Well-groomed hands are a calling card worthy of a queen. Hand care at home - “What is female beauty? For me, first of all, well-groomed hands and a neat manicure. I share my secrets for hand care, everything is clear, simple

Hands are the girl's calling card, her neck is her passport, her chest is her passport.

There are no ugly women, there are lazy ones.

Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply simply stupid.

The worse things are for a girl, the better she should look.

Every girl should always know two things: what and who she wants.

If a girl does not wear makeup, then she thinks too highly of herself.

The best fashion accessory for a woman is a handsome man!

Restrain yourself when it hurts, and not make a scene when it hurts - that's what an ideal woman is.

Don't marry men with change purses.

Self-care must start from the heart, otherwise no cosmetics will help.

Nobody is young after forty, but we can be irresistible at any age.

You don't have to be young and beautiful to look great.

A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man does not worry about the future until he marries.

A beautiful dress may look beautiful on a hanger, but that doesn't mean anything. A dress must be judged when it is on a woman, when a woman moves her arms, legs, bends her waist.

Women, as a rule, choose a nightgown for themselves much more carefully than their husband.

Perfume says more about a woman than her handwriting.

A woman is closest to nakedness when she is well dressed.

It is said that women dress for women, that they are inspired by the spirit of competition. It's true. But if there were no more men left in the world, they would stop dressing.

Never forget that there is a woman inside the clothes.

A woman should dress in such a way that it is pleasant to undress her.

We need beauty to be loved by men, and stupidity - so that we love men.

Elegance is not about wearing a new dress. Elegant - because it is elegant, the new dress has nothing to do with it.

Perfume is an invisible, but unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory. He announces the appearance of a woman and continues to remind her when she is gone.

- Where to apply makeup? Where do you want to be kissed?

If you were struck by the beauty of some woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly.

Dress badly and your clothes will be remembered - dress impeccably and a woman will be remembered

I do not understand how a woman can leave the house without putting herself in order - even out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe on this day you will meet your destiny. So it's better to be as perfect as possible to meet fate

Good afternoon, dear girls!

Lately I've been paying a little more attention to my hands than I used to. I can honestly say that this is bearing fruit. When I have well-groomed hands and a neatly done manicure, even if not a salon, not a professional one, I feel much more confident.

Have you ever been in a situation where, at the moment of communicating with a friend who has perfectly well-groomed hands, you want to hide yours somewhere else? I have experienced this feeling more than once, especially when you are on maternity leave and there is no time, not just to do a manicure, even to wash your hair.

But a woman should always remain a woman, you just need to take care of yourself, despite the factors that do not allow us to do this. Otherwise, what else ... So many troubles from this: a bad mood, a husband looks at others, it’s a shame even to go to visit ...

Therefore, girls, we sit at home or lead an active lifestyle, we always take care of ourselves, this is the golden rule!

Why do I not visit salons, but do everything at home?

Because it's time! I need to make an appointment with the master, but the master cannot today, and tomorrow, and in a week ... But what should I do all this time, sorry, look for another master? Well, let's say I'm going to the other end of the city, an hour there, an hour back, two hours there, a total of half a day, and even the result is not always what we would like.

I got tired of it all and decided to do it myself. I bought the tools I needed for this, now I’ll tell you everything in detail.

First of all, I made it a rule to clean my nails with a toothbrush with toothpowder, wait a minute, twist your finger at your temple, this method perfectly relieves the nail plate from yellowness, whoever constantly paints their nails with colored varnishes will understand me now.

So, I take an old toothbrush, pour powder on it:

And go ahead, here is a photo of the process:


After all these procedures, having previously degreased the nail plate, you can paint your nails with colored varnish, you can not do this, as you like. It turns out like this.

Beautiful hands are a visiting card of a woman

Hands can say a lot about a woman. Hands often give out the age of a woman. They are exposed to active mechanical, thermal and chemical irritants more often than other parts of the body. The skin of the hands dries out early, becomes thinner, loses its elasticity, and age spots and wrinkles appear on it. But well-groomed, soft hands - this is what attracts, creates an impression of a person. In ancient times, when knights could only dream of a beautiful lady, their most cherished desire was to touch the hand of their beloved. And the ladies carefully monitored the condition of their hands, so that the gentleman once again admired the velvety and tenderness of the skin.

