on a headband;
  • take small strands from the front of the head, twisting them into a light rope, take them to the back of the head and pass them under the elastic band. The ends of the hair remain free;
  • then evenly take strands from both sides and pass them under the rim until they all pass through it;
  • Twist freely flowing hair into a plait and tuck it under an elastic band, or braid it into a braid - it all depends on your imagination and desire.

Even if the hair is not too thick, the Greek hairstyle with a headband turns out lush and voluminous. Based on it, you can come up with and implement many options.

Advice! The bandage must be strictly the size of the head. The longer the hair, the wider it should be.

Greek hairstyles for long hair are often done using a headband with an elastic band. Headbands with an elastic band come in a wide variety - with rhinestones, flowers, beads or braid.

It’s easy to master one of the styling methods using a headband with the help of a video tutorial:

  1. Apply foam or mousse to your hair.
  2. Part the hair in the middle and lightly comb the hair at the back of the head.
  3. Put on the headband and secure with bobby pins on both sides.
  4. Take a strand above your ear, twist it into a light rope and place it behind the elastic band of the headband.

Gradually all the strands should be passed through the elastic.
Styling with a headband or headband involves a low knot at the back of the head.

Elegant styling in five minutes

If you don’t have time at all, you can create an attractive hairstyle by spending just a few minutes on it. To create it you will need, in addition to a comb, several hair ties and a hairpin.

  1. Make a straight parting.
  2. On both sides of the parting, separate strands 4-5 cm wide.
  3. Divide each strand into three parts and begin braiding the braid on one side along the hairline, adding small strands from the top of the hair. Do the same on the other side. The braid should be to the middle of the back of the head, leaving the rest of the hair unbraided.
  4. Pin both braids at the back of the head with a beautiful hairpin. Extend their edges to give some carelessness and volume.

Then you can fantasize: leave your hair falling over your shoulders in loose curls or braid your entire hair into a braid. In both cases it looks romantic.

Bangs and ponytail - fashionable and beautiful

Ancient Greek women were distinguished by nobility and grace; this perception was largely contributed by their hairstyles - raised curls in a complex weave with exquisite accessories. Hairstyles with a ponytail were characteristic of that time, which will also decorate a modern girl.

It's easy to learn how to do them yourself. To do this, you must first prepare the hairpins, bobby pins and accessories necessary for the work.

  1. Make tight and elastic curls and, without combing them, gather them with your hands at the back of your head. We separate the lower strands of hair in the occipital region and on both sides of the temporal region.
  2. Gather the curls that are left in your hand into a ponytail with an elastic band.
  3. Wrap the tail around the elastic band, secure with hairpins
  4. Several curls in the temporal part should lie freely on the shoulders, the other part should be secured with bobby pins above the stacked bun. Apply varnish and straighten the curls.
  5. Loose strands on the back of the head can be lifted and secured in a bun, or some of the curls can be left to fall freely over the shoulders.

Elegant styling with bangs, they look great on high-lifted curls or loose hair. Bangs can be lush, smooth or asymmetrical.

Stylist tips:

  • people with a triangular face shape are recommended to wear oblique, not very long bangs;
  • oblique bangs to the middle of the eyebrows also suit a round face;
  • with square features it is better to wear graduated bangs;
  • Owners of oval-shaped faces suit all types of bangs.

Bangs perfectly correct imperfections, and they are at the peak of fashion.

Like a Greek goddess

Wedding styling consists of careless curls that are securely fixed with hairpins or bobby pins, and flowers, rhinestones, tiaras, strands of pearls, and stephanie (special mesh) are used as decoration.

For an outfit made in any style, including rustic or Provence, you can choose styling in the style of Ancient Greece.

But you should know a few secrets of perfect styling: for thin and sparse hair you need to use one large flower, for thick hair - several medium-sized buds.

If your head is decorated with natural flowers, it is better to have it styled by a professional stylist in order to look fresh and neat throughout the holiday.

