Everything happens for the first time. If you are not in the first place with him: what to do

We continue the rubric for girls. Once, a girl asked me how to find out if a guy is a virgin or not? And I thought, because the question is really interesting. :) If you look at the general case, the girl will not be able to understand this.

Most girls do not even suspect that there are several fairly reliable signs that allow you to almost accurately determine whether a guy is a virgin. You just need to take a closer look at the guy and his actions.

A normal guy who has had sex more than once and knows firsthand what it is - behaves a little differently. As an adult, you might say. His behavior in certain situations varies greatly.

GIRLS! Asking a guy the question “Tell me, are you a virgin?”, You will never get an objective answer. If he is a virgin, he will say that he is not a virgin. If not a virgin, he will also say that he is not a virgin. That's what we are guys. For us, to say that you are a virgin is considered low. We are afraid to admit it.

But, my beloved girls, do not despair :) Because there are several ways to almost accurately recognize if this particular guy is a virgin.

So, I will list the main signs of behavior that are typical for guys who have never had sex with a girl. With the help of them, a girl can easily determine that a guy is a virgin.

Sign 1. He gets embarrassed when you start talking about sex.

You are talking to a guy. On all topics, he calmly talks to you, but he doesn’t want to talk about sex. As soon as you start a conversation, he tries in every possible way to avoid it and move the topic in a different direction. When you ask about his sexual experience, he cannot specifically describe to you what he had. At the same time, he sometimes giggles stupidly and blushes. This is in most cases. It happens, of course, that the guy is just very modest. It happens rarely, but it happens. Therefore, start such a conversation only when you are alone and do not start a conversation with this topic. Talk to start on a few abstract topics, and then smoothly start the topic of sex.

Sign 2. Stupid questions.

The guy asks you questions like: "Are you still a virgin?". Guys who know firsthand what sex is, such questions will never be asked. Trust me, they'll just check. And if so, then you yourself will tell them about it, you will not get anywhere. :)

Sign 3. The guy is very indecisive.

It's not hard to understand here. The guy is very indecisive in his actions towards you. For example, you have no one at home, you invited him to your place. He came, you started kissing, and you keep kissing and kissing. At the same time, he very modestly and gently touches your body. You are already just sick of kissing, you unfasten your bra, and he still hesitantly touches his chest, kisses you and does not move further. You are already at the limit, you yourself throw him on the bed, you start to undress, and he somehow slowly and hesitantly takes off his T-shirt ... Well, something like that. I think you got it. :)

Sign 4. He is not trying to seduce you.

He does not give you a clear hint that he wants to have sex with you. If you are left alone, he does not pounce on you like a tiger, tearing his shirt off. He's just at a loss as to what to do next. At the same time, when you start hinting at something, he can find a bunch of excuses. I don’t have a condom, what if yours come back, and what if they notice us ... blah blah blah ... Just afraid, I guess. :) Although, what is there to be afraid of then?)))

Sign 5. He is a complete zero in bed.

Undress you, it finally came to sex, and then you realize that the guy does not even know what and where. Then, when you nevertheless show him (or nature directs you where necessary), you don’t have sex, but some kind of incomprehensible crap. Yes, you yourself, I think, will immediately understand everything. :) The guy is definitely a virgin.

A little caveat about a guy's first sex. Many, for some reason, believe that “everything will end before it starts.” Judging by my experience, I would not say so. My first time was long enough and enjoyable for both. :)

If your boyfriend is just like that, and you really like him, and you want to sleep with him, there is one way to untie his tongue. There is one move in which he will surely tell you that he is a virgin.

Action 1. Don't ask him about it.

Don't ask a guy if he's a virgin. See signs above. If they approach him, then just draw a conclusion.

Action 2. Say one phrase to him.

Tell him something like “Damn, you know I would love to have sex with a guy who has never been with a girl before. This innocence, purity and indecision excites me so much. Even if it won’t be long sex, and he doesn’t really know how to do anything, but I’m just stunned by this!

Quite simple and, at the same time, almost trouble-free. :)

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No matter how the supporters of platonic love argue, but sex plays a dominant role in relationships. And for the relationship to be harmonious, both partners must understand this. In many cases, people who love each other break up precisely because of sexual incompatibility. This is not about youthful curiosity and knowledge of the world of love.

Among adults, it can be quite difficult to answer the question: how to know if a girl or guy is a virgin. In some cases, this person will not wish to reveal himself voluntarily.

