Cracks in the nipples. Cracked nipples while breastfeeding Nursing oil for cracked nipples

Very often in the process of breastfeeding, especially in the first few weeks, mothers face a rather unpleasant and painful problem - cracked nipples. Usually, the first signals of such trouble are pain when feeding the baby, which gradually begin to intensify. After several feedings, small tears and damage to the skin or deep bleeding cracks appear on the nipple. It even happens that the baby spit up after feeding with traces of blood. Cracks pose a danger to a woman, as they serve as favorable conditions for the introduction and development of infection in the breast.

Causes of cracks.
Firstly, it should be noted that literally all young mothers experience some discomfort and pain during breastfeeding in the first few days. This is due to the increased load on the skin of the nipples, which before the birth of the child did not experience such an intense effect. But such sensations are at their peak only in the first few feedings, after which they decrease. In addition, the skin of the nipples very quickly gets used to such an effect, as if hardening, as a result, nursing mothers completely cease to feel any discomfort. But cracks appear for completely different reasons, there are quite a lot of them, but the main ones still remain improper attachment of the baby to the breast and insufficient observance of personal hygiene rules, in particular, insufficient care for the skin of the nipples.

Determining that the baby is not breastfeeding correctly is very simple. Here are some signs of improper suckling:

  • the baby captures only the nipple, the areola remains outside the baby's mouth;
  • mother experiences pain throughout the feeding;
  • while sucking, the baby smacks and clatters;
  • in the process of sucking, the child tucks his lips inward;
  • after feeding, the mother does not feel the feeling of lightness of the breast and release from milk;
  • with each sucking movement, the breast slides back and forth in the baby's mouth.
If the baby sucks the breast incorrectly, the skin on the nipples rubs repeatedly, and the nipple is deformed, as a result of which injuries occur. To contribute to damage to the skin of the nipples can also forcibly take the breast from a child when he has not yet opened his mouth. The use of products in breast care that dry the skin (alcohol, brilliant green, soap) and help reduce its elasticity as a result of a violation of the water-fat balance can also lead to cracks.

Another cause of nipple skin injuries can be called hypovitaminosis, when an insufficient amount of vitamins enters the mother's body. Vitamins A, B, D, E, C are important for skin elasticity and excellent condition.

Prevention of nipple cracks.
Preventive measures should be carried out before the birth of the child in the process of carrying a pregnancy, and also continue after childbirth. Proper care and hardening of the skin of the breast and nipples prepares them for breastfeeding and prevents the appearance of cracks in the nipples after childbirth. During the period of bearing a baby, the mammary glands increase significantly in size, so expectant mothers are advised to wear cotton bras that are ideal in size, which will prevent chafing of the skin. In the last stages of pregnancy and in the first weeks of breastfeeding, women need to carry out the so-called "air baths" for the breast, which implies its complete exposure for ten to fifteen minutes several times a day. In addition, regular pouring of cool water on the breast helps to harden it and significantly reduce the risk of nipple cracks and mastitis. After taking a shower every day, it is recommended to massage the skin around the nipples with a soft terry towel for about a minute.

During the period of pregnancy, as well as after childbirth, it is recommended to put special thin absorbent sanitary pads on the nipple area in the bra, which can be bought at a pharmacy, or use cosmetic pads made of cotton, which, when wet due to milk secretion, should be replaced with dry ones. It is the increased humidity and the subsequent friction of the skin on the underwear that increases the risk of developing nipple cracks and pathogens.

The main thing in the prevention of cracks is the correct attachment of the child to the breast. Moms should monitor the correct position of the baby's mouth during feeding, that is, the baby should completely capture the areola and nipple with his mouth, his chin should touch the chest, and the upper lip should almost completely hide the areola. If the baby does not suckle correctly, be sure to take the breast from him and patiently attach it again. You should find out in advance how to properly breastfeed your baby, consult with a nurse at the maternity hospital or invite a specialist home. If the baby does not let go of the nipple, then you should not pull it out or drag it by force. Wait until the baby is satiated and pushes the breast on its own. If you need to urgently interrupt feeding, just insert your little finger into the corner of the baby’s mouth or lightly pinch his nose, he will let go of the breast. An important condition - hands must be washed, this should be remembered constantly.

To maintain hygiene during lactation, it is enough to wash the breast once a day with boiled water without soap, while drying it with blotting movements with a soft towel, and change linen daily. In no case should you roughly wipe your chest, such actions will lead to cracks. Be sure to dry the breast in the open air for five to ten minutes after feeding and decanting milk residues, and then lubricate the skin in the nipple area with lanolin oil. By the way, this oil is part of some pharmaceutical products, in particular Purealan, Lanoderm. This cream does not need to be washed off before feeding. This tool can only be used as a prevention of cracks, other drugs are recommended for treatment. To prevent cracks in the nipples after feeding, the skin can be lubricated with Bepanten or an oily solution of vitamin A. However, it has one significant drawback, before feeding the baby, the product will have to be washed off, as a result of which the breast will be exposed to unwanted effects of soap. In this case, ordinary soap can be replaced with neutral pH liquid soap. In no case should Vaseline or sunflower oil be used to soften the skin before feeding, as they can not only cause allergies in a child, but also cause indigestion. It is better to use these products after, then until the next feeding, the product will be partially absorbed into the skin and partially washed off with water.