From the variety of bride's hairstyles often choose a lampadion:

  1. To create this style, you need to prepare your hair.
  2. Make a straight parting, comb part of the hair at the back of the head, gather it into a ponytail at the crown of the head and secure it with an elastic band or ribbon and twist it in a spiral.
  3. Also curl the rest of the curls.
  4. Attach the remaining strands to the main spiral made on the crown with bobby pins and hairpins.
  5. Lift the remaining loose ends and gather them into a bun.
  6. Seal with varnish and add accessories to complete the look.

Another option for a wedding hairstyle made with rubber bands:

A well-made hairstyle in the ancient Greek style emphasizes the natural beauty of the face and helps hide possible imperfections.

How to do your own prom hairstyle? Very simple! It is suggested to comb your hair as follows:

  1. Divide the entire mass of hair into three parts.
  2. Braid the side sections, leaving strands above the temples.
  3. Pull all your hair (with braids) into a high ponytail.

Make curls from the remaining curls in the temporal part, and form light curls from the tail. Decorate with ribbons, flowers or hairpins with rhinestones.

Remember! The color of the accessory material is chosen to match the outfit or contrast; it can be bright or inconspicuous, but imitation silver or gold is always in fashion.

Hairstyles in the Greek style are multivariate - the hair can be twisted into plaits, braided, or attached with false strands. Use numerous decorations - headbands, hoops, stefani, strings of pearls or other accessories.

It all depends on imagination and desire. In any version, the Greek hairstyle will attract the admiring glances of others.

The Greek hairstyle brings nobility and grandeur to the image. According to historical data, in ancient times only wealthy ladies with good manners and upbringing could afford such a luxury. Thin, loose strands and hanging curls add romanticism.

Who is suitable for Greek hairstyle?

The hairstyle looks very beautiful on naturally curly hair. Making a beautiful hairstyle on your head for the holiday will be as easy as shelling pears. Freely sagging strands will form simple coils themselves. On straight hair you will need to use curlers or a curling iron.

There are no restrictions on Greek hair color based on hair color. It will really look different on light and dark hair, but each option will have its own zest and extraordinariness.

A large number of variations makes it possible to choose the right hairstyle for women of different ages. Therefore, we can safely say that in this context there can be no restrictions.

It will be a little more difficult to create hairstyles for thin hair. Sparse hair, as a rule, is weakened and subjecting it to heat treatment and backcombing is not recommended. Alternatively, use it in isolated cases.

What is needed to create it

To style a Greek hairstyle you will need:

  • invisible;
  • hairpins;
  • elastic bands;
  • combs of different types;
  • headbands, headbands and other accessories;
  • styling products;
  • varnish for fixing curls;
  • curling iron, iron, hair dryer, corrugation, curlers.

Each installation option requires different combinations of tools and materials used. The list contains a general list.

Hairstyle variations

Among the various methods, you can find your own, the most suitable for displaying femininity and romanticism.


The shape of the hairstyle resembles flames, hence its name. It will take a little effort and patience to create, but the result will be impressive. The lampadion is performed with an open forehead, so those with triangular foreheads should avoid this style.

Step by step guide:

  • comb strands;
  • divide the hair with a straight parting;
  • Separate a thin strand (about 3 cm) at the back of the head and secure it with an elastic band at the roots;
  • Separate the rest of the hair into strands one by one, curl them, fix them with varnish and throw them back;
  • secure the resulting curls with bobby pins at the base of the main strand;
  • the remaining tail is tucked into a bun and secured with hairpins (you can lightly backcomb it first to create volume).

The bun can be complemented with a thin ribbon of bright color.

Greek knot

It is one of the simplest styles, but this does not prevent it from being used equally for daytime and evening options.

Decorate your hair with a beautiful hairpin with a floral motif. You can get by with decorative hairpins with beads or flowers at the end.

Step by step guide:

  • comb strands;
  • separate into small curls one by one and wind in the chosen way;
  • fix the turns;
  • on the back of the head, gather a strand into a tight ponytail, make a bun out of it, wrapping it around the base and securing with hairpins;
  • leave 2 temporal strands sagging, secure the rest to the bun with bobby pins.

