All about age in the modeling business. All about age in the modeling business How to become a model for a woman

Slender young girls dream of a fabulous career. How to become a model without a modeling school? This question is asked by those who are serious and want to know all the nuances and rules. There are special model schools. But, if you have a busy enough life and enough studies in other disciplines, you can prepare yourself to enter the path to the podium.

Specify all the requirements that apply to models of existing agencies and try to assess your chances. Girls can start modeling as early as 14 years old. To do this, you need to be between 175 and 185 cm tall. The circumference of the chest, waist and hips vary, depending on which category you fall into. There are models who have some amazingly beautiful parts of the body, faces, they probably don’t have to be taller than 175. All these details need to be sorted out.

Where to begin?

How to become a model without a modeling school, if your appearance and parameters meet the requirements of agencies? You have to start somewhere. If you decide to become a model, start by building a professional portfolio.

Find an experienced professional photographer and take some good photos. Amateur, sloppy shots will not be considered by any agency. The easiest way to find a professional is to randomly meet a model scout on the street. They are photographers or agents looking for models in public places, among passers-by, on the street. The scout will ask if you are a model, if you want to become one. But the same questions are asked by various scammers. Therefore, you should behave as follows:

  • ask the scout for contact numbers, take a business card, ask about the details, about the company he represents;
    do not share your phone number and address with anyone;
  • returning to your home, check the details received using a reference address book or a search engine on the Internet (Yandex, Google);
  • after you are convinced that the agency exists, type on the Internet “selection of a modeling agency”;
  • call the agency yourself and make an appointment, you have a great chance of signing a job contract.
If the scout has not spotted you in your favorite cafe or on the street, prepare yourself on several points.

Decide on your type of appearance

Depending on your interests and parameters, think about what type of model suits you best, where you can succeed and prosper.

Models high fashion- very popular. Their age is from 16 to 22 years, height is 175-180 cm; the size of outfits is from 40 to 42. The circumference in centimeters of the figure: 86-60-86 .

ran wei- podium. Girls from 175 to 185 cm are suitable for this category. POT (full body circumference): 86-61-86.

plus size girls plus size. In this category there are girls from 157 to 185 cm. The size of outfits is 46-54.

Models for displaying linen. Required age is over 21. Estimated: chest circumference from 86 to 91 cm, waist from 56 to 61 cm, hips from 86 to 91 cm.

Glamorous girls - for pictures in men's magazines, in skimpy outfits, bikinis. The age of these girls is from 18 to 25 years. Chest circumference from 86 to 91 cm, waist - from 56 to 61 cm, hips - from 86 to 91 cm.

Part model. A girl with gorgeous hair, amazing eyes, long fingers, aristocratic hands. They advertise hair care products, expensive accessories and the like.

Teenagers. Girls from 12 to 17 years old. Such girls are photographed for teenage fashion magazines. Relatives must be present at the reception at the agency and throughout the work with the girl.

How to create a good portfolio?

A professional photo album will come in handy in your future activities.

To get started, take at least 5-6 good shots in size 20*30. Two shots should show close-ups of your face, front and side. Don't paint too brightly for this. Makeup is better to apply more natural. Hair should be clean, combed, without bangs, better loose, no complicated hairstyles.

A few more photos are good to take in full growth, in different poses, with different moods. Smile in one photo, make a sad face in another.

In each picture, dress differently, simply, without frills, so that your figure is clearly visible. Some photos are in color, some are black and white.

The agency may offer a list of photographers known to them. You have every right to take advantage of the offer, only if it is not imposed.


Do not leave your data where you are asked to pay for entering into the database, for a photo session, training.

Do not believe if you are promised instant millions, a fabulous career take-off. A serious modeling house never does this and does not require payment.

Go only to an enterprise registered on this market, which has been operating for many years, and is well known in Russian and foreign business.

Experienced agents advise you to learn as much as possible about the model house, to check the information.

Official visit

They sign up for the model house by calling, come on the reception day, fill out a questionnaire on the official website of various agencies of interest, attend a casting.

When going for the first visit, be yourself, do not change the color of your hair, do not do too bright makeup. Modeling house staff will want to see you with natural, light make-up, in simple, form-fitting clothing that does not hide your figure. Show off your well-combed locks, hands with clean nails.

Arrive at your appointment a quarter of an hour before the designated minute. Don't forget to bring your portfolio with you. Be polite, respectful, affable and free, but not vulgar.

