Graduation dresses for overweight girls. Choosing a prom dress for obese girls: style, model, color Short prom dresses for full girls

Prom dresses for overweight girls. Photos of several options for outfits that will help you become irresistible on this important day and remember it for a long time.

On the cover. A bright and fairly loose dress perfectly hides figure flaws in the shoulders, abdomen and hips. Saturated and juicy color is well suited for young women. The length of this outfit will favorably emphasize slender legs. An interestingly cut sleeve and neckline, along with golden metal straps, will draw attention to the upper chest.

2. A black dress with a rather strict cut looks elegant and will draw attention to all the advantages of the figure. The plunging V neckline and discreet flower on one of the wide shoulder straps are sure to grab attention. A knee-length skirt, on the contrary, will hide wide hips or full legs. Thanks to a slightly high waist and pleats gathered in front, this part turned out to be very clearly defined and harmonious.


3. The next model Prom dresses for full girls. Photo number 3 attracts with its lightness and airiness, despite the dark color. The inner part of the ensemble is quite open and short, very in harmony with the pattern of the material. And the guipure, which is trimmed on top, decorates and at the same time masks flaws. Sufficiently flared hem will shimmer beautifully when moving. A satin ribbon sash accentuates the waist, perfectly complementing the look.


4. An outfit with an unusual pattern for lovers of short dresses. A win-win combination of contrasting tones is a pattern of petals on a white background, decreasing towards the bottom and disappearing at the level of the hips. Thanks to this pattern, the figure acquires a slender, balanced look. The décolleté neckline is sufficiently closed so as not to overload the short length of the dress. A white hem in a small fold, gives the image lightness.


5. A solid white dress without bright spots, however, has a very concise and complete look. And also gives a complete flight of fancy when choosing accessories. The bust area is closed with an elegantly cut collar, and the outfit itself is fitted, diverges only in a small wave along the bottom. As in the previous version, here they used the method of overlaying lace or guipure material on top, which gives additional lightness and freshness to the side.


6. Dark blue, flowing floor length dress gives the image elegance and mystery. The emphasis in this outfit is on the neckline. Unusual bodice with an iridescent heart-shaped insert that blends perfectly with the main fabric. This option does not include straps or straps that would overload the image, so the top and bottom look very harmonious.


7. Graduation dresses for overweight girls. Photo of a tight black dress, popular for many years as a win-win option. The entire accent of this outfit, except for the waist brightly outlined with the help of darts, is built on an unusual collar. From the middle of the bodice, the fabric crosses, deafly covering the neck area, and goes to the back in an intricate pattern. The dress gives a bold, daring and at the same time sophisticated look.


8. Very interesting model with elements of the Greek style, looks great on a full figure. A long, flowing dress will make a splash. The saturated black fabric is collected with light folds on the stomach and under the bust with the help of a belt sewn into the dress. The belt itself attracts and captivates the eye with its patterns. Embroidered with beads and silver inserts, it is undoubtedly the center of the ensemble. The collar, to which the bodice with a small notch is attached, also looks unusual. Completes the look with a slit above the knee, which divides the skirt in half.


9. A wonderful version of Prom dresses for full girls. The photo you see. Cheerful and playful style will create a feeling of celebration and joy. A bright yellow-blue pattern of unusual colors on a black background will stand out from the crowd and help draw attention to yourself. The knee-length bell skirt, along with a black belt, makes the dress fluffy and adds lightness.


10. The combination of large black roses on a white field is a very bold and daring decision for graduation. A fitted dress with a wide skirt and a closed neckline, however, has a weightless, and even a flying look. The play of material, also built on the contrast of colors, will favorably emphasize individuality.

The way the girl will look at the prom will remain in the memory of others for a long time.

A joyful holiday of farewell to an educational institution should not be overshadowed by the presence of a few extra pounds. This can in no way be an indispensable condition for dressing in a strict business suit. Finding the perfect prom dress is easy.

What about overweight girls who also want to feel, if not a queen, then at least a princess?

To date, stylists have developed a number of recommendations with which you can choose an outfit. And since there is a very large variety of options for prom dresses that will suit you, the purchase will not present any difficulty.

The type of dress is directly dependent on what places you want to hide from the eyes.

The main principle that should be followed when choosing a model is to hide the shortcomings and compensate for them by showing the merits.