But what if you want love, and everything is perfect, but the guy is a virgin or very inexperienced in this matter? This question cannot be ignored, especially if real feelings flared up between partners.

Understanding is important

If the guy does not give a direct answer to the question about sexual experience, then you yourself will have to answer the question of how to understand that the guy in front of you is a virgin. Of course, now we are not talking about inexperienced 15-year-old boys and girls. But it often happens when a completely adult, successful and handsome man does not have a relationship with the opposite sex.

Unlike teenagers, they probably won't openly report their virginity. And if feelings for such a man are strong, then such a conversation or an incorrectly posed question can lead to awkwardness and even resentment.

Many men are embarrassed by this issue and prefer not to discuss it not only in the presence of a woman, but even friends. Therefore, when communicating with such a man, one should be careful when discussing a sexual topic. If you see that this topic is unpleasant for him, and he tries to avoid it, then you should not give in to your own curiosity and try to get as much information out of him as possible.

On the contrary, try to be loyal to him and approach the discussion of this topic from afar. It is important to understand what is happening in his soul, and how he himself relates to this. Perhaps he has special principles regarding sex. But also the reason for virginity can be hidden in childhood insults and youthful disappointments.

If a relationship with this man is really important to you, then try to prove to him that he is the best in the whole wide world. To make a man feel loved and increase his confidence is to win him over. And if you open your soul to him, then he will allow you to look inside yourself.

But if it so happened that the lover turned out to be a virgin and considered it unnecessary to say or warn about it, then, in no case, you need to “ puff your eyes" or laugh at him. Such a reaction can scare away or it will completely close.

We must not forget that all people are different. Some may constantly talk about sexual topics and even discuss related films without having personal experience. But it may happen that you come across a one-man guy who does not want to share his body with anyone else and perceives love and sexual connection as something sacred.

Often this behavior is related to upbringing or religion, but if you really fell in love with such a guy, then think carefully about what to do if the guy is a virgin.

In such a relationship, it is important to remember that in the event of a breakup, the guy will consider you a real traitor. Therefore, it is better to think carefully about the feelings you experience before swearing love to him.

What to do and how to behave?

Let's say you managed to find out for sure that the new lover never had sexual contact. Now it remains to understand how to behave in such a situation in order to fully experience the love of such a relationship and allow the partner to open up.

If with the question of how to understand that the new guy is a real virgin, you figured it out and have already got used to this unusual thought, then it remains to think about how to have sex with him, by the way, the first in his life.

  • special attention to the situation;
  • a new set of erotic lingerie;
  • avoid failure;
  • surround with care and love.

The environment really plays a big role. A guy who has no sexual experience will feel more relaxed if the setting is romantic and exciting at the same time.

To do this, you can dim the lights or light candles, turn on suitable music or fill the bed with silk (or velvet) sheets. All this will contribute to his complete alienation from the familiar world and will finally allow him to engage in this magically pleasant action.

You can prepare in advance and buy a new set of underwear. Of course, it should not be panties with hearts or bears. An important emphasis should be given to the exciting effect. However, don't overdo it! After all, a virgin man may not like it if you create for yourself the image of a geisha. Therefore, skillfully use such attributes as garters and stockings with an interesting ornament.

Perhaps, in his conversations or stories, he casually mentioned what exactly turns him on, what he likes - take this into account and apply it in preparation.

Since you already know that your lover is a virgin, you should perfectly understand that before his first sex he will be terribly worried. This is typical of him and quite logical. Therefore, you must make every effort to ensure that his mind is relaxed. Only a certain part of the body should be tense, but you yourself understand this very well.

We've been dating for six months now. He is older than me by a year. Everything was wonderful, but just two weeks ago there was some kind of chill. Recently, he got a new job, which began to require more time, and he was very worried that we began to see each other less often because of this. I thought it had something to do with it. But we talked, and he told me that the fact is that this is his first relationship and he began to doubt his feelings for me a little, because they are no longer the same as before. He says he wants to be with me, but something needs to change. And I'm tormented by the fact that I'm his first. I really want to be with him, but I'm very worried about his doubts. Maybe he fell out of love, and there is no point in trying to return something?

