Patterns on the window for children. How frost patterns form on glass

On frosty days, stunning ice patterns appear on the windows in the form of unusual stars, bizarre curls, fabulous trees and flowers. In order for ice gardens to bloom on the windows, it is necessary that the air in the room is humid, and the temperature outside the window is below zero.

Why do frosty patterns appear on the window

Everyone remembers the parable that Grandfather Frost draws frosty patterns on the window. He imperceptibly sneaks up to the window at night and draws unique frosty pictures on it with a thin ice brush. In fact, everything is much more prosaic. If there is humid air in the room, and the temperature outside is from zero degrees Celsius and below, then excess moisture condenses on the cold surface of the glass. Here, the water vapor cools and passes from a vaporous state to a solid state, forming thin crystals.

How ice crystals are formed

Any perfect-looking glass has microscopic notches and scratches. The moisture that settles on the surface of the glass crystallizes first of all on these smallest defects, and only then new and new ones cling to the first crystals, forming patterns. Sometimes, for the appearance of ice patterns, there are enough dust particles with which the surface of the glass is dotted, or streaks that remain after washing the windows. And drafts and air currents contribute to the appearance of patterns. According to the method of formation, frost patterns are divided into two types: dendrites - branching patterns that resemble trees, and trichites, which are more like stars.

Tree patterns dendrites

Dendrites form at the bottom of the glass, where the water layer is thicker. Wide trunks of frosty patterns appear here, on which thinner branches gradually grow. The dendrites at the bottom of the glass are wide and thick, while those at the top are narrower and thinner. Such a frosty pattern resembles a thicket of an impenetrable fairy forest.

trichyta star patterns

If there are a lot of notches, dust particles and scratches on the glass, then trichites appear on it - frosty patterns that look like stars. First, the epicenter of the pattern freezes - a speck of dust or a notch, and then other crystals join it, like rays. As a result, frosty patterns become similar to a cluster of snowflakes or. When the temperature outside the window drops, trichites form dense ice fibers.

When the patterns on the windows don't appear

If the air humidity in the room is low and the window has good thermal insulation, then condensation does not form on the glass and frost patterns do not appear. That is why ice paintings, so familiar to residents of houses with old wooden windows, do not indulge residents of apartments with high-quality plastic windows with their appearance.

If, on the eve of the New Year, the weather outside your window is not quite frosty and snowy, but you really want to admire real winter landscapes, then there is a simple and original way to achieve this at no extra cost. Frankly speaking, this method is quite relevant even when winter pleases with its beauties to the fullest. After all, frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year are always fun, beautiful and festive! In addition, this is a simple and affordable option to quickly and originally decorate glass in your home, kindergarten, school. As a rule, in order to draw New Year's drawings on the windows, paper templates and stencils are used. As for the materials used for this purpose, stained glass paints, gouache with a brush, artificial snow in a can are ideal for drawings on glass. By the way, the latter can be easily replaced with regular toothpaste/powder and an old brush. More ideas and examples in step-by-step master classes with photo drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 of the Dog next.

What you can quickly and easily draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten - a master class with a photo

There are a lot of options for what you can quickly and easily draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten. But we want to offer you a drawing that does not take much time to design and will be one of the most budget options. Find out more about what you can quickly and easily draw on the windows for the New Year using stencils in kindergarten from the lesson below.

The necessary materials to quickly and easily draw on the windows in kindergarten for the New Year

  • toothpaste
  • kitchen sponge
  • adhesive tape
  • christmas stencils
  • skewer

Step-by-step instructions on what and how to draw simply on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten

How to draw frosty patterns on the window for the New Year with toothpaste - a lesson with a photo step by step

The next technique for drawing frosty patterns on the window for the New Year with toothpaste is even easier than the previous one. In addition, it is also a very fun way to usefully spend time with children who will be happy to take part in such decoration. How to draw frosty patterns on the window for the New Year with toothpaste, read the step-by-step lesson below.