“For a woman’s hands to be beautiful, they must be idle,” Alexandre Dumas wrote in the middle of the 19th century. Now our women are constantly working, their hands either wash the dishes, or clean the vegetables, or do the cleaning - which means that they must be constantly protected. Women's hands are almost always in sight. Women are usually emotional, they like to gesticulate when talking, they like to tap their nails on the table, they will not fail to offer their hand for a kiss if the opportunity presents itself. Especially women like to show their hands if they are beautiful. How to make sure there is something to show?

Detergents and cleaning agents, washing powder, soil when working in the garden have a bad effect on the condition of the skin of the hands. Without special care, their skin becomes dry, rough, cracked, flaky.

The skin on the back of the hands contains very few sebaceous glands, and on the palms they are absent altogether. Therefore, the hydrolipid film of the skin, which provides it with natural protection, is very weakly expressed in the area of ​​the hands. In addition, the epidermis of this zone contains little water - 4-5 times less than the skin of the face. As a result, the skin of the hands is very often dehydrated.

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Shoulders and arms Let's practice the basic elements with the help of the shoulders and hands. The arms are freely lowered along the body, fingers together. Slowly raising your arms through the sides up, we perform smooth movements with the brushes: imagine that you are digging the brush into the sand.

A real woman's hands should always be well-groomed. Well-groomed hands have always been an indisputable advantage of a woman. No wonder the secular beauties of the Pushkin era, in order to achieve the result of well-groomed hands, smeared them with pork fat and put on gloves before going to bed. Although it remains unclear how, with such "packed" hands, they managed to sleep with their husbands and lovers. Jokes are jokes, and achieving the effect of well-groomed hands is no joke.

There are many expensive and not very expensive, imported and domestic hand care products. Many of these tools are quite worthy, and they, of course, should be used. At the same time, a fairly large number of hand care products have a short-term result. And if a woman is away from home all day, then she cannot always constantly lubricate her hands with cream. As a result, by the evening her hands no longer look well-groomed.

well-groomed hands- these are hands that are always well-groomed, in any situation and at any time of the day. And therefore, so that during the working day the hands do not dry out, they must be lubricated with silicone cream.

Hands need a fatty film. Such a film is especially relevant in the cold season. Before leaving the house in the cold, it is useful to grease your hands with pork fat and massage, after which you should wipe them thoroughly with a napkin.

Hand skin protection.

Well-groomed hands are hands that are not overly exposed to chemicals. Therefore, when washing or washing dishes on your hands, it is useful to wear gloves. Special brushes with long handles, with which you can, for example, clean the toilet bowl or bathtub, will also help to avoid contact with detergents and cleaning products.

Despite the presence of a huge number of cosmetic products, women's hand care not as simple as it might seem. Hands are very difficult to protect from exposure to adverse weather conditions. And therefore, in the cold season, one should not forget that gloves or mittens should be worn. Strange as it may seem, we sometimes don't pay attention when our hands get cold, and they not only get cold, their skin becomes rough and dry, they don't look like well-groomed velvet hands.

Hand care products.

Well-groomed hands are hands that are cared for. If a woman loves herself, she will take care of her hands. She will apply useful creams and masks to them, make compresses. In order for the beneficial substances contained in creams and masks to be well absorbed into the skin of the hands, you must first spread these creams or masks, and then cover with a napkin moistened with hot water and hold this napkin until it cools down.

To smooth and soothe the skin of the hands, you need to use a daily moisturizer and tonic cream, or gel. Such a cream or gel should contain complex combinations of biologically active substances, such as: plant extracts (aloe, chamomile, etc.); moisturizing oils (tea tree oil, cocoa, avocado). The necessary components are also glycerin, fatty components, as well as lanolin, which protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment (it is important that lanolin is similar in structure to the skin). Use this cream should be 2 times a day. And during the day, after washing your hands, it is better to use a nourishing cream or vegetable oil.

If a woman can afford to visit a beauty salon from time to time, where she will be offered to take hand treatments, that's great! But you can sometimes go to a beauty salon, and sometimes take care of your hands yourself. The French say that everything we eat is good for the skin of the face. They practice masks from potato pores and minced meat, from berry, fruit and vegetable gruel. But you can simultaneously make masks for both the face and hands. Get a double benefit!

Well-groomed hands are hands whose skin is not dry. In order to hand skin(and not only hands) was not dry, you need to take a teaspoon of linseed oil several times a day. Flaxseed oil can also be added to salads, although not everyone likes it. But it’s not for nothing that they say that beauty requires sacrifice!

Hands say a lot, not for nothing that detectives like Sherlock Holmes could determine the habits, occupation and age of the owner by their state.

