Types of cradles. Overview of baby cradles for newborns. Best cradle: rating of cradles for newborns

Young parents are often interested in choosing the right bed for a newborn. The main reason for the relevance of this issue is that in the first months after birth, the child mostly sleeps, and, indeed, it is very important to choose a suitable bed for him, which will provide him with a good rest. After all, how well a child rests depends on his mood, well-being, health and development.

An important reason for a serious and balanced approach in choosing a crib is also its convenience for parents, taking into account their specific preferences and conditions.

Currently, the crib market is represented by a huge number of models and sometimes it is very difficult to understand what to give preference to. Therefore, I would like to clarify what types of cribs are, as well as what are their features and differences.

The very first bed of your child - the cradle - is the best solution for the little ones!

There is an opinion that in them the child is more comfortable and familiar due to the fact that they fit his height, so he falls asleep better and feels more protected. For newborns, cradles are very well suited, cute and compact. These models have low sides, so they are only for children who still show a minimum of activity and cannot stand up on their own. In addition, they are also of small length, which also limits their use until the child reaches 4-6 months of age. Convenience for parents is that many cradles are equipped with wheels, so they are easy to move around the house. And thanks to their compactness, a sleeping baby can be easily placed where you are, and he is always under your control.

Fashionable and beautiful cradles, for example, Simplicity (Simplicity) 3046, Simplicity (Simplicity) 3050, Jetem Sweeyt Dream (Zhetem), equipped with an electronic motion sickness system, lighting and lullaby melodies - they have great potential and are made in a modern style. There are models of a traditional appearance, for example, Gandylyan Lily with a pendulum and Red Star (Mozhga) Sofyushka S 852, wooden in natural colors - these were exactly the same in the old days.

Your baby is always with you in the baby bed.

Very comfortable models that have appeared relatively recently, but at the same time are already very popular. These small wooden cribs, which turn into side beds due to a removable wall, can also be ordinary isolated cradles. Due to their small size, these models are very cozy and comfortable for the baby and will suit him up to six months. The main advantage of side cribs is that the child gets used to sleeping separately, but at the same time he is safe and close, which allows you to have more rest and not go to the other side of the room at night, for example, to feed him. In general, it is very convenient for new mothers and allows them to save a lot of time and energy. The most popular side cribs - My baby Krokha, Red Star (Mozhga) Malusha C751 - are wooden stable structures with adjustable bottom height. Many modern cradles can also be transformed into such a model.

Known for a long time baby rocking beds for easy falling asleep of your crumbs.

These models with runners provide sweet sleep to the baby very easily and softly. On modern cribs, rocking chairs, as a rule, it is possible to install wheels that can be fixed and make the crib motionless. There are a lot of options - these are cribs with drawers, with various carvings and a set of other useful features. An example of popular rocking cribs is SLE Berezka 12011, Kubanlesstroy Buttercup AB 15.0, Krasnaya Zvezda (Mozhga) Lyubasha - inexpensive and at the same time very strong and safe for the baby.

Sturdy classic baby cribs suitable for any home

These models are very well suited for older kids who get up, jump and play on their own. For easy care of the baby, the front wall of the classic cribs is easily lowered, which can then be raised and fixed so that the child can play safely inside. Models are equipped with a wide range of features: a lowering bottom, a removable front wall that turns the bed into a sofa, drawers for linen. Many classic baby cribs can be equipped with casters, for example, to make it easier to move furniture during cleaning. The Mozhginsky Timber Plant Carolina and Giovanni Belcanto Lux with a large number of attractive colors are very popular. They are strong enough and without difficulty will serve your baby for several years, and mothers will be pleased that for the convenience of their care for the newborn, the bottom can be raised.

The most popular baby cots for sweet sleep

Recently, young parents are increasingly giving their preference to these particular models. The child falls asleep very well in a crib equipped with a transverse or longitudinal pendulum mechanism that gently rocks his bed. The model begins to sway smoothly from a light push, which reminds the child of lulling mommy on the handles, so he quickly falls asleep. The universal pendulum mechanism allows you to independently choose what kind of swing the crib will have, longitudinal or transverse, and then change it if you wish. Models have a wide range of features and are able to meet the needs of your child as he grows up. Thanks to the removable front wall, the pendulum bed turns into a sofa. Models Vedruss Lana 3, Baby Elite Sleeping Bear and Island of Comfort Bows are in great demand.

