Vedeno hedgehogs or men like children. "Hedgehogs, or Men as children" Tatyana Vedenskaya. About the book Tatyana Vedenskaya "Hedgehogs, or Men as Children"

Tatiana Vedenskaya

Hedgehogs, or Men as Children

© Saenko T., 2010

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (

Is it possible to be at least something sure in our crazy time? Is that the fact that the salary will definitely be delayed.

Self-deception is the only way to coexist with a dubious person like myself.

"Is it alive?" Pavel thought as soon as he came to his senses for a few seconds. Or rather, not quite come, since he just did not come to himself. He had no idea what was happening to him, that is, to everything that he always considered himself - with his arms, legs, shoulders and other bodily shell. He did not feel it at all, and from all of him, Pavel, only this very thought remained: “Is it really alive?” The first more or less clear thought that formed after the gray emptiness in which he hung for who knows how long. He did not have enough strength for more, and even from this one thought that arose in his brain, he was immediately terribly tired. Of course, the word "tired" here was also not entirely accurate. Tired is the ringing tension of the muscles after a few games of tennis, when the whole body aches from sweet exhaustion. This is tired, and now why get tired? Brain? May be. Pavel tried to remember when he was on the court for the last time, and could not. A long time ago. The wife has already stopped calling him with her - why mess with him if he is never at home. It's true, never. And it is not clear now whether it will be. Why, by the way, did he stop playing tennis with her? Pavel did not have time to think out his second thought, when again this tiny fragment of consciousness, in which he was completely concentrated, was swallowed up by gray silence, in which there is neither time, nor space, nor the feeling of oneself.

How much time had passed, how long he had been in this nothingness, he did not know. Maybe an eternity, maybe a couple of minutes. But somehow suddenly Pavel was able to open his eyes and saw a red veil in front of him. Through this scarlet fog, an unfamiliar female face appeared out of nowhere in front of him. Where it came from and what it wanted was incomprehensible: the woman was clearly trying to say something, diligently moving her lips and generally actively changing facial expressions, Pavel could not hear anything. The silence around was such, as if someone took from the whole world and pressed the “Mute” button on the remote control. Complete silence.

Pavel lay peacefully and looked at the face until it disappeared, which made the man feel a slight sadness. He still had no sensation of the body, of all the senses only this reddish vision remained, but it was useless, because through it he saw only some kind of blackness, some kind of contours. What it is, it was impossible to understand. Pavel tried to concentrate, although in such a fucking silence it was not so easy to do. The blackness was frightening, but for some reason Pavel felt that now the most important thing is to understand what these contours are. If he understands this, he will understand everything else: where he is, what is happening to him, and in general, why there is such a strange silence around.

But of all the memories in my head, only an anecdote was obsessively spinning about how Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf met in the forest, and the Wolf, of course, stops Little Red Riding Hood.

“You have only two options, Little Red Riding Hood,” says the wolf.

What happened next and what, in fact, consisted of humor, I could not remember. But along with the anecdote, the surname Stepanov surfaced in my memory. And the laughing face of this very Stepanov. And for some reason, horror, cold, chilling the soul and frightening even more than blackness. Pavel was scared. He tried to move... move something, but it turned out that looking at the blurry black outlines was all he could do. And even then, the contour became more and more cloudy and disappeared in the fog.

* * *

By the end of this book, you may
you can learn something new about yourself.
Or perhaps you already knew all this.
Both options make sense.

Statements are evaluated in points,
from zero - strongly disagree
up to ten - absolutely agree.

Statement 1

I often lack endurance


If someone asked Zhannochka what is the main thing in her life, she would not hesitate for a second with an answer - of course, love. What could be more important in life than this? Zhanna has been dealing with this issue for so many years, studying it theoretically and practically, that she has become, one might say, a professional in matters of the heart. The psychology of personal relationships was explored by her "from" and "to". From a real, officially registered marriage to light, non-committal intrigues. Both disappointed her immensely. The girl strove for a relationship of trust, caring, dreamed of finding someone with whom she could build a truly close relationship. Someone who would understand and appreciate her wonderful spiritual qualities. There was no doubt that Zhannochkina's spiritual qualities were excellent - she repeatedly proved this with the persuasiveness of an asphalt rink. However, for objectivity, it should be noted that Zhannochka really believed in love and with all her heart strove to find and make someone happy, it doesn’t matter who.

For all these years of popular science research, Jeanne was convinced that the main problem is the refinement and vulgarization of today's men. Her ex-husband now worked as a locksmith at DEZ and liked to make virtual love with cartoon women, but he was not the worst option ever. Yes, the men wanted nothing but beer and chips, and this problem could not be solved, but Zhannochka did not give up and continued to build love to spite all the winds. With whom? Well, with whom it is necessary. The main thing is that the relationship is right. Zhannochka stood up for the purity of relations.