In general, products that have to be washed off before feeding are less and less recommended by specialists as a prevention of cracks, since their smell can scare away the baby and cause premature rejection of the mother's breast.

But it is best to use an effective and natural medicine to prevent the occurrence of damage to the skin of the nipples - your own milk. It is perfectly absorbed by the skin, maintains an optimal level of moisture and nutrients, and also forms a protective film on the surface of the skin. In addition, it contains vitamins that have a healing effect, as well as a high level of immunoglobulins that can fight infection in the resulting skin cracks. After feeding the baby, squeeze out a few drops of milk and lubricate the nipple and surrounding skin, then allow the breast to dry in the open air. This procedure can be carried out after each feeding.

To avoid cracking, it is important to change the position of the baby at the breast during breastfeeding so that pressure is applied to different parts of the nipple.

Very often, you can hear from mothers that the best prevention of damage to the skin of the nipples is to limit the duration of feedings to ten to fifteen minutes. However, in reality, it is the very hungry baby who begins to suckle the breast so greedily that the skin of the nipples is injured. Therefore, in this case, it is still better to give preference to feeding on demand.

If cracks on the nipple nevertheless appear, then it is necessary to immediately deal with their treatment.

Healing and treatment of cracked nipples.
If, despite all the preventive measures, cracks still occur, it is necessary to direct all efforts for their speedy healing. This is necessary because a woman is therefore at increased risk of developing mastitis, and the baby can take over the infection from a skin lesion with breast milk.

To relieve pain during breastfeeding, you can use special silicone pads. They relieve pain a little, taking on the load that falls on the skin of the nipple when the baby is not properly attached to the breast. However, if the baby continues to breastfeed incorrectly, this will lead to the fact that he will not be able to suck out enough milk, there will be no necessary stimulation for milk production, as a result of which the mother’s tendency to lactostasis will significantly increase against the background of insufficient breast emptying, and in The amount of milk produced will decrease in the future. Only in exceptional cases, women manage to maintain breastfeeding for a long time using pads.

If the fissure does not heal within two to seven days, you should stop putting the baby to the sore breast for at least a couple of days. You can feed a child with healthy breasts, supplementing with a spoonful of milk expressed from a diseased breast. After improvement, feeding with the second breast can be resumed.

For quick healing of the crack, it is recommended to lubricate the nipples with rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil, calendula ointment, use Olazol spray with sea buckthorn oil. Arnica and Traumel ointments produced by the German company Heel, as well as Korneregel gel, have a good therapeutic effect. Apply after each breastfeed.

It should be noted that if all your efforts aimed at healing damage to the skin of the nipples do not improve the situation within a few days, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe vitamins that increase skin elasticity and have a wound-healing effect (usually B vitamins), as well as preparations to soften the skin of the chest.

Only a comprehensive solution to the problem will help keep breastfeeding as long as possible and not suffer from pain. I would like to wish all mothers patience, because over time, all these minor troubles will be left behind, and you will enjoy the joy of motherhood.

How to treat sore nipples while breastfeeding

Cracked nipples are small injuries to the skin of the nipples that occur during breastfeeding. Various factors provoke the formation of these wounds. There are also preventive measures. By following simple rules, you can protect yourself from this problem. But first, let's talk about how nipple cracks look, and what a woman feels if they appear.

Their appearance exactly matches the name. You can find a crack on the nipple with the naked eye. When feeding, it not only hurts a lot, but can also bleed. Basically, it's an abrasion. Think about the pain you felt when you hurt your hand when you fell as a child. That's about the same, only much more painful, since the skin of the nipples is very delicate.

Symptoms of cracked nipples can be a reason to temporarily not breastfeed if they are very painful or pus has appeared. Then feeding becomes not only very painful, but also dangerous for the child, since the infection that has already entered the skin of the nipple may be in his body.

Prevention of cracks, abrasions of the nipples

1. Moderate breast hygiene. If earlier in maternity hospitals women were taught thorough hygiene of the mammary glands, they said that they should wash their breasts with soap before each feeding (and this is at least 7 times a day), now it has been proven that all kinds of cracks are a consequence of just such actions. Mom just washes off the protective layer from her nipples. And frequent washing provokes dryness of delicate skin.

2. Proper attachment to the baby's breast. The most common causes of cracked nipples are just mistakes when attaching a baby. In maternity hospitals, they do not particularly monitor how women give breasts to children, but in vain. If the baby deeply captures the breast, along with the areola, then it will not be able to injure the mother's nipples in any way, since they will be located deep in his mouth during feeding.