Winning in all respects transforming cribs for forward-thinking parents

These models, thanks to the innovative developments of modern manufacturers, are able to provide all the necessary furniture for your child from birth to the age of 12-14 years. Initially, a transforming crib is a properly equipped sleeping place for a newborn, which, as a rule, is adjacent to a chest of drawers with a changing table and a drawer at the bottom of the bed. Thus, all baby things are always at hand when you change your baby or put him to bed. The main advantage of transforming cribs is that when your child grows up, you can transform this design into a whole set of actual furniture: a teenage bed up to 170 cm in length, a desk and a bedside table. Very popular and sought-after models of this kind: Chunga-changa Island of Comfort and Glamvers Barocco. And transformers EllipseBed and Fealta-baby Luna 5 in 1 turn into a round or oval bed, a sofa, an arena and a table with chairs.

Also be sure to think about accessories for a crib. The bumper and canopy will provide additional care and comfort to the baby: they will protect from drafts, light and insects. When buying a baby crib, do not forget to check whether the accessories you have chosen will fit it. With the help of these important additions, you will also add tenderness and fabulousness to the interior of the nursery.

Thus, at present, cots for newborns are represented by 6 types: cradles, side-by-side, rocking chairs, classic, pendulum and transformers. Of course, it is difficult to predict which model will be most comfortable for your child. In any case, each manufacturer, as a rule, in cooperation with pediatricians and neonatologists, carefully takes into account all the features of newborns, offers products that are suitable for babies and comfortable for young parents. Therefore, all cribs and cradles are very high quality and good. The final choice is ultimately yours!

A cradle is a small rocking bed for a newborn. It is a hanging product or a bed on special legs. Previously, it looked like a wicker basket with sides tied to two supports. The main function was motion sickness. Then there were products on wheels, reminiscent of strollers. You can take them with you and rock a restless child. Modern models are improved, equipped with innovative options. They can turn on automatically, reacting to the sound of the baby. They operate in several modes, have a remote control panel.

The cradle for the baby is a convenience for mothers and for the baby. With its help, you can quickly calm a crying baby, and when choosing an electronic model, the crib can do it for you. At the same time, a soothing melody and soft light are turned on. And in some models, you can record the mother's voice and use the audio recording if necessary.

Types of cradles

A wide range of cribs put parents in doubt. Among the existing species, it is important to understand that the cradle is, first of all, a functional and practical item. In order to make it easier to determine which model is suitable for the baby, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the existing types:

  • The classic look is common and is made of wood (you can choose in a wicker modern style). Forged elements give an aesthetic look to the classic type.
  • Swing cradles got their name from their support, which resembles a swing. The ease of use of the view is that due to the wheels, it is easy to move. The basis of the model is located on cross supports.
  • Electronic view. An indispensable assistant for parents, since the mechanism, reacting to the movements and crying of the baby, begins to gently sway the product. You can soothe or attract the child's attention with music, and use the backlight for night time.

It is known that the cradle is a cozy comfortable bed, and it is complemented by useful accessories, and the electronic model for babies is supplemented with an auxiliary mechanism, for example, movements in a circle. You can turn on pleasant flickering lights, which are interesting for the baby to watch, and then calmly fall asleep.

Right choice

At the time of choosing and buying, you should not save and look for cheap options, because a quality product is a guarantee of the safety of the baby, and you will be calmer that nothing will happen to the child. When choosing, consider the following points:

  • Fastening. Since the cradle is a hanging type of crib, first of all, there must be a reliable fastening. Pay attention to the details, whether they match each other.
  • The material from which the mount is made. All parts and fasteners connecting the cradle to the support are made of durable metal. It is not recommended to choose fasteners made of wood or plastic.
  • Cradle size. Despite the fact that the cradle is designed for newborns, space is important for the child. Choose a model with a wide cradle.
  • Additional accessories. At the moment of swaddling, especially if this is not a favorite activity for the child, and he cries in the process of this action, mothers should have everything at hand. It is recommended to choose products where there is a basket for things, a changing table. Thus, the crib will become a place for the baby to sleep, as well as for storing his personal belongings.

