How to make a guy date. How to make a guy ask you to meet and not forget about you? With a red candle

Your communication with the object of your desire is very warm and pleasant, you spend your free time together, share your successes, hopes, dreams, but still call each other friends.

Someone has to make the first step, and the girl believes that it is certainly a man. But she must competently help him with this and figure out how to make the guy propose to meet.

First of all, you need to take the initiative into your own hands. It is not necessary to show with all your heart that she does not intend to wait any longer and wants an immediate relationship. The initiative should come not in the first step, but in other aspects of communication, so that the most important and serious decision remains with the man.

It's no secret that women's intuition is a very strong and truthful thing, so you shouldn't be afraid to use it. The following tips will help you understand how to get a guy to ask you out: listen to your heart, follow his gaze, gestures, movements and words. All this will tell you how best to act. If a girl is sure that a young man really likes her, then she can quite easily push him to make a decision.

It is no secret that males simply adore praise and compliments, and it is better if they are slightly veiled. Don’t forget to praise him, he should become a hero for you in his own eyes. But you should also remember about moderation: every minute admiration will lead to a man thinking about idealization; he will not want such a relationship.

Nowadays, meeting a guy who can hear a girl is very difficult. But if your man is like that, and you are ready for a relationship with him, then you will learn to listen too. He should always know that he has a reliable rear and support. You need to empathize and listen sincerely, without falsehood or hypocrisy. At this rate, you can come to the point that you will become open and honest with each other, he will be able to feel calm next to such a woman. What else needs to be done and how to get a guy to ask you to meet?

In no case should you put pressure on a young man, so you need to increase your attention to what words come out of your mouth and what actions you perform. No man wants to be “under the thumb,” so it is necessary to resort to feminine tricks, but do not forget to take care of him and accept him as he is.

Many women mistakenly believe that dreams accurately interpret the real state of affairs. And many are sure that they know - to a new novel. According to the erotic dream book, such a vision really means a quick change in the situation in the current relationship, towards intimacy with the object of one’s love. You can rejoice if you dreamed about this: consider your man in your pocket!

If after all your tricks the guy still does not understand that you are his soulmate, you should think of a situation in which he could realize the importance of the treasure that is under his nose. You can easily communicate with other men in another company, but not be alone with them. If your guy is determined and wants to achieve what he wants everywhere and always, then he will definitely pay attention to your behavior. In order to understand how to get a guy to ask you to date if he is shy, you don’t need much intelligence either: just be patient and choose a different strategy.

Follow these simple rules and your happiness will always be with you!

Text: Humphrey Hunter, excerpt from the book "Men: The X-Files"

You can control the entire process of meeting and dating (the entire courtship ritual) in such a way that he does not even notice it. The goal is to make a man feel like he took the plunge and got you, even if you did all the work for him.

Don't overuse physical contact. Be interested, but a little distant. What you see in the photo is too much. Touching his hand once when he says something is enough!

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You don’t have to rack your brains over the question of how a guy maintains his self-esteem. And don’t let it bother you what kind of nonsense he says to himself in front of the mirror before going “hunting” into the city. And don’t even think about the fact that he could have rehearsed the opening phrase of your conversation before he left the house.

Focus on what you can do. And now – about what exactly you can do.

Although it is the guys who almost always reach out for the first kiss and make the first date, I believe that it is the girls who lead them “by the hand” into the right psychological state.

A guy sees a girl he likes. He feels an inner tremor that tells him that he wants to approach her. Let's call this moment point A and consider it the beginning of the path. If the girl in question likes the guy, then her goal is for him to get to point B, that is, to actually pluck up the courage and take a step. So the whole journey is very simple - from point A to point B. Normal guys with average levels of self-confidence need some help getting from point A to point B. The two points may be far away from each other or close to each other – it all depends on the particular guy and girl. The point is that there is a distance between the two points, and it is the guy who has to overcome it.

5 steps towards

A smart girl can help a guy along the way with the bare minimum of discreet effort.

Just don't overdo it! If you try to be too zealous in encouraging him (that is, you start treating him as if he is a dream come true for all women), you will seem to him either a desperate loner or an easily accessible girl. Or both together. This is not the impression you want to make. Unless you are looking for a short-term sexual relationship for one or two times. Make him feel too good and he will feel that he is too good for you.

The image you need to create is a bit like the one Oscar Wilde painted when he said, “I'm not saying we should behave badly, but we should look like we can.”

How to Help Him Feel Good—But Not Too Much

Be interested, but a little distant. This means that you should not initiate physical contact. Except maybe for the one-time touch on his arm when he's telling you something. Let him initiate it himself. Talk and laugh as much as you want, but keep physical contact to a minimum.