Her current Hedgehog showed some promise in terms of sincerity, but did not leave Jeanne without fear. The lovers had been together for two months already, several times they had a strong fight, once the Hedgehog even packed his bags, but ... they never parted. It was a good sign. And yet, he made excellent coffee in the morning, without requests or persuasion, but solely on his own initiative, and this was important, since Zhannochka herself always did not have enough time to do this before work. So in a certain sense, the Hedgehog was not bad at all. On the other hand, the Hedgehog had one, but a big flaw, which had to be fought for a long time and methodically. He was not ambitious. He did not aspire to anything, not even to find a decent job. The hedgehog rolled from one place to another, either trading in something, or distributing something, but there was no money from this, and Zhanna still had to deal with financial problems on her own. On the third hand, with certain efforts, with method and perseverance, won't Zhanna cope with this, in general, trifling problem, won't she find a way to stimulate his business activity? For the sake of love! In general, Jeanne was thoughtful.

Tatiana Vedenskaya

Hedgehogs, or Men as Children

© Saenko T., 2010

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Is it possible to be at least something sure in our crazy time? Is that the fact that the salary will definitely be delayed.

Self-deception is the only way to coexist with a dubious person like myself.

"Is it alive?" Pavel thought as soon as he came to his senses for a few seconds. Or rather, not quite come, since he just did not come to himself. He had no idea what was happening to him, that is, to everything that he always considered himself - with his arms, legs, shoulders and other bodily shell. He did not feel it at all, and from all of him, Pavel, only this very thought remained: “Is it really alive?” The first more or less clear thought that formed after the gray emptiness in which he hung for who knows how long. He did not have enough strength for more, and even from this one thought that arose in his brain, he was immediately terribly tired. Of course, the word "tired" here was also not entirely accurate. Tired is the ringing tension of the muscles after a few games of tennis, when the whole body aches from sweet exhaustion. This is tired, and now why get tired? Brain? May be. Pavel tried to remember when he was on the court for the last time, and could not. A long time ago. The wife has already stopped calling him with her - why mess with him if he is never at home. It's true, never. And it is not clear now whether it will be. Why, by the way, did he stop playing tennis with her? Pavel did not have time to think out his second thought, when again this tiny fragment of consciousness, in which he was completely concentrated, was swallowed up by gray silence, in which there is neither time, nor space, nor the feeling of oneself.

How much time had passed, how long he had been in this nothingness, he did not know. Maybe an eternity, maybe a couple of minutes. But somehow suddenly Pavel was able to open his eyes and saw a red veil in front of him. Through this scarlet fog, an unfamiliar female face appeared out of nowhere in front of him. Where it came from and what it wanted was incomprehensible: the woman was clearly trying to say something, diligently moving her lips and generally actively changing facial expressions, Pavel could not hear anything. The silence around was such, as if someone took from the whole world and pressed the “Mute” button on the remote control. Complete silence.

Pavel lay peacefully and looked at the face until it disappeared, which made the man feel a slight sadness. He still had no sensation of the body, of all the senses only this reddish vision remained, but it was useless, because through it he saw only some kind of blackness, some kind of contours. What it is, it was impossible to understand. Pavel tried to concentrate, although in such a fucking silence it was not so easy to do. The blackness was frightening, but for some reason Pavel felt that now the most important thing is to understand what these contours are. If he understands this, he will understand everything else: where he is, what is happening to him, and in general, why there is such a strange silence around.

But of all the memories in my head, only an anecdote was obsessively spinning about how Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf met in the forest, and the Wolf, of course, stops Little Red Riding Hood.

“You have only two options, Little Red Riding Hood,” says the wolf.

What happened next and what, in fact, consisted of humor, I could not remember. But along with the anecdote, the surname Stepanov surfaced in my memory. And the laughing face of this very Stepanov. And for some reason, horror, cold, chilling the soul and frightening even more than blackness. Pavel was scared. He tried to move... move something, but it turned out that looking at the blurry black outlines was all he could do. And even then, the contour became more and more cloudy and disappeared in the fog.

* * *

By the end of this book, you may
you can learn something new about yourself.
Or perhaps you already knew all this.
Both options make sense.

Statements are evaluated in points,
from zero - strongly disagree
up to ten - absolutely agree.