It is important to take into account the material from which the cradle is made for newborns. Do not choose synthetic materials, only natural, so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the child. Often the base of the product is made of wood. At the time of purchase, check with the seller what kind of varnish is covered, because chemical components can harm the health of the baby.

Additional accessories

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to useful accessories. For example, on a mattress and a bed set. It is not recommended to buy a cover that is too soft, it is better if it is hard, for example, from coconut coir. It is advisable to buy a mattress with a cradle, because it will be easier to choose the size. If this is not possible, then measure the length and make sure that the difference between the mattress and the crib is not more than one centimeter. Bed linen should be made from natural environmentally friendly material. Additionally, you can purchase metal blockers for support.


Many people ask the question, cradle, what is it and what should it be like? The atmosphere reigning in the baby's cradle should remind you of the life spent inside the mother. This will allow the child to quickly calm down during crying. The product can be easily moved, does not take up much space in the house, perfectly decorates any interior, and additional accessories and mechanisms will become indispensable helpers for parents. Recommendations will help you choose the right model, which is a guarantee of peace and comfort for your baby. It is important to remember that the cradle is the key to healthy sleep for the growing body of the child.

The main function of cradles with an electronic mechanism is motion sickness of newborns. In addition to performing the main task, electronic rocking chairs have a lot of advantages and additional characteristics:

Modern models of rocking chairs are completely safe for the child and are made of natural materials. They have a beneficial effect both on the physical development of the baby and the strengthening of his vestibular apparatus, thanks to the correct anatomical shape of the bed and swaying movements, and on the nervous system, making the child’s sleep strong and healthy.

The cradle must be equipped with straps to secure the child.. If you are not around, the child should be fastened so that he does not fall out of the crib.


  1. floor– the cradle is fixed on a support rack. There are three types of support structures:
    • L-shaped - has good stability.
    • U-shaped - practical and mobile.
    • O-shaped - strong and reliable.
  2. Portable– the bed can be easily removed and fastened back, and the stand remains in place.
  3. Transformer- a design that, through simple manipulations, is able to take various forms:
    • rocking chair;
    • sun lounger;
    • swing;
    • child seat.

Overview of the best models

Jetem Surf

  1. Folding floor swing with O-shaped support.
  2. The mattress is made of airtight fabric, legs are made of plastic (rubberized), stands are made of aluminum.
  3. There are three swing speed modes, two backrest positions (sitting and reclining). Additionally supplied with:
    • motion sickness timer;
    • music block with 3 melodies;
    • stick for attaching toys;
    • countertop;
    • storage case.
  4. Designed for a maximum weight of 11 kg.
  5. Powered by mains or 4 batteries (C type R14).
  6. Unfolded dimensions - 73 * 58 * 60 cm. Seat size - 74 * 40 cm. Product weight - 4.9 kg.
  7. Price - 4500-5000 rubles.


  • low cost;
  • a large selection of colors (6 types);
  • do not take up much space.


  • narrow functionality;
  • low quality materials.

Caretego Bugies

  1. Folding floor swing with U-shaped support.
  2. Materials: metal, plastic, textiles.
  3. Equipped with:
    • 5 motion sickness speeds (back and forth, side to side);
    • 90 degree swivel seat
    • off timer (in increments of 8.15 and 30 minutes);
    • musical accompaniment (12 melodies);
    • washable liner with removable headrest;
    • detachable hood with mosquito net;
    • carousel with hanging toys;
    • lamp.
  4. Maximum weight up to 12 kg.
  5. Powered by mains or 4 batteries (LR20).
  6. Unfolded dimensions - 110 * 90 * 104 cm. Seat size - 35 * 44 * 52 cm. Product weight - 9.2 kg.
  7. The average price is 13,000 rubles.


  • convenient management;
  • eco-friendly material;
  • the presence of a large number of functions;
  • do not make much noise;
  • swivel seat.


  • price;
  • large size.

We offer you to watch a video about the Caretego Bugies carrycot:

Caretego Indigo

  1. Swing-transformer (rocking chair and chair).
  2. Seat upholstery in PVC with cotton insert, aluminum legs using plastic.
  3. Available:
    • 5 speeds of motion sickness;
    • voluminous back;
    • 6 levels of height adjustment;
    • adjustable footrest;
    • shutdown timer;
    • double shelf for feeding;
    • removable toy holder.
  4. Powered by an adapter or 4 batteries (type LR14).
  5. External dimensions - 60x90x103cm. Seat size - 33 * 22 cm and back - 33 * 47 cm, folded 58x60x110 cm. Weight - 14.1 kg.
  6. The average price is 13600 rubles.