Ksyu, St. Petersburg, 22 years old / 06.12.06

Opinions of our experts

  • Alyona

    You know, I would guess that he had someone. Not at the level of a relationship that has already begun, but at the level of sympathy. For example, in the place where he works, there is a girl he likes. Hence the doubts that suddenly began in feelings for you. But “doubted” and “fallen out of love” are two big differences. And I wouldn’t give up right away right away, unless, of course, you really love him, and don’t hold on to him according to the principle “this one is better than no one.” He himself says that he wants to be with you - excellent. At the same time, in his opinion, “something needs to be changed”? Also good. So talk to him about this in more detail. What exactly would he like to change in your relationship? Where did self-doubt come from? You can even directly ask if he met a girl who liked him more than you. So naively ask, they say, a school friend had a similar situation and it turned out that her beloved was carried away by another girl who did not reciprocate. In general, in your situation, the main thing is not to close everyone in yourself, but to communicate, share fears and hopes, and make plans for the future. And feelings ... they cannot be constantly at the same level of tension. It is just normal that from stormy emotions they moved into a calm channel. So don't give up.

  • Sergei

    Every relationship develops. And the fact that at such a young age, when external circumstances change, relationships also change - this is natural. Just as you grow up, so do your feelings. There is nothing terrible here. Of course, we are all people, but if you love each other, if you want to be together, then everything will be fine. Surround the young man with care. Tell him more often that you love him, that you are proud of him, that you want to be with him, that everything will work out for you ... In general, it’s not for me to tell you what to sing in your ears. Be together more often. Think of common things. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to explain this in a simpler way, but the more often your young man feels like a “father of the family”, the more difficult it will be for him to refuse this. My wife and I, at one time, met, diverged, converged for more than two years. I love it, I don't. She was tired, then I was tired of everything. But, getting together after another "divorce", while still students, we went south together in the summer. But not alone, but with a juvenile brother and sister. That is, in fact, a full-fledged family, with two children. After this trip, I already knew for sure that I needed this particular woman and I would definitely get married, no matter who would interfere with me. True, after six years of marriage, we nevertheless divorced again, temporarily, but this once again confirms that relations are developing. In general, do not worry. Everything will be alright.

When two people love each other, it seems to them that there is no one else in the world. What if not? What if someone alone loves more? What if you are not number one for him? Undoubtedly, every woman, girl dreams of a wonderful relationship and wants to see a caring man around her who is ready to devote as much of her free time as possible to her. But, unfortunately, not always everything turns out the way we want. Sometimes fate (yes, it is) gives us such surprises for which we are not ready.

Girls and so all the time complain about the so-called attention deficit.

One can only imagine how difficult it is for those persons who for their person are not the most important joy in life. Yes, there are some. They'd rather hang out with friends, family, or other girls than you. And it doesn't matter that you already had joint plans for tonight. If friends call him, in this case you will simply not be able to influence his decision in any way.

Then, maybe you should think about whether this is your person?

Do you need this attitude? Do you love him enough to tolerate this? But if the feelings are really so strong that you are ready to fight for your love with all your might, then you will have to try hard so that the man begins to pay enough attention to you.

First, try to explain to your chosen one how you feel.

Explain how dear he is to you, what dreams you have…. And in general, find out his plans for you. Are you dear to him? Maybe he considers you a temporary hobby. Then why do you need this relationship? After a conversation, a truly loving person will understand that he hurts you every time he puts the interests of someone above your own. If a person does not understand this, then there may be two reasons for this. Or he just doesn't love you. Or he can't put himself in your place.

Such a person is not used to thinking about the interests of the people around him (often happens with businessmen). In this case, if you can’t get through to him verbally, maybe you should show him visually? If you have another joint plans, say that you have other things to do. For example, a friend asked for help, mom calls for a visit, or something like that.

In the end, you can always find something for yourself.

Assess his reaction, but do not immediately begin to sort things out. When you get home and he decides to talk to you, ask how he felt. Now let him imagine how you feel all the time when he chooses someone else instead of the time spent with you. After this case, the relationship between you will either improve, or simply nothing will happen. Then, most likely, you are just dealing with an unemotional person who is not sensitive to the experiences of others.

In this case, it’s up to you to choose whether to continue living with him as he is (since he is unlikely to change, this is a psychological issue), or to look for another prince who will take into account your feelings, for whom your opinion will not be an empty phrase.

https://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/1461323425-1024x683.jpghttps://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/1461323425-150x150.jpg 2017-10-24T14:53:23+07:00 PsyPage Relations love, man and woman, relationship, psychologyWhen two people love each other, it seems to them that there is no one else in the world. What if not? What if someone alone loves more? What if you are not number one for him? Undoubtedly, every woman, girl dreams of a wonderful relationship and wants to see a caring man around her, ...PsyPage