Don't Forget Hand Cream

Self-care is a complex and regular procedure. It is important that none of the steps fall out of your routine. And about the hands, admit it, you often forget. We advise you to have several tubes of cream: one at home, one at work and one in your bag. This will help you keep your skin supple and hydrated all day long.

Take care of your cuticles

Some creams are aimed at taking care of the skin of the hands and cuticles. If this is not about your product, you will have to take care of it separately. Cuticle oils are best moisturized with special oils (you can buy them at any cosmetics store). Gently massage them into the skin around the nail. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week.

Be careful with water

What is not in tap water, from chloroform to pesticides. Therefore, we recommend that you reduce water procedures to the required minimum, wash your hands with warm, but not hot water, and choose soap with a mild formula. Separately, it is worth recalling that it is advisable to do cleaning and washing dishes with gloves.

Enter the night care

Interestingly, day and night creams are not only for the face, but also for the hands. The latter are more saturated with nutrients that are better absorbed during sleep. If that's not enough, then try moisturizing gloves. Put them on before bed and take them off in the morning. The effect will definitely cover the discomfort from addiction.

Humidify the air

The humidifier is a very interesting thing, the bonuses of which you have yet to explore. Dry air negatively affects the condition of the skin in general, and hands in particular. Therefore, a baby humidifier is a convenient thing. Especially in air-conditioned rooms.

It is said that a woman's true age can be determined by the way her hands look.

Small wrinkles, cracks, swollen veins, unkempt nails, dry skin - all these are signs of age-related changes.

And sometimes it happens that a woman hides her age. Therefore, first of all, she needs to pay attention to her hands.

First, let's talk about what not to do.

Firstly, is to lift weights. Gynecologists forbid women to lift bags weighing more than 10 kg. But gravity has a bad effect not only on internal organs. From prolonged and systematic dragging of gravity on the hands, the veins very clearly appear, and it looks just awful.

Secondly, wash dishes only with rubber gloves, in extreme cases, you can buy a mild detergent-balm.

Thirdly, remove jewelry, rings, bracelets at night. They interfere with normal blood circulation, as a result of which blood does not flow to the fingers, swelling occurs.

Now let's talk about what we need to do to make our hands look young, healthy and beautiful.

The first assistant in this will be simple gymnastics. You can do it in the morning, in the evening and in a free minute during the day. Hold your hands relaxed on the table or lap for one or two minutes. Then begin to clench your fingers into a fist with sharp movements, each time increasing the pace. Now count your fingers, bending and unbending them in turn. Everything. Gymnastics stirred up your joints a little, dispersed the blood, which, undoubtedly, your hands will say "thank you!".

Next, let's talk about hygiene.
We all know the rule that before eating you need to wash your hands with soap and water. There are a lot of various pathogenic microbes and bacteria around us that can penetrate through the smallest cracks and scratches on your hands and cause skin inflammation. Wash hands preferably with mild soap with glycerin or liquid soap. After washing, dry your hands with a towel. If you can't wash your hands after riding public transport, use a special antiseptic gel, or in extreme cases, a wet wipe.

Do not forget to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream before going to bed.. And in the morning, before going to work, especially if the weather is windy, then moisturizer. In winter, in frosty weather, be sure to wear gloves, otherwise not only the skin of the hands, but also the nails will suffer. The cream must be rubbed with light circular movements, at the same time the skin receives a relaxing massage session, the blood rushes and saturates the skin with useful nutrients.

There are also many popular recipes. to help you get your hands in perfect condition.
Honey masks perfectly soften the skin. Mix equal parts honey and egg yolk. Apply the mixture on the skin of the hands, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Baths of kefir or curdled milk make your skin more radiant and supple. In a bowl with warm yogurt, drip a few drops of lemon juice and hold your hands there for 15 minutes.

For dry and inflamed hands Strawberry mask helps a lot. Pound 2 tablespoons of crushed strawberries with 1 tablespoon of fatty cottage cheese. Apply a generous layer of the mass on the back of the palms, and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Ideally moisturizes both the skin of the face and the skin of the hands cucumber mask. It is necessary to chop in a blender or grate the cucumber on a fine grater until a slurry is formed, put it on your hands and put on fabric gloves. Hold for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Hands are our calling card. Beautiful and well-groomed hands of women especially attract attention. There are many simple and at the same time effective ways to preserve the beauty of hands.

But there are some basic rules that you need to follow every day to keep your hands beautiful.