Statement 1

I often lack endurance


If someone asked Zhannochka what is the main thing in her life, she would not hesitate for a second with an answer - of course, love. What could be more important in life than this? Zhanna has been dealing with this issue for so many years, studying it theoretically and practically, that she has become, one might say, a professional in matters of the heart. The psychology of personal relationships was explored by her "from" and "to". From a real, officially registered marriage to light, non-committal intrigues. Both disappointed her immensely. The girl strove for a relationship of trust, caring, dreamed of finding someone with whom she could build a truly close relationship. Someone who would understand and appreciate her wonderful spiritual qualities. There was no doubt that Zhannochkina's spiritual qualities were excellent - she repeatedly proved this with the persuasiveness of an asphalt rink. However, for objectivity, it should be noted that Zhannochka really believed in love and with all her heart strove to find and make someone happy, it doesn’t matter who.

For all these years of popular science research, Jeanne was convinced that the main problem is the refinement and vulgarization of today's men. Her ex-husband now worked as a locksmith at DEZ and liked to make virtual love with cartoon women, but he was not the worst option ever. Yes, the men wanted nothing but beer and chips, and this problem could not be solved, but Zhannochka did not give up and continued to build love to spite all the winds. With whom? Well, with whom it is necessary. The main thing is that the relationship is right. Zhannochka stood up for the purity of relations.

Her current Hedgehog showed some promise in terms of sincerity, but did not leave Jeanne without fear. The lovers had been together for two months already, several times they had a strong fight, once the Hedgehog even packed his bags, but ... they never parted. It was a good sign. And yet, he made excellent coffee in the morning, without requests or persuasion, but solely on his own initiative, and this was important, since Zhannochka herself always did not have enough time to do this before work. So in a certain sense, the Hedgehog was not bad at all. On the other hand, the Hedgehog had one, but a big flaw, which had to be fought for a long time and methodically. He was not ambitious. He did not aspire to anything, not even to find a decent job. The hedgehog rolled from one place to another, either trading in something, or distributing something, but there was no money from this, and Zhanna still had to deal with financial problems on her own. On the third hand, with certain efforts, with method and perseverance, won't Zhanna cope with this, in general, trifling problem, won't she find a way to stimulate his business activity? For the sake of love! In general, Jeanne was thoughtful.

In fact, the young lady was not mercantile. She spent a lot of time on psychology, on the study of various theories about life, and now she could boldly claim that she knows how this world works. Such concepts as harmony, cosmic good, and other esoteric terminology were not empty words for her. So Jeanne also understood about money, that they are nothing more than a stream of energy reflected by us ourselves. And as soon as we want it more strongly, this very stream will rush towards us, like champagne from a bottle that has been shaken. So what to say about it? Money is not the point to focus on.

Yes, all this was so for Zhanna, but not today, the fifth of September, on Friday, at ten in the morning, a sunny day, with a light southeast wind. Today, the lady chose to forget about the theory of cosmic good. She stood in front of the ATM on the first floor of her own office and looked at the scoreboard with fury.

What, they didn't translate? - sadly asked Masha, a colleague from endocrinology, whose intern's room was next to Jeanne's department. - U.S. too.

“God knows what! How can I survive the weekend?

“They twist our salary, and put the interest in their pocket,” Masha shared her suspicions. - I read an article in the newspaper, they even have some kind of overdraft, it seems. You can lend money to another bank for three days and get interest. Here they are spinning.

- In the newspaper? Feeding the yellow press? Jeanne smiled. “They didn’t tell you that it’s harmful to read newspapers, they cause indigestion.” Bulgakov also wrote...

Tatiana Vedenskaya

Hedgehogs, or Men as Children

© Saenko T., 2010

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (

Is it possible to be at least something sure in our crazy time? Is that the fact that the salary will definitely be delayed.

Self-deception is the only way to coexist with a dubious person like myself.

"Is it alive?" Pavel thought as soon as he came to his senses for a few seconds. Or rather, not quite come, since he just did not come to himself. He had no idea what was happening to him, that is, to everything that he always considered himself - with his arms, legs, shoulders and other bodily shell. He did not feel it at all, and from all of him, Pavel, only this very thought remained: “Is it really alive?” The first more or less clear thought that formed after the gray emptiness in which he hung for who knows how long. He did not have enough strength for more, and even from this one thought that arose in his brain, he was immediately terribly tired. Of course, the word "tired" here was also not entirely accurate. Tired is the ringing tension of the muscles after a few games of tennis, when the whole body aches from sweet exhaustion. This is tired, and now why get tired? Brain? May be. Pavel tried to remember when he was on the court for the last time, and could not. A long time ago. The wife has already stopped calling him with her - why mess with him if he is never at home. It's true, never. And it is not clear now whether it will be. Why, by the way, did he stop playing tennis with her? Pavel did not have time to think out his second thought, when again this tiny fragment of consciousness, in which he was completely concentrated, was swallowed up by gray silence, in which there is neither time, nor space, nor the feeling of oneself.