Hairstyle with headband (option 1)

It looks very feminine and exclusive. To perform this you will need a bandage or headband. It is better to use a bandage that matches the color of your clothes.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair;
  • separate the curl on the upper occipital part and secure it at the roots with rubber;
  • twist the rest of the hair one by one, dividing it into strands, fix with hairspray;
  • lightly comb the tail of the main curl and place it in a bun;
  • Wrap the remaining curls around the bun, giving it a beautiful shape, and secure the ends with bobby pins;
  • leave the temporal coils in free sagging;
  • wrap a bandage around the bun and tie it from the bottom, tucking the ends inside.

Hairstyle with headband (option 2)

Performed with a special Greek bandage. There is no need to wash your hair before styling. If the strands are friable, then you should first apply a little mousse and distribute it evenly over the entire length.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair;
  • make a straight parting;
  • carefully put on the bandage and secure it with invisible threads;
  • pull all the hair back to the back of the head to completely open the face;
  • tuck one strand under the bandage on each side, going from bottom to top;
  • alternately tuck the remaining curls under the bandage;
  • to create volume and slight negligence, you can first twist the strands into flagella and only then send them under the bandage;
  • secure the curled hair with hairpins or bobby pins.

Greek hairstyle with bangs

The principle of creation is practically no different from conventional styling in this style.

The bangs are one of the main elements, so you should give them a shape:

  1. highlight the bevel if it is oblique;
  2. twist the edges on the elongated version;
  3. tuck under the bandage if length allows.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair and put on a bandage over your bangs;
  • separate the strands located around the perimeter of the bandage one by one and tuck them inside it;
  • Shape the remaining hair on the back of the head into coils and fix with hairspray.

Many people are familiar with the styling, although not everyone knows that it also belongs to the Greek style. It is done quickly and does not require any additional accessories other than an elastic band and bobby pins.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair;
  • separate the strand from one of the sides and divide it into three parts;
  • braid the braid, weaving in new strands every 2 passes, to the middle of the back of the head;
  • perform similar actions on the other side;
  • at the back of the head, gather the remaining hair higher into a ponytail and tie it with an elastic band;
  • Wrap side braids around the base of the tail, securing the ends with bobby pins;
  • make twists on the tail and fix them with varnish.

How to weave

Greek weaving is carried out on the basis of the classic three-strand or spikelet using two curls. The thickness of the braid elements can be different, this determines the appearance of the styling.


Very easy to do. The hairstyle is suitable for holidays and as a daily hairstyle. It looks especially advantageous on young girls, emphasizing their tenderness and freshness.

To decorate the evening version, you can use a small hairpin with rhinestones to secure it to the bun.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair;
  • separate a strand from one side, divide it into equal three parts and braid a pigtail up to the middle of the back of the head, secure with an elastic band;
  • Twist the braids that meet with one elastic band, and comb the tail and wrap it around the base;
  • twist the remaining hair, dividing it into equal strands;
  • fix the coils with varnish.

Braided hairstyles are the most popular right now. There are many varieties, but the Greek braid deserves special attention. Flexibility of lines, slight carelessness and beautiful shape add mystery, lightness and romanticism to the image.

The braid can be woven with a straight parting or an oblique parting.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair, highlight your parting;
  • Separate a strand from one of the sides, divide it into 3 parts and begin weaving in the usual way;
  • after two passes, make a pick-up from a part of the hair from the forehead area;
  • repeat the pick-up from a new strand after two more passes;
  • braid to the middle of the back of the head, adhering to the principles of weaving new strands, and secure with an elastic band;
  • perform a similar operation on the other side;
  • connect both braids with one elastic band and place the ponytail in a bun, wrapping the hair around the base.

Whatever option a woman chooses, Greek motifs will make her more feminine and tender.

The word “Greek” is associated with the concepts of femininity, beauty and harmony. After all, Greek goddesses, statues, and art have been glorified by poets and master artists for many centuries. Such feminine images gained popularity in fashionable clothing and hairstyles back in the 19th century.

How to make a Greek hairstyle for long hair so as to look attractive and not spend a lot of time on it will be discussed in this article.

Interesting fact! In Ancient Greece, hairdressers were slaves and were called "kalamisters" (from the Greek kalamis, meaning curling iron). Rich Greeks always kept several calamisters that performed various functions: combing, curling, dyeing hair.