Well-groomed hands - step 1

Firstly, every time, lubricating hands with cream(and this is best done after each contact with water) you need to massage your fingers and palms. The cream should be rubbed from the fingertips to their base, and then along the back of the hand to the wrist. Vigorous rubbing of the cream is especially beneficial because it increases blood flow to the skin.

Oil massage is very effective for well-groomed hands. such as olive oil. After such a massage, the hands become soft and tender.

Well-groomed hands - step 2

At least once a week it is necessary to exfoliate the skin of the hands. To do this, you can use a store scrub, but sugar - sand or corn grits is also quite suitable. Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil, then rub the cereal or sugar on the outside of your palms.

Well-groomed hands - step 3

It is necessary to periodically do procedures to improve well-groomed skin of the hands. A decoction of chamomile, sage, lime blossom will help you with this: pour a hot decoction into a bowl, immerse your hands in it for 10-15 minutes, then dry them with a napkin or towel and rub a rich nourishing cream into your skin.

When the skin of the hands peels off and cracks appear in winter, a potato compress will help well: boil potatoes in their skins, peel and mash them, then apply warm mashed potatoes on your hands and put on rubber gloves, leave the compress overnight. From the chapped skin of the hands, a bath of hot milk will help.

If your hands often sweat, make baths with dill and potassium permanganate. It is advisable to do them every day. To do this, for 1 liter of water with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate needs a little bit so that the solution becomes barely pink), you need to take 2 bunches of finely chopped dill. Also, with this problem, a decoction of oak bark helps well (50g of bark pour 1 liter of hot water and boil for 30 minutes, strain and dilute with water).

To whiten the skin of the hands, use the following composition: 50 gr. glycerin mixed with 100 ml of water and lemon juice.

Well-groomed hands - step 4

Sometimes painful cracks can also appear on the elbows, which we often forget about. Well-groomed hands are beautiful hands from the shoulder to the fingertips. To eliminate this problem, you need to make a soap and soda bath: dissolve 50 g of soda in 1 liter of hot water. Lubricate the elbows with cream and dip in the bath for 10 minutes, periodically rubbing the skin with a pumice stone.

Well-groomed hands - step 5

Another attribute of well-groomed hands are nails. If you want your nails to be always strong and healthy, take care of them regularly, and also try to eat right.

The most effective remedy for brittle nails is lemon. Dip your nails into the cut halves of the lemon.

For 2 weeks of such treatment they will receive a full complex of vitamins. A salt bath, which is made from 1 tsp, will also be useful. salt in 60 ml of boiled water (the salt should dissolve completely) and heated to 40 degrees. The duration of the bath is 20-30 minutes, the frequency is 2-3 times a week.

Don't be lazy, take care of your hands every day, do exercise and hand massage, and then they will be tender, silky and beautiful. Let well-groomed hands become your calling card.

When meeting a woman, the first thing men pay attention to is her appearance and hands. It is these elements that allow a man to like or, conversely, push away from himself.

Every woman dreams of soft and neat hands. However, in order to achieve this, one must not only dream, but also act. And for this you need to work a little and devote due time. By themselves, the hands will not become beautiful, on the contrary, in advanced cases, they take on an untidy appearance, become rough. It is worth admitting that when you see unkempt hands, no man wants to deal with such a woman, not to mention the fact that he will lower her self-esteem.

To avoid all these unpleasant moments, you should first determine the causes that caused the problems of untidy hands, and then eliminate these causes. The main reason for unkempt hands is constant contact with chemical and household products that women use when washing dishes, kitchen utensils, and bathroom accessories. As a rule, all these products are very aggressive and dry the skin of the hands, damaging them. Therefore, any work must be done using rubber gloves.

Such gloves will protect your hands not only from chemical reagents, but also from the effects of water, since the constant presence of hands in water also spoils their appearance. Many women love to take care of flowers. If some of them live in a summer cottage, then daily contact with the ground is ensured. And the soil earth, as a rule, tends to dry the skin of the hands, from which the hands become rough and crack. Fungal diseases are another cause of unkempt hands. With fungi, not only fingers are damaged, but also nails. You can't hide such hands from prying eyes.

In all of the above cases, there are ways and methods that will eliminate the cause and give the hands a well-groomed and tidy appearance. It is not enough just to wear gloves for washing bathrooms or working in the garden. In any case, hands need daily care. Various baths will help to make your hands beautiful.

Bath #1. You need to pour some hot water into a small basin, add a small amount of sea salt, the same amount of baking soda and a few drops of any essential oil. Mix all the ingredients well so that the grains dissolve in the water. Hold your hands in this solution for about half an hour, periodically making massage movements of the skin of the hands so that the healing properties of salt and oils are better absorbed.