Don't be afraid to tease him

We like girls who make fun of us a little. They are smart, funny and confident. And, more importantly, most guys (at least the ones who have a sense of humor and don't take themselves too seriously) actually understand the value of mutual banter as a sign of affection. This is how we communicate with each other and let our friends know that we care about them. But don't be mean or harmful and always joke with a smile on your face.

If you're happy and confident (which you should be), he can like you very easily: by being yourself. Do not forget about it!

Often a girl faces a problem: how to get a guy to ask her to meet him himself. After all, it is not accepted by society for a girl to be the first to make such proposals. But bringing the guy to this point and helping him make a decision is quite acceptable, and we will now tell you how to do this.

At first glance, it seems that the guy does everything himself: he calls, writes, invites on dates, and kisses the girl first. But more often than not, the girl herself is interested in this and leads the young man to such decisive actions.

After all, not all guys are confident in themselves and are not afraid to make mistakes, and they must be convinced that, having made an offer to date, they will not be refused.

In order for a guy to ask you to meet, you need to let him know that he will be better off with you than without you, be interested in him, show attention and care.

And then, left alone, he will gradually begin to notice that he misses you, lacks the warmth and feeling of comfort, the positive emotions that you give him.

When he realizes this, you can rest assured that he will immediately invite you to be together.

Steps towards

You can get a guy to take initiative at the age of 13 by taking a few steps forward. And then the young man will not resist, and will also move towards you.

From the above we can conclude: in order to get a guy to ask you to date at age 12, you need to be confident, smile sincerely and enjoy life.

Learn to listen

When the first steps have been taken and you have begun to communicate well, you need to learn to listen to the young man. There is no need to pretend that a conversation with him is the holiday that you have been waiting for for so long. This is an ordinary conversation that is no different from others.

But there are a few secrets that only you should know:

Every day you need to train yourself in the quality of listening, even if it doesn’t work out the first time, but when you achieve mastery in this matter, you will thank yourself.

This will help not only when communicating with guys, but also when building other relationships, including business ones. And if you are interested in a guy not only as a friend, then all the more you need to give him that very irreplaceable female support.

The most important thing is to be sincere, so that the young man feels it and becomes open himself, not afraid to show his feelings and emotions.

Only in this case will he be sure that he has nothing to hide and fear, and will offer a relationship.

Never push him

While you are not yet dating, you need to be very careful about your words and actions. And in no case should you rush the guy and put pressure on him; he himself must make such an important decision as to propose to be together.

Even if a guy is wrong about something or doesn’t act the way you want, you don’t need to correct him or point him out. At this stage of the relationship, this can ruin your entire future.

A man should feel that he is right, that he makes his own decisions, and you should support him in this, and not vice versa.

It’s easy to get a guy to propose dating at the age of 11, the main thing is not to hurt his feelings and manhood, then you can count on all the best.

A man needs a woman’s shoulder, care and attention, but he doesn’t need a front-line friend and he certainly doesn’t want to be henpecked. Therefore, overly self-confident and domineering girls cannot find a mate for a long time.

Make sure your goals/desires coincide

The key to a successful relationship is that you like the same things and strive for the same goals. If you understand in advance that your interests coincide, then in the future you will be able to avoid many problems and disagreements.

In addition, if you have a lot in common, then the guy will strive to spend more and more time with you, which is what we are trying to achieve.

But it is also important to understand that you are not just a friend to him, but that he really likes you. Make sure he feels the same way about you as you feel about him. After this, you can act more openly and count on initiative.

Become indispensable

This has already been mentioned a little above, but this point is worth highlighting separately.

You can get a guy to ask you to date at age 10 if he feels like he can’t do without you:

Nudge to action

And so, when everything goes according to plan and communication is leading to the beginning of a relationship, but the guy still can’t make up his mind, then you just need to help him. Maybe he is shy, maybe he is not yet sure of his feelings or is not sure that you will respond positively.

In this case, we use feminine cunning and create a situation that will help dot the i’s.

The plan is:

If you don’t like these two methods, then try another one - behave more relaxed. There is no need to talk directly about your feelings - this can scare a young man, but a little flirting will not hurt.

Be lighter, more natural, don’t be afraid to touch the guy and be closer to him, and then he definitely won’t resist.

But if the guy turns out to be impenetrable and after all this does nothing, then you can directly tell him about your feelings. But if it’s hard for you to do this, then you can get around the situation and write a beautiful postcard or an anonymous letter.

And if he has feelings for you, then he will definitely invite you on the first date.

Love and magic

Many girls, completely desperate, begin to think about magical ways to attract a guy. But you should understand that this is a very dangerous action and no one has ever been happy after using a conspiracy.