Greek hairstyle for long hair: its features

The most important advantage of this hairstyle is that it is absolutely universal, i.e. Suitable for any woman, regardless of her age, face shape and figure. To create it, curly hair is best suited, ideally with a fine curl or a large spiral. However, even those with straight hair should not be upset.

How to make a Greek hairstyle for long hair and its various options are discussed further in this article.

Firstly, there are many modern ways to curl such curls, and secondly, in recent years various interpretations of this hairstyle have come into fashion, which are performed on straight hair.

To create a Greek hairstyle for long hair, curly hair is best suited, ideally with a fine curl or a large spiral.

One more The advantage of the Greek hairstyle is the ease of making it at home and the fact that it looks harmonious with almost any clothing: be it a suit for the office, a walk around the city or a holiday party.

Greek hairstyle has many options, however, the most popular of them are:

  • using an elastic band;
  • “Greek ponytail” with released curled strands;
  • korimbos - “Greek bun”.

DIY Greek hairstyle: what you need to create it

When creating a “Greek hairstyle,” various accessories are used: headbands, headbands, hairpins, crabs, various decorations. The main condition when choosing them is harmony and sophistication.

They help give the hairstyle elegance and completeness, so the use of too bright and voluminous details is not allowed.

The most widespread option is using a bandage (headband or scarf), the parameters of which should be as follows:

  • The width of the bandage directly depends on the size of the frontal part: for wide eyebrows and a low forehead, only a narrow bandage is suitable;
  • to add authenticity tourniquets or other decorations are often used;
  • the elastic band in the headband or bandage should not pull the head tightly so that she does not get sick due to insufficient blood supply;
  • the hairstyle is made asymmetrical and slightly careless.

How to do a Greek hairstyle at home

In ancient times, Greek girls used colored and embroidered ribbons to create their hairstyles. Now they use more convenient accessories.

Instructions for creating a classic Greek hairstyle for long hair

The most common Greek hairstyle is done using a headband or elastic band., which covers the head around the circumference. Most often, the elastic band has simple patterns or is decorated with beads.

Note! It is better to do a Greek hairstyle for long hair not immediately after washing your hair, otherwise your hair will fall apart. To make freshly washed hair seem more manageable, you should apply a thin layer of a special mousse or curl-forming product to it.

Straight hair can be pre-curled or curled with small metal curlers.

You should start doing your hair with a little fluffing of the curls.. Then you need to make a parting in the center or side of the head, put a headband on top, and twist the strands one by one under it.

In this case, it is better to use your ingenuity and subtle taste. Curls do not need to be pulled tight, it is best that they are slightly careless and asymmetrical.

Another classic option is the “Greek bun” (korymbos), which is very easy to do yourself:

Technology for creating a Greek hairstyle with bangs

When the hair has different lengths or there are bangs, the hairstyle using an elastic band is done as follows:

How to do a festive version of the Greek hairstyle: a step-by-step guide

Wedding version of the Greek hairstyle for long hair: a step-by-step guide

For girls with long curls, such hairstyles for a special occasion will look elegant, especially with additions in the form of various elements and accessories.

It is better to weave into your hair: flowers (white or peach tones), braids and weaves(one thick one or many small braids), ribbons and elastic bands with pearls and flowers, tiaras (tiaras), “Greek bun” combined with braids, etc.

A Greek wedding hairstyle should combine romance, grace and elegance.

Let’s look at how to make a Greek hairstyle for long hair using braids for a wedding or other celebration step by step:

This is interesting! One of the beautiful and simple Greek hairstyles was called “lampadion” and was done with a high-raised ponytail of curled curls, which were wrapped with ribbons on top. It is done in 2 minutes, looks impressive and emphasizes the length of the neck.

Another option, suitable for very long hair, can be a hairstyle with two side braids: only then everything is combined into one long, slightly fluffy braid, which is beautifully placed on the side of the shoulder.