Necessary materials to draw frosty patterns on the window for the New Year with toothpaste

  • toothpaste
  • old toothbrush
  • paper snowflakes

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw frosty patterns on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste

Beautiful drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 with gouache and a brush, a step-by-step lesson with a photo

With a brush and gouache, you can also draw very beautiful drawings on the windows dedicated to the theme of the New Year 2018. Since the technique of applying gouache on windows does not differ from the usual way of drawing, we will show it using an example with paper. And you, having mastered a beautiful drawing with gouache and a brush for the New Year on paper, will cope with the image on the window without much difficulty.

Necessary materials for a beautiful picture on the window for the New Year 2018 with gouache and a brush

  • gouache
  • small flat synthetic brush

Step-by-step instructions for beautiful drawings for the New Year 2018 with gouache and a brush on the window with your own hands

Original drawings on the windows for the New Year with glue-paints with your own hands - a step-by-step master class with a photo

Glue paints are ideal if you want to decorate windows for the New Year with your own hands with original three-dimensional drawings. In the absence of such paints in the shops of your city, they can be easily made at home. To do this, mix gouache, PVA glue and starch in equal portions. The finished mass should be poured into a convenient tube with a spout and you can start applying the original drawing with your own hands on the windows with glue paints for the New Year.

Necessary materials for the original drawing on the window for the New Year with glue-paints with your own hands

  • christmas stencils
  • glue paint
  • baking paper, transparent file or cling film

Step-by-step instructions for original drawings with glue-paints for the New Year with your own hands on the windows

Thematic drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 Dogs, stencils and templates

Since the upcoming New Year 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Dog, it is logical that thematic drawings on the windows that can be applied using stencils and templates will be especially relevant. It is believed that any image of an animal-symbol in the house in every possible way contributes to well-being, prosperity and good luck throughout the year. In addition, thematic drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 Dogs (stencils and templates below), like real watchdogs, protect their owners from everything bad. Therefore, if you want to draw a New Year's dog on your window, then take a closer look at the options for the drawings that we have collected in the selection below.

What original can be drawn for the New Year 2018 at school on a window, glass (photo)

Decorating school windows with drawings on the eve of the New Year is a fairly common creative practice. Often there are even whole competitions between classes on the topic of whose office windows can be called the most festive and beautifully decorated. Therefore, the question of what original can be drawn for the New Year 2018 at school on windows and glass is relevant for many students. Given that children's imagination has no boundaries, then there can be a great many options for such New Year's drawings. And to inspire you to be creative, we suggest taking a look at a selection of original pictures that you can draw on the glass / window at school for the New Year.

Frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 with toothpaste - templates and examples

Since toothpaste is very similar to frost in its external characteristics, it is quite actively used to apply frosty patterns on windows on New Year's Eve. The templates and examples that you will find below are a direct confirmation of this. Most often, I use toothpaste to imitate frosty patterns, but it is also suitable for drawing snowy landscapes and other New Year's pictures. By the way, for the manufacture of such drawings on the windows, you can use not only paste, but also tooth powder. It should also be diluted with water in proportions of approximately 1:1. The consistency of the mass for drawing should be quite liquid, but with intense color. To apply frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 with toothpaste according to the template, you can use a brush or a foam sponge.

What to draw on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year at home, video step by step

Frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 Dogs at home, at school, kindergarten, can be painted with stained glass paints, which are ideal for working on glass. Unlike the technique with toothpaste, brush and gouache, working with stained glass paints requires certain skills and strict adherence to the instructions. In order to draw a thematic drawing on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year at home, you can use ready-made templates and stencils with symbols. Also, these paints are suitable for drawing subtle frosty patterns and small details. You can see the step-by-step process of working with stained-glass paints on glass in the video tutorial below.

Lyubov Fedotova

Looking at children's works by Elena Tynyanoy, Tatyana Goryacheva and other colleagues, I really liked the arched shape of the window. It was then that I decided that my guys should also draw windows of this shape. Lena has a drawing with paints, Tanya has a vytynanka (if I may say so) from ceiling tiles. And despite the fact that winter this year does not please us, not only patterns on the windows but also with snow, we decided to draw frosty patterns on the window. Therefore, I present to your attention Master Class"Frosty patterns on the window"

For work need:

2 sheets of white paper

Candle, paints,


Glue stick.