  • can be used as a high chair up to 3-4 years (weighing up to 15 kg.);
  • multifunctionality;
  • modern design;
  • quality.


  • price;
  • size;
  • product weight.

Pituso Malaga

  1. Swing-transformer (swing and deck chair).
  2. Available:
    • 5 swing speeds;
    • 3 backrest adjustment options (lying, sitting, reclining);
    • mosquito net;
    • shutdown timer;
    • removable table with toys;
    • built-in music block (12 melodies);
    • USB input for the player;
    • toy pendant;
    • removable tray for feeding.
  3. For weight up to 9 kg.
  4. The unfolded size is 91x72x93 cm. The weight of the swing is 7.5 kg.
  5. The average price is 8400 rubles.


  • compact;
  • small-sized;
  • reliable.


  • price;
  • high location of the mobile for toys.

Bright Starts InGenuity

  1. Floor swing with O-shaped base.
  2. Materials: textiles, metal, plastic anti-slip pads.
  3. Available:
    • self-adjusting swing, thanks to Whisper Quiet technology;
    • 5 swing speeds (back and forth);
    • 11 melodies, crossbar with a toy;
    • removable headrest, timer.
  4. Weight up to 11 kg.
  5. Powered by an adapter or 4 AA batteries.
  6. Unfolded size 73x57x65 cm, seat size - 32*21*42 cm. Weight - 7 kg.
  7. The average price is 6800 rubles.


  • silent operation;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • average price.


  • one backrest and headrest position;
  • requires a separate battery for the music box.

Graco Sweetpeace

  1. A transforming swing on a footrest with an O-shaped base.
  2. Materials: cotton upholstery and cover, plastic base.
  3. There is:
    • 6 swing speeds (forward-backward, up-down, side-to-side)
    • 3 positions of the back of the chair;
    • 2 vibration modes 15 melodies (fast, slow, sounds of nature);
    • removable hood with toys;
    • mirror;
    • teether;
    • cover and pillow that absorb odors.
  4. From birth up to 11 kg.
  5. The unfolded size is 91*103*109 cm. The weight of the structure is 11.34 kg.
  6. The average price is 26,000 rubles.


  • imitation of motion sickness on the hands;
  • modern design;
  • removable seat;
  • hypoallergenic materials.


  • price;
  • size and weight;
  • noise during operation.

4moms MamaRoo 3.0

  1. Floor swing with vibration on a rectangular base.
  2. Materials: textiles, aluminum, plastic.
  3. Available:
    • 5 motion sickness speeds and 5 motion sickness modes (car, dance, swing, wave, kangaroo);
    • adjustment to any position (from horizontal to vertical);
    • USB input for MP3 player or phone;
    • arc with toys (specially designed by ophthalmologists);
    • remote control using an application for a mobile device.
  4. Designed for weight up to 11.3 kg.
  5. Mains powered or 4 batteries (D type R20).
  6. Unfolded size - 50 * 60 * 85 cm. Product weight - 6.5 kg.
  7. The average price is 21,000 rubles.


Baby cribs for newborns are an integral and stylish piece of furniture in a child's room. Baby furniture should be comfortable, of high quality and made only from environmentally friendly, high-quality materials. There are many kinds and types of cradles for newborns. It is important to make the right choice, to choose the option that will provide the child with a sound, healthy sleep.

Types of beds for newborns

Modern baby cribs come with different functionalities. There are differences in size:

  • 90x45 cm - suitable for babies under the age of six months;
  • 120x60 cm - from birth to 3 years;
  • 140x70 cm - suitable for up to 7 years;
  • transformers - "grow" with the child, move apart as much as possible up to two meters in length, which means that they can also be used for teenagers.

By design, products for newborns are divided into:

  1. Cradles. The very first bed for a baby. It is comfortable for newborns, but short-lived, because when the child reaches 6 months, it needs to be replaced. There are two types: a mini-crib, which has two resistant legs, and a cradle, which is placed on a regular bed. According to the configuration, simple, multifunctional ones are distinguished (equipped with electronic parts for motion sickness, light music and mounted modules - toys).
  2. Standard.