Not only will this sooner or later lead to unpleasant consequences, it may even affect your children and grandchildren. In addition, love spells force only your physical bodies to be together, but your soul can never fall in love. What is the point of such love then?

Before you decide to do this, think carefully about whether this particular young man will interest you in a year or two. Your feelings may disappear in a month or a more worthy guy will come across.

How to get an offer by correspondence

In the age of information technology, we communicate more and more by telephone and the Internet. There is no need to wait for a guy to come to your window, or for you to meet by chance.

Relationships can also develop at a distance. There is no need to wait for a special moment, and besides, confessing your feelings without seeing a person, through the phone or social networks, is much easier - there is no such excitement and uncertainty.

  1. In correspondence, try to emphasize more the positive qualities of the young man, praise him more often, support him;
  2. After you have spent time together, write how you liked being with him and how you would like to repeat your meeting. It doesn’t seem like a declaration of love, but also a good hint to make the guy think;
  3. You can also share songs, poems, pictures with your guy, thus determining whether your tastes coincide;
  4. Don't forget to ask his opinion, making it clear how important it is to you.
  5. And the last tricky move that a girl can use is to send a message supposedly addressed to another guy. This way you can make your chosen one jealous, which will lead to clarification of your feelings and perhaps he will immediately offer to meet.

How to answer?

And now you've finally got your time. The guy asks you to meet. And what should I answer him? How can you avoid making yourself appear insincere, funny, or intrusive?

  • There is no need to prepare an answer in advance; most likely it will not be suitable for the current situation, or you will completely forget everything you wanted to say when you hear your cherished statement.
  • You may not answer him directly “yes” or “come on.” Be a little flirty, but so that the guy understands that your answer is positive.
  • You can hug him or invite him for a walk.

Video: What to do to make a man think about you more often

True love doesn't come around very often. But, even more often, one of the halves of this love cannot admit his feelings, either to himself or to his partner.

How to get a guy to ask you to meet? Indeed, it often happens that we see a man’s attraction to us, but at the same time he still does not dare to make the relationship more official. What to do in such a situation? How to influence him and finally force him to make a decision? Agree, it’s so hard to be friends with someone you love, realizing that you are wasting precious time that you could spend together on empty chatter and meaningless pastime.

Why can't a man ask a girl to date? One of the very banal and funny answers: it seems to him that you only see him as a friend. Yes, unfortunately, guys can be real blind, and if you don’t hang around his neck fifteen times an hour and constantly repeat that you love them, they simply may not notice your feelings.

You know, there is a modern parable about a guy and a girl who have been friends since school. He always helped her, loved her and constantly wanted to say this, but she said: you are my best friend, thank you for everything. And he was silent all his life, and only after her death he read the diary in which she wrote that she loved him and expected recognition from him, but he never understood this in time.

Such cases are very common and similar situations arise much more often than we might think.

Therefore, you should not call your loved one your best friend. We need to push him to the right decision. Of course, you can take the “bull by the horns” and offer to date him yourself. But, firstly, this will hit your gentleman’s pride, and secondly, for the most part, men do not like it when a woman starts to control them. Even if her proposals and opinions are one hundred percent correct, the guy begins to deny them, because consciously and subconsciously, accepting her arguments seems like weakness to him.

From this we conclude that a man himself must make a decision. Or at least think he did.

Every woman is endowed with intuition and feels how much a guy likes her. Therefore, if you feel that your object of attention is clearly breathing unevenly towards you, start acting. You need to show him that you are the one he cannot live without. Just always remember the golden mean. You shouldn’t indulge the guy in everything, they will fulfill all his whims and look with puppy dog ​​eyes.

Surely, you know what your man likes and doesn’t like, what he needs, and what just makes him furious. So use this, deftly and skillfully, like any self-respecting girl. You need to press on all these levers, but not diligently and persistently, but imperceptibly, as if by chance. You know that he hates fights and scandals, tell him that you have always respected men who knew how to solve everything not with their fists, but with their words. If he loves science and is not good at sports, remember that you yourself have never even mastered a bicycle, let alone roller skates, but you are always happy to talk about ciliates, shoes and classicism.

Admire him, but without fanaticism and the views of the inhabitants of the Tumba-Yumba tribe on the great deity. Guys hate idealism because they understand that they cannot live up to the image you created and therefore they simply run away. But you don’t want this result at all.

In addition, you always need to support your loved one, and do it absolutely sincerely. People feel pretense and lies, so if you cannot truly understand and share his problems, it is better not to try. (By the way, if you can’t do this, you should think about whether you need him at all, and whether your feelings should be called love).