1. First, draw with a candle yourself pattern on a white sheet and paint over.

2. While the drawing dries, cut out the arched window frame drawn in advance (I drew it myself, the children only cut it out).

3. Glue the frame onto the drawing (it’s more convenient to glue the drawing itself with glue, so it’s more even for children)

4. Cut off the extra corners.

and window with frosty pattern ready!

And that's what we got!

Thanks for attention. I hope you enjoyed it.

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This master class was born quite spontaneously, and the work was done literally in the evening. In general, not very complicated, but incredibly sweet, and looking at her, you want to smile and believe in a fairy tale.

Let's get started. There are not very many photographs, and the main thing here is materials for creating frosty patterns - Maimeri Body Painting Gel and Snow White Glitter(I have Rayher, such as in the photo, only completely white, without any color overflows).

Everything is clear about glitter, so I’ll tell you about the gel. This is actually a texture paste that retains its volume and becomes completely transparent and glossy when dry. It can be tinted, but you need to apply it in a not very thick layer, no more than 3-4 mm, and it dries for a very long time if it is a thick layer (a very thick layer may not dry inside at all and remain white). But we will apply it in a very thin layer :)

So let's get started.

Master class on decoupage paintings with frosty patterns

1. We take an ordinary frame with glass, my backdrop turned out to be cardboard, but it’s even better.

2. We print a suitable picture on a regular office sheet of paper ( laser printer) - I have Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, very sweet and kind, not funny, not comic, but just like real ones, surprisingly there are not many such pictures on the Internet ...

3. We have already arranged the picture so that the position of the heroes in it is how can it be behind an ordinary window on the first floor of a village house, so to speak:) I.e. I need to the faces were not on top, but closer to the center of the picture.

We see that in the position we need, the picture from above does not reach the border, and we need to glue it so that the difference is not particularly visible. Alternatively, it just had to be printed, placing just below the sheet of paper to glue the entire sheet.

But you can do it this way: I cut off the top edge and slightly thinned it with tape: I stuck a strip of adhesive tape on the edge, pressed it firmly into the paper with my finger.

Then I just peeled off the tape along with the excess paper.

4.Glue the picture to the cardboard backing. I didn't even primer - why? The office sheet is thick enough, if the image loses in brightness, then quite a bit.
Soak the sheet in water for 5 minutes, put it on a file, blot excess water. We smear thick glue on the cardboard and the sheet on the reverse side, attach the file with the sheet to the cardboard and remove the bubbles from the center to the edges. Everything is like with a napkin))) Laser ink (or rather, powder), rather fragile, it is better to work with them through a file. Top can also be smeared with glue.

Cardboard from moisture can be deformed, then after drying, you can put something heavy on the cardboard so that it dries in a straight position. But we still need a slight bend :)

5. After drying we varnish our picture and cardboard. Painting on the missing parts- some sky and yellow around the flashlight. I did not paint on very carefully, the main thing is that the white background and cardboard should not be visible.

6. Take a little medium or any means to increase the transparency of acrylic(I have a medium for flowing effects Plaid), you can take drying retarder mixed with varnish. We add a little bit of dark navy blue (not ultramarine!!! I have this Navy Blue from Maimeri with a drop of black).

We are getting translucent dark black-blue paint. We take a little on the sponge and from the edges to the center we begin to make night in our picture.

Do not forget about Santa Claus's flashlight, darken only what will be in the shadow, including the right half of the face of both heroes. Just imagine, they are standing in front of you, holding a flashlight a little ahead of Santa Claus and to the side of the Snow Maiden. What will be in the shade and what will be illuminated by weak light? It is not necessary to achieve absolute plausibility, part of the image will not be visible at all.

Almost finished.

7. Covering the picture matte(!) Varnish, if you don't want to add anything else. I also put some gold on the earrings of the Snow Maiden.