  • Put your chest in the center of attention. Dresses with a cutout on the chest can divert the attention of others from the rest of the body. Also, such models visually lengthen the neck, which has a very positive effect on the overall appearance.
  • Raise your waist. An excellent option is the option of a prom dress with a fairly high waist. In this case, the large breasts are emphasized, and the skirt starting from the waistline will hide defects in the abdomen and hips.
  • How to orient yourself - whether to open the legs? It is advisable to choose any model of dress according to your height. For girls above 170 centimeters, dresses to the floor can be great. They will visually lengthen the entire body vertically and can make it more slender. But with growth up to 170 cm, you must definitely show a shin and chic shoes.
  • How to choose a color? The fact that black color gives harmony is known to all. But it's still graduation! Therefore, discover dark blue, purple or muted red shades.

In general, any dress is suitable for graduation. You can choose fitted models and even dresses in the style of the 50s with a fluffy skirt, the main thing is that you like it and feel happy.

The dress- one of the favorite women's clothing of all time. Every year there are more and more styles and styles of it, which greatly complicates the choice. In order to choose the perfect dress for yourself, it is not enough to have taste and style, you also need to know a sea of ​​subtleties, which are usually only known to professionals.

Before you go to the store, you need to decide on the goals and the approximate type of dress. The purpose of the purchase can be a trip to the library, for everyday wear, co-op or even a wedding. In this sense, four types of dresses are distinguished:

  1. Everyday dress. From the name alone, it already becomes clear that such an outfit will be worn daily. Casual outfits are great for going to the movies, shopping, just walking with friends. They do not attract much attention, they do not differ in an abundance of rhinestones, sparkles and sequins, they do not have a defiant look. This dress can be described in a few words: modest, light, comfortable.
  2. Cocktail Dresses. These outfits are meant to be worn to co-ops, holidays or parties. There are extravagant patterns and cutouts. A cocktail dress emphasizes the femininity and sophistication of its owner.
  3. Evening dresses. Especially elaborate outfits for gala evenings. Beautiful dresses for special occasions they differ in length, material, cut. They are often made from chiffon, satin, silk or velvet. Lace and guipure dresses are currently in trend. You should not save on such an outfit, because at a gala evening it should emphasize all the advantages and charms.
  4. Dress for different occasions. Such clothes are suitable for parties, everyday wear, office. It is not recommended to wear it every day.

Dress length

An important feature when choosing a dress is its length. According to this parameter, all dresses can be divided into three types:

  1. Maxi ( Long Dresses). Ideal for special occasions and beach walks. For other purposes floor length dress will not be comfortable. It is important to know that long dresses do not look good on short girls.
  2. Midi (Medium dresses). There is some controversy about this length. Such a dress must be chosen with extreme caution, as it can ruin the figures and reduce growth. The best option for medium-length dresses is just above or below the knee.
  3. Mini (Short dresses). Favorite length for young girls and not only. Perfect for parties, outings and everyday wear. However, wearing such a dress, all possible flaws and shortcomings of the legs will immediately become visible. Short and full legs are unlikely to look beautiful in such clothes. In addition to figure flaws, a respectful social status will become an obstacle to wearing a mini dress, because if you are in a serious position, then this outfit can cause condemnation of subordinates.

dress style

It is the style that determines: will the dress fit a certain figure, will it emphasize the pluses and hide the flaws? It makes no sense to purchase an outfit that exposes all the defects of the figure to the public. There are several types of styles that you must definitely include in your wardrobe. Here are the most current styles:

  1. Sheath dress. Optimal fit for everyday wear. It is distinguished by elegance, femininity, rigor and at the same time does not attract attention to itself. And if it is decorated with an extraordinary pattern, then it is also suitable for going to various parties.
  2. Empire style. A true example of femininity and beauty, it perfectly emphasizes the charms of the female breast. fashionable dresses in the style of "Empire" can be of different lengths and at the same time they are perfect for almost every figure. In order to emphasize the waist, it is recommended to choose a dress with a waist.
  3. Robe dress. A casual outfit that is comfortable to wear and versatile. Suitable for going to the cinema, library, bowling. Often, such clothes are preferred to be worn at home, instead of a bathrobe.
  4. Cut off dress. Combines the bottom in the form of a strict skirt, the top in the form of a shirt. The style is similar to the case and is also suitable for everyday wear. A detachable dress beautifully emphasizes the waist and highlights all the charms of the figure.
  5. Dress shirt. Comfortable and light, the dress has a loose fit. The outfit is designed for daily wear. Pairs well with jeans and leggings.
  6. Black dress. Every woman knows about this dress and almost everyone has it in their wardrobe for a special occasion. A little black dress gives the look sophistication and elegance. It should not be flashy and full of decorations. Main features: length just below or above the knee and fitted cut.