Men often close themselves off from others and pretend that everything is fine with them, they don’t care about anything and problems simply don’t exist. Of course, in reality this is completely wrong. And if you know about the troubles of your beloved, it means that he definitely has some feelings for you. Because opening up is not an easy task for a man.

But if this does happen, know how to react correctly. Even if he is fundamentally wrong and you are absolutely sure of this, in no case should you hit him with arguments and insist that you are right. Do this once or twice - and that’s it, he will never open up to you again. Therefore, first you need to listen to the guy, let him speak out, express all his complaints and grievances, maybe even cry (yes, men actually cry, just not in front of everyone). After he calms down, try asking him what he is going to do next, what to do, how to solve his problems. And only after that, start speaking your opinion. Moreover, it should sound something like this: “I don’t want to convince you of anything, but still, if... what do you think, it wouldn’t change... I, of course, may be wrong, it’s your family (friends, work) and you know more nuances, but I would like to help, based on my life experience and advise... but this is my subjective opinion, and you are free to do as you see fit, because this is your life.”

Greetings, dear ladies! According to popular belief, a girl cannot take the initiative in a relationship and invite a guy on a date. Fear of appearing available and frivolous. But what to do when you really like a young man and want to meet him? Today I want to talk to you about how to persuade a guy to meet. In addition, I will tell you what to do when a man doesn’t want to talk to you after a quarrel and the dangers of manipulation.


First, let's talk about how to attract the attention of a strange guy who is very cute. There are actually a lot of options. You can ask directly if he wants to meet and go for a walk or go to a cafe. But not all men will appreciate such directness, so let's look at other options.

Firstly, in it you can collect a large amount of necessary information about him. What he is interested in, where he works, who he communicates with, what music he listens to, and so on. Secondly, this is where you can start your communication.

Just collect the information correctly. Remember that not everything that is written on the Internet is true. You can create any image you want, but few people put their real selves on display. A woman can create the image of an independent businesswoman, but in reality she is an unhappy and lonely lady. Same with guys. On the surface he may seem like a pompous peacock, but on the inside he is modest and shy.

Don't be too active, don't comment on every photo and status. Leave your messages only in those places that genuinely interest you and resonate with you. After all, if the conversation with the guy continues, then you will need to maintain the topic.

You can always use his hobbies. For example, invite him to a concert of his favorite band, saying you have an extra ticket lying around. Or ask him for help if he understands the car.

Remember, men love to teach women things. For example, he is an avid bicycle racing enthusiast. Ask him to teach you how to ride.

I have two articles in store for you that will help you understand the manifestation of sympathy on the part of a guy and tell you how to behave in order to attract his attention: “” and “”.

Your man

But how can you persuade a man with whom you have been in a relationship for a long time to meet? How to behave if he is offended, who should be the first to take the initiative after a quarrel? You will find everything about male grievances in the article “”. I will only say that taking the initiative yourself is not scary, and sometimes it is even very useful.

When you've been in a relationship for a long time, you have an advantage. You know your boyfriend, you know how you can surprise or please him. For example, if you rarely cook at home, then prepare a delicious and satisfying dinner; men love to eat well, especially home-cooked food.

If your partner loves cars, then you can invite him to an exhibition of old cars, where, over a conversation, you can solve your problems that caused a fight. Just remember, don’t start the scandal all over again. If you are not yet ready to talk, then there is no point in organizing a meeting, you will only make things worse.

Men respond quite well to calls for help. The bathroom faucet is broken, the computer won't turn on, the shelf has fallen off, the car won't start, and so on.

Remember, in a quarrel there is never only one person to blame. So think about what you did wrong last time and correct it.

Various kinds of manipulations

The most common female manipulation is sex. Yes, men are greedy for this excuse for a meeting. But don't overuse it. And if you are still new to it, I don’t recommend you use it at all.

Firstly, you will not be able to keep a man with such manipulation for a long time. And secondly, sex should not be manipulation in a relationship.

When you ask a man to come talk, be prepared to express your arguments clearly and clearly. You shouldn’t put pressure on emotions and rely only on what you think or want. Don't just throw complaints at him. Tell me where you both are wrong. Try to decide together how to fix this.

Don't use ultimatums in relationships. Don't give a man a choice.

Very often there are such stories when a girl says: either me or your friends/fishing/work/mom and so on. You should never put a person before such a choice. You must respect his privacy and space. Just like he should respect your personal space.

In the article “” I explain in detail what such manipulations in relationships can lead to. Relationships are built on mutual respect and trust. And there is no place for games of submission (unless we are talking about bed pleasures).

What do you do to attract a man's attention? Do you use manipulation and ultimatums in relationships? How do you feel when they try to manipulate you?

Don’t be afraid to take the initiative, be confident in yourself and you will succeed!