A version of a formal wedding hairstyle with braids, decorated with a tiara, is performed in stages:

  • comb your hair and use the sharp end of the comb to make an even parting in the middle;
  • separate a small strand from the left side and begin to weave a braid, throwing the strands towards the center;
  • when braiding take thin strands only from the bottom, pulling it back and up, secure the end with an elastic band;
  • a similar braid is done on the opposite side, symmetrically to the first;
  • make one more braid on each side, the braids should be equally stretched and strictly symmetrical;
  • Curl the rest of your hair with a curling iron starting from the back of the head towards the top, fix each strand with varnish;
  • Raise the finished curled curls on both sides and attach with pins;
  • Further lift the braided braids and secure them at the sides so as to hide the tails of the curls;
  • decorate your hair tiara.

How to quickly do a Greek hairstyle: instructions for every day

Any unprepared woman can do a quick and easy Greek hairstyle on her own in 5-10 minutes.

The only necessary item will be a pre-selected elastic band, which will help create the final hairstyle:

  • to do a Greek hairstyle, you need to comb your long hair well first;
  • put the prepared headband on your head as beautiful as possible;
  • separate a small strand from one edge, twist into a rope and wrap around the rim;
  • next strand(same size) also twist and attach to the first one;
  • gradually move along the strands and wrap them around the elastic band, hide the end of the last strand from below under the hair and secure with a hairpin;
  • to increase hair volume slightly stretch and fluff the coils of strands.

The Greek hairstyle done for long hair has many varieties and can be done both for an everyday trip to work and for a special occasion by choosing one of the methods described in the article.

Useful video on how to make an interesting hairstyle in the Greek style

How to do a Greek style hairstyle for long hair:

101 options for Greek hairstyle using ribbon:

Hairstyle in the Greek style has a rich history and originates from the great civilization of the ancient Hellenes. The ancient Greeks were very sensitive not only to the spiritual world, but also to their appearance. Greek women did not cut their hair, and therefore long, thick hair was a real pride for them. Hair was braided into magnificent braids, styled in intricate buns, and hairstyles were decorated with ribbons and jewelry. Now such images are back in fashion. Let's take a closer look at how they are made.

Modern variations of Greek hairstyles for long hair

There are many options for styling in the Greek style. Some of them can be brought to life only with the help of a master, while others you can easily cope with yourself.


This original and elegant styling requires some experience in working with hair. The hairstyle is done on curls, and therefore creating a Greek knot is not always easy. Here are the instructions for creating it:

  1. Comb your hair and gather it into a tight bun at the back of your head, leaving a few curls hanging along your cheekbones.
  2. Secure the bun with hairpins and tie it with ribbons.

This styling will add tenderness to your look and is perfect for every day. To perform your hairstyle, you will need a stefana (a special mesh for hair styling, decorated with rhinestones, gold threads and stones).

Execution steps:

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly and curl it into loose curls.
  2. Gather your curls into a tight bun at the back of your head.
  3. Cover the bun with a stefana, having previously released a few curls from it.

The lampadion looks very stylish, impressive and solemn, and resembles flames. This is where some roughness appears in the process of its creation.

You will need:

  • hairpins
  • braid or invisible

Creating an image:

  1. Comb your hair and part it evenly to create a line.
  2. Separate a strand from the back of the head, tie it at the very base with braid and curl it into a spiral shape.
  3. We do the same with all the strands.
  4. Select the main strand, attach all the curls to it with hairpins or a bobby pin, and fix the result.
  5. Gather the ends into a bun.


You can weave a Greek braid in various ways, but similar styles have one thing in common: the braid must be skillfully wrapped around the head.

Here is one of the weaving methods:

  1. Part your hair evenly.
  2. Select three strands from the frontal area of ​​​​the head and begin to create a hairstyle, as if you were weaving a French braid. Intertwine the strands alternately on the left and right, constantly weaving more and more new hair into them from below.
  3. As soon as the braid is ready on one half of the head, braid the second.
  4. To add volume, after finishing braiding, carefully pull out some strands throughout the braid.
  5. Connect the braids at the back of your head, securing them with bobby pins, ribbons or an elastic band.

By choosing such an elegant hairstyle, you can safely experiment with its implementation. For example, braid not just one braid, but several rows of braids, make an ornate parting instead of a straight part, or weave in ribbons.

Any beauty can handle this style, even if she rarely does her hair on her own.

Just follow the following diagram step by step:

  1. Curl your hair and record the result.
  2. Gather the curls at the back of your head into a ponytail, secure it with an elastic band and decorate it along its entire length with ribbons or beads.