After this procedure, rinse your hands with warm water and apply a hand cream, preferably with a glycerin base. If there are calluses or roughened areas on the hands, then during the procedure you can use a pumice stone. Pumice stone allows you to remove keratinized skin. However, do not rub hard with a pumice stone, so as not to further injure your hands.

Bath number 2. A bath of decoction of medicinal herbs has a good effect. To do this, you need to take equal amounts of dry chamomile, calendula and nettle, pour boiling water and insist on low heat for 5-10 minutes, no more. Then cool the broth slightly, pour into a small bowl. Dip your hands in the solution and hold for 15-20 minutes. Further procedures are the same as in the first case.

Bath number 3. An excellent hand remedy is a bath of sea salt, lemon juice and olive oil. As in the first case, pour hot water into a bowl, dissolve sea salt, lemon juice and olive oil in it. Dip your hands in the solution, hold for 20-25 minutes. Such baths not only give the hands softness and make them tender, but also strengthen the nails, giving them a healthy look.

Bath number 4. The well-known paraffin bath makes the hands soft, tender, expands the pores, allows you to remove excess fluid, copes with keratinized areas of the skin of the hands and strengthens the nail plates. Paraffin can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city in any quantity. So, dissolve the required amount of paraffin in an enamel bowl at a temperature of 50-55 degrees Celsius. You should not bring the paraffin to a boil, you just need to melt it. Then cool to the desired temperature and lower your hands into it for a while. While the paraffin is warm and not frozen, it is better to get your hands out, otherwise you will have to spend time later removing paraffin residues from your hands.

All of the above and described baths must be done periodically during the week. It is advisable to do the baths at night, before going to bed, so that their effect persists throughout the night. In addition to baths, during the day, hands must be constantly lubricated with cream, no matter how moisturizing or nourishing. It is necessary that the skin of the hands is always under the influence of caring elements of the cream. And creams based on medicinal herbs, such as calendula, chamomile, and sage, have an even greater effect.

As a hint, it is worth offering one little tip: during the day you need to massage your fingers and do various exercises with your hands. Massage and exercise improve the work of blood in the capillaries and lymph, not allowing the fluid to stagnate. And blood circulation improves the supply of oxygen, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the hands.

Thus, all these simple and tricky rules will ensure that the hands will soon acquire a well-groomed appearance, the skin will smooth out and become elastic. Do not forget about the nails. To do this, both the baths described above and the timely removal of cuticles that spoil hands even with proper care for them will help. You should never forget that beautiful hands can defeat any man!

So, in order to have beautiful, well-groomed and tidy hands, you do not need to resort to the services of beauty salons, but just change your way of thinking, do not be lazy and use all available means.

Manicure- this is a small, but very significant detail in the image of a modern well-groomed woman. It is no coincidence that each of us is ready to devote a lot of time to this important nuance of a stylish image. Imagine for yourself - after all, no one, and above all the woman herself, will not be pleased to see dull nails, overgrown cuticles or an untidy appearance of a hangnail. Manicure involves not only an aesthetic function, this simple, but extremely necessary procedure must be regularly carried out also for hygienic purposes. Many representatives of the fair sex can no longer imagine the completeness of their own stylish image of a modern business woman without a neatly done manicure. Some women naively believe that they can, quite independently, in adapted home conditions, carry out all the necessary manipulations to care for their own hands and thereby ignore the need for periodic visits to a professional beauty salon. Yes, there is no doubt that a manicure is just a regular and thorough implementation of quite simple procedures. And these simple techniques are quite capable of being mastered by every woman striving for a beautiful and aesthetically complete image. It's no secret that regular hand care is a rather painstaking and time-consuming process, but it's nice to feel your own perfection at the end of the next procedure, to see your well-groomed hands with neatly processed and flawlessly painted nails. And if you add jewelry or bijouterie to this image, then hardly any heart will remain indifferent to such a pleasant look. It is no coincidence that trendsetters consider a woman's hands an expressive indicator of her age and lifestyle. How many beautiful words, how many poetic epithets are intended to describe female beauty, how many beautiful words are addressed precisely to beloved well-groomed hands with flawless nails. After all, it is the impeccable shape and the dazzlingly beautiful shine of the nails that complete the female image, accentuate its uniqueness and special inimitable charm. How to do a manicure? The specialists of the Moskvichka-Studio beauty salon will gladly share their professional secrets and tell you about a comprehensive and professional manicure.