By functionality, cribs for newborns are classified as:

  1. Baby beds. Products are bright, colorful, in which it is convenient for the baby not only to sleep, but to play. The bottom is adjustable in height, in addition, some manufacturers complete them with a changing board, a cradle. A feature of this type: a grid on the walls, one of which has a zipper (so that the child can crawl out).
  2. Classic. Beds in a classic design consist of a bed, which is fenced with walls, one of the walls can be completely lowered (modern manufacturers use their own system). The bottom adjusts the depth, and the bed height. If you don't know where to buy a baby crib, go to a children's store that offers products from different brands.
  3. Rocking chairs (pendulums). The pendulum mechanism, removable runners provide swinging in two positions: all furniture can swing or only the lying part, and the legs remain motionless. Are completed with clamps which prevent from involuntary swing, provide safety.
  4. Transformers. Due to the design, it changes the depth of the crib, and the length due to the removal of the side backs, thereby increasing the bed.

Classic models

Popular, affordable furniture is presented on the market, which occupies a top place among buyers:

  • Model name: Sweet Baby Lorenzo, white color.
  • Price: from 4500 to 4 950 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - solid wood, easy to clean and wash.
  • Pros: it has removable wheels, it is equipped with an adjustable bottom, it is covered with safe varnishes.
  • Cons: no bottom drawer, no pendulum, no cradle.

This option is suitable for any interior. Stylish, beautiful, suitable for children from birth to three years:

  • Model Name: Mib Tender.
  • Price: 12 582 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - dark beech, dimensions 73x133x100 cm, there is a pull-out chest of drawers, wheels with stops, silicone lining.
  • Pros: bottom adjustment, drop down side wall, easy to move around the room.
  • Cons: takes up a lot of space, no motion sickness mechanism.

cradle bed

Another name is the cradle. This product ranks first in popularity among products of Russian manufacturers, the furniture is very comfortable for a newborn, gives a sense of security:

  • Model name: Fiorellino Berlin.
  • Price: from 17,700 to 17,950 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - laminated solid beech, made in natural color, has an oval shape and a small area, there is a holder in order to hang a canopy.
  • Pros: the presence of a pendulum, made of safe materials, does not bend under the weight of the child, the presence of wheels.
  • Cons: no chest of drawers, suitable only for up to 6 months, you need to purchase special underwear.

The cradle is made in different colors - from pure white to dark brown. Its only drawback is its small size, so after 6 months you will need to look for a replacement:

  • Model name: Gandylyan Lily.
  • Price: from 6,137 to 8,300 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - solid beech, the bottom is conveniently regulated, equipped with a pendulum mechanism transverse and fixing, there are silicone linings on the upper crossbars of the cradle.
  • Pros: small size, stable, easy to rock.
  • Cons: use only up to 6 months, inconvenient to move.

Mini crib

The furniture presented below is made of plastic and metal, convenient for both parents and newborns. The advantage is that it can be fixed on the parent's bed:

  • Model Name: Chicco Next to Me.
  • Price: from 11,600 to 18,440 rubles.
  • Characteristics: made of natural materials, has a system of fastening to the parent's bed, fabric upholstery, equipped with a bag, the bottom is adjustable in tilt, there are wheels that are easy to stop with clamps.
  • Pros: light and compact; bright and fashionable, has 6 levels of bottom regulation.
  • Cons: use only up to 6 months, weight limit up to 9 kg, high price.

Another popular sleeping furniture is Jetem Dream, the characteristics of which are slightly different from the previous one, and the price is half as much:

  • Model name: Jetem Dream.
  • Price: from 5,508 to 8,280 rubles.
  • Characteristics: the material is plastic, on which the fabric is attached, it has skids for swinging and wheels with locks, it is equipped with the functions of vibration and playing melodies, there is a mattress, a sheet and hanging toys, dimensions: 80x70x120 cm, the size of the sides is 20 cm, there is a removable hood.
  • Pros: beautiful and practical, has a basket for things, easy to wash upholstery.
  • Cons: for babies up to a year, weight limit up to 11 kg, only light colors.