It often happens that at first the mother correctly attaches the child to the breast, but with an increase in the age of the child, this is not always the case. The baby himself can attach himself to the breast when he begins to crawl well, sit, move and understand in general. He can, while playing, grab the nipple and injure it. Often women complain that they have cracked on one or both nipples of the breast when teeth erupted in children. Again, these problems can be avoided if you control the application process yourself. Do not let the child take the nipple when he wants to. Then no teeth will become a hindrance.

And yet, usually children bite during feeding only when they are not hungry or have already eaten. If you feel that the baby is starting to play around, but the nipple does not let go, gently insert the tip of your finger into the corner of his mouth. Then, without removing your finger, remove the nipple, and only then pull your finger out of your mouth. Do not pinch your child's nose to open their mouth.

3. Air baths. If possible, go home without a bra and leave your breasts naked for a few minutes after feeding. For nipples, this is very useful.

4. Frequent and incorrect pumping. Not every young mother knows how to properly express her breasts without touching the nipples during the process and without injuring them. In order not to provoke cracks in the nipples, it is better not to express at all, to learn how to breastfeed correctly so that lactostasis does not form, and there is no need for such a mechanical emptying of the mammary glands.

But if the nipples are still affected, is it possible to continue to breastfeed the baby? And in general, what to do if cracks on the nipples form during breastfeeding and it hurts a lot?

The main thing is to apply the child correctly, as we described earlier. Then the cracks on the nipple will practically not be affected during sucking. By the way, it is much easier to control the correct attachment when sitting. But if there is still pain, then there are only two options left - to feed the child with cracks in the nipples in special silicone pads (on the nipples) or express milk into a bottle and feed the child from it until the breast heals.

Both of these options have downsides. A child aged 6-7 months and older will no longer suck milk through the pads. And because of the sucking of the bottle, there may be a refusal to suckle in the future.

In a word, you need to look at the situation. In each case, the issue is resolved individually.

Treatment of nipple cracks with medication and folk remedies

Of the medications, Bepanthen cream is most often recommended. Its other commercial names are Dexpanthenol (by the name of the active substance), Pantoderm. This is not only a remedy for cracked nipples, but also against diaper rash, irritation on the baby's skin. Therefore, it should be mandatory in the first-aid kit of parents. The cream is applied after feeding. It is not necessary to wash it off before the next feeding if three hours have already passed, since the product is very quickly absorbed into the skin of the nipple. You can use this cream, ointment for cracked nipples with GV for as long and as often as required. There will be no harmful effects on the child.

Another well-known remedy for wound healing is Solcoseryl cream. It is also often recommended by dentists for gum injuries, after surgical interventions, such as cutting the frenulum. This drug can lubricate deep cracks in the nipples of the mammary glands. By the way, it also serves as an anesthetic.

It is very good to use products that contain medical lanolin for treatment. This cream "Purelan", "Lanovit" and others. This is something that can be used to treat cracked nipples during breastfeeding without fear. Apply the product at any convenient time and do not rinse before feeding.

As additional means of healing, it is good to use sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil. They are also sold in pharmacies. Before use, the oil must be sterilized, boiled in a water bath. Make it simple. You need to pour a small amount of oil into a jar of baby food and put inside a saucepan with water. Next, to the fire. The water will warm up, boil, and the oil will also boil a little and become sterile. Please note that the oil will remain sterile if you close it tightly, and no more than one day. Sterilization is necessary in order to exclude the complications of nipple cracks in the form of their suppuration and the development of mastitis after using the oil.

Other measures against these complications is the periodic use of an antiseptic - a solution of chlorhexidine. They treat wounds and cracks. Although, one of the women uses brilliant green for the same purposes. Which is also acceptable if the cracks do not occupy a large area.

The most affordable folk remedies for the treatment of nipple cracks are associated with the use of breast milk. His mom squeezes out, lubricates the crack and leaves her chest open, arranges for her the so-called air bath. There is a reasonable opinion that breast milk has many healing properties, including wound healing.

Breastfeeding is a natural process that is laid down by nature. Every new mother thinks so, especially for the first time. But when the baby is born and the time comes for the first attachment to the breast, problems are often found that the woman is unprepared for: difficulties with attachment and capture, weak or, conversely, too strong milk flows, lactostasis and the inevitable problem - cracked nipples. Often, a young mother is not able to cope with pain and discomfort during feeding. This process becomes so painful that the woman simply stops feeding. However, there are many ways to manage fissures, minimize pain, and make breastfeeding fun for both mom and baby.

The most effective treatment for cracks is local therapy, that is, a cream or ointment for the nipples, which heals wounds, heals delicate skin and prevents new lesions from appearing.

How cracks appear

The skin of the nipple is delicate and thin, but in the process of feeding it is subjected to serious tests - the baby's gums are very hard and during sucking he makes serious efforts. All this cannot but affect the nipples - the skin is under stress, cracks appear. They cause sharp, sometimes unbearable pain during feeding, blood oozes from the wounds, which can enter the child's mouth along with milk.

It is necessary that a so-called callus appear on the nipple, similar to the one that appears on the fingers of guitarists - at first it is very painful for them to touch the strings, but pretty soon the fingertips become rough and do not notice the tension. The same with the tender breast area - the skin there becomes a little rougher, and it becomes not painful to feed.