Types of dress cut

Choose this outfit also depending on the cut:

  • Fitted cut. Clothing of this cut is suitable for representatives with lush hips and a proportional physique.
  • Cutting edge. Corrects the figure in the abdomen, emphasizes the waist line, bust and hips.
  • Straight fit. Hides the main defects of the figure.
  • One-piece cut. Suitable for a good figure, does not hide flaws.

Choice of dress fabric

When choosing a dress, the fabric from which it is sewn also plays an important role. All fabrics are usually divided according to the seasons. In the summer, cotton, chiffon, linen, guipure are relevant. Also relevant in warm weather knitted dress. In autumn, they wear clothes made of polyester, knitwear, wool. In winter, dresses made of mohair or flannel are suitable. Knitwear and silk are recommended in spring.

The color scheme of the dress

Everyone knows that color can both emphasize the pluses and flaws of the figure, can distinguish from the crowd, or can create an inconspicuous image. Specialists select the color of the dress for the type of person.

  1. Summer girl. Has green, gray or brown eyes, blond hair and snow-white skin. The colors of clothes are ideal for them: pink, blue, gray and green. Not recommended to wear Red dress.
  2. Autumn girl. The owner of dark gray, dark green eyes with dark curls and swarthy skin. Orange, brown and olive shades are optimally suited. It is not recommended to purchase a light-colored dress.
  3. Winter Girl. Has pink skin, dark hair and eyes. Best colors: blue, cyan, purple.
  4. Girl spring. The owner of fair skin, with blue or green eyes and white hair. Recommended shades: warm, light, bed. Cool colors don't work.

In the process of choosing a dress, you first need to decide on the purpose of wearing it. Next, choose the style and cut for your figure, respectively. Choose fabrics and colors last.

Graduation is a joyful celebration of the end of education and the beginning of a new, adult life. And a few extra pounds is not a reason to put on a strict business suit. You just need to choose the right dress for prom. For full girls, it is important to select models, taking into account the features of the figure.

Breast in the spotlight

Often full girls are afraid to choose a dress for graduation, as almost any evening dress emphasizes and opens the chest. But for the neckline you need courage. If a large bust is your prominent body part, then The neckline of the dress should be V-shaped. This style also needs to be chosen by girls with a not too long neck and a round face. This form of neckline will visually break the upper part of the figure and stretch the proportions of the neck and face. The bodice of a darker shade than the skirt will hide the extra volume.

If there is not enough volume in the chest, but in excess in the hips, then A-silhouette dresses should be chosen. High waist, flowy skirt, lighter bodice embroidered with sequins - this is the recipe for your splendor at the prom.

Where will we do the waist?

An unexpressed waistline is a common problem for overweight girls. Prom dress for this body type You can choose from classic sheath dresses or A-line. The waist line must be marked with a thin elegant strap. Perfectly creates a peplum waist.

The happy owners of a curvaceous hourglass figure have nothing to fear. Any dress will do for prom. You can choose fitted models and even dresses in the style of the 50s with a fluffy skirt. But do not forget about the correct cut line and length.

Show legs?

A prom dress for full must be selected according to height. Stately girls are perfect long dresses to the floor. They will stretch the proportions of the body vertically and make it more slender.

And here for girls up to 170 cm tall, it is better to show calves and elegant shoes. A long dress will make them more squat, and a short one, on the contrary, will make them slimmer (especially on the stage where you will receive a diploma). For any dress, full girls definitely need shoes with comfortable high heels.

More styles of plus size prom dresses can be viewed.

Color brightens everything

Black slims, everyone knows that. But much more opportunities this season are opened up by dark blue, noble purple or muted red.

prom dress d For plump girls, iridescent taffeta will create the perfect gradient, light in the center, dark on the sides, which will easily hide a few extra centimeters.

Bright yellows and oranges are on trend this summer, but they are too flashy for a full figure. However, this does not mean that they should be completely excluded. Don't forget color blocking! Accessories of bright juicy color will complement the dress, will create a stylish modern set and divert attention from figure flaws.

Graduation party is a memorable day in the life of any schoolgirl or student. From this day on, a new life begins, so any girl wants to look incredibly beautiful. And that is why it is so important to choose the perfect dress that will create the whole image.

Prom dresses

On such a solemn evening, the outfit should not be casual. Its length and color matter. These characteristics undoubtedly need to be taken into account when choosing, especially starting from the height, type of figure and color type of the girl.

Prom dresses should look chic. They can be decorated with stones, rhinestones, beads. They can also have a corset, fluffy skirt or train. In addition, in such outfits, an asymmetrical or multi-layered cut is appropriate.