When experimenting with a Greek ponytail, you can complement it with artificial hair strands to create volume, as well as accessories for decoration.

With bandage

The fashion for Greek hairstyle with a bandage came relatively recently. This hairstyle is appropriate in any situation, be it work or your own wedding. A characteristic feature of Greek hairstyles with headbands is their pomp.

  1. Curl your hair, gather your hair in a bun at the back and secure it with bobby pins.
  2. Release a few strands so that they frame your face.
  3. Place a headband on your head, letting your hair fall slightly to your forehead.

The second method of creating a Greek hairstyle with a bandage is more labor-intensive, but the result will be worth the effort. To create a hairstyle, you will need the thinnest possible headband, chain or cord.

  1. Make a vertical parting.
  2. Lift your curls up and put a thin headband on your head.
  3. Take a strand, twist it into a strand and wrap it under a bandage.
  4. Do the same all over your head, remembering to secure each strand with a bobby pin.

Ideally, the bandage should be almost completely hidden under the hair.

Greek hairstyle with bangs (video)


Greek style hairstyle is ideal for any bride, as it makes the girl visually slimmer and emphasizes the natural splendor of her hair. By choosing Greek hairstyle for such an important day in your life, you will surely feel like a Greek goddess. For example, Aphrodite.

Make a simple but very sophisticated option for your wedding:

  1. Gather some of the strands at the back of your head.
  2. Curl the rest of your hair and let it fall in luxurious curls, spilling over your shoulders.

This styling is perfect for an open dress.

At a wedding, hair curls gathered up and secured with a headband or ribbons also look great. The look will be especially romantic if you give your curls some disorder or let a couple of strands out from under the hoop.

The Greek braid, which is an interweaving of loose braids along the oval of the face, has become a classic wedding hairstyle. Ribbons matching the color of the dress or fresh flowers are used as decorations in this style, which will echo the flowers from the bride’s bouquet. For decoration, you can choose a hairpin or a stylish bow.


Any Greek hairstyle will look great at a special event, be it a party, prom or Viennese ball. Hair styling in the Greek style looks harmonious with evening makeup, jewelry and elegant dresses. And if you complement your hairstyle with accessories, then at the gala evening you will have no equal!

Nowadays it is very fashionable to use fresh flowers to decorate hair. The only condition for creating a divine image with fresh flowers is a visit to the salon, where a stylist will help you securely fix the flowers in your hair.

A tiara is another great decoration for any evening hairstyle, but it goes especially beautifully with a Greek-style hairstyle. Tiaras vary in shape, style and size. They can be as tall as a crown and as narrow as a hoop. These can be laconic jewelry with pearls and luxurious tiaras, sparkling with a scattering of stones.

When choosing a tiara to decorate your Greek hairstyle, remember that a tall accessory will go perfectly with curls raised high at the back of your head. A small narrow tiara is an excellent option for loose curls that fall over the shoulders.

Greek evening hairstyle is also decorated with headbands or headbands that harmoniously match the dress and jewelry. Such hairstyle details make the girl’s entire look more elegant.

How to make a bun, watch the video:

What kind of hair is a Greek style hairstyle suitable for?

Styling in the ancient Greek style is an excellent solution for owners of long hair or medium-length hair. The minimum hair length to create hairstyles in the Greek style is 10-15 cm.

These hairstyles look especially stylish on curly hair. For girls with straight hair, it is advisable to curl the ends a little and secure them with fixing cosmetics, and then decorate the hair with ribbons and tiaras.

If your hair is naturally unruly, this type of styling will help you always be confident in your own attractiveness and order on your head.

Whichever Greek hairstyle you choose, any of them will make you feel like a magnificent ancient goddess, highlight your natural beauty and conquer everyone around you!

You can do all these Greek style hairstyles yourself. Share your experience of creating similar hairstyles in the comments or advise how to easily and quickly create a hairstyle in a fashionable Greek style.