How much time had passed, how long he had been in this nothingness, he did not know. Maybe an eternity, maybe a couple of minutes. But somehow suddenly Pavel was able to open his eyes and saw a red veil in front of him. Through this scarlet fog, an unfamiliar female face appeared out of nowhere in front of him. Where it came from and what it wanted was incomprehensible: the woman was clearly trying to say something, diligently moving her lips and generally actively changing facial expressions, Pavel could not hear anything. The silence around was such, as if someone took from the whole world and pressed the “Mute” button on the remote control. Complete silence.

Pavel lay peacefully and looked at the face until it disappeared, which made the man feel a slight sadness. He still had no sensation of the body, of all the senses only this reddish vision remained, but it was useless, because through it he saw only some kind of blackness, some kind of contours. What it is, it was impossible to understand. Pavel tried to concentrate, although in such a fucking silence it was not so easy to do. The blackness was frightening, but for some reason Pavel felt that now the most important thing is to understand what these contours are. If he understands this, he will understand everything else: where he is, what is happening to him, and in general, why there is such a strange silence around.

But of all the memories in my head, only an anecdote was obsessively spinning about how Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf met in the forest, and the Wolf, of course, stops Little Red Riding Hood.

“You have only two options, Little Red Riding Hood,” says the wolf.

What happened next and what, in fact, consisted of humor, I could not remember. But along with the anecdote, the surname Stepanov surfaced in my memory. And the laughing face of this very Stepanov. And for some reason, horror, cold, chilling the soul and frightening even more than blackness. Pavel was scared. He tried to move... move something, but it turned out that looking at the blurry black outlines was all he could do. And even then, the contour became more and more cloudy and disappeared in the fog.

By the end of this book, you may

you can learn something new about yourself.

Or perhaps you already knew all this.

Both options make sense.

Statements are evaluated in points,

up to ten - absolutely agree.

Statement 1

I often lack endurance


If someone asked Zhannochka what is the main thing in her life, she would not hesitate for a second with an answer - of course, love. What could be more important in life than this? Zhanna has been dealing with this issue for so many years, studying it theoretically and practically, that she has become, one might say, a professional in matters of the heart. The psychology of personal relationships was explored by her "from" and "to". From a real, officially registered marriage to light, non-committal intrigues. Both disappointed her immensely. The girl strove for a relationship of trust, caring, dreamed of finding someone with whom she could build a truly close relationship. Someone who would understand and appreciate her wonderful spiritual qualities. There was no doubt that Zhannochkina's spiritual qualities were excellent - she repeatedly proved this with the persuasiveness of an asphalt rink. However, for objectivity, it should be noted that Zhannochka really believed in love and with all her heart strove to find and make someone happy, it doesn’t matter who.

For all these years of popular science research, Jeanne was convinced that the main problem is the refinement and vulgarization of today's men. Her ex-husband now worked as a locksmith at DEZ and liked to make virtual love with cartoon women, but he was not the worst option ever. Yes, the men wanted nothing but beer and chips, and this problem could not be solved, but Zhannochka did not give up and continued to build love to spite all the winds. With whom? Well, with whom it is necessary. The main thing is that the relationship is right. Zhannochka stood up for the purity of relations.

Her current Hedgehog showed some promise in terms of sincerity, but did not leave Jeanne without fear. The lovers had been together for two months already, several times they had a strong fight, once the Hedgehog even packed his bags, but ... they never parted. It was a good sign. And yet, he made excellent coffee in the morning, without requests or persuasion, but solely on his own initiative, and this was important, since Zhannochka herself always did not have enough time to do this before work. So in a certain sense, the Hedgehog was not bad at all. On the other hand, the Hedgehog had one, but a big flaw, which had to be fought for a long time and methodically. He was not ambitious. He did not aspire to anything, not even to find a decent job. The hedgehog rolled from one place to another, either trading in something, or distributing something, but there was no money from this, and Zhanna still had to deal with financial problems on her own. On the third hand, with certain efforts, with method and perseverance, won't Zhanna cope with this, in general, trifling problem, won't she find a way to stimulate his business activity? For the sake of love! In general, Jeanne was thoughtful.

In fact, the young lady was not mercantile. She spent a lot of time on psychology, on the study of various theories about life, and now she could boldly claim that she knows how this world works. Such concepts as harmony, cosmic good, and other esoteric terminology were not empty words for her. So Jeanne also understood about money, that they are nothing more than a stream of energy reflected by us ourselves. And as soon as we want it more strongly, this very stream will rush towards us, like champagne from a bottle that has been shaken. So what to say about it? Money is not the point to focus on.