Palm Sunday. When will Russians celebrate Palm Sunday? Easter and Palm Sunday of the year

At the very beginning of spring, March 8, 2020, the inhabitants of planet Earth celebrate a wonderful holiday - International Women's Day.

March 8 is a non-working holiday in Russia. In 2020, it falls on Sunday, which is already a "traditional" day off for Russians. Well, what about Monday? We tell you what it is - a weekend or a working day.

According to the law, if a non-working day in the Russian Federation falls on an official holiday, then the day off is transferred to the next working day.

Accordingly, Sunday, March 8, 2020 becomes a public holiday, and the day off is postponed to Monday, March 9, 2020.

That is, March 9, 2020 in Russia is a day off or a working day:
* March 9, 2020 - day off.

Also on this day, another full moon occurs, coinciding with one of the Supermoons of 2020. If we are lucky with the weather (there will be a clear sky), after sunset we will be able to observe a huge beautiful Moon.

In the future, the revision of pensions for length of service awaits working pensioners ( from August 1, 2020), and military pensioners from October 1, 2020.

Palm Sunday 2016 - a kind and bright symbolization of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. This is a significant Christian holiday, which is celebrated annually on the sixth week or one week before. Mentions of the celebration of Palm Sunday are found in the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, Mark, John and in the works of many theologians.

To better understand the essence of the holiday, you need to turn to its history. According to Christian scriptures, it was on this day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, knowing about all his coming torments. People who met him as a heavenly ruler threw palm branches and even their robes at the feet of the son of God. And the good will shown by him in the name of the salvation of mankind is still considered one of the most important postulates of Christian teaching.

When is Palm Sunday 2016

It is necessary to prepare in advance for the bright day of the Entrance of the Lord. Therefore, it is extremely important to know when Palm Sunday 2016 is. Since the period of Great Lent and the day of Easter are shifted annually, the date of the Entry of the Lord is also inconsistent. In 2016, the holiday falls on April 24th.

Which tree branches are blessed on Palm Sunday?

The symbolic palm tree does not grow in all countries where Christianity is preached. So, what other branches of trees can be consecrated on Palm Sunday? Instead of a strange palm tree on Palm Sunday, people in Russia carry a flowering willow to church - a tree that wakes up after the winter before the rest, and also symbolizes purity and prosperity.

Traditions of a bright church holiday

  • Before the onset of the solemn day, it is necessary to prepare willow branches. But they should be cut only from young trees, without dry snags, nests or hollows.
  • Before going to church, the parents lightly beat their children with a willow, saying: "It's not me who beats, the willow beats!" Thus, they drove away all evil spirits and any wickedness from their descendants.
  • The hostesses kept the consecrated branches brought from the temple for a whole year, placing them neatly in the corner of the house. At the beginning of the planting season, a couple of branches were stuck into the soil of the garden, thus calling for abundant fertility.

Congratulations on Palm Sunday: poems and SMS

Following the church service on the feast day of Palm Sunday, they organize a magnificent feast, invite relatives, congratulate them with poems and toasts. Oral congratulations on Palm Sunday is considered a kind of wish and inviting health, success, prosperity and well-being.

Palm Sunday has come again

Let love come to the house first with flowers.

Joy, hope is full of every moment,

And nature is fresh, and the face shines.

There are no green palms in Russia,

Only birches and maples,

Yes fluff over the water

Willow branch young.

Willow branches gives us -

Let's take them to God's temple,

And to the sound of a bell

We will put them at the icons.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

We celebrate early in the spring.

And a willow branch rustles

Cool wind a little sad.

You, wind, do not blow out the candles,

Don't interfere with this prayer.

Let my loved ones be

Heaven is covered with protection.

If relatives are not around, they are sent letters with postcards or holiday SMS with kind words.

Happy Palm Sunday!

May eternal joy reign in your soul.

Palm Sunday is one of the biggest holidays that falls on the period of Great Lent before Easter. Why the day is called precisely "verb", what folk signs are associated with it - read in the "Question-Answer" section.

Why did they start celebrating Palm Sunday?

According to the holy scripture, on Palm Sunday the Lord's Entry into the great Jerusalem took place. The Messiah arrived in the city in order to voluntarily sacrifice himself for the atonement of human sins. Enthusiastic crowds of believers met the Savior on the streets, joyfully waving fresh palm branches to him. However, the general rejoicing did not last long. Soon Jesus was persecuted and was eventually tortured to death on the cross of Calvary. Since then, every year, seven days before the traditional Easter holidays, believers remember the coming of Jesus and consecrate willow and palm twigs in churches.

What date is Palm Sunday celebrated?

The day when Palm Sunday in 2016 depends on the date of Easter. The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem always falls on the last Sunday of Great Lent. There is no fixed date for this holiday. It is celebrated exactly one week before Easter. In 2016, for the Orthodox, this day falls on April 24, and for Catholics, on March 20.

What traditions are there on Palm Sunday?

Willow branches need to be broken on the eve of Palm Sunday. At the same time, it should be remembered that it is best to pluck the vines from those trees and bushes that grow on the shore, near the water. If the warm season that promotes flowering has not yet arrived, then it is better to prepare willow twigs a week earlier. On Palm Sunday, people bring willows to the church so that the priest can bless the branches. The consecrated branches should be brought into the house as a symbol that the family, just like the Israelites in their time, meets Jesus and lets him into their lives. It is necessary to keep willow branches for a whole year, as a sign of readiness to follow Jesus. On Palm Sunday, it is customary to wake up little children with bunches of willows that were consecrated in the temple.