Tell the truth about yourself: about your work experience, body size, health, hobbies, knowledge of foreign languages.

Visit effect

If at the first visit you were refused, do not despair, maybe next year or in another model house your type is required. Everything flows and changes. Jobs are fluid.

Turning to another agency, analyze the comments made to you, show the portfolio to professionals, take into account the mistakes made.

If you receive a positive result, the agency should offer you to conclude a cooperation contract. How to become a model without a model school is now clear.

In an exclusive contract, the agency secures the right to charge interest and obliges you to work only with them. A non-exclusive contract gives you the right to look for work on your own.

Do not sign the contract until you have read it fully. Show a copy of the document to a trusted lawyer. Make sure all clauses of the contract are acceptable. At home, study the document slowly. Do not agree with additions that are not indicated in writing in the document.

After you are sure of all the details, sign the document. We wish you success and prosperity.

Remembering her teenage years, almost every second girlfriend from the yard dreamed of becoming a model. Is it true? We looked with admiration at the long-legged luxurious beauties defiling on the catwalks of Milan, Paris and New York, watched with bated breath how they pose in front of the lenses and act in films and videos. We wanted that too. Since that time, everything has changed: we grew up and did not become top models, but girls are still wondering how to become a model - successful, desirable, rich and famous. The new generation of top models, it-girls, who made their careers thanks to Instagram, teaches us to be natural, but at the same time work on this naturalness, build a personal brand and strengthen it with all available image marketing methods.

What is a parent agency? MA is an agency from the home country of the model, which finds foreign agencies for its ward and helps to conclude contracts with them. For its services, the parent agency (in our opinion - "mother") receives 10% of the earnings of the model abroad.

Solely because this X agency was already representing a couple of my model friends who spoke highly of it, I decided to take a chance and persuaded my father to sign a two-year contract with them.

After signing this contract, I was invited a couple of times to the agency for trial shooting (tests). I took about 10 "professional" photos. And literally a month later we signed my first contract with a foreign agency. In my case it was Hong Kong. But in any other case, it could be Paris, or Milan, or New York. It all depends on the contacts that your mother agency has, and, of course, your appearance. I want to emphasize that I did not pay for trial photos or anything else!

All this I lead to the fact that I personally have little faith in the stories of agencies, that you first need to go through modeling school, pay a certain amount of money, make a portfolio, then you will be entered into the database, and “we will call you.”

All this “smells” like an elementary “pumping out” of money.

If you look at the beginning of the career of any top model, then it was the scouts who found each of them: someone in the fruit market (Natalia Vodianova), someone in the airport (Kate Moss), someone in the shopping center (Gisele Bündchen), someone in a nightclub (Claudia Schiffer) and so on. The list is endless!

On their vivid example, it is obvious that no one graduated from any model schools, did not pay anyone anything, they simply believed in them, they saw potential in them. That's all. You can learn how to walk the catwalk and pose yourself, if there is a desire.

Having flown abroad, I did not know anything, but I had a crazy desire to learn. I asked my acquaintances, already successful models, to teach me how to pose and walk on the catwalk, listened carefully to the photographer's instructions about the angles of my face, studied the already finished pictures and memorized the poses that were beneficial for me.

"The road will be mastered by the walking one."

Everything comes with practice, so do not think that you can become a model only after completing a special school or courses. If they see potential in you, they will invest money and give you the opportunity to return this money when you start earning. And not vice versa.

I am by no means saying that you should not go to a modeling agency yourself. Maybe you just never met a Model Scout on the street (although these days they go to both public schools and universities). Perhaps you should come to a modeling agency and just “show yourself”.

But be careful.

Don't be fooled by agents telling you that you have to pay right away for portfolios, makeup lessons, catwalk lessons, and so on. - only to be included in the database of models. This is most likely how it will end. You will part with a solid amount of money, gain little-needed knowledge about which brush to apply blush on your cheeks, and will remain “hanging” in their base.

This is the basis for the money earnings of little-known agencies.

If you still have a desire to become a model, do not be lazy, ask your friends and girlfriends of girlfriends: there will probably be already working models among them who can bring you to their agency and introduce you to their agent.