To form this callus, someone needs a week, and someone much more. If at the very beginning of the process there is no way to heal the wounds, do not use the ointment during feeding, inflammation may form, during which white blisters and redness appear on the injured area. If you do not start the problem, it will be solved quickly, and the treatment minimizes the pain of the process.

Causes of cracks

    Incorrect capture by the baby of the nipple - the mouth should capture not only the nipple itself, but also the area around the nipple, then the child will not pull the skin towards itself, thereby injuring it.

    Incorrect weaning - if you take it away from a suckling child, he will instinctively compress the gums even more and will pull on the nipple, injuring the skin. Be sure to wait until the baby releases the breast or stops suckling.

    Excessive hygiene is a relic of Soviet medicine, which advised young mothers to wash their breasts with water and certainly soap before and after each feeding. Such frequent exposure to an aggressive environment dries out delicate skin, which becomes even easier to injure.

    Incorrect processing of nipples - follows from the previous paragraph: until now, in many maternity hospitals, doctors of the old school recommend treating cracks with brilliant green. Meanwhile, the alcohol solution dries the skin even more than water and soap.

    The use of absorbent breast pads - such products are certainly a lifesaver for new mothers who have periodic bursts of milk. However, if you don't change your pads too often, the warm, moist environment in them is the perfect place for inflammation to form in existing cracks. Use such devices on the way out or only during the day, changing them regularly.

    Why is it important to treat cracked nipples?

    Cracks are actually open wounds from which ichor and blood ooze during feeding. Naturally, such wounds are the gateway to any infection. If you start the problem, then very soon mastitis will join the cracks - inflammation of the mammary gland. This disease often requires surgical intervention and dangerous complications for life.

    What can not smear cracks

      Antibiotic nipple ointment - this is only prescribed by a doctor if there is a serious infection and is generally incompatible with breastfeeding.

      Iodine or brilliant green are alcohol-containing solutions, and alcohol dries the epidermis - not the best solution for delicate injured skin.

      Lotions from alcohol or vodka - for the same reason.

      How and what to smear injured nipples

      Cracks, if they are shallow and not accompanied by pus, ulcers, blisters, can be treated on their own, although it is always better to show the breast to a doctor or lactation consultant. They will help correct the grip, which will prevent cracks from reappearing.

      In the treatment of such lesions, topical therapy works best, and many different ointments, creams or gels can be bought at the pharmacy. It’s easy to get confused in such a variety, especially if you don’t know which nipple ointment is better. First of all, you need to deal with the active substance in these drugs.

      Ointment based on dexpanthenol

      These are the most common and popular drugs. They are based on dexpanthenol, a substance derived from pantothenic acid, which is essentially a vitamin of group B. The most popular representatives are Panthenol and Bepanthen (cream or ointment).

      For nipples, the well-known "Panthenol" is excellent, which is available in the form of an ointment or cream of 25 and 50 grams. It is allowed during pregnancy and safe during breastfeeding. It is convenient that the drug can not be washed off the nipples before feeding, since there are practically no allergic reactions to it in children. Also, "Panthenol" is available in the form of a spray. The cost of the drug is 200-350 rubles. depending on the shape and volume. Also note that there is a means of domestic and German production.

      For nipples - a very popular product specifically for the treatment of cracks, as well as diaper rash in a child. It is produced by a German company. The product also comes on sale in the form of a cream with a volume of 30 and 100 grams. There is also an ointment marked “plus”, in which chlorhexidine is added to dexpanthenol for disinfection. The drug is applied to the nipples after each feeding. The price of "Bepanten" starts from 380 rubles for a small volume and up to 800 rubles. for a tube of 100 grams.

      You can also ask at a Russian-made pharmacy - this is the most budget option, only 130 rubles. for a 25-gram tube, and the active substance is the same as that of analogues.

      Zinc Oxide Nipple Ointment

      It has excellent wound healing astringent properties, in addition, it dries the wound and resists its infection. On the basis of zinc oxide, both specialized preparations for breastfeeding and general spectrum products are produced. An important feature of them is the need to be sure to wash off the ointment before feeding.

      The most popular product is Sudocrem, it can be found in American and Irish production. They have an identical composition and are available in jars of 60 and 125 grams. By the way, "Sudokrem", as well as products with panthenol, is also suitable for the treatment of diaper dermatitis. The price of the cream is 350-500 rubles.

      You can also try Johnson & Johnson's Desitin Nipple Ointment. A 50-gram pack will cost 260 rubles. A characteristic feature of "Desitin" is the content of cod liver oil in the composition, which gives it a specific smell.

      If you want to save money, then take zinc ointment or paste, they are usually Russian-made and cost around 100 rubles.

      Lanolin for the treatment of cracks

      Lanolin is a natural animal fat, also called wool wax, and is obtained by digesting sheep's wool. Ointment for nipple cracks with lanolin allows you to create a protective film on the skin, under which the wounds heal faster, and dry skin becomes more hydrated. However, such creams are more suitable for prevention.