8. Degrease the glass (I washed it with dishwashing detergent). Again we take a little medium and add a little white there. We matte the glass from the edges to the center - with a sponge with a drop of our mixture, we smear it from the edge to the center. The middle and just above the middle (where the faces will be) are left untouched. This will add opacity to us where transparency is not needed. It looks like this (I just started, as a result, everything should be matted at the edges strongly, and towards the center and faces should smoothly fade away):

9. We dry. flip the glass, and on the other hand we make frosty patterns.

We take body painting gel, lay out a slide on the palette and add a drop of blue and white paint, mix thoroughly. Take a bristle brush and apply test smears, waiting for drying. Our task is to make a white-bluish-transparent mass, which, after drying, corresponds to the color of the frosty patterns. This is difficult because the gel itself is white in its pure state, and the colors are distorted due to this whiteness. What it will be like when it dries, it is impossible to say right away, so samples are needed. Just add paint little by little, I have in this mass blue and white about 2-3 square meters. mm.

You can dry the samples with a hair dryer, they dry quickly. When the color suits you we begin to apply to work with short strokes, like twigs. You can take a picture and the Internet for the original. Bristle brush leaves textured strokes, it is not necessary to apply a very thick layer, and a thin one too.

By the way, in some places you can just pierce bristles, holding the brush vertically: there we don’t have patterns, but just frost. So we paint all the glass from the edges to the center - completely! We work quickly so that it does not have time to dry.

10. And now... we erase our patterns with our hand in the place where the faces and the edge of the lantern will be. It is not necessary to clean the glass completely - after all, when we erase the frost from the glass, it remains in some places. AND immediately fall asleep all the glass with sparkles, they stick to the wet gel and freeze on it. Our gel retains its texture and shines glossy, and we see exactly those twigs-patterns that we drew. Everything shines differently from different angles. Amazing effect!

While it dries, we are engaged in the frame: I applied bituminous varnish on it and began to erase a little from the protruding parts. It turned out such an old wooden window. She applied shellac on top (according to the instructions, bituminous varnish is coated with shellac). Shellac gave a slight yellowness, the wood became warm :) But you could just paint it with acrylic, lightly rub it and cover it with matte varnish.

We insert glass, for it - cardboard. The cardboard is slightly bent, and the picture does not adjoin closely to the glass - this is good.

Knock Knock! We approach the window, erase the frost with our hand - and there ...

Pictures can be enlarged - just click on them :)

Under normal lighting:

And it's possible like this:

I’ll tell you a secret - from the back I dug through the cardboard in the place of the flashlight to the paper, put a little putty there (there is more at the edges of the pit, so that the degree of illumination smoothly decreases), and glued a small flashlight onto the adhesive tape ...

So the first frosts began, winter will come soon and it will become even colder, but this is not a reason to be sad. After all, at this time of the year you can see many beautiful creations of nature, such as frosty patterns on window glass.

If you look closely and turn on a little imagination, then in these patterns you can see flowers, trees, snowy plains, stars, ferns and just beautiful curls of various shapes.

What are frost patterns made of?

The patterns on the glass consist of ice crystals and, in essence, are the same as the well-known frost that appears on grass and trees.

Where do frosty patterns on glass come from?

There is nothing supernatural in the process of formation of patterns, it is ordinary physics. The reason for this is water, which, as you know, can be in three states: solid, liquid and gaseous. At the moment when the air temperature drops below zero degrees, and there is a sufficient amount of moisture in the air, it begins to condense on the cooled surfaces.

Patterns are formed due to the fact that the window glass is not perfectly even, it contains microcracks, scratches, dust particles, as well as traces of touches. It is around all these irregularities of the glass that ice crystals begin to grow and grow the more intensely, the more moisture in the surrounding air.

How to draw frosty patterns

There are several ways to depict a beautiful frosty pattern on window glass with your own hands:

  1. We need white toothpaste and brushes. We dissolve the toothpaste in water and spray the glass with a spray gun to make it matte. Next, we dip the brush into toothpaste slightly diluted with water and with light strokes draw figures on the glass that imitate real frosty patterns. If there is no talent for fine arts and drawing is poor, you can use stencils.
  2. We buy in the pharmacy 50g. magnesium and dissolve it in 100g. light beer. Lubricate the resulting solution with a sponge or cotton pad first on a cleanly washed glass. Further, in order to speed up the drying process, you can blow on the glass with a hairdryer.

A selection of photos with frosty patterns on glass