This happened to me when I decided to change my parent agency "X" to a more successful agency, let's call it "Y". My friend has been working with "Y" for a long time and was very pleased with them. I asked her to introduce me to her agent, which she gladly did. After a half-hour conversation, I had a contract in my hands with the agency "Y", which collaborated with agencies in Europe and America, and not just Asian ones, as was the case with "X".

Every girl at least once in her childhood imagined herself as a model gracefully defiling along the catwalk or posing in front of a photographer. Then it seemed to us that the life of models is carefree and full of joys: big money, fame and numerous fans. But what is really fraught with a modeling career? What difficulties will you have to overcome on the way to success? So let's open the cards...

Varieties of modeling business

Before you become a model or give your child there in order to ensure a chic future, you need to have at least some idea of ​​​​the traditions of the fashion industry, types of modeling business and what kind of "tricks" this prestigious profession is fraught with.
To date, there are several areas of modeling business:

top models(they are fashion models) - girls who professionally demonstrate clothing models of various fashion houses. Catwalk models are by far the most in demand, they work in the so-called live shows, which are broadcast all over the world. The task of top models is to profitably present this or that outfit in such a way as to encourage people to buy clothes. As a rule, the height of fashion models is not less than 170 cm, and the weight is not more than 55 kg, but, of course, there are exceptions. There are also age restrictions. Today become a model at 14- this is normal, and even correct, because then there will be more time for self-improvement and development in the field of modeling business. But to make a career on the podium after 20 years is almost impossible.

With fashion models the case is different. Unlike fashion models, fashion models are girls and boys professionally posing in front of the camera. The main requirement for such girls is photogenicity, the ability to pose correctly and naturally, as well as the ideal condition of the skin, hair and teeth. The height and weight of a person here is already of secondary importance. But an important role in this work is played by the girl's penchant for acting, because sometimes you have to portray either an innocent girl or an angry tigress, and here, as you know, one cannot do without artistic skills. Be sure to read the article about one of the most popular modern fashion models -.

fitness models
- these are girls who regularly engage in strength training, fitness and improving their own body, thanks to which they take part in photo shoots, videos and promotional activities. The emphasis in the work of such models is placed, first of all, on a spectacular sports figure, a harmoniously developed athletic physique. Fitness models are constantly participating in various competitions and media projects in order to demonstrate a luxurious athletic figure and get paid for it, as, for example, a bikini fitness champion does -
As you can see, models are different, and the modeling business itself is very multifaceted and which path to choose - each decides independently, and at the age of 14-15 years. The main thing is not to shelve your stellar plans, otherwise become a model at 30 no longer possible, unless, of course, you look like a teenager.

Where is modeling taught and why are modeling agencies needed?

Entering the fashion industry and achieving fame is not so easy. A pretty face and an asthenic figure are not enough for this. You can’t do without certain knowledge and skills, and you need to gain experience anywhere, but in special model schools.
Firstly, classes at modeling schools provide an opportunity to participate in fashion shows, prestigious photo shoots, sign contracts with well-known advertising companies and fashion houses. In other words, it is precisely such schools that the future "sharks of the fashion industry" are born, who will stop at nothing on the way to their dreams. Here you will be taught the rules of the fashion show, they will show you how to move along the catwalk, it is advantageous to stand in front of a photo and video camera, and you will be given basic knowledge about the style and art of proper makeup.

How to announce yourself?

The first and most important condition for a "breakthrough" of a young model is the presence of a good professional portfolio. This is a kind of visiting card of the model, especially for those who decide to devote themselves to photography. A set of shots must be perfect if you want to get a job with a good agency. The portfolio should contain at least 2-3 portraits (full face, profile and three-quarters), a few waist-length shots and more full-length photos.
Free themes are also welcome if it shows you from good angles. If you want to reveal your talent, then hold a photo session with several photographers, and in different genres: studio photography, street photography, erotic photography, and so on. This will give you the opportunity to master the skills of posing, so that later you feel free and at ease.

How to get a job?