      The most popular nipple cream with lanolin is Purelan from the Swiss company Medela. It is produced in tubes of 37 grams, the cost is about 500 rubles. "Purelan" is 100% lanolin, and this allows you not to wash it off before feeding. Apply the cream in a thin layer, without rubbing into the skin.

      Similar creams are available from other manufacturers of children's cosmetics and products for mothers - Avent, Baby line, Sanosan, Pigeon.

      Nipple ointment for breastfeeding with retinol

      Retinol is vitamin A, a dermatoprotector that effectively restores damaged epidermis. Treatment should be done twice a day, be sure to wash off the drug before feeding. Look for products with retinol in a pharmacy - for example, Russian-made Videstim ointment for nipple cracks (100-200 rubles, depending on the volume) or Ralevit, fortified with vitamins E and D2 (350 rubles). However, it is better to use these ointments as prescribed by a doctor and not to combine with vitamin A intake, so as not to get an overdose.

      Natural oils and plant extracts

      Natural ingredients with excellent moisturizing and wound-healing properties are sold both in pure form and in combination, in the form of creams and ointments. For example, cream from Mama Comfort with buckwheat, wheat germ and peach.

      Ointment for the healing of the nipples "Vulnuzan" from the Bulgarian concern "Sopharma" is made from the extract of the mother liquors of the Pomorie salt lakes and perfectly heals even deep cracks. Also, the ointment has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

      Natural oils also have excellent properties - olive, sea buckthorn, cedar. They are completely harmless and may not be washed off before feeding.

      Folk recipes

      Cracks in the nipples have tormented nursing women at all times, even before the advent of so many drugs. Our mothers and grandmothers successfully coped with injuries in folk ways. In this they were helped first of all by their own milk. It has good antiseptic properties and helps in healing wounds, so after feeding it is recommended to leave some of your milk on the nipples and let it dry in the open air.

      Cabbage, rich in riboflavin, which accelerates tissue regeneration, helps fight cracks, mastitis, and lactostasis. Beat a cold cabbage leaf until juice is obtained and apply to the sore chest, which will relieve pain and help in the healing of the skin.

      You can also treat the nipples with an infusion of birch leaves - it helps to heal wounds.

      Prevention of cracks

      Using any of the listed means (or several at once), you can quickly heal cracks, but if you do not engage in prevention, they will appear again. Therefore, in the very first days, it is necessary to establish the correct capture of the nipple by the baby, and in the following weeks and months of breastfeeding, it is important to observe hygiene, not overdoing it, but not starting it either. It is also important not to injure the nipple with manual expressions or a breast pump - you need to express milk carefully. Also, one should not forget about moisturizing the delicate skin of the nipples and protecting them, then breastfeeding will last as long as mom and baby want.

After the birth of a child, almost all women can feed him with their milk, because lactation is a physiological process provided by nature. However, for full breastfeeding, it is necessary to form the right habit. Failure to follow the rules when feeding can lead to such an unpleasant condition as cracked nipples.

Why cracks occur

Reasons why this condition may develop:

  • insufficient preparation of a woman for breastfeeding during pregnancy, lack of knowledge;
  • incorrect GV technique;
  • improper breast care;
  • hypovitaminosis and weakening of the body in a nursing mother.

You can suspect the appearance of sores on the nipples with constant soreness during feeding the baby. The more pronounced cracks in the nipples, the stronger the pain. Often, young mothers are forced to temporarily stop breastfeeding, which may cast doubt on its continuation.

How to avoid painful nipple cracks? To do this, you need to know about the reasons that cause this condition, and prevent their occurrence:

  • even during pregnancy, prepare for breastfeeding, try to get as much reliable information as possible;
  • observe the technique of applying the child to the chest;
  • follow the rules of hygienic care for the mammary glands;
  • eat fully.

Preparation during pregnancy

What should a pregnant woman do so that she does not have problems with the mammary glands in the future? First of all, get more information on child care and breastfeeding. The more the expectant mother knows, the more correctly she will feed the baby, and the less likely she is to develop cracked nipples and other more serious breast diseases.

If a woman has flat nipples, there is no need to worry. You just need to be prepared for the fact that at first it will be inconvenient for the child to grab the breast, and consider in advance different postures for feeding. Sometimes with flat nipples right before feeding they are pulled out with fingers or a breast pump, this also needs to be taken care of in advance.

It is also worth buying a nursing bra before giving birth, soft, with wide straps, not squeezing the chest. Now there are a lot of different models with detachable cups made of cotton fabric. When buying such a bra, it is better to choose a size a little larger than necessary, because the glands increase during lactation.

What not to do:

  • Rubbing, lubricating, “dissolving”, kneading the chest, or in some other way acting on it physically. Firstly, this can lead to the fact that a woman will have cracks in her nipples even during pregnancy due to injury to delicate skin. Secondly, exposure to the breast can cause the release of oxytocin, a hormone that increases the tone of the uterus, which is especially dangerous in the last weeks of bearing a child.
  • Wash the nipple and areola area with soap. This destroys lipid substances naturally secreted from the skin glands around the nipples and protects the skin from damage.
  • Lubricate the peripapillary area with any creams. It is believed that natural lubrication is enough to prepare the breast for feeding.