According to other traditions, it is possible to run a willow vine over the naked body of a seriously ill person during the holiday, while prayers must be read. It was believed that willow buds would give young men physical strength, and a girl would be helped to conceive a child. If on Palm Sunday the weather is bad and it rains, then it is good, promising a good harvest. If it is dry on this day, then plantings this year will not bear well.

This day must be accompanied by delicious delicacies. It is important to please small children with sweets. According to tradition, the house on Palm Sunday should be filled with children's laughter, the sounds of fun and celebration.

Palm Sunday is one of the most significant dates in the life of every Christian. This bright and pure holiday comes seven days before Easter and falls in 2016 on April 24. This is the day when the Son of God entered Jerusalem, so its other name is "The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem." This significant event took place after Jesus led the resurrection of Lazarus. How to prepare for this holiday date, and what traditions has Palm Sunday been associated with for a long time? About everything in order!

history of the holiday

The sacrament of the resurrection of Lazarus did not go unnoticed by the people of Israel: rumors spread throughout all cities and settlements. The reverent people believed that Christ was the promised king who would deliver them from slavery. According to ancient traditions, in order to announce peaceful intentions, one should enter the city on a donkey. The people joyfully greeted Jesus with palm branches in their hands. Later this day was called Palm Day.

How did it happen that in our country this holiday is called Palm Sunday? The answer is simple: not everywhere the climate is conducive to the growth of palm trees, so the blessed tree was replaced with a local plant, which is associated with purity and joy. For the Orthodox in Russia, willow became such a plant - a symbol of renewal, virtue and a new life being born.

Palm Sunday Traditions

Among the main traditions is the night vigil in the temple. You need to bring a willow branch with you and consecrate it. Upon returning from the church, it was customary to lightly hit the household with a consecrated twig, cleansing them from the evil eye and damage, attracting strength and health for the whole year. By the way, willow was torn only from young and strong trees, avoiding old plants with diseased and dry branches. Also, you can’t tear willow from trees growing near the cemetery, and those that bend branches over the water, so as not to disturb the rest of the water and mermaids.

Willow - a symbol of the holiday for Orthodox believers in Russia

It is customary to keep the consecrated willow in the house for a year - until the next holiday. From ancient times, on the day of Palm Sunday, bazaars and fairs were held with festivities, carousels and games. In the evening, a festive feast was arranged, but the dishes were lenten, since this day is still valid before Easter.

Folk omens

  • Old beliefs say that on the day of the holiday it is impossible to drive cattle to pastures - it will get sick.
  • On Palm Sunday, nothing can be done around the house - cleaning, housework, sewing and cooking hot food.
  • To make their hair beautiful and healthy, young girls combed it for a long time, and then the comb was placed in water, which was watered over the willows that grow in almost every house.
  • Until now, there is a sign that if the wind blows strongly on this day, then the summer will be windy.
  • Calm and clear weather on Palm Sunday - to a rich harvest, and frosts at night - to good spring bread.

One of the holidays that fall on Great Lent is Palm Sunday, which is revered by all believers and is a twelfth holiday in the Orthodox calendar.

Palm Sunday, or Flower-bearing Sunday, is the Sunday of the penultimate week of Great Lent. The name of this day was originally Palm Sunday, but since palm trees do not grow in countries with a cold climate, they were replaced by willows. Thus, the colloquial name of this holiday appeared. It has a difference from other Twelver feasts: in fact, it has neither a pre-feast nor an after-feast. If Lazarus Saturday, which falls on the day before Palm Sunday, can be considered to a certain extent a prefeast, then there is no afterfeast, since Holy Week immediately follows this day.

The Meaning of Palm Sunday

On the one hand, the symbolic entry into Jerusalem is a prototype of the entry of the Son of Man into Paradise. The people of Israel then solemnly met the Savior, as the scripture tells, since they had already heard about the resurrection of Lazarus and recognized him as the Messiah, who, according to the prediction, was to appear by Easter. Jerusalem was then under the rule of Rome and the Israelis believed that it was he who would save them from occupation. It is no coincidence that the Savior entered the city on a donkey: in the east, the entrance on a horse symbolized that a person came with war, and if on a donkey, then with peace. This event is described by all four evangelists. Meeting Jesus, the people laid palm branches on the road in front of him, which gave the name to the holiday.

What date is Palm Sunday in 2016?

Palm Sunday is always counted as the Sunday before Holy Week. This year, the holiday falls on April 24th.

Events related to this day

The event that took place the day before the Lord entered Jerusalem is the resurrection of Lazarus. The gospel of John says that he was a resident of Bethany. In the house where he lived with his sisters, Martha and Mary, Jesus stopped on his way to Jerusalem. Their brother had been dead for four days. Jesus found out about his death and went to him and resurrected him: Lazarus came straight out of the tomb, from which the stone was rolled away, and lived another 30 years, becoming a bishop in Crete.

The second event is the expulsion of merchants from the Temple. On the day of Passover, the Jews slaughtered a lamb (lamb) as a sacrifice to God. In connection with this, shops were opened right in the temple, where you could buy everything necessary for the sacrifice. They drove cattle to the temple. Moreover, coins were also changed there: Roman money was in use, but taxes could only be paid in Jewish shekels. Seeing all this, Jesus drove them out of the temple and overturned the tables of the money changers. The event of the expulsion of merchants from the Jerusalem Temple is described by all four evangelists, but there are discrepancies: John describes these events not on the last Easter, but on what happened four years earlier. In the Gospel of Luke, Matthew and Mark, this event falls exactly on the day of entry into Jerusalem.

Spend this bright day in prayer and attend a service in the temple: this will facilitate the last days of fasting. All the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

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