For twins

There are different options for twins: it can be bunk beds, wide with a soft divider in the middle, arenas with separate beds for two, or just two separate classic ones. The best choice, according to Yandex Market statistics, are Feretti and Azzuro:

  • Model name: Feretti Gemel Merit.
  • Price: from 35,560 to 41,840 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - solid beech, water-based paintwork, color - cream, white. The basis is orthopedic, in the middle there is a lath partition. The top bars are made with silicone overlays.
  • Pros: compact, lightweight, has skids.
  • Cons: only up to 6 months, no wheels.

More budget option:

  • Model Name: Azzura Design Gemini.
  • Price: 19 700 rubles
  • Characteristics: material - wood and MDF, dimensions 131x131x108 cm, color - ivory, in the middle there is a wooden divider, the bottom provides the ability to adjust the height - two levels of the bottom, wheels.
  • Pros: beautiful and light, can be divided into two separate wheels with stops.
  • Cons: no changing table, no chest of drawers.

rocking chair

Furniture "rocking chair" is a bed with a function for rocking the baby. Movements are performed with the help of comfortable runners that are attached to the legs. Oscillatory movements are made when the child or mother's hands move. To prevent furniture from tipping over, special arcs are equipped. When the child grows up, special feet are placed on the legs of the bed. Below are two popular products:

  • Model name: Pali Prestige.
  • Price: from 25,400 to 40,800 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - the frame is made of wood, color - white, two levels of height, rocking mechanism, silicone lining.
  • Pros: the presence of removable wheels, functionality.
  • Cons: no chest of drawers.

Budget option - Sweet Baby Lorenzo. The price is low, but it has everything you need for the comfort of the baby:

  • Model name: Sweet Baby Lorenzo.
  • Price: from 3,660 to 4,950 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - chipboard, walls and bottom made of laths, color - light and dark wood, rectangular shape. Designed for children under three years old, there are wheels, a lowering front wall.
  • Pros: reliable, modern, practical.
  • Cons: no chest of drawers, no changer.

With pendulum mechanism

Sturdy baby beds for newborns with a pendulum mechanism will be an excellent replacement for a cradle. There are such types of pendulum mechanisms:

  1. Longitudinal pendulum.
  2. Cross pendulum.
  3. Universal.

If you decide to buy a crib for newborns with a universal pendulum, check out the additional features of the furniture. Below are some popular varieties of them:

  • Model name: Gandilian Jacqueline Bear with pacifier.
  • Price: 18 300 rubles
  • Characteristics: material - solid beech, in white color. The pendulum is securely fixed, there is a box at the bottom for linen or toys. The side wall is lowered (you can remove it completely and make a sofa for a child)
  • Pros: original, practical, reliable.
  • Cons: Marked color.

An inexpensive option from domestic manufacturers is Cinderella:

  • Model Name: AGAT Cinderella-3
  • Price: from 2,840 to 4,576 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - wood, color - light or dark on request. The front wall has a mechanism for lowering. Furniture of small size, can easily fit in the smallest room.
  • Pros: easy to rock, easy to care for, practical
  • Cons: no toy box.


The advantages of side cribs: mom and dad are with the baby, there is enough space for everyone, the child sleeps more calmly. No sidewall, safe for baby; easier to calm the baby (sometimes just by touching in a dream):

  • Model name: Red Star Malusha.
  • Price: from 4,580 to 6,200 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - solid birch, color - ivory. It has a system of modern attachments to the parents' bed; easily transforms into a table or bench; floating bed level. The kit includes wheels with locks. The paint that covers the crib is made on a water basis (safe for the baby).
  • Pros: the wall falls, it is easy to adjust the bottom.
  • Cons: only up to 8 months, no box.

Equally popular is Comfort Baby:

  • Model name: Comfort.
  • Price: 16 390 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - solid oak, has 9 levels of height adjustment, can be transformed into a separate cradle, an additional shelf for the parents' bed (wide edge). The set includes a polyurethane foam mattress and a cotton cover that is easy to remove and does not cause allergies. Available in white only.
  • Pros: canopy included, wheels, bottom adjustment.
  • Cons: no box.