The luxury of the dress is emphasized not only by its decorative design, but also by the materials and the cut itself, especially since on a prom night you can afford open legs or a seductive neckline.

Styles of prom dresses

Now designers offer a huge variety of evening dresses. Even though prom dresses are not universal, you can feel like a star walking along the red carpet in them. Therefore, it is so important to choose your own among this variety of styles, the very dress that fits perfectly on the figure and demonstrates it in the best light.

long prom dresses

Long prom dresses, like no other, have a solemn look. Properly selected cut will stretch the silhouette and hide figure flaws.

Floor-length outfits can be absolutely anything - straight or fitted cut, A-line, as well as lush. Models equipped with long tight-fitting or loose sleeves, as well as corsets and lace look especially beautiful.

By the way, it is with a long hem that you can afford open shoulders or a deep neckline. And if you want to focus on the legs, then you need to choose closed models with cutouts on the skirt.

Among short dresses, you can find no less number of beautiful elegant models that are suitable for graduation.

The length of short prom dresses can start from a seductive mini, and end at a trendy midi length. It is the last length that is especially popular now, but it is extremely capricious, as it will not suit girls of short stature.

Short prom dresses with puffy skirts, bell or tulip skirts look most impressive. There are also interesting models in the style of baby dolls, as well as models with multi-layered tulle skirts, in which the graduate will look like a ballerina.

Prom dresses with a train

A luxurious train is not just an elongated hem, it is a sign of the solemnity of the outfit. Recently, young girls want just such prom dresses, and this is not surprising, because in such an outfit it is unlikely that anyone will go unnoticed. And let this option not be practical, but there are not many moments in life when you can wear a dress with a train. In addition, now there are models with a detachable train.

Silhouettes of outfits with a train can be straight, puffy or fitted with a slightly flared skirt, while high-waisted models visually increase height and also lengthen the legs. Models made of chiffon or silk look the most romantic and gentle.

greek style prom dresses

Graduation dresses in the Greek style are always relevant. They are suitable for girls with any height and figure. A high waist and a flowy skirt will accentuate the bust and hide excess sentiment at the waist and hips.

Most often, Greek models are sewn from chiffon, due to which the skirt lies in soft uniform folds. The bodice can be decorated with various stones, rhinestones, beads or embroidery. Also, the emphasis can be placed on a beautifully decorated belt. And the most gentle look models in pastel shades.

Despite the fact that new models of dresses are constantly appearing, puffy is out of fashion. Tall girls can afford both long and short styles. But short girls should not be upset either, because with a properly selected fluffy skirt, growth will not visually decrease.

So that the image does not look massive, it is better to choose outfits with a light tulle skirt and a neat corset. Also, in order to feel comfortable all evening, you should carefully select a petticoat with rings, they should not be too heavy.

Evening prom dress

An evening prom dress is definitely a win-win option. The length of such a model can be any, but its main difference is a rich finish, beautiful colors, and an unusual cut.

Particularly fashionable are models with long sleeves, asymmetrical cut, lace, chiffon inserts. Long prom dresses can have a deep slit on the skirt, as well as a seductive neckline. And among the short models, the most festive look are options with a fluffy skirt that keeps its shape well, as well as equipped with a peplum or a beautiful decorated belt.

prom cocktail dress

A cocktail dress is perfect for those who cannot decide between a long and a short style. Its length reaches just below the knee, but now shorter lengths are also allowed.

How to distinguish a cocktail dress? It looks like a shortened evening dress, and may also have a less saturated decorative finish, but still does not look somehow boring and not elegant.

And if earlier a certain model on the straps was considered a cocktail dress, now you can find many interesting styles. It can be straight, fitted models, models with a voluminous skirt, with various types of cutouts and sleeves. Cocktail dresses made of lace or with lace inserts look especially beautiful, which will add solemnity to the image.

Prom Mermaid Dress

This style is suitable for girls with a slender feminine figure. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the dress has a fitted cut, and a flared skirt begins from the level just above the knees. Thus, this style resembles a mythical mermaid.

Most often, in such models, the emphasis is on one thing. For example, a top decorated with various decorative elements will be complemented by a simple, slightly flared skirt. Conversely, a layered skirt is usually paired with a plain top. In addition, such outfits often do not have sleeves or are sewn on one shoulder.

How to choose a dress for prom?

When choosing a prom dress, you should rely on your taste, as well as take into account the solemnity of the evening. As a rule, for school prom girls prefer especially luxurious dresses in which they will look like princesses. For graduations at the university, students choose more evening and modest options.