Feeding rules

Feeding your baby too long can lead to irritation and weeping small cracks at the base of the nipples. Therefore, it is recommended to change the position of the baby at the breast during breastfeeding. Then he will stimulate different parts of the areola with his gums, which will prevent irritation. In addition, it is better to feed more often, but not longer than 15 minutes each time. It is necessary to properly breastfeed the baby, ensuring complete capture of the areola.

Prevention of cracked nipples also includes the following measures:

  • avoid constantly finding the breast in the baby's mouth if he is not eating; at the end of feeding, you need to remove the nipple from the baby's mouth;
  • if the baby tightly grabbed the nipple after feeding, you can lightly pinch the nose, and the baby will immediately push out the breast; removing the nipple "through force" will lead to injury;
  • after feeding, it is recommended to express the milk remaining in the gland without excessive pressure, with gentle movements, without touching the nipple, and leave the breast open for drying for several minutes;
  • do not wash the breast immediately before and after feeding;
  • daily take a hygienic shower and change linen;
  • if necessary, use only hygroscopic inserts in bra cups, do not allow them to be constantly wet.

How to feed with cracked nipples?

Ice wrapped in a clean cotton cloth can be applied to the nipple before feeding to relieve soreness. You can use breast pads for a while. Very strong cracks in the nipples prevent breastfeeding. Until the skin is restored, you need to give the child expressed milk without any heat treatment.

If, nevertheless, cracks appear under the nipple or on its surface, they become a "gateway" for infection and can lead to. Therefore, this condition must be treated immediately.

How long do nipple cracks heal?

With a change in the technique of HB and the use of drugs, small lesions heal quickly, usually within a day. Of course, if the process is difficult, it will take more time to restore the skin.

Breast Care

Although it is now not recommended to wash the breast immediately before and after feeding, the mammary glands still need to be kept clean by regularly washing the skin of the gland itself, the fold under it, the armpit and gently blotting (not wiping) it with a soft towel.

Alcohol-based solutions such as brilliant green should not be used for antiseptic treatment of healthy skin. It greatly dries the skin, destroys the protective fatty layer, and contributes to further tissue damage.

Before starting feeding, you need to express the first drops to remove germs that can get into the milk ducts.

After the child has eaten, you can lubricate the breast with emollients based on lanolin.

In case of spontaneous milk secretion between feedings, put soft pads in the bra cups and change them regularly, avoiding high humidity.

Proper nutrition

The appearance of cracks in the nipples is also caused by difficult tissue regeneration. Normally, the epithelium covering the mammary gland recovers quickly. However, with a lack of nutrients, healing can be delayed.

To prevent cracks and fight them, a woman should receive vitamins A, E, animal proteins with food. Dairy products, including butter, and sea fish are useful. You need to drink more liquid - clean water or add an infusion of dill seeds to it. This will not only be useful for the mother, but also improve the condition of the intestines of her baby.

Treatment of nipple cracks

All of the above measures help if the skin is not yet damaged. What to do if there are cracks on the nipples, and the process of breastfeeding has become painful? It is advisable to consult a pediatrician or a breastfeeding specialist, who is often part of the antenatal clinic staff, to call the appropriate hotline.

How to treat cracked nipples while breastfeeding?

Pharmaceutical preparations and home remedies are used. The choice is up to the woman and her doctor.

The most popular medicines that help a woman in this situation:

  • Bepanthen or other cracked nipple cream with dexpanthenol;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Levomekol.


Bepanthen is available in the form of a cream and ointment and belongs to the drugs that contribute to normal scarring. It is used externally, applying a thin layer to the skin after each application of the baby to the breast and gently rubbing into the surface. After that, the mammary gland is not washed. Until the next feeding, most of the medicine will be absorbed into the skin, and the remaining substance will not harm the baby.

The drug almost never causes side effects. In extremely rare cases, individual intolerance is possible with the development of an allergic reaction and skin irritation. It can be used both during breastfeeding and, if necessary, during pregnancy. Contraindication is only individual intolerance.

Such drugs as D-Panthenol, Dexpanthenol, Panthenol-Teva, Pantoderm have a similar composition, but often at a lower price.


How to quickly cure nipple cracks if they become deep, bleed and are not amenable to Bepanten therapy? In this case, an ointment for nipple cracks is used - Solcoseryl. The medicine belongs to drugs that improve nutrition and tissue repair, it is obtained from the blood of calves. For the treatment of nipple cracks, it is better to use not a gel, but Solcoseryl ointment, because the gel has a better effect on ulcers and weeping skin lesions. This remedy is applied to the skin of the areola and nipple 1-2 times a day. It is possible to breastfeed a child while using Solcoseryl only if the breast is thoroughly cleansed of the remnants of the drug before feeding.