The most necessary tool in high-quality nail care can be called a nail file, and to be more precise, this is a professional set of special files for manicure. In the matter of choosing quality tools, it is extremely important not to make a mistake in choosing. To do this, you should know that for those who have strong enough nails, sapphire or sand tools are most suitable. Unfortunately, strong nails are not characteristic of all representatives of the better half of humanity, and sets of special tools with fine-grained files and a special grinding zone are intended for less durable ones.

It should be noted that at present, metal files are considered a passed stage in the professional environment of cosmetologists. The base of the nail file should be rubber or made of very hard cardboard. Metal files are intended exclusively for men.

How is real quality manicure ?

  • Before starting work, you should make sure that the nails are dry. If they are wet before processing, then the mechanical action of them can lead to delamination processes. Under no circumstances should this trouble be allowed. Eliminate the movements of the nail file along the processed nail according to the “back and forth” method, the movement of the tool should be only in one direction, exclusively in the direction from the tip to the hole. The beauty of the shape of the processed nail will depend not only on the state in which they are, but it goes without saying - on the shape of the fingers. With brittle, dull nails, regular use of special formulations for strengthening, vitamin-rich food is recommended. When processing with a nail file, owners of refined long fingers should give their nails a square shape, with all other forms it is better to stick to the classic oval version. It is possible to achieve a mirror shine with the most thorough polishing of each nail, these painstaking manipulations are carried out using special professional polishing files with numbers printed on them. These figures indicate to the beauty salon specialist the sequence of polishing work to achieve the maximum effect of completeness of the image of well-groomed hands.
  • Removing the cuticle - with this important action, in fact, the manicure begins. The cuticle can be removed in two ways. recommend choosing an unedged cuticle removal method. This more humane and almost painless method is carried out as follows. A small amount of a special liquid is applied to the cuticle, after a while the skin around the nail softens: it becomes softer and more elastic. Then, with a special stick with a rubber tip, the softened cuticle is carefully pushed back, thereby removing it under the very base of the nail.
  • Before proceeding with the removal of burrs, it is necessary to steam your hands in a container of warm water with the addition of a softening agent for the skin of the hands and the surface of the nails, such as glycerin. In the absence of an emollient at home, you can add a teaspoon of table salt to the water. Steamed hands must be thoroughly wiped with a paper towel or cotton towel, then it is necessary to allow the hands to dry completely in the air and rest a little after the thermal effect of water. Next, with special tweezers, they begin to carefully remove the burrs. In this case, the instrument should be located strictly perpendicular to the skin. To avoid infection of possible wounds and microcracks on the skin, forceps must be disinfected before use. At the end of the procedure, wipe the treated area with a disinfectant.
  • The final stage of manicure is applying varnish. First, a so-called base varnish is applied to the surface of each nail. It is thanks to this mandatory technique that the final color of the painted nail will be more saturated, deep and even. As a rule, the varnish base dries at an average room temperature of 18-22 degrees Celsius for 3-5 minutes. At this time, you can choose the color of the main varnish, which is then carefully applied with a professional manicure brush to a previously prepared surface. In no case should you apply varnish on the surface of the nail abundantly. For the full effect, it is better to apply the varnish in two or three stages, giving the necessary time for the complete drying of each layer. Only with such a painstaking and consistent technology of applying varnish, the surface of each nail will turn out to be beautiful, neatly and evenly made up, without streaks and any bubbles. If there is a need to carry out this work as soon as possible, then in order for each layer of varnish to dry faster, it is possible to briefly substitute freshly painted fingers under running cold water. By the way, for manicure, we recommend using and using the products of the famous CND brand.
  • It is necessary to choose the color of the varnish, taking into account the shape of the nail and skin tone. Polishes with bluish tints of color are suitable for women of winter or summer type. If the skin tone is yellowish, then saturated shades of red flowers, as well as a juicy pink color, will look the most advantageous. With an almond-shaped form, matte colors of varnish are used, dark colors will also be good. Nails are rarely perfect, often on their surface there are defects and irregularities. In such a case, you should not use mother-of-pearl varnish for coloring, since in this case all minor errors on the surface of the nail will become even more noticeable. There is also a little professional trick with the help of which manicure and pedicure specialists from Moskvichka Studio will help create the effect of long nails: - applying light varnish on the nail, while leaving the very edge without staining. With this method of applying colored varnish, the painted nails will visually appear longer, and the hands as a whole will look more elegant and feminine.

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