Features of the figure and height are important factors to consider when choosing a dress. For example, any length is suitable for tall girls, and knee-length for low girls. It is also worth paying attention to the figure, namely the extra centimeters. They can be easily hidden by shifting the emphasis on the merits, thereby diverting attention from the shortcomings.

The color of the outfit must be selected based on your color type. Bright and saturated colors are suitable for girls with a bright appearance, and light pastel shades are suitable for pale-faced girls. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the color has different undertones and shades. And only during the fitting it will become clear which shade can suit.

Do not forget that in addition to the image of the "princess", there are many more interesting and stylish outfits. For example, royal, as in the collection from Saiid Kobeisy.

The time has already passed when full girls could not choose an outfit for themselves. Now there are many models of graduation dresses that graduates with magnificent forms can afford.

The most suitable are floor-length models. Firstly, they hide the legs, and secondly, they stretch the figure. It is also important to avoid dresses that are too loose, as they will not hide imperfections, but will only increase the already lush volumes. Therefore, the dress should sit on the figure. In the case of too large hips, the emphasis is on the chest, and the skirt should freely go down the legs. The waist can be distinguished with a beautifully decorated belt.

The most unique styles that suit all types of figures are the A-line and models in the Greek style (Empire). They hide the tummy and hips, and also lengthen the silhouette, thereby visually reducing the figure.

red prom dresses

A red dress will attract attention in any case. It can be long evening or short mischievous, have an asymmetrical cut, and the most relevant model is a midi-length bodycon dress. In addition, the red color of the outfit does not require many accessories, since the image will turn out bright without it.

It is important to remember that the red color can visually enlarge the figure, so it is better for slender girls. Dark-skinned brunettes look most impressive in a red dress, but the right shade will emphasize pale skin, as well as blond or red hair.

Black prom dresses

Black is a classic. A classic option is a little black dress, which is perfect for prom. But the most attractive look is a black long dress with a fitted cut or models made of delicate lace.

The versatility of the color allows it to be worn by any color type. Black suits swarthy and pale, but blondes can look very pale.

Blue prom dresses

Blue is a noble color. Moreover, it is now at the peak of popularity, especially its rich variation. Long, flowing blue prom dresses made of dense or light fabric look quite expensive, but short and puffy models look no less interesting.

Blue is not a universal color. It is extremely difficult for pale-faced blondes to choose a shade of blue, but if you do a bright make-up and find your color, then a good result is possible. Dark-skinned girls look spectacular in blue models, and blue-eyed girls will highlight their eyes even more.

A white prom dress is a good solution if the style is not lush. Otherwise, in this color you can pass for a bride. Therefore, it is better to choose short models with a neat, not colorful decoration.

White is basic, but still not for everyone. It looks best on tanned skin, as well as a slender body. The latter is more of a stereotype, but still a white dress is much more difficult to pick up than a black one. To do this, avoid too voluminous styles and shiny fabrics.

White can have several shades- milky, creamy, creamy, pearl. And among them you can choose a beautiful prom dress, which is unlikely to be worn by anyone else.

Green prom dresses

The green color has many variations - herbal, salad, emerald, mint, olive, aquamarine. Therefore, it is quite possible to choose an outfit of this color. It is important to remember that girls with a cold color type need to choose a cold green, and vice versa. Also, the more contrast the appearance, the green should be richer and darker. But for pale-faced graduates, light green shades are suitable.

The most successful look are long, green prom dresses with a narrow top and a flowing skirt from the waistline, as well as cocktail models in rich shades.

Prom Accessories

Accessories should be selected after purchasing the outfit. It must be handbag And decorations, and together with the outfit should get a single image.

Among bags, preference should be given clutches. They do not have to be the same color as the shoes, but this option will be successful in any case. Under the rich and bright color of the outfit, small inconspicuous handbags with a minimum of decorative trim are suitable. Under a simple model, you can pick up a rather bright and shiny clutch.

As for jewelry, here you need to consider not only the cutout on the dress, but also its style. With a bright multi-layered style, jewelry should be almost invisible. But a modest model can be supplemented with a massive necklace, earrings or multi-layered bracelets. It is important that harmony reigns in the image, so it is better not to get carried away with a lot of accessories, and stop at a minimum.

This day is special for each graduate, which means that you need to think over the outfit, accessories, shoes, hairstyle, makeup, and don’t forget about yourself in advance. You can remind yourself of all the items that are mandatory for preparation with the heroine in the video below.