The ointment can cause an allergic reaction in the form of skin inflammation - dermatitis or urticaria. Its use may also be accompanied by a burning sensation, in these cases, treatment with Solcoseryl must be discontinued.


How to get rid of nipple cracks, accompanied by infection and inflammation? In this case, you should definitely see a doctor. One of the drugs prescribed in this case is Levomekol. This is a combined remedy containing an antimicrobial component (chloramphenicol, in other words, chloramphenicol) and a healing-accelerating substance (methyluracil). The ointment is applied to a sterile gauze and applied to the damaged nipple 1-2 times a day. Breastfeeding for the period of treatment should be stopped or thoroughly cleaned breasts before feeding. The ointment is well tolerated, only sometimes causing irritation.

Folk remedies

One of the good home remedies for preventing and treating cracked nipples is sea buckthorn oil. It should be applied to the nipples immediately after feeding. Sea buckthorn oil helps rather slowly but surely, healing small cracks and preventing the appearance of new ones. It doesn't need to be washed off. In addition, a woman can use this oil orally - this is an excellent source of fat-soluble vitamins that accelerate tissue regeneration. Olive and cedar oils can be used similarly.

Sea buckthorn oil is part of the pharmaceutical preparation "Olazol". This is an aerosol for external use, which also contains an anesthetic (benzocaine), an antiseptic (boric acid) and an antibiotic (chloramphenicol). Before use, the balloon is shaken, the resulting foam is applied to the areola area and from a distance of up to 5 cm. It can be used up to 4 times a day. It is advisable to stop breastfeeding or thoroughly rinse and dry the breast before feeding so that medicinal substances do not enter the baby's body.

Another simple but quite effective folk remedy is to put fresh cabbage leaves in your bra cups. They cool the skin, have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. One cabbage leaf can be worn throughout the day, drying the breast after each feeding.

You can apply gauze pads moistened with one of the following products to the nipples:

  • tincture of calendula;
  • aloe juice;
  • oil solution of chlorophyllipt;
  • infusion of birch leaves.

Additionally, products based on zinc oxide (Desitin, Sudocrem, Tsindol, zinc ointment), drying and disinfecting cracks, creams based on lanolin, retinol, natural oils, plant extracts can be prescribed. For their use, you should consult your doctor.

Often in their quest to give their baby the very best through breast milk, women, especially first-time mothers, face the problem of cracked nipples. Statistics show that a WHO study found that more 14% of nulliparous women had an unpleasant experience of cracked breasts. The root cause of obstetricians in the vast majority of cases is the incorrect attachment of the child to the breast.

Cracks in the nipples of the breast are not only a cosmetic defect, but also a threat to the health of a nursing woman. After all, they cause pain, and sometimes bleeding during feeding. If you do not take action and endure stoically, “clenching your teeth and clearing your throat”, cracks can cause complications and lead to serious illnesses. But cured in time, they will not pose a danger to the health of the nursing mother and baby.

Any woman seeks to protect herself and take measures to prevent the occurrence of cracks in the nipples (see section). If cracks still appear, go to section.

How cracks appear

Cracks are damage to the integrity of the upper sensitive layer of the epidermis on the nipples of the breast.

Exists 2 main causes of cracks:

  1. Incorrect attachment to the breast. In this case, the nipple will not be inserted to the optimal depth in the mouth and the baby will be able to freely roll the nipple in the mouth. Therefore, to fix the baby, the lower jaw will squeeze the chest and injure the nipple and areola.

    If this happens regularly, then the child will inevitably and unconsciously damage the sensitive delicate fibers of the cover. As a result, small tears in the upper layer of the skin will appear, which will subsequently lead to the formation of cracks. Therefore, you should definitely pay attention to shaping the child.

  2. Incorrect weaning of the baby from the breast after feeding. The baby can also injure the breast when the mother wants to stop the feeding process, and the baby tries to keep the nipple in his mouth. This happens if the child is held with his tummy not to himself, but up, and the head is not fixed. Therefore, at the end of the meal, if the baby does not want to release the breast, then he simply turns away and squeezes the nipple. The resulting pressure has a mechanical effect on the soft tissues. The result is breaks and cracks.

Additional factors that cause cracking include vitamin deficiency, traumatic underwear and poor personal hygiene(abuse of overdrying skin agents).

What do cracked nipples look like?

In gynecology, there are several types of cracks that occur during feeding:

  • single or multiple
  • superficial or deep

Single superficial cracks look like scratches or small tears in the skin on the nipple. But in some cases, they can reach the length of the areola. If you do not pay attention to the treatment of cracks in time (which is difficult, since usually these skin lesions are very painful), then their depth increases. In some severe cases, after and during feeding, cracks may bleed.

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Danger of cracks

Initially, cracks cause only cutting pain during feeding. Then, if left untreated, cracks can cause a number of dangerous problems and diseases:

  • inflammation of the mammary gland, purulent discharge from the chest
  • breast infection
  • the occurrence of ulcers and even erosion
  • mastitis
  • fungal diseases that a baby can get

Can I breastfeed if my nipples are cracked?