The difficulty of finding a job is often due to the lack of work experience or skills in professional posing, defile and other skills for cover girls. The first thing to take care of is to be confident in your courage and readiness to learn. A magnificent well-groomed appearance is your main trump card, which will become an advantage in employment. But, in addition to external data, you need to have a basic arsenal of a future supermodel: a portfolio, a certificate of graduation from a model school, recommendations, if any. Next, use the Internet: find sites with vacancies for top photo models, leave a resume, attach some professional photos (portrait, full-length photo, photo in a swimsuit) and wait for an invitation to the casting. The more resumes you send to different agencies, the higher your chances of finding a job.

success and fame

It is impossible to predict your success in advance, you yourself are the architect of your happiness. Unfortunately, just knowing how to become a famous model is not enough, you need to act endlessly: participate in various competitions, photo shoots, presentations, do not refuse anything, even low-paid projects. To put it differently, you need to permanently declare yourself and advertise in every possible way, no matter how “commercial” it sounds, but it is difficult to achieve fame and money in another way. This is the path that many top models have gone through, as well as the sharks of the modeling business: Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell. It's hard to believe that these stars once paraded for $200 a day?! Today it is their daily income. Feel the difference. In this profession, endurance, zeal, and determination are important, otherwise no natural data will help. Do not stop and develop, and then success will be with you!

Every second girl dreams or has ever dreamed of becoming a model. Dreams do come true, don't you know?

Recall the parable of the poor man who really wanted to win the lottery. To do this, it was enough just to buy a ticket!

How to get the same “lucky ticket” to the best catwalks in Paris and New York?

It is worth following some simple rules.

Do you really need it? Perhaps the world of fashion only seems so easy, fun and alluring? To get started, find out more. Ask friends who are connected with the modeling world. If there are none, it doesn't matter, now some cards will be revealed. So, it is worth understanding that this is primarily a business, that is, making money. You will have to run around castings (of which there can be about 10 a day, all in different parts of a city you do not know), get up at 5 in the morning and go to bed at one in the morning, work on the set and be away from loved ones. Dada, in addition to fame and universal adoration, this also happens. Are you ready to go through this to reach your goal? If yes, let's move on.

What do you need to look like to become a model? There are not so many requirements, but they are all very strict. The main thing is growth. Girls need tall, that is, not less than 171 cm, and for high fashion - not less than 175 cm. You should not assume that there should be many good people in the modeling business. On the contrary, the circumference of the hips should not exceed 90 cm, the waist should not exceed 63 cm. The girth of the chest is not so important, the main thing is that it does not look “heavy”. It is better to knock on modeling at a young age - from 14 years old. At 15-16, you are most likely to make a successful career. At 22, those chances are much smaller. In no case should there be scars, piercings and tattoos on the body. It is desirable to grow long hair, this is very welcome. Hair color should be natural, and the structure should not be damaged. Nails and heels should be well-groomed. The face should be beautiful and bright.

Appearance is half the battle. Next, you need to have a certain character. The model should have such qualities as: sociability, dedication, diligence, modesty (in moderation), charisma and the ability to present oneself. It is very important to know English!

Now let's get to the creative part. You need to take a couple of good pictures where you can be seen. Pictures are divided into 2 categories: snaps and the photos themselves. Snaps are your "technical" material. In these photos you should be what you are in ordinary life. This is a set of 6 photos: 3 full length (front, profile, back), 3 portraits (same). You can also play with emotions - show a smile, anger, etc. There should be no retouching, makeup or jewelry on these photos. They are made in a swimsuit (so that the figure can be seen) and black high-heeled shoes. In daylight, they can be made at home on any digital camera - for this you need a person who will take pictures (not necessarily a photographer) and a solid background (you can hang a sheet).

Other photos should be beautiful, ideological, interesting. This is where fantasy can run wild! There are many photographers who arrange photo shoots for free, on the terms of the TFP. One has only to google or search for ads on thematic sites (for example, You can also find many groups of TFP photographers on Vkontakte. Make a couple of shoots - and feel free to send a photo to the agency!

Where to send them and how not to get to the charlatans? Unfortunately, no one will provide insurance. It's worth doing a little research. First collect information about all agencies in the search engine. If you are from a small town where there are no modeling agencies, it does not matter. Metropolitan agencies can work remotely, sending you immediately to work in America, Europe or Asia. So you have a list. Look at the girls that are on the site. They must be beautiful, with experience and a good set of professional shots. Study the news feed of the agency - read about their achievements, what kind of work the girls do, where and how much they travel. All these are objective indicators of the agency's success. The age of the agency is also very important - the more it is on the market, the more experience, clients, models, better reputation.

Have you chosen? Now feel free to fill out the form. On the website of each agency there is either a registration section or contact details (e-mail) where you can send a questionnaire. Don't forget to include your height, age, measurements and feedback. Attach snaps and photos. If you approach - the answer will not keep you waiting!