The Greek hairstyle has been attracting romance and simplicity for several years now. Beautiful goddesses do not leave the pages of the magazine. The elegant and sensual image of Aphrodite beckons and seduces. You can try on this hairstyle for going out, for a formal dinner, for a walk with your loved one, or in nature. Greek hairstyle is an important attribute of many brides. She herself is beautiful, and in combination with a dress and accessories in the Greek style she can win more than one heart. The variety of Greek hairstyle options allows you to choose an image for any hair: short and long, thick and light.

The image of Aphrodite: who suits it

The image of a Greek woman is easy to recognize by its flowing, flowing outlines. Creating this hairstyle does not require much effort or skill. The accessories used to create it do not need to be searched for a long time and ordered separately. Creating a goddess hairstyle is as simple as the Greek woman herself. What options for Greek hairstyles exist? How to style a hairstyle with ribbons, headband and headband?

The Greek hairstyle is essentially made up of ringlets, curly strands. For girls with flowing, airy hair, this option is simply ideal. A girl with straight hair needs to put in a little patience and effort to create this masterpiece. Straight strands should be slightly curled at the ends.

For those with short hair, you can use a headband or ribbon. Long thick hair can be styled with a Greek ponytail, framing the face with light curls. The average length will curl into a bandage absolutely perfectly and will not break under the weight.

A hairstyle from sunny Greece will suit any face type. Those with an oval shape can choose any variation - from strands collected at the top of the head to curls pulled up. This option will greatly brighten up a rectangular face, softening its natural contours. You should take into account your own characteristics when choosing a Greek hairstyle for owners of a round or triangular face. The circle should be framed with care; this hairstyle model can visually enhance the circle. For a triangular face, you should choose strands elongated downwards, for example, a Greek ponytail. Combing the lower part of the face will not bring femininity, but, on the contrary, will place emphasis on the cheekbones.

Types of “Greek”, accessories

The basis of the Greek hairstyle is hair pulled back. Long strands can be tied into a bun or made into a ponytail or braid. The face is framed by light wavy strands. On this basis, many styling variations were created. The most common:

  • Greek knot, its variety is korimbos;
  • hetaera hairstyle;
  • Apollo or Cicada bow;
  • Greek tail;
  • Greek braid;
  • Greek hairstyle with headband or ribbon;
  • Greek hairstyle with headband.

The many different variations of the Greek hairstyle created a variety of all kinds of accessories. The first thing you need to purchase is hairspray and curling things for styling (curlers, stylers, curling irons, and, at worst, the well-known rags for curling strands).

In addition to these tools, you will also need direct accessories to create a hairstyle: hairpins, combs, headbands, headbands, flowers, starfish. A headband that has come into fashion since hippie times, or a hairdress, is best suited. Fans of an extravagant and very bright image may not like this hairstyle because of its simplicity. Bright colors of the header are not suitable for this installation. The purpose of the hairstyle is cuteness and tenderness.

An accessory that is too flashy will distract attention from the image and the hairstyle itself and will look pretentious. Headbands and headbands in pastel colors look good when styled. For special occasions, for example, the red carpet or a wedding, you can choose pieces stylized as noble metals or precious stones: silver and gold, stones and rhinestones. The little beads on the headband look great too.

The color of the headband or headband directly depends on the color of your hair or clothing. This accessory should not blend in with the hair color of its owner. It should be either darker or lighter than its own strands.

You can use a small braid as a headband. But you should remember that a white braid will not work on black hair and vice versa. You can select it with a difference of up to two tones. If there is a need to use two or more accessories, you should leave one of them almost neutral, and the second one should be brighter. In this case, the romance will remain and there will be no bland shade in the image. The hairpin can be close in color to the hair, and the hairpins are strewn with beads and stones. If the headband is already stylized, the pins should not be visible. Those with long, non-curly hair should first curl it into curls.

Greek nymph's knot

For this hairstyle, the length of the strands is not important. Styling will require hairpins, headbands or ribbons.

Apply hair foam to slightly damp hair and comb the strands. A comb with large teeth is suitable for this.