A transformer is a bed that unfolds. From a crib for a baby it turns into furniture for a schoolchild or teenager. It has a folding bottom and removable guards. Convenient for newborns, as the necessary items for hygiene procedures are always at hand:

  • Model name: Seventh Heaven Merry Happy.
  • Price: from 4,900 to 5,250 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - wood. It can be transformed into an oval, a playpen or a sofa, the set includes two mattresses. Color - beds white and cream. The front wall of the crib is removed, the bottom is adjustable on three levels.
  • Pros: trendy, unique, simple.
  • Cons: no drawer.

Another good bed in standard sizes is Fairy:

  • Model name: Fairy 1100.
  • Price: from 6,640 to 7,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: has two lockers at the bottom of the bed and a changing table, in which there are lockers in the amount of 3 pieces, the color is different. The backs of the bed are solid, and the side walls and bottom are slatted.
  • Pros: pendulum, equipped with a box.
  • Cons: none.


Unusual oval beds have appeared on the market recently. They are original, have different sizes of a bed - from 60 cm to 170 cm. The disadvantages of these models: you need to purchase custom-made orthopedic mattresses, and you also need to get special bed linen. Here are some of them:

  • Model Name: Wally Bianca 4 in 1.
  • Price: 9999 p.
  • Characteristics: wooden frame, removable front wall, color - white or dark wood. Designed for children up to 5 years.
  • Pros: beauty and uniqueness.
  • Cons: Not suitable for long term use.

Interesting and attractive bed - Red Star:

  • Model name: Red Star Paulina-4 S324
  • Price: from 17,900 to 18,900 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - birch, color - vanilla, ivory. It has a box at the bottom between the legs, equipped with a unique motion sickness system, which is controlled by a remote control. The walls are made of separate rails, the front is removed.
  • Pros: pendulum, box.
  • Cons: no silicone pads and a changing pad.


Cribs are equipped with metal structures (framework) and fabric walls. The bottom of the crib is easy to adjust, and the fabric base is quick and easy to wash. The bed is mobile, it easily develops in any car. Here are some of them:

  • Model name: Geoby TLY 632.
  • Price: 8 208 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - metal, the walls are made of rails, one of which is easily transformed into a changing table. The set includes a mattress. The cradle and canopy are hung on special fasteners in the crib. The bottom is adjustable in height.
  • Pros: multifunctional, beautiful.
  • Cons: no changing chest.

Another good and functional one is Baby Hit:

  • Model name: Baby Hit Slip.
  • Price: from 4,990 to 5,600 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material - metal, 3 slatted walls and one solid wall, which forms a changing table, color - different. The legs of the crib are equipped with wheels. The kit includes protective sides, a canopy (mesh). Below is equipped with a special wide shelf, which is also made of metal.
  • Bed for a child. How to choose it correctly

The cradle is a miracle from time immemorial, created with love for the sweetest dreams of a baby.

And a hundred years, and many centuries ago, a mother sat by the crib and sang to her beloved baby.

The centuries-old history of children's cradles contains a colossal layer of folk culture and beliefs.

It can be said without exaggeration that the whole of Russia came out of cradles, cradles, carriages, rocking chairs, bayukolok, wicker or hollowed out, hanging or “vanek-vstanek”.

All of them, so different in execution and appearance, had a common purpose - nurturing a growing little man.

Many nationalities had an ancient belief: it was impossible to break, burn or lengthen the cradle, this could shorten the life of the baby.

Each family had its own happy cradle, and if not yet, it was made with prayers and love. And then it was passed down from generation to generation: as soon as he gave way to a newborn.

The shaky, made of durable wood, could last 200 years. The year of the child's birth was written on it; such inscriptions can be found on museum exhibits up to six or more.
If funds allowed, the unsteady was ordered to a good master with a good heart. He created the cradle with skill and blessing.

Poorer people made cradles themselves. If the family wanted to have many children, then the husband went into the forest and looked for a tree there that was worthy of becoming a cradle for the successors of his family.

The material for the future unsteadiness was chosen responsibly: it wasn't supposed to be an aspen. It was believed that this tree attracts evil spirits, a child in such a cradle will die. They used reeds, popular prints. Bast bulges of the 11th century were found in Novgorod, which indicates the durability of this material. They also used pine shingles and linden bark.