The cracks themselves are not a direct contraindication to breastfeeding. If the cracks are small, it is recommended to continue breastfeeding, taking measures to treat the nipples in between. However, in many cases, feeding becomes so painful that women have to stop putting the baby to the affected breast for a while.

But what to do in the presence of severe cracks, if you want to keep breastfeeding?

The best option for mother and child will be if the mother is express breast milk and continue to feed them to the baby for those few days until the breast heals. If cracks have appeared on only one of the mammary glands, you can continue to feed a healthy breast, and express the affected one.

In this case, it is best to use one of the manual breast expression techniques that minimally involves the nipple (for more details, see the article “”, “Marmet” or “Squeezing” techniques). If you have one, you can use it, but you should make sure that the nipple is not injured additionally by the breast pump funnel.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to observe and its subsequent use.

Pumping is important not only as a source of milk for a child who does not have to give artificial formula during the mother's recovery, but also for a woman: in the absence of stimulation, milk can simply disappear. Pumping replaces breastfeeding and thus supports lactation.

Treatment of cracked nipples

To treat this disease, there are many medicines and folk recipes.

Medical treatment of nipples

This option involves the topical application of creams based on retinol or lanolin or dexpanthenol.

The most effective ointments with a proven effect include:

  • bepanthen
  • panthenol/dexpanethenol
  • hypoallergenic breast skin care creams (preferably bought at a pharmacy)
  • redavite
  • vitamin A oil
  • retinoic ointment

All these ointments have a healing effect on the skin.


  1. All creams and ointments should be washed off before feeding.
  2. The frequency of application depends on the depth of the cracks. As a rule, creams are applied 3-4 times a day, but the attending gynecologist will prescribe the exact amount.

Creams based on zinc oxide are used to prevent infection of wounds; before feeding, the preparations must be washed off even when completely absorbed:

  • desitin
  • sudocrem
  • cindol
  • zinc ointment

If the cracks are very deep and infection and suppuration have occurred, then the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics: baneocin in powder form for external use.

IMPORTANT! Before using any remedy, it is MANDATORY necessary to visit a doctor and pick up a drug with him. Self-medication harms not only the nursing mother, but also the child (from the development of allergies to poisoning).

Folk remedies for cracked nipples

Many women prefer to be treated with folk methods. Mainly due to the fact that all the components are natural and affordable (they can be found in every home, and the cost is very affordable). However, do not forget that the effectiveness and safety of treatment with traditional methods is usually lower than that of traditional medicine.

With minor damage, one of the most effective folk recipes is lubrication with own milk.

  1. Wash chest with warm water
  2. Dry gently with a soft towel
  3. Squeeze out 2-3 drops of milk
  4. Lubricate the damaged area and leave to dry completely.

Another effective recipe is lubrication with vaseline, rosehip oil.

Mix petroleum jelly with oil in a ratio of 2 to 1 and apply a thin layer on clean breasts on the wound.
Leave until the next feeding. Rinse your breasts with water before feeding.

If the lesions of the nipples are deep, then you can use sea ​​buckthorn oil or decoction of chamomile. To prepare chamomile tea you need:

  1. Take 200-250 ml of water, 1-2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (you need to buy loose chamomile in a pharmacy).
  2. Mix all the ingredients in a small, well-rinsed saucepan and cook over medium heat (until 100-120 ml of liquid has evaporated).
  3. Strain the decoction through cheesecloth, let cool.
  4. Moisten a clean, well-ironed cotton cloth in the decoction and apply to the hearth for 10-15 minutes.

Chamomile has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Sea buckthorn oil is known for its healing properties.

Oils can be bought at the pharmacy

A popular folk remedy that has been used since ancient times is the cabbage leaf. Cabbage has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to wash the cabbage leaf thoroughly in warm water before applying. A separate sheet should be used for each breast.

For the treatment of cracks, a number of homeopathic remedies: Graphites 3C and Arnica 3C. These homeopathic remedies belong to the category of wound healing. But their reception must be agreed with the doctor.

Very deep cracks need to be treated with a healing gel, which is placed directly into the wound. This is done in medical institutions. In combination with the gel, a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures (sessions of UV therapy, UHF and SMT) can be prescribed.

Prevention of nipple cracks

In order to avoid the appearance of cracks and pain during feeding, it is enough to take a number of preventive measures.

  1. First of all - to form in a child. At the end of feeding, remove the breast carefully, avoiding “chewing” the nipples.
  2. Choose the one that suits you personally, which will contribute to the least trauma to the chest.
  3. Make sure that you do not injure the chest with improper pumping.
  4. Accept vitamins for nursing mothers.
  5. Everything underwear should be clean and fit to size.
  6. You can use soft pads between your nipples and bra and change them regularly. You can make your own from cotton or buy special liners at a pharmacy / store.
  7. For daily hygiene choose neutral pH soap.

ADVICE! Do not use alcohol solutions to disinfect nipples. They dry out the skin and remove the protective film of natural lubrication.