  • Hair should be dried thoroughly. If it is possible to use volume attachments, this should definitely be done. A cold blast of air and a volume brush can also create volume. Hair should be dried along the entire length, except the ends.
  • Use a special comb to create a parting. It can be either straight or diagonal.
  • Larger strands should be curled along their entire length. To do this, you should use a styler or curling iron. The strands should be curled all over the head.
  • Curled strands are gathered into a ponytail just above the back of the head. It can be located parallel to the nose. You shouldn't make it very high. You will need a small rubber band for assembly. There is no need to be neat, this is not a ponytail. There should be freedom of image in this hairstyle. You should also not comb the resulting tail.
  • To decorate the head part of the hairstyle, several headbands are put on, usually two or three, and the volume of hair is created between them.
  • The strands of the tail are combed and laid out in strands around the elastic band. Each curl at the base is secured with a pin.
  • It is imperative that you style your hair with hairspray.

This hairstyle is suitable for a date and a wedding if styled accordingly.

Korimbos: subtleties of execution

This is a type of Greek knot. Its difference lies in the technique of execution and location. Perform it lower than usual. It seems to lie at the base of the neck. This hairstyle looks even more feminine than the first one. It is also not difficult to implement:

  • The hair is divided into three equal parts vertically.
  • We collect the middle part into an elastic band as low as possible.
  • From the created tail we make a twisted bun and secure it with hairpins.
  • We collect each of the side strands into a braid, slightly straightened (like a French braid) for volume.
  • We wrap the braids around the bun and, combing the ends, send them under the bun.
  • We secure the hairstyle with hairpins and spray it with hairspray.

Another option is also easy to implement:

  • Two thin braids are braided on the sides of the back of the head. Hair is taken from the middle.
  • The remaining part of the hair is carefully combed at the top.
  • Two temporal curls are fastened at the back with an elastic band.
  • The rest of the combed hair is also collected with an elastic band closer to the ends of the strands.
  • Carefully roll the hair up. They are carefully secured on top with pins and pins.
  • We tuck the braids crosswise around the hairstyle.

This variation should be recorded more carefully than the first option. Straight strands are more difficult to hold than curled ones.

Korimbos with a bun of braids. Step 3-5

The ponytail and braid come from Greece

A Greek ponytail is perfect for everyday styling. To create it:

  • hair should be prepared by slightly curling it;
  • the strands are tied at the very top of the head using a hair elastic or ribbon;
  • You should carefully spray your hair with a stream of modeling hairspray, otherwise the strands tend to constantly fall out of the ponytail;
  • You can thread beads and ribbons into the curls along the entire length.

Depending on the jewelry, this hairstyle can be done both for a date and for a prom under the appropriate dress.

The Greek braid is more complex in its styling. It is suitable for long and short hair. It is braided in various variations. Apply styling product (foam or mousse) to clean hair. A strand of dried hair is separated at the temple and braided. If your hair is thin, braid it loosely, slightly pulling out the curls of the braid (like a French braid). When braiding, you need to pick up loose curls on the sides. Having braided such a braid with the grip up to half, then continue with an ordinary braid. The result is hidden under the main part of the hair. There is also a known option when two such braids are braided from different sides and secured at the back crosswise in the form of a headband. A tail created as a continuation of the braid will also look beautiful. This is a peculiar combination of a Greek braid and ponytail.

Greek hairstyle with headband

There are many options for styling this hairstyle. Basic or classic styling is created for hair without bangs. The hair in a straight parting is combed back and threaded under the headband, which should cross the back of the head. As you curl the curls, the headband should hide under them. Moreover, it is not necessary to fill all the curls. The remaining strands can be styled into a kind of ponytail or left to fall over your shoulders. The strands should not be combed or straightened. You need to give the image a romantic and casual look. Such curls are usually curled.

The second option is screwed onto the rim immediately. Then it is put on the head, straightening the strands so that they completely cover the headband.

Greek hairstyle with headband and braids. Step 1-4

Greek hairstyle with headband and braids. Step 5-8

Greek hairstyle with headband and braids

The third option is done along a side parting. The strands are combed and created into a bun at the back of the head. After this, such a bundle is slightly disassembled. The curls are pulled out and attached outside the bun. It can be decorated with a headband and hairpins. If desired, for example, for a wedding, you can put fresh flowers or boutonnieres in the headband. You can put a light, airy tiara on your head. You don’t need to spend much time on this hairstyle, about ten or fifteen minutes.