Mothers were preparing the curtain for the shaky, which was also a very important point:

the canopy protected not only from mosquitoes, flies and light, but also from evil forces. The fabric was selected beautiful or embroidered by hand and sheathed with lace. In a poor family, an old grandmother's sundress could become a canopy.

Straw lay at the bottom of the swell, covered with rags or old clothes. In wealthy families, a featherbed for a baby stuffed with swan down was made.

Various bright little things were attached to the shank - multi-colored shreds of fabric, painted spoons. Small icons and crosses were placed inside.

For poor peasants, a dried bull bladder with grain inside could serve as a rattle. Such a rattle made soft sounds, did not rattle. The nipple was made from a cow's horn, and a cow's nipple was pulled over it. Another version of the pacifier: bread soaked in sweet water was wrapped in a cloth.

Only in flight does a person grow

The main advantage of cradles, cradles, was the possibility of hanging them not only in the house, but also in the field and in the forest. In Siberia, the expression "to raise children on a birch" , which means in a suspended cradle.

A hut was hung behind the firebox, in the back of the hut. A ring was firmly driven into the matrix (a log serving as a support for the ceiling boards), to which a pitching was attached - a coil of strong thick wire. A coil was hung on a coil: ropes departed from its corners, converging at a certain height into a loop, which was put on the lower hook of the spring.

Such a simple system provided the rocking of the cradle when pulling down a special strap with a hand or foot.

To control the unsteady or “steer”, as the people said, was a whole art: with sharp movements of the new pitching, the unsteady bounced sharply, and the child could fly out. The jock, who nursed several generations of children, ensured smooth and calm movements.

Wealthy families hired nannies from poor peasants to “sway” (sickness) their child. These were usually girls of seven or eight years old, among whom there were “glorious nurses” - talented nannies who could quickly calm down a flirtatious or capricious child.

In some nations, the cradle was hung on an ochep - a rather long wooden pole. Most often, a well-bending and springy birch was used for the ochepa.

Hanging the cradle from the ceiling was not accidental:

the warmest air accumulated near the ceiling, which provided heating for the baby.

In addition, many peoples had a belief that heavenly forces guard a child raised above the floor, so he grows better and accumulates vital energy.

Gender was perceived as the boundary between the world of people and the world where evil spirits live: the souls of the dead, ghosts, brownies.

To protect the child from them, various piercing objects were placed under the cradle: knives, scissors or a comb.

It was strictly forbidden to pump an empty cradle, it was believed that a baby could not be in it. This sign has survived to this day in relation to the crib or stroller.

The box was placed on high legs - skids. Such a cradle swayed from side to side at a light touch, it only had to be slightly rejected. The advantage of such a bed was an economical location in a cramped dwelling., she could take a secluded place in the corner, and not be located in the middle of the room. The baby had a wider view. With respect to a light source, a window or a lamp, the rocking chair was turned horizontally daily so that the child would not develop squint.

The disadvantage of the "Roly-Vstanka" was its non-transportability: you cannot take it with you into the field or forest. The cradle could be loaded onto a cart, and then put under a bush or hung on something.
This idea of ​​a removable part has survived to this day.

There are many beliefs and rituals associated with unsteadiness, many of which originate in paganism:

For a restful sleep of a child, it was customary to put a log in a shaky place. At the same time, they said: "Sleep as soundly as this piece of wood."

A conspiracy was written on the cradle: "Budiha, don't wake the boy Mikha." Budikha was an evil spirit that did not let the baby sleep. So that Budikha would not disturb the baby, treats were left for him, and the cradle was hung near the icons, under the protection of the saints.

The Russian people had a belief that a baby laughing heavenly fragrant and magical gardens. Therefore, they tried to decorate the cradles with royal birds, fancy flowers and trees. At the head they painted a radiant red sun, at the feet - a clear moon and stars.

A cross was carved at the feet. This meant that all people walk under God. Babies were not put into the cradle until they were baptized in the church.

If the child died, his cradle was left in the forest under the cedar, the tree of the dead, so that the deceased, tired on the road, could lie down in the cradle and rest.

If the baby grew up safely from the cradle, then it was considered happy and was kept for the next children. When the happy cradle fell into disrepair, it was taken to the forest and hung on the tree of life - a birch.

  • . How and when to teach it.
  • And . Difference. How to safely help a baby.
  • : causes, danger.